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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, June 20, 2020

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*swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c)Jun 20 01:25
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 20 01:29
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 20 01:30
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 01:32
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 01:33
*swaggboi ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 01:35
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 20 02:09
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jun 20 02:10
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 02:49
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 02:50
schestowitz> *Are you able to insert the cup of coffee and the Harvey  in aJun 20 03:18
schestowitz> central place in the attached image.*Jun 20 03:18
schestowitz> *Jun 20 03:18
schestowitz> *Jun 20 03:18
schestowitz> *I feel it’s a _slight_ change that creates a bit more interest andJun 20 03:18
schestowitz> curiosity as to content of the weblog and has a little more eye appeal.Jun 20 03:18
schestowitz> If it requires some sort of photo editing I think I can make anyJun 20 03:18
schestowitz> suggested changes.*Jun 20 03:18
schestowitzSo you want to change the blog's banner at the top?Jun 20 03:19
schestowitzIf that's the case, we need to start with an image template at least twice as wide as this, or else the image would look coarse.Jun 20 03:19
schestowitzRe: It's time for a ChangeJun 20 03:19
schestowitz 20 03:21
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:21
schestowitzOnce again, these stats are for end-users, not servers.Jun 20 03:21
schestowitzI read techrights in a better shape.Jun 20 03:21
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Frederic Bezies: " Once again, thes…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréJun 20 03:21
schestowitz 20 03:21
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:21
schestowitzwhich are not strictly speaking GNU/Linux powered devices.Jun 20 03:21
schestowitzAndroid is not a GNU/Linux distribution as far as I know. But I could be wrong.Jun 20 03:21
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Frederic Bezies: " which are not st…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréJun 20 03:21
schestowitz 20 03:21
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:21
schestowitz「ルーカス」 @rage@fosstodon.orgJun 20 03:22
schestowitz@tuxmachines R.I.P.Jun 20 03:22
schestowitzJun 20 03:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Lucas Ramage 「ルーカス」:gentoo:: " R.I.P." - FosstodonJun 20 03:22
schestowitz 20 03:22
schestowitz"Commence operation Extend !"Jun 20 03:22
-TechrightsBN/ | PublicNuisance: " Commence opera…" - FosstodonJun 20 03:22
schestowitz 20 03:22
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:22
schestowitz Bit of a stretch thereJun 20 03:22
schestowitzJun 20 03:22
-TechrightsBN/ | greypilgrim: " Bit of a stretch…" - FosstodonJun 20 03:22
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:22
schestowitz 20 03:23
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:23
schestowitz Distribution? Really? Not a GNU one in this case.Jun 20 03:23
schestowitzAndroid for me is like MacOS-X. Unix with a free "heart" and a lot of not free layers around it.Jun 20 03:23
schestowitzAnyway, we will never agree here. Have a good day.Jun 20 03:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Frederic Bezies: " Distribution? Re…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréJun 20 03:23
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:23
schestowitz 20 03:23
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:23
schestowitzLinux distributions ARE dead for end user market, the only one that matters right now.Jun 20 03:23
schestowitzServer are linux based for the 10 years to go. After this...Jun 20 03:23
schestowitzWith 200 "different" distributionss, how can you grab more than a  2% or 3%  market share for end users?Jun 20 03:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Frederic Bezies: " Linux distributi…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréJun 20 03:23
schestowitzYou cannot. It is as simple as this :)Jun 20 03:23
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:23
schestowitz 20 03:24
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:24
schestowitzHappy Birthday @tuxmachines !    #gnu #LinuxJun 20 03:24
schestowitzJun 20 03:24
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Phantom 🐧🎸: "Happy Birthday !…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréJun 20 03:24
