●● IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 06, 2024 ●● ● Sep 06 [02:40] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-050924.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-050924.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-050924.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-050924.txt [02:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 05, 2024 [02:41] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-050924.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-050924.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-050924.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-050924.txt [02:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 05, 2024 [02:42] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-050924.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-050924.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-050924.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-050924.txt [02:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 05, 2024 [02:43] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-050924.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-050924.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-050924.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-050924.txt [02:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 05, 2024 [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2024-09-05.txt [02:58] TR News Techrights Welcome to the New Techrights https://techrights.org/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/ [02:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Welcome to the New Techrights [02:58] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Thursday, September 05, 2024 https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/IRC_Proceedings_Thursday_September_05_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/IRC_Proceedings_Thursday_September_05_2024.gmi [02:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights IRC Proceedings: Thursday, September 05, 2024 [02:59] TR News Techrights Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [02:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Over at Tux Machines... ● Sep 06 [03:01] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [03:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Today in Techrights [03:02] TR News "Mass Layoffs are the #1 gift to the IBM company from the CIO management ! They hire all the great workers and put them under pathetic, ruthless, egocentric and sadistic managers and then...it's transfer the jobs to India and off with everyone else's head. What a freakin' waste of good talent from the CIO leadership ? It's as sick as sending people to the death camps during WWII." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1unmJp5o [03:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1unmJp5o ) [03:05] TR News Doing the Mending gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/jebug29/log/2024-09/05-1701 [03:06] TR News Degoogling, Passwords, Misfin, Ham Radio, Haligmonath - ROOPHLOCH 2024 gemini://vigrey.com/journal/degoogling-passwords-misfin-ham-radio-haligmonath-roophloch-2024.gmi [03:07] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D1395.jpg [03:08] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D1046.jpg [03:09] TR News "Growth in the LLMs is very rapid. Training of such large models is only possible for the big corporations. The amount of energy required for such training is so huge that it can be equivalent to electricity consumption of a major city for a month." gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/AI/19415 [03:10] TR News "After putting out music under the name K LeStray for the past few years I feel like it's time to move on? I still want to make music but I don't think I like where K LeStray has been heading?" gemini://soup3461.smol.pub/sldotw [03:10] TR News [03:10] TR News trip de dip gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2143 [03:11] TR News "Today I lost count of how many rocks I dug out. I got the biggest one so far, it took me a good while and no small effort to take it out of the hole I've been digging. I am almost done with that job. Soon, I'll be able to move on to more interesting matters. Not that digging a hole isn't interesting, but it's going to be filled again and covered, so..." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2145 [03:12] TR News "Another day of being vegan :D. Today I had the opportunity to go to a cafe with lots of vegan options and try hot chocolate with oat milk, it was very yummy!" gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2144 [03:12] TR News CacaWare gemini://caleb.smol.pub/twinfire [03:13] TR News ROOPHLOCH 2024: Radios and modems and serial, oh my! gemini://nytpu.com/gemlog/2024-09-05 [03:21] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 06/09/2024: Degoogling, LLMs, and ROOPHLOCH https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Gemini_Links_06_09_2024_Degoogling_LLMs_and_ROOPHLOCH.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Gemini_Links_06_09_2024_Degoogling_LLMs_and_ROOPHLOCH.gmi [03:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Gemini Links 06/09/2024: Degoogling, LLMs, and ROOPHLOCH [03:21] TR News AP says "layoffs remain at healthy levels" https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/applications-for-us-jobless-benefits-fall-19744780.php [03:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/applications-for-us-jobless-benefits-fall-19744780.php ) [03:29] TR News GNU/Linux up to highest level in 8 years? https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/chad/#monthly-200902-202409 [03:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Desktop Operating System Market Share Chad | Statcounter Global Stats [03:31] TR News Windows down to 2.02% https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/chad/#monthly-200902-202409 [03:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Operating System Market Share Chad | Statcounter Global Stats [03:32] TR News And 22.8% in China - almost all-time low https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/china/#monthly-200902-202409 [03:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Operating System Market Share China | Statcounter Global Stats [03:35] TR News Windows takes a plunge https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/switzerland/#monthly-200902-202409 [03:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Operating System Market Share Switzerland | Statcounter Global Stats [03:42] TR News Windows already minuscule in Syria https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/syrian-arab-republic/#monthly-200902-202409 [03:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Operating System Market Share Syrian Arab Republic | Statcounter Global Stats [03:56] TR News Techrights Lots of GNU/Linux Detected in Palau and Windows Falls to New All-Time Low (14%) https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Lots_of_GNU_Linux_Detected_in_Palau_and_Windows_Falls_to_New_Al.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Lots_of_GNU_Linux_Detected_in_Palau_and_Windows_Falls_to_New_Al.gmi [03:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Lots of GNU/Linux Detected in Palau and Windows Falls to New All-Time Low (14%) ● Sep 06 [04:15] TR News Techrights Media Needs to Stop Asking If "AI" is Just Hype (It Is, It's Not a Question) https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Media_Needs_to_Stop_Asking_If_AI_is_Just_Hype_It_Is_It_s_Not_a_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Media_Needs_to_Stop_Asking_If_AI_is_Just_Hype_It_Is_It_s_Not_a_.gmi [04:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Media Needs to Stop Asking If "AI" is Just Hype (It Is, It's Not a Question) [04:30] TR News Techrights Asking Ourselves What Topics to Strategically Focus on https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Asking_Ourselves_What_Topics_to_Strategically_Focus_on.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Asking_Ourselves_What_Topics_to_Strategically_Focus_on.gmi [04:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Asking Ourselves What Topics to Strategically Focus on ● Sep 06 [05:15] TR News Techrights [Meme] Trickle-Down Ponzi Scheme https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Meme_Trickle_Down_Ponzi_Scheme.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Meme_Trickle_Down_Ponzi_Scheme.gmi [05:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Trickle-Down Ponzi Scheme [05:16] TR News Ultraprocessed food pandemic https://yewtu.be/watch?v=3i0mPrR9mWo [05:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Ultraprocessed food pandemic - Invidious [05:28] TR News Techrights Layoffs Are Healthy and Not Happening https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Layoffs_Are_Healthy_and_Not_Happening.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Layoffs_Are_Healthy_and_Not_Happening.gmi [05:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Layoffs Are Healthy and Not Happening [05:42] TR News "While at Flock to Fedora 2024, someone noted, to paraphrase a conversation from a month ago, that working with Fedoras messaging infrastructure seemed more intimidating now that its transitioned from ZeroMQ to AMQP." https://www.jcline.org/blog/fedora/amqp/2024/09/05/messaging-in-fedora.html [05:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jcline.org | Publishing messages in Fedora's infrastructure [05:44] TR News rpminspect-2.0 released https://www.burdell.org/posts/2024/Sep/05/rpminspect-20-released/ [05:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.burdell.org | rpminspect-2.0released [05:45] TR News Cockpit 324 https://cockpit-project.org//blog/cockpit-324.html [05:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-cockpit-project.org | Cockpit 324 Cockpit Project [05:47] TR News "Kemp suggests that the strength and vitality that LUGs had ultimately reflects the anger that prompted technical users to take the situation into their own hands and fix it; once the software industry was forced to change, the strongly cohesive FOSS movement diluted." https://gwolf.org/2024/09/free-and-open-source-software-and-other-market-failures.html [05:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gwolf.org | Gunnar Wolf Free and open source software and other market failures ● Sep 06 [06:11] TR News Techrights [Video] Theodore Ts'o Says How He Brought Linux to the United States (MIT) and What Makes Linux Leadership Effective https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Video_Theodore_Ts_o_Says_How_He_Brought_Linux_to_the_United_Sta.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Video_Theodore_Ts_o_Says_How_He_Brought_Linux_to_the_United_Sta.gmi [06:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Video] Theodore Ts'o Says How He Brought Linux to the United States (MIT) and What Makes Linux Leadership Effective [06:40] TR News Techrights Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board Has Election, But Google is Already Guaranteed Over 33.3% of the Seats ('Reserved' for It) https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Linux_Foundation_Technical_Advisory_Board_Has_Election_But_Goog.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Linux_Foundation_Technical_Advisory_Board_Has_Election_But_Goog.gmi [06:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board Has Election, But Google is Already Guaranteed Over 33.3% of the Seats ('Reserved' for It) ● Sep 06 [07:13] TR News Techrights Google: We Help Combat What We Are Guilty of https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Google_We_Help_Combat_What_We_Are_Guilty_of.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Google_We_Help_Combat_What_We_Are_Guilty_of.gmi [07:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Google: We Help Combat What We Are Guilty of [07:17] TR News "2565 (89.7 %) capsules are self-signed, 36 (1.3 %) use the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt, 260 (9.1 %) are signed by another CA (may be not a trusted one)." It keeps going down for LE. [07:30] TR News Techrights [Meme] Hijacking the Brands https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Meme_Hijacking_the_Brands.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Meme_Hijacking_the_Brands.gmi [07:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Hijacking the Brands ● Sep 06 [08:22] TR News "Last Epoch from Eleventh Hour Games is set for a big v1.1 update with The Imperial Uprising event arriving on September 19th. This will also bump it up to Steam Deck Verified." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/popular-arpg-last-epoch-to-get-steam-deck-verified-with-a-big-update-on-september-19/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Popular ARPG 'Last Epoch' to get Steam Deck Verified with a big update on September 19 | GamingOnLinux [08:22] TR News "Developers SciFunGames have posted an update about their upcoming metroidvania Exographer, noting how well it runs on the Steam Deck. They have no official rating from Valve yet but that's not stopping them." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/exographer-is-a-metroidvania-inspired-by-real-science-will-be-fully-steam-deck-playable/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Exographer is a metroidvania inspired by real science - will be fully Steam Deck playable | GamingOnLinux [08:22] TR News "Set during the Napoleonic Era and WW1, Holdfast: Nations At War blends together both a third and first-person shooter. And, after a bunch of upgrades, it's now Steam Deck Verified too." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/historic-multiplayer-shooter-holdfast-nations-at-war-gets-steam-deck-verified-after-updates/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Historic multiplayer shooter Holdfast: Nations At War gets Steam Deck Verified after updates | GamingOnLinux [08:23] TR News "This sounds like a nice move by Paradox to improve Europa Universalis IV. In October, four DLC packs will be bundled free with the game for all players." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/paradox-are-bundling-four-dlcs-into-europa-universalis-iv-free-for-all-players/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Paradox are bundling four DLCs into Europa Universalis IV free for all players | GamingOnLinux [08:23] TR News (NEW): Android Alternative /e/OS Announces Better Than Google Parental Controls https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Android_Alternative_e_OS_Announces_Better_Than_Google_Parental_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Android_Alternative_e_OS_Announces_Better_Than_Google_Parental_.gmi [08:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Android Alternative /e/OS Announces Better Than Google Parental Controls [08:24] TR News "Respect for LinusTechTips; he's EARNED it!" https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/respect-for-linustechtips-he's-earned:9 [08:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-odysee.com | Respect for LinusTechTips; he's EARNED it! [08:24] TR News "Sweden does not need to import questionable discipline models from the USA." https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=https://www.sydsvenskan.se/artikel/sverige-behover-inte-importera-tvivelaktiga-diciplinmodeller-fran-usa/ [08:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www-sydsvenskan-se.translate.goog | Sverige behver inte importera tvivelaktiga disciplinmodeller frn USA. Sydsvenskan [08:26] TR News "Coming with Native Linux support on September 30th is The Throne, a 2.5D styled metroidvania from BeByte." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/get-lost-in-a-huge-castle-in-the-25d-metroidvania-the-throne-on-september-30/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Get lost in a huge castle in the 2.5D metroidvania 'The Throne' on September 30 | GamingOnLinux [08:26] TR News "Pest Apocalypse continues looking great. One I highlighted before and doing so again now due to a brand new demo, bringing vehicular action to the survivor-like bullet hell genre." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/try-the-refreshed-demo-of-pest-apocalypse-a-pizza-delivery-survivor-like-bullet-heaven/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Try the refreshed demo of Pest Apocalypse a pizza-delivery survivor-like bullet heaven | GamingOnLinux [08:27] TR News (NEW): KDEs Annual report for the year 2023 is out https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/KDE_s_Annual_report_for_the_year_2023_is_out.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/KDE_s_Annual_report_for_the_year_2023_is_out.gmi [08:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines KDEs Annual report for the year 2023 is out [08:28] TR News (NEW): Goals Sprint Recap https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Goals_Sprint_Recap.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Goals_Sprint_Recap.gmi [08:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Goals Sprint Recap [08:31] TR News "Black & White from Lionhead Studios released originally back in 2001 went on to great reviews, and won various awards. Sadly, it's one game that has also been lost to time but the openblack project plans to revive it with open source." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/black-white-2001-open-source-game-engine-sees-a-first-release/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Black & White (2001) open source game engine sees a first release | GamingOnLinux [08:31] TR News "Only a few days after GE-Proton 9-12 was released, GE-Proton 9-13 is out now with a fix for World of Warcraft along with upstream code updates." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/ge-proton-9-13-released-bringing-in-a-fix-for-world-of-warcraft/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-GE-Proton 9-13 released bringing in a fix for World of Warcraft | GamingOnLinux [08:31] TR News "Larian Studios still aren't yet finished with Baldur's Gate 3 seeing a huge new update out now, with a few more patches still to come." