●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, August 26, 2022 ●●
● Aug 26
[00:03] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:03] *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:10] DaemonFC "Instead of giving people a hand up, Cancel Culture makes people develop strange and radical political ideas and foments the hatred it claims to want to stop by making people get angrier and angrier about being mocked, and then tries to shove them off the Internet so that they can't talk about those. I have another post coming up soon, maybe the next post, about this problem."
[00:10] DaemonFC mjg59_ is my muse.
[00:11] DaemonFC People who see the system failing them over and over get mad.
[00:12] DaemonFC And then they want to tear it down.
[00:12] DaemonFC They don't care what replaces it anymore.
[00:12] DaemonFC All of the shit I had to crawl through in the past 20 years and now this.
[00:13] DaemonFC Biden hands these people who completely fucked themselves with student loan scams a free pass.
[00:14] DaemonFC The entire "deficit reduction" part of the "Inflation Reduction Act" was about the size of the federal loss that was just taken on so that he could give movie floor sweepers with Poli Sci degrees a bailout.
[00:16] MinceR 26 000527 < starstreak> after my iphone dies, im probably going to get something like this: https://www.pine64.org/pinephonepro/
[00:16] TR Bot PinePhone Pro | PINE64
[00:16] MinceR afaik it has inferior boot firmware to the plain PinePhone
[00:16] MinceR then again, even the plain PinePhone doesn't work reliably...
[00:16] DaemonFC And in return, the IRS will comb through your PayPal wallet to see if your mom handed you some money for getting her car fixed and spotting her for her Medicare premiums that year.
[00:16] starstreak i know someone who has both and the plain one isn't powerful enough
[00:17] MinceR yeah, it is weak
[00:17] DaemonFC Well, I think the "Linux" distributions it's meant to run are heavier than Android.
[00:17] MinceR it's probably too much to ask of this industry to design one good mobile phone
[00:17] MinceR pretty sure postmarketOS with sxmo isn't as heavy as android
[00:17] DaemonFC Android is meant to work well on a small system. It's not a self-hosting or general purpose OS really.
[00:17] MinceR too bad its suspend UI didn't work for me at all
[00:17] MinceR so i can't actually use it
[00:18] DaemonFC I don't think there's a way to build Android using Android.
[00:18] starstreak if i dont get a pinephone, it'll be some android with microsd and lineageos
[00:18] DaemonFC I could be wrong. I haven't seen anything about this.
[00:18] starstreak i don't want some lame vendor provided android
[00:19] starstreak samsung is spyware
[00:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[00:20] MinceR how free and trustworthy is lineageos? maybe i should give it a try too.
[00:20] starstreak it doesn't come with gapps
[00:20] s98259 o.o
[00:20] XRevan86 MinceR: One of the better Android distributions.
[00:21] s98259 I'm gonna eat I think
[00:21] s98259 Cause I don't eat and I need to eat :3
[00:21] XRevan86 I had to put "Android" in there to draw a baseline.
[00:21] starstreak im kinda pissed that i can't put music on my iphone anymore
[00:21] s98259 o.O
[00:21] s98259 Weird
[00:21] s98259 Damn Crapple
[00:21] starstreak apple wants everyone to buy Apple Music for $10/month
[00:21] s98259 Yep, they get you sooner or later.
[00:22] starstreak im in Canada, music piracy is legal here
[00:22] starstreak im not paying $10/month
[00:22] DaemonFC You don't "buy" Apple Music.
[00:22] DaemonFC You rent it.
[00:22] s98259 I was gifted an iPod in the earliest days, took assumption it would be a mass storage device like any portable MP3 player but they'd got me at that point.
[00:22] s98259 I don't support that.
[00:23] XRevan86 DaemonFC: The market term is of course "subscribe".
[00:23] s98259 Needing a particular music player to put music on a device, it's wrong.
[00:23] starstreak i actually liked itunes for mac, but they killed it and replaced it with Apple Music
[00:23] DaemonFC I don't subscribe to that idea.
[00:23] techuser when I was gifted a first smartphone, I thought it would be a proper portable PC
[00:23] starstreak i *might* be able to use itunes in a windows VM
[00:23] s98259 I like GNU/Linux :3
[00:23] techuser a few years later I realized it is planned obsolescence shit. Some time later, I realized there is no hope in future and progress.
[00:24] starstreak i like macOS but my macbook broke
[00:24] s98259 And probably a terrible person to talk about OSes with. :D
[00:24] s98259 At least I can be honest.
[00:24] starstreak im looking forward to helloSystem, freebsd with a mac ui
[00:25] starstreak ravynOS also seems pretty cool, they are promising a lot: such as mac app compatibility
[00:25] starstreak https://airyx.org/
[00:25] TR Bot ravynOS Finesse of macOS. Freedom of FreeBSD.
[00:25] XRevan86 starstreak: The screenshots reveal that it's closer to a UI mock-up than to a real GUI.
[00:25] XRevan86 starstreak: Ye have better odds with vanilla GNOME even.
[00:26] starstreak XRevan86, https://airyx.org/images/firefox_global_menu.jpg
[00:26] starstreak XRevan86, right now I use Gnome with Dash to Panel
[00:26] starstreak its kinda like windows 8
[00:26] s98259 Interesting.
[00:27] starstreak https://i.imgur.com/xAV5HA7.png
[00:27] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[00:27] s98259 XRevan86: That's like what happened with ReactOS, they mocked up the Windows UI for it rather than just porting the Windows UI.
[00:27] s98259 ReactOS is eww though
[00:27] s98259 It can't simply run a like of exe file.
[00:28] starstreak Want something that looks like ReactOS/Classic Windows, try icewm
[00:28] s98259 *files
[00:28] s98259 Probably why they mocked up the UI.
[00:28] starstreak icewm is kinda cool
[00:28] s98259 Nah
[00:28] s98259 I'm happy with i3wm
[00:28] starstreak sway
[00:28] starstreak i like wayland
[00:28] s98259 wayland depends on systemd :/
[00:29] starstreak i like systemd
[00:29] s98259 AH
[00:29] starstreak i have 16gb ram, im not trying to squeeze everything into a size under 128mb
[00:29] DaemonFC https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/08/25/bidens-student-loan-forgiveness-is-a-moral-hazard-and-election-year-vote-buying-its-extremely-unfair-to-people-who-planned-as-if-theyd-have-to-pay-it-all-back-and-did-something-responsible/
[00:29] TR Bot Bidens student loan forgiveness is a moral hazard and election year vote-buying. Its extremely unfair to people who planned as-if theyd have to pay it all back and did something responsible. | BaronHK's Rants
[00:30] starstreak theres better ways to reduce ram usage
[00:30] starstreak discord uses like 400mb so i could use pidgin instead, i lose scrollback though
[00:30] XRevan86 s98259: There are reports on people who use Wayland without systemd.
[00:30] starstreak pidgin with the discord plugin is 50mb ram
[00:30] XRevan86 But I can see how systemd can make things easier for Wayland.
[00:30] forkbombe XRevan86: If wayland is indeed the 'future', one can only hope.
[00:31] *gustaf (~gerikson@freenode/user/gustaf) has joined #techrights
[00:31] *Redfoxmoon (~Red@freenode-vq3.aj5.jaj210.IP) has joined #techrights
[00:31] *psydroid (~psydroid@freenode/user/psydroid) has joined #techrights
[00:31] starstreak my gnome-shell is using 189MB ram, again i got 16gb so i dont consider that an issue
[00:31] starstreak im sure icewm uses a lot less
[00:31] *jkl (~jkl@freenode/user/jkl) has joined #techrights
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[00:31] *huggi (sid80718@joseon/user/huggi) has joined #techrights
[00:31] *cybrNaut (~cybrNaut@freenode-tto.k1n.ssv8hv.IP) has joined #techrights
[00:31] *schestowitz[TR2] (~schestowi@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrights
[00:32] s98259 XRevan86: Ah
[00:32] starstreak keybase also uses quite a bit of ram but its too useful, 100GB free e2e storage
[00:32] s98259 Anyway, firing up a VM. :3
[00:33] s98259 I want to try ravynOS
[00:33] starstreak i couldn't get ravynOS to boot on gnome boxes (qemu)
[00:33] starstreak maybe using the real qemu might help it boot
[00:36] starstreak https://i.imgur.com/QxXjFww.png
[00:36] s98259 I'm running it on my hypervisor.
[00:37] s98259 Most likely will support virtual hardware.
[00:37] starstreak what hypervisor?
[00:37] s98259 VM = Go-to option for developers
[00:37] starstreak gnome boxes uses qemu as a hypervisor
[00:37] s98259 It's a server system that serves VMs so the process is daemonised.
[00:37] s98259 Yeah
[00:38] s98259 qemu KVM is what I use
[00:38] s98259 with libvirt
[00:38] starstreak im a noob, i had to use archinstall to get my arch linux installed
[00:38] starstreak because it did full disk crypto
[00:38] s98259 Never heard of archinstall
[00:38] starstreak its a TUI installer
[00:38] s98259 Ah
[00:39] starstreak i was able to install gentoo years ago, back in 2004
[00:39] starstreak i didnt do full disk crypto though
[00:39] s98259 libvirt is nice if you ever want to host virtual servers.
[00:39] DaemonFC Pidgin probably isn't as popular as it used to be.
[00:39] s98259 DaemonFC: It isn't.
[00:39] DaemonFC I think most distributions used to have it in the default installation for desktops.
[00:39] s98259 Plus there are better IM clients.
[00:40] starstreak i like pidgin
[00:40] s98259 DaemonFC: They did
[00:40] s98259 Well depends on distribution but yeah most did.
[00:40] starstreak is kopete still a thing?
[00:40] s98259 Fuck, I forgot all about that!
[00:40] s98259 lol
[00:40] s98259 :D
[00:40] souseksi I like pidgin too.
[00:41] starstreak pidgin has a very nice discord plugin, it supports a lot of the features but it doesn't have scrollback :(
[00:42] starstreak you also can't click reply on specific people either
[00:42] starstreak it does support images though
[00:42] starstreak yay memes
[00:44] s98259 VM booting
[00:46] starstreak :3
[00:49] DaemonFC mjg59_, SWATTING from Kiwi Farms is bad.
[00:49] DaemonFC Also mjg59_ when I got SWATTED by an illegal immigrant and my cheating ex..... SWATTING GOOD!
[00:51] DaemonFC I don't think that mjg59_ can prove that Kiwi Farms has engaged in SWATTING.
[00:51] s98259 starstreak: So what's the login to this?
[00:51] DaemonFC SWATTING is a federal crime (as of 2015) on top of a state crime in every state.
[00:51] s98259 It booted, got CLI login prompt.
[00:51] DaemonFC So why are the folks on Kiwi Farms still there if they're SWATTING people?
[00:52] s98259 So web search, can't find how to login.
[00:52] starstreak liveuser
[00:53] starstreak https://airyx.org/releases.html
[00:53] TR Bot ravynOS Releases
[00:53] s98259 Thanks! :D
[00:53] starstreak "The login is liveuser with no password."
[00:53] DaemonFC It wouldn't make very much sense for anyone to be running a clear Web site in their REAL NAME complete with a donation bin that goes to a real address in Florida if they plan to allow all sorts of illegal shit to go on at that site.
[00:54] DaemonFC The reason why the harassment against Kiwi Farms that mjg59_ seems to want to add himself to has been limited to things like Visa and Mastercard blockades and Web hosting problems, is because nothing there has risen to a level of criminal conduct where the police have raided it.
[00:55] DaemonFC They're not hidden. If the state or Feds wanted to they could move in. So the fact that they haven't shows that this is the sort of harassment campaign that can happen to a porn site.
[00:55] DaemonFC You might get a payment card blockade.
[00:55] DaemonFC Brave hasn't cut Kiwi Farms off. You can donate BAT to them. They're a Brave Verified Publisher.
[00:56] DaemonFC They also have various crypto wallet addresses and take checks and money orders to Joshua Moon's address in Florida.
[00:57] DaemonFC That being said, if someone wants to donate money to them, it would probably be best if they didn't do it in a way that traces into a payment system, including their personal checking account.
[00:57] DaemonFC The Matthew J. GULAGs tried to destroy Brendan Eich for making a donation to a PAC.
[00:58] DaemonFC Instead, Brave is growing and Firefox is going to fall off the stat counters like Netscape did in a few years.
[00:58] s98259 YaY found the ravnOS wiki! :3
[00:59] DaemonFC An adult would just say we had a political discussion as a nation, Eich's position lost, and that $1,000 didn't really accomplish anything.
[00:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 37.86 k/sec., IPFS upstream 107.93 average k/sec., average swarm size 114.11
[00:59] DaemonFC This just shows you how much of a sore winner liberals can be.
