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IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, September 19, 2024

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*jacobk (~quassel@dt7mrnex4e9nw.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 00:49
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 01:04
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 01:07
*MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techbytesSep 19 01:08
* sets mode +a #techbytes MinceRSep 19 01:08
*jacobk (~quassel@dt7mrnex4e9nw.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 01:14
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 01:18
*jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 02:05
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 19 03:31
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 03:36
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 19 03:37
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 03:37
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]The EEOC found IBM GUILTY of age discrimination: 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]There are many articles about this topic: 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]Numerous other IBMers have filed lawsuits against IBM: 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]If you’re interested in filing a lawsuit, remember you cannot file a lawsuit if you sign for severance. Speak to an attorney first before you do anything. I recommend Wright & Greenhill in Austin who have worked on several high profile cases. (I DO NOT work for them): 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/ | DocumentCloudSep 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/ | IBM execs forced out older staff to make way for younger staff | Daily Mail OnlineSep 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Cutting ‘Old Heads’ at IBMSep 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Making ‘Dinobabies’ Extinct: IBM’s Push for a Younger Work Force - The New York TimesSep 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/ | IBM age discrimination lawsuit suddenly ends, suggests Big Blue was willing to pay to avoid discovery process • The RegisterSep 19 05:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 19 05:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:03
schestowitz[TR2]I wonder if the journalists of the ProPublica piece (which was excellent), Peter Gosselin and Ariana Tobin, would be interested in doing a follow-up.Sep 19 05:03
schestowitz[TR2]Tobin appears to still be at ProPublica and features IBM in her bio, along with her contact info:Sep 19 05:03
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:03
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Ariana Tobin — ProPublicaSep 19 05:03
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]" Nyet, for every Dan laid off, you get one Alvind, one Chaiwalla and one Dinesh.Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]But wait, there's more ....Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]3 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+2/-1)Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1tnl+1uzmV0frSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2] +5 Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]"Early this year, IBM disclosed a workforce rebalancing... and we still expect to exit 2024 at roughly the same level of employment as we entered with."Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]In other words, for every Dan lost, a Dinesh is hired.Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]4 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]| 5 reactions (+5/-0)Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @jtx+1uzmV0frSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]So the plan is cut staff for another acquisitionSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]Rinse and repeatSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @cdm+1uzmV0frSep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2] +5 Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]Eventually the truth will come out. And it will come hard. That’s of course secondary to what really matters, which is more but(secks) and then how it all gets smeared in the media.Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]Sorry to all those affected by the layoffs. Your lives will brighten soon don’t worry.Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:04
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]Yes you do because the alternative is worse. Having been unemployed since February, I can tell you this is the worst job market I've experienced since I was RA'd from IBM in 2014. Wouldn't surprise me if we're in a depression.Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]26 minutes ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @tuq+1uAZdaaGSep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]For the left-behinds, congratulations! You're left holding the bag of flaming po-p! You were considered cheap and inexperienced enough to retain for a few months, and you've been set up to fail. You’ll be expected to train your replacements, the offshore staff 10 time zone away, until the end of the year when they either expect you to wash out due to missing your new targets, or burnout and quit. If it's the former, they'll give Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]you 1-month severance for your silence, say it was due to poor performance, and brand you a loser on your way out. if it's the latter you get a goose egg.Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]Being RA'd amounts to 4 months of pay that will get you through January 2025 and is actually the better fate. Nobody wins with Arvind's IBM. There are only different degrees of losing.Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]41 minutes ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsSep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @njw+1uAZdaaGSep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]Yes, apparently IBM is about to raise the utilization targets of everyone for the rest of the year… lol! We won’t have any problems to meet the new targets after picking up the slack from the people layed off… will just require a lot of overtime work!Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:05
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]They already forced everyone back to the office a few years before covid. They will absolutely do it again.Sep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]6 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsSep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1lhy+1uyXD3xRSep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]what offices? we have very few around anymore and the ones we have are tiny and won't support the workforce.Sep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:08
