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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, December 07, 2019

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-->rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 00:53
schestowitz"Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzoff the xxxx:Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzxxxx is going after you and your recent blog post, writing at Github:Dec 07 03:31
schestowitz"That blog post is a disaster. Not to mention being served by a HTTP only site that focuses on security. But the entire thing relies on StartPage paying to be relisted and they have done nothing of the sort, and in fact we have turned over the  possibility of being relisted to the community, based on the information we have. It seems the author cares more about clicks than facts."Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzxxxx has been really sensitive about anyone questioning his mission to relist Startpage. It's like he's obsessed. He mentions over and over how the Startpage CEO wrote to him personally so the company must be forthcoming and trustworthy. It's like he's been anointed to pave the way for the second coming of Startpage. Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzIn truth, System1 may *not* be paying to have Startpage relisted. Maybe all they have to do is give xxxx an attaboy and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzThen again, System1 is in Southern California, right down the interstate from xxxx. Very convenient. Maybe there's work and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if he catches the leprechaun?Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzYou have to admire xxxx's corporate boosterism. He's working away feverishly to proselytize anyone he can intimidate, even using this red herring argument to justify relisting the company:Dec 07 03:31
schestowitz"Given what we know about StartPage now, and it's ownership, not-relisting them means we have to take a look at DDG and Qwant as well because both receive large amounts of VC funding and have investors which would normally raise eyebrows."Dec 07 03:31
schestowitzPrivacytools would have to reconsider other listings if Startpage isn't relisted! Ooooh. That's scary. Better relist. Quick! :-oDec 07 03:31
schestowitzI was also contacted about this in Fediverse, but the responses lack any actual substance, which IMHO means we're on the right path and need to hit those same points harder. BTW, it's crazy to list DDG!  I wrote so much about why they're phony 'privacyDec 07 03:31
schestowitz"Dec 07 03:31
schestowitz 07 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jhamby: @mickaelistria @schestowitz True, but I’m not a fan of old-school Java or Eclipse’s unpopular “SWT” UI toolkit.Dec 07 03:53
schestowitz 07 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mickaelistria: @jhamby @schestowitz SWT is mostly proxying the native toolkit (GTK, Win32, Cocoa). If you don't like you native to… 07 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mickaelistria: @jhamby @schestowitz SWT is mostly proxying the native toolkit (GTK, Win32, Cocoa). If you don't like you native to… 07 03:53
schestowitz"SWT is mostly proxying the native toolkit (GTK, Win32, Cocoa). If you don't like you native toolkit, SWT cannot change that ;)"Dec 07 03:53
schestowitz 07 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RightYourWrong: @schestowitz @wikileaks State the facts why don't you :)Dec 07 03:53
schestowitz 07 03:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_________it: @schestowitz @wikileaks He might have to change his accent for a 3rd time?Dec 07 03:53
schestowitz 07 04:07
schestowitz"Choice 9: Focus on systemd and leave the rest to Devuan"Dec 07 04:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Debian Developers Take To Voting Over Init System Diversity - Phoronix ForumsDec 07 04:07
-->rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 04:14
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 07 04:17
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 04:27
-->ogres (uid159312@gateway/web/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 04:37
schestowitz 07 06:06
-TechrightsBN/ It took me more than 5 minutes today (and 3 of us) to convince a man in his 30s that #billgates is not dead and did not die from cancer. The misinformation people absorb is astounding.Dec 07 06:06
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:06
schestowitz“there arent enough geeks and schoolteachers dancing and celebrating outside”Dec 07 06:06
schestowitzqed.Dec 07 06:06
schestowitz Alexandre OlivaDec 07 06:06
schestowitzAlexandre Oliva - 2 months ago Dec 07 06:06
schestowitzit might have been more useful to do just the oppositeDec 07 06:06
schestowitz(I mean, convince bill gates that the man in his 30s was right ;-)Dec 07 06:06
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:06
schestowitz 07 06:07
-TechrightsBN/ It might sound repetitive, but each week/month/quarter the proportion of news that's actually #journalism (as per textbook def/standard) declines significantly. I think we're at the point now where 80% or more is junk/cruft/spam/PR.Dec 07 06:07
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:07
schestowitz90%’s_lawDec 07 06:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @’s_law )Dec 07 06:07
schestowitzDec 07 06:07
schestowitzPhillip Johnson - 4 months ago Dec 07 06:07
schestowitzMeme driven dialogs never get anywhere. Case in point.Dec 07 06:07
schestowitzDec 07 06:07 - 4 months ago Dec 07 06:07
schestowitzMeme driven dialogs never get anywhere.Dec 07 06:07
schestowitztheyre basically advertising, and if you intend use them for conversation then youre hopefully driving people towards an actual conversation (somewhere, like a website) with them.Dec 07 06:07
