●● IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Thursday, December 03, 2020 ●● ● Dec 03 [00:06] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:15] DaemonFC[m] https://9to5mac.com/2020/12/02/remote-control-of-iphones-security-fail/amp/ [00:15] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Remote control of iPhones via WiFi was massive security fail - 9to5Mac [00:16] XRevan86 > /amp [00:16] XRevan86 It's always DaemonFC[m] %) [00:16] XRevan86 Probably uses Google Chrome and Google Search on his smartphone. [00:16] XRevan86 or Brave or something [00:18] smnthermes Or Vivaldi [00:18] XRevan86 But definitely somewhere in the Google rabbit-hole. [00:31] *psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [03:08] *GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:08] *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights [03:28] *GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:29] *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [04:58] schestowitz Ariadne: after 3 days, if href cannot be reached, maybe it can still be arranged for him to pass the domain to someone else? Maybe I can try to manage it myself to some degree? Better than dead at least. ● Dec 03 [05:19] Ariadne I mean if we can t reach him how would we transfer the domain? [05:19] schestowitz eventually he might turn up [05:20] schestowitz I suppose you know him in person because you spoke before about domain transfer and all [05:31] *mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) ● Dec 03 [06:05] *Sajesajama has quit (Quit: Leaving) [06:08] DaemonFC[m] Yesterday was the worst day yet for Coronavirus deaths. [06:09] schestowitz https://www.makeuseof.com/ai-tools-add-color-old-black-and-white-photos/ [06:09] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.makeuseof.com | 6 AI Tools That Add Color to Old Black and White Photos [06:09] schestowitz DaemonFC[m]: wait till the holiday travel takes effect [06:09] schestowitz and older people catch it in dinner tables [06:13] DaemonFC[m] https://www.npr.org/2020/12/02/941509563/lawmakers-barrel-ahead-on-defense-bill-plans-balking-at-trump-veto-threat [06:14] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.npr.org | Lawmakers Balk At Trump Veto Threat, Barrel Ahead On Defense Bill Plans : NPR [06:16] DaemonFC[m] They have veto-proof majority for that, so.... [06:17] schestowitz they put copyright stuff there, iirc [06:17] schestowitz if the above is about ndaa [06:17] schestowitz https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20201201/10514145802/tis-season-congress-looks-to-sneak-unconstitutional-copyright-reform-bill-into-must-pass-spending-bill.shtml [06:17] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-'Tis The Season: Congress Looks To Sneak In Unconstitutional Copyright Reform Bill Into 'Must Pass' Spending Bill | Techdirt [06:32] *GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:34] schestowitz https://lwn.net/Articles/837642/ [06:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-No LWN.net Weekly Edition next week [LWN.net] [06:34] schestowitz "Thursday, November 26 is the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. We traditionally take that week off to celebrate with our families and eat far too much food. The pandemic situation has turned family celebrations into a poor idea, but time off and food still seem like entirely appropriate ideas. Thus, there will be no LWN Weekly Edition on November 26." [06:50] *kupi has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [06:52] *davisr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:52] *davisr (davisr@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/davisr) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [07:03] schestowitz > Phipps 10 years ago: *Stallman lacks empathy* [07:03] schestowitz > [07:03] schestowitz > SFC 1 year ago: Censor Stallman [07:03] schestowitz > [07:03] schestowitz > Collabora (Includes people who are close friends with Nat Friedman) [07:03] schestowitz > *"Empathy does not mean censorship"* [07:03] schestowitz > [07:03] schestowitz > We have refuted the idea that autists are not incapable of empathy, [07:03] schestowitz > however they are still viewed/stereotyped as being incapable. [07:03] schestowitz > [07:03] schestowitz > When you are demanding conformity with a (cynical buzzword) that a group [07:03] schestowitz > is stereotyped as being incapable of, in the present climate it's [07:03] schestowitz > extremely difficult to believe this doesn't directly target a certain [07:03] schestowitz > group of developers for discrimination. The fact that it's the one (or [07:03] schestowitz > perhaps one of two) group/s of people who seem "ineligible" for [07:03] schestowitz > protection against discrimination and stereotyping can't be ignored [07:03] schestowitz > either. Can't say "bitch" to make a point, but you can sure say [07:03] schestowitz > "neckbeard" without anybody skipping a beat. [07:04] schestowitz >> We have refuted the idea that autists are not incapable of empathy [07:04] schestowitz > [07:04] schestowitz > Strike "not", sigh. [07:04] schestowitz Re: Nothing GNU here [07:04] schestowitz > * 19 new GNU releases in the last month (as of November 25, 2020):* [07:04] schestowitz > [07:04] schestowitz > full list: [07:04] schestowitz > * automake-1.16.3 <- requires perl* [07:04] schestowitz > * bison-3.7.4 <- developed on GitHub* [07:04] schestowitz > complexity-1.13 [07:04] schestowitz > emms-6.0 [07:04] schestowitz > * gama-2.11 <- perl and png in docs* [07:04] schestowitz > gmp-6.2.1 [07:04] schestowitz > * gnucobol-3.1 <- perl and flex* [07:04] schestowitz > * gnunet-0.14.0 <- uses perl and wolfssl (GitHub)* [07:04] schestowitz > gnupg-2.2.25 [07:04] schestowitz > * grep-3.6 <- perl in unit tests* [07:04] schestowitz > * guix-1.2.0 <- uses elogind from GitHub* [07:04] schestowitz > * libredwg-0.11.1 <- perl* [07:04] schestowitz > * mdk-1.3.0 <- zlib1g, flex* [07:04] schestowitz > * parallel-20201122 <- perl* [07:04] schestowitz > taler-0.8.1 [07:04] schestowitz > * texinfo-4.1 <- perl* [07:04] schestowitz > unifont-13.0.04 [07:04] schestowitz > * units-2.21 <- perl, python* [07:04] schestowitz > * zile-2.4.15 <- perl in unit tests* [07:05] schestowitz > [07:05] schestowitz > just perl: [07:05] schestowitz > automake-1.16.3 <- requires perl [07:05] schestowitz > grep-3.6 <- perl in unit tests [07:05] schestowitz > libredwg-0.11.1 <- perl [07:05] schestowitz > parallel-20201122 <- perl [07:05] schestowitz > texinfo-4.1 <- perl [07:05] schestowitz > zile-2.4.15 <- perl in unit tests [07:05] schestowitz > [07:05] schestowitz > not just perl: [07:05] schestowitz > bison-3.7.4 <- developed on GitHub [07:05] schestowitz > gama-2.11 <- perl and png in docs [07:05] schestowitz > gnucobol-3.1 <- perl and flex [07:05] schestowitz > gnunet-0.14.0 <- uses perl and wolfssl (GitHub) [07:05] schestowitz > guix-1.2.0 <- uses elogind from GitHub [07:05] schestowitz > mdk-1.3.0 <- zlib1g, flex [07:05] schestowitz > units-2.21 <- perl, python [07:05] schestowitz > [07:05] schestowitz > projects with key people hostile to stallman / friendly to coup: [07:05] schestowitz > gnupg-2.2.25 [07:05] schestowitz > guix-1.2.0 <- uses elogind from GitHub [07:05] schestowitz > unifont-13.0.04 [07:06] psydroid I think the US computer market is one of the more interesting ones to watch, as it seems Apple is most popular there with Google also having significant market share with its operating systems and Windows in decline again after some spike earlier this year [07:06] psydroid India is already primarily on Android [07:07] psydroid So more "neckbeard' attacks are to be expected [07:07] kingoffrance well (briefly) cocs are in charter schools too, and they want them in public as well (in us)...behavioral control; yes, it is common now to accuse ppl of being autistic; doesnt surprise me i guess [07:07] kingoffrance neckbeard used to be wise man lol that one is kind of 180 it seems [07:07] *obarun (~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc) has joined #techrights [07:08] kingoffrance im kind of amazed it could be an insult, but kind of not [07:08] kingoffrance anything but tech or freedom i guess [07:08] psydroid It's a meaningless term used only to express your dissatisfaction with the major ransomware vehicle being in decline [07:09] psydroid At least that's how I see it mainly used [07:09] kingoffrance yes, theyll surely newspeak it too (replace with something else) when the time comes [07:10] kingoffrance i take these things seriously, but nevertheless its amazing they just parrot other ppl it seems [07:10] kingoffrance serious distractions anyways [07:11] kingoffrance its like the "open source" thing if you dont go along with the merger you get accused of being schizo [07:11] kingoffrance so not unexpected [07:14] psydroid In this case it seems all we have to to is to keep spreading the message of free software in whatever way possible and just sit and wait to see how the "open source" proponents (I.e. parasites) progress on their road to self-destruction [07:16] CrystalMath open source stood up to the ethical source idiots, at least [07:21] search_social idk they are more genius than idiot [07:21] search_social well i guess it's not too much of an innovation [07:21] search_social companies can already arbitrarily revoke licenses [07:21] search_social they just put a new spin on it [07:24] mjg59 So close [07:24] mjg59 Autism doesn't mean people are incapable of empathy [07:25] schestowitz tell that to Phipps [07:25] mjg59 So Stallman's lack of empathy is his responsibility, not any hypothetical undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorder [07:25] schestowitz let me find the tweets [07:25] schestowitz hang on [07:26] schestowitz here: http://techrights.org/2020/10/11/osi-and-rms/ [07:26] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The Open Source Initiative Cannot Lecture People on Manners and Tolerance (and Probably Never Could) | Techrights [07:26] schestowitz screenshots [07:27] mjg59 He's wrong [07:27] schestowitz apropos http://techrights.org/2020/06/30/corporate-crocodile/ http://techrights.org/2020/03/19/cancel-culture-as-assassination/ [07:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Crocodiles