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]TEL, US, 34yo, 5 years of service. There is no real work in TEL (Technology Expert Labs). Stay away from that group.Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Glad it is over, it really su-ked for the past 2 years.Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]1 hour ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @2uav+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Software , 58yo, 10 yearsSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]3 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @2byl+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]US / Band 10 / 50+ years old / 25+ years of serviceSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+3/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1tkt+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Found one article. 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Cloud (US), 9 years, B8, just turned 50.Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]6 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1rbz+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +8 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Been told by an IBM manager they are targeting higher Band levels , not sure how a company can succeed when the experience is shown the door, cannot run an AI company with graduatesSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]7 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 8 reactions (+8/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1xux+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Sales/US (RTP) / band 9 / 27 yearsSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]7 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1hra+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]US / Software / 40+ years / B10Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]8 hours ago by lateribmSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1gfq+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]CIO / US (RTP) / B7 / 10+ years of serviceSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]9 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1szr+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]STILL no media reports at all about mass layoffs at IBM yesterday! Incredible!Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]9 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 5 reactions (+4/-1)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1bmf+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Can anyone comment as to whether the US notifications are done or if it's possible (or likely) that more people will be notified today and throughout this/next week? This would be extremely helpful.Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]10 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1uei+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]60 years of product development -- that is, 3 people -- USSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]11 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1ppl+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Resource Actions (RAs) at IBM have "Code Names" ... this one is code named "Falcon"... from what I have heard, it has various phases... Phase I is USA (Notifications for most were Tues. Sept. 17th with Oct. 17th Exit).... other geos/regions I believe are Phase II, Phase III....Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]12 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+3/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1vfz+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]US / Enterprise Operations/ 23 years/ B10Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]12 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+2/-1)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1eyh+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]US - CISO SOC- 4+yearsSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]13 hours ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1eva+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Technology Expert Labs. 26 years. B9 USSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]15 hours ago by Pi---dSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 5 reactions (+4/-1)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1xmw+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]3,500 people in just consulting I was toldSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]1 day ago by AnonymousSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]| 8 reactions (+5/-3)Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1wqz+1uytuuZ7Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]US IBM Cloud InfrastructureSep 19 05:09
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 19 05:09
-TechBytesBot/ | IBM quietly axing thousands of jobs, source claims • The RegisterSep 19 05:10
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]"Trying to get away from Netvibes rss reader (for more privacy), I'm trying out Newsflash. The LXer rss feed works fine with Netvibes, with it currently using the http version. Newsflash works fine with all my other rss feeds, but not with LXer. I've tried both versions http and https, copying directly from you website RSS link. Also - it was working when I first installed it.. but after a month or so it has now lost the feed and cSep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]an't find it. I'm running KDE unstable on Gentoo with no other problems noticed. Any ideas? My 30+ other feeds have no problems. Thanks!Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2] bobSep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Sep 15, 2024Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]1:21 AM EDT We did convert our RSS feed over to https a couple weeks ago. If you click on this link in a browser you should see the RSS code directly. That is the same code as we were delivering before the change, only now it comes in an https frame.Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2] 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Is anyone else having difficulty with the LXer RSS feed since our https conversion?Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]hunkySep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Sep 15, 2024Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]2:30 PM EDT FYI, I just installed Liferea newsreader and when adding 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]There was a problem when fetching this subscription! ✅ 1. Authentication ✅ 2. Download ✅ 3. Feed Discovery ⛔ 4. Parsing Details: Sorry, the feed could not be parsed!Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Empty input! You may want to contact the author/webmaster of the feed about this!Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]bobSep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Sep 15, 2024Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]2:32 PM EDT I just now pushed changes. Some of the links had not been changed to https. Please try again with Newsflash and let me know if you see any changes.Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]hunkySep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Sep 15, 2024Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]5:22 PM EDT No luck here with either Newsflash or Liferea.Sep 19 05:37