schestowitz 20 03:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jun 20 03:24
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:24
schestowitzJun 11Jun 20 03:24
schestowitzGerryT @GerryT@mastodon.socialJun 20 03:24
schestowitzHi, it might be interesting for you that there is a new group about UbPorts/UbuntuTouch on Mastodon: Jun 20 03:24
schestowitzYou can follow the group by simply following the "user" <at>UbuntuTouch<at> (replace <at> with @)Jun 20 03:24
schestowitzTo send toots to all group members just tag the group name in your toot.Jun 20 03:24
schestowitzFor details see: 20 03:24
schestowitz"\Jun 20 03:24
-TechrightsBN/ | GerryT: "To everyone who is interested in #UbuntuTouch, #U…" - MastodonJun 20 03:24
schestowitz 20 03:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bill_hunt: Read the latest TopDog PR News! Thanks to @tuxmachines @_kevinlim @bluemaidenswan #marketing #digitalmarketingJun 20 03:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 526 @ )Jun 20 03:36
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:36
schestowitzJun 20 03:36
schestowitzBill HuntJun 20 03:36
schestowitz@bill_huntJun 20 03:36
schestowitz·Jun 20 03:36
schestowitz17hJun 20 03:36
schestowitzRead the latest TopDog PR News!… Thanks to Jun 20 03:36
schestowitz@tuxmachinesJun 20 03:36
schestowitz Jun 20 03:36
schestowitz@_kevinlimJun 20 03:36
schestowitz Jun 20 03:36
-TechrightsBN/ | TopDog PR NewsJun 20 03:36
schestowitz@bluemaidenswanJun 20 03:36
schestowitz #marketing #digitalmarketingJun 20 03:37
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:37
schestowitz 20 03:41
schestowitz" This is all fine and dandy under the current administration's FCC I'm sure..."Jun 20 03:41
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:41
schestowitz 20 03:42
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:42
schestowitzPaul SuttonJun 20 03:42
schestowitzzleap@qoto.orgJun 20 03:42
schestowitz10hJun 20 03:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:42
schestowitzAs we have been discussion protommail @schestowitz @globcoco Jun 20 03:42
schestowitzMost secure browser for your privacy in 2020Jun 20 03:42
schestowitz 20 03:42
schestowitz#browser, #privacy #protonmail #tor #firefox #ddg #brave Jun 20 03:42
schestowitzUsing graphic from article to illustrate, hopefully that falls under fair use.Jun 20 03:42
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:42
-TechrightsBN/ | 4 web browsers that really care about your privacy [2020] - ProtonMail BlogJun 20 03:42
schestowitz 20 03:42
schestowitz"so sad..."Jun 20 03:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:42
schestowitz 20 03:43
schestowitz"I think it is about the Big players trying to muscle in and give their view on stories, rather than having lots of blog sites with varying viewpoints and evidence and allowing people to make informed choices.  If you look at how MS play things, they get their way with their own arguments with the view of crushing or discrediting those with other views."\Jun 20 03:43
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:43
schestowitz 20 03:43
schestowitz"{Roaring Laughter} Blowback is going to be awesome."Jun 20 03:43
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:43
schestowitz 20 03:44
schestowitz"A lot of american business has a lot of money sunk into china. Hardly surprising their lobbyists would be complicit in hiding chinas abuses."Jun 20 03:44
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:44
schestowitz 20 03:44
schestowitz" I didn't know about pnpm I will try it tomorrow. Thanks!"Jun 20 03:44
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:44
schestowitz 20 03:44
schestowitz"Why anyone would use any of these Google services is beyond me. I’m still on my own POP3 mailbox with Eudora and I’ve never hit any limits."Jun 20 03:44
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:45
schestowitz 20 03:45
schestowitz"What should they use to differentiate it from a closed beta that only allows invitees to access it?"Jun 20 03:45
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:45
schestowitzThe use of the word "open" is ambiguousJun 20 03:45
schestowitz 20 03:46
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:46
schestowitzIt looks like SME Server is still going strong, nice, it's a great, simple and secure internet server distribution, recommended (once you get the hang of it...) 20 03:46
schestowitz(via @schestowitz)Jun 20 03:46
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:46
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:46
-TechrightsBN/ | SME Server:10.0Alpha5 - SME ServerJun 20 03:46
