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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Sunday, July 19, 2020

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DaemonFC[m]What about the Buddy Jesus?Jul 19 00:00
XRevan86Anyway, United Russia's homophobia doesn't come from nowhere, it's literally populism.Jul 19 00:00
XRevan86They're steering the wheel in a direction that's easier for them to control, but it's not 180°Jul 19 00:01
XRevan86those darn liberals and their gays adopting OUR orphans and turning them into perverts!Jul 19 00:01
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: ?Jul 19 00:02
XRevan86United Russia is the last bastion before liberals and their deviancies or something.Jul 19 00:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 20 Years of the FOSS Office Suite []Jul 19 00:03
DaemonFC[m]XRevan86: Yeah, some states still have "criminally deviate sexual conduct" on the books.Jul 19 00:03
XRevan86That probably sounds very like Republican rhetoricJul 19 00:04
DaemonFC[m]It's the official term for statutory rape.Jul 19 00:04
XRevan86Even though I intentionally tried not to think of Republicans to not make an analogyJul 19 00:04
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, like there's deviate sexual conduct and then BAM let's kick things up a notch.Jul 19 00:04
XRevan86because it's even more beautiful when these things happen by themselvesJul 19 00:05
DaemonFC[m]You can't spell analogy without anal. I wonder what the anal retentive analyst would say about that?Jul 19 00:05
XRevan86After the "voting" now deputees are rushing in to "adapt the laws in accordance to the constitutional amendments"Jul 19 00:08
XRevan86Mizulina (great character) & co. suggested an amendment that will forbid transsexuals from adopting children, and from doing some other things, like "same-sex" marriage.Jul 19 00:09
XRevan86I'm not sure what Russia will look like by the end of this year.Jul 19 00:09
XRevan86shit happens quicklyJul 19 00:09
DaemonFC[m]Some states rushed in to put anti-gay amendments into their Constitutions, but it's dead language now.Jul 19 00:10
DaemonFC[m]It was the usual suspects too. The "we don't need masks" people who are overflowing the local hospital like a Waukegan Little Caesars.Jul 19 00:11
MinceRwell, they don't need masks, they need hospitalsJul 19 00:12
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, pretty soon I won't need masks because we didn't need so many of those people after all.Jul 19 00:13
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jul 19 00:13
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jul 19 00:13
MinceRthe planet is overpopulated and the known strains of this virus won't fix thatJul 19 00:14
DaemonFC[m]No, but it's getting rid of those old farts that gave us Trump and the constant "God gave us Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" silly season.Jul 19 00:15
*XRevan86 went out.Jul 19 00:15
*XRevan86 saw a rare person in a mask in a store.Jul 19 00:15
DaemonFC[m]Meanwhile I'm wearing three and telling Mandy to get a move on so we can get outside.Jul 19 00:16
schestowitzXRevan86: what kind of store?Jul 19 00:18
schestowitzXRevan86: I still go to small stores where I'm like the only person aroundJul 19 00:18
schestowitzjust canceled shotput hours agoJul 19 00:18
schestowitzfriend has a sore throat, we don't want to take the riskJul 19 00:18
schestowitzand mask would not help, we touch the same shotput ballJul 19 00:19
XRevan86schestowitz: a grocery storeJul 19 00:19
schestowitzmany people in?Jul 19 00:19
XRevan86schestowitz: not reallyJul 19 00:19
schestowitzif not, no mask would be effective enough, as the risk is then the items and with no gloves on (assuming there are open wounds) you'd be relatively safeJul 19 00:19
MinceR 19 00:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AccurateJul 19 00:20
schestowitzif you choose the right time and store, you'll be there on your ownJul 19 00:20
schestowitzthe cashiers here always have a plastic screenJul 19 00:20
MinceRthough you'll probably need a crowbar to get inJul 19 00:20
XRevan86schestowitz: Well, I'm pointing more to the pattern than going into specifics.Jul 19 00:20
schestowitzso then just the hands are the risk factorJul 19 00:20
schestowitzRussia death tolls are not going downJul 19 00:20
XRevan86I was on a bus and I think around 5 people out of 20 had a maskJul 19 00:21
schestowitzthe official ones mere stay "stables"Jul 19 00:21
schestowitzthe official ones mere stay "stable"Jul 19 00:21
schestowitzI would not go on a bus right nowJul 19 00:21
XRevan86Funny that a supply store has a sign that they won't let anyone in without a maskJul 19 00:21
schestowitztoo much breathing and salivaJul 19 00:21
XRevan86and then even the staff didn't wear themJul 19 00:21
schestowitzour gym is not even communicating to anyone when they'll open and under what provisions/rulesJul 19 00:22
schestowitzwe might stop going to the gym altogether, work out from home permanently, which is kind of sadJul 19 00:22
schestowitzI honestly thought stores and stuff would be reopened and mostly back to normal by nowJul 19 00:23
schestowitzsome countries go BAck into lock-downJul 19 00:23
schestowitzthat's how bad it isJul 19 00:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Debian issues final update for old stable distribution Stretch []Jul 19 00:27
DaemonFC[m]"As more travelers steer clear of international trips and crowded cities, they are looking for virtual experiences as well as more localtrips, especially experiences that are within driving distance, The Times said." -Business InsiderJul 19 00:36
DaemonFC[m]Yeah. Go have a picnic, fish, or hike.Jul 19 00:37
schestowitzXRevan86: the general assumption is, and I agree with this consensus, if we let it just pass freely to everything, many will die, esp. old people, and even survivors would be vastly worse off in terms of healthJul 19 00:37
schestowitzand we don't yet know enough what the long-term effects areJul 19 00:37
DaemonFC[m]You don't need to go spend $10,000 living like royalty in a resort for a week then come home and crack open the credit card invoice.Jul 19 00:37
schestowitzor what happens when it mutates, comes back for another wave months later of the next year/seasonJul 19 00:37
DaemonFC[m]They say credit card balances are falling fast. Yeah, what do people do in the summer? They get expensive trips they can't afford and run up the cards.Jul 19 00:38
schestowitzif we looked at brazil where it spreads more widely we see the death toll can be very high and increasing constantlyJul 19 00:38
DaemonFC[m]Then in winter, they buy cheap crap that will short itself out in a month and the credit cards again.Jul 19 00:38
XRevan86schestowitz: Yea. I think most people are trying to close their eyes and hope it will go away.Jul 19 00:38
XRevan86And the government isn't trying nearly hard enough to scare them properly.Jul 19 00:38
XRevan86Except with bullshit that only promotes distrust and hence ignorance of the problemJul 19 00:38
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I'm probably going to try making this laptop last at least through 2023 and maybe a bit longer.Jul 19 00:38
DaemonFC[m]The longer you can put off an upgrade, the more of an upgrade you get when you buy something else.Jul 19 00:39
DaemonFC[m]People really need to figure out how to get the most value.Jul 19 00:39
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: aim for 10 years since purchaseJul 19 00:39
schestowitzrianne__ got a lenovo, which I reckon will last her at least another 5Jul 19 00:40
schestowitzit was refurbishedJul 19 00:40
schestowitzXRevan86: our gov. is incompetent about the whole thingJul 19 00:40
schestowitzin August they'll foot 50% of food bill when eating outJul 19 00:41
XRevan86schestowitz: was that plural?Jul 19 00:41
schestowitznot takeaway, alcohol, not includedJul 19 00:41
schestowitzbut eating out might not be as safe as they want us to thinkJul 19 00:41
schestowitzXRevan86: what was?Jul 19 00:41
XRevan86schestowitz: gov.Jul 19 00:41
schestowitzno, I know our own gov.Jul 19 00:41
schestowitznotice I don't talk much about it onlineJul 19 00:42
schestowitzI prefers not to be  singled out and targetedJul 19 00:42
schestowitzexcept when there's an electionJul 19 00:42
schestowitzlike 2017 with corbynJul 19 00:42
schestowitzor after brexitJul 19 00:42
schestowitzin Russia things deteriorate a lot, based on what I readJul 19 00:42
schestowitzactivists and journalists cracked down onJul 19 00:42
XRevan86schestowitz: They very much do.Jul 19 00:42
XRevan86I was stupid not to expect thisJul 19 00:43
schestowitzand they use lies about kins/friends to associate them with foreign intel' nowJul 19 00:43
schestowitzso even if you are cleaJul 19 00:43
schestowitzand your family and friends are cleanJul 19 00:43
schestowitzthey can make up dirt about someone you knowJul 19 00:43
XRevan86They claim "public support" is a call to action to implement everything every populist amendment claimedJul 19 00:43
schestowitzthey used dirt like this against AssangeJul 19 00:43
XRevan86so there really was a use for those dumb amendments that aren't about Putin after allJul 19 00:44
schestowitzconnecting him to Roger Stone,  Paul, Corsi...Jul 19 00:44
schestowitzpeople he never even metJul 19 00:44
schestowitzdid you see what happened in portland oregon?Jul 19 00:44
schestowitzthey literally kidnapped peopleJul 19 00:44
schestowitzfor merely going to a protestJul 19 00:44
schestowitznot even protestingJul 19 00:44
schestowitzit's like arrest over nothingJul 19 00:44
schestowitzthey didn't even do anythingJul 19 00:45
schestowitzand protests are not illegalJul 19 00:45
XRevan86I think the word to describe Russia right now is "crackdown"Jul 19 00:45
schestowitzand they were kidnapped not even by uniformed copsJul 19 00:45
schestowitzjust some trump goomsJul 19 00:45
schestowitzthis is very 'mafia state' likeJul 19 00:45
XRevan86schestowitz: o_0Jul 19 00:45
schestowitzsuppressing protestsJul 19 00:45
schestowitzby assembling lists of whom might attendJul 19 00:45
schestowitzI think ahead of RNC protests ages ago, maybe 12 years, similar things happenedJul 19 00:46
schestowitzpolice targeted homes of people who merely planned to attend protestsJul 19 00:46
schestowitzbut they didn't kidnap them and no unmarked vansJul 19 00:46
schestowitzuniform tooJul 19 00:46
schestowitzthis is apparently misuse of Border Control nowJul 19 00:46
schestowitzTrumpland is USSRJul 19 00:46
XRevan86oh hey, affordable healthcareJul 19 00:47
schestowitzBorder COntrol becomes anti-protest/counter-dissent forcesJul 19 00:47
schestowitzafaik, ussr had vastly better access to healthJul 19 00:47
schestowitzmore like cubaJul 19 00:47
XRevan86schestowitz: Yes, that's why the analogy is a bit flawed.Jul 19 00:47
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 00:49
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 00:49
DaemonFC[m][    0.194303] ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignoredJul 19 00:50
DaemonFC[m]They're still doing this.Jul 19 00:50
DaemonFC[m]In a uEFI system from 2016.Jul 19 00:50
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: 4 million cases by Tuesday, officially.Jul 19 00:52
