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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Sunday, December 15, 2019

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schestowitz 15 00:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AtkaLiona3311: @EPStrasbourg 15 00:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: When the super-rich write the law or buy the law (by paying those in power to do their biddings) it's hardly surpri… 15 00:08
schestowitz 15 00:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nevrsurrendr: @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes it is.Dec 15 00:44
schestowitz #wikileaks  third publication in 2 months. Oct 23, Nov 12, Dec 14. Got its groove back?Dec 15 00:45
schestowitz 15 00:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ScepticalAussie: @schestowitz @wikileaks I’m just going to tag this email on the end of your thread and make it a simple matter for… 15 00:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ScepticalAussie: @schestowitz @wikileaks I’m just going to tag this email on the end of your thread and make it a simple matter for… 15 00:51
schestowitz"I’m just going to tag this email on the end of your thread and make it a simple matter for the public to ascertain what is going on in the OPCW."Dec 15 00:51
schestowitzYes, I saw that earlier and linked to itDec 15 00:51
schestowitz 15 01:03
schestowitz"  a 2016 article that seems to be about Saudi Arabia changing world's perception"Dec 15 01:03
schestowitzEnglish?Dec 15 01:03
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:03
-TechrightsBN/ | بالفيديو والصور.. ولي ولي العهد يوقع مع مؤسسة بيل ومليندا جيتس الخيرية اتفاقية تعاون في المجال الخيري | صحيفة المواطن الإلكترونيةDec 15 01:04
schestowitz 15 01:04
schestowitz" Probably some dev who made a jb app that was being pirated and pissy that people pirate their app on jb app stores."Dec 15 01:04
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:04
schestowitz 15 01:04
schestowitz"if the amount of computing power already built isn't enough, we're in trouble.  What's needed is a way to capture more of the available computing power,  and clean, abundant energy to power the devices already present imho"Dec 15 01:04
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:04
schestowitz 15 01:05
schestowitz"@schestowitz or maybe that's been the point the whole time.  #brexit"Dec 15 01:05
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:05
schestowitz 15 01:05
schestowitz" ie reforming the EU isn't the answer, leaving it is"Dec 15 01:05
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:05
schestowitz 15 01:05
schestowitz"why don't they at least wait until brexit actually happens?"Dec 15 01:05
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:05
schestowitzBecause Scotland is then orphaned from the EU and can suffer severe consequences. But I think they use this election outcome as a bargaining chip here... to stop brexit.Dec 15 01:06
schestowitz 15 01:07
schestowitz"z ...............honouring GT is fine...but forgetting Assange is cruel"Dec 15 01:07
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:07
schestowitz 15 01:08
schestowitz"@schestowitz dovetails quite close with"Dec 15 01:08
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaDec 15 01:08
-TechrightsBN/ | China interference in Australia 'insidious', says former ASIO boss Duncan LewisDec 15 01:08
schestowitz 15 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ScepticalAussie: @schestowitz @wikileaks It’s not a good look is it? Team members aren’t really team members? Deployments to locatio… 15 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ScepticalAussie: @schestowitz @wikileaks It’s not a good look is it? Team members aren’t really team members? Deployments to locatio… 15 01:09
schestowitz"It’s not a good look is it? Team members aren’t really team members? Deployments to locations didn’t really happen? The @OPCW need to answer some questions."Dec 15 01:09
schestowitz>>> The lull in news coverage starts on Fridays nowadays and generally runsDec 15 01:45
schestowitz>>> through to Tuesdays.Dec 15 01:45
schestowitz>> The window narrows over timeDec 15 01:45
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:45
schestowitz>> Moments ago my  temper went up a bit:Dec 15 01:45
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:45
schestowitz>> "Horrible!! #Pycon has once again sold itself to #microsoftDec 15 01:45
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:45
schestowitz>> Crime, #surveillance and #pentagonDec 15 01:45
