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*jacobk (~quassel@9fche7smrmvas.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 01:57
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 02 02:03
*jacobk (~quassel@6wygwq2t5e2hw.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 02:22
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 02 02:25
*jacobk (~quassel@yrvfdrbhimppi.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 03:15
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 02 03:52
schestowitz[TR2]""... produced by some half-wit on IBM India's HR team who cannot spell correctly, let alone write a completely correct English sentence."Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]THIS. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. The English language is a beautiful, living thing that reflects the diversity of the people who speak it, but let’s not kid ourselves, a corporation should meet a high bar for standardization in its communications, and there has been a noticeable degradation of the English lang in official IBM comms, from corporate communications to documentation. I remember the first time I received anOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] official IBM communication that was straight up written in some kind of pidgin Indian English, that was borderline incomprehensible, and it was honestly shocking.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]I’ve even witnessed, on more than one occasion, Dinesh correcting the pronunciation and denigrating the accents of native speakers of American English (in, frankly, s-xist and racist ways), while no one can understand HIM on a transatlantic call. I even heard them say that they are right to do so because they speak, “The Queen’s English.”Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1zuh+1uMoF9LGOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]3 months pay?Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]My husband got (1) months pay for every year worked.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]24 yearsOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]And they also axed your 401KOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Sad.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1cvd+1uMoF9LGOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Ever onward with the layoffsOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]3 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1ekl+1uMoF9LGOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]@ohfOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Surely you can't be serious - it's an Employee Disengagement survey ! Those are the best kind since they are produced by some half-wit on IBM India's HR team who cannot spell correctly, let alone write a completely correct English sentence.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Nonetheless, they get the message across that it's time to pack your bags and go. (unless of course you are a DE, senior exec or even CEO who has been with the company for more than 40 years and needs another medal from the man Modi in India).Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]And, we're off to the IBM layoff's more fun that the Kentucky derby !Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]4 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+3/-0)Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @mzu+1uMoF9LGOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] +8 Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Feels like the right time for the annual Employee Engagement survey!Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]7 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]| 8 reactions (+8/-0)Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @ohf+1uMoF9LGOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] +7 Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]Same for the guy at the top: he or she) can be sacked at any time the board loses confidence in them.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]But then again he was paid tens of millions a year and will no doubt have a generous exit payment, followed by a lucrative book deal accompanied by a speaking tour.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]All for:Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*presiding over the demise of a company that missed major industry trends,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*milking old products for cash,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*failing to invest in R&D and develop new products,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*buying companies at premium prices, only to sell them later at a loss,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*alienating clients with coercive practices (e.g. compliance) and high renewal costs,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*offshoring jobs to low paid employees in foreign countries,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]    hiring useless senior executives and paying them obscene salaries,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]*keeping the good news stories flowing to investors and The Street to boost the share price,Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]    et cetera, et cetera, et ceteraOct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]And you, the IBMer, get three months’ severance and an unaffordable COBRA plan, without a pay raise and the RA g-n to your head for trying to do your best in an increasingly difficult environment.Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2]"Oct 02 05:33
schestowitz[TR2] 02 05:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Oct 02 05:35
*jacobk (~quassel@qm2qkhsqgvw42.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 08:04
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 02 08:07
*jacobk (~quassel@nze7sex4gemfs.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 08:18
*Vengeance has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Oct 02 08:45
*Vengeance (~Guest5184@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techbytesOct 02 08:50
*Vengeance has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Oct 02 08:56
*Vengeance (~Guest5184@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techbytesOct 02 09:07
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 02 09:32
schestowitz[TR2] 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]" Yes it's shocking, simply shocking how low IBM management culture has sunk under Alvind. But, he had the audacity to give himself a 20 million dollar bonus in 2023 for just warming the chair and providing low grade, ho-hum chit chat during his one way monthly Slack chats to IBMers while initiating layoffs and raising the IBM stock price in defiance to the naysayers.Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]Steps for the next layoff wave in the US - Alvind going to give 3 days (!) severance to everyone in the US being laid off in the future to avoid public complaints and whining like this, no matter how long US folks worked at IBM. He realizes that this is particularly painful for those non-Indian executives, STSMs and DEs who have been kissing azz for the past 40 years and making the big bucks. So he sends his advance condolences to Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]you in your time of reflection and sorrow. You voted for Alvind when you asked the IBM board of geriatrics to put him into the CEO office, now you pay the price and suffer the consequences.Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]24 months severance and one month of severance for every year worked at IBM ? It's unheard of in these times of severe cutbacks coming from Alvind's friends in the White House. After all, everyone needs to tighten their belts, except Alvind of course. It's the economy, stoopid.Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]1 hour ago by AnonymousOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]| 4 reactions (+4/-0)Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1jqe+1uMoF9LGOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2] +6 Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]@1eklOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]"Ever onward with the layoffs"Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]Yes, onward and downward with Alvind's pathetic managment culture @IBMOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]1 hour ago by AnonymousOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]| 8 reactions (+7/-1)Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1dpg+1uMoF9LGOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2] +8 Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]@1zuhOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]"pidgin Indian English" - you said it ! That is exactly the sort of incomprehensible English communication from IBM that we have come to expect from the likes of Dinesh and Alvind. It's definitely not the Queen's English nor the King's English. It's some Indian sewer's rat's attempt by making up some mumbo jumbo, and trying to sell it to the world as a new and exciting AI add-on for English communication. If the old queen was stillOct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2] alive today, she would throw a fit at this garbage, and rightfully so. Alvind and Dinesh would be sent packing to some far off, long-forgotten colony in the Indian ocean with living dinosaurs, of course.Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]It's another nail in the coffin of Alvind's pathetic management culture @IBM. But the IBM stock must go on higher, of course. Where would IBM be without it ?Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]"Oct 02 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]Re: Julian Assange at Council of Europe: Dissent from unwilling insiderOct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Attn. : Roy SchestowitzOct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Dear Sir/Madam,Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Julian Assange is due to speak as a "political prisoner" at the Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in Strasbourg, Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> France, on Tuesday the 1st of October, followed the next day by a Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> debate. As a "reluctant insider to a jurisdiction adhering to the Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> European Convention on Human Rights", I dissent.Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Sincerely,Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Erwann RogardOct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> PS: If a) you are not the person named after Attn., but b) have a Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> working relationship with them, please forward appropriately. If a) Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> applies but not b), please inform me of my mistake.Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> Enclosed: My letter to Lord Richard Keen, Chairperson of the Committee Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> on Legal Affairs and Human Rights.Oct 02 12:55
schestowitz[TR2]> I was in the UK for a few days last week and it looks like I'll be backOct 02 13:00
schestowitz[TR2]> again later this month.  I'm still keen to follow up on these things.Oct 02 13:00
schestowitz[TR2]If you're near here we should meet up. I didn't have much I can say regarding the previous message. So I delayed a reply.Oct 02 13:00
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@gcs5ikfy64ubg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 14:36
*parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 15:29
*parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 02 15:30
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 02 17:18
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@gcs5ikfy64ubg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 02 17:23
schestowitz[TR2] 02 18:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Oct 02 18:58
schestowitz[TR2]"Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2](1) months pay for every year worked? Are you sure? I got (1) weeks pay for every 6 months I worked, but that was back in 1992 with the ITO-2...Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]23 minutes ago by AnonymousOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1cxr+1uMoF9LGOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]@1gdf+1uMoF9LG AK literally pledged to Modi to help the Indian economy. Has he done that with the head of state of any other nation? Anyone who has spent any time at IBM knows exactly what’s going on. Don’t gaslight people and tell them that Arvind doesn’t play favorites when it comes to nationality and ethnicity.Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+3/-0)Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1bha+1uMoF9LGOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]1psv Last time I looked Martin Schroeder (who isn’t Indian) off shored 90% of GTS when he was an IBM’er to India, then continued the practice when he became CEO of Kyndryl. I don’t think the nationality of any CEO makes them decide where to deploy labor, but rather the “cost” of that labor is the deciding factor.Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]3 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+1/-1)Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1gdf+1uMoF9LGOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]If AK wasn’t Indian, he would never had been selected by the board to be CEO, because the board needed an Indian to move the jobs to India to save money.Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]| 7 reactions (+4/-3)Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1psv+1uMoF9LGOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2] +8 Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Alvind has been selected by the board to cleanup that mess ; he is in here for himself so he doesn’t care about the US employees who are being axed; he cares about his job and his $$ compensation because he knows is in on an ejectable seat too. This is just businessOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]| 8 reactions (+8/-0)Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1udl+1uMoF9LGOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]@1ukuOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Why doesn't Alvind forgo his huge and extravagant bonus for a change ?Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]I'm interested in hearing your reply or is it going to be the deafening silence from India HR Pipmunks ?Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]| 11 reactions (+6/-5)Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1qza+1uMoF9LGOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Considering all the costs of a US employee( salary, stock, bonus, medical insurance, social security, cost of renting office, etc..) , a US employee may cost at much as 4 employees from India or more. So from Wall Street investors and the board perspective, the math is easy, considering high cost of living, inflation.Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]Arvind reports to the board and gets paid many $$$ millions to execute these changes.Oct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]If he doesn’t make these changes, IBM will go bankruptOct 02 18:59
schestowitz[TR2]"Oct 02 18:59
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 02 21:41

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