*rMdes has quit (Quit: The Lounge - 19 00:55
schestowitzso time to call off the election?Jul 19 00:56
*schestowitz uses 5 laptops in tandem now, as Rianne went to sleepJul 19 00:57
schestowitz(9 screens)Jul 19 00:57
*rMdes ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 00:59
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Jul 19 01:02
DaemonFC[m]I added the second part.Jul 19 01:02
MinceRniceJul 19 01:05
DaemonFC[m]In all fairness, this is funny because it's a joke about rape jokes that combines the CEO's claim that all ads are vetted. It's meta.Jul 19 01:05
MinceRwell, at least it's funny :>Jul 19 01:06
DaemonFC[m]Embedding a joke in a Wikipedia article is always a good opportunity. Jul 19 01:09
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I also edited the lead-in.Jul 19 01:10
DaemonFC[m]"Taboola is a private advertising company headquartered in New York City. It provides chumbucket advertisements"Jul 19 01:10
DaemonFC[m]I added chumbucket and the link to the article about chumbuckets.Jul 19 01:10
MinceR:)Jul 19 01:11
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: It's nice to be able to do stuff like that and nobody can say it's not true.Jul 19 01:12
DaemonFC[m]The article about Chumbuckets lists Taboola as a primary source of chumbuckets.Jul 19 01:12
MinceRtoo bad wikipedia doesn't care about what is trueJul 19 01:12
DaemonFC[m]It explains that they're low quality click bait articles and fake news.Jul 19 01:13
schestowitznot alwaysJul 19 01:21
schestowitzbut sure, wikipedia is gamed to death and has it limitsJul 19 01:21
schestowitzsevere limitsJul 19 01:22
schestowitzand abuseJul 19 01:22
schestowitzthere's a whole big "industry" built around it nowJul 19 01:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #debian release: Intermediate status updates from Andrew Cater []Jul 19 01:23
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: OpenMandriva Progressing On Rolling Release Version, Moving Away From i686 Repository []Jul 19 01:29
DaemonFC[m]GNOME has to try this "juggling babies over a fireplace" method of memory management because their desktop is a big fat disgusting pig.Jul 19 01:30
DaemonFC[m]Fedora is collapsing and Red Hat is going that way too. I'd say Kubuntu and OpenSUSE actually scares me a lot less these days.Jul 19 01:31
MinceRi wonder what will happen to cancerd if hedrat collapses :>Jul 19 01:33
DaemonFC[m]Ubuntu will maintain it! Jul 19 01:34
MinceRlolJul 19 01:34
DaemonFC[m]Under the Contributor License Agreement, why not.Jul 19 01:34
MinceRbecause that sounds like workJul 19 01:35
DaemonFC[m]It's a good thing for Red Hat that IBM bought them. The alternative was being picked over by Canonical or some hedge fund at the bankruptcy sale.Jul 19 01:36
DaemonFC[m]Novell was heading towards bankruptcy and decided to tear themselves down for parts.Jul 19 01:36
MinceRmicroshit could have bought themJul 19 01:36
MinceRthen rHELL could have survived as "Windows 11"Jul 19 01:37
DaemonFC[m]They very nearly completely ruined OpenSUSE.Jul 19 01:37
MinceRwhat was there to ruin about opensuse? it always sucked hard, afaikJul 19 01:37
DaemonFC[m]Eh, I found a box set of SuSE Linux at a flea market back in the late 90s and tried it out.Jul 19 01:38
MinceRi helped a friend install opensuse a long time agoJul 19 01:38
MinceRit was one of the shittiest installers i've ever used, and it also fucked with the keyboard so it was nearly unusableJul 19 01:38
DaemonFC[m]These corporate Linux distros have ruined everything.Jul 19 01:38
MinceRindeeedJul 19 01:39
MinceRs/eee/ee/Jul 19 01:39
DaemonFC[m]System Administration Bloatware that's completely full of bugs and the way to administer a system changes all the time so they can sell more "skillz to pay the billz".Jul 19 01:39
DaemonFC[m]It's something worse than any bored hacker ever could have cobbled together.Jul 19 01:40
MinceRcancerd, gnome, waylandows, networkmangler, polkit, udisks2Jul 19 01:40
MinceRoh, and dbugsJul 19 01:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla’s Rust in WebGPU and Linux []Jul 19 01:40
DaemonFC[m]Network Manager is no longer managing things. It is asking systemd to piss all over your settings and do something weird instead.Jul 19 01:40
MinceRnot really an improvementJul 19 01:41
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Um, I'm pretty sure NM is uninvolved in networkd?Jul 19 01:41
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Is this about resolved again?Jul 19 01:42
DaemonFC[m]systemd-maliciousdnsserverremotecodeexecutiondJul 19 01:42
DaemonFC[m]It was too long, apparently.Jul 19 01:42
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []Jul 19 01:43
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: stubby could be the only stub resolver without a record, it's pretty youngJul 19 01:43
DaemonFC[m]Don't worry, thanks to Rat Crap, I'm sure Vault 7 is fully stocked again.Jul 19 01:44
XRevan86resolved isn't particularly vulnerable as far as I knowJul 19 01:45
DaemonFC[m]Part 6 - "Weeping Angel"Jul 19 01:45
DaemonFC[m]Nice.Jul 19 01:45
DaemonFC[m] 19 01:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vault 7 - WikipediaJul 19 01:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU and GPL: GIMP, GNU Radio and GPL Compliance []Jul 19 01:46
DaemonFC[m]In Soviet Russia, TV watches you!Jul 19 01:46
XRevan86And if you just don't want a stub resolver, well, I guess you have a router. Not everyone does.Jul 19 01:46
DaemonFC[m]Part 11 - "Pandemic"Jul 19 01:47
DaemonFC[m]They were 3 years ahead of us there.Jul 19 01:47
XRevan86So the options pretty much are: resolved, stubby, dnsmasq, unbound, bind and so onJul 19 01:47
XRevan86"In Soviet Russia, TV watches you!" – Smart TVs are getting popular, I guy.Jul 19 01:49
XRevan86* guessJul 19 01:49
XRevan86> Once installed in suitable televisions with a USB stickJul 19 01:50
DaemonFC[m]"While Airbnb is resuming its much-anticipated plans to go public, the startup may have to contend with its distressed employees."Jul 19 01:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KaOS 2020.07 []Jul 19 01:50
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: That's kind of lame. A good hack should involve RCE. I'm sure most Smart TVs suck enough to make that a reality.Jul 19 01:51
DaemonFC[m]They're probably still basing new ones on 2.6 kernels.Jul 19 01:51
XRevan86cool codenamesJul 19 01:52
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: No, that's unlikely, even the worst of Android stopped doing that for years.Jul 19 01:53
XRevan86Not that that makes it any better.Jul 19 01:53
DaemonFC[m]I don't know that there is a worst of Android.Jul 19 01:54
DaemonFC[m]Every time I think I've seen it, there's something worse.Jul 19 01:54
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: It's a diverse market, an abyss full of dung.Jul 19 01:57
schestowitz[01:36] <DaemonFC[m]> Novell was heading towards bankruptcy and decided to tear themselves down for parts.Jul 19 01:59
schestowitzthat's not exactly what was happeningJul 19 01:59
schestowitz[01:38] <DaemonFC[m]> These corporate Linux distros have ruined everything.Jul 19 01:59
schestowitzthis is also not entirely trueJul 19 01:59
schestowitzthey gave salaries to peopleJul 19 02:00
schestowitzyou oversimplify these thingsJul 19 02:00
XRevan86What else good I can say about resolved… it has an NSS module, which makes resolves slightly faster.Jul 19 02:00
MinceRWhat's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung!Jul 19 02:00
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "they gave salaries to people"> Yeah, so does Mozilla. Then instead of improving Firefox and cutting out the people who aren't really doing anything there anyway to pay for it, they pack it full of nagware, adware, and questionable "services".Jul 19 02:01
DaemonFC[m]There's at least 50 things now that you have to turn off in Firefox just to get it to quit popping up like the Windows XP search dog.Jul 19 02:02
DaemonFC[m]They seem to have gotten some inspiration from Windows 10.Jul 19 02:02
DaemonFC[m]"Would you like some RECOMMENDATIONS!?"Jul 19 02:02
DaemonFC[m]No, I'm good.Jul 19 02:02
DaemonFC[m]I said I've got it.Jul 19 02:03
DaemonFC[m]Then you turn recommendations off and instead of a big blue "RECOMMENDATION", it turns into a light bulb, which you have to right click on and remove from the address bar.Jul 19 02:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Xfce and #KDE on Self-hosted #Gitlab []Jul 19 02:04
XRevan86"dung" seems to be cognate with the word for rainbow in RussianJul 19 02:05
MinceRstrangeJul 19 02:06
schestowitzI stopped using Firefox except for my blog postsJul 19 02:07
schestowitzfor those too I may get rid of itJul 19 02:08
schestowitzit's the browsing history (older posts in autocomplete) that make it harder for me to drop it fastJul 19 02:08
schestowitzXRevan86: reflects upon Putin's view of the rainbowed flagJul 19 02:08
schestowitz"dung people"Jul 19 02:09
DaemonFC[m]Fedora KDE is going to have issues with Falkon now.Jul 19 02:10
DaemonFC[m]Rex Dieter says he's considering dropping it because of getting rid of its maintainer, Kofler.Jul 19 02:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KaOS Linux 2020.07 Released with KDE Plasma 5.19, Linux Kernel 5.7 []Jul 19 02:11
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: That's pretty weird, Falkon is easy to maintain as a package.Jul 19 02:11
XRevan86schestowitz: Did you hear about the opinion of the "leader" of the "women's union"?Jul 19 02:12
XRevan86In a videoconference with VVP she told him that the ice-cream brand Rainbow is not unconstitutional, and he replied that this will be looked into.Jul 19 02:13
DaemonFC[m]Did she too ride a horse, topless?Jul 19 02:14
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: She's the other kindJul 19 02:14
XRevan86Like TERF, but like, traditional values and stuffJul 19 02:14
XRevan86Support for women is support for familyJul 19 02:15
XRevan86and healthy childhoodsJul 19 02:15
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: Ah, dish get the reference at first %).Jul 19 02:17
XRevan86* didn'tJul 19 02:17
XRevan86In the end this means that rainbows in Russia are becoming awkward.Jul 19 02:19
schestowitz[02:10] <DaemonFC[m]> Rex Dieter says he's considering dropping it because of getting rid of its maintainer, Kofler.Jul 19 02:19
schestowitzself-harming movesJul 19 02:19
MinceRself-harming, so hot right nowJul 19 02:23
XRevan86All the monstrous complexity of Falkon is taken care of by the Qt maintainers – they don't have a choice.Jul 19 02:25
XRevan86So I don't get what's the problem in keeping FalkonJul 19 02:26
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: (u)nscd can also be used to catch DNS, but (both) advise against that.Jul 19 02:32
schestowitzso why would anyone still use Fedora?Jul 19 02:34
schestowitzfor yum? dnf?Jul 19 02:34
schestowitzor love of ibm?Jul 19 02:34
MinceRbecause it's "modern" and they're too much of a hipster to use Backdoors or crapOSJul 19 02:34
schestowitzfedora has outsourced so many things to Microsoft (GH)Jul 19 02:34
schestowitzI really wouldn't touch Fedora these daysJul 19 02:35
MinceRto put on a VM for some piece of shit software they're forced to use that requires systemdJul 19 02:36
