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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, September 26, 2020

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schestowitz>> Excellent! Thank you so much.Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz>>Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz>> Hopefully we too will have an RMS interview some time soon.Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz>>Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz> No problem.Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz> Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz> I hope RMS sees the coming years in good standing once again and alsoSep 26 02:12
schestowitz> that the time is used for building up a strong legacy.  As much as weSep 26 02:12
schestowitz> want him to be around, the baton must get passed along some day andSep 26 02:12
schestowitz> better for it to happen in such a way that he can be around to mentorSep 26 02:12
schestowitz> and guide while also working on important things.  In the North CalotteSep 26 02:12
schestowitz> shamans looked seriously for and trained a successor around age 50, evenSep 26 02:12
schestowitz> if they might be around for decades more.  He's past 50.Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz> Sep 26 02:12
schestowitz 26 05:42
-TechrightsBN/ | Jordan Peterson - WikipediaSep 26 05:42
schestowitz"In 2016, Peterson released a series of YouTube videos criticizing the Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (Bill C-16), passed by the Parliament of Canada to introduce "gender identity and expression" as a prohibited grounds of discrimination.[a] He argued that the bill would make the use of certain gender pronouns into compelled speech, and related this argument to a general critique of political Sep 26 05:42
schestowitzcorrectness and identity politics. He subsequently received significant media coverage, attracting both support and criticism. "Sep 26 05:42
schestowitz"In January 2017, using funds received on Patreon after he became embroiled in the Bill C-16 controversy in September 2016, Peterson hired a production team to film his psychology lectures at the University of Toronto. His funding through the crowdfunding website has increased significantly, from $1,000 per month in August 2016 to $14,000 by January 2017; more than $50,000 by July 2017; and over $80,000 by May 2018.[8][22][48][49] Sep 26 05:43
schestowitzIn December 2018, Peterson decided to delete his Patreon account after the platform's banning of political personalities who Patreon said violated their rules on hate speech.[50][51] Following this, Peterson and Dave Rubin announced the creation of a new, free speech-oriented social networking and crowdfunding platform.[52] This alternative had a limited release under the name Thinkspot later in 2019, and remained in beta testing asSep 26 05:43
schestowitzof December 2019.[53] "Sep 26 05:43
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 26 06:10
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 06:10
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 26 06:10
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 06:10
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzSep 26 06:10
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 26 10:19
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schestowitzx 26 12:10
-TechrightsBN/ | So Wait, What Exactly IS the Dark Web? | SecurityWeek.ComSep 26 12:10
schestowitzx 26 12:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Goldwater RuleSep 26 12:16
schestowitz 26 12:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MalliardReport: @schestowitz Jim features Priyanka Komala; podcast host, keynote speaker, and STEM advocate to discuss what it look… 26 12:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MalliardReport: @schestowitz Jim features Priyanka Komala; podcast host, keynote speaker, and STEM advocate to discuss what it look… 26 12:23
schestowitz"Jim features Priyanka Komala; podcast host, keynote speaker, and STEM advocate to discuss what it looks like to be a woman in the STEM field."Sep 26 12:23
schestowitz 26 12:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ifpaty: @schestowitz capitalist influence from childhoodSep 26 12:26
schestowitz 26 12:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarchyArchie: @ZDNet @schestowitz #Windoze #MicrosnotSep 26 12:27
schestowitz 26 12:30
-TechrightsBN/ | View of Arab diaspora online media in Sweden | First MondaySep 26 12:30
schestowitz> Eddie Izzard does a great bit about America in WWII.Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> "Where the F have you guys been?"Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> "Having breakfast!"Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> I thought it would be good to start listing not just the PotentialSep 26 12:40
schestowitz> issues that the FSF seems... "unfazed" by, but the actual present issuesSep 26 12:40
schestowitz> they don't seem all that bothered about.Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> I would be happy-- no, THRILLED, to remove any you think the FSF isSep 26 12:40