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:07
schestowitz 07 06:08
-TechrightsBN/ It EEEsn't Just a #Microsoft Thing Anymore "No, #Microsoft ... We are also trying to coerce it and it's easier with the Benevolent Dictator in retirement"-GoogleDec 07 06:08
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzPypy seems like a strong community. Can we build there?Dec 07 06:08
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 07 06:08 - 5 days ago Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzone of the biggest problems (for me) with python is now-corporate culture posing as coder culture-- in other words, “pythonic” was co-opted and now it means “coding the way google wants.”Dec 07 06:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | It EEEsn’t Just a Microsoft Thing Anymore | TechrightsDec 07 06:08
schestowitzim sure that the community hasnt let google co-opt every aspect of python, but i have no interest in following python fads as it becomes a different language-- and google is invested in forcing me to. every time someone posts the “pythonclock” link as if to say “you have no choice, you have no choice,” i think it should trigger the sound of a bleeting sheep.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzi use python because its a useful tool for me to use, not so i can have a bunch of hipsters tell me how to use it differently. and thats what the python community amounts to.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzso, imo we need a community that is less like that. at least i think it would help.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzdoes pypy have that? after all, they support python 2 from a technological standpoint, but i sort of doubt they support it as a way of coding. (in person) i knew a former nokia dev who still preferred python 2, i prefer it, i dont know what we can expect from pypy in this regard. i suppose id like to know. imo we can build our own community-- might as well, to promote choice and freedom and even your git tool.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitz tomgrzDec 07 06:08
schestowitztomgrz - 5 days ago Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzWell, myself I am taking the easy road, at least initially. I’m having a hard enough time figuring out how to get git objects in and out of the database without swimming against a current while I do that. But, I am putting pypy compatibility on my list of things to do, but probably not supporting Python 2 - there are too many dependencies I would break.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 07 06:08 - 5 days ago Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzyeah, listen, i dont expect ANYBODY to take things they designed with python 3 and backport them to python 2.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzi never did. whats happening is the opposite-- people trying to drag python 2 users into something both inferior and incompatible.Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzbut of course that would never work unless it were a mix of things that were 1. unimportant and 2. superior, with things that are 1. important and 2. inferior. people are being “asked” to trade things that matter for advantages that dont. my argument is around people using the tools that help them the most-- if you want to use the more recent versions of python, i simply hope they dont make your job too difficult (youll probably be Dec 07 06:08
schestowitzfine, youve dealt with worse at work!)Dec 07 06:08
schestowitz tomgrzDec 07 06:08
schestowitztomgrz - 5 days ago Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzThanks for the confidence! ;-)Dec 07 06:09
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:09
schestowitz 07 06:09
-TechrightsBN/ It could be argued that secular societies are in general less violent because it's the rejection of superstition that made them peaceful in the first place. Lots of causality/cause-and-effect to be taken into account, but religious societies gravitate towards #KSA mentalityDec 07 06:09
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzim against theocracy because its monopolistic.Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzive spent a lot of time studying symbolism and comparative religion. ive watched a recently-deceased joseph campbell get smeared as anti-semitic because of his general dislike of monotheism.Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzthe (incomplete, but existent) connection between monotheism and monopoly is obvious. but most gods behave (insomuch as they are described by their behaviour-- whether we are talking about fiction or otherwise) as monopolies. theres a theme of power, of too much power, of destruction. this is always likely to happen as they are expected to explain the destructive power of nature (life, death, natural forces) itself. its a wonder that “Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzmercy” crops up in such a theme at all. “nature is red in tooth and claw.”Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzi remain unconvinced that atheism is “better” at all. the reason is that most of the good people in the world are NOT atheists.Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzi think atheism exaggerates its merits-- and forcing atheism (like forcing religion) is not something you typically find in a just or merciful regime. you find it in regimes just as violent and unjust as any. so year after year, i remain convinced that its the forcing of religion (or the forcing of atheism) that is the problem-- rather than religion or atheism itself. everyone has fallacies in their mindset. as long as you arent creating Dec 07 06:09
