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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Wednesday, September 30, 2020

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schestowitzthe posting shell script for kate is still a moving targetSep 30 01:02
schestowitzI recently made some improvements to it. Do not edit. No need :-)Sep 30 01:02
schestowitzThe layout looks like this...Sep 30 01:02
schestowitz 30 01:07
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #TeenVogue #Health ☞ Students Are Sharing Photos of Crowds, Lack of Masks as Schools Reopen Sep 30 01:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Students Are Sharing Photos of Crowds, Lack of Masks as Schools Reopen | Teen VogueSep 30 01:07
schestowitz"No student journalism allowed."Sep 30 01:07
schestowitzThey cannot be fired. No leverage.Sep 30 01:07
schestowitz 30 01:08
-TechrightsBN/ [Meme] #GitHub is Not About Sharing But About Giving... Everything to #Microsoft #deletegithub #linuxfoundation #git Sep 30 01:08
schestowitz"What’s this ??"Sep 30 01:08
schestowitzIt is what it isSep 30 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Meme] GitHub is Not About Sharing But About Giving… Everything to Microsoft | TechrightsSep 30 01:08
schestowitz 30 01:08
-TechrightsBN/ #Telegram Messenger Introduces 2GB File Sharing, Mini Thumbnails, and Auto-Night Mode #freesw Sep 30 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Telegram Messenger Introduces 2GB File Sharing, Mini Thumbnails, and Auto-Night Mode | Tux MachinesSep 30 01:08
schestowitz"I’m very skeptical regarding Telegram."Sep 30 01:08
schestowitzRightly so. Many thing that it defends privacy. This is wrong.Sep 30 01:09
schestowitzx 30 03:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft makes big play for healthcare cloud business in competition with Google, Amazon | FierceHealthcareSep 30 03:03
*oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 30 03:14
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*rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 30 04:32
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*asusbox has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 30 07:17
*asusbox ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 30 07:17
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 30 11:07
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellSep 30 11:07
*asusbox has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 30 12:00
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schestowitzx\Sep 30 14:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @\ )Sep 30 14:12
schestowitzx 30 14:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare Will Be Generally Available Oct. 30Sep 30 14:12
MinceRfinally, Microsoft Cloud For Distributing My Sensitive Medical Data To Everyone will be available!Sep 30 15:18
MinceR"what's HIPAA?"Sep 30 15:18
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Sep 30 20:18
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Sep 30 20:19
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*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 30 21:09
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schestowitz 30 21:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RobertmBrooks1: #FreeRealityWinner 30 21:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: old: #realitywinner 30 21:47
schestowitz 30 21:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@arnedag: Ikke spesielt performant, men interessant med entry-level RISC-V. 30 21:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #PicoRio dev board PC with a RISC-V chip will be a low-cost, open source Raspberry Pi alternative #RISCV #RIOSlabSep 30 21:47
schestowitz 30 21:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rosammat: @AOC @ewarren @BernieSanders @JoeBiden @algore 30 21:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #Counterpunch #pandemic #coronavirus ☞ Trump's Plan to Frack #ChacoCanyon 30 21:48
schestowitz 30 21:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GladysJ75610370: @schestowitz Reality Winner is exactly where she belongs: 30 21:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GladysJ75610370: @schestowitz Reality Winner is exactly where she belongs: 30 21:48
schestowitz 30 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jmcest: "The number of folks still paying for traditional cable has now dropped 22.8% from pay TV's peak back in 2014. But… 30 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jmcest: "The number of folks still paying for traditional cable has now dropped 22.8% from pay TV's peak back in 2014. But… 30 21:49
schestowitz""The number of folks still paying for traditional cable has now dropped 22.8% from pay TV's peak back in 2014. But by the end of 2024, analysts expect that fewer than half of US homes will subscribe to a traditional pay TV service.""Sep 30 21:49
schestowitz 30 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MoreSocialism: My mom and I both use GNU/Linux. Is there any way I can remotely go into her computer and do tech support for her?… 30 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MoreSocialism: My mom and I both use GNU/Linux. Is there any way I can remotely go into her computer and do tech support for her?… 30 21:49
schestowitz"Sep 30 21:49
schestowitzMy mom and I both use GNU/Linux. Is there any way I can remotely go into her computer and do tech support for her? Hopefully with open source software. Also it has to be easy for her after any initial setup.Sep 30 21:49
schestowitz@omgubuntuSep 30 21:49
schestowitz@schestowitzSep 30 21:49
schestowitz@Linux4EveryoneSep 30 21:49
schestowitz Sep 30 21:49
schestowitz@abhishek_fossSep 30 21:50
schestowitz@tecmintSep 30 21:50
schestowitz"Sep 30 21:50
