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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Tuesday, May 12, 2020

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DaemonFC[m]I got my old FOID card while I was on bail.May 12 00:00
MinceRgovernments rule by violence because the state is a criminal organizationMay 12 00:00
DaemonFC[m]Buying a gun would have meant they confiscated  the gun as well as the $10 FOID card.May 12 00:00
schestowitz 12 00:00
DaemonFC[m]So I figured that I'd just give them the FOID and get a new one in 12 months.May 12 00:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roland Freisler - WikipediaMay 12 00:00
MinceRthey tend to reserve the right to violence to themselves so they can oppress people more easily and more completelyMay 12 00:01
schestowitz 12 00:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hitler's American Model | Princeton University PressMay 12 00:01
DaemonFC[m]Pretty much.May 12 00:01
schestowitz 12 00:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld bleibt standhaft vor Roland Freisler - YouTubeMay 12 00:01
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: The EFFECT of Illinois disarming lawful citizens is that when the federal government comes in with soldiers someday to force the state to do as it demands, there is no armed public that will resist.May 12 00:01
DaemonFC[m]The state will collapse and be occupied within a day..May 12 00:02
DaemonFC[m]This administration in Washington is so menacing that it threatens the safety of the state and the state is too fucking stupid to realize that all of the criminals in Chicago with machine guns are the only thing resembling a militia, and that their stupid laws haven't even slowed them down.May 12 00:03
DaemonFC[m]Now some of them are trying to amend FOID to be even worse.May 12 00:04
DaemonFC[m]They want to increase the fee to $100, add more disqualifying minor crimes, and have the State Police check your social media accounts.May 12 00:04
DaemonFC[m]For what, nobody will say..May 12 00:04
DaemonFC[m]Oh yeah, and they want to go from 10 year FOID cards to 5 year, so it really makes the 10 year fee $200 instead of 10.May 12 00:05
DaemonFC[m]And state police will go over your Facebook and Twitter and shit every time you renew it.May 12 00:05
DaemonFC[m]I support mandatory background checks at every sale, which is currently something you have to do in every state with or without FOID.May 12 00:05
DaemonFC[m]I also support mandatory reporting of a stolen gun within a reasonable time period (72 hours).May 12 00:06
DaemonFC[m]FOID is insane.May 12 00:06
DaemonFC[m]It makes you beg the state for a right you have under the constitution of the United States, and the state's own constitution.May 12 00:06
DaemonFC[m]Neither of which say anything at all about FOID cards.May 12 00:06
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: It's such a bad law that almost half the district attorneys in the state say that they will not pursue any FOID cases the police bring to them.May 12 00:07
DaemonFC[m]Prosecutorial Discretion. May 12 00:07
DaemonFC[m]They can refuse to pursue a criminal charge against someone for any reason they want, or no reason.May 12 00:08
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: The prosecutor was trying to strongarm me during my plea deal.May 12 00:08
MinceR:>May 12 00:09
DaemonFC[m]I said, "I will walk out of this room and take my chances if you don't get rid of Count 1 entirely and convert Count 2 to a Class C Misdemeanor of Disorderly Conduct. This is my offer, and it's the first, last, and only one unless you want to tie up several days and risk losing.".May 12 00:09
DaemonFC[m]I turned around to my lawyer and said "I paid him a flat fee. It's not like you get to drag this out until I'm too broke to maintain a defense.".May 12 00:09
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []May 12 00:10
DaemonFC[m]He was trying to offer me Assault. I said, "Nuh uh. I can get my FOID card again in a year with Disorderly. If it says Assault on there I have to wait 5 years.".May 12 00:10
DaemonFC[m]"You can punish me with 4 months of supervised probation and 8 months of unsupervised either way because they're both Class C misdemeanors. It's just an argument over what we're calling it at this point.".May 12 00:11
DaemonFC[m]There's worse stuff going on in this county than me.May 12 00:12
DaemonFC[m]They're not going to tie up a lot of time on this.May 12 00:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free Software on the Web: Mozilla, Drupal, TYPO3 and More []May 12 00:14
MinceR(cat) 12 00:18
schestowitz 12 00:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4K Vision Edge Computing Platform Features Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ ZU3EG MPSoCMay 12 00:19