schestowitza monopoly around those fallacies, or using them to justify atrocities, they are not something to get too worried about.Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzDec 07 06:09
schestowitztomgrz - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzatheists are far too proud of their “understanding”. Granted, a lot of religion seems primitive, but there is indeed great depth in most major religions.Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzDec 07 06:09 - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzatheists are far too proudDec 07 06:09
schestowitzwith pride, comes dogma. with dogma, comes pride.Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzof course arguing different positions is necessary to science. but its about how the argument is made. some atheists treat disagreements like blasphemy, and people who question like infidels. and they sometimes treat even agnostics-- who technically have a more scientific position (that of drawing no conclusion until there is sufficient evidence, rather than believing in the lack of something)-- as “cowards”. thats not pride? thats Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzpure reason, supposedly? but theres nothing wrong with being atheist, either. the problem is making a religion out of it. and they say thats impossible-- they sure do try sometimes, impossible or not. impossible or not, isnt it still hypocritical to try to make it more like a religion in the same terrible ways-- with dogma and hate and hysteria?Dec 07 06:09
schestowitzDec 07 06:10 - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzthere is indeed great depth in most major religions.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzthe real problems tend to come from people who are shallow about religion.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzpeople can be shallow about science, too. this is nothing against science itself-- science encourage people to go past the surface and recheck all assumptions. people that are shallow about science will attack anybody who questions anything-- some questions are shallow, some are not. einstein was not treated well by the scientific community. dogma can happen anywhere, including the scientific community. shallow adherents become entrenched Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzin their assumptions sometimes. even scientists do it. but armchair scientists (young atheists among them in great numbers) often prefer to defend positions/conclusions rather than the process itself. thats not science-- it is an idol (a superficial replacement, which becomes more important than the thing itself) of science. and fundamentalism is not religion. it is an idol (a superficial replacement, which becomes more important than the Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzthing itself) of it.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10
schestowitztomgrz - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzYes, contrary to atheistic belief, all religions are not equal. Of course that starts to sound like “my religion is the only true religion”, which can be a valid criticism.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzHow to rationally evaluate a religion? Well History is not flattering - but that is more a picture of the cultures which have claimed to subscribe to a religion. Then again, what is a religion, apart from the mass of people who claim it as their own?Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10 - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzThen again, what is a religion, apart from the mass of people who claim it as their own?Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzindeed. you could easily make the argument that atheists are being colonialist in their treatment of religious people.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzthese savages are so primitive, they need our western/scientific enlightment.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzmaybe they do, but thats still a very colonialist attitude.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzwe know better, they would be better off if they did it our way. thats what the atheists are saying. and i dont think thats all bad, but sometimes its just the same sort of arrogance (crusading) that was used as an excuse to “civilise” the “heathen.” do atheists do a far better job of that?Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10
schestowitztomgrz - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzMyself, I have yet to find anything morally more substantial than what I was taught as a child. Bias, certainly, but that’s not without searching…Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10 - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzthan what I was taught as a child.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitz“hillel, when asked by a prospective convert to judaism to teach him the whole torah while he stood on one leg, replied: 'that which is hateful unto you do not do to your neighbor. this is the whole of the torah, the rest is commentary.’”Dec 07 06:10
schestowitz(talmud, shabbat 31a)Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10
schestowitztomgrz - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzOr, extended: Love thy neighbor as thyself. This phrase starts to deconstruct “the self” entirely.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10 - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzThis phrase starts to deconstruct “the self” entirely.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzwhich happens in both judaism and buddhism.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzDec 07 06:10
schestowitztomgrz - 6 months ago Dec 07 06:10
schestowitzI’m sure. That is what I am getting at.Dec 07 06:10
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:10
schestowitz 07 06:11
