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IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, July 02, 2022

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*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 00:02
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 00:05
schestowitz[20:40] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> HelloJul 02 00:19
schestowitz[20:41] <xxxxx> Alex pled guilty to get deferred sentenceJul 02 00:19
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 00:38
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 00:39
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 00:45
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 00:46
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> COVID-19 Hospitalisations More Than TRIPLED During June; British Government: OK, Let's Start Hiding the Data From the Public! 02 04:32
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » COVID-19 Hospitalisations More Than TRIPLED During June; British Government: OK, Let’s Start Hiding the Data From the Public!Jul 02 04:32
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 05:22
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 05:26
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> British Government’s Coronavirus Response Plan/Strategy 02 05:31
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » British Government’s Coronavirus Response Plan/StrategyJul 02 05:31
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 06:14
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 06:14
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 06:44
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 06:55
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)Jul 02 07:49
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 08:50
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 08:50
Techrights-sec2"permissively-licensed" is in the quote so it cannot be modfied itself,Jul 02 08:54
Techrights-sec2but it should be annotated in some way as to point out that the more accurate,Jul 02 08:54
Techrights-sec2less loaded term is non-reciprocal.Jul 02 08:54
Techrights-sec2The hyperlink "this page" ought to have something semantically relevant Jul 02 08:54
Techrights-sec2inside the anchor.Jul 02 08:54
schestowitz-TRright, thanks, fixing this now... :-)Jul 02 08:54
Techrights-sec2npJul 02 08:55
Techrights-sec2thanks.  the explanation ** ought to explicitely say "non-reciprocal" somewhereJul 02 08:55
Techrights-sec2as being the preferred nameJul 02 08:55
schestowitz-TROK, I rewrote the whole footnote in kateJul 02 09:02
Techrights-sec2dua licensing is usually used in conjunction with the GPL and other copyleft Jul 02 09:04
Techrights-sec2^dualJul 02 09:04
Techrights-sec2licenses                   Jul 02 09:04
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 09:04
schestowitz-TRI thought this when bringing up dual licensing, but with dual sometimes the proprietary parts are "lifted" code without attributionJul 02 09:06
schestowitz-TRthey only "donate" what they MUST, i.e. it's not a donationJul 02 09:06
schestowitz-TRit's them afraid of getting suedJul 02 09:06
schestowitz-TROK, I will plug in a clarificationJul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2with non-reciprocal licenses there is no incentive provided by dual licensingJul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2so it is a phenomenon which helps GPL; Jul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2that's different, that's "open core" which is a very different activity fromJul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2dual licensingJul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2dual licensing is either comply with copyleft or pay for a fully proprietaryJul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2license instead (details to be negotaited per customer)Jul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2open core is as you describe it, lifted code which is often without attributionJul 02 09:06
Techrights-sec2thanksJul 02 09:06
schestowitz-TRnobody in the general media will write about graveley like they did about kipmanJul 02 09:08
schestowitz-TRit's a taboo like epo corruptionJul 02 09:08
schestowitz-TRthat's why we got this story in the first placeJul 02 09:08
schestowitz-TRmnysignist mediaJul 02 09:08
schestowitz-TRthey covered up for billG for over a yearJul 02 09:08
schestowitz-TRuntil the divorce was made publicJul 02 09:08
schestowitz-TRafter hailing him as Mister King COVID for OVER A YEAR!Jul 02 09:08
Techrights-sec2yes and unfortunatley the plea "deals" work badly; in most cases they punishJul 02 09:09
Techrights-sec2the innocent; and in other cases, like this one, they let the guilty off theJul 02 09:09
Techrights-sec2hookJul 02 09:09
Techrights-sec2one more thing about the licensing, the "open core" stuff has often beenJul 02 09:12