MinceR(except one finds out that fedora is such an extreme turd it won't even boot)Jul 19 02:36
MinceR(and in ubuntu's installer first the compositor crashes and then the whole thing freezes, so you're stuck with deadian)Jul 19 02:37
schestowitzdeadian is very much alive for usJul 19 02:37
schestowitzand it's reliableJul 19 02:37
schestowitzunless you actually try to break itJul 19 02:37
schestowitzeven then it's quite robustJul 19 02:37
MinceRit's crap, but at least i can use cisco's shitware for work on a deadian vmJul 19 02:37
MinceRit pretends to deal with non-systemd OSes, but it failsJul 19 02:38
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: Nothing like the bug reporter coming up in the middle of the filesystem formatting and asking if you want to report a bug on Anaconda, in my humble opinion.Jul 19 02:38
MinceRlolJul 19 02:38
MinceRwhich one does that?Jul 19 02:38
DaemonFC[m]Happened to me on a Fedora Live Respin ISO. Had to grab the release ISO.Jul 19 02:39
DaemonFC[m]Fedora 28 maybe.Jul 19 02:39
DaemonFC[m]Point being, make sure you have the release ISO on one drive and the respin on another.Jul 19 02:42
DaemonFC[m]The respins aren't all that well tested. Jul 19 02:42
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: It was telling me something about udisks or something and a quark?Jul 19 02:43
DaemonFC[m]There's your "modern Linux" error message being as helpful as ever. Jul 19 02:43
DaemonFC[m]ERROR: My Anaconda don't want unless you got buns, hun!Jul 19 02:44
DaemonFC[m]*don't want noneJul 19 02:44
MinceRlolJul 19 02:44
MinceRmy favorite thing about udisks2 was how the manpage claims it will be automatically started when neededJul 19 02:45
MinceR(and so they don't tell you how to start it)Jul 19 02:45
MinceRand, of course, once it shits itself, it won't start automaticallyJul 19 02:45
DaemonFC[m]Quark!Jul 19 02:45
MinceRthree quarks for Muster MarkJul 19 02:46
*DaemonFC[m] grabs chest and falls overJul 19 02:46
DaemonFC[m] 19 03:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows 98 - WikipediaJul 19 03:00
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Jul 19 03:01
*jxself (~jxself@gnu/linux-libre/jxself) has joined #techrightsJul 19 03:02
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jul 19 03:16
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: some of these "long messages" aren't so longJul 19 03:21
DaemonFC[m]MinceR's observation that hipsters have taken over Fedora seems to be correct.Jul 19 03:23
DaemonFC[m]The old "KDE on Redhat" project ran better than KDE does on Fedora now, even back when it was this unofficial repo.Jul 19 03:23
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: There's nearly 100% compliance with masks in Waukegan right now.Jul 19 03:42
DaemonFC[m]So I don't think we're out of the woods on this by any means, but people here seem to get what the virus is capable of.Jul 19 03:43
DaemonFC[m]I had to go inside that international grocery with Mandy. When I got home I tossed my clothes in the bin and took two showers.Jul 19 03:43
DaemonFC[m]It's a really sneaky virus. It gets on your clothes.On your shoes.Jul 19 03:44
DaemonFC[m]People are getting infected from that kind of stuff without even thinking about it.Jul 19 03:44
schestowitzwe leave the shoes insideJul 19 03:45
schestowitzthe clothes all go straight in laundry binJul 19 03:45
schestowitzno exceptionsJul 19 03:45
schestowitzeven if you don't sweatJul 19 03:45
schestowitzshower immediatelyJul 19 03:45
schestowitzfood left outdoors, until it's washedJul 19 03:45
schestowitzrianne even insists on washing the plastic bags of leaving them to 'dry' or astray for a few days to make sure the organisms all die offJul 19 03:46
schestowitzAll this is actually based on informed adviceJul 19 03:46
schestowitzit may seem paranoid, but on dry surfaces the virus can leave for a while, on wet ones even longerJul 19 03:47
schestowitzthen, there are also more minor things, like learning never to touch the face when outdoorsJul 19 03:47
schestowitznot to touch things like benches and use sanitiser if you're in a shop touching thingJul 19 03:48
schestowitz*thingsJul 19 03:48
schestowitzmaybe at some stage we have a better understanding of this thing and what the longterm impact isJul 19 03:48
schestowitzI assume it'll mutate, so it can come back again and again, triggering antibodies and immune response until only the stronger people can withstanding it... and maybe then encourage stronger versions of itJul 19 03:49
schestowitzweaker mutations will die offJul 19 03:49
schestowitzthe stronger ones will pass onJul 19 03:49
schestowitzif you have millions of confirmed carriers, it has lots of leeway for mutationJul 19 03:50
schestowitzfor ordinary flu we have vaccines, and we administer them routinely to people in vulnerable age groupsJul 19 03:50
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, we've already lost a lot of older people to this.Jul 19 03:50
schestowitzfor this one there's no shot yetJul 19 03:50
DaemonFC[m]We're not even a quarter of the way through it yet, even with no mutation, which is impossible.Jul 19 03:51
schestowitzso young people might in fact be safe, but it's not good if they let is pass around freelyJul 19 03:51
schestowitziirc, as someone told me, under the age of 60 we only lost 200+ people in he ukJul 19 03:51
schestowitzso you're looking at something close to 50,000 in the over 60 age groupJul 19 03:51
schestowitzmy parents are in this age groupJul 19 03:52
schestowitzpeople over 60 still workJul 19 03:52
schestowitzmany are seniors, bosses, ceos etc.Jul 19 03:52
schestowitzafter 70 or 80 the mind 'goes'.. sometimesJul 19 03:52
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Yeah, mom says she needs to find a new church because even after most of them got COVID, they're all just piling back in with no masks on.Jul 19 03:53
schestowitzno worriesJul 19 03:53
schestowitztell her there will be plenty of roomJul 19 03:53
schestowitzsoonJul 19 03:53
schestowitzmore spacingJul 19 03:53
schestowitzsocial distancingJul 19 03:53
schestowitzas fewer will come inJul 19 03:53
DaemonFC[m]14 days later they're all back, even the ones that didn't get it the last time.Jul 19 03:53
schestowitzthey will be plugged to some machineJul 19 03:53
schestowitzor lying quietly in some wooden casketJul 19 03:54
schestowitz"natural selection"Jul 19 03:54
schestowitznature spacing people apart, by eliminating many of them..Jul 19 03:54
DaemonFC[m]She's been avoiding going there because she's a nurse in a nursing home.Jul 19 03:54
schestowitzso she smells the deathJul 19 03:54
DaemonFC[m]She said she explained that to them and they laughed at her and called it a hoax to humiliate Trump.Jul 19 03:54
schestowitzand speaks to families of lost onesJul 19 03:54
DaemonFC[m]Then they started getting sick.Jul 19 03:54
schestowitzwho cannot even visit "mom" or "grandpa"Jul 19 03:54
schestowitzbecause it's really that infectious Jul 19 03:55
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, they already lost one resident to it.Jul 19 03:55
schestowitzonly one?Jul 19 03:55
DaemonFC[m]Some guy came in from out of state while he was extremely sick and visited his mom at the beginning of this.Jul 19 03:55
DaemonFC[m]Somehow only one person got it (his mom).Jul 19 03:56
schestowitzthese wards are usually counted in death tools blatedlyJul 19 03:56
schestowitzand staff is left out of workJul 19 03:56
schestowitzas everyone starts dyingJul 19 03:56
schestowitzand eventually not even the staff is safeJul 19 03:56
DaemonFC[m]Who the hell gets extremely sick with something, hops in the car, and drives to another state to visit their mother who is in her late 90s?Jul 19 03:56
schestowitzearlier today I read about staffing issuesJul 19 03:56
schestowitznot enough medical workers, they don't want to come to work anymoreJul 19 03:57
schestowitzwho would?Jul 19 03:57
schestowitzlet me see if I can find it..Jul 19 03:57
DaemonFC[m]The government here is trying to sideline the virus now that they've lost control of it.Jul 19 03:57
schestowitzrelated: 19 03:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trump’s ‘Plan’ Is Simply to Make the Virus and Its Casualties Disappear - CounterPunch.orgJul 19 03:57
DaemonFC[m]The problem is that they're actually having a hard time with most of the public in Illinois because they don't believe it's safe to go do anything and are not cooperating.Jul 19 03:58
schestowitz 19 03:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | As Trump Moves to Hide Covid-19, We Already Know Which Communities Are Suffering Most | Common Dreams ViewsJul 19 03:58
DaemonFC[m]The state populations who did go back to normal as soon as their shutdown ended are the ones with 13,000 cases a day now.Jul 19 03:58
schestowitzoh, here's the one:Jul 19 03:58
schestowitz 19 03:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hospitals Are Suddenly Short of Young Doctors — Because of Trump’s Visa Ban — ProPublicaJul 19 03:58
schestowitzgreat move, magaistsJul 19 03:58
schestowitzsuddenly you ol' "conservatives" need someone to administer drugs to youJul 19 03:59
schestowitzand help you breatheJul 19 03:59
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I can tell you why blacks are getting the worst of it.Jul 19 03:59
DaemonFC[m]It's not going to be PC.Jul 19 03:59
schestowitzliving congestionsJul 19 03:59
schestowitzpovertyJul 19 04:00
schestowitzdistancing is a luxuryJul 19 04:00
schestowitzlike houses with 4 toilets in themJul 19 04:00
DaemonFC[m]But when you're hanging around smoking dope and having parties with no masks and loud music....Jul 19 04:00
schestowitzpoverty => living in smaller spacesJul 19 04:00
schestowitzIndia has this problemJul 19 04:00
schestowitzmany have roommates and housematesJul 19 04:01
DaemonFC[m]Yes, all we can afford here is this crummy motel that's falling apart.Jul 19 04:01
DaemonFC[m]The stove exploded on me the other day.Jul 19 04:01
schestowitzyou cannot force people out of your kitchenJul 19 04:01
DaemonFC[m]I went to turn it on and it went "POP" so loud that my skull shook.Jul 19 04:01
schestowitzand you cannot force them not to meet other people either... or wear a mask outdoorsJul 19 04:01
DaemonFC[m]Hasn't worked sense. Had to get an induction cooktop.Jul 19 04:01
schestowitzsinceJul 19 04:01
DaemonFC[m]Errr, yeah. Autocorrect. Jul 19 04:02
schestowitzat least it killed itself and didn't cause fire hazardsJul 19 04:02
schestowitzthe washing machines, my old CRT monitor etc. also did the sound and committed suicideJul 19 04:02
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, I don't trust it. I went ahead and disabled it at the breaker box.Jul 19 04:02
schestowitzwithout causing any real damage, just fearJul 19 04:02
schestowitzit's often designed like this at the fusing levelJul 19 04:02
schestowitzto avoid liability for house firesJul 19 04:03
schestowitzif not at the house's own fuse boxJul 19 04:03
schestowitzwhich is the upper level, escalated to the upstream Jul 19 04:03
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, the fuse box has this barber pole thing for that cooktop now.Jul 19 04:03
schestowitzcheap toasters lack safety mechanismsJul 19 04:03