Can Only Ever Fake Empathy | Techrights [07:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Against All Superficiality Cancel Culture is About Assassination, Not Empathy or Love | Techrights [07:27] schestowitz mjg59: so maybe you should cancel phipps, not rms [07:28] schestowitz and write some blog post about "post-phipps OSI" [07:28] schestowitz OSI is dead by the way [07:28] schestowitz SFC is too [07:28] schestowitz corporate pawns [07:28] schestowitz their board and presidents [07:28] mjg59 As I said in 2009: https://lwn.net/Articles/348543/ [07:28] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-OK, I'll bite. Sides of this issue you might not be considering [LWN.net] [07:28] schestowitz they're becoming just corporate attaches now [07:33] search_social i've noticed anyone that claims someone else has a "lack of empathy" is always someone who has zero empathy themselves [07:46] *tessier has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:49] *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [08:03] schestowitz https://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=sv&u=https://www.svt.se/nyheter/vetenskap/ny-forskning-sa-stor-del-av-darknet-ar-fylld-av-kriminalitet [08:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-translate.google.com | Google Translate [08:13] psydroid But the headline actually says the opposite [08:13] psydroid "New research said a large part of the darknet is filled with crime" [08:14] psydroid I guess there is still some work to be done on the translation engine [08:32] *notanamber (~luca@host-79-6-210-200.business.telecomitalia.it) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [09:12] *CrystalMath has quit (Quit: May we live long and die out | http://vhemt.org/) [09:34] *genr8_ (~genr8_@unaffiliated/genbtc) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [10:51] *chovy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:53] *chovy (~chovy@141-126-110-069.res.spectrum.com) has joined #techrights [10:53] *chovy has quit (Changing host) [10:53] *chovy (~chovy@pdpc/supporter/active/chovy) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [11:05] psydroid So several people are pointing out that Microsoft is doing so well with Office365 on Azure and AWS and I'm wondering if there is any truth to that [11:05] psydroid And if it were true, why are they investing so much time in "loving" all free software projects out there? [11:06] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2020/07/23/microsoft-defrauding-again/ [11:06] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Microsoft is Defrauding Its Shareholders While Laying Off About 5,000 Workers | Techrights [11:12] psydroid https://www.statista.com/statistics/961105/japan-market-share-of-office-suites-technologies/ [11:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Office suites market share U.S. 2020 | Statista [11:12] psydroid It's just lies and more lies [11:26] schestowitz lying is an indutry now [11:26] schestowitz they call it "perception management" ● Dec 03 [12:44] *mmu_man (~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [13:10] *viera has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:11] *viera (~viera@2602:fd37:1::84) has joined #techrights [13:21] schestowitz Ariadne: I changed to [13:21] schestowitz relay_channels: [13:21] schestowitz '#boycottnovell-social': [] [13:21] schestowitz '#techrights': [13:21] schestowitz - 'https://mastodon.technology/@tuxmachines' [13:21] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tux Machines (@tuxmachines@mastodon.technology) - Mastodon for Tech Folks [13:21] schestowitz '#tuxmachines': [13:21] schestowitz - 'https://mastodon.technology/@tuxmachines' [13:21] schestowitz then restarted the program/daemon [13:21] schestowitz is there anything else that needs changing? [13:22] schestowitz it doesn't seem to be picking those updates from mastodon.technology [13:22] schestowitz maybe I edited the wrong yaml file? [13:27] schestowitz https://joindiaspora.com/posts/19579548#a844a2a0177001398a3849d77ca879d5 [13:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@linux@joindiaspora.com: X Still Improving and Microsoft Embraces and 'Extends' Mesa, More DRM http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/145011 [13:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> www.tuxmachines.org | X Still Improving and Microsoft 'Embraces' and 'Extends' Mesa, More DRM | Tux Machines [13:27] schestowitz "Do you mean direct rendering manager there, or digital rights restriction? It's confusing when mesa is the subject..." [13:27] schestowitz "Games avoiding the Windows API and performing system calls directly is an increasingly common occurrence by modern Windows games, seemingly in the name of Digital Rights Management schemes and similar protected modes" [13:36] schestowitz I see no hard dependencies on Pleroma: no matches in /home/viera/viera/viera# grep -R plerom * [13:37] schestowitz so I wonder why it does not pick up those updates from mastodon? Maybe needs explicit authorisation... will dig around that [13:39] schestowitz /msg viera follow https://mastodon.technology/@tuxmachines [13:39] schestowitz was followed [13:39] schestowitz but still no luck [13:40] *viera has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:40] *viera (~viera@2602:fd37:1::84) has joined #techrights [13:54] psydroid Does that mean those games won't run older versions of Backdoors either? In that case they're painting themselves into a corner with fewer systems being able to run the monstrosity itself and the games, unless the hardware upgrade cycle is kept intact to force Backdoors 10 onto users [13:55] schestowitz I did not look into it [13:55] schestowitz here's a tought [13:55] schestowitz actually many thoughts [13:55] schestowitz let me know your thoughts, too [13:55] schestowitz so I am thinking 'aloud' here [13:55] schestowitz RMS has his political notes [13:56] schestowitz I consider doing the same after the latest catastrophe [13:56] schestowitz which is pleroma.site dying without warning [13:56] schestowitz affecting both tuxmachines, techrights, the bots here in IRC [13:56] schestowitz while I try to see if the site can be salvaged, code can be amended and other factors [13:56] schestowitz what if we either move those personal posts to my personal site [13:56] schestowitz like stallman.org [13:57] schestowitz and for tuxmachines I can wait and see what happens... in case pleroma.site comes back one way or another [13:57] schestowitz or maybe we can do a post for social control media updates in wordpress in techrights [13:58] schestowitz which would updates every few minutes, with latest updates, somehow... [13:58] schestowitz rather than static text file in my own web site, as it would be had to manage without some CMS for multiple days [13:58] schestowitz social control media is far too erratic [13:58] schestowitz sites changing APIs, go up and down, offline.retired far too often [13:59] schestowitz and we have no control over what they decide [13:59] schestowitz Twitter will block all non-JS users December 15 [13:59] schestowitz They have been warning about it since last month [13:59] schestowitz so twitter is a goner for sure ● Dec 03 [14:00] schestowitz I'm going to devote the rest of the day to cutting off that dependency [14:00] schestowitz no reason to boycott FB and not Twitter >As well< [14:00] schestowitz not anymore [14:00] schestowitz Twitter is malware [14:00] schestowitz and you have to run malicious JS and see ads to access the site [14:00] schestowitz more so December 15th onwards [14:00] schestowitz we have 12 days left [14:00] schestowitz I can do some coding [14:03] schestowitz maybe I can use the schestowitz.com blog for social control media that's local to me [14:14] psydroid I would definitely agree with that move and have had no faith in social control media for years now, as you can't reasonably support something you don't have control over [14:18] psydroid When I hopefully get more powerful ARM hardware next year I will also contribute a node towards decentralisation efforts, but in the meantime I'm minimising my involvement with centralised technology to minimise the possibility of developing any further dependencies on them [14:18] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [14:22] *CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrights [14:23] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-4 [14:23] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Trolley [14:26] CrystalMath i think with only 7 humanity's dead [14:33] schestowitz word in progress: http://schestowitz.com/2020/12/04/ [14:33] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-schestowitz.com | Social Control Media Posts [14:33] schestowitz this is updated by a script I've made [14:33] schestowitz work in progress [14:37] *rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:38] *rianne__ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:39] MinceR well yeah, with 7, it would eliminate all problems with human inbreeding, permanently [14:40] *rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:41] *rianne__ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:41] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/cure-2 [14:41] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Cure [14:43] *rianne (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:43] *rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:45] *rianne has quit (Client Quit) [14:46] *rianne (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:47] *rianne has quit (Client Quit) [14:47] *rianne__ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:49] *rianne__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:49] *rianne__ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:50] *rianne__ has quit (Client Quit) [14:50] *rianne (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:51] *rianne has quit (Client Quit) [14:51] *rianne (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #techrights [14:54] *psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrights ● Dec 03 [15:31] schestowitz Ariadne: I wonder, if both sites (.site and .fr) are down without prior