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>> What does #python want to stand for?Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>>"Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:46
-TechrightsBN/ | PyCon USDec 15 01:46
schestowitz>> Like last year...Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> Really bad on pycon for being so stupid.Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>> Something I could use help with:Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>> 15 01:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 999 @ )Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>>Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>> Find out if past employers/law firms are working a lot with Microsoft.Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> The M$ Linked-in page is blank and I closed my account there years ago.Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>  What is his full name, current employer, and any known recent employers?Dec 15 01:46
schestowitzIf I reopen the page to check firm names, he'll see it (this is a surveillance site) and might claim "stalking". Are there no scrapers for this? Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz>> Maybe it's another Rick Spencer. Remember him?Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> Yeah, now that you mention him.Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> i have used this address to sign up to reply to canta but it is taking an extraordinarily long time to send me a password. i used "back" and double checked the info, eventually i requested a new password just to give it the opportunity to tell me this email address was wrong. it says it was sent. Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> Dec 15 01:46
schestowitz> the spam folder is just as reliable and easy to tell if there is a new email as the other folders, but there is no new mail, no unread mail. i wonder if registration is working? probably, but i never understand how these things can be slow? (where does the email go on the way here?)Dec 15 01:46
schestowitzMy guess is, the server is blacklisted by your email provider.Dec 15 01:46
schestowitzRe: new page> that page may not look like much yet, but it has as much potential as the most popular one.Dec 15 01:47
schestowitzYes, I have noticed.Dec 15 01:47
schestowitz 15 02:00
-TechrightsBN/ #linuxfoundation + #zemlin + #microsoft = slow-motion #linux suicide and outsourcing to Microsoft #github (as planned all along; bribed to submit) 15 02:00
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:00
schestowitzDec 15 02:00
schestowitzSay it ain't so, Dr.Dec 15 02:00
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux Foundation - TechrightsDec 15 02:00
schestowitz 15 02:01
-TechrightsBN/ Jim #zemlin is not a bad person. He's just not suitable for the job and he's a career-climbing poser, taking credit for the accomplishments of geeks (he's merely a marketing hack) 15 02:01
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:01
schestowitzThat is a generous perception.Dec 15 02:01
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 15 02:01 - about 14 hours ago Dec 15 02:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Jim Zemlin - TechrightsDec 15 02:01
schestowitzso hes a fraud that is packaging up a kernel written by the people, for the people, which he is selling off to a corporation who will destroy it and rent it to the people it was stolen from, but he “is not a bad person.”Dec 15 02:01
schestowitzi dunno, he sounds like a real piece of shit to me…Dec 15 02:01
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:01
schestowitzSounds about rightDec 15 02:01
schestowitz 15 02:03
-TechrightsBN/ Going to #startpage or to #duckduckgo "for privacy" is like going to a chiropractor "for your back" 15 02:03
schestowitzadd qwant to the listDec 15 02:03
schestowitz ManumériqueDec 15 02:03
schestowitzManumérique - 18 days ago Dec 15 02:03
schestowitzPlease source why Duckduckgo does not improve privacyDec 15 02:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Startpage - TechrightsDec 15 02:04
schestowitz Whonix Anonymous Operating SystemDec 15 02:04
schestowitzWhonix Anonymous Operating System - 18 days ago Dec 15 02:04
schestowitzthe core of these search engines is proprietary, so nothing to improve from privacy standards. Yacy & Searx are true free software search engines (though they are different in how they collect searching data)Dec 15 02:04
schestowitz ManumériqueDec 15 02:04
schestowitzManumérique - 17 days ago Dec 15 02:04