DaemonFC[m]Even though the POP happened at the cooktop itself.Jul 19 04:03
schestowitzso they're more likely to kill your houses power supply before they discharge themselvesJul 19 04:04
DaemonFC[m]This hotel is on its last leg.Jul 19 04:04
schestowitzthat's okJul 19 04:04
schestowitzat least it's affordableJul 19 04:04
DaemonFC[m]Very true. Could be worse.Jul 19 04:04
schestowitzsomething for everybody...Jul 19 04:04
DaemonFC[m]Eh, what do I need really? A place to sleep. Heat, air conditioning, internet, TV, shower.Jul 19 04:05
DaemonFC[m]I've had apartments that were worse. Jul 19 04:05
DaemonFC[m]First year in Chicago we paid $600 for a studio in a shoot them for their shoelaces neighborhood. Never any hot water. Had to pay the electric.Jul 19 04:06
DaemonFC[m]Also, internet. So like $750 average. Not much less than here. Jul 19 04:07
DaemonFC[m]Much more dangerous area.Jul 19 04:07
schestowitzdo you still work?Jul 19 04:09
schestowitzas in, financially gainful employment?Jul 19 04:09
*schestowitz reads Unemployment in Russia hits eight year high 19 04:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJul 19 04:10
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free Software: Cost-free Options, LMMS, nomacs []Jul 19 04:14
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "do you still work?"> I still have an income although it isn't what it once was.Jul 19 04:14
DaemonFC[m]I told my attorney that I gave up paying any of the bills after I lost the car.Jul 19 04:15
DaemonFC[m]I said I realized that my finances had just been torpedoed and that I'd end up in bankruptcy at some point and didn't see any reason to make minimums just to keep them from suing me for a little while longer.Jul 19 04:17
schestowitzgig economy is a jokeJul 19 04:17
DaemonFC[m]So bankruptcy instead. Jul 19 04:17
schestowitzwelcome to the Trump clubJul 19 04:17
schestowitzhe did it 6 times at leastJul 19 04:17
DaemonFC[m]At a certain point it really is just taking on water and listing.Jul 19 04:17
DaemonFC[m]Becomes hopeless.Jul 19 04:18
DaemonFC[m]Abandon ship...Jul 19 04:18
schestowitzthe system is at a tipping pointJul 19 04:18
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "gig economy is a joke"> It is. I think that this won't go on much longer either.Jul 19 04:18
schestowitzwhich is why Trump goons kidnap people who want to protestJul 19 04:18
schestowitz 19 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Protesters in Portland, Oregon, clash with police, federal officers during chaotic nightJul 19 04:19
DaemonFC[m]I read about that.Jul 19 04:19
schestowitz 19 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Text-Only : Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS ConfirmsJul 19 04:19
schestowitzUnited States of GulagJul 19 04:19
DaemonFC[m]I wonder if John still works for the Department of Homeland Stupidity.Jul 19 04:19
schestowitz"Day after day after day, the homeless are  removed from the dinner table."Jul 19 04:19
schestowitz 19 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Homeless in Portland, Oregon  - CounterPunch.orgJul 19 04:19
schestowitzwhat, tsa?Jul 19 04:19
schestowitzwho would they scan?Jul 19 04:20
schestowitzalmost nobody fliesJul 19 04:20
DaemonFC[m]That's hilarious, actually. Jul 19 04:20
schestowitzdo you want to bring down a plane with more crew than passengers?Jul 19 04:20
DaemonFC[m]The TSA is finished.Jul 19 04:20
DaemonFC[m]He's on unemployment and paying the car with the extra stipend that's about to expire.Jul 19 04:20
schestowitzthey can use rapeyscan machines in hospitalJul 19 04:20
schestowitzxrays to assess the damage to people's lungsJul 19 04:21
DaemonFC[m]I got out ahead of him and filed bankruptcy so that when he loses it, it won't be a repo on my credit report.Jul 19 04:21
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I could have waited months longer to file bankruptcy, but 1. I knew a bankruptcy tidal wave was coming. 2. All the lawyers smell it and are raising their prices. 3. I wanted to make sure that John's the one that ends up with repo and bankruptcy on his report. Not me.Jul 19 04:21
DaemonFC[m]A 570 credit rating is bad, but a repo as well....we can make it 500.Jul 19 04:22
DaemonFC[m]:PJul 19 04:22
DaemonFC[m]You know?Jul 19 04:22
DaemonFC[m]It got down to 490 before the bankruptcy.Jul 19 04:22
DaemonFC[m]It actually went up a total of 80 points when all the debt disappeared. The bankruptcy damages you, but by the time you file it may actually be less bad for your FICO score, relatively speaking, than carrying around $80,000 in debt that went bad that people could sue you for.Jul 19 04:23
schestowitzUSians are good at suingJul 19 04:24
DaemonFC[m]So it's like saying, you know.... The bankruptcy might damage a perfect score 230 points, but the debt damages you like 310 or something.Jul 19 04:24
DaemonFC[m]So getting rid of the debt and adding a bankruptcy at that point brings you back up 80 points.Jul 19 04:25
schestowitzAfter Trump Deploys Secret Police in Portland, 'Imagine What Happens If He Gets Four More Years' Jul 19 04:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | After Trump Deploys Secret Police in Portland, 'Imagine What Happens If He Gets Four More Years' | Common Dreams NewsJul 19 04:25
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Well, people need to pay attention to all levels of government and get their houses in order.Jul 19 04:26
DaemonFC[m]It's way more often that their state does something that affects them than the federal government, although it has gotten too large and too powerful.Jul 19 04:26
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Social Security is a broken promise and they'll never admit it until it falls apart.Jul 19 04:27
DaemonFC[m]It's a flaming bag of shit that's going to land squarely on the people that are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s now. You pay and you pay and what you're paying for is for these fuckers who vote for Trump and his "secret police" goons so that they can live forever.Jul 19 04:28
DaemonFC[m]Then the government will stop paying Social Security and tell you no retirement at all.Jul 19 04:29
DaemonFC[m]Bush was trying to "partially privatize" it, but that wouldn't have helped the people it's harming now. It would just funnel their money into a stock market that already has nothing to do with the economy.Jul 19 04:30
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: What's happened is that wages are so low that if you raise most people's taxes even a little bit, then they can't afford to live.Jul 19 04:32
DaemonFC[m]There used to be a middle class to pay the taxes, and not so much anymore, really.Jul 19 04:32
DaemonFC[m]There's a bunch of idiots like Maricel, who will tap out any credit card they can open in their own name or someone else's who they don't think will go to the police.Jul 19 04:33
DaemonFC[m]Her husband is a hostage. She keeps his dick in a jar somewhere I guess.Jul 19 04:33
DaemonFC[m]If they can't go to Spain three times this year, she'll just binge spend on something else "because you're you" and the money will be gone anyway.Jul 19 04:34
schestowitzSocial Security is already being guttedJul 19 04:36
schestowitzI assume pensions will tooJul 19 04:36
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 19 05:16
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers and howtos []Jul 19 05:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 19/7/2020: Debian “Stretch” 9.13, KaOS Linux 2020.07, Git 2.28.0 RC1 []Jul 19 05:22
DaemonFC[m] 19 05:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Snap (package manager) - WikipediaJul 19 05:47
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I added a section.Jul 19 05:47
DaemonFC[m]"Security issues"Jul 19 05:47
DaemonFC[m]Software in the Snapcraft store is not audited by Canonical to make sure that it is free of malware. Jul 19 05:47
DaemonFC[m]Canonical does not require the author of the software to personally upload and maintain it, and encourages proprietary binary-only software which cannot be audited to be uploaded into the store.Jul 19 05:48
DaemonFC[m]On at least one instance, in May 2018, two such proprietary applications which were uploaded by a single developer, were found to contain a cryptocurrency miner, which uses the victim's computing resources to harvest cryptocurrency on behalf of the attacker.[29]Jul 19 05:49
DaemonFC[m]In addition to making it easy for a bad actor to upload computer malware into a packaging system that is present in every official version of Ubuntu, the Snapcraft store often hosts outdated software, which could be accumulating unpatched security vulnerabilities. In one case, Microsoft left an outdated version of Skype in the Snapcraft store for over a year.[30]Jul 19 05:49
DaemonFC[m]If Canonical decides to remove a malicious or outdated Snap from the store, there exists no remote deletion mechanism to make sure that it is removed from a user's computer, or that they are even warned about it.Jul 19 05:49
DaemonFC[m]Even if the user has no interest in using snap, there is still the snapd service consuming system memory and running at the root user. Dangling processes running as root can increase the attack surface of the operating system. Good computing hygiene requires that these be kept to a minimum, and sandboxed if possible.Jul 19 06:17
DaemonFC[m]This is fun.Jul 19 06:17
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Jul 19 06:26
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "I assume pensions will too"> That started in the 80s, but it picked up steam. Now public "workers" are the only ones left with pensions and as state budgets collapse, they're next. Many already have had their benefits taken from them after the fact.Jul 19 06:43
DaemonFC[m]My mom lives in this dream world where the United States isn't badly damaged, tearing itself apart, people aren't being black bagged, the government isn't $30 trillion in debt on the federal level alone, the virus is both happening and Trump's not the reason it's so bad, etc.Jul 19 06:44
DaemonFC[m]I got her with the "Well, if the Republicans aren't a bunch of damned fools then what's going on in the south right now? After New York got hit bad the other blue states were like 'Nope, nope, nope!' and did shutdowns and mask laws and contact tracing. That's why Florida is getting hit 12 times harder right now than Illinois, adjusted for population."Jul 19 06:46
DaemonFC[m]I think that it's going to be very bad in the south indefinitely and it's because out of the worst examples of open corruption where the government simply doesn't care, it's basically all going on down there.Jul 19 06:47
DaemonFC[m] 19 06:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Patents 'Avoid Ghetto' GPS Feature for Unsafe Neighborhoods, Bad WeatherJul 19 06:49
DaemonFC[m]I thought that was actually pretty funny myself, and that was long before I lived in Chicago.Jul 19 06:50
DaemonFC[m]I think most people would support a feature that kept them out of the "shoot them for their shoelaces" neighborhoods. Yeah, almost all of them are majority black.Jul 19 06:50
DaemonFC[m]My probation expires on the 7th, officially.Jul 19 06:52