schestowitz 20 03:46
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:46
schestowitzIf you look hard enough any word in any language can be offensive  or have other meaning to someone. Jun 20 03:46
schestowitzAn example that members of my engineering class found rather amusingJun 20 03:46
schestowitzThe end of a screw is called a land (apparently), anyway upon learning this, a number of students started giggling, turned out land is a word meaning Penis over in India.Jun 20 03:46
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:46
schestowitzThey didn't find it offensive just amusing but shows how words have different meaning, and words need context.Jun 20 03:46
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:46
schestowitz 20 03:47
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:47
schestowitzHello @codeberg, this is a special gratitude for your awesome service. I am a satisfied user.Jun 20 03:47
schestowitzHello Dr Roy @schestowitz, thanks, you are the inspiration of this article. Jun 20 03:47
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:47
schestowitzWith respect to everyone, Jun 20 03:47
schestowitzLet's help people quit #Github and find a good code hosting. Jun 20 03:47
schestowitzLet's share #FreeSoftware #OpenSource and help more people #DeleteGitHub and spread #Privacy and make   #Programming more fun for everybody.Jun 20 03:47
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:47
schestowitz 20 03:48
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:48
schestowitzAgreed, I prefer the term 'new normal' Jun 20 03:48
schestowitzSchools can't go back to how they were, some classrooms + 25->30 students are tiny and you can't move,  around easily.Jun 20 03:48
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:48
*hook54321 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 20 03:48
schestowitz"\ 20 03:48
schestowitz"thanks Dr. I learned new thing from your words."Jun 20 03:48
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:48
schestowitz 20 03:49
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:49
schestowitzThe above #neoSlavery of #Filipino, #Mexican and #Indian people is not isolated to the #US but all #westernNations including #UK and #Australia.Jun 20 03:49
schestowitz#Corporations and the #centralBankers view the #thirdWorldisation via corrupt, #privatised #wars as opportunities to be #exploited. Jun 20 03:49
schestowitzThey like producing #refugees.Jun 20 03:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:49
schestowitz#Prison for the #centralBankers, #lobbyists, #gentrifiers, #CEOs and #warProfiteers.Jun 20 03:49
schestowitzPlanned #Degrowth now.Jun 20 03:49
schestowitz@witchescauldron @schestowitz @vjy @freedcreative @realcaseyrollinsJun 20 03:49
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:49
schestowitz 20 03:49
schestowitz"z and get rid of all those unneeded KDE dependencies."Jun 20 03:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:49
schestowitz 20 03:50
schestowitz"yes, Sir. I use Kate almost everyday. It's great! I wish they open an official account at Mastodon."Jun 20 03:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:50
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 20 03:50
schestowitz 20 03:50
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:50
schestowitz this is the weakness.Jun 20 03:50
schestowitzlike cruisemissiles, these things are expensiveJun 20 03:50
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 20 03:50
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jun 20 03:51
schestowitz\Jun 20 03:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RACITodayInform: @jacksonhinklle @sirdix @schestowitz @bellacaledonia @HollyBlomberg Branko Marcetic defends pedofile druglord king… 20 03:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RACITodayInform: @jacksonhinklle @sirdix @schestowitz @bellacaledonia @HollyBlomberg Branko Marcetic defends pedofile druglord king… 20 03:52
schestowitz"Jun 20 03:52
schestowitzBranko Marcetic defends pedofile druglord kingpin Evo Morales who rapes indigenous children, sick like #Epstein.Jun 20 03:52
schestowitzStudy was conducted by Hugo Chavez economy advisor Francisco RodriguezJun 20 03:52
schestowitz"\ 20 03:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JuricMislav: @schestowitz CoolJun 20 03:52
schestowitz>  Roy:Jun 20 03:58
schestowitz> Jun 20 03:58
schestowitz>     This one is quite new:Jun 20 03:58
schestowitz>     ttps:// 20 03:58
schestowitz>     <>Jun 20 03:58
schestowitz> Jun 20 03:58
schestowitz> Jun 20 03:59
schestowitz> Not quite what I'm looking for, but the article does give me someJun 20 03:59