schestowitzEven if duckduckgo uses Bing and is not free software, it improves privacy by not giving our data to MS ans profiling us. Are Tor Project people stupide to choose DDG by default? Btw I like searx too but often cant find what I’m looking forDec 15 02:04
schestowitz Whonix Anonymous Operating SystemDec 15 02:04
schestowitzWhonix Anonymous Operating System - 17 days ago Dec 15 02:04
schestowitzI wasnt against them because DDG is based on yahoo/bing or startpage on google …etc the core is proprietary and whatever the company claims is bullshit on a website we cant make sure what is happening on their servers because the core is proprietary, and since DDG based in USA regime that makes it alot worse than the others.Dec 15 02:04
schestowitzThis one looks nice idea:Dec 15 02:04
schestowitz 15 02:04
-TechrightsBN/ | searx.everdot.orgDec 15 02:04
schestowitz ManumériqueDec 15 02:04
schestowitzManumérique - 15 days ago Dec 15 02:04
schestowitzOK, DDG doesnt protect you from NSA. I agree on that point (Patriot Act).Dec 15 02:04
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:04
schestowitz 15 02:05
-TechrightsBN/ Given what we've seen recently in the #eu (e.g. #copyright law) and its unwillingness to tackle #epo #corruption slowing down lawmaking might actually be a feature, giving the public more time to scrutinise/expose 15 02:05
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:05
schestowitzby corporations, for corporations. of course they say “by the people.” you can say that in china, usa, even the eu.Dec 15 02:05
schestowitzlook at the laws, they are for corporations. so who are they really by?Dec 15 02:05
schestowitz Hartwig ThomasDec 15 02:05
schestowitzHartwig Thomas - 5 months ago Dec 15 02:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Splintered Parliament faces 5 years of rancor – POLITICODec 15 02:05
schestowitzLet’s be precise: The laws are by the law-makers. And that is the parliament in most places. And its members are often elected by the “people” (with the right passport and age …).Dec 15 02:05
schestowitzOf course, the law-makers and the people are influenced by big corporations. But they have the power to squash big corporations too.Dec 15 02:05
schestowitzAlso the interests of the law-makers and the people are often not identical. In Switzerland this becomes visible due to direct democracy, when the people’s decisions differ from the parliaments’ decisions.Dec 15 02:05
schestowitzBut again, it would be too simple to ascribe this difference to the fact that the members of parliament are “bought” by big corporations.Dec 15 02:06
schestowitz Hartwig ThomasDec 15 02:06
schestowitzHartwig Thomas - 5 months ago Dec 15 02:06
schestowitzThe problem with the EU is, that it is not a democracy but an association of governments (NOT of the peoples that are being governed!). That is clearly stated in the Lissabon foundation of the EU. So, of course, it serves the governments, not the people. Those governments have - mostly - been democratically elected. But some of their interests are different from the interests of the people. The EU gives them a chance to avoid the Dec 15 02:06
schestowitzdemocracy of their home state, when they want to make laws, which would meet too much democratic opposition. Also the EU gives them a guaranteed old-age occupation and pension, no matter, how they are treated at home.Dec 15 02:06
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 15 02:06 - 5 months ago Dec 15 02:06
schestowitzSo, of course, it serves the governments, not the people.Dec 15 02:06
schestowitzThe EU gives them a chance to avoid the democracy of their home state, when they want to make laws, which would meet too much democratic opposition.Dec 15 02:06
schestowitzwith this, im a bit beside myself.Dec 15 02:06
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:06
schestowitz 15 02:07
-TechrightsBN/ Hardware: #Lenovo SBC Targets #Linux , #outbound Notebook, #OpenSourceKitchen and #RISCVFoundation Leaves the United States 15 02:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Hardware: Lenovo SBC Targets Linux, Outbound Notebook, Open Source Kitchen and RISC-V Foundation Leaves the United States | Tux MachinesDec 15 02:07
schestowitz"Cool, Wire moves from Switzerland to the US, RISC-V moves from the US to Switzerland."Dec 15 02:07
schestowitzOnly because Wire sold outDec 15 02:07
schestowitz 15 02:08
-TechrightsBN/ Happy anniversary GNOME: What's your favorite version? #gnome #gnu #linux Dec 15 02:08
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:08
schestowitzMATEDec 15 02:08
schestowitz eyomeDec 15 02:08
schestowitzeyome - 4 months ago Dec 15 02:08