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I've been so nervous about drawing unwanted attention from the cops that people get pissed at me for going under the speed limit.Jul 19 06:53
DaemonFC[m]They sit there with their thumbs on the scale so they can write more tickets, but I think the petty harassment has eased up since the virus happened. They don't particularly care to go rummaging through your car if it could potentially hurt them.Jul 19 06:54
DaemonFC[m]The court has been much less busy with misdemeanor offenses recently as the same week a year prior, so COVID-19 has "lowered crime". It's a miracle.Jul 19 06:55
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Yeah, even I was shocked at how corrupt the government response to COVID was.Jul 19 07:02
DaemonFC[m]Here people are broke. Their business is ruined. Their job doesn't exist. The government and the Federal Reserve launch a program to buy stocks and corporate debt that was rated junk _previously).Jul 19 07:02
DaemonFC[m]You get enough money to file bankruptcy if you're not an idiot standing in line for another big screen tv.Jul 19 07:03
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: I say turnabout is fair play. If the government isn't going to do anything to help you recover, go use that $1,200 check to hire a lawyer and file bankruptcy. Have the court declare all your debts void. They're banks. They're the ones benefiting from Trump making it rain....on them.Jul 19 07:04
DaemonFC[m]They'll be fine. They always are.Jul 19 07:04
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KaOS Linux 2020.07 Released with KDE Plasma 5.19, Linux Kernel 5.7 []Jul 19 08:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Why People Are Crazy About Arch Linux? What’s so Special About it? []Jul 19 08:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open source development works to improve contact tracing in Europe []Jul 19 08:59
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Android Leftovers []Jul 19 09:01
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schestowitz 19 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "Hinky:" NPR Permitted Billy Barr to Lie More than Once | emptywheelJul 19 09:31
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Laptop Mode Tools 1.74 []Jul 19 09:47
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: Panfrost Gallium3D, Navy Flounder and WiFi Display Support []Jul 19 09:56
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s programming and howtos []Jul 19 09:59
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XRevan86 19 14:22
XRevan86 Khabarovsk yesterdayJul 19 14:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Хабаровск. Митинг. Шествие. 18 июля. - YouTubeJul 19 14:25
MinceR 19 14:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - MultiplanetaryJul 19 14:33
schestowitzXRevan86: nice buildingsJul 19 14:38
schestowitzmust be business and gov.Jul 19 14:38
XRevan86Lots of Stalin-era buildingsJul 19 14:46
*starfish (~Starfish@2409:4060:219d:c499:37ff:e20a:4d26:1102) has joined #techrightsJul 19 14:49
schestowitzusually the good ones are left in tactJul 19 14:56
schestowitzthe rest demolished, not maintainedJul 19 14:57
schestowitzhere we have victorian and edwardian onesJul 19 14:57
schestowitzif they look crap, and cannot be fixed or shined up cheaply ---- expect demolitionJul 19 14:57
schestowitzarchitectural darwinism of sortsJul 19 14:57
XRevan86schestowitz: Not really, what came next is typically of lower quality.Jul 19 14:57
starfishhello first time joing techrights irc channel. I am regular reader.Jul 19 14:57
XRevan86And that's not "it used to be better", it's intentional to house as many people and as quickly as possible.Jul 19 14:58
XRevan86Khuschev era buildings are typically of the lowest qualityJul 19 14:59
XRevan86* KhruschevJul 19 14:59
schestowitzhi, starfishJul 19 15:00
schestowitzseems familiar (the nickname)Jul 19 15:00
schestowitzXRevan86: it's the same here, i heard some explanation for itJul 19 15:00
schestowitzbut I am no expertJul 19 15:00
XRevan86especially if they're made out of panelsJul 19 15:00
starfishyeah, I have been following you with MastodonJul 19 15:00
schestowitzsomething to do with material and budgets, also which buildings remain, which biases itJul 19 15:00
schestowitzlike, you can judge very old music by just hearing the best of itJul 19 15:01
schestowitzMozart, Sinatra...Jul 19 15:01
schestowitzwhile ignoring all the shit music of those days, as it was poorly preserved (or not at all)Jul 19 15:01
*psydread (eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84) has joined #techrightsJul 19 15:01
schestowitzstarfish: ah, that would explain why :-Jul 19 15:01
schestowitz:-Jul 19 15:01
schestowitzXRevan86: the bricks used to be made and laid manually hereJul 19 15:02
schestowitzand that gives leeway to art formJul 19 15:02
schestowitzalso the carving of stonesJul 19 15:02
schestowitznot it's all about business, cost, time, materialJul 19 15:02
schestowitzno art to itJul 19 15:02
XRevan86schestowitz: I get what you mean: survivor's biasJul 19 15:03
schestowitzusuallt here in manchester the new builds are eirtherJul 19 15:03
schestowitz1) metal frame, fill gaps with glassJul 19 15:03
schestowitzor metal frame, fill with crap like cement in between, then lay some boring old bricks on the outside to make it look like it's an old brick buildingJul 19 15:03
XRevan86schestowitz: Russia didn't have a lot of demolition, except done by Germans and the recent "renovation" in Moscow.Jul 19 15:04
schestowitz2) wooden base, like old council houses that they demolish within just a few decades because the quality is so unbelievably crapJul 19 15:04
schestowitzUS+UK did a lot of demolition in GermanyJul 19 15:05
schestowitzapparently Dresden used to be a beautiful city/skylineJul 19 15:05
schestowitzBerlin I suppose you could also see before the war Jul 19 15:05
schestowitzwe saw Berlin 1.5 years ago, it's relatively ugly, not just its Soviet sideJul 19 15:05
XRevan86Strangely not a lot of Khruschev era buildings on the videoJul 19 15:06
XRevan86On 3:22 I see some 1-447'sJul 19 15:07
XRevan86(brick)Jul 19 15:07
schestowitzI don't want to reopen it nowJul 19 15:07
XRevan86and one 1-464Jul 19 15:07
schestowitzbut anyway, the city, judging by this area and footage, looks decentJul 19 15:08
schestowitzusually when I see Russian videos it looks dreadful. 8-flood multi-occupant housing of brick with rotting exteriorJul 19 15:08
schestowitz*floorJul 19 15:08
XRevan86 like this?Jul 19 15:09
schestowitzyes, I saw that in other cuntriesJul 19 15:09
schestowitzcountriesJul 19 15:09
schestowitzit's like living in a virtual shoeboxJul 19 15:09
XRevan86That's a KhruschevkaJul 19 15:09
*starfish has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8)Jul 19 15:09
schestowitzit's all just squared and you can have neighbours on many sides+top+bottomJul 19 15:10
scientesschestowitz, those are 10 storiesJul 19 15:10
scientesit is a standard designJul 19 15:10
schestowitzwith clothes hanging out, A/Cs, sometimes sattelite dishesJul 19 15:10
scientesand the elevator only goes up to the 9th floorJul 19 15:10
schestowitz*satellite dishesJul 19 15:10
XRevan86schestowitz: Yes, pretty standard.Jul 19 15:11
schestowitzpeasantboxesJul 19 15:11
scientesI lived in one of those, it really wasn't that bad, except for the unreplaced single-paned windowsJul 19 15:11
scientesthey probably last a lot longer than western shit  in regards to termites and rot and miceJul 19 15:12
XRevan86 19 15:13
schestowitzmice don't eat up the structureJul 19 15:13
MinceRi live in a concrete box and it sucksJul 19 15:13
schestowitztall buildings will have fewer rodentsJul 19 15:13
MinceRit's unfit for human or animal habitationJul 19 15:13
MinceRwe did have mice thoughJul 19 15:13
XRevan86MinceR: Not all concrete boxes are born equal, to be fair.Jul 19 15:14
MinceRyeahJul 19 15:14
schestowitzEven most animals, except in farms, have better conditionsJul 19 15:14
MinceRit's just the concrete boxes that the stalinists specced for their slaves, proclaiming them "houses" while never living in any of them themselvesJul 19 15:14
schestowitzfarms as in food farmsJul 19 15:14
*starfish (~starfish@2409:4060:219d:c499:37ff:e20a:4d26:1102) has joined #techrightsJul 19 15:14
MinceRoh, and of course, exposed bare concreteJul 19 15:14
MinceRbecause taste is for other peopleJul 19 15:15
schestowitzsome of those have antennas on topJul 19 15:15
scientesMinceR, not that you don't see bare concrete EVERYWHEREJul 19 15:15
schestowitzand they hide them wellJul 19 15:15
schestowitzthe tenants cannot see what's laid on top of their headsJul 19 15:15
MinceRyeah, brutalism is so "hip" and "cool"Jul 19 15:15
MinceR(well, except apparently brutalism isn't that much about bare concrete)Jul 19 15:15
schestowitzI mean, high-powered antennas like cellphones beaming machines with radiation doses that have "good effect"Jul 19 15:16
schestowitzlol maybe that's why the left doesn't go to top floorJul 19 15:16
MinceRthose are unlikely to use high power in such a densely covered area :>Jul 19 15:16
*scientes looks at brutalist architecture article. Doesn't see architectureJul 19 15:16
MinceR:>Jul 19 15:16
schestowitzkeeps under control how many tenants are aware of what would keep people from buying/rentingJul 19 15:16
schestowitz*leftJul 19 15:16
schestowitz*liftJul 19 15:16
schestowitzMinceR: but then you make up with quantitiesJul 19 15:17
MinceRi think it's because some elevator machinery can this way be housed on the top floorJul 19 15:17
XRevan86 more BrezhnevkasJul 19 15:17
schestowitzlike 4 on each towerJul 19 15:17
scientesabout the same as Frank Lloyd RightJul 19 15:17
MinceRand because it's cheaperJul 19 15:17
schestowitzfor more simultaneous connectionsJul 19 15:17
scienteswho was apparent genius for designing incredibly unuseful designsJul 19 15:18
MinceRi don't see the similarity between this and FLW's workJul 19 15:18
scientesand also jailsJul 19 15:18
MinceRFLW designed some beautiful buildingsJul 19 15:18
scientesits the shitty post-modernistJul 19 15:18
scientesthingJul 19 15:18
scientesFLW is crapJul 19 15:18
scientesit is just hyped excessivelyJul 19 15:18
schestowitzXRevan86: the upside is, maybe 70% of the tenants there can be thrown out windows without survival chancesJul 19 15:18
MinceRFLW is modernist, not post-modernistJul 19 15:18
schestowitzit's a feature even for post-Stalin RussiaJul 19 15:18
schestowitz"upside"Jul 19 15:19
XRevan86 19 15:19
MinceRthough i wonder if Prairie School is even modernistJul 19 15:19
schestowitzmore like DOWNsideJul 19 15:19
scienteshe also designed jailsJul 19 15:19
schestowitzXRevan86: that design has more "attack surface" for air-to-ground missilesJul 19 15:19
MinceRlolJul 19 15:20
schestowitzin case the Russian airforce is assigned some "task"Jul 19 15:20
XRevan86schestowitz: You haven't noticed the worst bit: these are panel buildings.Jul 19 15:20
scienteslooks pretty brutalist to me,_Tokyo#/media/File:Imperial_Hotel_Tokyo.JPGJul 19 15:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Imperial Hotel, Tokyo - WikipediaJul 19 15:20
scienteslooks straight out of _Brazil_ movieJul 19 15:20
scientesor _Hunger Games_Jul 19 15:20