schestowitz> really taking seriously and keeping people informed about.Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Here are some that America might have considered, earlier on:Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz>  1. Hitler (I mean TIME says he's okay, but people won't talk about thatSep 26 12:40
schestowitz>     much later when they own CNN...)Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> 2. All those nice people dying in Europe (What have they done for usSep 26 12:40
schestowitz> lately?)Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> 3. MACRO-aggressions!Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> 4. Economic (and political) opportunities for rebuilding...Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> WAIT, WHAT did you say?!Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> Sep 26 12:40
schestowitz> "My Fellow Americans... for too long, we have stayed on the sidelines..."Sep 26 12:40
schestowitzIs there a video for this? If you do an article, we can prepare a video to go with it, or portion of a skit. To make a point. As WebM.Sep 26 12:40
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 26 12:58
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*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 13:05
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*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 16:14
schestowitz>>> I began promoting stuff not on GitHug some time ago.  I'm pushing MLSep 26 16:29
schestowitz>>> right now.  The language has a long and "Free" Heritage.  It is powerfulSep 26 16:29
schestowitz>>> interactively and can be compiled to binary.  It's not quite a "systems"Sep 26 16:29
schestowitz>>> language, but close to it.Sep 26 16:29
schestowitz>> I did ML when I was about 15 and then again in university.Sep 26 16:30
schestowitz> I'm kind of surprised it has had such a low profile.  Probably because it was not "Made in USA"Sep 26 16:30
schestowitz 26 17:03
-TechrightsBN/ | [python-committers] Transfer of powerSep 26 17:03
schestowitzNow that PEP 572 is done, I don't ever want to have to fight so hard for aSep 26 17:03
schestowitzPEP and find that so many people despise my decisions.Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzI would like to remove myself entirely from the decision process. I'llSep 26 17:03
schestowitzstill be there for a while as an ordinary core dev, and I'll still beSep 26 17:03
schestowitzavailable to mentor people -- possibly more available. But I'm basicallySep 26 17:03
schestowitzgiving myself a permanent vacation from being BDFL, and you all will be onSep 26 17:03
schestowitzyour own.Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzAfter all that's eventually going to happen regardless -- there's stillSep 26 17:03
schestowitzthat bus lurking around the corner, and I'm not getting younger... (I'llSep 26 17:03
schestowitzspare you the list of medical issues.)Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzI am not going to appoint a successor.Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzSo what are you all going to do? Create a democracy? Anarchy? ASep 26 17:03
schestowitzdictatorship? A federation?Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzI'm not worried about the day to day decisions in the issue tracker or onSep 26 17:03
schestowitzGitHub. Very rarely I get asked for an opinion, and usually it's notSep 26 17:03
schestowitzactually important. So this can just be dealt with as it has always been.Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzThe decisions that most matter are probablySep 26 17:03
schestowitz- How are PEPs decidedSep 26 17:03
schestowitz- How are new core devs inductedSep 26 17:03
schestowitzWe may be able to write up processes for these things as PEPs (maybe thoseSep 26 17:03
schestowitzPEPs will form a kind of constitution). But here's the catch. I'm going toSep 26 17:03
schestowitztry and let you all (the current committers) figure it out for yourselves.Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzNote that there's still the CoC -- if you don't like that document yourSep 26 17:03
schestowitzonly option might be to leave this group voluntarily. Perhaps there areSep 26 17:03
schestowitzissues to decide like when should someone be kicked out (this could beSep 26 17:03
schestowitzbanning people from python-dev or python-ideas too, since those are alsoSep 26 17:03
schestowitzcovered by the CoC).Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzFinally. A reminder that the archives of this list are public (Sep 26 17:03
schestowitz although membershipSep 26 17:03
-TechrightsBN/ | The python-committers ArchivesSep 26 17:03
schestowitzis closed (limited to core devs).Sep 26 17:03
schestowitzI'll still be here, but I'm trying to let you all figure something out forSep 26 17:03
schestowitzyourselves. I'm tired, and need a very long break.Sep 26 17:03
schestowitz"Sep 26 17:03
schestowitz>> 26 17:36
-TechrightsBN/ | The Thompson and Ritchie Story - YouTubeSep 26 17:36
schestowitz>>Sep 26 17:36
schestowitz> It's not that profound in and of itself.  Does the NIHF have its own,Sep 26 17:36
schestowitz> non-Youtube copy?Sep 26 17:36
schestowitzI did not check.Sep 26 17:36
schestowitzLet's forget about it then.Sep 26 17:36
schestowitzI think there's little point to it.Sep 26 17:36

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