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: ● NEWS ● #Email authentication: #SPF , #DKIM and #DMARC out in the wild raising the entry barrier to stifle #GAFAM and #surveillance competitors?Dec 07 06:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Email authentication: SPF, DKIM and DMARC out in the wild - JonLuca's BlogDec 07 06:11
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:11
schestowitzVery thorough, helpful article.Dec 07 06:11
schestowitz Brad Koehn ☑️Dec 07 06:12
schestowitzBrad Koehn ☑️ - 4 days ago Dec 07 06:12
schestowitzAs with most of Roy’s posts, he has to add a conspiratorial bent to it. I wish that by me ignoring the guy Diaspora would ignore re-shares as well.Dec 07 06:12
schestowitz ΑντισθένηςDec 07 06:12
schestowitzΑντισθένης - 4 days ago Dec 07 06:12
schestowitzTrue, Brad, but this article was a good one. Better than most of the ones he posts… and I’ve probably seen far too many of them lol.Dec 07 06:12
schestowitz Brad Koehn ☑️Dec 07 06:12
schestowitzBrad Koehn ☑️ - 4 days ago Dec 07 06:12
schestowitzAgreed on the article.Dec 07 06:12
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:12
schestowitz 07 06:13
-TechrightsBN/ I've argued with Bruce Byfield for well over a decade (also on the radio) and he did a "hit piece" on me for linux dot com. He's pro Mono, pro-OOXML, a longtime #microsoft and #novell apologist. All I'm saying is, be aware of what he stands for!Dec 07 06:13
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:13
schestowitzpersonally ive wiped fossforce off of my radar due to the wretched bile hes written. a lot of these articles should come with retractions-- and apologies. if that never happens (and it probably wont) these publications are dead to me.Dec 07 06:13
schestowitzthey smeared the wrong person, and that was an attack on all of us-- including those of us too foolish to care.Dec 07 06:13
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:13
schestowitz 07 06:13
-TechrightsBN/ "Professors Joseph Fishman and Deepa Varadarajan have argued trade secret law should be more like copyright law." Is merely knowing something a 'crime'? 07 06:14
schestowitz"Maybe they can just argue in secret too."Dec 07 06:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Written Description: Response to Similar Secrets by Fishman & VaradarajanDec 07 06:14
schestowitz 07 06:15
-TechrightsBN/ #canonical works for #microsoft as I warned earlier this week: 07 06:15
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:15
schestowitzmaking Ubuntu better on the Windows desktop is unfree - and a serious step backward.Dec 07 06:15
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 07 06:15 - about 8 hours ago Dec 07 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Canonical makes Ubuntu for Windows SubSystem for Linux a priority | ZDNetDec 07 06:15
schestowitzno surprise that zdnets title is clickbaitish. they are sinking real resources into this, which is lousy, but title implies they are putting this ahead of other things. thats a stretch.Dec 07 06:15
schestowitzarticle nearly didnt load, i make certain that zdnet never works for me without extra trouble.Dec 07 06:15
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:15
schestowitz#sjvnDec 07 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Microsoft Staff Repeatedly Refuses to Tell How Many People Use WSL, Defends Patent Extortion and Blackmail of Linux Instead | TechrightsDec 07 06:15
schestowitz 07 06:16
-TechrightsBN/ Poor Microsofters getting sweaty under the brows, seeing how former #microsoft engineers admit Windows us a mess and #WSL an EEE-like attack on #gnu #linux They DO NOT want people to talk about that...Dec 07 06:16
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:16
schestowitzFriends don’t let friends use Microsoft.Dec 07 06:16
schestowitz Rabid RavenDec 07 06:16
schestowitzRabid Raven - 2 days ago Dec 07 06:16
schestowitz@tomgrz Their activation crap alone should be a reason to avoid them. There’s no reason why a legitimate user, such as myself, would eventually be told by the activation system that the license is invalid and that all of the software downloaded from their store will no longer function. I’ve had enough of their bullshit and others should actively avoid it.Dec 07 06:16
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 07 06:16 - 2 days ago Dec 07 06:16
schestowitzTheir activation crap aloneDec 07 06:17
schestowitzi prefer telemetry. its like having microsoft and mozilla go sifting through your poop to find out what you ate.Dec 07 06:17
schestowitz“you guys having fun?” how do you know someone has excessive bandwidth? this seems like a pretty good indicator.Dec 07 06:17
schestowitz"Dec 07 06:17
<--ogres has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)Dec 07 06:46
schestowitz>>> TM was down some time around 2019-12-06 21:23:27 UTC according to myDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>> monitoring script.  However, by the time I got to the computer, it wasDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>> back up again.  I presume you rebooted it since the outage was short,Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>> probably less than 5 to 8 minutes.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> Yes, I noticed that shortly before going to bed. It's good to know thatDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> had I missed it, somebody else would notice and find remedy.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> The affected DB tables were the usual transient ones, access_log, cachesDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> etc.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> I only fear the day downtime happens when something important like nodeDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> is written to the DB. It's then that we might need to restore fromDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> backup unless we're rollback gurus.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> At the moment both local and remote TM backups are taken just an hour orDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> so apart and I think that a 12-hour gap would work better if we evenDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> need to restore from backup.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz> I do backups periodically as well.  The weak point in my system is thatDec 07 07:47