schestowitzBrazil's are worseJul 19 15:20
schestowitzthey're like elevated slumsJul 19 15:21
scientesFLW also has this "there has to be nature" fetishJul 19 15:21
schestowitzand you can see how widely COVID spreads thereJul 19 15:21
scienteswhich always comes at a loss of utilityJul 19 15:21
scientesschestowitz, i am talking about the movie, which is totally unrelated to the countryJul 19 15:21
scientesthe distopian movieJul 19 15:21
schestowitzah, with the Kate Bush track?Jul 19 15:21
XRevan86 when I first walked past these, I was pretty uncomfortableJul 19 15:22
XRevan86 19 15:22
MinceRscientes:,_Oak_Park,_IL,_rear.JPG,_Oak_Park,_IL.JPG Jul 19 15:22
schestowitzthe whole concept is flawedJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (west side zoom).JPG - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Nathan G. Moore house (1895), Oak Park, IL, rear.JPG - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Frank LLoyd Wright Studio Chicago Frontage.jpg - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Arthur Heurtley House (1902), Oak Park, IL.JPG - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Taliesin600.jpg - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
MinceR 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Weltzheimer Johnson House 2010.jpg - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Wrightfallingwater.jpg - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
schestowitzyou are surrounded by other familiesJul 19 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Robie House.jpg - WikipediaJul 19 15:22
schestowitzif you build on a slope you can use altitude to separateJul 19 15:22
schestowitzlike terraced housingJul 19 15:22
schestowitzand then you have just about one neighbour family, on one side only, except at the corners/edges  (they get the roads with smog)Jul 19 15:23
scientesMinceR, i have been to one that looked a lot like this it was not practical, and excessively hypedJul 19 15:23
XRevan86 they're from the 80sJul 19 15:23
MinceR:)Jul 19 15:23
scientesit is basically suburbia 1.0, when that was a very new thing for the rich with carsJul 19 15:23
schestowitzyou can jump out the window safely in case of firesJul 19 15:23
scientesMinceR, and again, notice the nature potJul 19 15:23
scientesthis fetish with "a touch of nature" is so stupidJul 19 15:24
scientesand uniquely USJul 19 15:24
MinceRi much prefer suburbia to concrete boxes optimized for the storage of a maximal amount of slavesJul 19 15:24
scientesMinceR, you are a slave in suburbia tooJul 19 15:24
MinceRi dislike humans, i dislike population density, i prefer to be surrounded by plantsJul 19 15:24
scientesyou are just pretending to not beJul 19 15:24
scientesit is not a latifundaJul 19 15:24
XRevan86MinceR: Suburbia is tightly linked to owning an automobileJul 19 15:24
schestowitzdepends on your lifestyleJul 19 15:25
MinceRXRevan86: so's living in the countryside. what's your point?Jul 19 15:25
schestowitzsome people even grow their own food some seasonsJul 19 15:25
MinceRthe public transport system in budapest is unworkable, but even the "road" "network" is vestigial, so you can't really get anywhereJul 19 15:25
XRevan86MinceR: That life in an urban area has its benefits?Jul 19 15:25
MinceRyeah, for people who like to live in crowds and the noise of crowdsJul 19 15:26
MinceRand in pollutionJul 19 15:26
MinceRand it's better in urban areas that have working transportation, like BerlinJul 19 15:26
schestowitzfor 3 years I lived in one of those shoeboxes 19 15:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 3Towers, Manchester | Urban SplashJul 19 15:26
schestowitzat least it was a corner unitJul 19 15:26
schestowitzand it overlooks natureJul 19 15:27
scientesJames Kunstleur has written in depth about the stupidity of US architectureJul 19 15:27
scienteswith its nature fetishJul 19 15:27
schestowitzfaked natureJul 19 15:27
MinceRdo you prefer concrete fetish? :>Jul 19 15:27
scientesand about how when the landscape is defined as "distance to the next Wal-Mart" then you have a nation which *is not worth defending from invaders*.Jul 19 15:27
schestowitzthey could at least add some claddingsJul 19 15:27
XRevan86 schestowitz: What is it made of?Jul 19 15:27
schestowitzhard to tell, but they put wood-looking claddingsJul 19 15:28
scientesMinceR, I prefer a nice dense urban environment, dominated by walkingJul 19 15:28
*starfish (~starfish@2409:4060:219d:c499:37ff:e20a:4d26:1102) has left #techrights ("Leaving")Jul 19 15:28
MinceRwalking in concrete tubs or under the canopy of trees?Jul 19 15:28
scientesno out of the streets, which are not dangerous, as they do not have cars on themJul 19 15:28
*XRevan86 looks out the window: hi, treesJul 19 15:28
MinceRah yes, the hatred of carsJul 19 15:29
MinceRi wonder how you imagine your local grocery store to be supplied without carsJul 19 15:29
scientesI am talking about a good boulevardJul 19 15:29
scientesMinceR, I am talking about how seattle and san francisco have no-car streets during the dayJul 19 15:29
MinceRor how you imagine maintenance technicians to show up and bring their tools and replacement parts to your home without cars :>Jul 19 15:29
schestowitzXRevan86: this is their newer project near us,  much shorter buildings 19 15:30
MinceRbut whatever, people who love crowds can make up their own hell and live in it, i'll just opt out of itJul 19 15:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Islington, Manchester | Urban SplashJul 19 15:30
XRevan86Newer buildings in Russia tend to be biggerJul 19 15:30
*aindilis` has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 19 15:31
scientesand have smaller apartments probably tooJul 19 15:31
XRevan86scientes: Depends on the priceJul 19 15:31
scientesgotta pack those sardines closer and closerJul 19 15:31
XRevan86Some buildings leave a good impression, some need a mercy killingJul 19 15:33
*aindilis ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 15:33
scientesXRevan86, 19 15:37
MinceR 19 15:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4359915)Jul 19 15:37
scientes 19 15:38
scientes^after mercy killing they ask for mercy :)Jul 19 15:39
*psydread (eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84) has left #techrightsJul 19 15:39
MinceR(cat) 19 15:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Penny Arcade - Comic - Cats On CatsJul 19 15:47
schestowitz[15:37] <scientes> XRevan86, 19 15:47
schestowitznice catJul 19 15:47
schestowitzyours?Jul 19 15:49
*schestowitz researches azure layoffs at the momentJul 19 15:50
*psydread (eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84) has joined #techrightsJul 19 15:50
MinceRthat cat has some serious skin diseaseJul 19 15:51
schestowitzthe fur needs to regrowJul 19 15:55
MinceRthe scales and spikes also need to go awayJul 19 15:56
schestowitzyou can declaw themJul 19 15:57
MinceRnot a good ideaJul 19 15:58
schestowitzsedate them firstJul 19 15:58
schestowitzwith a b52Jul 19 15:58
MinceRcats need their natural weaponsJul 19 15:58
MinceRand if you declaw them, they'll be forced to bite moreJul 19 15:58
MinceR 19 16:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4355608)Jul 19 16:07
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jul 19 16:12
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*CMDR_Kaiser has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 19 16:37
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Microsoft Lays Off Azure Staff and Much More, Spins These Layoffs as “Optimization Strategy” []Jul 19 16:39
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: tomorrow I will write about GOogleJul 19 16:56
schestowitzhave you made anything of substance?Jul 19 16:56
schestowitzif not, I'll do it all from scratchJul 19 16:56
XRevan86The word "family" has its roots in slave ownership and inheritance.Jul 19 17:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Jul 19 17:08
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers []Jul 19 17:15
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 17:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #techrights Links 19/7/2020: #LaptopModeTools 1.74, #Cloudflare Failures Again, and Why People Are Crazy About Arch Linux []Jul 19 17:21
schestowitz 19 17:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@stautistic: @schestowitz Azure is trassssssssh🤣Jul 19 17:34
schestowitz 19 17:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@stautistic: @schestowitz Your average OnlyFans page has a more impressive P&L than Azure.Jul 19 17:34
schestowitzhe worked for Microsoft!Jul 19 17:34
schestowitzand he knowsJul 19 17:34
schestowitz 19 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dseven: Index of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones)… 19 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dseven: Index of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones)… 19 17:35
schestowitz"Jul 19 17:35
schestowitzIndex of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones) 19 17:35
schestowitz  @schestowitzJul 19 17:35
schestowitz #microsoftJul 19 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Index of the Series About Windows Inside Hospitals (Causing Hospitals to Become Disaster Zones) | TechrightsJul 19 17:35
schestowitz"\Jul 19 17:35
schestowitz 19 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@gnarlin2: @schestowitz The USA has never really been much for respecting human rights, but it's certainly gotten even worse l… 19 17:36
schestowitz"The USA has never really been much for respecting human rights, but it's certainly gotten even worse lately. The USA has never seemed to have had an issue with their citizens dying from decease, hunger or freezing to death on the streets."Jul 19 17:36
DaemonFC[m]I think that dying from decease is quite common, really.Jul 19 17:37
DaemonFC[m]🙂Jul 19 17:38
DaemonFC[m]I noticed one person on Reddit had coded her onlyfans page terms to advertise that she was a prostitute charging $40 a minute for "custom videos" with fans.Jul 19 17:40
DaemonFC[m]There's been a huge uptick in onlyfans behavior like this since the shutdowns happened.Jul 19 17:41
DaemonFC[m]Barely obscured youth prostitution are the jobs that Trump said would be created, ai guess.Jul 19 17:42
DaemonFC[m]*IJul 19 17:42
schestowitzHEY HIJul 19 17:49
schestowitzAIJul 19 17:49
schestowitzAI guesses everythingJul 19 17:49
schestowitzAI will take us out of this crisisJul 19 17:49
schestowitzAnd we put HEY HI on the ClownJul 19 17:50
schestowitzClown Computing for everyoneJul 19 17:50
schestowitzA clown on every deskJul 19 17:50
schestowitzjiggle that arse, clown!Jul 19 17:50
kingoffrancedevelopers developers developers developers!Jul 19 17:58
kingoffrancethe stuff memes are made ofJul 19 17:59
DaemonFC[m]The lamestream media doesn't talk about the explosion of porn and prostitution that the high youth unemployment is causing.Jul 19 18:05
DaemonFC[m]It's pretty flagrant really. I mean. Nobody is going to pay $40 a minute for a "video".Jul 19 18:06
DaemonFC[m]You have them doing this stuff openly on Reddit.Jul 19 18:06
DaemonFC[m]Maybe "Homeland Security" will send soldiers out to beat them over the head for their own protection too and deny them any way to make money and live.Jul 19 18:07