[00:59] s98259 https://wiki.ravynos.com/wiki/SystemLayout
● Aug 26
[01:00] TR Bot SystemLayout - ravynOS
[01:02] starstreak I actually loved macOS so I'm thrilled about a free software clone of it
[01:03] s98259 starstreak: Whenever I use BSD, it's NetBSD so this is going to be a learning thing but I know little about MacOS, I just know Apple are shady.
[01:03] starstreak Apple is shady
[01:04] starstreak I just like macOS a lot
[01:04] starstreak I used macOS from 2013 to 2020
[01:04] starstreak 2020 to 2022 - Fedora
[01:04] starstreak 2022 - current - arch btw
[01:05] souseksi I started to use GNU/Linux in 2020 too.
[01:05] starstreak before my mac, i had used linux from 2002-2011, windows 7/8 2011-2013
[01:05] s98259 starstreak: So... how so I run a .app file? I tried just running it but got "Permission denied".
[01:06] s98259 Linux <3
[01:06] starstreak my linux use from 2002-2011 was dual boot
[01:07] starstreak I ran Gentoo, SuSE, Ubuntu, Fedora
[01:07] s98259 I know someone who goes by "Raiku" who uses Haiku as their daily driver. :D
[01:07] souseksi In 2002, I was not born yet.
[01:07] starstreak my first computer was in 1995, it ran MS-DOS 6.22 which I used till 1997
[01:08] DaemonFC The Poli Sci major who works for DoorDash has a Domestic Violence warrant out for him in Illinois for attacking me.
[01:08] DaemonFC And Biden is about to forgive his entire student loan debt.
[01:08] s98259 Fuck, time flies! I remember when you would've been a baby souseksi well not you personally but people in 2002. :D
[01:08] s98259 I'm 28
[01:08] s98259 souseksi: ^
[01:08] starstreak souseksi, lol i ran gentoo when u were in diapers
[01:08] DaemonFC I'm 38.
[01:08] DaemonFC I have an 18 year old cousin I've never met that I keep hearing about.
[01:08] starstreak i got tired of compiling everything
[01:09] starstreak i wanted something for noobs so i could do less work
[01:09] souseksi s98259: Taken into consideration.
[01:09] s98259 :)
[01:09] s98259 2002, good year.
[01:09] DaemonFC Her dad managed to have a child finally, late in life.
[01:09] DaemonFC 20 years or so after his siblings did.
[01:09] starstreak 2002 - Windows XP
[01:09] s98259 But that could just be my age, thinking previous times were better. :D
[01:10] starstreak I liked Windows 2000 more than Windows XP, it used less ram
[01:10] DaemonFC Trust me, everything was better.
[01:10] DaemonFC It's been burning out for my entire life.
[01:10] DaemonFC Every year gets worse.
[01:10] souseksi DaemonFC: Taken into consideration.
[01:11] DaemonFC I remember listening to the radio in 2002. They were talking about a recession.
[01:11] starstreak this is an old linux screenshot of mine from 2004: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/34a30730-374f-4a33-92d4-605dfde9769f/d41y6w-d50790fb-d358-4d41-a6bf-d54996c18249.png/v1/fill/w_1000,h_800,q_70,strp/ulb_gnome_by_achilles_2002_d41y6w-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9
[01:11] starstreak iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAyNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzM0YTMwNzMwLTM3NGYtNGEzMy05MmQ0LTYwNWRmZGU5NzY5ZlwvZDQxeTZ3LWQ1MDc5MGZiLWQzNTgtNGQ0MS1hNmJmLWQ1NDk5NmMxODI0OS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.dnPDu_ow98pfsWvO3edtw2ryPzjjW1ja5dD7_n7Z_ao
[01:11] TR Bot ( status 401 @ https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/34a30730-374f-4a33-92d4-605dfde9769f/d41y6w-d50790fb-d358-4d41-a6bf-d54996c18249.png/v1/fill/w_1000,h_800,q_70,strp/ulb_gnome_by_achilles_2002_d41y6w-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9 )
[01:11] starstreak hmm sorry
[01:11] DaemonFC I was like "Recession? LOL! Everyone I know is fine!".
[01:11] s98259 I don't want any windows, starstreak
[01:11] starstreak https://i.imgur.com/ztb0qHs.jpg
[01:11] s98259 So how do I launch these app files?
[01:11] starstreak s98259, i dont know :(
[01:11] DaemonFC Now they're trying to steal my mom's pension.
[01:11] s98259 I remember that wallpaper!
[01:11] s98259 Oh the days! :D
[01:12] starstreak ULB Gnome
[01:12] DaemonFC Biden's cracking down for taxes on people with no money.
[01:12] s98259 And the one of him on the toilet reading a newspaper! :D
[01:12] DaemonFC To bail out idiots who shouldn't have taken on student loans.
[01:12] starstreak I had friends on MSN/ICQ/AIM
[01:12] starstreak ULB Gnome was for SUSE, it was ximian product
[01:12] starstreak before ximian was trash
[01:13] s98259 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OBMSfLBdjRI/Ur2tA-ixGMI/AAAAAAAAARY/Khfo8aAXl0M/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/toilet.JPG
[01:13] s98259 There you go
[01:13] s98259 tuxie on the toilet :D
[01:13] souseksi s98259: funny.
[01:13] s98259 :D
[01:14] s98259 Yeah this is like VERY old graphics work! :D
[01:14] s98259 VERY old
[01:14] starstreak :3
[01:14] s98259 hence why the image is soo tiny, it's probably had data loss over the years and stuff like that.
[01:15] starstreak Ok ppl, which one sucked less: ICQ, MSN or AIM?
[01:16] s98259 This one is an old one too :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tux_%28mascot%29#/media/File:Crystal_128_penguin.png
[01:16] TR Bot Tux (mascot) - Wikipedia
[01:16] souseksi s98259: Thank you for sharing interesting pictures.
[01:17] s98259 :D
[01:17] s98259 I used this one when printing my own stickers, I'll see if I can find an image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tux_%28mascot%29#/media/File:Tux_Mono.svg
[01:17] TR Bot Tux (mascot) - Wikipedia
[01:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[01:20] s98259 souseksi, starstreak, Found the image! :D https://i.imgur.com/4tAMur1.jpg
[01:20] s98259 Oh looks like I didn't have it flat... but coloured... hmm
[01:21] s98259 They seem to like...
[01:21] s98259 They're in the background these days, forget they're even there half the time! :D
[01:21] souseksi s98259: thank you for sharing.
[01:21] s98259 :D
[01:25] s98259 That Russian media scaring up their own people. :(
[01:27] starstreak s98259, thats your first computer?
[01:27] souseksi s98259: are you from Russia?
[01:31] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
[01:34] s98259 souseksi: Nah
[01:34] s98259 starstreak: Nah
[01:34] s98259 1min
[01:34] s98259 starstreak: This is my first computer. :3 https://i.imgur.com/Nt47QcZ.png
[01:34] souseksi s98259: Thank you for answer.
[01:35] s98259 souseksi: Why did you ask? :3
[01:35] starstreak s98259, oh yeah sorry
[01:35] souseksi Because I was curious.
[01:35] s98259 souseksi: Ah :)
[01:41] s98259 I'm drinking beer :3
[01:42] s98259 I had a can last night
[01:42] starstreak yay! i found an old backup of my photos
[01:42] souseksi I wish you a nice drink.
[01:42] s98259 I prefer neat spirit.
[01:42] starstreak and... i still have my old gpg file
[01:42] s98259 Nice :D
[01:46] s98259 souseksi: Did I ever show you some of my music?
[01:47] souseksi s98259: no. Please show me.
[01:47] s98259 This is one of my latest releases: https://soundcloud.com/helenab-6/helena-bolan-moonscapes-original
[01:47] TR Bot Helena Bolan - Moonscapes (Original) by Helenah | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
[01:48] s98259 But this goes with it :D https://soundcloud.com/helenab-6/helena-bolan-starscapes-original
[01:48] TR Bot Helena Bolan - Starscapes (Original) by Helenah | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
[01:48] DaemonFC I think the MATE desktop people are great. GNOME tried to FUD them buy going "You can't do it. You won't do it. People tried to fork GNOME 1 too and that didn't happen.".
[01:49] DaemonFC *by
[01:49] DaemonFC I'm not seeing any reason why MATE can't get ported to GTK 4 at some point.
[01:49] DaemonFC So it'll probably be around as long as anyone wants to maintain it.
[01:50] DaemonFC mjg59_ is on his Shitter bashing forks again.
[01:50] starstreak s98259, are you on github?
[01:50] DaemonFC There's nothing wrong with forks.
[01:50] s98259 No
[01:50] souseksi I like TDE.
[01:50] s98259 Damn I'm stoned
[01:51] starstreak speaking of netbsd, i had a dream last night that i was running netbsd on a threadripper laptop
[01:51] starstreak with 32gb ram
[01:52] mjg59_ I was literally doing the opposite of complaining about forks?
[01:54] souseksi s98259: I started downloading music from Soundcloud, but I have weak Internet connection, so it will take some time before I can listen to it.
[01:54] souseksi s98259: Thank you for sharing.
[01:55] s98259 :D
[01:55] s98259 No problem
[01:56] s98259 souseksi: I can give you a nice direct download link if you'd like.
[01:57] souseksi s98259: Ok.
[01:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 30.51 k/sec., IPFS upstream 83.58 average k/sec., average swarm size 118.56
[01:59] *phebus has quit (Quit: POKE 1,0)
● Aug 26
[02:01] s98259 souseksi: This one is Moonscapes https://files.catbox.moe/bxdc18.ogg
[02:01] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/bxdc18.ogg )
[02:03] DaemonFC https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/300421282_1199673860877246_8023870766865871163_n.png?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=569QGBT_nJ0AX95OCOG&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT-g1nNGnK8Cq069R5Yk9e6WlalIw9ciEQ6QD9LWQlDyKA&oe=630D167C
[02:04] DaemonFC Inflation's bad!
[02:04] DaemonFC "How bad is it?"
[02:04] DaemonFC Biden's inflation's so bad that I saw Dominoes financing pizzas.
[02:04] DaemonFC I was literally doing the opposite of complaining about forks?
[02:05] DaemonFC So, can you tell me what Kiwi Farms has actually done if nobody's been arrested and they're using their real names and addresses?
[02:05] souseksi s98259: Thank you for providing links. "Moonscapes" is beautiful track.
[02:05] DaemonFC Also, do you think it was bad that I got SWATTED and the police made it even worse when they got there by believing the people who did it?
[02:06] s98259 No problem. :)
[02:06] s98259 Thank you :D
[02:06] DaemonFC mjg59_, Do you think it's also a problem that I'll have to apologize in court after being the victim of a SWATTING attack, and will not be allowed to say that I got SWATTED?
[02:07] DaemonFC To have any hope of putting this mess behind me.
[02:07] DaemonFC Do you think it's bad that I was nearly killed and financially ruined after being the victim of said SWATTING attack?
[02:07] mjg59_ DaemonFC: https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7bzaz/twitch-streamer-keffals-arrested-after-transphobic-swating
[02:07] TR Bot Twitch Streamer Keffals Arrested After Transphobic SWATing
[02:08] s98259 souseksi: And this one is Starscapes, it goes with it https://files.catbox.moe/tq2cbz.ogg
[02:08] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/tq2cbz.ogg )
[02:08] DaemonFC As far as I can tell from lurking there, Keffals (whoever that is), is not universally liked.
[02:08] DaemonFC Far from it.
[02:08] *phebus (~phebus@f95gnd3zj7732.irc) has joined #techrights
[02:08] DaemonFC Of course, I've read it with JavaShit turned off, in Tor Browser, on top of my VPN.
[02:08] souseksi s98259: You made this music with your computer? Can I ask what software did you use for this purpose? I liked "Starscapes" too.
[02:09] DaemonFC Because I don't want anything about me logged if the government raids them and wants to know who was reading their forum.
[02:09] s98259 souseksi: LMMS
[02:09] s98259 Linux MultiMedia Studio
[02:09] DaemonFC mjg59_, Reading it does not mean that I agree with them.
[02:10] DaemonFC Of course, I browse around like this a lot because I don't want GULAG, the government, or the sites I read, to know about everything I read.
[02:10] s98259 Dude...
[02:10] DaemonFC Reading isn't a crime, yet.
[02:10] s98259 Are you always this irritating?
[02:10] mjg59_ Cool story
[02:10] mjg59_ s98259: Yes
[02:10] souseksi s98259: How long ago you started composing electronic music? Sorry if I am asking too many questions, if it offens you.
[02:11] DaemonFC I don't think the US government is that much better than Russia.
[02:11] DaemonFC I think it does better PR.
[02:11] s98259 Imagine if you've got a load of ants crawling all over you, DaemonFC is like that
[02:12] DaemonFC Biden seems to be more fiscally reckless than Putin or Xi. He has this "It's only debt money!" attitude. Worst of any president we've ever had.