-TechrightsBN/ | Getting Into Open Source Contribution | Built InJun 20 03:59
schestowitz> interesting information. Thanks.Jun 20 03:59
schestowitz> There is a public consultation by the German Government on their new UPCJun 20 04:01
schestowitz> Bill.Jun 20 04:01
schestowitz> Relevant links are included in a recent post on Ingve's website:Jun 20 04:01
schestowitz> 20 04:01
schestowitz> Jun 20 04:01
-TechrightsBN/ | Dr. Ingve Björn Stjerna, LL.M. | Status of the UPCA ratification proceedings in Germany (12/12/2016, latest update on 17/06/2020)Jun 20 04:01
schestowitz> Hope you are well.Jun 20 04:01
*hook54321 (sid149355@gateway/web/ has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 04:02
schestowitz 20 04:07
schestowitz"Again, comparing total deaths is not an accurate measure it is just your confirmation bias showing. Cover that shit up please, it's disgusting"Jun 20 04:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Thanks largely to #bolsonaro and #trump America continues... | MindsJun 20 04:07
schestowitz 20 04:07
-TechrightsBN/ | People who oppose censorship of rather innocuous words ar... | MindsJun 20 04:07
schestowitz"Me neither - and I disagree with you on a lot of things"Jun 20 04:07
schestowitz 20 04:07
schestowitz"A game as crappy as red dead, doesn't matter what it runs best on, it's best not to run it at all."Jun 20 04:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Games: Red Dead Redemption 2 Better on GNU/Linux Than Win... | MindsJun 20 04:07
schestowitz 20 04:08
schestowitz"Bodies will continue to pile up in Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, etc. but let's cheer BLM on, they manged to destroy the property and lives of hard working business owners. Such impressive activism.'Jun 20 04:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Reaction in a Time of Protest: Black Lives Matter and Its... | MindsJun 20 04:08
schestowitz" 20 04:08
schestowitz"Just use #fff , super fast and easy to configure"Jun 20 04:08
-TechrightsBN/ | broot is a command-line file manager for Windows, Linux a... | MindsJun 20 04:08
schestowitz 20 04:08
schestowitz"haters going to hate."Jun 20 04:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump Hammers Cuba While Cuba Cures the Sick Worldwide | MindsJun 20 04:08
schestowitz 20 04:09
schestowitz"Exactly what I have been saying this whole time."Jun 20 04:09
-TechrightsBN/ | When officials tell us that when/if we stop shopping the ... | MindsJun 20 04:09
schestowitz 20 04:09
schestowitz" pray all this ends soon"Jun 20 04:09
*hook54321 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)Jun 20 04:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Police Departments Are Parasites on the Public Purse | MindsJun 20 04:09
schestowitz 20 04:09
schestowitz"Teams want him now"Jun 20 04:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Bringing America to the Knee - | MindsJun 20 04:10
schestowitz 20 04:10
schestowitz"nice"Jun 20 04:10
-TechrightsBN/ | "We ship microcode update for your defective CPU" ~= "we ... | MindsJun 20 04:10
schestowitz 20 04:10
schestowitz"Working on something to fix this:"Jun 20 04:10
-TechrightsBN/ | Zenkit ToDo - A Simple Task Management for You and Your Team | MindsJun 20 04:11
-TechrightsBN/ | GitHub - lybekk/offPIM: Decentralized, Offline-first, Personal Information Manager (PIM) using PouchDB/CouchDBJun 20 04:11
*hook54321 (sid149355@gateway/web/ has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 04:11
schestowitz 20 04:11
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzSurvived? IT WAS A HOAX !!!Jun 20 04:11
-TechrightsBN/ | How America’s Hospitals Survived the First Wave of the Co... | MindsJun 20 04:11
schestowitzThe lockdown crowd destroyed the lives of more than a hundred million to satisfy the hunches of a tiny handful of politicians and technocrats.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new estimates suggesting that the real fatality rate is around 0.26 percent.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzThe agency also gave a best estimate that 35 percent of people infected never develop symptoms.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzThose numbers when put together would produce an infection fatality rate of 0.26, which is lower than many of the estimates produced by scientists and modelers to date.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzProponents of destroying human rights and the rule of law in order to carry out lockdowns will continue to insist that "we didn't know" what the fatality rate was back in March. The lack of evidence, however, didn't stop proponents of lockdowns from implementing policies that destroyed the ability of families to earn a living, and which also created social conditions that caused child abuse and suicides to spike.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzSo the lockdown crowd destroyed the lives of millions in the developed world—and more than a hundred million in the developing world—to satisfy the hunches of a tiny handful of politicians and technocrats.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitz #Lockdown #CDCJun 20 04:11