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/baldurs-gate-3-patch-17-is-out-now-with-a-mod-manager-modding-toolkit-and-lots-more/ | Source: GamingOnLinux [08:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Baldur's Gate 3 patch 1.7 is out now with a mod manager, modding toolkit and lots more | GamingOnLinux [08:33] TR News (NEW): Best Free and Open Source Software https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.gmi [08:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Best Free and Open Source Software [08:35] TR News (NEW): Games: Baldur's Gate, GE-Proton, Pest Apocalypse, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Games_Baldur_s_Gate_GE_Proton_Pest_Apocalypse_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Games_Baldur_s_Gate_GE_Proton_Pest_Apocalypse_and_More.gmi [08:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Games: Baldur's Gate, GE-Proton, Pest Apocalypse, and More [08:35] TR News "Marines take aim at Navy for fumbled firearm photo on social media" https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2024-04-11/navy-backwards-scope-photo-13528758.html [08:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Marines take aim at Navy for fumbled firearm photo on social media | Stars and Stripes [08:35] TR News kde plasma https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&u=https://www.muylinux.com/2024/09/05/como-desactivar-el-cursor-gigante-en-kde-plasma/ [08:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www-muylinux-com.translate.goog | Cmo desactivar el cursor gigante en KDE Plasma [08:36] TR News "Judge in Trumps Jan. 6 case says it wont be delayed by upcoming presidential election" https://kansasreflector.com/2024/09/05/judge-in-trumps-jan-6-case-says-it-wont-be-delayed-by-upcoming-presidential-election/ [08:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-kansasreflector.com | Judge in Trumps Jan. 6 case says it wont be delayed by upcoming presidential election Kansas Reflector [08:37] TR News "An Article the Likes of Which Nobody Has Ever Seen" https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/09/article-likes-which-nobody-has-ever-seen/679703/ [08:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theatlantic.com | An Article the Likes of Which Nobody Has Ever Seen - The Atlantic [08:37] TR News "Take her down! WWII submarine skipper sacrificed with final order" https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/09/05/take-her-down-wwii-submarine-skipper-sacrificed-with-final-order/ [08:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.navytimes.com | Take her down! WWII submarine skipper sacrificed with final order [08:38] TR News "Trump fails in latest attempt to delay sentencing in hush money case" https://english.elpais.com/usa/elections/2024-09-04/trump-fails-in-latest-attempt-to-delay-sentencing-in-hush-money-case.html [08:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-english.elpais.com | Trump fails in latest attempt to delay sentencing in hush money case | Elections 2024 | EL PAS English [08:39] TR News Microsoft locks US consumers into screen surveillance https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&u=https://www.version2.dk/artikel/microsoft-laaser-amerikanske-forbrugere-til-skaermovervaagning http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2024/06/is-microsoft-trying-to-commit-.html [08:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www-version2-dk.translate.goog | Microsoft lser amerikanske forbrugere til skrmovervgning | Version2 [08:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.antipope.org | Is Microsoft trying to commit suicide? - Charlie's Diary [08:39] TR News Slovakian secret service to use Pegasus https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://netzpolitik.org/2024/staatstrojaner-in-der-eu-slowakischer-geheimdienst-soll-pegasus-einsetzen/ [08:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-netzpolitik-org.translate.goog | Staatstrojaner in der EU: Slowakischer Geheimdienst soll Pegasus einsetzen [08:40] TR News "The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has dealt a blow to the Internet Archive's digital book lending program." https://torrentfreak.com/internet-archive-loses-landmark-e-book-lending-copyright-appeal-against-publishers-240905/ | Source: Torrent Freak [08:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Internet Archive Loses Landmark E-Book Lending Copyright Appeal Against Publishers * TorrentFreak [08:41] TR News "They See These Price Hikes as a Good Thing" https://fair.org/home/they-see-these-price-hikes-as-a-good-thing/ | Source: FAIR [08:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-fair.org | They See These Price Hikes as a Good Thing FAIR [08:42] TR News (NEW): Kdenlive 24.08.0 released https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/02/Kdenlive_24_08_0_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/02/Kdenlive_24_08_0_released.gmi [08:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Kdenlive 24.08.0 released [08:42] TR News Guardian https://www.propublica.org/article/new-york-guardianship-services-judge-eldercare-judith-zbiegniewicz | Source: Pro Publica [08:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.propublica.org | Judge Orders Guardian to Return Thousands to Elderly Woman For Services It Never Provided ProPublica [08:42] TR News Dissenting Against Rogue Texas Prison Officials https://thedissenter.org/dissenting-against-rogue-texas-prison-officials/ | Source: The Dissenter [08:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-thedissenter.org | Dissenting Against Rogue Texas Prison Officials [08:43] TR News Incarcerated Journalist https://thedissenter.org/incarcerated-journalist-endures-campaign-retaliation-texas-prison-officials/ | Source: The Dissenter [08:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-thedissenter.org | Prison Journalist In Texas Faces Intense Retaliation [08:43] TR News "Painted Woolly Bats" https://therevelator.org/species-spotlight-painted-woolly-bats/ | Source: The Revelator [08:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-therevelator.org | Species Spotlight: Going to Bat for Painted Woolly Bats The Revelator [08:45] TR News (NEW): Upgrades to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Paused Due to Critical Bug https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Upgrades_to_Ubuntu_24_04_LTS_Paused_Due_to_Critical_Bug.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Upgrades_to_Ubuntu_24_04_LTS_Paused_Due_to_Critical_Bug.gmi [08:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Upgrades to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Paused Due to Critical Bug [08:47] TR News Climate Denier https://www.desmog.com/2024/09/05/climate-denier-john-rustad-is-now-a-major-player-in-bcs-october-election/ | Source: DeSmog [08:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Climate Denier John Rustad Is Now a Major Player in BCs October Election - 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The Scholarly Kitchen [09:04] TR News "The estate of Ric Ocasek, cofounder and songwriter of the Cars" https://variety.com/2024/music/news/cars-ric-ocasek-song-catalog-acquired-by-primary-wave-1236131102/ | Source: Variety [09:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-variety.com | Cars Frontman Ric Ocasek's Catalog Acquired by Primary Wave [09:05] TR News "The Surprisingly Big Business of Library Ebooks" https://pxlnv.com/linklog/library-ebooks-big-business/ | Source: Nick Heer [09:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pxlnv.com | The Surprisingly Big Business of Library Ebooks Pixel Envy [09:06] TR News "A company called Muvox LLC is suing BMG and technology giant IBM in a separate filing" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/04/bmg-patent-infringement-song-selection-methodology/ | Source: Digital Music News [09:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/04/bmg-patent-infringement-song-selection-methodology/ ) [09:07] TR News "I did come across the name in a patent infringement lawsuit against BMG." https://www.ajournalofmusicalthings.com/a-company-no-one-has-ever-heard-of-says-it-owns-a-patent-for-music-streaming-and-playlist-creation/ | [09:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ajournalofmusicalthings.com | A company no one has ever heard of says it owns a patent for music streaming and playlist creation | Alan Cross [09:07] TR News "The lawsuit was filed in a Texas court last month and references a patent" https://www.withguitars.com/bmg-faces-lawsuit-in-the-us-for-alleged-patent-infringement/ | [09:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-BMG faces lawsuit in the US for alleged patent infringement WithGuitars [09:07] TR News "Pharmaceutical companies claim their profits are necessary for vital medical research" https://jacobin.com/2024/09/big-pharma-global-health-patents/ | Source: Jacobin Magazine [09:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-jacobin.com | Big Pharma Is a Big Menace to Global Health [09:08] TR News "engaged in unfair commercial practices" https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/05/oasis-ticket-prices-ticketmaster-investigation/ | Source: Digital Music News [09:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/05/oasis-ticket-prices-ticketmaster-investigation/ ) [09:08] TR News "Recently, Google has limited or blocked direct connections to Google Drive through ForkLift." https://blog.binarynights.com/2024/08/30/google-drive-access-in-forklift-current-limitations-and-how-to-work-around-them/ | [09:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.binarynights.com | Google Drive Access in ForkLift: Current Limitations and How to Work Around Them [09:23] TR News "The move came after rivals, which include comparison shopping sites" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/eu-regulators-to-seek-feedback-on-googles-compliance-proposals-to-avert-charges/articleshow/113088233.cms | Source: India Times [09:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-economictimes.indiatimes.com | Google compliance proposals: EU regulators to seek feedback on Google's compliance proposals to avert charges - The Economic Times [09:24] TR News Above the law? https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/artificial-intelligence/uk-clears-microsofts-partnership-with-inflection-ai/articleshow/113097553.cms | Source: India Times | Bribes: http://techrights.org/n/2023/12/01/It_s_Cheaper_to_Pay_Bribes_and_Produce_Press_Releases_Than_to_P.shtml [09:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-economictimes.indiatimes.com | Microsoft partnership: UK clears Microsoft's partnership with Inflection AI - The Economic Times [09:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights It's Cheaper to Pay Bribes (and Produce Press Releases) Than to Pay Fines (After Lots of Negative Publicity) [09:24] TR News "India's competition regulator is looking to curb Big Tech's dominance over web search and advertising." https://www.dw.com/en/india-eyes-digital-law-to-rein-in-google-tech-giants/a-70140566 | Source: Deutsche Welle [09:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-India eyes digital law to rein in Google, tech giants DW 09/05/2024 [09:25] TR News "flagged the alleged misstatement on Wednesday in a document [PDF] filed by Apple" https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/05/apple_safari_uk_cma/ | Source: The Register UK [09:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | Apple accused of misleading UK competition watchdog The Register [09:26] TR News "The associate-level certification focuses on the basics of the IPv6 protocol" https://blog.apnic.net/2024/09/06/announcing-the-new-apnic-academy-ipv6-certification/ | Source: APNIC [09:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.apnic.net | Announcing the new APNIC Academy IPv6 certification | APNIC Blog [09:26] TR News "With a limited supply of hardware probes and thousands of networks yet to be covered" https://labs.ripe.net/author/ulka_athale_1/how-we-distribute-ripe-atlas-probes/ | Source: RIPE [09:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-labs.ripe.net | How We Distribute RIPE Atlas Probes | RIPE Labs [09:27] TR News "One of the 30 cutters present that day, a grandmother named Yassin Fatty" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/africa/gambia-female-genital-cutting.html | Source: New York Times [09:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | When Gambia Banned Female Genital Cutting, a Defiant 96-Year-Old Resisted - The New York Times [09:27] TR News "The survey found that Americans, on average, valued their time at $240 an hour or almost $500,000 annually" https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/americans-think-hour-their-time-worth-240-8-times-average-us-salary-1726723 | Source: International Business Times [09:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ibtimes.co.uk | Americans Think An Hour Of Their Time Is Worth $240 Or 8 Times The Average US Salary | IBTimes UK [09:28] TR News "But automakers quickly got to work trying to claim that this new system was a threat to consumer privacy." https://www.techdirt.com/2024/09/05/automakers-still-trying-to-weaken-maines-popular-right-to-repair-law/ | Source: Techdirt [09:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Automakers Still Trying To Weaken Maines Popular Right To Repair Law | Techdirt [09:30] TR News "The ECHR ruled on September 5 that Georgia violated Article 3" https://www.rferl.org/a/afqan-muxtarli-european-court-of-human-rights-ruling-azerbaijan-georgia-abduction/33107231.html | Source: RFERL [09:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Journalist Afqan Muxtarli Wins Lawsuit Against Georgia, Azerbaijan In Strasbourg [09:30] TR News "Meanwhile, Mahsun Kuruay, the alleged organized crime leader accused of planning to kill Arel, has denied any involvement." https://bianet.org/haber/two-detained-in-connection-with-contract-for-killing-journalist-299352 | Source: BIA Net [09:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bianet.org | Two detained in connection with contract for killing journalist [09:30] TR News "The tentative agreement means new hires at the FT in the US will now receive a minimum salary of $75,000." https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/ft-journalists-in-us-secure-pay-deal-including-75k-minimum-salary/ | Source: Press Gazette [09:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pressgazette.co.uk | FT journalists in US secure pay deal including min salary of $75k - Press Gazette [09:31] TR News "The Committee to Protect Journalists joined the 10 other members of Brazils Coalition in Defense of Journalism" https://cpj.org/2024/09/cpj-others-reject-7-year-prison-sentence-for-brazilian-journalist-over-blog/ | Source: CPJ [09:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-cpj.org | CPJ, others reject 7-year prison sentence for Brazilian journalist over blog - Committee to Protect Journalists [09:31] TR News "[b]usinesses need reliable information to make decisions" https://hongkongfp.com/2024/09/05/wsj-urges-sanctions-on-hong-kong-leaders-after-journalist-convictions-security-chief-decries-fact-twisting/ | Source: Hong Kong Free Press [09:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | WSJ urges sanctions over HK journalist convictions; gov't hits back [09:32] TR News "The sentence in absentia stems from a video about the destruction by Russian forces of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine" https://www.rferl.org/a/shpak-russia-eight-years-prison/33106981.html | Source: RFERL [09:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Russian Blogger Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison [09:32] TR News "We will ask government to block your site" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/delhi-high-court-warns-wikipedia-if-you-dont-like-india-/articleshow/113095010.cms | Source: India Times [09:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-timesofindia.indiatimes.com | Delhi High Court warns Wikipedia: If you don't like India.. - Times of India [09:33] TR News "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder" https://www.usnews.com/news/entertainment/articles/2024-09-05/salman-rushdies-memoir-of-his-attack-is-among-12-books-up-for-a-top-nonfiction-prize | Source: US News And World Report [09:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/entertainment/articles/2024-09-05/salman-rushdies-memoir-of-his-attack-is-among-12-books-up-for-a-top-nonfiction-prize ) [09:33] TR News "In Batman T Type Closed Prison" https://anfenglishmobile.com/human-rights/prisoners-sentenced-to-solitary-confinement-for-dancing-to-kurdish-songs-75138 | Source: ANF News [09:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-anfenglishmobile.com | ANF | Prisoners sentenced to solitary confinement for dancing to Kurdish songs ● Sep 06 [11:48] TR News "Why it matters: Three of America's most potent adversaries Russia, China and Iran make the list" https://www.axios.com/2024/09/04/election-disinformation-russia-china-iran | Source: Axios [11:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2024/09/04/election-disinformation-russia-china-iran ) [11:48] TR News "Whats really going on here is that the Russians have identified two major weaknesses in their American adversaries." https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/09/the-russian-propaganda-attack-on-america/679720/ | Source: The Atlantic [11:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theatlantic.com | The Russian propaganda attack on America - The Atlantic [11:48] TR News "The United States indicted two employees of Russia's RT and imposed sanctions on top editors of the state-funded news" https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/09/04/us-accuses-russias-rt-news-outlet-of-election-interference-a86264 | Source: The Moscow Times [11:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.themoscowtimes.com | U.S. Accuses Russias RT News Outlet of Election Interference - The Moscow Times [11:49] TR News "The Department of State has imposed new visa restrictions and designated Rossiya Segodnya" https://www.voanews.com/a/top-kremlin-official-falsely-characterizes-reason-for-us-sanctions-on-russia-state-media/7772972.html | Source: VOA News [11:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | Top Kremlin official falsely characterizes reason for US sanctions on Russias state media [11:50] TR News "The Department of Justice is alleging that since its founding in 2022" https://www.vox.com/politics/370323/tenet-media-russia-what-happened-tim-pool-dave-rubin-benny-johnson-lauren-southern | Source: Vox [11:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Russia paid millions to Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and other right-wing podcasters | Vox [11:50] TR News "the Justice Department indicted two employees of the Russian government-backed media organization RT" https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/09/05/youtube-takes-down-tenet-lauren-chen-tenet-russia-doj/ | Source: The Washington Post [11:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/09/05/youtube-takes-down-tenet-lauren-chen-tenet-russia-doj/ ) [11:50] TR News "The Kremlin has used media outlets such as RT, formerly Russia Today, and online platforms it backs to target U.S. voters" https://www.rferl.org/a/election-russia-influence-internet-rt-biden/33105938.html | Source: RFERL [11:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | U.S. Accuses Russia Of Attempting To Influence 2024 Election Through Kremlin-Backed News Outlets [11:51] TR News "Today, Common Cause, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights" https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/fcc-urged-to-amend-regulation-to-account-for-false-ai-content | Source: Common Dreams [11:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.commondreams.org | FCC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content | Common Dreams [11:51] TR News "U.S. said Kremlin's 'inner circle' directed Russian PR companies to spread disinformation" https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/russia-us-election-interference-websites-influencers-1.7313197 | Source: CBC [11:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbc.ca | U.S. accuses Russia of using unwitting influencers, fake news sites to sway presidential election | CBC News [11:52] TR News "The operation targeted a campaign dubbed Doppelgange" https://www.securityweek.com/us-targets-russian-election-influence-operation-with-charges-sanctions-domain-seizures/ | Source: Security Week [11:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/us-targets-russian-election-influence-operation-with-charges-sanctions-domain-seizures/ ) [11:53] TR News "This is deadly serious, and we are going to treat it accordingly" https://www.voanews.com/a/us-accuses-russia-of-using-state-media-to-spread-disinformation-ahead-of-november-election/7771404.html | Source: VOA News [11:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | US crackdown calls out Russian disinformation campaign [11:57] TR News "some media outlets" https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/04/us-sanctions-russians-alleged-election-interference-campaign-using-social-media-influencers/ | Source: Silicon Angle [11:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-US sanctions Russians over alleged election interference campaign using social media influencers - SiliconANGLE [11:57] TR News "foreign power is attempting to exploit our country's free exchange" https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-administration-hit-russia-sanctions-trying-manipulate-us-opinion-rcna169541 | Source: NBC [11:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nbcnews.com | Biden administration hits Russia with sanctions over efforts to manipulate U.S. opinion ahead of the election ● Sep 06 [12:01] TR News "The layoffs in tech companies has witnessed a surge in August, since January 2024." https://www.deccanchronicle.com/business/companies/27000-techies-laid-off-across-the-globe-in-august-highest-since-january-2024-1821628 | Source: Deccan Chronicle [12:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.deccanchronicle.com | 27,000 techies laid off across the globe in August, highest since January 2024 [12:02] TR News "The latest controls target quantum computers, related equipment, components, materials, software and technology" https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2024/09/133_381978.html | Source: The Korea Times [12:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-koreatimes.co.kr | US seeking export controls on quantum computing; limited impact expected for Korean firms - The Korea Times [12:02] TR News "The agreement was signed against a backdrop of high expectations from governments" https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/05/ai_treaty/ | Source: The Register UK [12:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | Global powers sign AI pact focused on democratic values The Register [12:04] TR News "The treaty, called the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, lays out key principles AI systems must follow" https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/5/24236980/us-signs-legally-enforceable-ai-treaty | Source: The Verge [12:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theverge.com | US, EU, UK, and others sign legally enforceable AI treaty - The Verge [12:05] TR News "Sutskever introduced Safe Superintelligence in June, shortly after leaving OpenAI." https://techcentral.co.za/openai-co-founder-1-billion-safe-ai/251049/ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa) [12:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techcentral.co.za | OpenAI co-founder raises $1-billion to build safe AI - TechCentral [12:11] TR News "The three would sign the Council of Europe's convention on AI on Thursday" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/artificial-intelligence/us-britain-eu-to-sign-agreement-on-ai-standards-report/articleshow/113083706.cms | Source: India Times [12:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-economictimes.indiatimes.com | AI standards: US, Britain, EU to sign agreement on AI standards: report - The Economic Times [12:11] TR News "The AI Convention, which has been in the works for years and was adopted in May after discussions between 57 countries" https://www.voanews.com/a/us-britain-eu-to-sign-first-international-ai-treaty-/7772325.html | Source: VOA News [12:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | US, Britain, EU to sign first international AI treaty [12:11] TR News "convicted fraudsters and right-wing activists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman" https://www.404media.co/big-tech-clients-of-jacob-wohls-secret-ai-lobbying-firm-lobbymatic-say-theyve-never-heard-of-it/ | Source: 404 Media [12:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.404media.co | Big Tech Clients of Jacob Wohls Secret AI Lobbying Firm Say They've Never Heard of It [12:16] TR News ""Again, these examples could be jokes, some a little more plausible than others. https://futurism.com/the-byte/free-money-chase-atms-trouble | Source: Futurism [12:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-futurism.com | People Who Used "Glitch" to Get Free Money From Chase ATMs Are Now in Huge Trouble [12:17] TR News "Four out of ten cats are willing to play fetch with their human owners. But who is playing with whom?" https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/cats-play-fetch-dogs-4769441 | Source: The Scotsman [12:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/cats-play-fetch-dogs-4769441 ) [12:19] TR News "H2 Energy Europe and German transmission system operator (TSO) Ontras" https://www.h2-view.com/story/ontras-looks-to-bring-hydrogen-from-1gw-danish-project-to-german-customers/2114543.article/ | Source: H2 View [12:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.h2-view.com | Ontras looks to bring hydrogen from 1GW Danish project to German customers | Technology [12:19] TR News "The auto industry doesnt like the speed assistance bill, either." https://text.npr.org/nx-s1-5099205 | Source: NPR [12:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-text.npr.org | Should your car warn you that youre speeding? California lawmakers vote yes [12:20] TR News "What we've learned from both Market Ave. and East Fourth Street" https://wysu.org/ohio-news/2024-09-04/pedestrians-over-cars-cleveland-closes-road-to-traffic-to-test-drive-open-streets-program | Source: NPR [12:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-wysu.org | Cleveland closes road to traffic to test drive Open Streets program [12:21] TR News "If you organized the plastic pollution that entered the environment in 2020 in a line" https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/humans-pollute-the-environment-with-57-million-tons-of-plastic-each-year-study-suggests-180985026/ | Source: Smithsonian Magazine [12:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.smithsonianmag.com | Humans Pollute the Environment With 57 Million Tons of Plastic Each Year, Study Suggests | Smithsonian [12:22] TR News "Special flights should not be used by government officials if there are no procedures and criteria in place" https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/politics/05.09.2024-private-jet-use-should-be-clearly-regulated-says-state-chancellery-head.a567592/ | Source: Latvia [12:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Private jet use should be clearly regulated, says State Chancellery head / Article [12:22] TR News "Ecologists know that bats play a crucial role in eating up and controlling insect pests." https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/bats-north-america-research-1.7314579 | Source: CBC [12:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbc.ca | When bats were wiped out, more human babies died, a study found. Here's why | CBC News [12:23] TR News "A new study by the University of Leeds, published in Nature Journal" https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/india-emerges-as-the-largest-plastic-polluter-globally-101725527112966.html | Source: Hindustan Times [12:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.hindustantimes.com | India emerges as the largest plastic polluter globally | Health - Hindustan Times [12:23] TR News "The study examined plastic that goes into the open environment" https://www.voanews.com/a/world-pumps-out-57-million-tons-of-plastic-pollution-yearly-and-most-comes-in-global-south/7771262.html | Source: VOA News [12:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | World pumps out 57 million tons of plastic pollution yearly and most comes in Global South [12:24] TR News "A former Exxon executive sits on a universitys board of trustees. Fossil fuel representatives develop undergraduate courses" https://www.desmog.com/2024/09/05/how-oil-and-gas-companies-infiltrate-higher-education-to-maintain-influence-princeton-university-mit/ | Source: DeSmog [12:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How Oil And Gas Companies Infiltrate Higher Education to Maintain Influence - DeSmog [12:24] TR News "To make matters worse, that was for a GPT-3-class model measuring roughly 175 billion parameters" https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/05/ai_water_energy/ | Source: The Register UK [12:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | AIs drinking problem may just solve itself The Register [12:25] TR News "The war in Ukraine is now reaching a turning point that could see the war-torn country either win or lose the conflict." https://neweasterneurope.eu/2024/09/04/what-if-ukraine-will-lose-what-if-ukraine-will-win/ | Source: New Eastern Europe [12:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-neweasterneurope.eu | What if Ukraine will lose? What if Ukraine will win? - New Eastern Europe [12:25] TR News "Both campaigns recognize the importance of TikTok to young voters" https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4863406-trump-opposes-tiktok-ban/ | Source: The Hill [12:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4863406-trump-opposes-tiktok-ban/ ) [12:26] TR News "The ocean became a dumping ground for weapons after Allied forces defeated the Nazis." https://hakaimagazine.com/features/the-big-baltic-bomb-cleanup/ | Source: Hakai Magazine [12:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hakaimagazine.com | The Big Baltic Bomb Cleanup | Hakai Magazine [12:26] TR News "Boko Haram killed at least 170 villagers in northeastern Nigeria" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/africa/boko-haram-nigeria-mafa-attack.html | Source: New York Times [12:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Boko Haram Kills at Least 170 Villagers in Nigeria Attack - The New York Times [12:27] TR News "includes charges such as conspiracy" https://www.deccanchronicle.com/world/middle-east/us-charges-hamas-leader-other-militants-in-connection-with-oct-7-massacre-in-israel-1821287 | Source: Deccan Chronicle [12:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.deccanchronicle.com | US charges Hamas leader, other militants in connection with Oct. 7 massacre in Israel [12:27] TR News "On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian group Hamas, backed by Iran, launched a devastating invasion into southern Israel" https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/the-man-who-predicted-hamas-october-7-invasion-of-israel-days-in-advance-6501567 | Source: NDTV [12:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ndtv.com | The Man Who Predicted Hamas' October 7 Invasion Of Israel Days In Advance [12:29] TR News "Navigating the climate crisis elicits both gut-wrenching despair and hope for the future, say researchers" https://www.theenergymix.com/scientists-urge-hope-as-climate-crisis-reaches-critical-crossroads/ | Source: Energy Mix Productions Inc [12:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) ( status 0 @ https://www.theenergymix.com/scientists-urge-hope-as-climate-crisis-reaches-critical-crossroads/ ) [12:29] TR News "It isn't clear, however, how exactly Mongolia might be sanctioned for failing to arrest the Russian president." https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-mongolia-visit-icc-arrest-explainer-russia/33106069.html | Source: RFERL [12:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Explainer: Putin's Mongolia Visit Shows Limits Of International Criminal Court [12:32] TR News "Russia has set up a covert trade route to obtain critical electronics from India for its war in Ukraine" https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/09/04/russia-secretly-buying-sensitive-electronics-from-india-ft-a86250 | Source: The Moscow Times [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.themoscowtimes.com | Russia Secretly Buying Sensitive Electronics From India FT - The Moscow Times [12:33] TR News "Although this trend is highly harmful, particularly for children" https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/12yearold-suffers-cardiac-arrest-cause-of-chroming-a-dangerous-and-viral-social-media-trend-101725530963568.html | Source: Hindustan Times [12:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.hindustantimes.com | 12-year-old suffers cardiac arrest cause of chroming, a dangerous and viral social media trend | Trending - Hindustan Times [12:34] TR News "Niger has been a strategic military partner of several countries, including the US, France, Germany, Italy and Russia." https://www.defenceweb.co.za/african-news/us-military-is-leaving-niger-even-less-secure-why-it-didnt-succeed-in-combating-terrorism/ | Source: Defence Web [12:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.defenceweb.co.za | US military is leaving Niger even less secure: why it didnt succeed in combating terrorism - defenceWeb [12:35] TR News "Around 150 suspected Boko Haram terrorists armed with rifles and RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades] attacked Mafa ward" https://www.voanews.com/a/at-least-81-killed-in-nigeria-in-suspected-boko-haram-attack-officials-say-/7770651.html | Source: VOA News [12:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | At least 81 killed in Nigeria in suspected Boko Haram attack, officials say [12:35] TR News "European Union governments have accused Russia of "weaponizing" migration by helping illegal migrants cross into the EU" https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-weaponized-migration-to-help-bolster-populists-say-latvian-experts-/7771748.html | Source: VOA News [12:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | Russia weaponized migration to help bolster populists, say Latvian experts [12:36] TR News Dismissing Kursk, Putin Says Ukraines East Is Russias Main Goal https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/europe/russia-ukraine-putin-kursk.html [12:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Dismissing Kursk, Putin Says Ukraines East Is Russias Main Goal - The New York Times [12:37] TR News Diamond-based quantum accelerators to be integrated into Oak Ridge National Laboratory's HPC https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/quantum-computing/diamond-based-quantum-accelerators-to-be-integrated-into-oak-ridge-national-laboratorys-hpc [12:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Diamond-based quantum accelerators to be integrated into Oak Ridge National Laboratory's HPC | Tom's Hardware [12:37] TR News Serbian Deputy PM Assures Putin That Russia Is An 'Ally' https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-serbia-vulin-putin-ally/33106802.html [12:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Serbian Deputy PM Assures Putin That Russia Is An 'Ally' [12:37] TR News 'Feel What We Feel': Syrskiy Says Kursk Incursion Prevented Russian Attacks https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-russia-incursion-war-aims-putin/33106572.html [12:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | 'Feel What We Feel': Syrskiy Says Kursk Incursion Prevented Russian Attacks [12:37] TR News Serbian President Says He Will Not Attend BRICS Summit In Russia, Despite Invite https://www.rferl.org/a/vucic-serbia-russia-brics-summit-putin/33107033.html [12:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Serbian President Says He Will Not Attend BRICS Summit In Russia, Despite Invite [12:38] TR News White House Says Putin Should 'Stop Interfering' After Backing Harris https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-elections-russia-kirby-harris/33108435.html [12:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | White House Says Putin Should 'Stop Interfering' After Backing Harris [12:39] TR News "The Minisforum UM760 Slim is a compact mini PC designed for a variety of computing needs." https://linuxgizmos.com/minisforum-um760-slim-offers-dual-m-2-pcie-4-0-slots-and-ddr5-memory-support/ | Source: Linux Gizmos [12:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/minisforum-um760-slim-offers-dual-m-2-pcie-4-0-slots-and-ddr5-memory-support/ ) [12:40] TR News Several phone scammers detained in Latvia https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/crime/05.09.2024-several-phone-scammers-detained-in-latvia.a567610/ "The State Police have detained several Ukrainian citizens on suspicion of the crime." [12:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Several phone scammers detained in Latvia / Article [12:40] TR News Man gets prison sentence after assaulting Ukrainians https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/crime/05.09.2024-man-gets-prison-sentence-after-assaulting-ukrainians.a567576/ [12:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Man gets prison sentence after assaulting Ukrainians / Article [12:41] TR News Russian GRU Unit Tied to