warning, is it possible they have a DC/routing/network issue? IIRC, he's French, so my first instinct was, maybe a protest against their dumb "global security law" nonsense? [15:31] schestowitz I'm still hopeful the explanation is simple like, "datacenter got cut off, bringing down all the sites" [15:32] schestowitz In the meantime I've worked on making a real-time-updated page with all my posts in it: http://schestowitz.com/2020/12/04/ [15:32] schestowitz there will be some softlink to latest date somewhere, I'll improve it over time. Twitter no longer seems to send full archives to users, not to me anyway (since 2016) [15:37] *AVRS (~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #techrights [15:39] AVRS Hi schestowitz. If I understand correctly, the browser extension IPFS Companion redirects some IPFS links to the local IPFS server. So it would be good if you format the CIDs as links. [15:39] schestowitz how would that be done? [15:39] schestowitz ipfs:// ? [15:40] AVRS It says "Support content-addressed IPFS paths (/ipfs/) and URIs (ipfs://) in your browser, and redirect them to the gateway of your choice" [15:40] AVRS It redirects https://ipfs.io/ipfs/ [15:40] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 400 @ https://ipfs.io/ipfs/ [19:28] DaemonFC[m] MinceR: 6 [19:28] DaemonFC[m] Err, ^ [19:28] MinceR it's the christian fundamentalist way [19:29] schestowitz DaemonFC[m]: I've emulated something similar to RMS' notes [19:29] schestowitz implemented hours ago [19:29] schestowitz seeing that pleroma.site is down for nearly 4 days without explanation [19:29] schestowitz http://schestowitz.com/2020/12/04/ [19:29] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-schestowitz.com | Social Control Media Posts [19:29] schestowitz still work in progress, it'll improve [19:29] schestowitz I'm getting off the social control media train [19:29] schestowitz it's a very dodgy train that crashes a lot [19:30] schestowitz RMSWasRight [19:30] schestowitz Hosting your 'tweets' in your own site is the only way to go [19:30] DaemonFC[m] https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/02/politics/trump-william-barr-frustration/index.html [19:30] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-edition.cnn.com | Trump frustrated with Barr after election comments but officials don't want AG fired, sources say - CNNPolitics [19:30] schestowitz even if there's no "audience" [19:30] DaemonFC[m] At this point, firing Barr would just end his term as Attorney General 48 days before it will end anyway. [19:30] DaemonFC[m] So there's no point, except to be petty. So it may happen yet. [19:30] schestowitz DaemonFC[m]: he'll be left with nothing but Duke [19:30] schestowitz Even Limbaugh mocked him [19:32] psydroid What about creating "social control media" only by linking from your own controlled media to others who control their own media? [19:32] psydroid It's getting cheaper than ever to self-host [19:35] DaemonFC[m] berstupidfhrer Trump has clearly jumped the shark, but 73 million people voted for him, and now his brand of "politics" will be dominant even in a Republican Party without him. [19:35] DaemonFC[m] QAnon and such. [19:36] DaemonFC[m] I used to wonder about whether having states in charge of the federal elections was a good idea, but it seems like it may have been the only thing stopping Trump from issuing a flurry of executive orders and then who knows what was really going on in the "vote counting" rooms. [19:37] DaemonFC[m] Lower party officials at the state level were not cooperative in helping him just outright steal the election. [19:38] DaemonFC[m] They passed laws intending to nudge the election, but they weren't going to cooperate in some kind of a scheme to purportedly invalidate millions of votes from entire counties and appoint their own electors. [19:39] DaemonFC[m] As a Democratic presidential candidate you have to overcome a huge mountain of Republican fraud against the voters and a system that was designed to give slave owners more say in national politics. [19:41] *davisr_ (davisr@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/davisr) has joined #techrights [19:42] *davisr has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [19:44] search_social well the democrats knew what was going on in the vote "counting" rooms cuz they staffed them and illegally ejected all the gop poll watchers [19:51] DaemonFC[m] That's actually wrong and even the Republican election officials have debunked that. [19:52] DaemonFC[m] The lawsuits had nothing to do with how much access the poll "watchers" were getting. It was about their "right" to breathe down the necks of people trying to count votes, during a viral pandemic, and to harass and intimidate them. [19:53] DaemonFC[m] In fact, during the $3 million (from the Trump campaign) Wisconsin partial recount that increased Biden's lead, at least a few Trump "poll watchers" had to be escorted out by the police for physically attacking the poll workers. [19:54] DaemonFC[m] The state officials said the Trump poll "watchers" were objecting to "every ballot" for Biden and "didn't have the slightest clue" about the law in Wisconsin or on what grounds they could object to something. [19:55] DaemonFC[m] And many of these stories are the same in states where the Republicans have a trifecta in the state government and were absolutely horrified that they had to declare that Trump lost their state in a fair and secure election. [19:55] DaemonFC[m] If anything, their lie about "fair election" was that they deliberately introduce problems with voting so as to suppress turnout in "certain areas", to the benefit of Republicans. [19:56] DaemonFC[m] And they'd never admit that if the election wasn't rigged by them, Biden would have done much better and probably would have even picked up North Carolina. [19:56] search_social rhinos aren't republicans [19:57] DaemonFC[m] It's the party of incestuous rural idiots. [19:57] DaemonFC[m] That's really all their appeal is now. [19:57] DaemonFC[m] People with webbed feet who are living in a trailer park somewhere. [19:58] DaemonFC[m] If they weren't so stupid they wouldn't have much trouble finding employment. [19:58] DaemonFC[m] But Trump comes along and distills it down to "jobs being stolen by Mexicans". [19:58] search_social i liked when all the dems who told people to learn to code got laid off from buzzfeed [19:58] DaemonFC[m] Hell, if they weren't so lazy their chances of retaining employment would be better. [19:58] search_social then they got twitter to ban "learn to code" for hate speech [19:58] DaemonFC[m] Lazy, stupid, and strung out on drugs. [19:59] DaemonFC[m] The areas Trump did well in are basically meth labs and opium dens. [19:59] DaemonFC[m] Indiana has never had a problem with drugs and poverty like they do now. [19:59] DaemonFC[m] All it took was the Republicans running the state for 16 years. ● Dec 03 [20:00] Ariadne schestowitz: i don't think so [20:00] DaemonFC[m] That's all the time they needed to churn out a bunch of kids who never learned anything in school who can't find employment and are either doing drugs or killing themselves. [20:01] DaemonFC[m] You want to see what the Republicans can do for your state? 20 years ago, Indiana was middle class blue collar union jobs. [20:01] DaemonFC[m] Nothing was falling apart. [20:01] DaemonFC[m] If you actually go there now, it's like white Detroit. [20:02] DaemonFC[m] MinceR: Agriculture is big in the state because it just has so much land that nobody wants to live in. [20:02] DaemonFC[m] Everyone who isn't on Social Security has fled the state looking for jobs that still pay something and a decent standard of living. [20:03] DaemonFC[m] They can keep their unemployment low because everyone who graduates college, just about, ends up fleeing the state at some point. [20:04] DaemonFC[m] Even with all of the religious crazies with their unproductive litters, the state hasn't managed to grow its population really in over 2 decades. [20:04] DaemonFC[m] The jobs that are there are the closest thing you can get to a sweatshop in a US state. [20:04] DaemonFC[m] Trump won it by 17 points this time, I think. [20:04] DaemonFC[m] That's the kind of hellhole that voted for him twice. [20:06] DaemonFC[m] Illinois has structural problems, but what people forget was that the structure that gave us these problems was created by Republicans when Illinois was a red or purple state. [20:07] DaemonFC[m] They're the ones that demanded the government structure we have under the 1970 constitution with the "16 layers of government" that they now complain about. [20:07] DaemonFC[m] At the time, they were fine with that, even though it was no more efficient in 1970 than it is now. [20:08] DaemonFC[m] it was seen as a place for Republican Party members to burrow and micromanage people's lives while they got versed in the ways of government and eventually moved up in the world. [20:08] DaemonFC[m] That's what they like to do. Meddle. [20:09] DaemonFC[m] They don't shrink government, unless those spots are currently occupied by Democratic Party members, like the at-large seats on the Indianapolis council that the Indiana state government abolished after giving on on flipping them back in a fair election. [20:11] DaemonFC[m] That blew up on them big time though. [20:11] DaemonFC[m] The new council is 20 Democrats to 5 Republicans because people saw that for what it was and turned out and picked off a bunch of Republicans from the district seats following that. [20:14] DaemonFC[m] At the time, Democrats had 15 seats (including the 4 at-large) and Republicans had 14. [20:14] DaemonFC[m] So the Republicans said "Oh, well, we'll just fix that and then it'll be 14 Republicans and 11 Democrats.". [20:15] *Nawt (47ecfc24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. has joined #techrights [20:15] DaemonFC[m] But then there were new elections that flipped so many seats that the mayor is now a Democrat and the Democrats outnumber the Republicans 20 to 5. It only took 5 years. [20:16] DaemonFC[m] The power grab actually left the Republicans with so few members of city government that they can't do anything now. [20:21] *Nawt