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:11
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:11
schestowitzDr. Anthony Fauci now says that a second wave of COVID-19 may not even happen and that wearing a mask is largely symbolic at this point.Jun 20 04:11
schestowitz #Lockdown #CDC #HOAXJun 20 04:11
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:11
-TechrightsBN/ | Fauci changes tune, now says second COVID-19 wave may nev... | MindsJun 20 04:11
schestowitz 20 04:11
schestowitz"Yet, officials continue to be caught counting things that are not even Covid related. The insanity continues! Leftist politicians put Covid patients in old-folks homes -- land of the most vulnerable, proving that this is a new level of insanity being forced on us by some psychopaths with lots of power. Who in their right mind would put covid patients in facilities of senior citizens?"Jun 20 04:11
-TechrightsBN/ | Over 6,500 #covid19 deaths reported/counted yesterday. Th... | MindsJun 20 04:12
schestowitz 20 04:12
schestowitz 20 04:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Pence Falsely Claims COVID Rates in Oklahoma Are Declinin... | MindsJun 20 04:12
schestowitz 20 04:12
schestowitz"Lol, slow news day at CNN."Jun 20 04:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Woman captured on video harassing Filipino American woman... | MindsJun 20 04:12
schestowitz"Entitled woman claims she was harrassed by old woman after refusing to let her use the stairs"Jun 20 04:13
schestowitz 20 04:13
schestowitz"No fires, no looting, no rock throwing. Why not do an experiment and go to the next BLM demonstration and do some of the above - bet you'd see some tear gas and rubber bullets real quick"Jun 20 04:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Watch again: Black Lives Matter demo and counter protest ... | MindsJun 20 04:13
schestowitz 20 04:13
-TechrightsBN/ | People who are STILL in denial about #github being an ATT... | MindsJun 20 04:13
schestowitz"I didn't know about this, Microsoft is buying github? Scary"Jun 20 04:13
schestowitz"So if FOSS code base is not kept on github what alternatives exist?"Jun 20 04:13
schestowitzSelf-hosted is one optionJun 20 04:14
schestowitz 20 04:14
schestowitz"LOL. All the commies."Jun 20 04:14
-TechrightsBN/ | 35 Members of Congress sign letter asking federal agencie... | MindsJun 20 04:14
schestowitz 20 04:15
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:15
schestowitz"A former futures and options trader, Wales openly preached the gospel of “Objectivism,” Rand’s ultra-capitalist ideology that sees government and society itself as the root of all evil, heralding individual capitalists as gods."Jun 20 04:15
schestowitzAnd they wonder why they have been blacklisted. Rand never heralded "individual capitalists" as "gods" - Rand merely champions the rights of individuals over collectivism. Further, Wales has never been 'conservative' by any stripe - he's blacklisted way more conservative news sources than left-leaning ones. But by all means, please keep making more conservatives out of people - Soon there won't be anyone left except "conservatives" Jun 20 04:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Meet Wikipedia's Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Fo... | MindsJun 20 04:15
schestowitzand the crazies who read "news" from outlets like "thegrayzone" and "counterpunch"Jun 20 04:15
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:15
schestowitz 20 04:15
schestowitz"Idiots. "Policing has racist roots" - SMH. Policing has been going on as long as there have been people and co-operative society.,"Jun 20 04:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Globally Uprooting a Racist Past | MindsJun 20 04:15
schestowitz 20 04:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Protests threat to Churchill statue shameful - PM | MindsJun 20 04:15
schestowitz'exactly"Jun 20 04:15
schestowitz 20 04:16