schestowitzThe last one :-)Dec 15 02:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Happy anniversary GNOME: What's your favorite version? | Opensource.comDec 15 02:08
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comDec 15 02:08 - 4 months ago Dec 15 02:08
schestowitzmy favourite version of gnome is xfce, but their devs have never heard of it. #hhosDec 15 02:08
schestowitz CoudCoud φDec 15 02:08
schestowitzCoudCoud φ - 4 months ago Dec 15 02:08
schestowitzThe last one, but with a dozen extensions installed_Dec 15 02:08
schestowitz"Dec 15 02:08
schestowitz>> My guess is, the server is blacklisted by your email provider.Dec 15 05:57
schestowitz> that would be interesting to know. want to send me an email from the server and find out?Dec 15 05:57
schestowitz> Dec 15 05:57
schestowitz> alternatively you could register a tutanota account and try sending one "to yourself." im not going to use another email for the blog though. i have a reply to canta but no way to post it. if you can somehow recover a password (not the one sent already obviously, that will be hashed) and email it to me in plaintext ill use that. you would have to change it and send it to your own email first or something. i dont know, its just a thought.Dec 15 05:57
schestowitzI could instead  check server logs.Dec 15 05:57
schestowitz> [do what you want with this. if i cant get the login information, for what its worth im unlikely to have a reply as often as i used to have updates to the wiki.] Dec 15 05:58
schestowitz 15 06:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AnnieHe62939267: @schestowitz @wikileaks This! Was he part of the Trump Admin while this was goimg on? I don't recall when he started.Dec 15 06:14
schestowitz\Dec 15 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AnnieHe62939267: What are the chances that Bolton, a dual Israeli Zionist was involved with the OPCW scandal? 15 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @wikileaks What #johnbolton means to #opcw #trump #bush #warcrimesDec 15 06:15
schestowitz 15 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AnnieHe62939267: @schestowitz @wikileaks Thank you for your links.Dec 15 06:15
schestowitz 15 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI Did more Labour voters leave in a huff than stayed home because they thought for sure they had it all se… 15 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI Did more Labour voters leave in a huff than stayed home because they thought for sure they had it all se… 15 06:16
schestowitz"Dec 15 06:16
schestowitzDid more Labour voters leave in a huff than stayed home because they thought for sure they had it all sewn up, much like Nov. '16 in US? Cc @glynmoody @schestowitz @edsaperia @jimmy_wales @DaveLeeBBC @carljackmiller Dec 15 06:17
schestowitzPSYOPS is more powerful than hacking voting methods @mattblazeDec 15 06:17
schestowitz"Dec 15 06:17
schestowitz> FYI:Dec 15 06:49
schestowitz> Dec 15 06:49
schestowitz> Bad gatewayDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> Dec 15 06:49
schestowitz> YouDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> BrowserDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> WorkingDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> Dec 15 06:49
schestowitz> MoscowDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> CloudflareDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> WorkingDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> Dec 15 06:49
schestowitz> www.linuxquestions.orgDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> HostDec 15 06:49
schestowitz> ErrorDec 15 06:49
schestowitzClownflare appear to have fixed it,Dec 15 06:49
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 15 06:52
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellDec 15 06:52
schestowitz 15 07:07
-TechrightsBN/ This is nonsense. #googlemaps is spyware and his mode won't change that; merely an illusion of #privacy 15 07:07
schestowitz"Yes. I used the word “like” just to get a sentence sounding smooth."Dec 15 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How to use Google Maps in Incognito mode on AndroidDec 15 07:07
schestowitz 15 07:08
schestowitz"Dec 15 07:08
-TechrightsBN/ This is like a catalogue of who #gnu sought to fight against, replace with #freesw Dec 15 07:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 15 07:08
schestowitz[cognitive dissonance intensifies]Dec 15 07:08
schestowitzThe community needs a new ethical ‘industrial complex’ to fund its operations.Dec 15 07:08
schestowitz Alessandro EbersolDec 15 07:08