has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client) [20:34] schestowitz DaemonFC[m]: wanna read something? [20:35] schestowitz Ariadne: that it's coming back? [20:37] MinceR (cat) https://ircz.de/p/20072166 [20:37] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4772449) [20:44] schestowitz Ariadne: can the bot for tuxmachines be pointer at its mastodon.technology account? I had a go at it several times today, but to no effect... I think it's possible to at least restore that stream for now? [20:44] schestowitz My latest attempt it at /viera/viera/viera-mastodon.yaml [20:51] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/ftl [20:51] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - FTL [20:53] DaemonFC[m] Yeah. [20:53] DaemonFC[m] Sorry, schestowitz Was busy figuring out how to use an ebay gift card from ibotta. [20:53] DaemonFC[m] I just take my payouts as gift cards. [20:54] DaemonFC[m] They say put it in your bank and just trust this clown startup with your banking credentials it's super secure. We're super cereal. [20:54] DaemonFC[m] I don't think so. [20:55] DaemonFC[m] I have no idea how some of these sellers get their merchandise so cheaply. [20:55] DaemonFC[m] They beat Nintendo's list price for that game by $20 and free shipping? [20:55] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2020/12/03/censored-epo-admin-council-report/ [20:55] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | Censored EPO Publication: Staff Cannot Comment on the Administrative Councils Meetings? | Techrights [20:55] schestowitz anyway i know you're busy now [20:55] schestowitz hopefully no typos [20:55] DaemonFC[m] I'm fine now. [20:55] DaemonFC[m] Had to update a bunch of ebay stuff. Haven't used it since Fox Lake. [20:57] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz: What do you think about Snowden's accusation that the US State Department intentionally waited to invalidate his passport so that he'd be trapped in Russia and discredited when they finally did? [20:57] Ariadne schestowitz: you have to ask the bot to actually subscribe [20:57] schestowitz I tried [20:57] schestowitz and it did nothing I could see [20:58] schestowitz tired over feenode [20:58] *GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:58] schestowitz *tried [20:58] schestowitz I read the manual [20:59] schestowitz [13:39] <-> viera> follow https://mastodon.technology/@tuxmachines [20:59] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tux Machines (@tuxmachines@mastodon.technology) - Mastodon for Tech Folks [20:59] DaemonFC[m] "many of whom entirely unqualified" [20:59] DaemonFC[m] are entirely unqualified [20:59] schestowitz thanks, corrected [20:59] DaemonFC[m] with French as the mothers tongue, Campinos included [20:59] schestowitz though I saw it before and deemed it acceptable ● Dec 03 [21:00] DaemonFC[m] I would do quotation marks here and drop the comma [21:00] schestowitz around mothers tongue? [21:00] DaemonFC[m] with "French-as-the-mother-tongue" Campinos included. [21:00] schestowitz ah, ok [21:00] DaemonFC[m] You're trying to call him out for that, right? [21:01] schestowitz ah, no [21:01] schestowitz you change the meaning of it [21:01] schestowitz he's one of many [21:01] DaemonFC[m] "Tonight we release this report in English" [21:01] schestowitz " with "French-as-the-mother-tongue" cabal, Campinos included" [21:02] DaemonFC[m] The hyperlink should just be "this report" and then I'd continue ", in English.:. [21:02] DaemonFC[m] Errr [21:02] DaemonFC[m] ", in English." [21:02] schestowitz done [21:03] schestowitz added to http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/EPO [21:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | EPO - Techrights [21:03] schestowitz 2.3 million views now [21:03] DaemonFC[m] "Its not new but now that" [21:03] DaemonFC[m] It's not new, but now that [21:04] DaemonFC[m] "This is nothing short of Mafia." [21:04] DaemonFC[m] Nothing short of "a" mafia? [21:05] DaemonFC[m] There's more than one mob, and the word should just be used generically. [21:05] schestowitz I'd stay with current wording [21:05] schestowitz corresponds to how workers call it [21:05] schestowitz THE "Mafia" [21:05] schestowitz They have other words for it [21:05] schestowitz "Putin" [21:05] DaemonFC[m] I'd say, figuratively speaking, patent trolls could be considered as similar to the Mafia or the Yakuza. [21:05] DaemonFC[m] Especially the MPEG-LA. [21:05] schestowitz http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/MPEG-LA [21:05] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | MPEG-LA - Techrights [21:06] DaemonFC[m] They won't literally have you killed, but they'll destroy your business even though they produce nothing. [21:06] DaemonFC[m] Nothing except junk standards based one well known algorithms. [21:06] DaemonFC[m] *on [21:06] schestowitz they go after gnu linux distros [21:06] schestowitz community ones [21:06] schestowitz to kill them off [21:06] schestowitz shut them down [21:06] schestowitz and not a word said [21:07] schestowitz so it makes you understand why Microsoft sponsors these trolls [21:07] DaemonFC[m] The algorithms that were described in things like MP3 and AAC were well known and obvious, and they still got patents. [21:07] DaemonFC[m] AAC should have been possible to patent in 1997 for sure. Especially the LC profile. [21:07] DaemonFC[m] *should not [21:12] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz: It was pretty disgusting to see Thomson firing everyone who was actually making stuff and then resort to patent trolling. [21:13] DaemonFC[m] And those people in the patent trolling division....most of that income was just licensing MP3 over and over and hiding the tax in software and hardware people kept buying. [21:13] DaemonFC[m] Even stuff that wasn't going to be used to play any MP3s. [21:14] DaemonFC[m] They really loved MP3. Not as a great technology, but as a way to shake people down for trying to fit music in cramped storage devices. [21:14] DaemonFC[m] Apple and the RIAA were behind switching their iPods to flash memory way before it was ready. [21:15] DaemonFC[m] Not only did it mean they were practically useless for storing lossless music, but you couldn't even store very many lossy files, and unlike other MP3 players, they tried to obfuscate the protocol so you wouldn't just plug them into your friend's computer and upload all your music so they could have a copy too. [21:16] DaemonFC[m] Then they used "watermarkings" on their iTunes store after they removed DRM, so that they could set people up for lawsuits if the RIAA wanted to figure out who was behind a file that made its way to a sharing service. [21:17] DaemonFC[m] That lasted about a decade and then DRM came back. Same thing people complained about is now welcomed with open arms as "streaming". [21:17] DaemonFC[m] It wasn't surrender. Like so many things, it was a temporary cease-fire that was to their advantage while they figured out a better way to press forward with their attack. [21:18] DaemonFC[m] That's how I see this Microsoft loves Linux thing. [21:18] DaemonFC[m] They've temporarily called the dogs off so that people will welcome them as liberators. [21:18] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz: It can't be a coincidence that TechRepublic wrote a very long article yesterday called "Microsoft loves Linux" [21:19] schestowitz I saw that [21:19] schestowitz it's not an article [21:19] schestowitz it's a Mcirosoft mole [21:19] schestowitz Mary [21:19] schestowitz we wrote about her [21:19] DaemonFC[m] It contained nothing substantive, at all, and nothing at all but fawning over Microsoft-isms and their takeovers of open source. [21:19] schestowitz ignore, move on [21:19] schestowitz dont' click [21:20] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz: The part about WSL2 being installed causing laptop power management issues might be worth throwing out there in passing if you get an opportunity. [21:20] schestowitz never mind [21:20] schestowitz move on [21:20] schestowitz don't want to feed these plants in media [21:20] DaemonFC[m] You know, not only is is a poor takeover attempt but they even manage to break Windows 10, again, with their own takeover attempt. [21:20] schestowitz techrepublic is cbs [21:20] schestowitz same as zdnet [21:20] DaemonFC[m] *it [21:21] schestowitz they have as clients those companies [21:21] schestowitz PR [21:22] DaemonFC[m] I think it's worth pointing out that they're so incompetent that they've even bungled the code they're pitching as a Linux substitute to the point where it causes the entire laptop to malfunction until you back it out. [21:22] DaemonFC[m] That's a big haha. [21:22] schestowitz I'd rather not [21:22] schestowitz if it mentions WSL [21:22] schestowitz any mention of it helps them [21:22] schestowitz and it's a misnomer, too [21:23] schestowitz Phoronix discredits itself by mentioning it [21:23] schestowitz I noticed it mostly stopped [21:23] schestowitz I kept asking Michael to [21:23] schestowitz but those moles still have the official Ubuntu blog [21:23] schestowitz for their WSL spam [21:25] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, the interesting part here is that Lenovo only certifies Ubuntu, RHEL, and sometimes Fedora. [21:25] DaemonFC[m] All distributions that are now basically satellite states for Microsoft in their new Cold War on Linux. [21:25] DaemonFC[m] Speaking of which, mjg59went from Canonical to Red Hat. [21:26] schestowitz he is in Google now [21:26] mjg59 I was never at Canonical [21:26] DaemonFC[m] So it's interesting that he bothered to turn up here. Ostensibly to accuse you of being a rape supporter, which should be incredibly beneath someone, and disingenuous at that. [21:27] schestowitz Google employed Andy Rubin [21:27] schestowitz who asked for a blow job from his 'inferior' [21:27] schestowitz I don't think that's even a part he'd dispute [21:27] DaemonFC[m] What Ubuntu and Red Hat are now are basically what East Germany was to the Soviet Union. [21:27] schestowitz his ex wife makes tall claims to weaonise the media, but the guy is part of the ugly side of Google [21:28] schestowitz Google is a spy agency [21:28] schestowitz a for-profit one [21:28] DaemonFC[m] It's