●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, December 18, 2021 ●● ● Dec 18 [01:08] schestowitz https://twitter.com/glynmoody/status/1471891427080773638 [01:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: Rightly, it's fab https://t.co/jbtKAvMsTW [01:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LibreOffice has been awarded the Editors Pick badge by Software Informer Tux Machines https://t.co/khpA65EL2d #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines [01:08] schestowitz https://twitter.com/MDX_0x0/status/1471868648105168902 [01:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MDX_0x0: Il #GAFAM significa censura #WEB ! Ricordatevi!#privacy https://t.co/Lrtfjo5nGp https://t.co/itobFB2ZeE [01:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #microsoft = #crime https://t.co/Otj47i5pid [01:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MDX_0x0: Il #GAFAM significa censura #WEB ! Ricordatevi!#privacy https://t.co/Lrtfjo5nGp https://t.co/itobFB2ZeE [01:08] schestowitz Glyn Moody (@glynmoody): ""The profound role of whales in keeping the world alive is generally unrecognized. Much of how whales sequester carbon is due to their symbiotic relationship with phytoplankton, the organisms that are the base of all marine food chains."" | nitter [01:08] schestowitz
[01:08] schestowitz
[01:08] schestowitz
[01:08] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ https://nitter.eu/glynmoody/status/1471841362823856138">
Happy you liked the e-birthday card. Did you have a party or do anything special.
[02:11] schestowitz > Was it your 40th?
[02:11] schestowitz Yes, we'll upload photos by the end of the year.
[02:40] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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● Dec 18
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● Dec 18
[06:18] *Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techbytes
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● Dec 18
[07:07] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techbytes
[07:42] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318563177310457867?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318563177310457867:0:0:0:1318563634422485000
[07:42] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Opinion | Catastrophic Global Disorder Beckons Unless We ... | Minds
[07:42] schestowitz "https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318563177310457867?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318563177310457867:0:0:0:1318563634422485000"
[07:42] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/breaking-fed-chair-powell-reassures-markets-it-s-not-technic-1318563161749590019
[07:42] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | BREAKINGFed Chair Powell reassures markets"It's not tec... | Minds
[07:42] schestowitz "With the way the world is going Linux is the way"
[07:42] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318758651409731595?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318758651409731595:0:0:0:1318767829100531730
[07:42] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | My sister has moved to #debian 10 with #kde -- same #gnu ... | Minds
[07:43] schestowitz "
[07:43] schestowitz Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics
[07:43] schestowitz https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/10/04/funding-both-sides-how-jewish-money-controls-british-politics/
[07:43] schestowitz "
[07:43] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.theoccidentalobserver.net | Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics The Occidental Observer
[07:43] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318494279475138561?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318494279475138561:0:0:0:1318521086194749444
[07:43] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Manufacturing Contempt for Assange: How the Media Made Wi... | Minds
[07:44] schestowitz "Who wants that shit? Only the TV junkies.. The vaccine has proven itself useless against transmission. THAT is what vaccines are supposed to do. This is a profit driven exercise. 99.7% survival rate."
[07:44] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318533549782994955?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318533549782994955:0:0:0:1318538902834778128
[07:44] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | As Omicron Spreads, 100+ Firms in Africa, Asia & Latin Am... | Minds
[07:44] schestowitz "says the billionaire afraid the court might not agree with the current power grab happening the world over'
[07:44] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318532729897226247?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318532729897226247:0:0:0:1318539580986626055
[07:44] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Elizabeth Warren: Congress Must Expand the Supreme Court | Minds
[07:45] schestowitz "The Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, carrier women, drugs, "
[07:45] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1317772820628901900?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1317772820628901900:0:0:0:1317882604187291649
[07:45] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | To think you can undermine womens rights and disappear J... | Minds
[07:45] schestowitz "All around improved specs, and running full apps is cool, but can it be a daily driver? Sadly, the first pine phone didn't really have sufficient hardware to run things smoothly"
[07:45] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318342405547626507?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318342405547626507:0:0:0:1318352813981437953
[07:45] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | PinePhone Pro can run full blown LibreOffice | Minds
[07:45] schestowitz "
[07:45] schestowitz Dec 17
[07:45] schestowitz The worth is what they put to it. Are nft's much different?
[07:45] schestowitz "
[07:45] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1318417879154036749?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1318417879154036749:0:0:0:1318458907781238793
[07:45] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Reddit takes its first official step toward going public. | Minds
[07:46] schestowitz "End the scam of climate change and rona together and kill two birds with one stone. Just create stories more conducsive to dealing with reality"
[07:46] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1317427272210190341?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1317427272210190341:0:0:0:1317429528284368901
[07:46] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Ending the #pandemic requires a major change in attitude,... | Minds
[07:46] schestowitz "You should print that on a T-Shirt and sell it on the college campuses. Irony is so hot right now"
[07:46] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1317813577913995267?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1317813577913995267:0:0:0:1317813963534110739
[07:46] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Wealth, Capitalism and Ideology | Minds
[07:47] schestowitz "Maybe they don't really need it? Just a thought..."