schestowitz> I must remember to plug in the drive and fire up some scripts.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitzThe leaks we have in the site (images, PDFs) would be a colossal loss had people lost access to them. One case of point:Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz 07 07:47
schestowitzThis is the kind of stuff we might FIGHT to keep ONLINE. People took great personal risk to leak these. So we're morally indebted to reciprocate by availability and preservation.Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> Back in the very old TR days I had a nightly job that wgeted the frontDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> page of BN (as it was known at the time).Dec 07 07:47
-TechrightsBN/ | epo cqi - Google SearchDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>>Dec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> I remember at least 2 incidents where we had to restore TR from an oldDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> backup, then rewrite or at least remerge the new (missing) posts. WithDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> TM it happened for the first time earlier this year, whereupon theDec 07 07:47
schestowitz>> remote backups started.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz> I've done very little with databases for a few years now.  So I amDec 07 07:48
schestowitz> unfamiliar with repairs.  Though given an hour or two, I could probablyDec 07 07:48
schestowitz> do a full restoration.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzIn the case of TR, the issues wereDec 07 07:48
schestowitz1) due to partition running out of space (you funnelled output to a file)Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz2) due to VM running twice on the same filesystem (IIRC)Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzTM issue:Dec 07 07:48
schestowitznode added, but other tables not updated accordingly (system crash), rendering inconsistent count of things on the system and making things yet worse when further nodes get addedDec 07 07:48
schestowitzIn all the above the issues were external to the CMS itself.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzThis year I also resorted wiki from backup due to massive spam floods (too many changes to manually undo).Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> I am going to make off-server backup to my external HDD now. DBs only,Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> but we really ought to also save uploads (documents, images, leaksDec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> occasionally... RAID alone isn't fail-proof).Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz> Do you know when kaniini has scheduled the upgrades?Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzNeed to know what sort of work we want (what things  to work on, what distro, maybe hypervisor as well).Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzI will ask gently in IRC.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> I will finish my last shift of many in 2 hours. Then I'm off work untilDec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> next weekend (too time off to spend time with family). I should be ableDec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> to do more articles.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz>>Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> Oddly enough, TR traffic was high and IRC channels quite active... evenDec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> though I barely wrote new article. I don't know what to make of it, butDec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> I count publication rather than traffic as achievement.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz> The articles are what counts.  Content is king.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz> Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz>> We got 'knocked' again for no HTTPS:Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz> Yeah.  It's mostly a symbolic move but one that helps with 'marketing'Dec 07 07:48
schestowitz> of the site.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzSeeing some sites becoming unavailable for long periods of time due to expired certificates, ZooBab and I share concerns about the net benefits. It's even trickier when one is on holiday.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzJoinDisapora was recently unusable for half a day due to this. Server was OK, but a CA [sic] had the "Authority" to say, "STAY OUT!!"Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzI've just recalled I should mention, in the new feed added for "entertainment" news I find only about 1 in 3 worth posting. Some are copyright cartel fluff and Apple/DRM puff pieces. But that's OK, I just need to be choosy with those.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzHow hard would it be to fetch the first 2 paragraphs instead of just 1 (if a second one is available from "fulltext")? Sometimes the first one is just "this article was originally published in X" or "Athens, Greece" (so I open the page to check further/extract).Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzGoogle News is getting shittier and shittier  each month if now week. I hardly find much of use there anymore. Google Alerts (Email) likewise due to low s/n ratio. So I changed the way I deal with these Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzSide rant: apparently we now have "election by tweets", not media. But everyone knows the shelf life of tweets is just minutes or hours. Articles (what's left of them) will outlast that.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzObservation: quality of things posted in LinuxToday and Lxer deteriorates fast. They render themselves obsolete and fail to adapt. Glyn Moody, Lunduke and others have also failed to adapt or adapted too slowly/late.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzThe term openwashing is catching on. It's mentioned in popular youtube videos and I get emails about it. Companies are very afraid of this label now. I also see some companies choosing to "delete GitHub" as awareness grows. Not that it matters so much... it just needs to be done regardless.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzYesterday I asked in #fsf (IRC) why they want to make the side mobile-friendly, i.e. tracking devices-friendly. I put some fragments of that in IRC.Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzAt ZDNet SJVN keeps pushing Microsoft agenda; Swapnil softened a bit (fewer/less nasty posts), which I'm happy to see...Dec 07 07:48
schestowitzThat's it for now. Back to article drafts as I feel rusty, barely published anything but "microblog" crap this past week. I suggest to everyone who asks me to stay out of "microblogging"  and never get started because without prior momentum it's pointless, a waste of time. At least all this stuff, some replies included, get archived in our IRC logs. That's deliberate; consider what happened to (and all those "Short" URLs are Dec 07 07:49
schestowitzeternally broken now, even if I made local copies of my "dents").Dec 07 07:49
schestowitz 07 07:49
-TechrightsBN/ | » Blog Archive » is Throwing Away Everybody’s Work That Made What it isDec 07 07:49
schestowitz 07 08:35
schestowitz|"Thanks for the reply – I think your right on this."Dec 07 08:35
-TechrightsBN/ | UPC - Alle Jahre wieder - Kluwer Patent BlogDec 07 08:35
schestowitz 07 08:37
schestowitz"Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzThe latest bout of wishful thinking about the UPC uttered by its proponents reminds me of a Tibetan windmill, but in the absence of wind. At best a very weak unsteady breeze has taken life, and for all the proponents of the UPC the carousel starts turning wildly pushed by the expectation of filling one’s own pockets so that they can become deeper and deeper.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzIt is amazing to see people one would consider sensible, coming up with the wildest expectations as to the entry in force of the UPC. Please wake up, the situation is by no means clear, and it is not because Prof. Huber said that a decision could come in 2020 that the decision will be dismissal of the complaint. My feeling is that it could be much more disheartening for all the proponents of the UPC. I hope the decision will be to have Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzthe UPC conformity checked against not only EU law, but against the German Constitution.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzDoes anyone seriously think that the intermezzo having stalled the whole ratification process in Germany was just because a ranting lawyer of Düsseldorf has brought forward some stupid questions which only deserve to be ignored?Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzHow can an international agreement be amended by an administrative committee and the members states only be given a veto right afterwards, cf. Art 87(3) UPC? Even the ultimate question is no resolved: what if a country refuses to agree on the changes after the Review conference? Will it be forced to accept them or be expelled like it would be the case with the EPC, cf. Art 172(4) EPC. The wildest theories have come up in application of Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzthis provision when a solution had to be found to keep post Brexit UK in the UPC.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzHow can a judge be dismissed without offering him ab initio a possibility of having this decision challenged before an independent court?Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzHow can it be that a third party, not having taken part, and even refused to take part to the procedure before the UPC can be bound by a decision of the latter, cf. R 316 RPUPC?Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzHow can a judge be a part-time judge? This is clearly envisaged should the UPC ever start. That a UPC judge can deport himself is not enough.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzThose very important points have never been discussed, and a deadly silence has installed itself. Let’s make a fait accompli, we shall then say that it works. And if it does not work, never mind, nobody will dare go back, and we can continue to fill our pockets.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzWhen one reads, cf. Lexology of today that the “Unitary Patent system aims to provide easier and affordable access to effective patent protection in Europe”, it is difficult to refrain a snigger. It will be good for the big players, not for the SMEs. The Chairman of Business Europe does not get tired to say that the (big) industry needs the UPC. And all the non-European patent owners (2/3 of the granted patents) are eagerly awaiting Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzto use the UPC. Those are the entities, with all their lawyers, who will be the big winners should the UPC come into life.