schestowitz"I love Diamond's work. Smart man. But part of preparation is getting the right context and direction. Take climate, for instance. Some psychopaths are pushing programs to cool the planet in an ongoing Ice Age. If you look at history, you'll see that cooling creates famines and societal collapses."Jun 20 04:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Jared Diamond and Nathan Wolfe on the value of preparation | MindsJun 20 04:16
schestowitz 20 04:16
schestowitz"FUCK TWITTER LAND ....... IT SUCKX MONKEY DICK"Jun 20 04:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Twitter Is Calling You Out for Sharing Articles You Haven... | MindsJun 20 04:16
schestowitz 20 04:16
schestowitz"Lol, suddenly you care about censorship when Trump isn't on the receiving endJun 20 04:17
-TechrightsBN/ | Upper East Side Mom Group Implodes Over Accusations of Ra... | MindsJun 20 04:17
schestowitzMenacing, violent threats and incitation != free speechJun 20 04:17
schestowitz 20 04:17
schestowitz"This has literally been happening for years to conservative journalists and news outlets on Wikipedia. Democratized editing is flawed - instead of having multiple sources with differing opinions you get one politically motivated one. Suddenly you care when the left wing crazies get blacklisted."Jun 20 04:17
-TechrightsBN/ | Wikipedia formally censors The Grayzone as regime-change ... | MindsJun 20 04:17
schestowitz 20 04:18
schestowitz"Fuck the general"Jun 20 04:18
-TechrightsBN/ | Top general apologizes for appearing in photo-op with Tru... | MindsJun 20 04:18
schestowitz 20 04:18
schestowitz"Yeah, no."Jun 20 04:18
-TechrightsBN/ | Defund the Police, Defund the Military - | MindsJun 20 04:18
schestowitz 20 04:18
-TechrightsBN/ | How We Can Start Dismantling Systemic Racism | MindsJun 20 04:18
schestowitz"I love America, it gives me the absolute right to hate anyone, any color, any religion, any creed, too fat, too skinny, ugly, stupid or I just don't like them period. I can do it and you have no right nor grounds to stop me. I can hire who I want when I want for my business. I can move to a neighborhood where I feel safe from the crime that some ethnic groups surround themselves with and force onto me. Ain't it great to be AmericanJun 20 04:18
schestowitzwhere I can love or hate whomever I please...I just can't do harm in an unlawful way but the minority can as they please as they are a protected species."Jun 20 04:18
schestowitz 20 04:19
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:19
schestowitzVerifiedJun 20 04:19
schestowitzTWITTER CAN GO FUCK IT`S SELFJun 20 04:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Twitter Will Prompt Some Users to Read Before Retweeting | MindsJun 20 04:19
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:19
schestowitz 20 04:19
schestowitz"I understand what the article is trying to say, but I wouldn’t blame the whole of America, blame the English for taking over. The founding fathers understood what they were doing."Jun 20 04:19
-TechrightsBN/ | United States: An Obituary | MindsJun 20 04:19
schestowitz\Jun 20 04:20
schestowitz"I mean China “beat” coronachan with their death toll staying at 3,000 for about 3 months. Seems like every place is fluffing the numbers, even some states in America. It’s really despicable"Jun 20 04:20
-TechrightsBN/ | #brazil now ~300 deaths short of #uk #covid19 deaths, as ... | MindsJun 20 04:20
schestowitz 20 04:20
-TechrightsBN/ | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ( | MindsJun 20 04:20
schestowitz"Your pics are always leaning lol, joking...."Jun 20 04:20
schestowitz 20 04:21
schestowitz"Why stick by your guy , you have this the entire time don't quit."Jun 20 04:21
-TechrightsBN/ | GOP senators duck and cover from Trump's conspiracy tweet | MindsJun 20 04:21
schestowitz 20 04:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Immigration Agents Target People at Police Brutality Prot... | MindsJun 20 04:21
schestowitz 20 04:21
schestowitz 20 04:21
schestowitz"It's all about the money thats why. #peoplebeforeprofit"Jun 20 04:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Rare Admission That Some Vaccine Patents Are Simply Bogus | MindsJun 20 04:21
schestowitz 20 04:22
schestowitz"Do you really think it will stick? Or just business as usual ? #realchange ?"Jun 20 04:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Police Departments Are Using Social Media to Remake Their... | MindsJun 20 04:22
schestowitz 20 04:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Python Scripting for the Ethical Hacker Part II | MindsJun 20 04:22
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:22
schestowitzumm I guess if you don't know how to call out hello, world in a .py script ?Jun 20 04:22
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyJun 20 04:22