just a total coincidence that as the Soviet Union collapsed and couldn't continue injecting the puppet state with subsidies, that they gave up and disbanded their "sovereign state". [21:28] schestowitz that works through contracts [21:28] schestowitz and grift [21:28] schestowitz lots of defence budget for decades now [21:28] schestowitz it's strategic for "full-spectrum dominance" [21:28] DaemonFC[m] And I think the same will eventually happen with some of these companies that are working closely with Microsoft now, because that's always what does happen when Microsoft is finished with their "partners". [21:28] schestowitz The schemes that drive up insane Murica close to 30,000 BILLION dollars in debt [21:28] schestowitz just trying hard to cling to their empire [21:29] schestowitz now full of tent cities, riots, and qanon loons (coz the head stops working) [21:30] schestowitz I'd never let people from ibm, google and microsoft lecture us on ethics [21:31] schestowitz I'd say, mind your own "fucking business"... and mean fucking LITERALLY [21:31] schestowitz Gates employs lots of serious perverts and befriends child traffickers [21:31] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, you know, I'd be less polite. [21:32] DaemonFC[m] I'd say hey mjg59 , aren't you the people turning over search, email, and GDrive data through PRISM to an unconstitutional mass spying program? [21:32] DaemonFC[m] How much damage has that done to formerly free countries when Google gives their data to be used against them in secret courts with gag orders? [21:33] DaemonFC[m] Also, is that why you fuck around with people on VPNs so much unless they log in and identify themselves? [21:33] DaemonFC[m] And what gives you the goddamned right to criticize anyone from that platform? [21:34] DaemonFC[m] Your company gets people black bagged and murdered by states like Communist China. [21:34] DaemonFC[m] You have no high ground. [21:34] schestowitz he knows [21:34] schestowitz so he won't reply [21:34] schestowitz ok, ok.. [21:34] schestowitz but i'd say [21:34] schestowitz "wanna be ethical?" [21:34] schestowitz Start by looking for a job that's ethics [21:35] schestowitz or by working for ethical people [21:35] schestowitz chanelling the talent into something positibve [21:35] DaemonFC[m] The US DoJ complaint against Google doesn't even seek to remedy any of those problems. [21:35] schestowitz can do far more good than some words in "tweets" [21:35] DaemonFC[m] It just says they need to be carved up to make way for Microsoft to expand. [21:35] DaemonFC[m] And that's obviously not any better. [21:36] mjg59 I'm with the people making it as hard as possible for people's data to be stolen [21:36] schestowitz hahaha [21:36] schestowitz in Google [21:36] schestowitz good one [21:36] schestowitz let me get beer [21:36] DaemonFC[m] That would be by not giving it to Google, for damned sure. [21:36] schestowitz like the "good people" in the army [21:36] *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights [21:36] schestowitz "join the army, change it from the inside!" [21:36] schestowitz "Talk to widows after we kill their families with bombs :-)" [21:37] DaemonFC[m] Which comedian was it that said that the government destroyed the economy so that they could send the recruiters into school not having to offer much of anything, really, at all? [21:37] DaemonFC[m] "Hungry? Need a warm bed? There's a place for you in the army!" [21:37] schestowitz mjg59: the fact is, people's data is stoken the moment google grabs it [21:37] DaemonFC[m] Carlin? [21:37] schestowitz Google just wants to keep a monopoly on this stolen data [21:37] schestowitz to monetise it [21:37] schestowitz and to pass it on to the army [21:37] schestowitz to better bomb people [21:38] schestowitz so keep on doing that "good job" [21:38] DaemonFC[m] It's not enough for Google that Android itself is a platform for their adtech and spyware. [21:39] DaemonFC[m] They shove "telemetry binaries" into every application in the Play Store. [21:39] schestowitz 240mb of traffic overnight, phoning mama ship [21:39] DaemonFC[m] So, even if it's a Free Software program, those get jammed in. [21:39] schestowitz with all pertinent movement details and more [21:39] DaemonFC[m] Unless you get it from F-Droid. [21:39] schestowitz for the us army to profile billions of people [21:39] schestowitz even communist china has not gone that far (yet) [21:40] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, then they have this COVID-19 spyware that popped up in firmware for Android and iOS that nobody requested. [21:40] mjg59 Binaries uploaded to the Play Store aren't modified [21:40] schestowitz they are wired to other modules [21:40] mjg59 Otherwise you wouldn't be able to verify that Signal was signed with their key [21:40] schestowitz ones that Google controls [21:40] schestowitz Signal is a joke [21:40] DaemonFC[m] I do wonder if that does shit on its own or if you have to have an app that hooks into it. If so, how long before the government foists those apps on you by turning some legit software into a Trojan? [21:41] schestowitz developed on Microsoft servers, needs a 'phone' number, wikileaks showed it's bypassed by the CI [21:41] schestowitz CIA [21:41] DaemonFC[m] Illinois Governor Pritzker was saying that he was looking at "COVID-19 apps" but was frustrated that 80% of people would never voluntarily cooperate. [21:41] DaemonFC[m] So that's usually the point where they "involuntarily cooperate" somehow. [21:41] schestowitz covidsafe in australia passed the data to spies [21:41] DaemonFC[m] And Google has set up at least the framework. [21:41] schestowitz and idiots who installed it are the REAL "covidiots" [21:42] DaemonFC[m] I would never knowingly install something like that. [21:42] DaemonFC[m] Illinois has "Contact Tracers". Just another Democrat scam to give make work to union assholes who will funnel the money into their campaign coffers...... I hope. [21:43] DaemonFC[m] But probably something more malicious. [21:44] schestowitz time will tell [21:44] schestowitz once you give the data, it's gone [21:44] schestowitz you cannot 'have it back' [21:45] schestowitz and they study your walking routes, who you meet etc. [21:45] schestowitz on a long-term basis [21:45] schestowitz those habits don't change much over the years [21:45] schestowitz "we know where to find you" [21:45] schestowitz "we know what you did last summer" [21:45] schestowitz Google is "market leader" in this [21:45] schestowitz worldwide [21:46] mjg59 Literally the entire point of the contact tracing infrastructure is that it doesn't report your location to anyone [21:47] DaemonFC[m] Google does track and store your phone's movements. [21:47] DaemonFC[m] That's how they caught that dumb street thug who robbed me at gunpoint and was too stupid to turn off (or not steal) the phone. [21:47] mjg59 If you enable that in location services, sure [21:47] DaemonFC[m] It's on by default. [21:47] mjg59 But the contact tracing infrastructure doesn't do that [21:48] DaemonFC[m] This is what's wrong with the entitlement mentality of BLM and their enablers. [21:49] DaemonFC[m] They could have made $15 an hour at McDonalds, and instead they chose to rob a guy of an old Android phone that would get them $100 maybe, to split three ways, and it tracked them all the way back to their hive and they got two years of house arrest and each one got a fine that was 50 times more than the phone was worth. [21:49] DaemonFC[m] You don't want to work. There's some guy you can rob. [21:49] DaemonFC[m] You can torch that immigrant's gas station after stealing all his stuff, for the second time in the same summer, and force him out of Chicago. [21:50] DaemonFC[m] You can declare that you've turned people's property that they worked for in a Seattle neighborhood into a commune. [21:50] DaemonFC[m] And there's a bunch of these hippy dippy assholes like Garrett who get into Google and have this doublethink. [21:50] DaemonFC[m] Where they say that and help the regime they claim they don't like. [21:51] DaemonFC[m] At the same time. [21:52] DaemonFC[m] Maybe if mjg59 is really progressive he'll lobby Google to quit spying on people. After all, they would have gotten away with it too had the phone not been leaking data like a sieve. [21:52] DaemonFC[m] :) [21:52] DaemonFC[m] Just throwing that out there. Planting seeds. [21:53] DaemonFC[m] Those poor immigrants in Chicago, trapped between fire and flood. [21:53] DaemonFC[m] Trump and his "shithole countries" and the Gimmedat Party. [21:55] mjg59 What makes you think I'm not doing that? [21:56] DaemonFC[m] Obviously, that's been going well because my latest phone has everything the last one did plus COVID spyware. [21:56] DaemonFC[m] Then there's that "Bluetooth LE is on even when the icon says bluetooth is off" stuff. [21:56] DaemonFC[m] But you know that, don't you? [21:56] schestowitz Google workers benefit from that ploy [21:56] schestowitz they even make APIs for it [21:57] schestowitz it's a global power grab [21:57] schestowitz akin to "Smart cities" [21:57] schestowitz and that data travels far [21:57] DaemonFC[m] Executives are always assholes, even when they ruin the company they're the "smartest person ever". [21:57] schestowitz so be suspicious of ANY security poser who defends such a thing [21:57] mjg59 The covid stuff literally does not upload data anywhere [21:57] DaemonFC[m] That Gael Duval, was that his name? [21:58] DaemonFC[m] Anyway, ruined Mandriva with bad business deals and not finding a business model that worked. [21:58] DaemonFC[m] Blamed the French government for forcing it into bankruptcy, stopping him from squandering money that he owed as severance pay to the employees. [21:58] schestowitz [21:57] The covid stuff literally does not upload data anywhere [21:58] schestowitz it does [21:58] DaemonFC[m] Had they not seized it, it would not have saved the company. [21:58] mjg59 No, it doesn't [21:58] schestowitz inc. tower erc. [21:58] DaemonFC[m] That's the point of involuntary bankruptcy. [21:58] schestowitz stop lying [21:58] schestowitz it makes you look bad [21:58] mjg59 The Australian covid tracing app may do so [21:59] mjg59 The Apple/Google