schestowitzAlessandro Ebersol - 24 days ago Dec 15 07:08
schestowitzGovernments should fund GNU Linux, since it’s development is for the common good.Dec 15 07:08
schestowitz IcavotDec 15 07:08
schestowitzIcavot - 24 days ago Dec 15 07:08
schestowitz@Alessandro Ebersol Both the private and the public sector actually.Dec 15 07:08
schestowitz"Dec 15 07:08
schestowitzmoney can corrupt institutions that measure progress in terms of wealthDec 15 07:09
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 15 07:13
<--rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 15 07:17
schestowitz 15 08:13
schestowitz 15 08:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Google Fixes One Chrome OS Linux Problem, Introduces AnotherDec 15 08:13
schestowitzGoogle keeps breaking thingsDec 15 08:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Chrome OS Security Updates Break Crouton, Here’s The FixDec 15 08:13
schestowitz 15 08:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Unable to update chroot, and I get no audio now. · Issue #4157 · dnschneid/crouton · GitHubDec 15 08:19
schestowitz"This seems to be because of chromeos, not crouton. It is mentioned in another issue."Dec 15 08:21
schestowitz 15 08:21
-TechrightsBN/ | CRAS not working properly · Issue #4030 · dnschneid/crouton · GitHubDec 15 08:22
schestowitz 15 08:24
-TechrightsBN/ | The internet is wrong and all the tutorials are broken · Issue #4026 · dnschneid/crouton · GitHubDec 15 08:24
schestowitzRe: FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION:> Software Freedom and The U.S. ConstitutionDec 15 08:58
schestowitz> Dec 15 08:58
schestowitz> Dec 15 08:58
schestowitz> Dec 15 08:58
schestowitz> I think it's unlikely that Stallman was considering the Constitution as the primary inspiration for the Free Software Definition. One reason I think it's unlikely is I've never read that he did, and he's the sort of person to say so more than once. But whether intentionally or inadvertently, I think what he did is actually create a constitution for software users.Dec 15 08:58
schestowitzcoming.........Dec 15 08:58
schestowitzx   Dec 15 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Windows Security review: There are better options, but not for the 'price' | PCWorldDec 15 09:27
schestowitz> can you think of a reason why techrights might for the past 24 hours or so be terribly slow compared to usual?Dec 15 09:32
schestowitz> Dec 15 09:32
schestowitz> transatlantic cable out? clicking edit or clicking on a link is taking 10-15 seconds to load sometimes. it can happen to any website, but it usually doesnt.Dec 15 09:32
schestowitzThe server is about 3-5 times closer to you than it is to me, and I haven't been able to reproduce this. Can you test to see if tuxmachines does the same (same physical box)?Dec 15 09:32
schestowitz                <li>Dec 15 09:33
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Meet The Linux Desktop OS That Mac And Windows Users Keep Downloading — But Why?</a></h5>Dec 15 09:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @">Meet )Dec 15 09:33
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Dec 15 09:33
schestowitz                    <p>In the release announcement, the Zorin group shares that within 6 months Zorin OS 15 has been downloaded 550,000 times, and that a surprising 65% of those downloads come from macOS or Windows machines. </p></blockquote></li>Dec 15 09:33
schestowitz                <li>Dec 15 11:13
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">These Linux browsers are being banned from Google services</a></h5>Dec 15 11:13
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Dec 15 11:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @">These )Dec 15 11:13
schestowitz                    <p>When investigating the issue, BleepingComputer found a 'Learn More' link that led to a Google support article which explained that a browser may be blocked from signing in because it doesn't support JavaScript or JavaScript is turned off, unsecure or unsupported extensions have been added, automation testing frameworks are in use or the browser is embedded in a different application. </p></blockquote></li>Dec 15 11:13
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 15 12:25
-->schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 15 12:26
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 15 12:26
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellDec 15 12:26
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzDec 15 12:26