[07:47] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1317781916358807555?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1317781916358807555:0:0:0:1317841427069145091
[07:47] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | WHO Warns 'Vaccine-Deprived' Africa May Not Hit 70% Covid... | Minds
[07:47] schestowitz "
[07:47] schestowitz Here's some more details. Looks like a bad one :(
[07:47] schestowitz https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-zero-day-exploit-for-log4j-java-library-is-an-enterprise-nightmare/
[07:47] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.bleepingcomputer.com | New zero-day exploit for Log4j Java library is an enterprise nightmare
[07:47] schestowitz "
[07:47] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1316306269983739917?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1316306269983739917:0:0:0:1316313431522938896
[07:47] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Extremely bad vulnerability found in widely used loggin... | Minds
[07:47] schestowitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB65miBC4d0
[07:47] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.youtube.com | Inflation Hits Near 40 YEAR High As Economy Crumbles Under Democrats & Biden, GOP Red Wave Is Coming - YouTube
[07:47] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1316314624051646468?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1316314624051646468:0:0:0:1316330847892148236
[07:47] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | NEWS #EestiRahvusringhling Terras and Laanet: Fi... | Minds
[07:48] schestowitz "I would love to see this post get 10,000 likes"
[07:48] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1316552564556173316?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1316552564556173316:0:0:0:1316565633080496130
[07:48] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | | Minds
[07:48] schestowitz oops
[07:48] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1315607633046016008?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1315607633046016008:0:0:0:1317054908687454224
[07:48] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Russia Blocks TorProject.org and Begins Blocking of Wider... | Minds
[07:48] schestowitz ": ("
[07:49] schestowitz "NO MORE MEDIA MERGERS."
[07:49] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314926191416709124?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314926191416709124:0:0:0:1314938029395152901
[07:49] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Dems Urge DOJ Antitrust Probe Into $43 Billion Discovery-... | Minds
[07:49] schestowitz "Is telegram comprimised?"
[07:49] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1315396286429532172?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1315396286429532172:0:0:0:1315396437252509699
[07:49] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Access Now to Telegram: protect the rights of 500 million... | Minds
[07:50] schestowitz "And what if the CEO married a young woman with a smart computer geek for a son?"
[07:50] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1315442653352955915?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1315442653352955915:0:0:0:1315483999656742932
[07:50] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | So what if #ibm founder was an enthusiastic fan of Hitler... | Minds
[07:50] schestowitz "They say the same about starting lithium production / mining in Salton Sea, California..."
[07:50] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1315608734189228039?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1315608734189228039:0:0:0:1315610723274985480
[07:50] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | How Bolivian lithium could help fight climate change | Minds
[07:50] schestowitz "Imagine my shock."
[07:50] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1312393010079600654?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1312393010079600654:0:0:0:1315711059910201357
[07:50] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Now He Tells Us: David Brooks Suggests That the Republica... | Minds
[07:50] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1315819985955721217?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1315819985955721217:0:0:0:1315941273500127235
[07:50] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Dad who carried daughter to school during transport strik... | Minds
[07:50] schestowitz https://www.kwahu.site/2021/12/new-site-to-sellbuy-bitcoin-and-gift.html
[07:50] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.kwahu.site | New Site to Sell/Buy Bitcoin And Gift Card For Mobile Money In Ghana(SIMPLER)
[07:51] schestowitz "Imagine That "
[07:51] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1313705726593470474?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1313705726593470474:0:0:0:1313705973453426704
[07:51] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | The U.S. seized $1 billion-worth of bitcoin a year ago. I... | Minds
[07:51] schestowitz "I would love to run Manjaro KDE on my Chromebook."
[07:51] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1302300918330429453?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1302300918330429453:0:0:0:1313955749289791501
[07:51] *u-amarsh04 has quit (connection closed)
[07:51] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | You'll soon be able to easily run multiple Linux containe... | Minds
[07:51] schestowitz "Openwrt is the way to be anyway. I imagine after what you shared you will want ful control."
[07:51] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314228489267712014?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314228489267712014:0:0:0:1314229838944407560
[07:51] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | I might move to #openwrt soon because #bt keeps breaking ... | Minds
[07:51] schestowitz "Fred as well for the goal."