[02:12] DaemonFC Neither China nor Russia even are stupid enough to just hyperinflate their currency for precisely no reason at all.
[02:13] DaemonFC Or take on horrific debt that couldn't be paid back even with the output of their entire economy for years.
[02:13] s98259 And in what way will he pay that, that'll make it "only debt money" because I'm pretty sure it'll come out of the pockets of Americans.
[02:13] DaemonFC Yeah, that's a big problem.
[02:13] DaemonFC mjg59_ can just take his citizenship to the returns department when the bill for all of Biden's fuck-ups arrives.
[02:14] s98259 And you'll be paying it back bit by bit still many presidencies into the future
[02:14] DaemonFC Yeah, the government never actually pays its debt off.
[02:14] DaemonFC The last bonds issued relating to WW II were "paid" in like 1995 or something, but to get the money it just issues more debt.
[02:14] DaemonFC And that comes out in a lot of ways, like inflation.
[02:15] s98259 Here they do it too, they'll do something costly so it's secured, paid for and then they up taxes so the citizens are then paying off the debt. It's annoying.
[02:15] DaemonFC Politicians in America have had this clever thing they like to do.
[02:15] DaemonFC They're always "cutting taxes" and then finding some other way to stick it to you.
[02:15] DaemonFC Like inflation.
[02:16] DaemonFC But that's run its course because inflation is so bad now that everyone is pissed.
[02:16] s98259 That's messing around with peoples finances twice each time you do it...
[02:16] s98259 Wow that's terrible
[02:16] DaemonFC But they don't want to raise taxes, so they bring in a bunch of IRS agents to chase down the Walmart janitor for his dog walking money from PayPal.
[02:16] DaemonFC They won't dare go after mjg59_ and say "Hey look, buddy.".
[02:16] DaemonFC They'll go after people making $20,000 a year.
[02:16] s98259 Infact...
[02:17] s98259 I know...
[02:17] s98259 So you will ramble political monologues all day everyday in here I've noticed
[02:17] s98259 What is the motive behind this?
[02:17] s98259 Am I supposed to believe you?
[02:17] DaemonFC I don't know. I've considered a podcast.
[02:17] s98259 Serious question.
[02:18] mjg59_ And when challenged on anything he'll just start talking about something else
[02:18] DaemonFC I don't really know who you are. Everyone is changing their username lately.
[02:18] s98259 Yeah but why would I listen to your podcast and not somebody elses? What would be "special" about your podcast that isn't "special" about someone elses?
[02:19] DaemonFC I feel someone should start back up where Jerry Doyle left off.
[02:19] s98259 DaemonFC: Dude, STOP the question dodging bullshit!
[02:19] s98259 NOW!
[02:19] DaemonFC I think he ran for Senate in California. Big mistake. Too decent of a guy to win in the land of nuts and flakes.
[02:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[02:20] DaemonFC Yeah but why would I listen to your podcast and not somebody elses? What would be "special" about your podcast that isn't "special" about someone elses?
[02:20] DaemonFC I'm not sure, but people do them anyway.
[02:20] DaemonFC mjg59_ seems to be genuinely annoyed about press freedom and op-eds.
[02:21] DaemonFC Except the ones that parrot his nonsense.
[02:21] s98259 Yes but I could start manufacturing t-shirts, doesn't mean people will buy from me or have me has a favourite t-shirt supplier.
[02:21] s98259 That could pay the bills might not.
[02:21] DaemonFC I don't know if they have those things in Ireland. Probably not.
[02:21] DaemonFC Europe is horrible.
[02:22] DaemonFC In the UK, they make it impossible to talk about anything as a member of the press because someone else will run you into the ground if you do.
[02:22] s98259 I just feel like your political ramblings are motivated and due to that you need to output them to a group of people.
[02:22] DaemonFC And there's people that want to make the US more like this.
[02:22] starstreak oh yay i got my macbook to work
[02:22] DaemonFC You can't even call something in the UK a political scandal without being sued. They have a euphemism for it.
[02:23] DaemonFC I forgot what it was.
[02:23] s98259 DaemonFC: Dude, answer the question yo...
[02:23] DaemonFC They have no scandals in the UK. It's a miracle.
[02:24] s98259 So yeah, please answer the question...
[02:39] DaemonFC "Chicago Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady announced she has tested positive for Covid."
[02:39] DaemonFC :)
[02:40] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-250822.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-250822.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-250822.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-250822.txt
[02:40] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 25, 2022
[02:41] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-250822.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-250822.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-250822.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-250822.txt
[02:41] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 25, 2022
[02:42] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-250822.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-250822.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-250822.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-250822.txt
[02:42] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 25, 2022
[02:43] s98259 I see, more question dodging...
[02:43] s98259 lol
[02:43] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Android_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Android_Leftovers.1.gmi
[02:43] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers
[02:43] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-250822.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-250822.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-250822.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-250822.txt
[02:43] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, August 25, 2022
[02:44] TR News (NEW): Why You Should Use Administrative Interfaces to Manage Linux Servers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Why_You_Should_Use_Administrative_Interfaces_to_Manage_Linux_Se.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Why_You_Should_Use_Administrative_Interfaces_to_Manage_Linux_Se.gmi
[02:44] TR Bot Tux Machines Why You Should Use Administrative Interfaces to Manage Linux Servers"
[02:44] TR News (NEW): Trying TypeScript for GNOME Apps" https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Trying_TypeScript_for_GNOME_Apps.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Trying_TypeScript_for_GNOME_Apps.gmi
[02:44] TR Bot Tux Machines Trying TypeScript for GNOME Apps"
[02:44] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2022-08-25.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2022-08-25.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now)
[02:47] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D334.jpg
[02:47] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D684.jpg
[02:48] TR News On the Frustrations of Android gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2022/202208/20220825-on-the-frustrations-of-android.gmi
[02:49] TR News Using Asterisks as Bullet Points in Vim gemini://pwshnotes.flounder.online/gemlog/2022-08-24-asterisk-bullet-points.gmi
[02:50] TR News Local Reading Tracker gemini://nafmusings.smol.pub/local-reading-tracker
[02:55] TR News This Encrypted Email Provider Keeps Getting Banned - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JimR-esQYt4 | Gemini address: gemini://auragem.space/youtube/video/JimR-esQYt4
[02:55] TR Bot This Encrypted Email Provider Keeps Getting Banned - Invidious
[02:56] s98259 :/
[02:56] souseksi s98259: Is anything wrong?
[02:56] s98259 Nah
[02:56] TR News A rant about writing "systems" - Writing things. - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ioE4YRpJirc | Gemini address: gemini://auragem.space/youtube/video/ioE4YRpJirc
[02:56] TR Bot A rant about writing "systems" - Writing things. - Invidious
[02:57] TR News Going Linux #429 Using Open Source Software to get a new job https://goinglinux.com/shownotes.html#glp429
[02:57] TR Bot Going Linux Shownotes
[02:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 31.16 k/sec., IPFS upstream 75.95 average k/sec., average swarm size 117.68
[02:59] TR News When even bulb arrays turn into spying outposts https://www.maketecheasier.com/deal/amazon-echo-dot-philips-hue-white-bulbs/
[02:59] TR Bot Save $75 on an Amazon Echo Dot with Philips Hue Bulbs - Make Tech Easier
● Aug 26
[03:02] IPFS Gemini requests since start of month: 219949 total Total number of pages in capsule: 42288 Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-08-04 09:15:14 BST; 3 weeks 0 days ago
[03:02] TR News "CISA has added ten new vulnerabilities to itsKnown Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. These types of vulnerabilities are a frequent attack vector for malicious cyber actors and pose significant risk to the federal enterprise." https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/08/25/cisa-adds-ten-known-exploited-vulnerabilities-catalog
[03:02] TR Bot CISA Adds Ten Known Exploited Vulnerabilitiesto Catalog | CISA
[03:03] IPFS IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated. TotalIn: 6.8 GB TotalOut: 2.2 GB
[03:04] IPFS New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.
[03:06] s98259 souseksi: Lady Morphine: https://files.catbox.moe/ee0n9v.ogg
[03:06] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/ee0n9v.ogg )
[03:06] s98259 Ambient
[03:09] souseksi s98259: Thank you. I am going to listen to all songs in your SoundCloud profile when I will have better Internet connection. By now I have listened to "My House Is Your House" and I liked this track.
[03:09] souseksi I am going to bed now. Bye
[03:09] s98259 Nini :3
[03:10] schestowitz[TR] 0/
[03:11] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: You might light it, the lady morphine link above.
[03:11] s98259 *like
[03:12] TR News LF now promoting diploma mills with entities more controversial than LF itself https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/free-quantum-computing-training-course-launched-by-the-linux-foundation-and-world-bank-301612281.html
[03:12] TR Bot Free Quantum Computing Training Course Launched by the Linux Foundation and World Bank
[03:16] TR News Public Knowledge Applauds FCC for Investigating Mobile Carrier Data Practices - Public Knowledge https://publicknowledge.org/public-knowledge-applauds-fcc-for-investigating-mobile-carrier-data-practices/ Source: Public Knowledge | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//publicknowledge.org/public-knowledge-applauds-fcc-for-investigating-mobile-carrier-data-practices/
[03:16] TR Bot Public Knowledge Applauds FCC for Investigating Mobile Carrier Data Practices - Public Knowledge
[03:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[03:20] TR News (UPDATED): Mozilla Firefox 104 Is Now Available for Download, This Is Whats New https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/22/Mozilla_Firefox_104_Is_Now_Available_for_Download.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/22/Mozilla_Firefox_104_Is_Now_Available_for_Download.gmi
[03:20] TR Bot Tux Machines Mozilla Firefox 104 Is Now Available for Download, This Is Whats New
[03:20] TR News (NEW): Shows and Videos: Going Linux and More https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Shows_and_Videos_Going_Linux_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Shows_and_Videos_Going_Linux_and_More.gmi
[03:20] TR Bot Tux Machines Shows and Videos: Going Linux and More"
[03:20] TR News (NEW): pgAdmin 4 v6.13 Released https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/pgAdmin_4_v6_13_Released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/pgAdmin_4_v6_13_Released.gmi
[03:20] TR Bot Tux Machines pgAdmin 4 v6.13 Released
[03:27] TR News (NEW): One dead Purism laptop https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/One_dead_Purism_laptop.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/One_dead_Purism_laptop.gmi
[03:27] TR Bot Tux Machines One dead Purism laptop
[03:27] *starstreak_macos (~Adium@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[03:27] TR News Trimming the cruft gemini://xiu.smol.pub/1661449234
[03:28] TR News "It's nearly reached a bank holiday weekend here in the UK, which means we get an extra day off (woop!) I really need it at the moment, quite honestly. Work has not been easy to cope with the last few months. I desperately need a change." gemini://themby.smol.pub/2022-08-25
[03:28] starstreak_macos Hello
[03:28] TR News "nothing's gonna change my world" gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1111
[03:28] schestowitz[TR] 0/
[03:29] starstreak_macos :O
[03:29] TR News "I recently made a work presentation in Hypercard as well. I think this is going to be my go-to presentation tool! I love how something from the mid-90s can still be used today." gemini://jagtalon.smol.pub/week-6-meetups-filipino-hypercard
[03:30] starstreak_macos I took Mincer's advice and fixed my macbook (sort of)
[03:30] starstreak_macos I need to use an external monitor
[03:30] s98259 :3
[03:30] TR News "Like many people, I got pretty unfit during COVID, but I got back on the fitness grind summer of last year. However, I was solely weightlifting, and I was silly enough to listen to youtube influencers telling me to avoid cardio at all costs lest I "kill my gainz"." gemini://nomadpengu.in/thoughts/runningnotes/
[03:32] TR News Lutris 0.5.11 release but not a word in their Web site, the announcement got outsourced to Microsoft's proprietary prison (bad optics) https://forums.lutris.net/
[03:32] TR Bot Lutris Forums
[03:34] TR News SUSE is propping up its own worthless diploma mills too, as if some digital something will help you get a job https://www.suse.com/c/3-reasons-why-authorized-training-matters/
[03:34] TR Bot Reasons Why Authorized Training Matters | SUSE Communities
[03:35] TR News And SUSE also promotes SAP's proprietary software https://www.suse.com/c/navigate-your-sap-journey-with-dell-technologies-and-suse/
[03:35] TR Bot your SAP Journey with Dell Technologies and SUSE | SUSE Communities
[03:36] TR News "Webinar" as fancy word for marketing spam https://www.suse.com/c/hpe-and-suse-at-the-edge/
[03:36] TR Bot and SUSE at the Edge | SUSE Communities
[03:36] TR News "Interested to know what has improved using the Librem 5 phone?" https://puri.sm/posts/swipeable-upgrade-to-the-librem-5-interface/
[03:36] TR Bot Swipeable Upgrade to the Librem 5 Interface Purism
[03:39] TR News (NEW): Top 10 Best Linux Distros for Privacy and Security https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Top_10_Best_Linux_Distros_for_Privacy_and_Security.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Top_10_Best_Linux_Distros_for_Privacy_and_Security.gmi
[03:39] TR Bot Tux Machines Top 10 Best Linux Distros for Privacy and Security
[03:39] *starstreak_macos is updating from macOS Catalina to macOS Big Sur
[03:41] TR News GitOps Guide to the Galaxy (E43) | Codefresh hosted GitOps on OpenShift - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=d8CC_3pahp0 | Gemini address: gemini://auragem.space/youtube/video/d8CC_3pahp0
[03:41] TR Bot GitOps Guide to the Galaxy (E43) | Codefresh hosted GitOps on OpenShift - Invidious
[03:41] starstreak_macos https://i.imgur.com/SCyZD5b.png
[03:42] TR News
[03:42] TR News In the Clowns (S2E13) | How data science can improve business - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4YPOChJo1v4 | Gemini address: gemini://auragem.space/youtube/video/4YPOChJo1v4
[03:42] TR Bot In the Clouds (S2E13) | How data science can improve business - Invidious
[03:42] *starstreak_macos has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[03:48] DaemonFC https://blog.mozilla.org/en/internet-culture/teens-gen-z-misinformation-social-media/
[03:48] TR Bot A little less misinformation, a little more action
[03:48] TR News OpenFHE: Open-Source Fully Homomorphic Encryption - Help Net Security https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2022/08/19/openfhe-open-source-fully-homomorphic-encryption-video/ Source: Help Net Security | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.helpnetsecurity.com/2022/08/19/openfhe-open-source-fully-homomorphic-encryption-video/
[03:48] TR Bot OpenFHE: Open-Source Fully Homomorphic Encryption - Help Net Security
[03:48] DaemonFC More bullshit from Mozilla.