Techrights-sec2"crippleware" so that they can use it as bait for a proprietary licenseJul 02 09:12
Techrights-sec2that is not proper dual licensing because it is *different* codeJul 02 09:12
Techrights-sec2dual licensing means two licenses available for the *same* set of codeJul 02 09:12
schestowitz-TRyuo taught me something new todayJul 02 09:12
Techrights-sec2?Jul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2I had mistakenly thought it was common knowledgeJul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2Around 20 years ago +/- 5 years there were *lots* of dual licenses projectsJul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2but a-hole MBAs got into many of the projects or sponsor companies and Jul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2out of blind stupidity driven by ideology-over-money eliminated the GPL fromJul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2their code base, switching to any number of non-reciprocal licenses;   Jul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2then the money dried up immediately as there was no longer any incentive forJul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2paying for a proprietary license if a company wished to take the code proprietaryJul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2then the MBAs blamed Open Source for their woes rather than admitting their Jul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2mind boggling stupidity and lack of money senseJul 02 09:17
Techrights-sec2it'd be hard to track down which projects did that since there is so muchJul 02 09:18
Techrights-sec2noise on the subject and no uniquely used strings for the lame-ass fulltextJul 02 09:18
Techrights-sec2searches, and the fanatical devotion that many companies have towards deletingJul 02 09:18
Techrights-sec2old, but still relevant, documentationJul 02 09:18
schestowitz-TRalfresco did it, but mysql not quiteJul 02 09:19
schestowitz-TRnowadays I heard of alfresco less often than I hear about scoJul 02 09:19
Techrights-sec2sorry for the Arse link: 02 09:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Nokia Qt LGPL switch huge win for cross-platform development | Ars TechnicaJul 02 09:23
Techrights-sec2despite the title it was nearly a deathblow for crossplatform development Jul 02 09:24
Techrights-sec2because it almost killed QtJul 02 09:24
schestowitz-TRI will do this as a separate articleJul 02 09:36
schestowitz-TRfell asleep on the chair, worked hard to set up the new acquariumJul 02 09:36
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 09:44
Techrights-sec2It takes a bit of time and a lot of work to prepare a new acquarium.  Jul 02 10:04
Techrights-sec2One of the more difficult parts is the wait of several days while it   Jul 02 10:04
Techrights-sec2establishes itself prior to moving the fish into it.  Jul 02 10:04
schestowitz-TRwe prepare and treat the water days in advanceJul 02 10:06
schestowitz-TRchemicals, room temp, de-ionisation Jul 02 10:06
schestowitz-TRthey seem OK nowJul 02 10:06
schestowitz-TRI can email you a video?Jul 02 10:06
Techrights-sec2better a link than a whole videoJul 02 10:08
Techrights-sec2if it's small, put it in /tmp here on the RPiJul 02 10:38
Techrights-sec2mail is not a surrogate for a file system Jul 02 10:38
schestowitz-TRthis video is loustJul 02 10:38
schestowitz-TRgive me time to upload better onesJul 02 10:38
schestowitz-TRbtw, days ago our album passed 5m viewsJul 02 10:38
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 10:53
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 10:53
*SaphirJD (~SaphirJD@5d8zjs4v9p4p8.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 10:59
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@kv82rr25d7nx4.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 11:26
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> U.S. and U.K. intelligence services’ influence ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJul 02 11:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-How Spooks and Establishment Journalists are Circling the Wagons – scheerpost.comJul 02 11:31
Techrights-sec2excellent, that's a lot of viewsJul 02 11:31
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 11:35
Techrights-sec2scheerpost has covered a lot of important topics Jul 02 11:35
schestowitz-TRthey don't work for intel services,but SJVN works for an org that fronts for some Jul 02 11:35
schestowitz-TRso did SJVNJul 02 11:35
schestowitz-TRnow it's a mix, same for Sam VargheseJul 02 11:36
schestowitz-TRthey don't work for intel services,but SJVN works for an org that fronts for some Jul 02 11:36
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 11:37
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 11:37
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 11:37
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 02 13:03
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 14:43