DaemonFC[m]Hail Trump!Jul 19 18:07
kingoffrancei dunno, i remember seeing a thing (not being sarcastic either) about how they roll out a carpet for elementary school kids to make them feel welcome/royalty; presumably for everyone to show they are the center of the school, and everything is for them (in theory)Jul 19 18:08
kingoffrancepoint being: i wonder how much is intentionally-created "narcisissism" or whateverJul 19 18:08
kingoffrancenot judging anyoneJul 19 18:08
kingoffrancebut web cams kinda plays into that IMOJul 19 18:08
kingoffrancekind of how they might be training ppl to beJul 19 18:09
kingoffrancejust the next versino of that when they get older in a wayJul 19 18:09
kingoffrancelook at me!Jul 19 18:09
DaemonFC[m]There's obviously an element of narcissism here, but I mean, the high unemployment and the fact that the Boomer Disasters inflicted upon young people of Trump, the attacks on higher education affordability, and the high unemployment of old people running to try to save themselves from their massive fuck-up after it's already too late is bubbling up in some weird and undesirable ways in the United States now. HighJul 19 18:11
DaemonFC[m]teenage prostitution that ends up surfacing in all sorts of placed you aren't looking for it at is just one of their many, many achievements. I mean, all I was looking for was an anime torrent.Jul 19 18:11
kingoffrance   look at me (x3)Jul 19 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Pixies – There Goes My Gun Lyrics | Genius LyricsJul 19 18:11
kingoffranceyeah, i dont dispute any of thatJul 19 18:14
MinceR 19 18:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4353784)Jul 19 18:20
*Sajesajama (Salsa@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/sajesajama) has joined #techrightsJul 19 18:20
XRevan86MinceR: 19 18:21
schestowitzrubberfaceJul 19 18:23
schestowitzMinceR: I'm sure he felt better for the balloonJul 19 18:23
*XRevan86 had the opposite reaction to the photo.Jul 19 18:23
MinceRrub 'er face? but i don't even know 'er!Jul 19 18:25
schestowitzhe's butcheredJul 19 18:25
schestowitzand self-lovoingJul 19 18:25
schestowitzto the extremeJul 19 18:25
schestowitzlike TrumpJul 19 18:25
schestowitzno wonder he likes the guyJul 19 18:25
schestowitztwo dangerous megalomaniacsJul 19 18:25
schestowitzand the media gives them more attention and confidenceJul 19 18:25
schestowitzeven when they become "bad boy"Jul 19 18:26
XRevan86schestowitz: That was a referenceJul 19 18:26
*kupi (uid212005@gateway/web/ has joined #techrightsJul 19 18:26
XRevan86To when Elon Musk saw a photo of a dead deer at the bottom of a pool and laughed hysterically.Jul 19 18:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: This mobile with Linux can also work as a PC []Jul 19 18:32
cybrNautyikes.. is a CF site.  use this link instead 19 18:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wayback MachineJul 19 18:33
XRevan86There's probably a better link somewhere out there, I just picked the first matching one.Jul 19 18:34
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: MSI Cubi 5 is a brilliant Linux mini desktop computer []Jul 19 18:34
XRevan86Cloudflare has been giving me a hard time, but this time I didn't even notice.Jul 19 18:35
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KStars v3.4.3 is Released []Jul 19 18:36
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Jul 19 18:37
schestowitzclownflaresJul 19 18:40
XRevan86fanfareJul 19 18:41
MinceR 19 18:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4347544)Jul 19 18:54
DaemonFC[m]I added:Jul 19 19:04
DaemonFC[m]"When a publisher uses the snap store to host an application, they can choose which confinement mode the sandbox will operate in, including no sandboxing. This allows a malicious person to choose to run their application unconfined. It would then be free to attack the victim's system, with no need to find a sandbox escape, beginning with the privileges of the logged-in user. Such privileges could then be escalated toJul 19 19:04
DaemonFC[m]root if a privilege escalation vulnerability is also used.[35]Jul 19 19:04
*psydread (eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84) has left #techrightsJul 19 19:04
DaemonFC[m] 13:03, July 19, 2020‎ Daemonfc talk contribs‎  20,315 bytes +804‎   →‎Security issues:  Choose your sandbox.....None? kthxbai! undo Tag: 2017 wikitext editorJul 19 19:04
DaemonFC[m]"When snaps are sandboxed, it relies on various methods that are fairly unique to Ubuntu, such as AppArmor. When AppArmor and/or anything else snapd requires to enforce the security sandboxing on an app are not present, there is no sandbox. As a result, on many distributions, running a snap is no more secure than running random unconfined software from any other source.[34]"Jul 19 19:05
DaemonFC[m]12:48, July 19, 2020‎ Daemonfc talk contribs‎  19,479 bytes +607‎   →‎Security issues:  There is no sandbox on most distributions, because snap relies on Ubuntu-isms to enforce the sandbox. undo Tag: 2017 wikitext editorJul 19 19:05
DaemonFC[m]GNOME Software removed snap support in July of 2019, due to code quality issues, lack of integration (specifically, that the user can't tell what snap is doing after they click "install" and that it generally ignores GNOME's settings), and the fact that it competes with the GNOME-supported Flatpak standard.[31]Jul 19 19:07
DaemonFC[m]12:44, July 19, 2020‎ Daemonfc talk contribs‎  18,872 bytes +540‎   →‎Criticism:  GNOME Software dropped snap last year. undo Tag: 2017 wikitext editorJul 19 19:07
MinceRlolJul 19 19:09
MinceRjust like idols at microshit and crAppleJul 19 19:09
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I plan to add a Comparison to other formats section soon.Jul 19 19:17
MinceR(cat) 19 19:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sir Leopold - The Perry Bible FellowshipJul 19 19:17
DaemonFC[m]In the mean time, I added AppImage and Flatpak to the See Also section.Jul 19 19:17
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: schestowitz "A reviewer of Kubuntu 20.04 LTS pointed out that despite Canonical Jul 19 19:27
DaemonFC[m]pushing snaps on Kubuntu users, when a KDE application was installed from the Snapcraft store, it did not integrate with the KDE desktop's dark theme.[19]"Jul 19 19:27
DaemonFC[m]13:26, July 19, 2020‎ Daemonfc talk contribs‎  20,826 bytes +399‎   →‎Criticism:  Soup Nazi voice No Dark Mode for you! Come back two years! undo Tag: 2017 wikitext editorJul 19 19:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: RMS Probably Isn’t Fit to Lead — Here’s the Rest of That Picture []Jul 19 19:34
schestowitzlolJul 19 19:35
MinceR 19 19:39
schestowitzyour back yardJul 19 19:39
MinceRi wish it wasJul 19 19:40
*TTwrs ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 19:42
DaemonFC[m]There normally isn't a good reason to run an application unconfined, if it is well-designed, as the main goal of mandatory access control systems such as AppArmor is to enforce "best practices" on an application which should be following them anyway. For example, a program designed to run as the user should probably not attempt to write into another user's home folder, and a system like AppArmor or SELinux can turnJul 19 19:43
DaemonFC[m]what should be the normal operation of a program into a requirement, in case the program is hijacked for malicious purposes.Jul 19 19:43
DaemonFC[m]So I'm not surprised that the Ask Ubuntu page I cited for a no confinement example was published by Microsoft. Well known for their slovenly and reckless antics. Which is why Windows is like it is.Jul 19 19:43
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 19 19:44
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsJul 19 19:44
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 19:44
DaemonFC[m]They'll do whatever they think they can get away with, which is why their R package for Debian started squashing system files and stomped the system R and /bin/sh to force it to point at /bin/bash.Jul 19 19:45
DaemonFC[m]It won't keep working of course, and it might break the system. But that's Microsoft for you. Bringing what they've been doing to their own OS for 3 decades to Debian.Jul 19 19:46
scientesI had DaemonFC[m] ignored, but someone it forgot...Jul 19 19:46
DaemonFC[m]You comment about that a lot for someone who is enjoying their peace and quiet. Jul 19 19:47
scientesMinceR, that looks at lot like my old back yard actually----The North Cascade's National ParkJul 19 19:47
scientes*Mt. Baker/Snoqualmie National ParkJul 19 19:47
scientesthere are a number of names....not sure all the political stuffJul 19 19:48
scienteslooks quite a bit like Copper Ridge actually, do you know if that is from the Cascades?Jul 19 19:48
scientes 19 19:50
scientes 19 19:50
scientes 19 19:50
scientes 19 19:51
scientesoh, that is a paintingJul 19 19:51
scienteshehJul 19 19:51
scientesoh no, says "Photography" in the watermarkJul 19 19:51
*scientes wouldn't pay for itJul 19 19:51
scientesin that case it is probably from Tenessee or somethingJul 19 19:51
scienteswe are too use to stuff like that in WashingtonJul 19 19:52
cybrNautholy shit.. has put their website on CloudFlare, counter acting their own purpose.  When did that happen?  Is this recent?Jul 19 19:54
MinceRcancerflare doesn't want me to see those photosJul 19 19:54
scientescybrNaut, geniusJul 19 19:55
scientesthe internet is a graph with two center points: google search --> cancerflareJul 19 19:56
scientesand google tries to cut out the middle man with their "active content fast pages whatanot"Jul 19 19:56
cybrNautI'm usually not surprised about the masses of naive web admins using CloudFlare.  But projects like P2P Foundation, "Open", and's continue to amaze meJul 19 20:00
Digitregarding that posix vs service management discussion earlier (couple days back), anyone checked out what obarun's up to with its s66 stuff?  cursory skims through their docs does intrigue.Jul 19 20:00
kingoffrancei ss.s.s.started a meaningful discussion?Jul 19 20:10
kingoffrancewowJul 19 20:10
DaemonFC[m]Fight for the future is horseshit.Jul 19 20:23
DaemonFC[m]They lend a pretense of legitimacy by participating in the "acceptable ads committee".Jul 19 20:23
DaemonFC[m]Whichever advertisers pay Wladimir Palent are "acceptable", no matter how obnoxious they are or how privacy-invading their policies.Jul 19 20:23
scientesThe mov-only DOOM renders approximately one frame every 7 hours, so playing thisJul 19 20:25
scientesversion requires somewhat increased patience.Jul 19 20:25
scienteslolJul 19 20:25
DaemonFC[m]There's a guy outside on the phone who sounds like Scardace.Jul 19 20:26
DaemonFC[m]*ScarfaceJul 19 20:26
*TTwrs has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 19 20:28
DaemonFC[m]"Did a back-of-the-envelope calculation.  Assuming you responded promptly it would take around 504 years to finish the game."Jul 19 20:30
DaemonFC[m]Plying Doom next to a Stargate dialed into the black hole planet. Jul 19 20:30
DaemonFC[m]I laughed a week ago when Torvalds went on his anti AVX-512 rant..Jul 19 20:32
DaemonFC[m]Asking, rhetorically, how long it would be before people started using it for memcpy.Jul 19 20:32