framework doesn't [21:59] schestowitz lol [21:59] schestowitz change goalposts again [21:59] mjg59 Given that we're talking about Google, obviously I'm talking about the one that Google's involved in ● Dec 03 [22:00] mjg59 The apps that use that framework do not report any location data [22:00] smnthermes > [18:58:00] DaemonFC[m]: Anyway, ruined Mandriva with bad business deals and not finding a business model that worked. [22:00] smnthermes There's also his current /e/ project [22:00] mjg59 Your phone generates a random identifier and periodically rotates it [22:00] mjg59 You record identifiers that you're near [22:00] mjg59 If someone is diagnosed as being positive, they can choose to upload the identifiers that their phone used [22:01] mjg59 Other phones then download those identifiers and see whether they match the ones they saw [22:01] mjg59 If so, they alert you that you may have come in contact with someone who tested positive and should get tested [22:01] smnthermes https://ewwlo.void.partidopirata.com.ar/ [22:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ewwlo.void.partidopirata.com.ar | ewwlo [22:01] mjg59 No location data is kept [22:01] mjg59 The only time you ever upload something is when you explicitly choose to share the fact that you tested positive [22:02] mjg59 Some governments chose to implement something that doesn't preserve privacy [22:03] mjg59 It's completely reasonable to criticise them for that [22:03] mjg59 But the stuff that's being rolled out in the US and the UK doesn't do that [22:03] DaemonFC[m] I'm not cooperating with anyone. [22:04] DaemonFC[m] I'm not going to take a COVID test. [22:04] DaemonFC[m] I've told my spouse, and we agreed, no tests. [22:04] DaemonFC[m] Also, we're probably going to wait and see what this vaccine actually does to people. [22:05] DaemonFC[m] Given that they can't make it fast enough anyway, we'll probably see what it does to the people who got it in December or January at least through May or June before it's available anyway. [22:05] DaemonFC[m] So it may not even be a choice. [22:05] DaemonFC[m] But, I don't trust anything that comes out of USCIS. [22:05] DaemonFC[m] Especially not under this administration. [22:05] DaemonFC[m] They might say they wouldn't hold positive COVID against an immigrant today, but they won't feel bound by that tomorrow. [22:06] DaemonFC[m] They're liars. They've proven repeatedly that nothing they say will bind them later whether it was the truth or not. [22:06] DaemonFC[m] I'm growing more skeptical of the government by the minute on this whole thing. [22:07] DaemonFC[m] And to see anything pop up in my phone that says COVID-19 in the firmware, it just smells of spyware. [22:07] DaemonFC[m] No user was asked if they wanted this framework and no user can remove it. [22:07] mjg59 It does nothing unless you enable it [22:08] schestowitz mjg59: on a more productive note [22:08] schestowitz let's discuss LF [22:08] DaemonFC[m] mjg59: So, you know, I was looking around on the internet regarding probationers last year. [22:08] schestowitz Seems like the new #LinuxFoundation 2020 annual report was not, FOR A CHANGE, made on a MAC with #proprietarySoftware but its looking to me like they merely obfuscated the metadata to avert PR catastrophe [22:08] schestowitz I never heard/read about a 100-page annual report generator running on Sharp Zaurus XR-5000 (Maemo5) Edition (in 2020!) with Linux kernel 0.12.1 for Workgroups. What is #LinuxFoundation hiding? [22:08] schestowitz Reminder: #linuxfoundation operates at a loss because Zemlin and the boys are grifting, milking away the LINUX brand http://techrights.org/2020/08/16/the-linux-racket/ [22:08] DaemonFC[m] Many people say they got caught going out of state without permission because Google or their carrier will just hand over their location history. [22:08] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The Linux Foundation Exceeds $100,000,000 in Revenue and Jim Zemlin Now Pays Himself About a Million Dollars a Year While His Foundation Operates at a Loss of $732,261 | Techrights [22:08] MinceR https://ircz.de/p/20081541 [22:08] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4826052) [22:09] schestowitz is zelin still "rocking an hypePad", mjg59 [22:09] schestowitz Jim zemlin [22:09] mjg59 Probably [22:09] mjg59 He was last time I saw him [22:09] schestowitz they make their reports on Macs [22:09] schestowitz no way they made this one on a Sharp Zaurus [22:09] schestowitz it's 100 pages long [22:09] schestowitz with graphics and all [22:09] DaemonFC[m] So you can, you know, lie, you can have people refuse to talk, you can avoid using credit cards while you're there, but your phone will just rat you out and maybe land you in jail. [22:09] schestowitz they're trolling people who check meta [22:10] DaemonFC[m] Turn it off and put it in one of those faraday boxes that comes with a toll road pass, I suppose? [22:10] DaemonFC[m] I'm off probation now anyway, and I had permission (standing permission) from the court to be there, but I still turned my phone off and put it in the box and paid cash while I was there. [22:11] DaemonFC[m] There's times when I want to discuss things, and I still power the phones off and go in the other room and close the door. [22:11] Ariadne what [22:11] DaemonFC[m] Because you jut can't trust the device. [22:11] Ariadne what is this report with fake metadata [22:12] schestowitz Ariadne: wait.. [22:12] schestowitz https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/2020/12/download-the-2020-linux-foundation-annual-report/ [22:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.linuxfoundation.org | Download the 2020 Linux Foundation Annual Report - The Linux Foundation [22:12] schestowitz also mentioned in https://lwn.net/Articles/838871/rss [22:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Linux Foundation 2020 annual report [LWN.net] [22:12] schestowitz see techrights.org/2020/08/30/how-to-make-unneeded-scandal-with-adobe-indesign/ [22:12] DaemonFC[m] I discussed with my attorney (before I got permission to leave Illinois on bail) that John was threatening to make false police reports to get me in trouble and the situation was becoming untenable. [22:12] schestowitz see http://techrights.org/2020/08/30/how-to-make-unneeded-scandal-with-adobe-indesign/ [22:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | The Linux Foundation is Not Even Using Linux to Prepare and Publish the Linux Kernel History Report | Techrights [22:12] schestowitz http://techrights.org/2020/09/04/derek-taylor-to-lf/ [22:12] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | New Video From Derek Taylor: The Linux Foundation Doesnt Use Linux to Create Reports | Techrights [22:13] DaemonFC[m] He told me he couldn't advise me to leave the state but "They're not tracking your phone.". I stopped him right there and said, "Oh but they are, even if you haven't done anything wrong, they are.". [22:13] Ariadne who cares if Apache Foundation 2.0 made their reports on a mac anyway [22:13] schestowitz DaemonFC[m]: you are violating many CoCs by making the poor lad uncomfortable about being a slave of Google [22:13] superkuh Yes. Base station multilateration is stored in the USA for 2-5 years minimum based on telco. [22:14] schestowitz DaemonFC[m]: let's talk about LF instead [22:14] Ariadne given that kwin keeps fucking up on me, i might go back to using a mac for my desktop needs tbh [22:14] superkuh With modern clocks it's positioning accuracy is well under 100m. [22:14] schestowitz he knows some people there better than us, DaemonFC[m] [22:14] DaemonFC[m] So if you have any terribly dark secrets, I suggest you file them somewhere cold and dark in your own head and never talk about it, or at least ditch the phones somewhere first. [22:14] schestowitz Ariadne: that would be a massive regression [22:14] DaemonFC[m] I had to explain clock drift to Mandy. [22:15] Ariadne would it? [22:15] schestowitz yeah [22:15] schestowitz debian with kwin is perfect on this machine [22:15] schestowitz maybe something with the gpu drivers [22:15] Ariadne Linux kernel 0.12.1 for Workgroups [22:15] Ariadne hahaha [22:15] DaemonFC[m] Eh, Kubuntu is pretty similar, obviously. [22:16] schestowitz trolling [22:16] DaemonFC[m] Easier to install. [22:16] schestowitz maybe I'll write something about it later [22:16] smnthermes There are other options than KWin, so [22:16] DaemonFC[m] Sometimes I think certain distributions are trying to go out of their way to be unusable out of the box. [22:16] DaemonFC[m] That's how I felt about Squeeze. [22:16] schestowitz With Apple you get one choice [22:16] MinceR is that why they have cancerd? [22:17] schestowitz apps list sent to Apple [22:17] Ariadne smnthermes: yes, but i prefer kwin [22:17] schestowitz with IDs over the network [22:17] schestowitz it'll get only worse over time [22:17] schestowitz the lock-in also [22:17] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz: Microsoft and Apple both have their OS report when you launch an application, on the default settings. [22:17] DaemonFC[m] Microsoft claims Basic Telemetry doesn't do that. Who knows? [22:17] schestowitz 'life was easier when I had chains in the barn with food available for free," said the slave [22:17] Ariadne the OS is not reporting anything, but checking for codesigning certificate revocation [22:17] schestowitz (apple user) [22:18] schestowitz Ariadne: that ought not be done at that level [22:18] Ariadne while that could be datamined, i find it unlikely [22:18] schestowitz apple babysitting, while working for/with nsa [22:18] schestowitz Ariadne: wait until there's war [22:18] schestowitz or when govs make fatal "lists" [22:18] schestowitz they like "big data" [22:18] DaemonFC[m] mjg59: I just think it's funny that if you stare into someone's window you can go to jail for a year as a peeping tom. [22:19] Ariadne if there is war, the NSA will just make a rootkit [22:19] DaemonFC[m] But your company makes software that's a million times worse. Gets rewarded. [22:19] schestowitz Ariadne: you go offiline or there are national firewalls [22:19] Ariadne its more efficient, really [22:19] schestowitz that's no excuse for using "mac" [22:19] schestowitz