[03:48] schestowitz[TR] yeah
[03:48] schestowitz[TR] Mozilla as wannabe censorship company https://blog.mozilla.org/en/internet-culture/teens-gen-z-misinformation-social-media/
[03:48] DaemonFC Misinformation is anything Democrats don't like. Also, Mozilla praises a platform from China for "fighting misinformation" with "algorithms".
[03:49] schestowitz[TR] Mozilla Firefox should be a Web browser, not information police
[03:50] TR News I filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying what I owed. Not I complain about people who won't pay back some of their debt. https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/08/25/bidens-student-loan-forgiveness-is-a-moral-hazard-and-election-year-vote-buying-its-extremely-unfair-to-people-who-planned-as-if-theyd-have-to-pay-it-all-back-and-did-something-responsible/
[03:50] TR Bot Bidens student loan forgiveness is a moral hazard and election year vote-buying. Its extremely unfair to people who planned as-if theyd have to pay it all back and did something responsible. | BaronHK's Rants
[03:50] schestowitz[TR] *Now I
[03:52] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], The bankruptcy code is a law.
[03:52] DaemonFC Please show me the law that Biden used.
[03:52] DaemonFC In fact, bankruptcy law says student loans cannot be discharged.
[03:52] DaemonFC They have a high risk of default and they know it, and they only give them out because they knew you couldn't ever get rid of them.
[03:53] DaemonFC Also, what I owed mostly was to hospitals who have fake prices, and government court assessments that were designed to rob me, and were summarily dismissed by the bankruptcy code.
[03:55] DaemonFC One court is making up debts and the other court is getting rid of them.
[03:55] DaemonFC KIA didn't lose anything.
[03:56] DaemonFC John has to pay for it, which is fair considering he's driving it.
[03:56] DaemonFC Totally the same as some dumbshit taking on a student loan.
[03:57] DaemonFC The government ruined me to the point where I haven't paid Income Tax since they did it.
[03:57] TR News "A new bug fix release 0.1.2 of RApiSerialize got onto CRAN earlier. It follows on the 0.1.1 release from earlier this month, and addresses a minor build issue where an error message, only in the case of missing long vector support, tried to use an i18n macro that is not supplied by the build." http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2022/08/25#rapiserialize_0.1.2
[03:57] TR Bot Thinking inside the box
[03:57] DaemonFC In fact, they knocked me into such a low bracket that they pay me now, which is fine really.
[03:57] DaemonFC They actually do owe me reparations unlike some people complaining about 200 years ago and what happened to someone else.'
[03:57] TR News Strange way to reply to people https://bkhome.org/news/202208/reply-to-steve.html
[03:57] TR Bot Reply to steve
[03:58] DaemonFC Not that the fact that they hurt themselves when they attack me probably ever registered.
[03:59] DaemonFC Dumb fucking government ran by dumb fucking people.
[03:59] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.gmi
[03:59] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[03:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 41.58 k/sec., IPFS upstream 117.31 average k/sec., average swarm size 117.98
[03:59] schestowitz[TR] Dumb fucking government ran by dumb fucking people.
[03:59] schestowitz[TR] you said if you ran the country you'd nuke it
● Aug 26
[04:00] DaemonFC Only the cancer.
[04:00] DaemonFC And it was a joke, you know.
[04:00] DaemonFC The only way to fix Chicago is by tossing a nuke in.
[04:00] DaemonFC It's so broken by stupid Democrats and criminals there's no hope for it.
[04:01] DaemonFC About the only thing they could do is hope to get the land back after firebombing the place.
[04:05] TR News #Techrights Bulletin for Thursday, August 25, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext
[04:05] TR Bot Bulletin Archives
[04:05] TR News #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing
[04:05] TR Bot Techrights Full IPFS Index
[04:06] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: He said that and then he goes and slates the Government? LOL!!!
[04:06] schestowitz[TR] ^_^
[04:07] s98259 DaemonFC: You do realise democracy doesn't have to be bad, right?
[04:07] DaemonFC No goverment, no problems.
[04:07] DaemonFC *government
[04:08] s98259 So you think a world with no governments, no laws would be good? Then we're back to outright barbarian ways and I'm talking BARBARIAN!
[04:08] s98259 It's a double edged sword dude...
[04:08] DaemonFC Yeah, then I shoot the fucker who wants to do bad things, and no police come punish me for it.
[04:09] DaemonFC And so eventually the world sorts itself out.
[04:09] DaemonFC No IRS.
[04:09] s98259 Yeah but you could be shooting each time you want revenge which actually is very bad and unjustified.
[04:09] schestowitz[TR] you would be shot for being gay
[04:09] s98259 And there would be nobody to stop you
[04:09] DaemonFC The only people who like the IRS are getting paid for popping out babies we don't need.
[04:09] schestowitz[TR] and "so"
[04:09] s98259 meaning you're in barbarian times
[04:10] schestowitz[TR] "so eventually the world sorts itself out."
[04:10] s98259 Be careful what you wish for.
[04:10] DaemonFC The IRS is a giant welfare program thanks to Nixon and Reagan.
[04:11] s98259 DaemonFC: The problem is Governmental Mismanagement and politicians standing for the wrong thing and so the public's confidence in Government reduces and you end up for people becoming anti-Government.
[04:11] DaemonFC And so the only reason it has any approval at all are those people having kids they can't afford to feed and getting back $8,000 tax checks when they didn't pay anything to begin with.
[04:11] DaemonFC Like Gonad's daughter.
[04:11] DaemonFC And she'd have kept going if he didn't take her down to be sterilized when she turned 21.
[04:12] DaemonFC It pays undesirables to have kids.
[04:12] s98259 It happened here in the UK, nobody has confidence in any of the parties.
[04:12] DaemonFC What could possibly go wrong?
[04:16] s98259 DaemonFC: Go wrong with what?
[04:18] schestowitz[TR] It pays undesirables to have kids.
[04:18] schestowitz[TR] some people reggard you as an undesirablle
[04:18] schestowitz[TR] who are you to judge who gives birth and who does not?
[04:18] schestowitz[TR] that's eugenics
[04:19] schestowitz[TR] anyway, your double standards are palpable
[04:19] s98259 DaFuQ
[04:20] schestowitz[TR] complaining about people who govern you while wanting to nuke blacks
[04:20] *s98259 checks what channel she's in
[04:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[04:20] schestowitz[TR] calling them criminals while you yourself have a criminalk record
[04:20] s98259 Oh dear
[04:20] schestowitz[TR] making fun of poor people when you are poor yourself
[04:20] schestowitz[TR] that makes nosennnnse to me
[04:20] schestowitz[TR] it makes no sense to you either, but you are in deep denial
[04:20] schestowitz[TR] and need to reassess
[04:20] s98259 Agreed
[04:21] schestowitz[TR] anyway, it all started with his blog post
[04:21] schestowitz[TR] moaning about people who are given very very small debt relief
[04:21] schestowitz[TR] after the ripoff that's US colleges
[04:21] schestowitz[TR] costing 50-100 THOUSAND dollars a year
[04:21] schestowitz[TR] and who struggle to pay back, over decades, for a degreee that barely helps them find a job
[04:22] schestowitz[TR] after you yourself filed bankruptcy to avoid paying over 100k dollars in debt
[04:22] schestowitz[TR] for things like car and such
[04:22] s98259 He's a complete hypocrit...
[04:23] schestowitz[TR] I told him that ages ago
[04:23] schestowitz[TR] just to enlighten him
[04:23] schestowitz[TR] and he had no good comeback
[04:23] schestowitz[TR] also makes fun of welfare moms and such
[04:23] schestowitz[TR] people who don't work
[04:23] schestowitz[TR] when he himself does not work
[04:24] schestowitz[TR] back to tech now
[04:24] schestowitz[TR] biden's debt/loan thing is a joke
[04:24] schestowitz[TR] it's so small
[04:24] schestowitz[TR] iirc, it's like up to 10k or somethiong
[04:25] schestowitz[TR] the people he offfers this too drown in debt like $100-200k
[04:25] schestowitz[TR] it's just to pretend he "helps" them
[04:25] schestowitz[TR] after years of campaignings
[04:25] schestowitz[TR] and he got their votes
[04:25] schestowitz[TR] mid-term elections coming up
[04:25] schestowitz[TR] so he needed to show... something
[04:25] s98259 DaemonFC: That's rotten, how can you have money give to you by the Government yourself yet go and criticise others who have the same thing?
[04:26] schestowitz[TR] weeks ago said there was an announcement in the making
[04:26] s98259 Is it one rule for you and another rule for another?
[04:26] schestowitz[TR] now progressiveas re like, this... is IT??
[04:26] s98259 Are you to get everything given to you, a foot massage and a bum wipe and nobody else is?
[04:26] s98259 Jesus man, what's wrong with you?
[04:26] *starstreak_macos (~Adium@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[04:27] schestowitz[TR] it's like the cop who arrests the black man in the mercedes
[04:27] schestowitz[TR] because it's wrong to drive a good car while black
[04:27] schestowitz[TR] "it's OK for me, nor for you"
[04:27] s98259 Pfft
[04:27] schestowitz[TR] *not
[04:28] TR News ESP32 Looks Good In Red - News - SparkFun Electronics https://www.sparkfun.com/news/5190 Source: SparkFun Electronics | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.sparkfun.com/news/5190
[04:28] TR Bot Looks Good In Red - News - SparkFun Electronics
[04:28] TR News Cracking, not hacking. Don't get the basics wrong. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-sniffing-attack-in-system-hacking/
[04:28] TR Bot What is Sniffing Attack in System Hacking? - GeeksforGeeks
[04:29] DaemonFC DaemonFC: That's rotten, how can you have money give to you by the Government yourself yet go and criticise others who have the same thing?
[04:29] DaemonFC It's their laws that forced a situation where they have to hand me the money instead of making me pay taxes.
[04:30] DaemonFC I'd rather not be in this situation but it is what it is. You can't tax someone when you've ruined their earnings potential.
[04:30] TR News "The fact that this was found by Grace Hopper who is an absolute legend in the world of computer programming adds to the legendary status of this story. And this story has been repeated countless times as the origin for why we use the term bug when talking about errors and defects in computer software." https://lunduke.substack.com/p/the-story-of-the-first-computer-bug
[04:30] TR Bot The story of the first "computer bug"... is a pile of lies.
[04:30] DaemonFC Maybe they should stop SWATTING people based on the sworn testimony of an illegal immigrant and a pedophile.
[04:30] DaemonFC Then this wouldn't happen.
[04:31] DaemonFC I'm biting my tongue until this is all over.
[04:32] TR News Excerpt from Norman Finkelsteins forthcoming book on Cancel Culture and Academic Freedom #1 | Norman Finkelstein http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/excerpt-from-norman-finkelsteins-forthcoming-book-on-cancel-culture-and-academic-freedom-1-selected-by-obinna-ijomah-on-01-august-2021/ "Cancel culture is as old as culture itself."
[04:32] TR Bot Excerpt from Norman Finkelsteins forthcoming book on Cancel Culture and Academic Freedom #1 | Norman Finkelstein
[04:32] DaemonFC I'm biting my tongue. I'll get the files destroyed.