schestowitzMinceR: what a vicious predatorMay 12 00:21
MinceR:)May 12 00:24
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 11/5/2020: 4MLinux 32.2, Linux 5.7 RC7 and MNT Reform []May 12 00:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Usage Is on the Rise []May 12 00:36
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 12 00:38
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsMay 12 00:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: System76’s Company Distro []May 12 00:39
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Remote working and learning should be enabled with free/low-cost hardware and software []May 12 00:44
MinceR 12 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - BinsMay 12 01:01
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: 'Obsolete' Code, Mesa and GPUOpen []May 12 01:07
*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 02:03
*latitude has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 12 02:09
*ACE_Recliner ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 02:31
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 12 03:00
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*rianne__ ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 03:02
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 03:03
*kingoffrance ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 03:28
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: My sister-in-law is claiming that someone signed her up for so much spam that her iPhone and work emails were loaded up with over 400,000 emails in the course of a day or so with more coming in.May 12 03:36
DaemonFC[m]I can't imagine who would do something like that.May 12 03:36
DaemonFC[m]I'm trying to imagine how much space 400,000+ emails even takes up.May 12 03:37
DaemonFC[m]20-30 GB?May 12 03:37
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 03:45
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 12 03:53
oiaohmReally its a quite a little storm over that AGP remove patch.   Reality is that powerpc very early on run AGP cards in PCI mode because there was no real performance advantage and having to maintain exact list of quirks was a pain in ass.May 12 04:42
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 12 05:00
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)May 12 05:02
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 12 05:02
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 05:02
*timur_demin (~tdemin@2a02:2698:882a:377:6202:92ff:fe25:d6cd) has joined #techrightsMay 12 05:09
*tdemin has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 12 05:12
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: good, she can practice clicking on an 'i' phoneMay 12 05:26
schestowitzon these devices it's hard to manage... anythingMay 12 05:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 12 05:28
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS Review: Better Than Ever []May 12 05:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Pineloader Is a Brand-New Multi Bootloader for Your Favorite Linux Phone []May 12 06:02
*Hail_Spacecake has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 12 06:04
*Hail_Spacecake (~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744) has joined #techrightsMay 12 06:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Wraith Master 1.0 Released For Controlling AMD RGB Fans On Linux []May 12 06:15
kingoffrancewell that was said to be an old flaw of cheap burner cricket phones: you could pay $15 or so, exploit it, and make 10-15 calls per second or so ---- basically "call bomb" someone you didnt like, DOS  (DDOS if you get multiple burner phones);    with "pay as you go" you really only have to worry about wearing a hooded jacket when you go into 7-11 or wherever   ;    email bombing is perhaps even a good sign i.e. that they finally May 12 06:15
kingoffrance"secured" the phone networks (but left something else wide open)May 12 06:15
kingoffrancethe guy who suggested this exploit noted IIRC "there is no legitimate reason for anyone (*businesses*) to make 15/calls per second, let alone some consumer phone" ... it was just wide open if you found an exploit to run your custom sw and do suchMay 12 06:16
kingoffrance"pay as you go" meaning you didnt need a "contract" you could purchase prepaid "minutes" ahead of time, pseudo-"anonymously"May 12 06:17
kingoffrancethat was supposedly how the cell phone networks were 10-15 years ago all relied on you not breaking the software to do "bad things"May 12 06:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian Edu interview: Yvan Masson []May 12 06:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []May 12 06:39