defeatism gets us nowhere [22:19] schestowitz "privacy is dead", "let's just use Windows" [22:20] schestowitz "security is impossible"... so "I have nothing to hide" [22:20] DaemonFC[m] schestowitz: I think someone was complaining about TomTom sending GPS data about them to the company when they checked for updates some years ago. [22:20] DaemonFC[m] I said, "So it's a Peeping TomTom.". [22:20] MinceR in general, the more successful a criminal is, they more safe they are from retribution [22:21] MinceR and the most successful ones run countries, megacorporations and/or cults [22:21] schestowitz "i can't check source code", so it's "just as bad as binary blobs" [22:21] schestowitz "open source is now Microsoft"... so "let;'s get on with the show" [22:21] DaemonFC[m] Yeah, there was a high school principle who was using a RAT on some Windows laptops issued to students. [22:21] schestowitz Ariadne: techrights isn't defeatist [22:21] schestowitz we actually progress towards goals [22:21] DaemonFC[m] He was recording them naked at home. [22:21] schestowitz like eliminating swpats [22:21] Ariadne schestowitz: by using a client OS that does not piss me off, i can produce more free software in my areas of expertise [22:22] schestowitz which is doable, over the long run (decades) [22:22] DaemonFC[m] There was very little coverage of why that's even possible. [22:22] Ariadne my expertise does not include "building a desktop environment" [22:22] schestowitz no need to build it [22:22] schestowitz I never did [22:22] Ariadne by building, i mean writing one [22:22] Ariadne that fits my opinions [22:22] schestowitz you can if you wish to [22:23] schestowitz or modify an existing one [22:23] Ariadne yes, i do not wish to, because it is not a good use of my time [22:23] schestowitz I used to make my own winamp and firefox themes [22:23] DaemonFC[m] There is a certain poetic justice of Ring doorbells burning people's houses down. [22:23] schestowitz I was pissed off when newer versions broke these [22:23] DaemonFC[m] The only reason they got one to begin with is because of paranoia of losing all the shit in their house. [22:24] MinceR 03 232225 < Ariadne> my expertise does not include "building a desktop environment" [22:24] MinceR neither does apple's :> [22:24] MinceR or microsoft's [22:24] DaemonFC[m] They have to spend lots of money to record the guy from Amazon dropping off this weeks crap. [22:25] DaemonFC[m] And on the off chance someone steals the packages and the doorbell records it, the police don't work the case anyway. [22:25] MinceR well, it sort of works [22:25] MinceR if it burns down, you can be sure nobody took it [22:25] MinceR or can take it anymore [22:25] DaemonFC[m] Well, they could take the ashes. Those would be the residue from the matter to energy conversion. [22:25] DaemonFC[m] :) [22:25] MinceR :> [22:26] DaemonFC[m] Bring a ziploc bag. [22:26] MinceR maybe an industrial vacuum cleaner with a really big bag [22:27] Ariadne anyway, macs piss me off for other reasons [22:27] Ariadne computers suck, more goats [22:27] Ariadne thats the ticket [22:27] MinceR :> [22:27] MinceR just wait until people write software for goat nervous systems [22:28] DaemonFC[m] Apple is pushing right-wing politics on people using the nudge method. [22:28] MinceR or maybe goat cells [22:28] MinceR (operating on DNA and/or RNA) [22:28] DaemonFC[m] There was even the thing where women ask Siri where an abortion clinic is and it routes them to a Crisis Pregnancy Center instead. [22:28] MinceR lol [22:29] DaemonFC[m] "Well, in my 8 years of medical school, GOD COMMANDS YOU TO KEEP THE BABY! YOU MURDERER!" [22:30] DaemonFC[m] Recalculating.... [22:31] DaemonFC[m] Anyway, Lenovo says this new laptop will run Ubuntu just fine so we'll see if it does or if I'm just stepping in shit again. [22:32] DaemonFC[m] It's not even like you can blame this laptop's quirks and bugs on Linux, though mjg59 tried. [22:32] DaemonFC[m] Windows got worse power management and the "touchpad stops working until you reboot, not always but sometimes, if you let it go to sleep"... [22:32] DaemonFC[m] So I ended up configuring KDE to turn the screen off and lock it when the lid is shut. [22:33] DaemonFC[m] Not ideal, but hey. uEFI is soooooooo much better than BIOS that it has all the same sorts of problems and more. [22:34] Ariadne like i said, computers suck, lets go raise goats [22:35] DaemonFC[m] What we actually need to do is go burn Google down and tell the DoJ thanks for playing but we solved the problem. [22:35] MinceR that won't solve the problem [22:35] DaemonFC[m] But that's an aside, I guess. [22:35] Ariadne that wont solve the problem [22:35] Ariadne there will just be google 2.0 [22:36] MinceR we'd also need to burn down microshit, crApple, ibm, intel and probably a bunch of others too [22:36] Ariadne google fired a high profile researcher yesterday for complaining about their treatment [22:36] DaemonFC[m] I don't use most Google stuff because they have a tendency to get you hooked on something and then just drop it anyway. [22:36] DaemonFC[m] Microsoft found another way to pressure people to use Edge. [22:36] DaemonFC[m] They removed the ebook reader app and now when you open one up, it launches Edge. [22:37] MinceR well, they probably put a lot of work into it [22:37] Ariadne isnt edge literally [22:37] Ariadne just chrome [22:37] MinceR not exactly [22:37] Ariadne except s/google/microsoft/ [22:37] MinceR it's chrome plus microshit malware [22:37] DaemonFC[m] They scooped out Google's spyware and put theirs in. [22:37] MinceR and probably microshit bugs [22:37] XRevan86 DaemonFC[m]: It had an ebook reader? [22:37] Ariadne oh ok [22:37] Ariadne so its malware on malware [22:37] MinceR after all, it comes from a corporation that could never get anything to work right [22:37] Ariadne MS-DOS worked pretty ok [22:38] XRevan86 Do I understand it right than even after Edge became a stock Chromium browser, EdgeDeflector is still a useful thing to have? [22:38] Ariadne eerything since then has been a disaster [22:38] DaemonFC[m] Especially DoubleSpace. [22:38] DaemonFC[m] That worked great. [22:39] MinceR ms-dos didn't do much and was mostly just stolen code [22:39] MinceR but yeah, they should try the ms-dos approach again [22:39] MinceR "you can't fuck it up if you don't attempt it in the first place" [22:40] Ariadne my xbox one series s seems to work ok [22:40] Ariadne (i consider that an appliance, not a computer) [22:40] MinceR good for you [22:40] MinceR i guess they managed to improve on their 54% hardware failure rate after a few generations, then [22:40] schestowitz xbox is a spying box [22:40] schestowitz since almost a decade back [22:40] schestowitz they should be verboten in living rooms [22:41] DaemonFC[m] The Playstation 5 is having its own red ring of death problem already. [22:41] schestowitz without consent from all who are in the house [22:41] schestowitz inc. guests [22:41] Ariadne i don't have the microphone connected [22:41] DaemonFC[m] If you buy a first generation console you get all of the problems. [22:41] MinceR don't "smart" tv-s spy on people anyway? :> [22:41] schestowitz they'll come built in soon P;-) [22:41] DaemonFC[m] 54% seems low. [22:41] schestowitz MinceR: with cameras, too [22:41] Ariadne i also don't have the kinect thing [22:41] schestowitz the TV watches YOU [22:41] DaemonFC[m] Considering that Microsoft replaced 8 of them for me. [22:41] MinceR lol [22:41] Ariadne DaemonFC[m]: thats why i got the series s instead of the ps56 [22:41] Ariadne ps5* [22:42] DaemonFC[m] I sold the 9th one with all my games before it broke down too. [22:42] Ariadne well also the ps5 just looks stupid [22:43] Ariadne software freedom is useful to me on devices i intend to actually use for actual work. video game console, i couldn't care less [22:44] schestowitz not yet [22:44] schestowitz those are still computers [22:44] schestowitz just ones you control even LESS [22:44] schestowitz in that regard, most have become more dangerous [22:44] schestowitz they're also harder to study [22:45] XRevan86 Ariadne: So, what about a smartphone? :) [22:45] schestowitz because of DRM and restrictions at many levels [22:45] schestowitz but that's a debate for another time... :-) [22:45] XRevan86 Does that count as a device for any kind of "actual work"? [22:45] Ariadne schestowitz: yes, they are computers, which i consider to be equivalent to a refrigerator [22:45] psydroid lack of DRM is a feature :) [22:46] Ariadne if you tinker with your refrigerator you wind up huffing freon and dying [22:46] Ariadne thusly i have no interest to tinker with it [22:46] Ariadne the win-lose math doesn't add up [22:46] search_social Ariadne: when they push the software update that disables your refrigerator you will think differently [22:46] MinceR i thought they replaced freon already [22:46] *XRevan86 suspects that tinkering with the "smart" bit of a refrigerator doesn't affect freon. [22:46] Ariadne search_social: my refrigerator is not connected to any network and has no IoT functionality [22:47] MinceR if your refrigerator is "smart" enough, it doesn't even need an update to stop working, just a dead server or a dead Internet connection :> [22:47] search_social well that's what i'm saying [22:47] search_social you want to keep it that way [22:47] search_social but the refrigerator companies do not [22:47] Ariadne and if microsoft pushes a software update to my xbox bricking it, i sue microsoft [22:47] search_social they want the refrigerators connected to the internet 24/7 [22:47] psydroid nanoshits? [22:47] schestowitz [22:45] schestowitz: yes, they are computers, which i consider to be equivalent to a refrigerator [22:47] search_social and soon those are the only kinds of refrigerators that will be for sale [22:47] MinceR psydroid: :) [22:47] schestowitz Does your refrigerator have software you can install and microphone? [22:47] XRevan86 Ariadne: Um, they could change the servers, and you'll be left with no Games for Windows. [22:47] schestowitz also, is your refrigerator controlled by Microsoft? [22:48] search_social not yet [22:48] schestowitz or by another country that spies on everything? [22:48] search_social but it's