[04:32] DaemonFC Then they have no way of taking it back and I can say whatever I want about it.
[04:33] DaemonFC The truth!
[04:33] TR News Social Control Media: Where Cancel Culture Thrives Techrights http://techrights.org/2020/06/08/twitter-cancel-culture/ Source: gemini://gemini.techrights.org | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2020/06/08/twitter-cancel-culture/
[04:33] s98259 Does your life revolve around politics?
[04:33] TR Bot Social Control Media: Where Cancel Culture Thrives | Techrights
[04:34] TR News Friction as a Proxy for Value https://matt-rickard.com/friction-as-a-proxy-for-value
[04:34] DaemonFC The TSA employed a vicious pedophile for years.
[04:34] TR Bot Friction as a Proxy for Value
[04:34] s98259 vicious?
[04:34] DaemonFC One who would come home and brag about feeling up underage teenagers while I counted how many payments were left on that car, when I would have been better off driving it into the lake and walking away.
[04:35] DaemonFC s98259, Yes, John is worse than Dr. Pizza.
[04:35] DaemonFC Or at least as bad as Dr. Pizza.
[04:35] *Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techrights
[04:35] *s98259 sighs
[04:35] s98259 Who the fuck is John and who the fuck is Dr Pizza?
[04:35] DaemonFC He was on gay.com talking to a man about arranging to rape his 6 and 8 year old children while the guy watched.
[04:35] s98259 You speak as if I should know these people...
[04:36] s98259 hmm
[04:36] DaemonFC I wanted a way out, and I got almost the worst one possible.
[04:36] DaemonFC SWATTED by John and Luis (his Grindr fuck, the illegal immigrant).
[04:36] DaemonFC Then tossed around in the courts like some kind of criminal.
[04:37] schestowitz[TR] SWATTED does not mean that
[04:38] TR News Workplace surveillance is coming for you https://pluralistic.net/2022/08/21/great-taylors-ghost/#solidarity-or-bust
[04:38] TR Bot Pluralistic: 21 Aug 2022 The Shitty Technology Adoption Curve Reaches Apogee Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
[04:39] s98259 lol
[04:39] TR News Gmail will call the cops on you based on the content of your emails https://pluralistic.net/2022/08/22/allopathic-risk/#snitches-get-stitches
[04:39] TR Bot Pluralistic: 22 Aug 2022 Gmail will call the cops on you based on the content of your emails Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] s98259: I know that story
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] John is his ex
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] Luis if the guy his ex chose over him
[04:40] s98259 No using Gmail then. :D
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] and he raised a knife or something
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] or reahc out for one
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] so they called the cops
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] he calls this "SWATTED"
[04:40] s98259 hmm
[04:40] s98259 o.O
[04:40] schestowitz[TR] that's an entirely different thing
[04:41] schestowitz[TR] when you get armed cops to raid your home and maybe kill you
[04:41] schestowitz[TR] e.g. by telling them you are armed and dangerous
[04:41] schestowitz[TR] or kill your pet
[04:41] schestowitz[TR] cops love shooting dogs
[04:41] schestowitz[TR] even your neighbour's dog is the dog "gets in their way"
[04:41] schestowitz[TR] *if
[04:42] s98259 :(
[04:42] schestowitz[TR] US is already post-apocalyptic in some areas
[04:42] schestowitz[TR] it'll spread to more places, over tiem..
[04:42] schestowitz[TR] my sister lives there and plans to leave
[04:42] s98259 :(
[04:43] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC needs love
[04:43] schestowitz[TR] nobody gives that to him
[04:43] schestowitz[TR] or gave
[04:44] *starstreak_macos is watching Tron: Legacy
[04:44] s98259 Love is important because it develops intimacy.
[04:44] schestowitz[TR] Tron Paul: LEGO
[04:44] starstreak_macos lol
[04:45] schestowitz[TR] "my bum is on the sweidish... swedish"
[04:46] *starstreak_macos (~Adium@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has left #techrights
[04:46] *starstreak_macos (~Adium@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[04:47] starstreak_macos swedish!
[04:47] starstreak_macos ok so on mac you don't have pidgin, you got adium
[04:48] schestowitz[TR] yeah
[04:48] schestowitz[TR] i thought it was common knowledge
[04:48] schestowitz[TR] are you using that for irc too?
[04:48] starstreak_macos yes
[04:48] schestowitz[TR] I've not used pidgin for years
[04:49] schestowitz[TR] some lunaticss think clown computing is "da fyucher"
[04:49] starstreak_macos its kinda annoying, it doesnt scroll down
[04:49] schestowitz[TR] and so they shut down jabber where I work
[04:49] schestowitz[TR] pidgin is now a good irc client
[04:49] starstreak_macos its alright
[04:49] schestowitz[TR] it works, sort of... but really retrofitted into a jabber client
[04:50] starstreak_macos i'd rather be using hexchat
[04:50] schestowitz[TR] quassel and konversation are good if you have qt
[04:52] starstreak_macos I like konversation
[04:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 10.00 k/sec., IPFS upstream 93.36 average k/sec., average swarm size 104.15
● Aug 26
[05:00] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Programming_Leftovers.gmi
[05:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers
[05:01] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers" https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_leftovers.gmi
[05:01] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers"
[05:02] DaemonFC https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/301310201_601100078352175_1421125838931804913_n.jpg?stp=cp1_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=4ipZqTqSiVUAX_1zsK9&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8Hx46xAMd0Hu5jT5XKRJXYp89NtlAIIPjcf52HhGsaeA&oe=630E1AAB
[05:03] schestowitz[TR] your republican FB 'friends' spreading BS
[05:03] schestowitz[TR] or 'family'
[05:04] starstreak_macos lame meme
[05:04] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: how much income tax did you pay this year?
[05:04] schestowitz[TR] how much did IRC tax you?
[05:04] schestowitz[TR] *IRS
[05:04] DaemonFC I won't know until next year.
[05:04] schestowitz[TR]
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] MURDOCH MEDIA IS RUNNING ...
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] hmm.. caps
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] weird
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] bug
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] murdoch media runs anti-IRS BS campaign
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] to distract from the real catalysts of the downturn
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] blame immigrants, blame irs...
[05:05] schestowitz[TR] blame biden of course
[05:05] DaemonFC Fuck the IRS and fuck the police and fuck the government and fuck the judges and fuck the welfare office and fuck the parks department and especially fuck the Health Department, and fuck the library telling me I need to leave my name for COVID contact tracers and strap Mandy down for a Monkeypox shot experiment.
[05:06] DaemonFC Fuck all of them. Fuck them very much.
[05:06] schestowitz[TR] the issue with irs is that it doesn't pick on oliugarfhchs
[05:06] schestowitz[TR] like murdoch and gates
[05:07] schestowitz[TR] if you lawyers up they leave you alone to carry on with tax fraud
[05:07] schestowitz[TR] *lawyer up
[05:08] TR News Links 25/08/2022: Purism Rant and pgAdmin 4 v6.13 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/25/pgadmin-4-v6-13/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/25/pgadmin-4-v6-13/
[05:08] TR Bot Links 25/08/2022: Purism Rant and pgAdmin 4 v6.13 | Techrights
[05:12] TR News Racism by GulagTube https://yewtu.be/watch?v=IPXukSZhTuI
[05:12] TR Bot Big Problems at Youtube - Invidious
[05:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[05:20] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: :3
[05:20] DaemonFC murdoch media runs anti-IRS BS campaign
[05:20] DaemonFC I've stopped using PayPal.
[05:21] DaemonFC I don't take any money on PayPal anymore.
[05:21] DaemonFC Not worth getting a 1099-K form over something I'd voluntarily report anyway.
[05:22] DaemonFC You might as well report income if it's significant. If you don't and they find out later, you're not looking good, and just because there's a $600 reporting limit for 1099s doesn't mean you shouldn't voluntarily report lower amounts from a payer.
[05:22] DaemonFC They _can_ decide to give you a 1099 anyway, and then what would you do when you're a mismatch?
[05:23] DaemonFC :)
[05:23] DaemonFC But the K form is a bad one to even have issued, because it's "informational".
[05:23] DaemonFC So the IRS knows you got money, which is fine, because you would report it anyway.
[05:23] DaemonFC But it doesn't tell them which transactions are taxable and which aren't and how so.
[05:23] DaemonFC Nor you.
[05:24] DaemonFC So now you have a tax mess and have to go down god knows how many lines on the K form figuring it all out yourself. :)
[05:25] DaemonFC They should really do something about this to where you can separate Business and Family so you don't get 1099s from Family, but if it's Business you'll get a 1099-MISC or 1099-B or a 1099-COMPOSITE.
[05:25] DaemonFC Anything BUT K.
[05:25] DaemonFC K is basically a giant "fuck you, figure this shit out on your own".
[05:26] DaemonFC If I have someone pay me by check then I can deposit it in my bank account, and then at tax time, if it's income, I can say "I got a check from X for this amount for doing that.".
[05:26] DaemonFC If it's mom paying you back for spotting her car repair bill, it's not "income".
[05:26] DaemonFC If it's a rebate, it's not taxable.
[05:26] TR News GulagTube also ignores reports of clickfraud. Put another way, Gulag Inc. (Alphabet) is 100% FINE with CLICKFRAUD as long as it makes the platform look 20 TIMES bigger than it really is. Gulag supports the BLACK MARKER of FAKE clicks.
[05:26] schestowitz[TR] *MARKET
[05:27] DaemonFC So you want to just avoid the 1099-K AT ALL COSTS and report your taxes.
[05:27] *s98259 gets a table and drops it on top of DaemonFC
[05:27] DaemonFC You won't cause the kind of shit the K form will where it can be a giant problem 3 years later when you aren't even thinking about it anymore.
[05:28] TR News Wanna bet Gulag would seek revenge if you call them racist (in order to protect the racists)? They've got all these "creators" 'by the b0lls' https://yewtu.be/watch?v=IPXukSZhTuI
[05:28] TR Bot Big Problems at Youtube - Invidious
[05:28] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], I'm surprised GULAG hasn't blocked Invidious yet.
[05:28] DaemonFC Just not that much of a nuisance?
[05:28] schestowitz[TR] they will when it gets biog enough
[05:28] schestowitz[TR] *big
[05:29] schestowitz[TR] I thought about doing blog posts about Gulag faking numbers
[05:29] schestowitz[TR] but evidence I have is narrow (just a channel or two)
[05:29] schestowitz[TR] Twitter does this for sure
[05:29] schestowitz[TR] reports aaid FB had done this with videros, and it got sued
[05:29] DaemonFC Yeah, Dorsey got rich and got out.
[05:29] DaemonFC mjg59_ and his army of 8 followers.
[05:29] schestowitz[TR] twitter is a botfarm
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] russia and other nations take advantage of it
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] they just set up automated operations there
[05:30] DaemonFC I have more people who read my blog than interact with his Shitter in any way that I'm aware of.
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] to boost some things for political gain
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] and twitter looks the other way
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] until _US_ polticians press them
[05:30] s98259 My mother has lost teeth :(
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] and then they try to cull the bvotnets
[05:30] s98259 Osteoporosis
[05:30] schestowitz[TR] and of course remoove MANY LEGIT accounts in the process, too
[05:31] schestowitz[TR] s98259: one can get dentures and stuff... there are worse things than lost teeth
[05:31] schestowitz[TR] Osteoporosis does worse things
[05:31] schestowitz[TR] like causing immobility
[05:32] schestowitz[TR] at 40, I've still not had a single tooth filling or similar
[05:32] schestowitz[TR] I'm sure one day I will... maybe after 50, I hope
[05:32] DaemonFC I have three fillings.
[05:33] DaemonFC I haven't lost any other than panicking and getting my wisdom teeth removed the day before I lost dad's dental insurance from RCA.
[05:33] schestowitz[TR] may people have false teeth, but you will never know unless you know them very well
[05:33] DaemonFC Mandy does.
[05:33] DaemonFC Then his insurance tried not paying.
[05:33] schestowitz[TR] same for other conditions
[05:33] DaemonFC Then I got them to eventually.
[05:33] schestowitz[TR] overrated as people keep it private
[05:33] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: You've not had a single filling? I've lost two molars...
[05:33] schestowitz[TR] and the proportion of people who got abortions
[05:35] schestowitz[TR] teeth are bad sdesign
[05:35] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Well, abortion now more than ever is a shoot, shovel, and shut-up issue in America.
[05:35] DaemonFC Like what happened when Congress passed the Endangered Species Act.
[05:35] schestowitz[TR] if we were "intelligently designed" we'd have better means of digesting food
[05:35] schestowitz[TR] I reckon humans' teeth are inferior to teeth of many other animals
[05:35] s98259 :D
[05:35] schestowitz[TR] like human vision and hearing
[05:36] s98259 Yep
[05:36] schestowitz[TR] cats can also survive big falls
[05:36] s98259 It's just our brain that's good and the fact we have hands.