*CrystalMath has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)May 12 07:08
*ACE_Recliner has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 12 07:13
DaemonFC[m]I am a lot like Trump now I guess. In some ways.May 12 07:26
DaemonFC[m]I eat at McDonalds a lot, I'm filing for bankruptcy, and I have an immigrant spouse.May 12 07:27
kingoffrancelolMay 12 07:28
schestowitzlolMay 12 07:31
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: and you only speak English afaikMay 12 07:31
DaemonFC[m]Oh, this damned virus.May 12 07:31
DaemonFC[m]I had to email all my documents to the bankruptcy lawyer.May 12 07:32
DaemonFC[m]She couldn't figure out how to download them from Google Drive and said she'd get her husband to do it tomorrow.May 12 07:32
schestowitzhnmmm... nice tool 12 07:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Lock The Keyboard And Mouse, But Not The Screen In LinuxMay 12 07:40
schestowitzthis is also heartwarm May 12 07:40
schestowitz*this is also heartwarming: 12 07:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ubuntu] assign a keyboard key to lock the mouse's button (start the "drag" in "drag&drop") [Archive] - Ubuntu ForumsMay 12 07:40
DaemonFC[m]Sprint: Do you want a $15 /mo "insurance" plan with $150 deductible for your $400 iPhone?May 12 07:40
DaemonFC[m]Me: "Are you insane?"May 12 07:41
schestowitzI need help... a linux command to freeze mouse (keys+cursor movement) for x secondsMay 12 07:41
schestowitz(there must be something.... but the above is overkill... needs password to unlock movement)May 12 07:41
schestowitzI just need a command I can serialiseMay 12 07:42
schestowitzhmmm... plan BMay 12 07:43
schestowitzmaybe I can temporarily force the cursor onto another screen, externalMay 12 07:43
schestowitzoh, wait, I think I know what I can doMay 12 07:43
schestowitzI'll add a sleep command and then manually move to another monitorMay 12 07:43
schestowitzI think that might do (prevent mouse actions on current machine)May 12 07:44
schestowitzoh, wait... no.... it would not workMay 12 07:44
schestowitz 12 07:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | linux - Disable mouse pointer movement - Unix & Linux Stack ExchangeMay 12 07:45
kingoffrancehmm, i know there are macro-type commands to do things like  x<forget the name> pointer +20 +30   # move 20 right, 30 up, dont recall coordinate system it usesMay 12 07:49
kingoffrancebut i dont recall if those have a "disable" commandMay 12 07:49
schestowitzYes, it lacks thatMay 12 07:51
schestowitzI know most commands of thatMay 12 07:51
kingoffranceon e.g. freebsd because i think sometimes it uses a moused daemon (name might be wrong) you could probably just kill the daemon i suppose;   the daemon itself i think creates /dev/mouse  or whatever, but i dont know if e.g. X would notice it "reappearing" automatically   ;   i dont know linux input devices, sorryMay 12 07:51
schestowitzi'll keep searchinfMay 12 07:51
schestowitzmost people just write about "oh no, my mouse keep freezing!"May 12 07:51
kingoffrancesurely there is an abstraction layer in hal or dbus something, maybe some way to send commands to it?May 12 07:52
schestowitzfor me that would be the desirable behvaiour, when  I at least ask for that to jappenMay 12 07:52
schestowitz*happenMay 12 07:52
schestowitzI don't want to do something drastic like killing and restarting deamons of root levelMay 12 07:52
schestowitzjust something that tells the cursor to hang for a fewMay 12 07:52
schestowitzso I don't have to get all paranoid about moving the mouse a pixel or two when I try to aim at one single thingMay 12 07:53
kingoffrancesorry, maybe something buried in /proc   or sysctl  or such ...kernel space basically that would tell it "delay events for x seconds"May 12 07:53
schestowitzI basically need to keep my mouse stable for a bit and don't want to take my palm off itMay 12 07:53
schestowitzI even tried "the google" for itMay 12 07:54
schestowitzno useful results yetMay 12 07:54
schestowitz 12 07:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to freeze the mouse while driving? - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Forum - Neoseeker ForumsMay 12 07:55
schestowitz 12 07:56
schestowitz"But I am not so sure about how to freeze the mouse cursor."May 12 07:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | libusb / [Libusb-devel] detaching kernel driver using libusb-win32May 12 07:56
schestowitzWindowsy :/May 12 07:57
schestowitz 12 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | disable or lock mouse and keyboard in Python? - Stack OverflowMay 12 07:58
schestowitz(again windowsMay 12 07:58
schestowitz 12 07:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Linux] Hide/show cursor in X at runtime? - What the Daily WTF?May 12 07:59