getting there [22:48] Ariadne mine does not, but some do exist [22:48] MinceR is your refrigerator running? [22:48] Ariadne mine is a bog standard $399 samsung one [22:48] schestowitz [22:47] and if microsoft pushes a software update to my xbox bricking it, i sue microsoft [22:48] Ariadne it can dispense ice [22:48] schestowitz you sue laywers? [22:48] XRevan86 It's not like they're contractually obligated to keep the "server-side" always running. [22:48] schestowitz disguised as compnay? [22:48] MinceR sure you can [22:48] schestowitz it was literally created and founded by lawyers [22:48] MinceR just don't expect to win [22:48] Ariadne schestowitz: at least in the US, that would be an open and shut case [22:49] MinceR especially when they own a big chunk of the country you're in [22:49] schestowitz if your time is worthless [22:49] search_social Ariadne: have you ever sued a large company before [22:49] Ariadne when sony removed OtherOS from the PS3, they were forced to pay out [22:49] schestowitz best case scenario you get some coupon [22:49] schestowitz after days wasted [22:49] schestowitz [22:49] when sony removed OtherOS from the PS3, they were forced to pay out [22:49] schestowitz LOL [22:49] schestowitz after a decade [22:49] schestowitz like dozens of bucks? [22:49] schestowitz for those who wasted time applying? [22:49] schestowitz come on [22:49] Ariadne schestowitz: well, i've yet to receive a software update bricking any gaming console i've ever owned [22:50] schestowitz not the point [22:50] schestowitz I was not talking about bricking [22:50] Ariadne it kind of is the point [22:50] schestowitz look what msft did to drmed books [22:50] schestowitz all of them dead [22:50] schestowitz because they turned off a server [22:50] schestowitz for financial reasons [22:50] Ariadne that is why i buy disc copies of my games [22:50] schestowitz MSFT laid off many people months go [22:50] Ariadne and do not use those digital stores [22:50] schestowitz even azure staff [22:50] schestowitz azure is a failure [22:50] schestowitz xbox lost billions... maybe still does (I no longer follow) [22:50] Ariadne (well also, because satellite internet is heavily quotaed and downloading a single game would max that quota out) [22:51] schestowitz they're often just subsidised by the US taxpayers [22:51] schestowitz they don't care about you [22:51] schestowitz or 'your' xbox [22:51] Ariadne i'm not asking them t [22:51] Ariadne o [22:51] Ariadne :) [22:51] schestowitz by the way, do you have the privs to ask viera to follow taxmachines@mastodon? [22:51] Ariadne some of those games are like 200gb downloads now [22:51] Ariadne haha [22:52] Ariadne i don't [22:52] schestowitz it says kaniina and I are authorised [22:52] Ariadne becausei can't auth to viera [22:52] Ariadne because pleroma.site is down [22:52] schestowitz but I looked at the code and could not figure out why it's not reacting [22:52] Ariadne because you cant auth to the bot [22:52] schestowitz ah, ok, let's hope href is just gonna come back [22:52] MinceR lol @ taxmachines [22:52] XRevan86 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Ru-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0.ogg [22:52] schestowitz MinceR: they compute your taxes [22:53] MinceR they force you to pay taxes [22:53] schestowitz unlike IBM [22:53] Ariadne anyway [22:53] schestowitz Ariadne: meanwhile I made a static, js-free page to archive my posts [22:53] Ariadne if there were a libre console with the actual games i wanted to play on it, which took disc media, i would buy that instead [22:53] schestowitz except TM's [22:53] schestowitz Steam Machines were close, but DRM... [22:54] schestowitz and Debian based to run their blob [22:54] MinceR and cancerd [22:54] schestowitz with DRM [22:54] schestowitz MinceR: cancerDebian [22:54] schestowitz BTW [22:54] Ariadne i looked into steam machines [22:54] XRevan86 Steam Machines is practically a PC. [22:54] schestowitz they have just lost bdale [22:54] Ariadne but a lot of titles were not ported to linux yet [22:54] schestowitz https://joindiaspora.com/posts/19588646 [22:54] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@linux@joindiaspora.com: Bdale Garbee: Shifting Emphasis http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/145049 [22:54] MinceR what is the significance of losing bdale? [22:54] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> www.tuxmachines.org | Bdale Garbee: Shifting Emphasis | Tux Machines [22:54] schestowitz very old dev [22:54] schestowitz like lars [22:54] schestowitz since the mid 90s [22:55] schestowitz both left [22:55] schestowitz maybe mccintyre is next [22:55] MinceR whose side are they on? [22:55] XRevan86 Ariadne could just assemble another PC, maybe install indows on it and it'd still be more flexible of a choice than xbox. [22:55] Ariadne XRevan86: that requires doing work [22:55] MinceR i do have a dual-booting gaming laptop i only use for gaming :> [22:55] schestowitz XRevan86: you forked Windows [22:55] XRevan86 Ariadne: Not a lot. [22:56] Ariadne anyway i am considering building a windows machine for that purpose [22:56] Ariadne some sort of ryzen build [22:56] Ariadne but at 249$ the xbox is ok for right now [22:56] XRevan86 schestowitz: pitch-forked? [22:57] Ariadne i rather wait until i move to EU to build an htpc [22:57] Ariadne maybe i will buy a mac [22:57] Ariadne and make 100 page reports [22:57] Ariadne about my Apache Foundation 2.0 [22:58] Ariadne and set the creator field to "Linux for Workgroups 0.1.2" [22:58] Ariadne or whatever it was [22:58] XRevan86 Ariadne: It'd be perfect to show up on a Linux-con or something :) [22:58] XRevan86 and still blend-in with the crowd [22:58] Ariadne i have more sense than to give a talk about FOSS using a mac to present with [22:58] Ariadne :P ● Dec 03 [23:00] XRevan86 this reminds me: https://linux.slashdot.org/story/13/07/15/1530233 [23:00] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linux.slashdot.org | Linux 3.11 Officially Named "Linux For Workgroups" - Slashdot [23:02] smnthermes > [19:55:33] schestowitz: XRevan86: you forked Windows [23:02] smnthermes Is it true, or is it like John Best owning the United States? [23:03] smnthermes https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=LElnMnN5Kao&t=283 [23:03] *XRevan86 has no idea what that meant. [23:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-invidious.snopyta.org | I OWN THE UNITED STATES - Invidious [23:03] smnthermes https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=LElnMnN5Kao [23:03] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-invidious.snopyta.org | I OWN THE UNITED STATES - Invidious [23:05] XRevan86 smnthermes: Not a single mention of Soros, nizachot. [23:08] schestowitz that would have google flagging it "antisemitic" [23:08] XRevan86 so conspirary theorists are careful now? :) [23:09] schestowitz those who stay visible [23:22] schestowitz https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/12/03/hotdive-converts-your-smartphone-into-a-dive-computer-and-underwater-camera/ [23:22] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-www.cnx-software.com | HotDive converts your smartphone into a dive computer and underwater camera (crowdfunding) [23:22] schestowitz lol [23:22] schestowitz just what you wanted [23:22] search_social soros is a matter of public record [23:22] schestowitz underwater 'phone' [23:22] search_social apparently truth is a conspiracy theory now [23:23] schestowitz depends how it's approaches [23:23] schestowitz same for gates [23:23] schestowitz some say about him untrue things [23:23] schestowitz and that distracts from the ugly truths [23:23] schestowitz same for soos [23:23] schestowitz soros [23:23] schestowitz they know how to exploit the nuts [23:24] schestowitz the 5g industry does that too, it seems... [23:24] schestowitz associating 5g criticism/critics with nutty covidiots [23:24] schestowitz like 5g has anything to do with a virus [23:26] superkuh Uh. What kind of 5G criticism do you mean? Like that it only provides 20% more thoroughput hertz per hertz so that all major increases in speed have to come from taking other people's spectrum for telco use? [23:27] schestowitz last month gates tried to equate criticism of him with holocaust denial [23:27] schestowitz as he knows laws exist in some countries to ban such things [23:27] schestowitz gates is very nutty http://techrights.org/2020/08/14/control-but-no-accountability/ [23:27] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-techrights.org | High-Level Criminals Associate Privacy With Crime Because They Want Privacy Only for Themselves (Control But No Accountability) | Techrights [23:27] schestowitz he also blames "the government" for Android winning mobile and not Windows [23:27] schestowitz those are all dangerous people [23:28] schestowitz and they gain so much capital that bribing the whole system is slush funds to them (so they also bribe all the media) [23:28] search_social gates is just jealous that google is the new nsa darling instead of microsoft [23:28] schestowitz bezos even buys fake "news segments" (scripted) in local media [23:28] schestowitz gates has other plans for 'herding' people [23:29] schestowitz his dad was a big 'herder' [23:29] schestowitz if not by digital means, then by medical means [23:29] schestowitz or combination of the two [23:29] schestowitz his dad is dead now [23:29] schestowitz but he continues "his work" [23:30] superkuh Here's a comic for you schestowitz https://web.archive.org/web/20050208122523/http://www.e-sheep.com/suitseed/ [23:30] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-web.archive.org | a suitable seed | patrick s. farley [23:35] schestowitz I just see a brain cartoon [23:36] schestowitz looks like wrong link or something [23:36] schestowitz maybe the CDN [23:41] DaemonFC[m] That's all the rage. [23:41] DaemonFC[m] Don't like someone? They're an anti-semitic rape culture toxic male. [23:46] *kupi (uid212005@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jthauiwdetxrewvw) has joined #techrights [23:46] DaemonFC[m] Toxic male being the SJW counter to cuckold. [23:50] MinceR clicking on the brain directs you to the first page of the comic