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzNothing against attempting to unify case law over Europe, but to me the UPC is the worst instrument for this, as it can up with decisions which go against decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO when it comes to validity. And then? Hence it is necessary to deal with the problems relating to the independence of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO before dealing with the UPC.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzOn the other hand, the more mess is created, the more “legal advice” will be necessary, and here we come back to the pocket filling aim from the beginning.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzThe UPC is such an example of lobbying and leading the politicians, under false premises, to adopt an agreement whose beneficiaries keep in the background but push other in front so that they can cash in under the apparently most moral pretexts.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitzLet’s hope that there will be an end to this story. It has cost a lot of energy up to now, not for the benefit of society at large, but the one of vested interests who keep well hidden in the background.Dec 07 08:37
schestowitz"Dec 07 08:37
schestowitz"Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzAttentive: my advice would be to not hold your breath waiting for sensible answers to the important questions that you have posed.Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzI have been waiting years now for a plausible answer to the even more fundamental question of how the UPC can simultaneously meet the requirements of Article 267 TFEU (where preliminary references are only admissible if they are made by a “court or tribunal OF a Member State”) whilst being based upon an Agreement that allegedly establishes an INTERNATIONAL court (which permits the participation of a non-Member State).Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzGiven the speed with which arguments have been generated by the UPC’s proponents on other points of law that threaten the viability of the UPC project, I believe that the long period over which not even a remotely plausible answer to this question has been provided can now be taken as strong evidence of the non-existence of any such answer. However it is evident that even non-compliance with EU law (ie the creation of a court that would Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzdestroy the integrity of the EU’s legal order) is no deterrent to those seeking to make the UPC a fait accompli.Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzMy guess is that the proponents of the UPC are envisaging a situation in which the CJEU will keep the show on the road by delivering a judgement that, no matter how unconvincingly, glosses over the fundamental incompatibilities between the Agreement and EU law. Sadly, such a travesty is not as implausible as it ought to be. This is because there is evidence that, where there is enough political will, even immovable legal obstacles can be Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzovercome (think, for example, of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands which ruled that recourse to ILO AT – which only accepts after the fact complaints from individuals – is an adequate recourse for those seeking to exercise their right to COLLECTIVE bargaining).Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzWith this in mind, perhaps the most important question to answer here is why are the proponents of the UPC so seemingly confident that the political will is there to push their pet project over what should (for the sake of maintaining the integrity of the EU’s legal order) be an insurmountable obstacle? In other words, how can they be so confident that the politicians will support their project no matter what untold damage it might Dec 07 08:38
schestowitzcause?Dec 07 08:38
schestowitz"Dec 07 08:38
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 07 09:09
schestowitzWe've received a wonderful card today! Rianne loved it. Didn't know there was an icecat up north, going into frenzy when the site is down.Dec 07 09:26
schestowitzWe plan to buy something for the cat. Does it have  a name?Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> Need to know what sort of work we want (what things  to work on, whatDec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> distro, maybe hypervisor as well).Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>>Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> I will ask gently in IRC.Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Thanks.Dec 07 09:26
schestowitzI will chase again, but it's volunteer, so I don't want to push it.Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> ...Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> How hard would it be to fetch the first 2 paragraphs instead of just 1Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> (if a second one is available from "fulltext")? Sometimes the first oneDec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> is just "this article was originally published in X" or "Athens, Greece"Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz>> (so I open the page to check further/extract).Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> It's very easy if the site uses a CMS or is otherwise very consistent.Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> The sites all put their content in different parts of the tree but itDec 07 09:26
schestowitz> can be identified consistently, usually.  In any case the change isDec 07 09:26