[07:52] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314255816525615106?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314255816525615106:0:0:0:1314258659424866310
[07:52] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | #ManchesterUnited dominating today. That's better. https... | Minds
[07:52] schestowitz "The Biden admin doesn't even require tests of their staff, and if it is state reps from Texas running from a vote they can't win, but spreading covid to everyone, then the author is silent, or thinks they are stunning and brave"
[07:52] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314495820845813763?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314495820845813763:0:0:0:1314575339589996557
[07:52] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Opinion | What Biden Isnt Saying About Trumps Positive ... | Minds
[07:52] schestowitz "great product"
[07:52] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314670562563330057?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314670562563330057:0:0:0:1314670820718546952
[07:52] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Apple AirTags Are Now Being Used To Steal Cars In Canada | Minds
[07:52] schestowitz "Oh Good! the Pentagon is investigating something! (suspect look over the shoulder while thinking about the Ghislaine Maxwell case)"
[07:52] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314929656473849859?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314929656473849859:0:0:0:1314936723666374667
[07:52] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Crisis of Accountability: Pentagon Reopens Probe of Syr... | Minds
[07:53] schestowitz "Sounds German and all masked up. No thanks.
[07:53] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1314927982590038027?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1314927982590038027:0:0:0:1314937662523576322
[07:53] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Omas Gegen RechtsGrannies Against the Right! | Minds
[07:55] schestowitz "Have to watch out for those omicron particles..."
[07:55] schestowitz "|Nailed it!"
[07:55] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1311331768917299204?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1311331768917299204:0:0:0:1311348130234503178
[07:55] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | "MORONIC" is anagram of "OMICRON" | Minds
[07:55] schestowitz "Tim Dillion is awesome
[07:55] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1311079422937272322?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1311079422937272322:0:0:0:1311446009116626958
[07:55] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | The #TimDillon Show with #WhitneyWebb https://unlimited... | Minds
[07:55] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1311649266342563846?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1311649266342563846:0:0:0:1311670830572245006
[07:55] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Why Michael Moorcocks Elric of Melnibon is getting a ga... | Minds
[07:55] schestowitz "As for those who would play an Elric game, I commend their taste."
[07:55] schestowitz "Exactly the identical books."
[07:56] schestowitz "Hey Roy, can you believe that my sister just sent all of my copies of these to me here in Korea? It's been almost twenty years since I've seen them. Very emotional to unpack them when they arrived!"
[07:56] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techbytes
[07:56] schestowitz "Duh - why would they not - the Democrats are the ones saying "tax the rich" (even to the point of selling apparel with that phase on it) - It should absolutely be pointed out that they are all massive hypocrites.
[07:56] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1312401774883115010?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1312401774883115010:0:0:0:1312409290471903241
[07:56] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Republicans Who Backed Trump Tax Cuts Now Accuse Dems of ... | Minds
[07:56] schestowitz "I thought is was the Unicron variant, Perhaps I misjudged you. Proceed - on your way to oblivion"
[07:56] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1312401126829592596?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1312401126829592596:0:0:0:1312443344550367252
[07:56] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | #moderna chief today: our vaccine is worthless... against... | Minds
[07:57] schestowitz "Thanks for tagging me "
[07:57] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1312676847909081106?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1312676847909081106:0:0:0:1312680637731180553
[07:57] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Mike Stone :zorin: :manjaro: (@mike@fosstodon.org) | Minds
[07:57] schestowitz "He's a big pharma shill"
[07:57] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1313476870083186697?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1313476870083186697:0:0:0:1313487116314873865
[07:57] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | Tony Stark (@TonyStark@democracy.town) | Minds
[07:58] schestowitz "Now that is funny stuff. I read the whole thing twice. LOL"
[07:58] schestowitz https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1313510557604646920?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1313510557604646920:0:0:0:1313517265366290444
[07:58] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.minds.com | NASA Delays Space Walk After It Starts Snowing In Outer S... | Minds
● Dec 18
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● Dec 18
[16:08] *liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techbytes
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[16:11] schestowitz x https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-pop-culture/quidditch-change-name-citing-jk-rowlings-anti-trans-positions-rcna9149
[16:11] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.nbcnews.com | Quidditch to change name, citing J.K. Rowling's 'anti-trans positions'
[16:11] schestowitz # misogynists still having a go at JKR in retribution for her stances on brexit
[16:11] schestowitz # and the tories
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● Dec 18
[17:07] *rianne (~rianne@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #techbytes
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● Dec 18
[18:05] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@4febumrxkknwg.irc) has joined #techbytes
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● Dec 18
[19:44] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
● Dec 18
[20:03] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@t25x9hgy9xhrc.irc) has joined #techbytes
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[20:51] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
● Dec 18
[21:05] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@j62n72kd843hg.irc) has joined #techbytes
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● Dec 18
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