Assassinations Linked to Global Cyber Sabotage and Espionage https://www.securityweek.com/russian-gru-unit-tied-to-assassinations-linked-to-global-cyber-sabotage-and-espionage/ [12:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/russian-gru-unit-tied-to-assassinations-linked-to-global-cyber-sabotage-and-espionage/ ) [12:42] TR News Cadet Blizzard hacking group linked to unit of Russias GRU https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/cadet-blizzard-hacking-group-linked-unit-russias-gru/ [12:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Cadet Blizzard hacking group linked to unit of Russia's GRU - SiliconANGLE [12:42] TR News Too many still view Ukraine through the prism of Russian imperialism https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/too-many-still-view-ukraine-through-the-prism-of-russian-imperialism/ [12:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.atlanticcouncil.org | Too many still view Ukraine through the prism of Russian imperialism - Atlantic Council [12:43] TR News Russia sends Africans to fight in Ukraine https://www.defenceweb.co.za/african-news/russia-sends-africans-to-fight-in-ukraine/ [12:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.defenceweb.co.za | Russia sends Africans to fight in Ukraine - defenceWeb [12:43] TR News Live: UK to supply Ukraine with hundreds of new missiles https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-uk-to-supply-ukraine-with-hundreds-of-new-missiles [12:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-uk-to-supply-ukraine-with-hundreds-of-new-missiles ) [12:43] TR News Why Russia is accusing its own scientists of treason https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-why-russia-is-accusing-its-own-scientists-of-treason [12:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-why-russia-is-accusing-its-own-scientists-of-treason ) [12:44] TR News New Labour government pushes for International Tribunal to prosecute Russian leaders for aggression https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/09/new-labour-government-pushes-for-international-tribunal-to-prosecute-russian-leaders-for-aggression/ [12:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | New UK Labour government pushes for International Tribunal to prosecute Russian leaders for aggression - JURIST - News [12:44] TR News Ukraine anti-corruption agency dismisses deputy director https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/09/ukraine-anti-corruption-agency-dismisses-deputy-director/ [12:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Ukraine anti-corruption agency dismisses deputy director - JURIST - News [12:44] TR News Death Toll In Russian Attack On Poltava, Ukraine, Rises To 55 https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-poltava-death-toll/33108647.html [12:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Death Toll In Russian Attack On Poltava, Ukraine, Rises To 55 [12:45] TR News U.S. Indicts GRU Members On Charges Related To Hacking Of Ukrainian Computers https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-hackers-ukraine-intelligence-justice-gru/33108575.html [12:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | U.S. Indicts GRU Members On Charges Related To Hacking Of Ukrainian Computers [12:45] TR News Romanian President Signs Bill Clearing Way For Donation Of Patriot System To Ukraine https://www.rferl.org/a/news-romania-ukraine-patriot-missile-russia/33107818.html [12:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Romanian President Signs Bill Clearing Way For Donation Of Patriot System To Ukraine [12:46] TR News Ukraine's Parliament Appoints New Foreign Minister In Major Cabinet Reshuffle https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-parliament-government-reshuffle-kuleba/33106922.html [12:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Ukraine's Parliament Appoints New Foreign Minister In Major Cabinet Reshuffle [12:46] TR News IAEA Head Says Tower At Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Station Requires Demolition After Fire https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zaporizhzhya-nuclear-grossi/33106793.html [12:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | IAEA Head Says Tower At Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Station Requires Demolition After Fire [12:46] TR News Zelenskiy To Meet German Chancellor In Frankfurt, Reportedly Attend Ramstein Meeting https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zelenskiy-ramstein-germany/33106655.html [12:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Zelenskiy To Meet German Chancellor In Frankfurt, Reportedly Attend Ramstein Meeting [12:46] TR News Russian Military Intelligence Members Indicted Over Ukraine Cyberattack https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/indictment-russia-cyberattack-ukraine.html [12:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Russian Military Intelligence Members Indicted Over Ukraine Cyberattack - The New York Times [12:47] TR News "Its getting harder and harder to hide" https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/09/05/it-s-getting-harder-and-harder-to-hide | Source: Meduza [12:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Its getting harder and harder to hide How children living under Russian occupation have secretly continued attending Ukrainian schools Meduza [12:48] TR News "Russia is rolling out an unprecedented military enlistment..." https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/09/05/russia-is-rolling-out-an-unprecedented-military-enlistment-ad-campaign-amid-ukraine-s-offensive-in-the-kursk-region | Source: Meduza [12:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-meduza.io | Russia is rolling out an unprecedented military enlistment ad campaign amid Ukraines offensive in the Kursk region Meduza [12:49] TR News Latvian Saeima supports broad ban on Belarus-registered cars https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/transport/05.09.2024-latvian-saeima-supports-broad-ban-on-belarus-registered-cars.a567612/ [12:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Latvian Saeima supports broad ban on Belarus-registered cars / Article [12:49] TR News U.S. charges five Russian military members for destructive cyber ops, hack-and-leak campaigns https://cyberscoop.com/u-s-charges-five-russian-military-members-for-destructive-cyber-ops-hack-and-leak-campaigns/ [12:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-U.S. charges five Russian military members for destructive cyber ops, hack-and-leak campaigns | CyberScoop [12:50] TR News Turkeys balancing act with BRICS bid raises NATO concerns https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-nato-member-turkey-balancing-act-brics-bid-russia-china [12:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-nato-member-turkey-balancing-act-brics-bid-russia-china ) [12:50] TR News US seizes websites, charges two from RT over Russian disinformation https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240905-white-house-tackles-russian-disinformation-with-sanctions-and-charges-ahead-of-election [12:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240905-white-house-tackles-russian-disinformation-with-sanctions-and-charges-ahead-of-election ) [12:51] TR News Setting up Russia tribunal requires bulletproof legal base CoE chief https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2353771/setting-up-russia-tribunal-requires-bulletproof-legal-base-coe-chief [12:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Setting up Russia tribunal requires bulletproof legal base CoE chief - LRT [12:51] TR News Russian TV Presenter Who Was Former Trump Adviser Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions https://www.rferl.org/a/sanctions-russia-simes-money-laundering--indicted-conspiracy/33108515.html [12:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Russian TV Presenter Who Was Former Trump Adviser Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions [12:52] TR News 3 Officers Of Moscow Migrants Center Arrested On Corruption Charges https://www.rferl.org/a/sakharovo-immigration-center-three-officers-russia-central-asia/33107093.html [12:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | 3 Officers Of Moscow Migrants Center Arrested On Corruption Charges [12:52] TR News Russian Blogger Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison https://www.rferl.org/a/shpak-russia-eight-years-prison/33106981.html [12:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Russian Blogger Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison [12:52] TR News Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry Warns Citizens Not To Travel To Russia https://www.rferl.org/a/kyrgyzstan-travel-warning-russia-crocus/33106874.html [12:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry Warns Citizens Not To Travel To Russia [12:53] TR News The Doppelgnger Dossier https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/09/05/the-doppelganger-dossier/ "A description of the Russian propaganda plans, largely designed to help Trump, included in a takedown affidavit." [12:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.emptywheel.net | The Doppelgnger Dossier - emptywheel [12:53] TR News Biden administration cracks down on Russian fake news sites ahead of election https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0905/russia-election-fake-news-arrests-disinformation [12:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-US seizes Russian disinformation websites, issues charges - CSMonitor.com [12:53] TR News Next phase: crack down on _AMERICAN_ "fake news" sites... then... [12:54] TR News The war by Russia can turn the EU and US into Russia... in the policies' sense [12:54] TR News U.S. Charges American Commentator Who Works for Russian State TV https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/russia-us-simes-indictment-election.html [12:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | U.S. Charges American Commentator Who Works for Russian State TV - The New York Times [12:59] TR News David Cantrell: rpminspect-2.0released https://www.burdell.org/posts/2024/Sep/05/rpminspect-20-released/ [12:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.burdell.org | rpminspect-2.0released ● Sep 06 [13:01] TR News Jeremy Cline: Publishing messages in Fedora's infrastructure https://www.jcline.org/blog/fedora/amqp/2024/09/05/messaging-in-fedora.html [13:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jcline.org | Publishing messages in Fedora's infrastructure [13:02] TR News Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry and OpenShift distributed tracing 3.3: New features for developers https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/09/05/red-hat-build-opentelemetry-and-openshift-distributed-tracing-33-new-features [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-developers.redhat.com | Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry and OpenShift distributed tracing 3.3: New features for developers | Red Hat Developer [13:02] TR News Deploying Red Hat OpenShift Operators in a disconnected environment https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/deploying-red-hat-openshift-operators-disconnected-environment | Source: Red Hat Official [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.redhat.com | Deploying Red Hat OpenShift Operators in a disconnected environment [13:02] TR News Watch incoming APNIC Director Generals opening remarks at APNIC 58 https://blog.apnic.net/2024/09/05/watch-apnic-incoming-director-generals-opening-remarks-at-apnic-58/ [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.apnic.net | Watch incoming APNIC Director General's opening remarks at APNIC 58 | APNIC Blog [13:05] TR News The platform engineer's role in the DevSecOps inner and outer loops https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/09/05/platform-engineers-role-devsecops-inner-and-outer-loops [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-developers.redhat.com | The platform engineer's role in the DevSecOps inner and outer loops | Red Hat Developer [13:07] TR News Scaling virtio-blk disk I/O with IOThread Virtqueue Mapping https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/09/05/scaling-virtio-blk-disk-io-iothread-virtqueue-mapping [13:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-developers.redhat.com | Scaling virtio-blk disk I/O with IOThread Virtqueue Mapping | Red Hat Developer [13:08] TR News Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI (RHEL AI) is peak buzzwords https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/rhel-ai-learning-path | Source: Red Hat Official [13:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.redhat.com | Get up to speed on RHEL AI with this new learning path [13:09] TR News (NEW): LicheePi 3A A SpacemIT K1 RISC-V development board with SoM and carrier board https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/05/LicheePi_3A_A_SpacemIT_K1_RISC_V_development_board_with_SoM_and.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/05/LicheePi_3A_A_SpacemIT_K1_RISC_V_development_board_with_SoM_and.gmi [13:09] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Android_Leftovers.gmi [13:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines LicheePi 3A A SpacemIT K1 RISC-V development board with SoM and carrier board [13:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Android Leftovers [13:09] TR News GNU/Linux and ChromeOS Still Moving Up in Africa https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/05/GNU_Linux_and_ChromeOS_Still_Moving_Up_in_Africa.shtml [13:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights GNU/Linux and ChromeOS Still Moving Up in Africa [13:09] TR News ChromeOS+GNU+Linux in Sweden Now Hovering Around 20% https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/05/ChromeOS_GNU_Linux_in_Sweden_Now_Hovering_Around_20.shtml [13:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights ChromeOS+GNU+Linux in Sweden Now Hovering Around 20% [13:14] TR News (NEW): Fedora / Red Hat / IBM Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Fedora_Red_Hat_IBM_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Fedora_Red_Hat_IBM_Leftovers.gmi [13:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Fedora / Red Hat / IBM Leftovers [13:15] TR News How to Share your USB Device in Ubuntu 24.04 over LAN https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2024/09/share-usb-ubuntu-lan/ [13:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ubuntuhandbook.org | How to Share your USB Device in Ubuntu 24.04 over LAN | UbuntuHandbook [13:17] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/today_s_howtos.gmi [13:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines today's howtos [13:20] TR News "The rule prohibits the disclosure of protected health information related to reproductive health care in certain circumstances." https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4865043-texas-biden-administration-abortion-privacy-rule/ | Source: The Hill [13:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4865043-texas-biden-administration-abortion-privacy-rule/ ) [13:20] TR News "Meta has announced a two-year partnership with the Telangana" https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/meta-partners-with-telangana-govt-on-e-gov-citizen-services-leveraging-ai-tech/articleshow/113092225.cms | Source: India Times [13:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-economictimes.indiatimes.com | Meta: Meta partners with Telangana govt on e-gov, citizen services leveraging AI tech - The Economic Times [13:20] TR News "In December last year, a group of campaign organizations led by Foxglove" https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/05/fdp_lacks_legal_basis/ | Source: The Register UK [13:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | Aspects of FDP lack legal basis, lawyers tell NHS England The Register [13:21] TR News "A critical security vulnerability has been discovered affecting many YubiKey" https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/cyber-security/older-yubikeys-compromised-by-unpatchable-2fa-bug-side-channel-attack-is-critical-but-expensive-and-difficult-to-execute | Source: Tom's Hardware [13:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Older YubiKeys compromised by unpatchable 2FA bug side-channel attack is critical, but expensive and difficult to execute | Tom's Hardware [13:22] TR News Windows TCO https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/cicada-ransomware-what-you-need-know | Source: Tripwire [13:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Cicada Ransomware - What You Need To Know | Tripwire [13:22] TR News Windows TCO https://cyberscoop.com/planned-parenthood-of-montana-confirms-cyberattack/ | Source: Scoop News Group [13:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Planned Parenthood of Montana confirms cyberattack | CyberScoop [13:24] TR News "Christian Temath from an initiative called KI NRW" https://www.dw.com/en/ai-money-making-machine-or-a-billion-dollar-sinkhole/a-70136557 | Source: Deutsche Welle [13:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-AI: Money-making machine or a billion-dollar sinkhole? DW 09/05/2024 [13:24] TR News (NEW): Windows TCO: Cicada and Planned Parenthood https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Windows_TCO_Cicada_and_Planned_Parenthood.