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:22
schestowitzlevelHeadedJun 20 04:22
schestowitz1. First `python3 -m venv my_project_folder`Jun 20 04:22
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyJun 20 04:22
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:23
schestowitzlevelHeadedJun 20 04:23
schestowitz2. `use an editor like vim or nano or hell emacs`Jun 20 04:23
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyJun 20 04:23
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:23
schestowitzlevelHeadedJun 20 04:23
schestowitz3. Learn sockets and network programming, lots of resources out there. What separates the "hackers" from the "skiddies" is programming knowledge how to use it.Jun 20 04:23
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:23
schestowitz 20 04:23
schestowitz"This Globalist Communist take over will be put down No Matter What."Jun 20 04:23
-TechrightsBN/ | The Revolution Will Not Be Co-Opted | MindsJun 20 04:23
schestowitz 20 04:23
schestowitz"Yeah this is crazy news , I need to get into this further. Its not hard to believe that #asymptomatic people wouldn't have it. Reason is because unless you are actually shedding the virus i.e. a fever , then the virus doesn't spread."Jun 20 04:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Did the WHO just say that asymptomatic people with COVID-... | MindsJun 20 04:23
schestowitz 20 04:24
schestowitz"Man its like the "fucking mafia" all over again with union pensions."Jun 20 04:24
-TechrightsBN/ | New Labor Department Guidance Allows Risky Private Equity... | MindsJun 20 04:24
schestowitz 20 04:24
schestowitz"The thing is, "proof" means "I think this is right" to some people, and it has been that way since before the 1960s"Jun 20 04:24
-TechrightsBN/ | 1960s "conspiracy theory": claim without proof 2001: any... | MindsJun 20 04:24
schestowitz 20 04:25
schestowitz"Is it the thing you are thinking is wrong tho?"Jun 20 04:25
-TechrightsBN/ | You know something in the debate went terribly wrong when... | MindsJun 20 04:25
schestowitz 20 04:25
schestowitz"The moment someone used the word "whiteness" in a sentence you know they aren't telling the truth. "Whiteness" is used to either blame white people for things they did not do, or to ignore the experiences and statements of POCs when they don't agree with the person using the term "whiteness""Jun 20 04:25
-TechrightsBN/ | Police Violence in Minneapolis Affirms Why Cops Have No P... | MindsJun 20 04:25
schestowitz 20 04:25
schestowitz"Holy shit its almost the exact same thing #IBM did during the #WWII what the fuck. Remember the UPC tattoos on the jews , yeah IBM helped catalog people using barcodes , #WTF."Jun 20 04:25
schestowitzIBM never really changedJun 20 04:26
-TechrightsBN/ | IBM won’t develop facial recognition tech for mass survei... | MindsJun 20 04:26
schestowitz 20 04:26
schestowitz"Ha ha thats awesome , maybe when I'm 80 I will finally have some time to create a game using #blender and #gamengine"Jun 20 04:26
-TechrightsBN/ | FOSS game engine GDevelop gets a sweet new dark theme | MindsJun 20 04:26
schestowitz 20 04:27
schestowitz"I can't stand WSL , its a POS, I had to set it up on all my employees bullshit windows computers. Its memory usage is garbage, take forever to query something."Jun 20 04:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Argh… #zdnet again. Writing an article that appeals ONLY ... | MindsJun 20 04:27
schestowitzSo it makes gnu/linux feel and look badJun 20 04:27
schestowitz 20 04:27
schestowitz"I believe that , doesn't matter which side , the only difference is "SHOW ME THE MONEY"."Jun 20 04:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Top Recipients of Police Money Include Trump and Leading ... | MindsJun 20 04:27
schestowitz 20 04:28
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:28
schestowitzUnfortunately these people can hardly be accused of "misusing" feminism considering that modern feminists have been attacking open source communities as misogynistic for almost a decade now. See "contributor covenant" and Randi Harper a.k.a. "FreeBSD girl" and any feminist open source organization.Jun 20 04:28
schestowitzmore_vertJun 20 04:28
-TechrightsBN/ | They Tell Us #LinusTorvalds is Sexist But Evidence Sugg... | MindsJun 20 04:28
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyJun 20 04:28
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:28
schestowitzEthergeistJun 20 04:28
schestowitzMuch as I agree with your stance on Torvalds and Stallman, you are about 6 years late on this issue - it started in the background of GamerGate and has continued since thenJun 20 04:28