schestowitzxserver apparently has -nocursor  optionMay 12 08:00
schestowitzbut this isn't what I needMay 12 08:00
schestowitz 12 08:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Linux] Hide/show cursor in X at runtime? - What the Daily WTF?May 12 08:02
schestowitz"Yeah, the disabling is just to stop the mouse from being moved. Then hhpc detects the mouse isn't moving and hides it for you."May 12 08:02
schestowitz which xinputMay 12 08:04
schestowitzI don't even have xinput my my debian buister systemMay 12 08:04
schestowitzOtherwise I'd be able to combine xinput disable with sleep to achieve what I needMay 12 08:04
schestowitz apropos xinputMay 12 08:05
schestowitzlxinput (1)          - a light-weight program to configure keyboard and mouseMay 12 08:05
schestowitzNAMEMay 12 08:06
schestowitz       lxinput - a light-weight program to configure keyboard and mouseMay 12 08:06
schestowitzSYNOPSISMay 12 08:06
schestowitz       lxinputMay 12 08:06
schestowitzDESCRIPTIONMay 12 08:06
schestowitz       This manual page documents briefly the lxinput command.May 12 08:06
schestowitz       lxinput is a program to configure keyboard and mouse for desktop, usually for LXDE.May 12 08:06
schestowitzit's merely a GUI :-( :-(May 12 08:06
schestowitz 12 08:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian -- Details of package xinput in busterMay 12 08:07
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 12 08:07
schestowitzinstalled, now let's see how it's usedMay 12 08:08
schestowitz xinput --listMay 12 08:08
schestowitz⎡ Virtual core pointer                          id=2    [master pointer  (3)]May 12 08:08
schestowitz⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer                id=4    [slave  pointer  (2)]May 12 08:08
schestowitz⎜   ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad                id=13   [slave  pointer  (2)]May 12 08:08
schestowitz⎜   ↳ USB MOUSE USB Optical Mouse               id=10   [slave  pointer  (2)]May 12 08:08
schestowitzaha, now we're talking...May 12 08:08
schestowitzsuccess!May 12 08:10
schestowitzworks as non-root too!May 12 08:10
schestowitzNow, let me integrate this into the bash stuff...May 12 08:10
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 08:14
schestowitzoh, how odd!!May 12 08:17
schestowitzIf I start moving the mouse, it than re-enables it (xinput)May 12 08:17
schestowitzvery odd thing to doMay 12 08:17
schestowitzoh, I see... but only if the mouse is moved a lotMay 12 08:18
schestowitzso I guess it's OK stillMay 12 08:18
schestowitz>> Maybe the plan us to keep Linux around long enough until systemdMay 12 08:44
schestowitz>> 'matures' into a kernel with 'borrowed' code... hosted by Microsoft andMay 12 08:44
schestowitz>> controlled by Red Hat while the whole Debian branch (Ubuntu included)May 12 08:44
schestowitz>> nods approvingly out of desperation...May 12 08:44
schestowitz> Desperation due to credible, well-placed threats would be my guess.May 12 08:44
schestowitz> May 12 08:44
schestowitz> Shifting a little to standards, I'd like to read about what they did toMay 12 08:44
schestowitz> Durusau to break him over the office formats.  Their attempt at gettingMay 12 08:44
schestowitz> Bray is documented, but they did not succeed against him or his wife.May 12 08:44
schestowitz> Durusau, on the other hand, looked like a broken man.May 12 08:44
schestowitzHis Twitter profile shows him active:May 12 08:44
schestowitz 12 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Patrick Durusau ⏳ (@patrickDurusau) on TwitterMay 12 08:44
schestowitz 12 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Apparently Did a Patrick Durusau on Wim Coekaerts to Broaden Its Control Over GNU/Linux | TechrightsMay 12 08:45
schestowitzDid some xinput and bash readings, improving my understanding of that stack and some syntax. Did exercises...May 12 08:57
schestowitznow it's all setMay 12 08:57
schestowitzand seems to work wellMay 12 08:57
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 12 09:07
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 09:09
*Now talking on #techrightsMay 12 09:19
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellMay 12 09:19
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012May 12 09:19
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 09:21
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*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 09:40
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*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 12 10:22
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*chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc44:5700:4d53:99b1:9557:7fb4) has joined #techrightsMay 12 11:03
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zoobab 12 11:44