[05:36] s98259 And the fact we are bipedal
[05:36] schestowitz[TR] osoctopus has many 'hands'
[05:36] schestowitz[TR] *octopus
[05:36] s98259 Yah
[05:36] schestowitz[TR] and much better vision, too
[05:37] schestowitz[TR] octopus does not need dentists
[05:37] schestowitz[TR] bipedal is not good
[05:37] schestowitz[TR] you lose one mkeg and that's it
[05:37] schestowitz[TR] and you cann't move around
[05:38] schestowitz[TR] most other mammals can bounce around on 3
[05:38] schestowitz[TR] we need at least 3 legs
[05:38] s98259 For a creature with our brains that therefore applies them the way it does, it's fine. :)
[05:38] schestowitz[TR] good luck kicking someone'e bum if you are one-legged
[05:39] s98259 lol
[05:39] DaemonFC cats can also survive big falls
[05:39] DaemonFC Out of a 5-6 story window during a fire.
[05:39] DaemonFC Saw that happen in Chicago. Cat was fine.
[05:39] DaemonFC Got up, shook itself off, walked away.
[05:41] TR News Happy National Radio Day! - News - SparkFun Electronics https://www.sparkfun.com/news/5223 Source: SparkFun Electronics | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.sparkfun.com/news/5223
[05:41] TR Bot National Radio Day! - News - SparkFun Electronics
[05:42] TR News Catching sanitizer errors programmatically - Daniel Lemires blog https://lemire.me/blog/2022/08/20/catching-sanitizer-errors-programmatically/ Source: Daniel Lemire | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//lemire.me/blog/2022/08/20/catching-sanitizer-errors-programmatically/
[05:42] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://lemire.me/blog/2022/08/20/catching-sanitizer-errors-programmatically/ )
[05:45] TR News "If you live in a smart home, how do you interact with it?" I live in a smart home; it's smart enough to know to AVOID all those mass surveillance gimmicks. I interact with hands and stuff. https://staceyoniot.com/google-atap-has-a-blueprint-for-ambient-computing/
[05:45] TR Bot Google ATAP has a blueprint for ambient computing - Stacey on IoT | Internet of Things news and analysis
[05:47] TR News "The rich man thats unable to find happiness because he doesnt realize the goal of life is altruism/nirvana/love/enjoying-the-moment/god is beyond cliche." https://www.epistem.ink/p/in-defense-of-making-money
[05:47] TR Bot In Defense Of Making Money - by George - Epistemink
[05:49] TR News "For some people, having 200k worth of savings might be enough to shift their paradigm to now I can live frugally off savings and dedicate my life to joining a deworming project in Africa." https://www.epistem.ink/p/in-defense-of-making-money
[05:51] *starstreak_macos has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[05:52] *starstreak_macos (~starstreak_macos@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[05:52] starstreak_macos ahhh, irssi, much better
[05:52] starstreak_macos homebrew didnt have hexchat :(
[05:52] starstreak_macos or konversation
[05:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 18.33 k/sec., IPFS upstream 127.66 average k/sec., average swarm size 113.41
● Aug 26
[06:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[06:23] starstreak_macos yay lagrange works on mac :D
[06:26] starstreak_macos https://i.imgur.com/kYMcoPm.png
[06:28] schestowitz[TR] u use mac btw
[06:29] starstreak_macos yeah i use mac btw
[06:29] starstreak_macos lol
[06:29] starstreak_macos i pulled it out of my closet
[06:30] starstreak_macos the built in screen stopped working so i replaced it but external monitors work
[06:40] DaemonFC The only thing that happens if you try to read Matthew Garrett's blog with a text browser or with JavaShit turned off, is it won't load.
[06:40] DaemonFC See, NoScript improves things already. I'm still reachable and he isn't. :)
[06:40] loner DaemonFC: which blog?
[06:40] DaemonFC Well, Dreamwidth or Shitter. Neither one of his work without JavaShit.
[06:41] DaemonFC But you can look at Shitter through Nitter without JavaShit turned on or in a text browser.
[06:41] starstreak_macos ooo, quassel is for macOS
[06:41] DaemonFC Twitter is rarely important. I don't have an account.
[06:41] DaemonFC All I sometimes want is read-only access, so Nitter works.
[06:42] loner DaemonFC: true http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/10437.html
[06:42] DaemonFC And it lets you see NSFW posts without logging in and identifying yourself to Shitter.
[06:42] TR Bot mjg59 | The ongoing fight against GPL enforcement
[06:42] loner although i think a few days ago i did read his blog, with w3m browser
[06:42] DaemonFC Identify! IDENTIFYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! (Dalek)
[06:42] DaemonFC So that Shitter can compile what kind of freaky stuff you want.
[06:42] TR News Not Just Twitter: YouTube is Failing, Flailing, and Tolerating Clickfraud (Bot Activity) in Order to Fake Its Size (Audience Magnitude) | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/faketube/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/faketube/
[06:42] TR Bot Not Just Twitter: YouTube is Failing, Flailing, and Tolerating Clickfraud (Bot Activity) in Order to Fake Its Size (Audience Magnitude) | Techrights
[06:43] *starstreak_macos (~quassel@2607:fea8:f21:3800:3481:112c:5dc5:6c62) has joined #techrights
[06:43] loner now i see why: his blog website demands javascript when i use onion proxy, without onion proxy no javascript asked for
[06:43] *starstreak_macos has quit (Client Quit)
[06:43] loner same browser otherwise, w3m
[06:44] DaemonFC https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/300882554_438523704978155_7853907334354928585_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=US4oKnFMQVgAX8Knu_d&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8T1iS_RVIpR5uXYCRaSgc6h9eufwNm-AXTrPOGtOmyUQ&oe=630D95DB
[06:44] DaemonFC It demands JavaShit from me even without Tor.
[06:44] DaemonFC So it must demand JavaShit for VPN users as well.
[06:44] DaemonFC Identify! IDENTIFYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! (Dalek)
[06:44] TR News 2650 gemini capsules now? gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/software/lupa/stats.gmi
[06:45] DaemonFC https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H6XDgZcE-7I
[06:45] TR Bot Dalek Identify yourself - Invidious
[06:45] DaemonFC mjg59_ is a Dalek
[06:45] DaemonFC Social Justice Dalek
[06:46] loner what is a Dalek?
[06:46] schestowitz[TR] Well, Dreamwidth or Shitter. Neither one of his work without JavaShit.
[06:46] schestowitz[TR] worse yet,
[06:46] schestowitz[TR] both are proprietary
[06:46] schestowitz[TR] and outsourced
[06:46] DaemonFC what is a Dalek?
[06:46] DaemonFC A Doctor Who antagonist race.
[06:46] starstreak_macos loner: a dalek is a robot from the tv series Doctor Who
[06:47] DaemonFC They see anything other than other Daleks (and some cases inferior Daleks) as something that has to be EXTERMINATED!
[06:47] DaemonFC They're not robots.
[06:48] loner never seen Dr. Who
[06:48] DaemonFC They're technically cyborgs.
[06:48] loner anyway
[06:48] DaemonFC It's better than this Star Trek bullshit.
[06:49] DaemonFC mjg59_ is some kind of Trekkie I think.
[06:49] loner DaemonFC seems to be occupied 10h/day to throw mutt at Mr. G, in this channel
[06:49] DaemonFC Watching most Star Trek is a chore because it's so dry and poorly written.
[06:49] DaemonFC And the characters are not likable or relatable, usually.
[06:49] loner 10years ago, i bought the entire "next generation" series on DVD
[06:50] DaemonFC If I have a favorite Trek character though, it's The Doctor from Voyager.
[06:50] loner nowadays, i think, it's childish quackery, most of it
[06:50] starstreak_macos I enjoyed Star Trek Discovery
[06:50] DaemonFC That's the worst one so far.
[06:50] loner except, Mr. Garak, the only grown-up adult character in the entire series
[06:50] DaemonFC Strange New Worlds is at least better than Discovery.
[06:51] DaemonFC I always felt that Pike should have been the Captain in TOS.
[06:51] loner and the Grand Nagus, reminded me of Trumpovitsch
[06:51] DaemonFC Kirk was simply too outlandish.
[06:51] DaemonFC Shatner is a poor actor who is always trying to steal screen time.
[06:51] TR News Homebrew Basics Commands and Cheat Sheet for Linux https://www.linuxshelltips.com/homebrew-commands-cheat-sheet-linux/ Source: Linux Shell Tips | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.linuxshelltips.com/homebrew-commands-cheat-sheet-linux/
[06:51] TR Bot Homebrew Basics Commands and Cheat Sheet for Linux
[06:51] loner never watched TOS, only "next generation" stuff
[06:52] loner and, Captain Janeway, the most annoying actress in history
[06:52] DaemonFC Why is The Doctor my favorite? He's funny. For one thing. Yeah, he provided comic relief that made up for Janeway a few times.
[06:52] DaemonFC She's wondering what they've done to harm a giant space creature and he gives her the answer I would.
[06:53] DaemonFC "Well, let's see, you rammed your ship into it, blasted it with phasers, and fired a photon torpedo at it....I can't see what could possibly..." and they cut him off.
[06:53] loner nowadays, there's nothing remaining worth watching
[06:54] loner the most recent movie i had seen, was "no country for old men", year 2007
[06:54] DaemonFC A night at the movies with Jamie Zawinski. No really.
[06:54] TR News (NEW): CentOS Automotive SIG: First Year in Review https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/CentOS_Automotive_SIG_First_Year_in_Review.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/CentOS_Automotive_SIG_First_Year_in_Review.gmi
[06:54] TR Bot Tux Machines CentOS Automotive SIG: First Year in Review
[06:54] DaemonFC He gives the short reviews to most of the new movies so you don't have to concern yourself with it.
[06:55] DaemonFC You can just see that they're made for retards and avoid almost all of them.
[06:55] loner the atmosphere, without any music... in comparison, Casino (1995) was overloaded with annoying music
[06:55] DaemonFC They ran out of good ideas long before the Matt GULAGs took everything over anyway.
[06:55] DaemonFC So at least there's that.
[06:56] TR News "Whether you heard it in person at rstudio::conf(2022) or caught the news through the internet grapevine, RStudio PBC is rebranding itself to Posit PBC." https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/08/why-posit-means-growth-for-the-r-community/
[06:56] TR Bot Posit Means Growth for the R Community | R-bloggers
[06:56] loner in germany, this is classified as "operette" (not an Opera, an Operette)
[06:56] DaemonFC But with streaming disservices, the Matt GULAGs can go whine "DELEEEEEETE! DELEEEEEETE!!!" and then you can't watch old stuff either unless you have your own copy.
[06:57] DaemonFC and outsourced
[06:57] DaemonFC GULAG said he "loves" Dreamwidth, iirc.
[06:57] loner i mean, with Casino (1995), they tried to push too much sensation with the soundtrack, a little less of this, and i would place this movie close to #1
[06:57] TR News Exploding German Electricity Prices: Some Time Series https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/08/exploding-german-electricity-prices-some-time-series/
[06:57] TR Bot German Electricity Prices: Some Time Series | R-bloggers
[06:58] DaemonFC But he "might have to leave" if Cloudflare, whom they do business with, doesn't DEEEEELEEEEEEEEEETE Kiwi Farms.
[06:58] DaemonFC Social Justice Dalek FAIL
[06:58] TR News "German wholesale electricity prices in August 2022 are extremely high with an average of 397 Euro / MWh (EPEX day ahead prices until 19th of August). That is more than 10 fold the average prices in 2019 (38.3 Euro / MWh) and 2020 (31 Euro / MWh)." https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/08/exploding-german-electricity-prices-some-time-series/
[06:59] *CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[06:59] DaemonFC Yes, they'll cancel their entire business arrangement with Cloudflare because he warned them!
[06:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 46.55 k/sec., IPFS upstream 101.08 average k/sec., average swarm size 104.83
[06:59] loner i would rank Stalingrad (1993) little higher than Casino (1995), however, i don't watch many movies
● Aug 26
[07:00] DaemonFC Europe is self-destructing due to piss-poor governance.
[07:00] chunky https://streamable.com/ft9hrs
[07:00] TR Bot ladder shitting
[07:00] DaemonFC They spent so many years letting the climate scare BANANAs at their energy sector and outsourcing it to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin that now they're fucked.
[07:01] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR] was boasting about the VERY STABLE WORLDS OLDEST DEMOCRACY.
[07:01] DaemonFC Which is collapsing under Bogus Johnson's feet and 20% inflation. Over twice as bad as the inflation here.