DaemonFC[m]In other words, "We don't understand how badly this instruction set cripples the CPU for the next 32 ms, so let's abuse it with something stupid because it exists.".Jul 19 20:33
DaemonFC[m]He's not wrong, either. People compile thing with insane compiler settings just because they're there and then you get strange bugs that make the program produce faulty output, or overflow the CPU cache, or other things. Because hey...."FAST!".Jul 19 20:35
DaemonFC[m]Hey, you know what would be great? Let's make this code 4 times bigger on the CPU's L2 cache so that the processor evicts more critical code that it's always calling and slows the entire computer down. While we're at it, let's sell Waterfox to System1 as well. The ethical adtech.Jul 19 20:36
DaemonFC[m]Sometimes it does at least flush out some bugs. I don't think that anyone would have thought much of "Let's compile LAME with -O3 for our Linux distro!" except maybe some Gentoo users who are smoking crack anyway.Jul 19 20:40
scientesXRevan86, 19 20:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tic-tac-toe - Rosetta CodeJul 19 20:40
scientesever seen a MK-61 calculator?Jul 19 20:40
XRevan86scientes: neverJul 19 20:43
scientesThe program memory of this calculators is 105 commands (bytes). Jul 19 20:46
scientesquite limitedJul 19 20:46
scientes"Solutions XXVII CPSU Congress called for the widespread introduction of computer technology in all sectors of the economy."Jul 19 20:46
scientesso the answer was a 105 command calculator heheJul 19 20:46
scientes 19 20:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:MK61.jpg - Rosetta CodeJul 19 20:47
scientes 19 20:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elektronika MK-61 - WikipediaJul 19 20:47
scientescould still do some decent stuffJul 19 20:48
scientesquite rediculous for the 80s howeverJul 19 20:49
scientesa 8-bit 6502 could way out-perform itJul 19 20:49
DaemonFC[m]"Microsoft Peter" makes me laugh to read.Jul 19 20:50
XRevan86 19 20:50
scientesand the specs are entirely hand-drawn 19 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Kraftwerk - Pocket Calculator - YouTubeJul 19 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elektronika MK-61 - WikipediaJul 19 20:50
DaemonFC[m]Reminds me of when I was a teenager and my first ex was practically bragging about sending a pedo to prison forever and ruining his teaching career.Jul 19 20:50
scientesand the mos 6502 was only like 2000 transistorsJul 19 20:50
scientesand had a friggen pipeline unlike the z80Jul 19 20:50
XRevan86scientes: Engineering hand-drawing :)Jul 19 20:50
DaemonFC[m]The guy's name was "Peter". I joked that Peter should have learned to control his Peter better because 34 year old Peter got into a lot of trouble over 14 year old Michael.Jul 19 20:51
scientesOK, 3510 transistors in the 6502Jul 19 20:51
XRevan86though it's too unaligned for thatJul 19 20:51
scientes 19 20:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-27c3: Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU (en) - YouTubeJul 19 20:51
scientesthey photographed itJul 19 20:51
DaemonFC[m]I would never want to be a teenager again.Jul 19 20:52
DaemonFC[m]My hair looked like the Deepwater Horizon disaster no matter how often I washed it. Smelled bad. Growing pains. Ick.Jul 19 20:52
scientesbut look how efficient that program is 19 20:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tic-tac-toe - Rosetta CodeJul 19 20:54
scienteseven if you have to spend a week to read it :)Jul 19 20:54
XRevan86> Result: 44 - draw, 66 - victory of the calculator.Jul 19 20:55
scientesit always winsJul 19 20:55
XRevan86scientes: Naturally :)Jul 19 20:55
scientesalthough that doesn't list how many times it wins TWICE :)Jul 19 20:55
DaemonFC[m]I could be wrong but I think that Europeans don't get "racism" in America because nobody acts in a way that invites the disgust that they interpret as "racism" over there.Jul 19 20:55
XRevan86scientes: Or more correctly, never loses.Jul 19 20:55
scientesXRevan86, i am talking about siezing both wins at the same timeJul 19 20:56
scientesif it has two winning movesJul 19 20:56
XRevan86> it always winsJul 19 20:56
XRevan86I'm referring to that.Jul 19 20:56
DaemonFC[m]When there's a viral pandemic killing everybody and you're still throwing maskless house parties that are so loud they vibrate the entire neighborhood, smoking pot, and eating chicken out of a bucket and licking your fingers.....Jul 19 20:56
scientesin the movobscutor it takes like 10 seconds to play 19 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-movfuscator/tictactoe.c at master · xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator · GitHubJul 19 20:56
scienteseven on this fast intel machineJul 19 20:56
scientesbecause all control flow is flattened into one big loopJul 19 20:56
DaemonFC[m]They pretend like they have no idea where COVID-19 is coming from to hit black people twice as hard as anyone else.Jul 19 20:57
DaemonFC[m]Well, there you have it. Jul 19 20:57
XRevan86DaemonFC[m]: In diners I always eat even buns with a fork.Jul 19 20:57
XRevan86Finally I'm not a freak %)Jul 19 20:57
DaemonFC[m]I won't even go into restaurants anymore. What happened at Little Caesar's yesterday was just outrageous.Jul 19 20:58
DaemonFC[m]It looked clear and then Doordash Karen and half of Waukegan piled in.Jul 19 20:58
XRevan86Yea, I didn't do that in 2020 even once.Jul 19 20:59
*nergal[m] has quit (Quit: Idle for 30+ days)Jul 19 20:59
DaemonFC[m]Johns: "I thought you said it was clear!"Jul 19 21:08
MinceR 19 21:08
DaemonFC[m]Riddick: "I said it looked clear."Jul 19 21:08
DaemonFC[m]Johns: "Well, how does it look now?"Jul 19 21:08
DaemonFC[m]Riddick: *smiles* "Looks clear!"Jul 19 21:09
DaemonFC[m]I liked that episode of South Park where the guy at Whole Foods keeps Charity Shaming Randy Marsh, so Marsh brings Vin Diesel and Steven Seagal with him to intimidate the cashier. So the cashier sings, "This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home. This little piggy was in The Fast and The Furious......And this little piggy goes direct to cable." They run off crying.Jul 19 21:11
*dabblerdude ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 21:12
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jul 19 21:25
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DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: What's left of the news is reporting that so many people are getting sick from COVID-19 so quickly that Trump would rather just shut down testing in the hope that people think it's gone.Jul 19 21:48
DaemonFC[m]Half the total cases of confirmed COVID-19 have happened in the last 14 days.Jul 19 21:48
DaemonFC[m]Yeah, that will end well. :PJul 19 21:48
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Mandy just has no idea why I'm so cheap lately.Jul 19 21:53
DaemonFC[m]I put him on an allowance and he just doesn't get it.Jul 19 21:53
DaemonFC[m]I just had a complete financial Armageddon play out in federal court. The economy is a mess regardless of what the Trump-friendly fake news and the investor class that he's dumping the treasury out on to maintain his Propaganda Village of a stock market have to say. Who knows what could happen next?Jul 19 21:54
DaemonFC[m]There is no "value" in this market, and hidden behind a paywall that I busted through, Business Insider has started admitting it and quoting insiders at the banks who say that a "66%" drop in the stock market is "inevitable" within "this cycle".Jul 19 21:57
DaemonFC[m]They're telling the public one thing and the people who are "in the know" get to know the "How fucked are we?" report. Jul 19 21:58
DaemonFC[m]I noticed that with no paywall, you can view articles that suggest the market is fine and the economy is recovering.Jul 19 21:59
DaemonFC[m]On the same exact site with a "premium" account, a complete mirror image appears.Jul 19 21:59
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJul 19 22:02
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*jxself (~jxself@gnu/linux-libre/jxself) has left #techrights ("Support software freedom:")Jul 19 22:07
MinceR 19 22:12
*dabblerdude has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 19 22:14
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Jul 19 22:46
*DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < >Jul 19 22:51
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 19 23:00
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MinceR(cat) 19 23:21
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-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Everything You Need to Know about Linux Containers (LXC) []Jul 19 23:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Everything You Need to Know about #Linux #Containers ( #LXC ) []Jul 19 23:41
schestowitz[19:54] <cybrNaut> holy shit.. has put their website on CloudFlare, counter acting their own purpose.  When did that happen?  Is this recent?Jul 19 23:51
schestowitzthe "peer" is NSA :-)Jul 19 23:51
schestowitz[20:23] <DaemonFC[m]> They lend a pretense of legitimacy by participating in the "acceptable ads committee".Jul 19 23:51
schestowitz"good murderJul 19 23:51
schestowitz"bad peace"Jul 19 23:52
schestowitz[20:47] <scientes> 19 23:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elektronika MK-61 - WikipediaJul 19 23:53
schestowitzThey named it like it's a very advanced rifleJul 19 23:53
XRevan86A very advanced rifle Micro-KalculatorJul 19 23:54
schestowitz[21:08] <MinceR> 19 23:55
schestowitzstop posting photos from your home, please! You make us all jealousJul 19 23:56
MinceRlolJul 19 23:56
schestowitz[21:48] <DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: What's left of the news is reporting that so many people are getting sick from COVID-19 so quickly that Trump would rather just shut down testing in the hope that people think it's gone.Jul 19 23:56
XRevan86I don't know, probably a lot of bugsJul 19 23:56
kingoffrance  its a life or death calculatorJul 19 23:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Up In The Air - I type with purpose - YouTubeJul 19 23:56
schestowitzDon't ask what comments I get in MINDS!Jul 19 23:56
schestowitzthey say COVID is finishedJul 19 23:57
schestowitzand it's all just fake news against TrumpJul 19 23:57
schestowitzI say, but the hospital are over capacityJul 19 23:57
XRevan86mgimo finished?Jul 19 23:57
schestowitzpeople are put in corridors in ERJul 19 23:57
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: Must be why everyone in this hotel is coughing in the last few months.Jul 19 23:57
schestowitzbut then I think, wait... I waste my time hear. You can't reasonably argue with mules.Jul 19 23:57
schestowitz*hereJul 19 23:57
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: watch out when you handle door handles and stuffJul 19 23:58
DaemonFC[m]Hand sanitizer.Jul 19 23:58
schestowitzfor that you may need gloves and sanitiserJul 19 23:58
schestowitzwhen we receive post we let it lay on the ground for a few days before opening itJul 19 23:59
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: many people use their hands when they cough to prevent the wet stuff flying all over the placeJul 19 23:59

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