schestowitz 30 21:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Toolzification: @schestowitz There's an abbreviation for that #macrocrapSep 30 21:50
schestowitzRe: Hard to understandSep 30 22:19
schestowitz(from RMS)Sep 30 22:19
schestowitzRichard Stallman wrote:Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> I am trying to understand your articleSep 30 22:45
schestowitz> 30 22:45
schestowitz> I want to understand it so I can think about the situation.Sep 30 22:45
-TechrightsBN/ | OSI President: Most or Half of the OSI’s Money (Even Individual Donors’ Money) Goes to a Microsoft-Led Initiative | TechrightsSep 30 22:45
schestowitz> It could be something I should denounce.Sep 30 22:45
schestowitzOne person, and one whom you spoke to earlier this month, told me the same thing last week (over IRC). He said that this article could use more background, which I then provided. I am aware that some articles lack sufficient background, which would in turn necessitate a lot more writing and I typically link (cross-referencing where possible) to avoid repetition. Pardon the insufficiency of background; I will add the missing bits Sep 30 22:45
schestowitzbelow, in-line. I will try to refrain from posting many/any links as I know you'd then need to fetch each in turn from a server. I will attempt to be 100% factual and punctual. Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> But I can't understand most of it, because it is writtenSep 30 22:45
schestowitz> enigmatically.  It assumes the reader knows a lot of background --Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> that I don't know.Sep 30 22:45
schestowitzThis is correct. The target audience is people who follow the site over RSS, so it's an ongoing story. Wiki pages tie together themes and topics.Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> I could ask someone else to try to find the answers for me,Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> but someone else would have to work to find the answers.Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> Would you be so kind as to tell me the answers to these points?Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> What is ClearlyDefined?Sep 30 22:45
schestowitzClearlyDefined is itself a bit enigmatic and it's not easy to find the complete chain of ownership using whois. ClearlyDefined helps track licensing information of code and projects.Sep 30 22:45
schestowitz> Is it a program, or a service?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzI believe it is both.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Wnat are the criticisms against it?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzClearlyDefined is closely controlled by Microsoft, it's biased towards GitHub (obviously), and one might expect it to be copyleft-hostile. Like Black Duck, whose purpose was to discourage businesses from touching copyleft-licensed code...Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Who is the president of the OSI?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzMr. Josh Simmons.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Briefly, what bad things does he do outside of OSI?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzSalesforce employee. The OSI does not pay his salary. The OSI only pays the GM's salary.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    staff left a couple of months ago, only months after one OSI co-founderSep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    quit in protest and another OSI co-founder was banned from the mailingSep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    list (for confronting a threat to the OSI’s mission).Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Who are these two co-founders?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzESR and Bruce Perens.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    No wonder [29]the OSI's blogSep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    quickly became a Microsoft marketing tool.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> What are the specific facts that support that claim?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzTechrights wrote a number of articles with examples, ranging from Microsoft job ads to ClearlyDefined promotion. It's as if Microsoft requested that favourable blog posts are written in exchange for something.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    Readers must recall that this is the company whose head staff wasSep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    pushing not only to oust Stallman but everyone who supported StallmanSep 30 22:46
schestowitz>    as well (collective assassination),Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Sep 30 22:46
schestowitz> Which company is that?  What did it do?Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzSalesforce.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzI'll confess I've just wasted no less than 15 minutes trying to locate a "tweet" (I dislike Twitter) in vain, one which was "pinned" for nearly a year (top of timeline, persistently). I failed to find it as I forgot the person's name. From memory, to paraphrase, this widely circulated and controversial tweet said that not only should the FSF kick you out but also kick out (from the FSF) everyone who still supported you.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzThe person wasn't some 'low-level' employee but a very high-level person. Ironically, Salesforce was also a top sponsor of CopyleftConf, along with Google and Microsoft. Copyleft-hostile companies funded the event. The person who set up the event... is now the GM of the OSI.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzFeel free to ask for more information and even links.Sep 30 22:46
schestowitzRegards,Sep 30 22:46

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