schestowitz> small but unique to each site, e.g.:Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> //h2/following-sibling::div[1]/p[1]Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> vsDec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> //h2/following-sibling::div[1]/p[position()<3]Dec 07 09:26
schestowitzFor some sites the second paragraph is more crucial. For commondreams sentences sometimes get cut in the middle. Even words.Dec 07 09:26
schestowitz> Again, it has to be added in on a site-by-site basis.  Which sites doDec 07 09:26
schestowitz> you want the first two paragraphs collected from?Dec 07 09:27
schestowitzCounterpunch for sure. Maybe HRW.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> Side rant: apparently we now have "election by tweets", not media. ButDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> everyone knows the shelf life of tweets is just minutes or hours.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> Articles (what's left of them) will outlast that.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> It's important to note that all "tweets" are filtered to be in line withDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> the corporation's whims and policies and to not step on the toes ofDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> owners and key investors. *cough*saudiarabia*cough*Dec 07 09:27
schestowitzYes, same problem in various pods and instances of the "decentralised" and "independent" networks.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> The term openwashing is catching on. It's mentioned in popular youtubeDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> videos and I get emails about it. Companies are very afraid of thisDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> label now. I also see some companies choosing to "delete GitHub" asDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> awareness grows. Not that it matters so much... it just needs to be doneDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> regardless.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> The important thing there is to steer awareness back to the tenets ofDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> software freedom.  That's what the openwashing is trying to damage,Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> anyway.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitzOpen Source also.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> Yesterday I asked in #fsf (IRC) why they want to make the sideDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> mobile-friendly, i.e. tracking devices-friendly. I put some fragments ofDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> that in IRC.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> If they can do it without screwing up the layout for normal computersDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> and without infecting the site with javascripts, then it's not entirelyDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> bad.  The hard reality is that most people have smartphones in place ofDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> a real computer.  However, they nee to not pander to the smartphones butDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> instead reach out and pull people gently back to general purposeDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> computing, before it is entirely gone.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitzApparently in China a lot of people no longer have "real" computers.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> At ZDNet SJVN keeps pushing Microsoft agenda; Swapnil softened a bitDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> (fewer/less nasty posts), which I'm happy to see...Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz> I'd like to hear the back story on what happened to SJVN and how theyDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> broke him.  He should write it down in case he can find a way to beDec 07 09:27
schestowitz> allowed to publish once he retires and writes his memmoires.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitzI think he ran out of jobs (paid) except ZDNet as everything around him folded and his site (many years' work) was forced offline by QuinStreet.Dec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> That's it for now. Back to article drafts as I feel rusty, barelyDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> published anything but "microblog" crap this past week. I suggest toDec 07 09:27
schestowitz>> everyone who asks me to stay out of "microblogging"  and never getDec 07 09:28
schestowitz>> started because without prior momentum it's pointless, a waste of time.Dec 07 09:28
schestowitz>> At least all this stuff, some replies included, get archived in our IRCDec 07 09:28
schestowitz>> logs. That's deliberate; Dec 07 09:28
schestowitz> Dec 07 09:28
schestowitz> Yep.  So go all sites eventually but the locked-in ones earlier and worse.Dec 07 09:28
schestowitz 07 10:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@gael_duval: @schestowitz Implants?Dec 07 10:06
schestowitz 07 10:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #elonmusk - butchering himself to eternally look young - calls people who actually save children (not with some lou… 07 10:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #elonmusk - butchering himself to eternally look young - calls people who actually save children (not with some lou… 07 10:06
schestowitz 07 10:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz 07 10:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz 07 10:25
schestowitz 07 11:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@IAMABOT82986384: @schestowitz HiDec 07 11:00
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 07 16:05
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