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 14:44
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 15:03
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 15:03
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 02 15:12
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*liberty_box (~liberty@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 15:33
*liberty_box_ (~liberty@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 15:33
*rianne_ (~rianne@hcdms2vr9hu9e.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 15:33
*rianne_ (~rianne@freenode-i33.jp8.7132oi.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 15:33
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 15:47
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 15:50
schestowitz-TRwe got 2 pineapples (raw) for quarter price, some is open and sliced in the kitchenJul 02 16:39
schestowitz-TRgiven determination, finding affordable food is possible hereJul 02 16:39
schestowitz-TRrianne treats that like a game/challengeJul 02 16:39
schestowitz-TRit'll be a good skill if we work weekends onlyJul 02 16:39
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> The Linux Mint Blog Monthly News - June 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ maybe LMDE should rebase on DevuanJul 02 16:39
-TechrightsBN/ | The Linux Mint Blog Monthly News - June 2022 | Tux MachinesJul 02 16:39
schestowitz-TRmint is getting some systemd fatigueJul 02 16:40
schestowitz-TRand turning soem things off nowJul 02 16:40
Techrights-sec2That would be a very good move for Linux Mint and as a bonus it would bringJul 02 16:41
Techrights-sec2additional support to Devuan, both work and attentionJul 02 16:41
schestowitz-TRLMDE is meant as n insurance policyJul 02 16:42
schestowitz-TRin case ubuntu goes very wrongJul 02 16:42
schestowitz-TRmint already tries to block snapJul 02 16:42
schestowitz-TRLMDE could become also insurance policy against ICBM pushing systemsDEHOMAGJul 02 16:42
Techrights-sec2but if Ubuntu goes wrong it will most likely be due to a bad turn originatingJul 02 16:43
Techrights-sec2from Debian and, in all probability, systemdJul 02 16:43
schestowitz-TRI forgot the other derogatorey term I used for systemd the other day in IRCJul 02 16:44
schestowitz-TRbut it's not importantJul 02 16:44
schestowitz-TRI could blow my mind trying to recallJul 02 16:44
schestowitz-TRmaybe systemd Defective, but probably notJul 02 16:45
Techrights-sec2systemd advance because of IBM's backing and only because of it,Jul 02 16:46
Techrights-sec2furthermore the only two methods they had to promote it wJul 02 16:46
Techrights-sec2were 1) appeal to novely and 2) ad hominem against anyone who even Jul 02 16:46
Techrights-sec2questioned itJul 02 16:46
Techrights-sec2^W^W or failed to praise itJul 02 16:51
Techrights-sec2the behavior of the Debian TC was bizarre and the way that so many knuckled    Jul 02 16:51
Techrights-sec2under was bizarre.  There was absolutely no rational reason for Ubuntu toJul 02 16:51
Techrights-sec2fold at all, let alone so quicklyJul 02 16:51
Techrights-sec2and completelyJul 02 16:51
schestowitz-TRubuntu did this before of DebianJul 02 16:52
schestowitz-TRsame now happens with waylandJul 02 16:52
schestowitz-TRI never used wayland, but from what I read it would kill a lot of fuctionality that I really needJul 02 16:52
Techrights-sec2yes, they had a choice early on and decided to kill any chance that WaylandJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2could have had for successJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2by eliminating key functionalityJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2X11 need replacing beause of the holes / irreparable bugdoors butJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2a proper replacement would have hardened GNU/Linux and the BSDs too muchJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2so (I suspect) that was a factor in killiing/crippling WaylandJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2Now it's something no one wants and they will have to pound it throughJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2in a similar way that they pounded systemd through but now people have learnedJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2their lessions and are extra cautious and alert to the tricksJul 02 16:56
Techrights-sec2It's hard to believe but just 20 years ago IBMs interest overlapped with Jul 02 16:57
Techrights-sec2GNU/Linux quite nicely, but I figure all the execs involved retired and Jul 02 16:57
Techrights-sec2were replaced by Bill worshipersJul 02 16:57
Techrights-sec2even though Bill and his minions were, and still are, very bad for IBMJul 02 16:57
Techrights-sec2and its future survivalJul 02 16:57
Techrights-sec2s/future/ongoing/Jul 02 16:57
schestowitz-TRAll the "HEY HI" in thw world is not improving foreacastsJul 02 17:10