zoobabThis report is insaneMay 12 11:44
zoobab"Points out that mathematical methods are excluded from patentability unless they"May 12 11:45
zoobabconstitute inventions of a technical nature, which are then patentable if the applicableMay 12 11:45
zoobabcriteria relating to inventions are met; points out, further, that if a claim relates either toMay 12 11:45
zoobaba method involving technical means or to a device, its purpose, considered as a whole,May 12 11:45
zoobabis technical in nature and it is therefore not excluded from patentability; consequently,May 12 11:46
zoobabnotes that innovations in AI are patentable if the criteria relating to inventions are met;May 12 11:46
zoobab"having regard to the Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (EPO) of"May 12 11:46
zoobabNovember 2019,May 12 11:46
MinceRso, they're trying to make software patents legal?May 12 11:47
zoobabit's just an Initiative reportMay 12 11:48
MinceRalso, this pdf was generated from a docxMay 12 11:49
*tdemin (~tdemin@2a02:2698:882a:b2f:6202:92ff:fe25:d6cd) has joined #techrightsMay 12 11:55
*timur_demin has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 12 11:58
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*tdemin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)May 12 12:00
zoobabEP uses docx yesMay 12 12:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Razmi’s Challenges, DRAG Coming to GNU/Linux, Stellaris turns 4 []May 12 12:03
zoobabthey even force their citizens to use itMay 12 12:03
*timur_demin has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 12 12:10
*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 12:16
schestowitzzoobab: I'll write about it later, tyMay 12 12:18
*latitude_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 12 12:19
*tdemin (~tdemin@2a02:2698:882a:b37:6202:92ff:fe25:d6cd) has joined #techrightsMay 12 12:23
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MinceR 12 12:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Modern ArtMay 12 12:38
MinceR(cat) 12 12:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cat Week Tonight with John Oliver - YouTubeMay 12 12:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat and IBM Leftovers []May 12 13:00
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Leftovers: Moving to Ubuntu and Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 630 []May 12 13:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Devices and Open Hardware With Linux []May 12 13:09
*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 13:15
*latitude has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 12 13:30
*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 13:31
XRevan86Prime Minister – check, Press Secretary – checkMay 12 13:40
XRevan86President – when?May 12 13:40
XRevan86(Press Secretary Dmitry Pieskov was hospitalised with COVID-19)May 12 13:44
MinceRwhich date are you looking for, when the president is hospitalized or when they'll actually admit this in public? :>May 12 13:45
*smnthermes ( has left #techrightsMay 12 13:52
*smnthermes ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 13:56
XRevan86MinceR: Either one will do.May 12 14:05
zoobab 12 14:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | COVID-19 tracing apps threatened by Blyncsy software patent | FFIIMay 12 14:20
*gde35 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 12 14:28
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MinceRXRevan86: good luck with finding out the former; the latter may well be "never"May 12 14:41
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsMay 12 15:08
XRevan86MinceR: Well, I'm more interested in an end result.May 12 15:29
MinceRhe can't avoid the end result, no matter what he doesMay 12 15:29
XRevan86It's always "sooner or later"May 12 15:30
XRevan86But sooner or later?May 12 15:30
MinceRthe only good thing about humans in general is mortalityMay 12 15:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 20 Best Operating Systems You Can Run on Raspberry Pi in 2020 []May 12 16:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 5 humans review 5 open source video chat tools []May 12 16:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Lnav Log Files Navigator Helps You Analyze Log Files in a Mac OS or Linux Terminal []May 12 16:29
*latitude has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 12 16:30
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: A Surprising New Remix Of Ubuntu 20.04 Brings Unity Back To Life []May 12 16:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Is Coming in June with Cinnamon 4.6, Based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS []May 12 16:34