[07:02] loner with TV-Series, i consider X-files the all-time best ever produced
[07:02] starstreak_macos x-files was amazing
[07:02] loner there's no more bang for the buch than with this tv-series
[07:02] loner buck
[07:02] loner only sad thing with x-files, i had seen all of it already, and need to wait 5-10years to enjoy it again
[07:03] starstreak_macos there was a new season of x-files a few years ago
[07:04] loner i think with Season7, give or take a few more episodes, the series ended, when Mulder disappeared
[07:05] starstreak_macos yeah, that guy from terminator 2 wasn't so great
[07:06] loner i think it wasn't possible anymore to prolong this series; the best was made out of it, and the director missed the moment when to call it quit
[07:06] DaemonFC https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/299812819_461948895816183_8369932215107935320_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=gpBY5-RlAJEAX-V9Unv&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8c-pxr164v8NITkEoUnswOtspjGlwxq0V03n04gYbUiQ&oe=630D453C
[07:08] loner most often, i prefer the english-language original with movies, Casino (1995) is a rare exception to this, with german being the better one
[07:09] loner for example, the counting room, where the money is counted, was translated as Tabernakel in german, which added some humorous nuance absent in english
[07:11] DaemonFC Mozilla churns out a lot of misinformation.
[07:11] TR News UK Government Should Get Back to Releasing COVID-19 Data Every Day, Not (Barely) Every Week https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/26/open-data/
[07:11] DaemonFC TikTok is probably actually even worse than Facebook.
[07:11] TR Bot Blog Archive UK Government Should Get Back to Releasing COVID-19 Data Every Day, Not (Barely) Every Week
[07:11] DaemonFC But they're endorsing it.
[07:11] schestowitz[TR] yes, I saw that
[07:11] schestowitz[TR] they should combat social control media in general
[07:11] schestowitz[TR] but they moan about its sdide effects
[07:12] schestowitz[TR] snot the disease itself
[07:12] *starstreak_macos has quit (Quit: leaving)
[07:13] *starstreak_macos (~starstreak_macos@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[07:13] loner with "No country for old men", some brilliant moments were when some amateur actors portrayed the inhabitants
[07:13] loner and, there was a short moment when music played, in Mexico... which too seemed some authentic musicians
[07:14] loner sadly, it's only a few seconds the musicians play
[07:14] starstreak_macos I got something called X-Chat Aqua for macOS
[07:15] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], I can't believe you have any buy-in to this system.
[07:15] DaemonFC Courts are the way rich people fuck over poor people.
[07:15] DaemonFC It's basically a government-approved way to harass and steal,m
[07:16] DaemonFC but they moan about its sdide effects
[07:16] DaemonFC They don't want a decentralized Web for the same reason mjg59_ doesn't like the idea.
[07:16] starstreak_macos It's basically a government-approved way to harass and steal,m. <--- so true
[07:16] DaemonFC If it's centralized then it's one target for the Cancel mob.
[07:17] DaemonFC If you can take it over, you can do a clean sweep of the Web and knock off anyone you don't like in one stroke.
[07:18] starstreak_macos I think the Cancel mob got reptilian content removed from Youtube
[07:18] loner well, no surprise, Hollywood, too is centralized control over entertainment, in California
[07:18] DaemonFC If the Taliban get to be on the Web, who doesn't?
[07:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[07:20] loner excretion of shallow infantile politically correct spectacle and commerce
[07:21] loner i wonder, if Texas is really as it is presented in No country for old men
[07:21] DaemonFC That's what they want, you know. To get inside everyone's heads and tell them how to think.
[07:23] loner this women at the receiption, who denies giving information about the residents of the trailer park
[07:23] loner reminds me of my grandmother, the hair cut, the resilience
[07:25] loner i tried to count the number of murders in "No country for old men", which is rather difficult, because there was that many
[07:25] loner and in the end, that's shocking, i realized, they're all dead
[07:25] *starstreak_macos has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[07:26] loner and it is almost impossible to count how many it was
[07:28] *starstreak_macos (~starstreak_macos@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[07:32] starstreak_macos Im putting some new screenshots up on deviantart
[07:33] starstreak_macos That's where I found that one from 2004
[07:34] loner in year 2004, everything was rigged already
[07:34] loner i think, that's why, good movies were either produced predating the millenial, and/or it's 1980/90s the scenery is placed at
[07:35] TR News Humour as a Non-Answer | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/linus-torvalds-on-backdoor-in-linux/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/linus-torvalds-on-backdoor-in-linux/
[07:35] TR Bot Humour as a Non-Answer | Techrights
[07:36] loner star trek "next generation", began production in 1980s
[07:37] loner then, at some time, "cold war" supposedly had ended, then september 2001
[07:37] loner 20years ago, in USA, they must have realized already, the golden era of theirs of US culture and science had ended already
[07:38] loner any later, it's no progress anymore, it's shallow commerce
[07:38] loner this is what succeeded since then, commercialization
[07:38] TR News ZDNET: just 2 stories on "Linux" in past 10 days. It used to be 3 per day. ZDNet is dying. http://techrights.org/wiki/ZDNet#2022
[07:38] TR Bot ZDNet - Techrights
[07:39] loner i mean, the apollo guidance computer, is 1960s tech
[07:39] loner with this, USA sent men onto the moon
[07:40] loner something went wrong many decades ago already, somehow lost control, some ideological doctrine, which i can't fully grasp yet
[07:41] loner hence, i distinguish, USA until 1990s, and USA 30years later
[07:41] loner that's two different countries
[07:41] starstreak_macos Here loner: https://winworldpc.com/product/red-hat-linux/50
[07:41] TR Bot WinWorld: Red Hat Linux 5.0
[07:41] starstreak_macos There is red hat 5.0
[07:42] loner i received a first cultural shock, in germany too, because i was shielded and isolated in grammer school, and another few years in university, didn't notice most of the "changes"
[07:43] loner meaning, i entirely missed a decade or two of "change", in germany, and then all of the sudden, realized, what a madhouse it had become
[07:43] loner probably same in USA, UK wherever else, that's not the same country anymore, which produced particular movies and tv series
[07:44] loner when i first saw "smart phones" 15 years ago, i instantly decided i will _NEVER_ use any, and _NEVER_ did
[07:44] loner although, imagine this, i did study at Deutsche Telekom
[07:46] loner anyway, most relevant technical aspects are completely unknown, even among the "free software" crowd
[07:47] loner how many have at least heard of trellis code or anything else relevant?
[07:47] loner they're all boasting with their "expertise", and never grasp any rudimentary maths and science of the new era
[07:47] DaemonFC gemini://ur.gs/blog/off-grid-in-suburbia/
[07:47] DaemonFC Okay, here's my problem.
[07:48] DaemonFC The guy says his family was left without food in the house, utilities (for days), etc when he was a child.
[07:48] DaemonFC "But that's expected when you're in the bottom 5%."
[07:48] DaemonFC Now that half the population is at risk, that's a problem, he says.
[07:48] DaemonFC No it's not.
[07:49] DaemonFC Where were they when you were going hungry and without heat?
[07:49] DaemonFC Time for them to spend a little time in your world.
[07:49] DaemonFC Fuck 'em.
[07:49] DaemonFC Let them go without heat and food for a winter and see how THEY like it!
[07:49] DaemonFC See how many of them come through it and are fine with letting the good times roll while other people have to suffer.
[07:50] DaemonFC I think things would be a lot better if most people lost their heat for the winter because of their own politicians. The people they voted for.
[07:50] DaemonFC They were fine with it when it was Someone Else's Problem.
[07:51] loner final nuclear shutdown is scheduled for december 2022 in germany
[07:52] loner may sound spectacular, yet i say they had shut down 20 years ago already, an era of science and engineering, gambled, by corrupt and incompetent and arrogant pseudo-intellectuals
[07:53] loner most of them, are affiliates of "atlantic bridge", ironically; that's why the political parties here, are a scam
[07:53] loner they're all coordinated puppets of washington, and they're still proud of it
[07:53] loner somehow
[07:54] loner that's why, i don't trust Vladimir P., because in public Vladimirowitsch agitates against "the west", and in parallel does shake hands with the exact same lunatics who are affiliated closely to washington, to conduct oil/gas business
[07:54] loner a contradiction, i am looking forward, to an explanation
[07:56] loner currently, that's the highest order of intellect currently: energy production is heavily subsidized which either doesn't exist or doesn't produce any energy ("renewables")
[07:56] loner that's subsidies for nothing, then prices for energy increase, energy which doesn't exist
[07:56] loner and too, taxation is, again, increased on energy which isn't consumed
[07:57] TR News The Absurdity of UK Government's COVID-19 Data Disclosures (Deaths 2-3 Times Higher, But Updates/Data Demoted From Daily to Weekly) https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/26/the-absurdity-of-uk-governments-covid-19-data-disclosures-deaths-2-3-times-higher-but-updatesdata-demoted-from-daily-to-weekly/
[07:57] TR Bot Blog Archive The Absurdity of UK Governments COVID-19 Data Disclosures (Deaths 2-3 Times Higher, But Updates/Data Demoted From Daily to Weekly)
[07:57] loner recently a "renewable eco tax" was abandoned, instead thy want to re-introduce it now as "gas reallocation tax" (Gasumlage)... that's weird
[07:58] loner all i noticed, it's impossible to estimate the amount of gas i consumed with the bill i got from the landlord
[07:58] DaemonFC "Pollo Is Back in the US and UK. Heres How That Happened" -Wired (typo....Polio) / Pollo? Well, there was a chicken shortage, but I guess they solved it!
[07:58] loner meaning, at least, i want to know, how much gas i consumed, and how much i pay for it
[07:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 58.45 k/sec., IPFS upstream 84.85 average k/sec., average swarm size 82.21
[07:59] loner instead of precise kWh consumed, they re-label it simply as a "unit" (Einheit, scalar), and then confuse percentage/share of costs with percentage/share of consumption
[07:59] DaemonFC https://www.wired.com/story/us-census-queerness-data/
[07:59] TR Bot Does Queerness Fit Into the US Census? | WIRED
● Aug 26
[08:00] DaemonFC "Partner is a curious label, a term that can have a jumble of meanings. Partners might run businesses or law firms. Some of us have partners in crime."
[08:00] DaemonFC Mr. GULAG has a "partner".
[08:00] loner hence, although i lowered consumption, again, 20% in the last two years, the demanded _more_ money, which was _before_ the recent price explosions and the "gas reallocation tax"
[08:01] loner and my income is that low, any lower and i have to live in a tent with internet disconnected
[08:01] starstreak_macos I hate python
[08:01] DaemonFC "Gasumlage"
[08:01] schestowitz[TR] a partner in crime can be a spouse too
[08:01] loner anyway, i collected evidence, for 20years now
[08:01] DaemonFC But I didn't even sneeze!
[08:02] TR News "We don't like AppArmor, in large part because it doesn't work in our environment" https://jamesg.blog/2022/08/21/indieweb-etherpad-archiver/ | Source: James G
[08:02] TR Bot Building an IRC archiver bot for the IndieWeb community | James' Coffee Blog
[08:03] TR News "Linux supports numerous filesystems, such as Btrfs, ext4, ext3, ext2, exFAT, sysfs, securityfs, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and many." https://ostechnix.com/how-to-find-the-mounted-filesystem-type-in-linux/ | Source: OSTechNix
[08:03] TR Bot To Find Filesystem Types In Linux - OSTechNix
[08:03] TR News "I decided I could do better, and set out to eliminate FastCGI from my setup." https://diziet.dreamwidth.org/12367.html | Source: Diziet
[08:03] TR Bot diziet | prefork-interp - automatic startup time amortisation for all manner of scripts
[08:04] TR News "If youve been waiting for this Id like to thank you for your patience" https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=4378 | Source: Linux Mint
[08:04] TR Bot How to upgrade to Linux Mint 21 The Linux Mint Blog
[08:04] TR News "The idea to connect a device that relies on an I2C interface to the DDC pins found inside an unused video port isnt new." https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-hdmi-to-i2c | Source: Tom's Hardware
[08:04] TR Bot Raspberry Pi Project Enables I2C Interface Using HDMI Port | Tom's Hardware
[08:05] TR News 40 years of CDs : From listening pleasure to useless trash? https://www.dw.com/en/40-years-of-cds-from-listening-pleasure-to-useless-trash/a-62821523 | Source: Deutsche Welle
[08:05] TR Bot years of CDs : From listening pleasure to useless trash? | Culture | Arts, music and lifestyle reporting from Germany | DW | 17.08.2022
[08:07] TR News "The topics that follow multiplication include division, fractions, area, perimeter, angles, telling time, and other things I promptly forgot how to do as soon as I graduated from high school." https://www.theverge.com/2022/8/26/23319398/duolingo-math-app-beta-launch-duocon-2022 | Source: The Verge
[08:07] TR Bot Duolingo has math now (and its kind of hard) - The Verge
[08:08] *horseface has quit (Quit: PING TIMEOUT!!! >9000 FOR SURE!!!)