schestowitz-TRhere too they cannot even guess the 24 hours ahead3~Jul 02 17:10
schestowitz-TRhang on, starting work in 10 minsJul 02 17:17
schestowitz-TRjust got updates for July in statcounter, maybe an hour ago they started showing new dataJul 02 17:17
schestowitz-TRyou too can look for interesting slices throiugh the dataJul 02 17:17
schestowitz-TRlike countries and metricsJul 02 17:17
schestowitz-TRit's far form perfectJul 02 17:17
schestowitz-TRbut it's what we haveJul 02 17:17
Techrights-sec2okJul 02 17:17
Techrights-sec2okJul 02 17:28
Techrights-sec2Firefox jumped up in FIJul 02 17:28
Techrights-sec2okJul 02 17:28
Techrights-sec2Firefox jumped up in FIJul 02 17:28
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 17:32
Techrights-sec2India is strange, >10% unkown:Jul 02 17:36
Techrights-sec2 02 17:36
-TechrightsBN/ | Desktop & Console Operating System Market Share India | Statcounter Global StatsJul 02 17:36
schestowitz-TRhanding over workJul 02 17:36
schestowitz-TRthan will have draftJul 02 17:36
schestowitz-TRk, draftJul 02 17:36
schestowitz-TRread "unknown" as "not Windows"Jul 02 17:37
schestowitz-TRMicrosoft goes out of its way to advertise itselfJul 02 17:37
schestowitz-TRand some "Windows" are botnets running amukJul 02 17:37
Techrights-sec2yes and these are only approximations anywayJul 02 17:37
schestowitz-TRadding indiaJul 02 17:42
Techrights-sec2about the title, the lost marketshare is shown for June.  The month of July hasJul 02 17:43
Techrights-sec2not yet happened so there are no stats yet, but one can guess based on the longJul 02 17:43
Techrights-sec2standing trend that the downturn for Windows will continueJul 02 17:43
schestowitz-TRusing a trick you can see market for July (so far)Jul 02 17:44
schestowitz-TRthat's why I was waiting until today Jul 02 17:44
schestowitz-TRalso watch the graph and click the linksJul 02 17:44
schestowitz-TRthe india links shows july 2022 Jul 02 17:44
schestowitz-TRI removed consoles from itJul 02 17:44
schestowitz-TRyou chose "desktop"-console"Jul 02 17:44
schestowitz-TRadded link for vista11 being at 1%Jul 02 17:45
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 17:56
schestowitz-TRso note that we are (afaik) the only site covering this angleJul 02 17:56
schestowitz-TRomg ubuntu and other idiots still push the windows "90%" or 95% lieJul 02 17:56
schestowitz-TRathe corporte media looks the other wayJul 02 17:56
schestowitz-TR"analysts sell out.. it's their business model"Jul 02 17:56
schestowitz-TRI notice not many based "open source" stuidies purely on shithub ANYMOREJul 02 17:56
schestowitz-TRso that's progressJul 02 17:56
Techrights-sec2yesJul 02 17:57
Techrights-sec2ubuntu got taken over via mono MOTU and via Canonical's infiltrationJul 02 17:57
Techrights-sec2when they cancled Bug #1 it was clear they no longer were going to sticJul 02 17:57
Techrights-sec2k around.  Also notice that Ubuntu/Canonical has passed up a great manyJul 02 17:57
Techrights-sec2opportunities to expand on the desktop by exploiting M$ blundersJul 02 17:57
schestowitz-TRthey worry that "disparaging" Microsoft would harm "CLOWN" revenuesJul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TRthat's how Microsoft prefers itJul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TRmake your rivals fearful of competingJul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TRantitrust MIAJul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TRit mostly started when mark shuttleworth wrote a blog ost infurating many people by callingJul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TRazure "exciting"Jul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TRa long time agoJul 02 17:59
schestowitz-TR[11:42] <techrights-news> The day after Russia’s February invasion of Ukraine, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner sent a letter to Google ☛ | Source: Pro Publica should disclose it takes bribes from Bill Gates, so won't cover Microsoft and Gates crimesJul 02 18:01
-TechrightsBN/ | Google Let Sberbank-Owned RuTarget Harvest User Data for Months — ProPublicaJul 02 18:01
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 18:01
Techrights-sec2yep that was after he'd already been corrupted or fooledJul 02 18:01
Techrights-sec2they had already taken on M$ toads onto the payroll at that pointJul 02 18:01
Techrights-sec2antitrust capabilities inthe US were defunded and then the remaining skeletonJul 02 18:01
Techrights-sec2crew was sicced on Google, leaving Oracle, Facebook, Microsoft, and the othersJul 02 18:01
Techrights-sec2to operate unimpededJul 02 18:01
schestowitz-TRas matey said some weeks ago, he's looking for the "big story" and that story is not coverageJul 02 18:06
schestowitz-TRlike epo corruption, windows going down etc.Jul 02 18:06
schestowitz-TRwe need to repeat what is under-coveredJul 02 18:06
schestowitz-TRuntil it becomes common knowledgeJul 02 18:06