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Windows_TCO_Cicada_and_Planned_Parenthood.gmi [13:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Windows TCO: Cicada and Planned Parenthood [13:24] TR News "In this blog post, well explore the reality behind these headlines and statements." https://www.techdirt.com/2024/09/05/the-ai-copyright-hype-legal-claims-that-didnt-hold-up/ | Source: Techdirt [13:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The AI Copyright Hype: Legal Claims That Didnt Hold Up | Techdirt [13:24] TR News "Smith created songs using AI, though the software he employed is as yet unknown." https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/us-man-raked-millions-ai-generated-songs-played-bots-streaming-platforms/ | Source: Silicon Angle [13:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-US man raked in millions from AI-generated songs played by bots on streaming platforms - SiliconANGLE [13:24] TR News "Mr. Durovs case has become a point of contention in the politically charged debate" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/technology/telegram-pavel-durov-comments.html | Source: New York Times [13:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Defends App in First Comments Since Arrest - The New York Times [13:25] TR News "aim to give creators on the platform more control" https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/5/24236841/youtube-ai-detection-tools-creators-singing-deepfakes | Source: The Verge [13:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theverge.com | YouTube is making new tools to protect creators from AI copycats - The Verge [13:26] TR News "But at the time of this writing, that sentence has been removed." https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/5/24237254/telegram-pavel-durov-arrest-private-chats-moderation-policy-change | Source: The Verge [13:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theverge.com | Telegram will start moderating private chats after CEOs arrest - The Verge [13:26] TR News "With Snow Leopard, Apple said it refined 90% of the foundational "projects"..." https://www.macrumors.com/2024/08/28/mac-os-x-snow-leopard-15-years/ | Source: MacRumors [13:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Mac OS X Snow Leopard Launched 15 Years Ago Today With '0 New Features' - MacRumors [13:27] TR News "Forced to concede that AI was, in fact, being used in precisely the way my friends warned" https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2024/09/ai-will-never-understand-what-makes-writing-great | Source: New Statesman [13:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.newstatesman.com | AI will never understand what makes writing great - New Statesman [13:27] TR News "With Brazil's population of 215 million people, its mature democracy" https://www.wired.com/story/brazil-x-ban-isp-blocking/ | Source: Wired [13:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Why It's So Hard to Fully Block X in Brazil | WIRED [13:27] TR News "But if Musk's reactions are anything to go by, another showdown is on the cards." https://www.voanews.com/a/like-brazil-the-european-union-also-has-an-x-problem/7772200.html | Source: VOA News [13:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.voanews.com | Like Brazil, the European Union also has an X problem [13:28] TR News "I visited a couple of authorized stores in my city" https://otavio.cc/the-day-i-emailed-tim-cook/ | Source: Otvio C [13:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-otavio.cc | The day I emailed Tim Cook | Otvios blog [13:29] TR News "What am I supposed to do with that information exactly? Jump up and down with glee?" https://gregmorris.co.uk/2024/09/05/engagement-farming-for.html | Source: Greg Morris [13:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gregmorris.co.uk | Greg Morris - Engagement Farming For Reward [13:29] TR News "Steven Kull, the director of University of Marylands Program for Public Consultation" https://michiganadvance.com/2024/09/04/swing-state-voters-say-they-dont-want-to-criminalize-abortion/ | Source: Michigan Advance [13:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-michiganadvance.com | Swing state voters say they dont want to criminalize abortion Michigan Advance [13:29] TR News "Exhaust from diesel buses is linked to serious health and development conditions" https://www.axios.com/2024/09/04/electric-school-bus-adoption | Source: Axios [13:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2024/09/04/electric-school-bus-adoption ) [13:30] TR News "The cryptographic flaw, known as a side channel, resides in a small microcontroller" https://www.wired.com/story/yubikey-vulnerability-cloning/ | Source: Wired [13:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-YubiKeys Are a Security Gold Standardbut They Can Be Cloned | WIRED [13:30] TR News "Surely these older GPUswhich are still racked, installed, and functional" https://blog.trailofbits.com/2024/09/05/what-would-you-do-with-that-old-gpu/ | Source: Trail of Bits [13:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.trailofbits.com | What would you do with that old GPU? | Trail of Bits Blog [13:31] TR News "In the first half of 2024" https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2024/09/05/college-closures/ | Source: Society for Scholarly Publishing [13:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org | Guest Post: College Closures and the Implications for Libraries and Vendors - The Scholarly Kitchen [13:31] TR News "There will always be unscrupulous researchers who try to game the system" https://www.techdirt.com/2024/09/04/is-your-google-scholar-profile-looking-a-bit-empty-need-to-bulk-up-your-citations-simple-buy-some/ | Source: Techdirt [13:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Is Your Google Scholar Profile Looking A Bit Empty? Need To Bulk Up Your Citations? Simple Buy Some | Techdirt [13:31] TR News "These days I have stacks of books in my house waiting for me to read them." https://louplummer.lol/books-and-more-books/ | Source: Lou Plummer [13:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-louplummer.lol | Books and More Books, Never Enough | Living Out Loud [13:32] TR News "Space Force guardian Col. Nick Hague will lead a NASA mission" https://taskandpurpose.com/news/space-force-stranded-astronauts/ | Source: Task And Purpose [13:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-taskandpurpose.com | Space Force guardian to lead mission to return space station crew [13:32] TR News "Whether it's working properly in the week since is an open question, though." https://futurism.com/the-byte/nasas-experimental-solar-sail-tumbling-orbit | Source: Futurism [13:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-futurism.com | NASA's Experimental Solar Sail Is Tumbling in Orbit [13:32] TR News "In a commentary in the latest issue of the journal Nature Human Behaviour" https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/eeg-patients-brain-scans-medicine-1.7310186 | Source: CBC [13:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbc.ca | EEG brain scans set to transform medicine, experts say | CBC News [13:34] TR News "When we let go, we begin to let in." https://birming.com/letting-go/ | Source: Robert Birming [13:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Letting Go | Robert Birming [13:34] TR News "So, here you go: a collection of some really bad CSS-dad jokes." https://alvaromontoro.com/blog/68060/bad-css-dad-jokes | Source: Alvaro Montoro [13:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-alvaromontoro.com | Bad CSS-Dad Jokes [13:34] TR News "The TL;DR; of the situation is that I got in touch with himas I often do" https://manuelmoreale.com/on-people-and-blogs-and-courtesy | Source: Manuel Moreale [13:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-manuelmoreale.com | On People and Blogs and courtesy Manu [13:35] TR News "Digital Degrowth" https://criticaledtech.com/2024/09/05/digital-technologies-are-no-longer-something-if-they-ever-were-that-unequivocally-make-us-feel-good/ | Source: Neil Selwyn [13:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-criticaledtech.com | Digital technologies are no longer something (if they ever were) that unequivocally make us feel good Critical Studies of EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY [13:35] TR News "To me, theyre living the personal website dream! But they dont feel that way." https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2024/personal-website-vulnerability/ | Source: Jim Nielsen [13:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.jim-nielsen.com | Personal Websites Are As Vulnerable As Us - Jim Nielsens Blog [13:47] TR News Techrights Links 06/09/2024: Censorship of Sites by US, Hype Around LLMs Noted https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Links_06_09_2024_Censorship_of_Sites_by_US_Hype_Around_LLMs_Not.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Links_06_09_2024_Censorship_of_Sites_by_US_Hype_Around_LLMs_Not.gmi [13:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Links 06/09/2024: Censorship of Sites by US, Hype Around LLMs Noted [13:56] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell-social ● Sep 06 [14:21] TR News "There is something so wonderfully magical about RSS." https://merecivilian.com/my-rss-workflow/ | Source: Mere Civilian [14:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-merecivilian.com | My RSS Workflow [14:24] TR News "The software engineer has to choose." https://olano.dev/blog/are-we-living-in-a-simulation/ | Source: Facundo Olano [14:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Are We Living in a Simulation? | olano.dev [14:25] TR News "The grep() function in R is a powerful tool for searching and matching patterns within text data." https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/09/harness-the-full-potential-of-case-insensitive-searches-with-grep-in-r/ | Source: Rlang [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Harness the Full Potential of Case-Insensitive Searches with grep() in R | R-bloggers [14:25] TR News "R-Change Number of Bins in Histogram" https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/09/r-change-number-of-bins-in-histogram/ | Source: Rlang [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-R-Change Number of Bins in Histogram | R-bloggers [14:25] TR News "Our Nickel language is a configuration language." https://www.tweag.io/blog/2024-09-05-algebraic-data-types-nickel/ | Source: Modus Create LLC [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tweag.io | Adding algebraic data types to Nickel - Tweag [14:25] TR News "I was working on a game that has randomness." https://evanhahn.com/using-eslint-to-help-avoid-non-deterministic-randomness/ | Source: Evan Hahn [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-evanhahn.com | Using ESLint to (help) avoid non-deterministic randomness [14:25] TR News "From analytics trackers to requesting system permissions" https://otavio.cc/replacing-type-methods-to-improve-testability/ | Source: Otvio C [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-otavio.cc | Replacing Type Methods to Improve Testability | Otvios blog [14:26] TR News Open Data https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/09/guarding-against-misleading-data/ | Source: Rlang [14:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Guarding Against Misleading Data | R-bloggers [14:28] TR News "A primary feature of Tor Browser 13.5.3 is its integration of crucial security updates to Firefox" https://thecyberexpress.com/tor-browser-13-5-3-released/ | Source: Cyble Inc [14:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-thecyberexpress.com | Tor Browser 13.5.3 Released With Security Upgrades & Fixes [14:29] TR News "QEMU, a renowned software tool that allows users to emulate different computer systems" https://linuxiac.com/qemu-9-1-released-with-better-arm-and-risc-v-support/ | Source: Linuxiac [14:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-linuxiac.com | QEMU 9.1 Released with Better ARM and RISC-V Support [14:29] TR News (NEW): Tor Browser 13.5.3 Hiring for Web Standard https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/04/Tor_Browser_13_5_3_Hiring_for_Web_Standard.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/04/Tor_Browser_13_5_3_Hiring_for_Web_Standard.gmi [14:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Tor Browser 13.5.3 Hiring for Web Standard [14:30] TR News "We are excited to share some incredible news with you all!" https://blog.arduino.cc/2024/09/05/arduino-cli-1-0-is-out/ | Source: Arduino [14:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.arduino.cc | Arduino CLI 1.0 is out! | Arduino Blog [14:30] TR News "The world is quickly abandoning Ubuntu." https://www.logikalsolutions.com/wordpress/information-technology/ubuntu/ | Source: Logikal Solutions [14:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.logikalsolutions.com | Ubuntu Pig! Logikal Blog [14:32] TR News "One of this release's blockers dates back to then." https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/05/pi_and_pico_problems/ | Source: The Register UK [14:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | Fedora 41 beset by puzzling Pi problems The Register [14:33] TR News "Its kind of a QA tactic in a sense, just click around and try to break stuff." https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2024/sanding-ui/ | Source: Jim Nielsen [14:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.jim-nielsen.com | Sanding UI - Jim Nielsens Blog [14:33] TR News "Suppose that you have an isolated high security machine and you want to back up" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/sysadmin/RsyncForLimitedRemoteWrite | Source: University of Toronto [14:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-utcc.utoronto.ca | Chris's Wiki :: blog/sysadmin/RsyncForLimitedRemoteWrite [14:37] TR News "Part of the answer is that OpenZFS developers are cautious people" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/ZFSOnLinuxWhyNewKernelProblems | Source: University of Toronto [14:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-utcc.utoronto.ca | Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/ZFSOnLinuxWhyNewKernelProblems [14:37] TR News "Rust for Linux is perhaps serving a a symbol for how the kernel handles big changes" https://sporks.space/2024/09/05/is-linux-collapsing-under-its-own-weight-on-rust-for-linux/ | Source: The Sporks Space [14:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-sporks.space | Is Linux collapsing under its own weight? On Rust for Linux - the sporks space [14:46] TR News Battery train money could go to Rail Baltica instead in Latvia https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/transport/05.09.2024-battery-train-money-could-go-to-rail-baltica-instead-in-latvia.a567563/ [14:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Battery train money could go to Rail Baltica instead / Article [14:47] TR News How Much Screen Time Should Toddlers Have? None, Sweden Says. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/europe/sweden-screentime-ban-children.html [14:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | How Much Screen Time Should Toddlers Have? None, Sweden Says. - The New York Times [14:47] TR News Parent stress is a national health issue: Asking for help is a strong first step https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2024/0905/parent-stress-mental-health-surgeon-general [14:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Stress of parenting: A first-step solution is ask for help - CSMonitor.com [14:53] TR News DR Congo receives its first batch of nearly 100,000 doses of mpox vaccine https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20240905-dr-congo-receive-first-100-000-doses-mpox-vaccine-monkey-pox-africa [14:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20240905-dr-congo-receive-first-100-000-doses-mpox-vaccine-monkey-pox-africa ) [14:53] TR News French woman says police investigation of mass rape trauma 'saved her life' https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-french-woman-says-police-investigation-of-mass-rape-trauma-saved-her-life [14:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-french-woman-says-police-investigation-of-mass-rape-trauma-saved-her-life ) [14:54] TR News Data analytics and informatics are key to improving health outcomes for CMS https://federalnewsnetwork.com/commentary/2024/09/data-analytics-and-informatics-are-key-to-improving-health-outcomes-for-cms/ [14:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-federalnewsnetwork.com | Data analytics and informatics are key to improving health outcomes for CMS [14:54] TR News Hospitals find themselves 20 million short in first half of year https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/05.09.2024-hospitals-find-themselves-eur20-million-short-in-first-half-of-year.a567632/ [14:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-eng.lsm.lv | Hospitals find themselves 20 million short in first half of year / Article [14:54] TR News S.Korea ready to adjust plan on medical school admissions, Yonhap says https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/skorea-ready-to-adjust-plan-on-medical-school-admissions-yonhap-says [14:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | South Korea ready to revise contentious medical school admissions plan, officials say | The Straits Times [14:55] TR News China logs hottest August since 1961: weather service https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-logs-hottest-august-since-1961-weather-service [14:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | China logs hottest August in more than six decades | The Straits Times [14:56] TR News Chinas Geespace launches 10 low-orbit satellites, eyeing Starlink https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/chinas-geespace-launches-10-low-orbit-satellites-eyeing-starlink [14:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Chinas Geespace launches 10 low-orbit satellites, eyeing Starlink | The Straits Times [14:56] TR News Super Typhoon Yagi Nears Southern China With Heavy Rain and Strong Winds https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/asia/typhoon-yagi-china-hong-kong.html [14:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Super Typhoon Yagi Nears Southern China With Heavy Rain and Strong Winds - The New York Times [14:56] TR News Fugitive Ex-Mayor Whose Case Gripped the Philippines Is Arrested in Indonesia https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/asia/philippines-alice-guo-fugitive-arrest.html [14:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Fugitive Ex-Mayor Whose Case Gripped the Philippines Is Arrested in Indonesia - The New York Times [14:56] TR News U.S. Election Looms Over Climate Talks with China https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/climate/us-election-looms-over-climate-talks-with-china.html [14:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | U.S. Election Looms Over Climate Talks with China - The New York Times [14:57] TR News US and China commanders to discuss conflict prevention 'in next few weeks' https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/us-and-china-commanders-to-discuss-conflict-prevention-in-next-few-weeks [14:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | US and China commanders to discuss conflict prevention in next few weeks | The Straits Times [14:57] TR News Super Typhoon Yagi slams southern China, shutting schools and cancelling flights https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/super-typhoon-yagi-slams-southern-china-shutting-schools-and-cancelling-flights [14:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Super Typhoon Yagi makes landfall in Chinas Hainan | The Straits Times [14:58] TR News Chinas president pledges $50 billion to fund African development https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/africa-summit-xi-jinping-09052024023800.html [14:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/africa-summit-xi-jinping-09052024023800.html ) [14:58] TR News US does not exclude joint weapons production with Taiwan: new envoy https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/us-taiwan-weapons-09052024040147.html [14:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/us-taiwan-weapons-09052024040147.html ) [14:58] TR News Malaysia probes reported leak of note from great friend China https://www.rfa.org/english/news/southchinasea/malaysia-china-diplomatic-note-anwar-09052024051231.html [14:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/southchinasea/malaysia-china-diplomatic-note-anwar-09052024051231.html ) [14:59] TR News EXPLAINED: Why is Taiwan called Chinese Taipei at sports events? https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/explainer-taiwan-chinese-taipei-09052024064157.html [14:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/explainer-taiwan-chinese-taipei-09052024064157.html ) [14:59] TR News Airlines now stop 'undesirables' from boarding flights to Hong Kong https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/airlines-stop-undesirables-flights-hong-kong-09052024103541.html [14:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/airlines-stop-undesirables-flights-hong-kong-09052024103541.html ) [14:59] TR News Chinas World Buddhist Forum aimed at boosting soft power: experts https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/world-buddhist-forum-boosting-soft-power-09052024153632.html [14:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/world-buddhist-forum-boosting-soft-power-09052024153632.html ) [14:59] TR News China to give Africa $50 billion over next three years, says Pooh-tin Jinping https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20240905-china-to-give-africa-50-billion-over-next-three-years-says-xi-jinping [14:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20240905-china-to-give-africa-50-billion-over-next-three-years-says-xi-jinping ) ● Sep 06 [15:00] TR News A progress report on hypersonicsdoubtful US weapons for the Western Pacific https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/a-progress-report-on-hypersonics-doubtful-us-weapons-for-the-western-pacific/ [15:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.aspistrategist.org.au | A progress report on hypersonicsdoubtful US weapons for the Western Pacific | The Strategist [15:09] TR News Techrights [Meme] Confused Michael https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Meme_Confused_Michael.