schestowitz[TR2]Thanks a lot for looking into this."Sep 19 05:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-LXer: My RSS reader can't find LXer's feed: LXer Meta ForumSep 19 05:37
*agentcas3y has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 06:32
*agentcas2y (~agentcasey@b6dc92btrdtrn.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 06:33
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 19 06:53
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 07:01
schestowitz[TR2]Re: Regarding a podcast I heard recentlySep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Roy,Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> It's been a while since I've written, so I wanted to say hello! and toSep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> thank you and Rianne for making TechRights and Tux Machines availableSep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> to all of us.  I am grateful for your independent journalism!Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> In apropos of your reporting of regions reducing their use of Windows,Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> this podcast came across my feed this morning:Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> It looks like businesses may be starting to seriously consider gettingSep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> m$ out of their enterprises.Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Thanks again to all that you and Rianne do!Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> Very Best,Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]I've only just been checking for spam and then saw this message from July, which I hadn't noticed until today. Sorry about that :(Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]Some really horrible people subscribed me to lots of spam, which makes a mess of my inbox.Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]I am going to add the above to Daily Links after checking it.Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]Kind regards,Sep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]RoySep 19 09:24
-TechBytesBot/ | HS078: Is It Time To Dump Microsoft? | Packet PushersSep 19 09:24
schestowitz[TR2]> It looks like businesses may be starting to seriously Sep 19 09:37
schestowitz[TR2]> consider getting m$ out of their enterprises.Sep 19 09:37
schestowitz[TR2]Which is why m$ is doubling down on their attacks against institutionsSep 19 09:37
schestowitz[TR2]of higher learning, they aim to shut off that very last trickle of Sep 19 09:37
schestowitz[TR2]educated CS grads for goodSep 19 09:37
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 10:02
*jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 10:04
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 19 11:33
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 12:15
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*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 13:17
*x-amarsh04 has quit (connection closed)Sep 19 14:08
schestowitz[TR2]<li><h5><a href="">Smartphones Leaking Data</a></h5><blockquote><p>When you use smartphones from big tech companies, you’re often trading your privacy for convenience. These devices are designed to collect vast amounts of data about you, from your location to your browsing habits, and even your conversations. This data is then used to build detailed profiles that are sold to advertisSep 19 14:26
schestowitz[TR2]ers, used to exploit you, and even handed over to government agencies without your knowledge nor consent.</p> </blockquote></li> Sep 19 14:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Smartphones Leaking Data – PurismSep 19 14:26
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 14:51
*x-amarsh04 has quit (connection closed)Sep 19 15:02
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 15:13
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*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 15:30
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*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 15:59
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*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 16:27
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@gcs5ikfy64ubg.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 16:27
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 19 16:37
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 16:43
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 17:07
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@3nw7afak6aym2.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 17:10
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 19 17:23
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 19 17:27
schestowitz[TR2] <li>Sep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">Kubuntu 24.04 slowly but majorly improving</a></h5>Sep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Sep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>I am writing this review before the 24.04.1 release hitting me box. However, you may read it after the major point upgrade. Now, the reason I decided to create this piece is, I've been using my one Kubuntu 24.04 instance for several weeks now. It all started with an SSD upgrade on a 10-year-old laptop. The upgrade went fine, and I chose Kubuntu 24.04 as my distro. The operating system instSep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2]allation did not go well. The distro drivers setup was clunky, and I was quite unhappy. </p>Sep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Sep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Sep 19 18:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Kubuntu 24.04 slowly but majorly improvingSep 19 18:17
schestowitz[TR2] <li>Sep 19 18:18
schestowitz[TR2]                            <h5><a href="">Haiku Activity & Contract Report, August 2024</a></h5>Sep 19 18:18
schestowitz[TR2]                            <blockquote>Sep 19 18:18
schestowitz[TR2]                                <p>R1/beta5 was of course released just a few days ago, and many (though not all) of the changes in this report made it in to the release. </p>Sep 19 18:18
schestowitz[TR2]                            </blockquote>Sep 19 18:18
schestowitz[TR2]                        </li>Sep 19 18:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Haiku Activity & Contract Report, August 2024 | Haiku ProjectSep 19 18:18
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 19 20:12
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*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 19 22:11
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesSep 19 23:55

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