schestowitz 15 14:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSForce: Linux Foundation Has Outsourced All the Licence Compliance Stuff to Microsoft, a Serial GPL Violator 15 14:38
schestowitz"Linux Foundation Has Outsourced All the Licence Compliance Stuff to Microsoft, a Serial GPL Violator"Dec 15 14:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux Foundation Has Outsourced All the Licence Compliance Stuff to Microsoft, a Serial GPL Violator | TechrightsDec 15 14:38
schestowitz 15 15:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@alponcing: @schestowitz @ManUtd Nah Everton just picked up form after Silva sacked and play attacking football so not a walk in a park at allDec 15 15:17
schestowitzseems notDec 15 15:17
schestowitz 15 15:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MorrisHarry4: @schestowitz @ManUtd Oh fuck off RoyDec 15 15:17
schestowitz 15 15:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz "Limit governments’ ability to require disclosure of proprietary computer source code and algorithms,… 15 15:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz "Limit governments’ ability to require disclosure of proprietary computer source code and algorithms,… 15 15:20
schestowitz""Limit governments’ ability to require disclosure of proprietary computer source code and algorithms, to better protect the competitiveness of digital suppliers.""Dec 15 15:21
schestowitz 15 15:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dominoisdead: @schestowitz building a water bottling factoryDec 15 15:21
schestowitz'factory'Dec 15 15:21
schestowitz 15 15:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarkKen20510303: @schestowitz Latest technology for urban pacification. How long before British police have drones armed with tear g… 15 15:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarkKen20510303: @schestowitz Latest technology for urban pacification. How long before British police have drones armed with tear g… 15 15:22
schestowitz"Dec 15 15:22
schestowitzLatest technology for urban pacification.Dec 15 15:22
schestowitzHow long before British police have drones armed with tear gas, pepper spray and so on?Dec 15 15:22
schestowitzIt’s around the corner, and will be used on a remainer march in this parliament.Dec 15 15:22
schestowitz"Dec 15 15:22
schestowitzit's not like Johnson brought cannons to London or something....Dec 15 15:22
schestowitz 15 15:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MellowOchre: @schestowitz I had heard of this but never seen it... thanks for posting this.Dec 15 15:23
schestowitz 15 15:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Brigidzz: @AnnieHe62939267 @schestowitz @wikileaks The lies about the Syrian proxy war started in 2011Dec 15 15:24
schestowitz 15 15:24
schestowitz 15 15:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarkKen20510303: @schestowitz Happy birthday Roy. For Tuesday.Dec 15 15:24
schestowitz 15 15:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI Did more Labour voters leave in a huff than stayed home because they thought for sure they had it all se… 15 15:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI Did more Labour voters leave in a huff than stayed home because they thought for sure they had it all se… 15 15:26
schestowitz"Dec 15 15:26
schestowitzDid more Labour voters leave in a huff than stayed home because they thought for sure they had it all sewn up, much like Nov. '16 in US? Cc Dec 15 15:26
schestowitz@glynmoodyDec 15 15:26
schestowitz Dec 15 15:26
schestowitz@schestowitzDec 15 15:26
schestowitz Dec 15 15:26
schestowitz@edsaperiaDec 15 15:26
schestowitz Dec 15 15:26
schestowitz@jimmy_walesDec 15 15:26
schestowitz Dec 15 15:26
schestowitz@DaveLeeBBCDec 15 15:26
schestowitz Dec 15 15:26
schestowitz@carljackmillerDec 15 15:26
schestowitz"Dec 15 15:26
MinceR 15 15:35
-TechrightsBN/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post objectDec 15 15:35
MinceRwrong windowDec 15 15:35
schestowitz 15 15:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TVSprague: Michael Obama in women's pumps is taller than 1st Lady M. Trump in extremely high heels. 15 15:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Truth liberates. But rarely does it put the rich and powerful criminals in prison. Instead it puts the t… 15 15:54
schestowitz 15 17:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Yup, the free software movement has always been more about users than devs, but that somehow got lost along the way… 15 17:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Yup, the free software movement has always been more about users than devs, but that somehow got lost along the way… 15 17:10