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreply3 RepliesJun 20 04:28
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:28
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jun 20 04:28
schestowitzI did not say this was new, I've spoken about this for over a decadeJun 20 04:28
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyJun 20 04:28
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:28
schestowitzEthergeistJun 20 04:28
schestowitzMy bad - based on your political leanings, I took you for someone who would have criticized GamerGate and the objections the movement had about feminism being used to ruin gaming and techJun 20 04:28
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyJun 20 04:28
schestowitz1w agoJun 20 04:28
schestowitzEthergeistJun 20 04:28
schestowitzMost left leaning people disagreed that anything at all was being done to tech communitiesJun 20 04:28
schestowitz"Jun 20 04:28
schestowitz 20 04:29
-TechrightsBN/ | GitHub is Not Open Source and It's a Monopoly (Microsoft's) | MindsJun 20 04:29
schestowitz"As soon as Micro$oft took over GitHub I pulled my code and left for another service."Jun 20 04:29
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 05:07
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schestowitzHi Gavin,Jun 20 08:03
schestowitzAre you able to deliver the chair as promised and take back the one you gave me from the display area? I work from home, so any time would do.Jun 20 08:03
schestowitzRegards,Jun 20 08:03
schestowitz> *Having second thoughts. What we have is simple, elegant and aboveJun 20 08:04
schestowitz> anyone’s criticism. so I want to back off. Just  let’s stay with a winner.*Jun 20 08:04
schestowitzI reckon your blog will reach its 20th birthday.Jun 20 08:04
schestowitzPeople nowadays go back to blogging.Jun 20 08:04
schestowitzSocial media is failing everyone.Jun 20 08:04
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schestowitzcticles about ICT or ICT policy specifJun 20 13:28
schestowitzx 20 13:28
schestowitz# spamJun 20 13:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft's strong earnings give stock market bulls more ammo - AxiosJun 20 13:28
schestowitz=Jun 20 13:29
schestowitzx 20 13:29
schestowitz=Jun 20 13:29
schestowitzx 20 13:29
-TechrightsBN/ | Complete guide to MS Office format filesJun 20 13:29
-TechrightsBN/ | Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Jun 20 13:30
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 14:16
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schestowitz 20 15:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@samvittighed: @schestowitz I never expect you to post that without telling us how much of it runs with free drivers.Jun 20 15:50
schestowitz 20 15:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@kayesem: Seattle Police Deparrment Delivers First Instalment of 2,851-Page Police Report About Paedophilia Arrests Connected… 20 15:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@kayesem: Seattle Police Deparrment Delivers First Instalment of 2,851-Page Police Report About Paedophilia Arrests Connected… 20 15:52
schestowitz"Seattle Police Deparrment Delivers First Instalment of 2,851-Page Police Report About Paedophilia Arrests Connected to Bill Gates"Jun 20 15:52
schestowitz 20 15:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@firusvg: "Emacs is a great operating system, lacking only a decent editor." #q 20 15:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: I'm Replacing All Of My Programs...With #Emacs 20 15:52
MinceRwell, there's evil-modeJun 20 16:03
MinceRalso, don't you love having to click on "Try again" 6 times to make twitter load a single tweet?Jun 20 16:03
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 20 16:14
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schestowitz> Thank you for listening.Jun 20 17:44
schestowitzI am reviewing your message and will report/get back to you shortly.Jun 20 17:44
schestowitz> Speculating on a 20th birthday as a blogger...I never have thoughts about when life will end, I just keep living it. However, in order to celebrate that day, I would need another 5 years tacked on to my 91 and while not impossible it is a bit unlikely. Meanwhile, I carry on with a quote in mind from a famous N.Y. Yankee baseball player, Yogi Berra, known for his humorous comments,  he said...”It ain’t over till it’s over.”Jun 20 17:47
schestowitzI think you can make it to 100. I met you last in 2006 and weak sense of hearing was the only real difficulty you had back then.Jun 20 17:47
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