●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, October 21, 2022 ●● ● Oct 21 [01:01] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [01:04] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 21 [02:21] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [02:28] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 21 [03:40] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [03:47] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 21 [06:06] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytes [06:06] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 21 [09:10] schestowitz > Hi Roy, [09:10] schestowitz > [09:10] schestowitz > It's been a while. Hope you are very well. [09:10] schestowitz > [09:10] schestowitz > An essay I originally wrote about systems theory has turned out [09:10] schestowitz > differently due to insights and research and doesn't fit where I want [09:10] schestowitz > it any more. I thought of you because it might fit your audience. So [09:11] schestowitz > I wonder if you'd like to take a look. It's not specifically about [09:11] schestowitz > Linux or and anti-Microsoft take (but hits those points softly), [09:11] schestowitz > rather a more philosophical ditty about why open, modular software is [09:11] schestowitz > better than "systems as solutions". [09:11] schestowitz > [09:11] schestowitz > Please let me know if you're interested. [09:11] schestowitz > [09:11] schestowitz > All good wishes from rainy England, [09:11] schestowitz Hi! [09:11] schestowitz Been a while :-) [09:11] schestowitz Yes, definitely interested. Your articles from last year did receive many reads still, esp. Peak Code. [09:11] schestowitz Are you planning to send me a URL as before (HTML)? [09:11] schestowitz We can publish this also in tuxmachines, which has meanwhile moved to our own CMS. [09:11] schestowitz Regards, [09:49] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytes [09:55] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 21 [10:58] schestowitz
[10:58] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-antixlinux.com | antiX-22 released antiX Linux [10:58] schestowitz[10:58] schestowitzThis is predominantly an update of our last release (antiX-21), but with a newer 4.9.0-326 kernel, latest 3 series IceWM, latest firefox-esr 102.3 (full), seamonkey 2.53.14 (base), improved localisation and fixed deb archive keys.
[10:58] schestowitz
[11:00] schestowitz[11:01] schestowitztldr: we do not particular keep track nor document curls exact spec compliance. I cannot fathom how we could.
[11:00] schestowitzToday, in October 2022, curl and libcurl combined consist of nearly 150,000 lines of source code (not counting blank lines). 19% of those are comments.
[11:00] schestowitzThis source code pile was carefully crafted with the sole purpose of performing Internet transfers using one or more of the 28 separate supported protocols. (There are 28 different supported URL schemes, it can be discussed if they are also 28 protocols or not.)
[11:00] schestowitz
[11:09] schestowitz[11:09] schestowitzThey do it by looking to see if Indexed Database API is available, and if its not, blocking your browser.
[11:09] schestowitz
[11:14] schestowitz[11:14] schestowitzI am happy to announce that curl receives funding from The Sovereign Tech Fund. This funding is directed towards three specific projects that we have identified as interesting and worthwhile to push forward as ways to improve curl and the life of curl users.
[11:14] schestowitzThis investment will fund two developers to work on curl over a period of six months: Stefan Eissing and myself. The three projects are explained at some detail below. Of course everyone and anyone is welcome to join in and help out with these projects. Everything will be done in the open, as usual.
[11:14] schestowitz
[11:31] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-iTWire - Qatar World Cup visitors cautioned about taking mobiles [11:31] schestowitz[11:32] schestowitzVasaasen said Ehteraz was a COVID-19 tracking app while Hayya was an official World Cup app which would be used to track match tickets and police access to the free Metro in Qatar.
[11:32] schestowitzHe said Ehteraz, which all visitors over 18 would have to install, asked for access to read, delete or change all content on the phone, as well as access to connect to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, override other apps and prevent the phone from switching off to sleep mode.
[11:32] schestowitzEhteraz also was able to access an overview of one's exact location, the ability to make direct calls via the phone and the ability to disable any screen lock.
[11:32] schestowitz