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Meme_Confused_Michael.gmi [15:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Confused Michael [15:09] TR News "Last time, I gave you an overview of what you get from I2C, basics like addressing, interface speeds, and a breakdown of pullups." https://hackaday.com/2024/09/05/i2c-for-hackers-digging-deeper/ | Source: Hackaday [15:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-I2C For Hackers: Digging Deeper | Hackaday [15:10] TR News Exploding Head Syndrome: What We Know About This Mysterious Disorder https://www.sciencealert.com/exploding-head-syndrome-what-we-know-about-this-mysterious-disorder [15:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Exploding Head Syndrome: What We Know About This Mysterious Disorder : ScienceAlert [15:11] TR News Fighting money changers, losing the currency war: the governments ZiG mistake https://www.techzim.co.zw/2024/09/fighting-money-changers-losing-currency-war-governments-zig-mistake/ [15:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.techzim.co.zw | Fighting money changers, losing the currency war: the government's ZiG mistake - Techzim [15:12] TR News "Once upon a time, RC planes were expensive models that took months to build and big money to equip with electronics." https://hackaday.com/2024/09/05/build-a-super-cheap-rc-trainer-plane-with-foam/ | Source: Hackaday [15:12] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Build A Super Cheap RC Trainer Plane With Foam | Hackaday [15:13] TR News Bill's Guardian, a propaganda rag sponsored by Bill Gates, will no longer pretend to do journalism https://pressgazette.co.uk/media_business/guardian-moves-into-e-commerce-amid-revenue-shortfall-for-2023-2024/ [15:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pressgazette.co.uk | Guardian to launch e-commerce as diversification efforts continue - Press Gazette [15:14] TR News "As we slowly wean ourselves away from our centuries-long love affair with fossil fuels in an attempt to reduce CO2 emissions and combat global warming" https://hackaday.com/2024/09/05/if-wood-isnt-the-biomass-answer-what-is/ | Source: Hackaday [15:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-If Wood Isnt The Biomass Answer, What Is? | Hackaday [15:15] TR News The Rust Programming Language Blog: Announcing Rust 1.81.0 https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/Rust-1.81.0.html [15:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.rust-lang.org | Announcing Rust 1.81.0 | Rust Blog [15:15] TR News Myanmar junta begins conscripting men up to age 65 to protect towns against rebels https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/myanmar-junta-recruitment-public-security-09052024165521.html [15:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/myanmar-junta-recruitment-public-security-09052024165521.html ) [15:17] TR News Frdric Wang: My recent contributions to Gecko (3/3) https://frederic-wang.fr//2024/09/05/my-recent-contributions-to-gecko-fetch-priority/ [15:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-frederic-wang.fr | My recent contributions to Gecko (3/3) Frdric Wang [15:18] TR News SUSE enhances Rancher Prime with new observability features for Kubernetes management https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/suse-enhances-rancher-prime-new-observability-features-kubernetes-management/ [15:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SUSE enhances Rancher Prime with new observability features for Kubernetes management - SiliconANGLE [15:25] TR News "the use of open-source software (OSS) to drive innovation." https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/09/05/1097020/integrating-security-from-code-to-cloud/ clownwashing though [15:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.technologyreview.com | Integrating security from code to cloud | MIT Technology Review [15:27] TR News (NEW): PostgreSQL 17 RC1 Released! https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/PostgreSQL_17_RC1_Released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/PostgreSQL_17_RC1_Released.gmi [15:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines PostgreSQL 17 RC1 Released! [15:53] TR News Lebanon central banks former governor arrested over alleged corruption https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/09/lebanon-central-banks-former-governor-arrested-over-alleged-corruption/ [15:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Lebanon central banks former governor arrested over alleged corruption - JURIST - News [15:53] TR News Mayor Eric Adams Faces Crisis as U.S. Investigations Reach Inner Circle https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/nyregion/banks-sheena-fbi-search-nyc.html [15:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Mayor Eric Adams Faces Crisis as U.S. Investigations Reach Inner Circle - The New York Times [15:56] TR News UPC is illegal and it is not constitutional, yet this clown show carries on, bolstered by media that is bribed by Team UPC https://www.juve-patent.com/cases/syngenta-obtains-upc-injunction-against-sumi-agro-for-herbicide/ [15:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.juve-patent.com | Syngenta obtains UPC injunction against Sumi Agro for herbicide [15:57] TR News Thorn in USPTOs Side: Judge Fitzpatricks Whistleblower Victory https://patentlyo.com/patent/2024/09/fitzpatricks-whistleblower-victory.html [15:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-patentlyo.com | Thorn in USPTO's Side: Judge Fitzpatrick's Whistleblower Victory [15:59] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Sep 06 [16:21] TR News Techrights Why We Are Suing Matthew J. Garrett for Harassment and Why It's Important to Everybody in the Community https://techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Why_We_Are_Suing_Matthew_J_Garrett_for_Harassment_and_Why_It_s_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/09/06/Why_We_Are_Suing_Matthew_J_Garrett_for_Harassment_and_Why_It_s_.gmi [16:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Why We Are Suing Matthew J. Garrett for Harassment and Why It's Important to Everybody in the Community [16:41] TR News (NEW): Why Suing Matthew J. Garrett After Abusing and Harassing My Husband and I for Well Over a Decade Became Imperative https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Why_Suing_Matthew_J_Garrett_After_Abusing_and_Harassing_My_Husb.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Why_Suing_Matthew_J_Garrett_After_Abusing_and_Harassing_My_Husb.gmi [16:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Why Suing Matthew J. Garrett After Abusing and Harassing My Husband and I for Well Over a Decade Became Imperative ● Sep 06 [18:06] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@gcs5ikfy64ubg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [18:15] TR News Trump Campaign Moves to Postpone Deposition on Isaac Hayes Infringement Litigation https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/04/trump-campaign-isaac-hayes-deposition/ [18:15] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/04/trump-campaign-isaac-hayes-deposition/ ) [18:16] TR News Curbs on social control media? Judges make it about criminal justice, not free speech. https://www.csmonitor.com/World/2024/0905/social-media-incitement-courts-free-speech [18:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Criminal courts take on social media as governments hold back - CSMonitor.com [18:17] TR News ESP32-S3 USB dongle integrates 1.47-inch TFT LCD display https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/09/06/esp32-s3-usb-dongle-integrates-1-47-inch-tft-lcd-display/ [18:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cnx-software.com | ESP32-S3 USB dongle integrates 1.47-inch TFT LCD display - CNX Software [18:18] TR News Launching Model Airplanes With A Custom Linear Induction Motor https://hackaday.com/2024/09/05/launching-model-airplanes-with-a-custom-linear-induction-motor/ | Source: Hackaday [18:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Launching Model Airplanes With A Custom Linear Induction Motor | Hackaday [18:20] TR News Bubble Sort Is Not Robust Either https://two-wrongs.com/bubble-sort-is-not-robust-either [18:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-two-wrongs.com | Bubble Sort Is Not Robust Either [18:21] TR News German shipping company sues Hong Kongs shutteredApple Daily newspaper for failure to collect newsprint shipment https://hongkongfp.com/2024/09/05/german-shipping-company-sues-hong-kongs-shuttered-apple-daily-newspaper-for-failure-to-collect-newsprint-shipment/ [18:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | German shipping company sues HKs shuttered Apple Daily newspaper [18:21] TR News Outrage in Philippines over officials photos with fugitive ex-mayor Alice Guo https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/outrage-in-philippines-over-officials-photos-with-fugitive-ex-mayor-alice-guo [18:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Outrage in Philippines over officials photos with fugitive ex-mayor Alice Guo | The Straits Times [18:22] TR News GEEKOM Mini Air12 Lite defective chip maker Intel N100 mini PC comes with a 9-pin expansion header https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/09/05/geekom-mini-air12-lite-intel-n100-mini-pc-comes-with-a-9-pin-expansion-header/ [18:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cnx-software.com | GEEKOM Mini Air12 Lite Intel N100 mini PC comes with a 9-pin expansion header - CNX Software [18:22] TR News Long Analysis of the M-209 https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/09/long-analysis-of-the-m-209.html [18:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Long Analysis of the M-209 - Schneier on Security [18:23] TR News INEOS Inovyn: Daimler Truck trials to showcase hydrogen-powered logistics to authorities https://www.h2-view.com/story/ineos-inovyn-daimler-truck-trials-to-showcase-hydrogen-powered-logistics-to-authorities/2114520.article/ [18:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.h2-view.com | INEOS Inovyn: Daimler Truck trials to showcase hydrogen-powered logistics to authorities | Interviews | H2 View [18:35] TR News "" https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/experience-ai-expands-to-reach-over-2-million-students/ | Source: Raspberry Pi [18:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.raspberrypi.org | Experience AI expands to reach over 2 million students - Raspberry Pi Foundation [18:35] TR News TTABlog Test: Are These Design/Stylized Marks for Clothing and Purses Confusable? http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2024/09/ttablog-test-are-these-designstylized.html [18:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-thettablog.blogspot.com | The TTABlog: TTABlog Test: Are These Design/Stylized Marks for Clothing and Purses Confusable? [18:36] TR News Former staff voice support for Pink News whistleblower account threatened with lawsuit https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/digital-journalism/pink-news-twitter-whistleblower-account-lawsuit-threat-former-staff/ [18:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pressgazette.co.uk | Ex-staff voice support for Pink News whistleblower account under legal threat [18:36] TR News (NEW): How I Found the Perfect Linux OS and Stopped Distro-Hopping https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/How_I_Found_the_Perfect_Linux_OS_and_Stopped_Distro_Hopping.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/How_I_Found_the_Perfect_Linux_OS_and_Stopped_Distro_Hopping.gmi [18:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines How I Found the Perfect Linux OS and Stopped Distro-Hopping [18:37] TR News KDEs Annual report for the year 2023 is out https://kde.org/announcements/report_2023/ [18:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-kde.org | KDEs Annual report for the year 2023 is out - KDE Community [18:38] TR News Luigi Cornaros Sure and Certain Methods of Attaining a Long and Healthful Life (1722 edition) https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/cornaro-sure-and-certain-methods [18:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-publicdomainreview.org | Luigi Cornaros *Sure and Certain Methods of Attaining a Long and Healthful Life* (1722 edition) The Public Domain Review [18:39] TR News Ransomware Gang Claims Cyberattack on Planned Parenthood https://www.securityweek.com/ransomware-gang-claims-cyberattack-on-planned-parenthood/ [18:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/ransomware-gang-claims-cyberattack-on-planned-parenthood/ ) [18:40] TR News Cisco Patches Critical Vulnerabilities in Smart Licensing Utility https://www.securityweek.com/cisco-patches-critical-vulnerabilities-in-smart-licensing-utility/ [18:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/cisco-patches-critical-vulnerabilities-in-smart-licensing-utility/ ) [18:43] TR News Two Nigerians Sentenced to Prison in US for BEC Fraud https://www.securityweek.com/two-nigerians-sentenced-to-prison-in-us-for-bec-fraud/ [18:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/two-nigerians-sentenced-to-prison-in-us-for-bec-fraud/ ) [18:44] TR News Microchip Technology Confirms Personal Information Stolen in Ransomware Attack https://www.securityweek.com/microchip-technology-confirms-personal-information-stolen-in-ransomware-attack/ [18:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/microchip-technology-confirms-personal-information-stolen-in-ransomware-attack/ ) [18:45] TR News How Do You Know When Hey Hi (AI) is Powerful Enough to be Dangerous? Regulators Try to Do the Math https://www.securityweek.com/how-do-you-know-when-ai-is-powerful-enough-to-be-dangerous-regulators-try-to-do-the-math/ [18:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/how-do-you-know-when-ai-is-powerful-enough-to-be-dangerous-regulators-try-to-do-the-math/ ) [18:47] TR News DrayTek Vulnerabilities Added to CISA KEV Catalog Exploited in Global Campaign https://www.securityweek.com/draytek-vulnerabilities-added-to-cisa-kev-catalog-exploited-in-global-campaign/ [18:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/draytek-vulnerabilities-added-to-cisa-kev-catalog-exploited-in-global-campaign/ ) ● Sep 06 [19:00] TR News Simplify SBOM Management for Developers: Introducing Bomctl https://openssf.org/blog/2024/09/05/simplify-sbom-management-for-developers-introducing-bomctl/ [19:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-openssf.org | Simplify SBOM Management for Developers: Introducing Bomctl Open Source Security Foundation [19:00] TR News US calls for renewal of UN security mission mandate in Haiti https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240906-us-un-security-mission-mandate-haiti [19:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240906-us-un-security-mission-mandate-haiti ) [19:02] TR News The long political career of France's new prime minister, Michel Barnier https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-france-new-pm-the-french-joe-biden [19:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-france-new-pm-the-french-joe-biden ) [19:03] TR News Myanmar rebels say they launched mortar attack on coup leader https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/kayah-state-loikaw-attack-09052024074403.html [19:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/kayah-state-loikaw-attack-09052024074403.html ) [19:03] TR News How Swing State Politics Are Sinking a Global Steel Deal https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/us-steel-nippon-pennsylvania.html [19:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | How Swing State Politics Are Sinking a Global Steel Deal - The New York Times [19:03] TR News Blinken Visits a Haiti Wracked by Corruption and Gangs https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/blinken-haiti-gang-violence.html [19:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Blinken Visits a Haiti Wracked by Corruption and Gangs - The New York Times [19:08] TR News (NEW): Immich 1.114 Unveils New Enhancements and Bug Fixes https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Immich_1_114_Unveils_New_Enhancements_and_Bug_Fixes.