schestowitz-TRthe big budgets are against us, unlike the verifiable factsJul 02 18:06
schestowitz-TRbut then again, it has always been that wayJul 02 18:06
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 18:06
schestowitz-TRkings never let the peasants speak freelyJul 02 18:06
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 18:08
schestowitz 02 18:57
-TechrightsBN/ | Corporate Media Funded by Microsoft Tries to Blame Every Security-R...Jul 02 18:57
schestowitz"Jul 02 18:57
schestowitz Tek ☠☧ ⚝ #aEvl_us <#яэдыоод> {западJul 02 18:57
schestowitzJul 02 18:57
schestowitzall the shit people use windblows forJul 02 18:57
schestowitz"Jul 02 18:57
schestowitz 02 18:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Classic Confinement in Snaps and Reasons Flatpaks and Snaps Are Gre...Jul 02 18:58
schestowitz"Safer but slower."Jul 02 18:58
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> UK COVID-19 Patients in July 2022 Six Times More Than in July 2021 and Three Times More Than in July 2020 02 19:54
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » UK COVID-19 Patients in July 2022 Six Times More Than in July 2021 and Three Times More Than in July 2020Jul 02 19:54
schestowitz-TRbravo to borisnaroJul 02 19:54
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 19:56
schestowitz-TRnot related to techrights (also reputatioon risk because of the narratives), but another one of those Jul 02 19:57
schestowitz-TRthings either suppressed or misrepresented in the mediaJul 02 19:57
schestowitz-TRso I'll keep at itJul 02 19:57
schestowitz-TRI have "too much" time this weekend, so any video/article idea would helpJul 02 19:57
schestowitz-TRI am doing the dual licence one nowJul 02 19:57
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJul 02 19:59
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJul 02 19:59
schestowitz-TRdraftJul 02 20:19
schestowitz-TRI'e not yet checked for typos at allJul 02 20:22
schestowitz-TRnor have I chosen title, summary, imageJul 02 20:22
schestowitz-TRI'm meanwhile looking at some other refs to make a coherent storyJul 02 20:22
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 20:22
Techrights-sec2what is the gist of Ve's video?  Videos are very time consuming to click onJul 02 20:24
Techrights-sec2so it would be advantageous to know what it is about and if it is to be clickedJul 02 20:24
Techrights-sec2on;Jul 02 20:24
Techrights-sec2thanksJul 02 20:24
Techrights-sec2most are, and they are so slow to deal with compared to reading andJul 02 20:24
Techrights-sec2they are not searchable nor are they conveniently quotableJul 02 20:24
schestowitz-TRI will add a gist, I watched part of it while shavingJul 02 20:25
schestowitz-TRit's a bit boring tbh, but he's very knowledgeable of KDE stuffJul 02 20:25
schestowitz-TRbeing hard to quote is a pluJul 02 20:25
schestowitz-TR*plusJul 02 20:25
schestowitz-TRwhen covering particular sensitive topicsJul 02 20:25
Techrights-sec2ackJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2I should keep a list of topics handyJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2what topics which have bee covered in the last 48 hours could be covered inJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2more detail.  IIRC there were several articles which you had commented aboutJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2returning to certain details, but I cannot recall which ones specifically.Jul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2There are also the M$ spin where M$ is dishonestly misrepresented as any kindJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2of authority, especially the false narrative that they have anything to doJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2with computer security, aside from the fact that they have impaired it forJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2decades.   Then there is the false narrative in M$ media about attacksJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2being the same as breaches and that an attack always leads to a breachJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2checkingJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2please fix spellin the quotes, even though they are quotes the mispellingsJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2are not intendedJul 02 20:26
Techrights-sec2The are other articles besides the Qt one but I'm not surewhere to look atmJul 02 20:26
schestowitz-TRbeing hard to quote is a pluJul 02 20:27
schestowitz-TR*plusJul 02 20:27
schestowitz-TRwhen covering particular sensitive topicsJul 02 20:27
Techrights-sec2agreed, but many of the topics covered by most people's videos are the kindJul 02 20:27
Techrights-sec2of thing the would want quoted easily and (ideally) frequentlyJul 02 20:27
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 02 20:59
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