*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 16:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 12 16:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Top 10 Linux Distribution for Gamers – 2020 []May 12 16:42
*latitude has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 12 16:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []May 12 17:14
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla and the Internet []May 12 17:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's leftovers []May 12 17:24
MinceR 12 17:44
DaemonFC[m]The guy who brings Trump his 24 pack of Diet Coke every day came down with COVID-19.May 12 17:52
MinceRniceMay 12 17:53
*latitude (~latitude@ has joined #techrightsMay 12 18:04
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | 12 18:26
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsMay 12 18:28
MinceR(cat) 12 18:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4422688)May 12 18:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 12/5/2020: Wraith Master 1.0, Qt 5.15.0 RC2, FreeBSD 12.1 on a Workstation []May 12 18:53
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 'Team Microsoft' Took Control of Softpedia to Control Coverage About GNU/Linux []May 12 19:13
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today's howtos []May 12 19:31
schestowitzsaddens us both to see what happened to softpedia (used to be our favourite news site): 1) 2) 12 19:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Propagandist Turns “Years” Into More Than Ten Years to Belittle a Massive Migration to GNU/Linux in China | TechrightsMay 12 19:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘Team Microsoft’ Took Control of Softpedia to Control Coverage About GNU/Linux | TechrightsMay 12 19:33
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []May 12 19:38
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Ubuntu Unity Remix 20.04 Unofficial Flavor Sees First Stable Release []May 12 19:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kali Linux 2020.2 Release []May 12 19:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The best Linux distributions for beginners []May 12 19:43
schestowitzMinceR: 12 19:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-DOOM 64 is now available to stream on Google Stadia | GamingOnLinuxMay 12 19:52
MinceRthe only reason i would stream that instead of playing it locally would be to find out how painful it is to play with client side lag :>May 12 19:54
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: Fury Unleashed, Dead Age, PULSAR: Lost Colony, Railway Empire, One Dreamer, DOOM 64 []May 12 20:08
schestowitz 12 20:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wild giant panda spotted in SW China's closed mining area - Xinhua | 12 20:10
*Anti-Latitudist (~Anti-Lati@2804:14d:a083:860d:246f:b5b2:b48d:77f9) has joined #techrightsMay 12 20:19
*Anti-Latitudist (~Anti-Lati@2804:14d:a083:860d:246f:b5b2:b48d:77f9) has left #techrightsMay 12 20:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Video/Audio: #Manjaro 20 GNOME and Xfce, This Week in #Linux and Talk #Python to Me []May 12 20:23
XRevan86Apparently those ventilators that were caught on fire in Moscow and St. Petersburg are of the same brand as those that were sold to the US – Aventa-M.May 12 20:59
*XRevan86 entered "Aventa-M" into the search entry on, and both news just popped up. Convinient.May 12 21:01
XRevan86 12 21:01
XRevan86 12 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEMay 12 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEMay 12 21:01
*Anti-Latitudist (~Anti-Lati@2804:14d:a083:860d:246f:b5b2:b48d:77f9) has joined #techrightsMay 12 21:35
*latitude has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 12 21:48
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz, Doom The Absolution is a PC version of Doom 64.May 12 21:53
*Anti-Latitudist has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)May 12 22:16
*Anti-Latitudist (~Anti-Lati@2804:14d:a083:860d:242f:3984:e6ee:5dcf) has joined #techrightsMay 12 22:37
*Anti-Latitudist_ (~Anti-Lati@2804:14d:a083:860d:242f:3984:e6ee:5dcf) has joined #techrightsMay 12 22:56
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*Anti-Latitudist_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)May 12 23:05
*Anti-Latitudist (~Anti-Lati@2804:14d:a083:860d:242f:3984:e6ee:5dcf) has joined #techrightsMay 12 23:09
DaemonFC[m] 12 23:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Woman Illegally Enters Yellowstone, Falls Into Thermal FeatureMay 12 23:41
MinceRooh, Thermal Feature!May 12 23:42
MinceRi always wanted to own a device with a Thermal Feature.May 12 23:42
*cubexyz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 12 23:49
*cubexyz ( has joined #techrightsMay 12 23:50

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