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Immich_1_114_Unveils_New_Enhancements_and_Bug_Fixes.gmi [19:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Immich 1.114 Unveils New Enhancements and Bug Fixes [19:09] TR News Sorry Cypress is a Self-hosted Open-source Test Automation and Free Cypress Dashboard Alternative https://medevel.com/sorry-cypress/ [19:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-medevel.com | Sorry Cypress is a Self-hosted Open-source Test Automation and Free Cypress Dashboard Alternative [19:10] TR News Microsoft Asia president apparently left [19:11] TR News Observable Framework: A Free Static Site Generator Tailored for Data Engineers https://medevel.com/observable-framework/ [19:11] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-medevel.com | Observable Framework: A Free Static Site Generator Tailored for Data Engineers [19:13] TR News US foreign policy in 2025 https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/us-foreign-policy-in-2025/ [19:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.aspistrategist.org.au | US foreign policy in 2025 | The Strategist [19:13] TR News Telegram chief Durov denounces French charges as 'surprising' and 'misguided' https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-telegram-chief-durov [19:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-telegram-chief-durov ) [19:13] TR News How Georgias Gun Laws Compare With Other States https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/georgia-gun-laws.html [19:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | How Georgias Gun Laws Compare With Other States - The New York Times [19:18] TR News US, UK, EU and others sign landmark Hey Hi (AI) safety treaty https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/us-uk-eu-others-sign-landmark-ai-safety-treaty/ [19:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-US, UK, EU and others sign landmark AI safety treaty - SiliconANGLE [19:19] TR News Broadcoms stock falls on weak outlook, despite strong Hey Hi (AI) chip sales and VMware bookings https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/broadcoms-stock-falls-weak-outlook-despite-strong-ai-chip-sales-vmware-bookings/ [19:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Broadcom's stock falls on weak outlook, despite strong AI chip sales and VMware bookings - SiliconANGLE [19:19] TR News New defective chip maker Intel chip production process reportedly underperformed in Broadcom test as next-gen process shelved https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/04/new-intel-chip-production-process-reportedly-underperformed-broadcom-test/ [19:19] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-New Intel chip production process reportedly underperformed in Broadcom test as next-gen process shelved - SiliconANGLE [19:22] TR News US, UK, EU, Sign First-Ever International Legally Binding Treaty for Hey Hi (AI) Systems https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/05/us-uk-eu-international-treaty-ai/ [19:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2024/09/05/us-uk-eu-international-treaty-ai/ ) [19:22] TR News Council of Europe opens worlds first global Hey Hi (AI) treaty for signature https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/09/council-of-europe-opens-worlds-first-global-ai-treaty-for-signature/ [19:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Council of Europe opens worlds first global AI treaty for signature - JURIST - News [19:24] TR News College students are back. Here are 4 issues to watch on campuses. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2024/0905/college-students-campus-protests-israel [19:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-From Gaza to AI, what are 4 issues to watch on college campuses this fall? - CSMonitor.com [19:25] TR News How Drake Lost the Plot https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-lede/how-drake-lost-the-plot [19:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.newyorker.com | How Drake Lost the Plot | The New Yorker [19:26] TR News Rust 1.81.0 released https://lwn.net/Articles/989106/ [19:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Rust 1.81.0 released [LWN.net] [19:27] TR News Samba 4.21.0 released https://lwn.net/Articles/989047/ [19:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Samba 4.21.0 released [LWN.net] [19:29] TR News Macron Names Michel Barnier to Be French Prime Minister, Breaking Impasse https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/europe/france-prime-minister-barnier-macron.html [19:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Macron Names Michel Barnier to Be French Prime Minister, Breaking Impasse - The New York Times [19:30] TR News (NEW): Samba 4.21 Launches with Enhanced Security Features https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/03/Samba_4_21_Launches_with_Enhanced_Security_Features.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/03/Samba_4_21_Launches_with_Enhanced_Security_Features.gmi [19:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Samba 4.21 Launches with Enhanced Security Features [19:30] TR News The Larger Brains of Humans Come With a Tragic Cost, Study Finds https://www.sciencealert.com/the-larger-brains-of-humans-come-with-a-tragic-cost-study-finds [19:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Larger Brains of Humans Come With a Tragic Cost, Study Finds : ScienceAlert [19:30] TR News Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in Lab With Vibrating Molecules https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-destroy-99-of-cancer-cells-in-lab-with-vibrating-molecules [19:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in Lab With Vibrating Molecules : ScienceAlert [19:31] TR News Moon's Volcanic Activity as Recent as 120 Million Years Ago, Study Suggests https://www.sciencealert.com/moons-volcanic-activity-as-recent-as-120-million-years-ago-study-suggests [19:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Moon's Volcanic Activity as Recent as 120 Million Years Ago, Study Suggests : ScienceAlert [19:31] TR News Type 2 Diabetes Drug Linked to 35% Lower Dementia Risk in Patients https://www.sciencealert.com/type-2-diabetes-drug-linked-to-35-lower-dementia-risk-in-patients [19:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Type 2 Diabetes Drug Linked to 35% Lower Dementia Risk in Patients : ScienceAlert [19:32] TR News Bird Flu Hits Dairy Cows in California Number 1 Milk Producing State in US https://www.sciencealert.com/bird-flu-hits-dairy-cows-in-california-number-1-milk-producing-state-in-us [19:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Bird Flu Hits Dairy Cows in California Number 1 Milk Producing State in US : ScienceAlert [19:38] TR News Incredible Experiment Reveals a Way to Make Skin Transparent https://www.sciencealert.com/incredible-experiment-reveals-a-way-to-make-skin-transparent [19:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Incredible Experiment Reveals a Way to Make Skin Transparent : ScienceAlert [19:42] TR News "You shouldnt play with your food. Unless youre designing some kind of portable cannon to fling it across the room. Thats precisely what [Backhaul Studios] did." https://hackaday.com/2024/09/05/high-speed-jelly-launcher-destroys-toast/ | Source: Hackaday [19:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-High-Speed Jelly Launcher Destroys Toast | Hackaday [19:42] TR News "Unlike the todays consumer computer market, the 1980s were the wild west in comparison." https://hackaday.com/2024/09/05/its-spreadsheets-all-the-way-down-for-this-80s-handheld/ | Source: Hackaday [19:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Its Spreadsheets All The Way Down For This 80s Handheld | Hackaday [19:45] *parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [19:46] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:46] TR News Laravel raises $57M to expand team and support open-source development https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/laravel-raises-57m-expand-team-support-open-source-development/ [19:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Laravel raises $57M to expand team and support open-source development - SiliconANGLE [19:46] TR News Synchronization Primitives in C++20 https://www.kdab.com/synchronization-primitives-in-c20/ [19:46] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Synchronization Primitives in C++20 - KDAB [19:47] TR News Announcing the new APNIC Academy IPv6 certification https://blog.apnic.net/2024/09/06/announcing-the-new-apnic-academy-ipv6-certification/ [19:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.apnic.net | Announcing the new APNIC Academy IPv6 certification | APNIC Blog [19:47] TR News The Hey Hi (AI) Wild West: Unraveling the Security and Privacy Risks of GenAI Apps https://www.securityweek.com/the-ai-wild-west-unraveling-the-security-and-privacy-risks-of-genai-apps/ [19:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.securityweek.com/the-ai-wild-west-unraveling-the-security-and-privacy-risks-of-genai-apps/ ) [19:48] TR News Anti-Polio Campaign in Gaza Enters New Phase, Hours After Deadly Strike https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-polio-airstrike.html [19:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Anti-Polio Campaign in Gaza Enters New Phase, Hours After Deadly Strike - The New York Times [19:50] TR News This Week In Rust: This Week in Rust 563 https://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2024/09/04/this-week-in-rust-563/ [19:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-this-week-in-rust.org | This Week in Rust 563 This Week in Rust [19:55] TR News (NEW): New Rust Release and This Week in Rust https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/New_Rust_Release_and_This_Week_in_Rust.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/New_Rust_Release_and_This_Week_in_Rust.gmi [19:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines New Rust Release and This Week in Rust [19:56] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware: Arduino, ESP32, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Open_Hardware_Arduino_ESP32_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/09/06/Open_Hardware_Arduino_ESP32_and_More.gmi [19:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Open Hardware: Arduino, ESP32, and More [19:57] TR News Resources For Using R With Screen Readers https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/09/resources-for-using-r-with-screen-readers/ [19:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Resources For Using R With Screen Readers | R-bloggers [19:58] TR News Vladimir Putin trolls US presidential race with endorsement of Kamala Harris https://kentwired.com/121441/world-nation/vladimir-putin-trolls-us-presidential-race-with-endorsement-of-kamala-harris/ [19:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Vladimir Putin trolls US presidential race with endorsement of Kamala Harris KentWired [19:58] TR News Zelensky appoints Andriy Sybiha as Ukraine's new foreign minister https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-russia-ukraine-putin-priority-capture-donbas-region [19:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-russia-ukraine-putin-priority-capture-donbas-region ) [19:59] TR News Lithuanias new footprint in Brussels defence chief, unofficial Kyiv ambassador? https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2352911/lithuania-s-new-footprint-in-brussels-defence-chief-unofficial-kyiv-ambassador [19:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.lrt.lt | Lithuanias new footprint in Brussels defence chief, unofficial Kyiv ambassador? - LRT ● Sep 06 [20:00] TR News ASCII Plot (my favourite way to represent data) gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/ascii-art/19422 [20:01] TR News A Verificationism Definition of Art gemini://gemini.clehaxze.tw/gemlog/2024/09-06-a-verficiationism-defination-of-art.gmi [20:01] TR News SpellBinding: ALMNRSY Wordo: PRIED gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2024-09-06.gmi [20:02] TR News Delta Chat gemini://idiomdrottning.org/erfarenheter-av-delta-chat [20:03] TR News Likes and Reactions gemini://idiomdrottning.org/likes-and-reactions "I love the reactions feature in Delta Chat, I think its great." [20:03] TR News "gusts of wind fill the alley - the tucked away nook "away" from the big web. Heavy heaves and intense velocity forces the Pub door open." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/2146 [20:04] TR News Number of Gopher users (re: Ralf Wause) gopher://box.matto.nl/0/number-of-gopher-users-re-ralf-wause.txt [20:05] TR News "Reactions are an interesting thing. Even simple or reactions have an effect on how we communicate. Do we feel appreciated? Heard? Is this the end of the conversation? The replies get shorter, it's time to say good-bye, the last message gets a "like" and we're done." gemini://alexschroeder.ch/2024-09-06-reactions [20:06] TR News Pencil to Paper gemini://skyjake.fi/gemlog/2024-09_roophloch.gmi [20:06] TR News VIM Productivity Vs Time gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/vim/19438 [20:07] TR News Some of the music i'm listening to - 11 gemini://flexibeast.space/gemlog/2024-09-06.gmi [20:08] TR News "I think I'm done with cohost. The anti-capitalist bastard lovechild of Tumblr and LiveJournal was one of the first sites I tried once it became clear that Twitter, under its new owner, was basically screwed." gemini://tilde.club/~winter/gemlog/2024/9-06.gmi [20:09] TR News What does retro computing mean? gemini://retro.inetcc.org/~zerock/define-retro.gmi [20:10] TR News new theatre season gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/gef/theatre/week13newSeason [20:10] TR News cat in hammock gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/gef/reflections/catInHammock [20:12] TR News What to expect from this gemlog gemini://retro.inetcc.org/~zerock/2024-08-31.gmi [20:13] TR News back to school gemini://dogboy.smol.pub/backtoschool ● Sep 06 [21:40] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) ● Sep 06 [08:35] TR News "Marines take aim at Navy for fumbled firearm photo on social media" https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2024-04-11/navy-backwards-scope-photo-13528758.html [08:35] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Marines take aim at Navy for fumbled firearm photo on social media | Stars and Stripes [08:36] TR News "Judge in Trumps Jan. 6 case says it wont be delayed by upcoming presidential election" https://kansasreflector.com/2024/09/05/judge-in-trumps-jan-6-case-says-it-wont-be-delayed-by-upcoming-presidential-election/ [08:36] -TechPolBot/#techpol-kansasreflector.com | Judge in Trumps Jan. 6 case says it wont be delayed by upcoming presidential election Kansas Reflector [08:37] TR News "Take her down! WWII submarine skipper sacrificed with final order" https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/09/05/take-her-down-wwii-submarine-skipper-sacrificed-with-final-order/ [08:37] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.navytimes.com | Take her down! WWII submarine skipper sacrificed with final order [08:38] TR News "Trump fails in latest attempt to delay sentencing in hush money case" https://english.elpais.com/usa/elections/2024-09-04/trump-fails-in-latest-attempt-to-delay-sentencing-in-hush-money-case.html [08:38] -TechPolBot/#techpol-english.elpais.com | Trump fails in latest attempt to delay sentencing in hush money case | Elections 2024 | EL PAS English [08:42] TR News Guardian https://www.propublica.org/article/new-york-guardianship-services-judge-eldercare-judith-zbiegniewicz | Source: Pro Publica [08:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.propublica.org | Judge Orders Guardian to Return Thousands to Elderly Woman For Services It Never Provided ProPublica [08:42] TR News Dissenting Against Rogue Texas Prison Officials https://thedissenter.org/dissenting-against-rogue-texas-prison-officials/ | Source: The Dissenter [08:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol-thedissenter.org | Dissenting Against Rogue Texas Prison Officials ● Sep 06 [12:25] TR News "The war in Ukraine is now reaching a turning point that could see the war-torn country either win or lose the conflict." https://neweasterneurope.eu/2024/09/04/what-if-ukraine-will-lose-what-if-ukraine-will-win/ | Source: New Eastern Europe [12:25] -TechPolBot/#techpol-neweasterneurope.eu | What if Ukraine will lose? What if Ukraine will win? - New Eastern Europe [12:26] TR News "Boko Haram killed at least 170 villagers in northeastern Nigeria" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/africa/boko-haram-nigeria-mafa-attack.html | Source: New York Times [12:26] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Boko Haram Kills at Least 170 Villagers in Nigeria Attack - The New York Times [12:27] TR News "includes charges such as conspiracy" https://www.deccanchronicle.com/world/middle-east/us-charges-hamas-leader-other-militants-in-connection-with-oct-7-massacre-in-israel-1821287 | Source: Deccan Chronicle [12:27] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.deccanchronicle.com | US charges Hamas leader, other militants in connection with Oct. 7 massacre in Israel [12:29] TR News "It isn't clear, however, how exactly Mongolia might be sanctioned for failing to arrest the Russian president." https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-mongolia-visit-icc-arrest-explainer-russia/33106069.html | Source: RFERL [12:29] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Explainer: Putin's Mongolia Visit Shows Limits Of International Criminal Court [12:34] TR News "Niger has been a strategic military partner of several countries, including the US, France, Germany, Italy and Russia." https://www.defenceweb.co.za/african-news/us-military-is-leaving-niger-even-less-secure-why-it-didnt-succeed-in-combating-terrorism/ | Source: Defence Web [12:34] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.defenceweb.co.za | US military is leaving Niger even less secure: why it didnt succeed in combating terrorism - defenceWeb [12:35] TR News "Around 150 suspected Boko Haram terrorists armed with rifles and RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades] attacked Mafa ward" https://www.voanews.com/a/at-least-81-killed-in-nigeria-in-suspected-boko-haram-attack-officials-say-/7770651.html | Source: VOA News [12:35] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.voanews.com | At least 81 killed in Nigeria in suspected Boko Haram attack, officials say [12:35] TR News "European Union governments have accused Russia of "weaponizing" migration by helping illegal migrants cross into the EU" https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-weaponized-migration-to-help-bolster-populists-say-latvian-experts-/7771748.html | Source: VOA News [12:35] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.voanews.com | Russia weaponized migration to help bolster populists, say Latvian experts [12:36] TR News Dismissing Kursk, Putin Says Ukraines East Is Russias Main Goal https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/europe/russia-ukraine-putin-kursk.html [12:36] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Dismissing Kursk, Putin Says Ukraines East Is Russias Main Goal - The New York Times [12:37] TR News Serbian Deputy PM Assures Putin That Russia Is An 'Ally' https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-serbia-vulin-putin-ally/33106802.html [12:37] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Serbian Deputy PM Assures Putin That Russia Is An 'Ally' [12:37] TR News 'Feel What We Feel': Syrskiy Says Kursk Incursion Prevented Russian Attacks https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-russia-incursion-war-aims-putin/33106572.html [12:37] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | 'Feel What We Feel': Syrskiy Says Kursk Incursion Prevented Russian Attacks [12:37] TR News Serbian President Says He Will Not Attend BRICS Summit In Russia, Despite Invite https://www.rferl.org/a/vucic-serbia-russia-brics-summit-putin/33107033.html [12:37] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Serbian President Says He Will Not Attend BRICS Summit In Russia, Despite Invite [12:38] TR News White House Says Putin Should 'Stop Interfering' After Backing Harris https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-elections-russia-kirby-harris/33108435.html [12:38] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | White House Says Putin Should 'Stop Interfering' After Backing Harris [12:40] TR News Several phone scammers detained in Latvia https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/crime/05.09.2024-several-phone-scammers-detained-in-latvia.a567610/ "The State Police have detained several Ukrainian citizens on suspicion of the crime." [12:40] -TechPolBot/#techpol-eng.lsm.lv | Several phone scammers detained in Latvia / Article [12:40] TR News Man gets prison sentence after assaulting Ukrainians https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/crime/05.09.2024-man-gets-prison-sentence-after-assaulting-ukrainians.a567576/ [12:40] -TechPolBot/#techpol-eng.lsm.lv | Man gets prison sentence after assaulting Ukrainians / Article [12:42] TR News Cadet Blizzard hacking group linked to unit of Russias GRU https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/05/cadet-blizzard-hacking-group-linked-unit-russias-gru/ [12:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Cadet Blizzard hacking group linked to unit of Russia's GRU - SiliconANGLE [12:42] TR News Too many still view Ukraine through the prism of Russian imperialism https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/too-many-still-view-ukraine-through-the-prism-of-russian-imperialism/ [12:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.atlanticcouncil.org | Too many still view Ukraine through the prism of Russian imperialism - Atlantic Council [12:43] TR News Russia sends Africans to fight in Ukraine https://www.defenceweb.co.za/african-news/russia-sends-africans-to-fight-in-ukraine/ [12:43] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.defenceweb.co.za | Russia sends Africans to fight in Ukraine - defenceWeb [12:43] TR News Live: UK to supply Ukraine with hundreds of new missiles https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-uk-to-supply-ukraine-with-hundreds-of-new-missiles [12:43] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-uk-to-supply-ukraine-with-hundreds-of-new-missiles ) [12:44] TR News New Labour government pushes for International Tribunal to prosecute Russian leaders for aggression https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/09/new-labour-government-pushes-for-international-tribunal-to-prosecute-russian-leaders-for-aggression/ [12:44] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | New UK Labour government pushes for International Tribunal to prosecute Russian leaders for aggression - JURIST - News [12:44] TR News Ukraine anti-corruption agency dismisses deputy director https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/09/ukraine-anti-corruption-agency-dismisses-deputy-director/ [12:44] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | Ukraine anti-corruption agency dismisses deputy director - JURIST - News [12:44] TR News Death Toll In Russian Attack On Poltava, Ukraine, Rises To 55 https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-poltava-death-toll/33108647.html [12:44] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Death Toll In Russian Attack On Poltava, Ukraine, Rises To 55 [12:45] TR News Romanian President Signs Bill Clearing Way For Donation Of Patriot System To Ukraine https://www.rferl.org/a/news-romania-ukraine-patriot-missile-russia/33107818.html [12:45] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Romanian President Signs Bill Clearing Way For Donation Of Patriot System To Ukraine [12:46] TR News Ukraine's Parliament Appoints New Foreign Minister In Major Cabinet Reshuffle https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-parliament-government-reshuffle-kuleba/33106922.html [12:46] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Ukraine's Parliament Appoints New Foreign Minister In Major Cabinet Reshuffle [12:46] TR News IAEA Head Says Tower At Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Station Requires Demolition After Fire https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zaporizhzhya-nuclear-grossi/33106793.html [12:46] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | IAEA Head Says Tower At Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Station Requires Demolition After Fire [12:46] TR News Zelenskiy To Meet German Chancellor In Frankfurt, Reportedly Attend Ramstein Meeting https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zelenskiy-ramstein-germany/33106655.html [12:46] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Zelenskiy To Meet German Chancellor In Frankfurt, Reportedly Attend Ramstein Meeting [12:46] TR News Russian Military Intelligence Members Indicted Over Ukraine Cyberattack https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/indictment-russia-cyberattack-ukraine.html [12:46] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Russian Military Intelligence Members Indicted Over Ukraine Cyberattack - The New York Times [12:47] TR News "Its getting harder and harder to hide" https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/09/05/it-s-getting-harder-and-harder-to-hide | Source: Meduza [12:47] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Its getting harder and harder to hide How children living under Russian occupation have secretly continued attending Ukrainian schools Meduza [12:48] TR News "Russia is rolling out an unprecedented military enlistment..." https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/09/05/russia-is-rolling-out-an-unprecedented-military-enlistment-ad-campaign-amid-ukraine-s-offensive-in-the-kursk-region | Source: Meduza [12:48] -TechPolBot/#techpol-meduza.io | Russia is rolling out an unprecedented military enlistment ad campaign amid Ukraines offensive in the Kursk region Meduza [12:49] TR News Latvian Saeima supports broad ban on Belarus-registered cars https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/transport/05.09.2024-latvian-saeima-supports-broad-ban-on-belarus-registered-cars.a567612/ [12:49] -TechPolBot/#techpol-eng.lsm.lv | Latvian Saeima supports broad ban on Belarus-registered cars / Article [12:50] TR News Turkeys balancing act with BRICS bid raises NATO concerns https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-nato-member-turkey-balancing-act-brics-bid-russia-china [12:50] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-nato-member-turkey-balancing-act-brics-bid-russia-china ) [12:51] TR News Setting up Russia tribunal requires bulletproof legal base CoE chief https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2353771/setting-up-russia-tribunal-requires-bulletproof-legal-base-coe-chief [12:51] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Setting up Russia tribunal requires bulletproof legal base CoE chief - LRT [12:51] TR News Russian TV Presenter Who Was Former Trump Adviser Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions https://www.rferl.org/a/sanctions-russia-simes-money-laundering--indicted-conspiracy/33108515.html [12:51] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Russian TV Presenter Who Was Former Trump Adviser Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions [12:52] TR News 3 Officers Of Moscow Migrants Center Arrested On Corruption Charges https://www.rferl.org/a/sakharovo-immigration-center-three-officers-russia-central-asia/33107093.html [12:52] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | 3 Officers Of Moscow Migrants Center Arrested On Corruption Charges [12:52] TR News Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry Warns Citizens Not To Travel To Russia https://www.rferl.org/a/kyrgyzstan-travel-warning-russia-crocus/33106874.html [12:52] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry Warns Citizens Not To Travel To Russia [12:53] TR News The Doppelgnger Dossier https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/09/05/the-doppelganger-dossier/ "A description of the Russian propaganda plans, largely designed to help Trump, included in a takedown affidavit." [12:53] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.emptywheel.net | The Doppelgnger Dossier - emptywheel ● Sep 06 [13:56] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techpol ● Sep 06 [14:19] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techpol [14:53] TR News French woman says police investigation of mass rape trauma 'saved her life' https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-french-woman-says-police-investigation-of-mass-rape-trauma-saved-her-life [14:53] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-french-woman-says-police-investigation-of-mass-rape-trauma-saved-her-life ) [14:56] TR News Fugitive Ex-Mayor Whose Case Gripped the Philippines Is Arrested in Indonesia https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/asia/philippines-alice-guo-fugitive-arrest.html [14:56] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Fugitive Ex-Mayor Whose Case Gripped the Philippines Is Arrested in Indonesia - The New York Times [14:57] TR News US and China commanders to discuss conflict prevention 'in next few weeks' https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/us-and-china-commanders-to-discuss-conflict-prevention-in-next-few-weeks [14:57] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.straitstimes.com | US and China commanders to discuss conflict prevention in next few weeks | The Straits Times [14:58] TR News Chinas president pledges $50 billion to fund African development https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/africa-summit-xi-jinping-09052024023800.html [14:58] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/africa-summit-xi-jinping-09052024023800.html ) [14:58] TR News US does not exclude joint weapons production with Taiwan: new envoy https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/us-taiwan-weapons-09052024040147.html [14:58] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/us-taiwan-weapons-09052024040147.html ) [14:58] TR News Malaysia probes reported leak of note from great friend China https://www.rfa.org/english/news/southchinasea/malaysia-china-diplomatic-note-anwar-09052024051231.html [14:58] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/southchinasea/malaysia-china-diplomatic-note-anwar-09052024051231.html ) [14:59] TR News EXPLAINED: Why is Taiwan called Chinese Taipei at sports events? https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/explainer-taiwan-chinese-taipei-09052024064157.html [14:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/explainer-taiwan-chinese-taipei-09052024064157.html ) [14:59] TR News Chinas World Buddhist Forum aimed at boosting soft power: experts https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/world-buddhist-forum-boosting-soft-power-09052024153632.html [14:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/world-buddhist-forum-boosting-soft-power-09052024153632.html ) [14:59] TR News China to give Africa $50 billion over next three years, says Pooh-tin Jinping https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20240905-china-to-give-africa-50-billion-over-next-three-years-says-xi-jinping [14:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20240905-china-to-give-africa-50-billion-over-next-three-years-says-xi-jinping ) ● Sep 06 [15:00] TR News A progress report on hypersonicsdoubtful US weapons for the Western Pacific https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/a-progress-report-on-hypersonics-doubtful-us-weapons-for-the-western-pacific/ [15:00] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.aspistrategist.org.au | A progress report on hypersonicsdoubtful US weapons for the Western Pacific | The Strategist [15:15] TR News Myanmar junta begins conscripting men up to age 65 to protect towns against rebels https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/myanmar-junta-recruitment-public-security-09052024165521.html [15:15] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/myanmar-junta-recruitment-public-security-09052024165521.html ) [15:53] TR News Mayor Eric Adams Faces Crisis as U.S. Investigations Reach Inner Circle https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/nyregion/banks-sheena-fbi-search-nyc.html [15:53] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Mayor Eric Adams Faces Crisis as U.S. Investigations Reach Inner Circle - The New York Times [15:59] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techpol ● Sep 06 [18:06] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@gcs5ikfy64ubg.irc) has joined #techpol [18:21] TR News Outrage in Philippines over officials photos with fugitive ex-mayor Alice Guo https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/outrage-in-philippines-over-officials-photos-with-fugitive-ex-mayor-alice-guo [18:21] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.straitstimes.com | Outrage in Philippines over officials photos with fugitive ex-mayor Alice Guo | The Straits Times ● Sep 06 [19:00] TR News US calls for renewal of UN security mission mandate in Haiti https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240906-us-un-security-mission-mandate-haiti [19:00] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20240906-us-un-security-mission-mandate-haiti ) [19:02] TR News The long political career of France's new prime minister, Michel Barnier https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-france-new-pm-the-french-joe-biden [19:02] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/france/20240905-france-new-pm-the-french-joe-biden ) [19:03] TR News Myanmar rebels say they launched mortar attack on coup leader https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/kayah-state-loikaw-attack-09052024074403.html [19:03] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/kayah-state-loikaw-attack-09052024074403.html ) [19:03] TR News How Swing State Politics Are Sinking a Global Steel Deal https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/us-steel-nippon-pennsylvania.html [19:03] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | How Swing State Politics Are Sinking a Global Steel Deal - The New York Times [19:03] TR News Blinken Visits a Haiti Wracked by Corruption and Gangs https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/politics/blinken-haiti-gang-violence.html [19:03] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Blinken Visits a Haiti Wracked by Corruption and Gangs - The New York Times [19:13] TR News US foreign policy in 2025 https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/us-foreign-policy-in-2025/ [19:13] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.aspistrategist.org.au | US foreign policy in 2025 | The Strategist [19:13] TR News How Georgias Gun Laws Compare With Other States https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/us/georgia-gun-laws.html [19:13] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | How Georgias Gun Laws Compare With Other States - The New York Times [19:29] TR News Macron Names Michel Barnier to Be French Prime Minister, Breaking Impasse https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/05/world/europe/france-prime-minister-barnier-macron.html [19:29] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.nytimes.com | Macron Names Michel Barnier to Be French Prime Minister, Breaking Impasse - The New York Times [19:58] TR News Vladimir Putin trolls US presidential race with endorsement of Kamala Harris https://kentwired.com/121441/world-nation/vladimir-putin-trolls-us-presidential-race-with-endorsement-of-kamala-harris/ [19:58] -TechPolBot/#techpol-Vladimir Putin trolls US presidential race with endorsement of Kamala Harris KentWired [19:58] TR News Zelensky appoints Andriy Sybiha as Ukraine's new foreign minister https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-russia-ukraine-putin-priority-capture-donbas-region [19:58] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240905-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-russia-ukraine-putin-priority-capture-donbas-region ) [19:59] TR News Lithuanias new footprint in Brussels defence chief, unofficial Kyiv ambassador? https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2352911/lithuania-s-new-footprint-in-brussels-defence-chief-unofficial-kyiv-ambassador [19:59] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.lrt.lt | Lithuanias new footprint in Brussels defence chief, unofficial Kyiv ambassador? - LRT ● Sep 06 [21:34] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [21:37] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techpol [21:40] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) [21:41] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [21:43] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techpol ● Sep 06 [23:38] *admfubar has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)