schestowitz"Yup, the free software movement has always been more about users than devs, but that somehow got lost along the way: Guest Article - The Free Software Movement Should Come Out From the Box"Dec 15 17:10
schestowitz 15 17:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz Bruce isn't the only one who thinks there is something wrong with SystemD.Dec 15 17:13
schestowitz 15 19:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@extremelabs: The Linux Foundation isn't what you think it is. Linus Torvalds would be embarrassed. Stolen from @BrideOfLinux 15 19:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux Foundation Has Outsourced All the Licence Compliance Stuff to Microsoft, a Serial GPL Violator | TechrightsDec 15 19:51
schestowitz 15 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Get over it -- it's Linux: It Matters a Lot What You Call the System 15 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | It Matters a Lot What You Call the System | TechrightsDec 15 19:52
schestowitzit's never too late to at least explain to people the role of GNUDec 15 19:52
schestowitz 15 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Stallman never mentioned the constitution as an inspiration because in the U.S., the First Amendment is seen as onl… 15 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Stallman never mentioned the constitution as an inspiration because in the U.S., the First Amendment is seen as onl… 15 19:52
schestowitz"Stallman never mentioned the constitution as an inspiration because in the U.S., the First Amendment is seen as only the writing down of a natural law: Software Freedom and The U.S. Constitution"Dec 15 19:52
schestowitz 15 19:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI @glynmoody @schestowitz @edsaperia @jimmy_wales @DaveLeeBBC @carljackmiller @mattblaze @orford… 15 19:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI @glynmoody @schestowitz @edsaperia @jimmy_wales @DaveLeeBBC @carljackmiller @mattblaze @orford… 15 19:56
schestowitz@orford @davidgerard @AndrewJD @carljackmiller @glynmoody what are your assessments of the motivations?""Dec 15 19:56
-TechrightsBN/ | TwitterDec 15 19:56
schestowitz 15 19:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI @glynmoody @schestowitz @edsaperia @jimmy_wales @DaveLeeBBC @carljackmiller @mattblaze @orford… 15 19:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jsalsman: @IBJIYONGI @glynmoody @schestowitz @edsaperia @jimmy_wales @DaveLeeBBC @carljackmiller @mattblaze @orford… 15 19:58
schestowitz"@SamWangPhD I'd like to know your opinion, too, please. Did more Labour voters stay home because they..."Dec 15 19:58
schestowitz 15 19:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @schestowitz I agree with that. But I also think it's just fine to call the desktop Linux operating system "Linux."Dec 15 19:59
schestowitzYes, I don't confront people over such things ;-) but I do ensure I give credit to GNU when its toolchain is included (not always)Dec 15 20:00
schestowitz 15 20:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DtweeterG: @schestowitz ecofeminism is total bullshitDec 15 20:00
schestowitz 15 20:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz @BrideOfLinux I'll always remember the first time I walked into the FSF office in Boston to talk to RMS :) Long time ago.Dec 15 20:01
schestowitz 15 20:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @schestowitz I think we're pretty like minded on this. :-)Dec 15 20:07
schestowitzthere's some saying like... just because everyone is wrong... doesn't mean you should not do what's right (no need to remark on their behaviour, but they MIGHT copy yours)Dec 15 20:08
schestowitz 15 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DMCANews: @schestowitz From a social media post by Libre Office - apparently Linux Found required Proprietary Format for sli… 15 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DMCANews: @schestowitz From a social media post by Libre Office - apparently Linux Found required Proprietary Format for sli… 15 20:28
schestowitz"@schestowitz  From a social media post by Libre Office - apparently Linux Found required Proprietary Format for slide decks during Paris Open Source Summit. Crazy!"Dec 15 20:28
schestowitz 15 20:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DMCANews: @schestowitz sorry, not required... "requested"Dec 15 20:28
schestowitzhaha. been there, done that. never again!!Dec 15 20:29
schestowitz 15 20:29
-TechrightsBN/ | Research IndexDec 15 20:29

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