[08:09] loner with this proposed "gas reallocation tax" (Gasumlage), they announced it would be calculated per kWh
[08:09] loner i hope for this next time, this "gas reallocation tax" is separately accounted, then with this i can estimate the amount of kWh somehow at least
[08:10] loner if this wasn't fraudulent too
[08:11] loner last winter, i only heated one room where i remain, at lowest possible temperature to prevent moisture and fungus growth
[08:12] loner i waited until middle of november last year, and turned of completely beginning of march, the minimal heating i _must_ do
[08:13] loner i should measure temperature next winter, i think the flat cooled down to ~15degC entire winter
[08:13] loner and then i got a schedule, as soon as i _must_ turn on heating in the room i reside (moisture), i turn of the fridge
[08:14] loner meaning, during "heating" season, i turn of the fridge entirely
[08:14] loner i quit using the dish washer, and used hot water, since the "war in ukraine" i use cold water to wash dishes
[08:15] TR News "Googles AI and filtering tagged the photos as child abuse without taking into context the situation." https://siliconangle.com/2022/08/21/big-tech-gone-bad-google-blocks-accounts-based-false-positives/ | Source: Silicon Angle
[08:15] TR Bot tech gone bad: Google blocks accounts based on false child exploitation filter - SiliconANGLE
[08:15] loner never used alot of hot water for the little dish washing, nonetheless, i estimate hot water will be 50% down, at least
[08:16] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)
[08:17] loner last year, i consumed 13cubic meters of warm water, per year; this year it will be at most 6cubic meters of warm water, per year
[08:17] loner i am looking forward to how they intend to justify another price explosion for this
[08:18] TR News Proprietary TCO https://itwire.com/business-it-news/security/australia-and-increasingly-attractive-traget-for-cybercriminals-report.html | Source: IT Wire
[08:18] TR Bot - Australia an increasingly attractive traget for cybercriminals: report
[08:18] loner sadly, with heating, it is NOT possible to estimate the consumption in kWh, and i consider the bill i received, how should i say
[08:18] TR News Surveillance by Microsoft... now 'free' https://www.pcworld.com/article/916902/duckduckgo-email-service.html | Source: PC World http://techrights.org/wiki/DuckDuckGo
[08:18] TR Bot timed out after 10519 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://www.pcworld.com/article/916902/duckduckgo-email-service.html )
[08:18] loner it is compliant with some laws to account "heating costs" in germany, however i cannot estimate real consumption
[08:18] TR Bot timed out after 10519 milliseconds ( status 0 @ http://techrights.org/wiki/DuckDuckGo )
[08:19] loner however, i do know with absolute certainty, the heating i _must_ do to prevent fungus and moisture in one room i reside, is as low as the hot water consumption
[08:19] loner btw, i got no car, no office, no holidays in 20years, nothing
[08:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[08:21] schestowitz[TR] loner: does your radicalism predate this condition? Or follows that?
[08:21] loner anyway, Casino (1995), the dialog: "The bosses shit onto supreme court and all this crap" (translated from german), it's a different mindset
[08:21] schestowitz[TR] I mean, I can understand your frustration if you cannot find a job and such
[08:21] loner schestowitz[TR]: whose radicalism?
[08:21] schestowitz[TR] but need to understand if these beliefs are the reasons you were put on shitlists in the first place
[08:22] loner schestowitz[TR]: i was hired several times, Telekom, Airbus, DLR, Eutelsat and/or their subsidiaries
[08:22] loner if you want i got some contracts archived here
[08:22] loner however, i shit onto those
[08:22] loner not worth the paper anymore
[08:23] loner same with the bills from the landlord (it's not his fault, it's "laws" by government)
[08:23] schestowitz[TR] so what happeend?
[08:23] schestowitz[TR] and when?
[08:23] loner and their "social ecological justice"
[08:23] loner schestowitz[TR]: happened what?
[08:23] schestowitz[TR] you lost the job
[08:23] schestowitz[TR] or left
[08:23] schestowitz[TR] for some reason
[08:23] loner since 1990, it's three expropriations as I explained
[08:23] loner schestowitz[TR]: i terminated contracts
[08:24] loner and the last one was special, although i was "fired" little later IBM wanted to hire
[08:24] loner however, for this they wanted me to relocate to Munich, which i didn't want to
[08:24] TR News "The answer lies in the concept of manufactured consent." https://www.teenvogue.com/story/bail-reform-new-york | Source: Teen Vogue
[08:24] TR Bot Bail Reform In New York Is Under Threat Thanks to Misinformation and Fearmongering | Teen Vogue
[08:24] loner schestowitz[TR]: certainly won't i ever sign any contract with this type of criminals
[08:24] loner whatever company label they place onto their banner, that's irelevant
[08:24] loner doesn't mean anything
[08:26] TR News "They say the plant near the border with Finland, is burning an estimated $10m (8.4m) worth of gas every day." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62652133 | Source: BillBC (taking bribes from the world's biggest polluter, Bill Gates)
[08:26] TR Bot Climate change: Russia burns off gas as Europe's energy bills rocket - BBC News
[08:26] schestowitz[TR] lockeanarchist: did the local employment agency/gov. dept offer you something else?
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] *loner:
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] to reintegrate you into conformist society?
[08:27] loner schestowitz[TR]: i told them what i want and explained to them why
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] an office of your own
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] it's not that simple
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] I have my own officer
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] *officer
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] but I work at nights for it
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] an employer
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] and clients I don't truly care fro
[08:27] schestowitz[TR] *for
[08:28] loner i wan't back my homeland, and the entire expropriations undone, receive my salary for the last 20 years, and compensation of _ALL_ damages
[08:28] schestowitz[TR] I'll soon be 12 years in this job
[08:28] loner *want
[08:28] schestowitz[TR] even godel had to teach
[08:28] schestowitz[TR] give classes
[08:28] schestowitz[TR] maybe cmark up exams
[08:29] schestowitz[TR] it's not always what you want to do
[08:29] schestowitz[TR] you have to do some things against your will
[08:29] loner no problem
[08:29] schestowitz[TR] it's how this system works
[08:29] loner if this type of bureaucracy was capable of a legally compliant contract, i am all ears
[08:29] loner however, that's not unconditional anymore
[08:29] schestowitz[TR] the germany taxpayers won't pay you for 20 years
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] you cannot prove culpability and damages
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] *german
[08:30] loner i don't want anyone else's money, i want _MY_ money
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] money is not a real thing
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] it's a number, a concept
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] it's an allocation of resources
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] you want resources allocated to you
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] for 20 years' 'work'
[08:30] loner and what those generous "taxpayers" pay, most of it is stolen anyway, stolen out of _MY_ pockets long before it arrived on _MY_ acocunt
[08:30] schestowitz[TR] that you did not do for the nation
[08:31] schestowitz[TR] why would they 'put' in your bank accounf "funds"?
[08:31] schestowitz[TR] lockeanarchist: you get roads and stuff
[08:31] loner short answer, i collected evidence for 20years now
[08:31] schestowitz[TR] and polizei and water and so on
[08:31] loner schestowitz[TR]: i got no car, and couldn't afford train tickets either, so what?
[08:31] schestowitz[TR] they raise money for operations
[08:31] schestowitz[TR] so you don't live as nomd in the woods
[08:31] schestowitz[TR] *nomad
[08:32] loner however, the mindset to shit onto any of those type of pseudo-arguments, that's the healthiest mind-set currently
[08:32] schestowitz[TR] well, then you are too opinionated to coexist with the system
[08:32] loner in the end, i made only this mistake, i should have studied something else, with weaponry involveed
[08:32] schestowitz[TR] and it will make life very hard for you
[08:32] loner however, after 1990, the entire military was dismantled
[08:33] loner rest assured, this type of criminal cartell in Europe/Germany, they won't understand any other language
[08:33] schestowitz[TR] so you want violence as a solution?
[08:33] TR News "In tests, the team demonstrated that the new battery cells can withstand hundreds of charge cycles, and charge very quickly in some experiments, less than a minute" https://newatlas.com/energy/aluminum-sulfur-salt-battery-fast-safe-low-cost/ | Source: New Atlas
[08:33] TR Bot Battery made of aluminum, sulfur and salt proves fast, safe and low-cost
[08:33] loner no, it's only what remains they would understand and recognize
[08:33] TR News "The new battery architecture, which uses aluminum and sulfur as its two electrode materials, with a molten salt electrolyte in between, is described today in the journal Nature" https://news.mit.edu/2022/aluminum-sulfur-battery-0824 | Source: uni MIT
[08:33] TR Bot A new concept for low-cost batteries | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
[08:33] loner all else, whatever they excrete out of their mouths, it's lies, cheating, mis-representation, agitation and incitement
[08:34] schestowitz[TR] against?
[08:34] loner and i am not willing to "discuss" on such an irrational basis
[08:34] loner schestowitz[TR]: against the _real_ minority in germany
[08:34] schestowitz[TR] well, you do need to rationalise your views
[08:34] schestowitz[TR] are you the minoriy, michael?
[08:34] loner which views?
[08:34] schestowitz[TR] you're not quite the victim, you know..
[08:35] schestowitz[TR] your governmenbt that you support invaded a lot of europe and even parts of africa
[08:35] loner three expropriations in 30 years
[08:35] loner although, just as said while ago, i am rather relaxed and not worried anymore
[08:35] TR News "Take a look at Drupal, the open-source content management system. Based on Statista, there are 937,000 websites using this CMS." https://labs.ripe.net/author/max-schulze/competition-environmental-impact-of-open-source-23-september-2022/ | Source: RIPE
[08:35] TR Bot Competition: Environmental Impact of Open-source (23 September 2022) | RIPE Labs
[08:36] schestowitz[TR] loner: you still get shelter
[08:36] schestowitz[TR] in some countries you would not
[08:36] loner because, the "rationale" is this: it's not only a threat anymore, they effectively did kill my entire existence
[08:37] loner and they knew it, if the military had not been dismantled in east germany, what would have happened nowadays
[08:37] loner although, i don't think it would be an east-west conflict
[08:37] loner i think it's closer to the Yugoslavian situation, and the civil war escalation stage there
[08:38] loner and it's no coincidence, the mass-immigration from this region into Germany, contributed to the "social" surroundings nowadays, in germany
[08:38] loner we got all those _external_ conflicts _imported_ into germany too
[08:38] loner although, that's only a side-note
[08:39] loner so instead, they killing slowly and silent nowadays, and behave as it never happened
[08:40] loner a few million "socially compliant timed deaths", who cares
[08:40] TR News "trucks and SUVs in the nation's most-populous state, culminating in a total ban of new sales of the vehicles by 2035." https://text.npr.org/1119456396 | Source: NPR
[08:40] TR Bot California will ban sales of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035
[08:40] loner although, there won't be any statistical record made anymore, simply because there isn't any statically significant amount of people remaining anymore
[08:40] TR News "renewable" https://news.err.ee/1608695428/estonia-sets-2030-target-for-renewable-only-electricity | Source: Eesti Rahvusringhling
[08:40] TR Bot Estonia sets 2030 target for renewable-only electricity | News | ERR
[08:40] loner *statistically
[08:40] schestowitz[TR] loner: it's off topic anyway
[08:41] schestowitz[TR] I think you are full of it (wrt politics) and don't reflect the general views of people here
[08:42] loner it's not politics nor any arbitrary opinion, it's historical _fact_
[08:42] schestowitz[TR] but I respect your right to participate in tech and all.... just don't use it to harm
[08:42] loner undeniable
[08:42] schestowitz[TR] germans are not the victims
[08:42] loner and the scale of murderous corruption, it's not anywhere close to being comprehended
[08:42] schestowitz[TR] you're acting like crybullies
[08:42] loner schestowitz[TR]: germans?
[08:42] schestowitz[TR] yes
[08:43] loner which ones? and when?
[08:43] loner how many?
[08:43] loner whom are you referring to?
[08:43] schestowitz[TR] you view yourself as "true german"
[08:43] schestowitz[TR] and would likely call many others "Fake"
[08:43] schestowitz[TR] based on ethnic stuff
[08:43] schestowitz[TR] like, you complain about ukraine flags where you are
[08:44] loner you have no idea what you're talking about
[08:44] TR News Twitter in the doodoo https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3615648-house-democrats-demand-twitter-respond-to-whistleblower-allegations/ | Source: The Hill
[08:44] TR Bot House Democrats demand Twitter respond to whistleblower allegations | The Hill
[08:45] TR News Free software https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/justice-law-and-security/solution/leos-open-source-software-editing-legislation/news/blog-post-european-commission-open-source-programme-office | Source: Joinup
[08:45] TR Bot timed out after 10520 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/justice-law-and-security/solution/leos-open-source-software-editing-legislation/news/blog-post-european-commission-open-source-programme-office )
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] hitler decided austria was his too, based on language and stuff
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] and later decided that more and more countries are his to own
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] like Putler does not
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] calling Ukrainians "one people" (one with us)
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] then bombing the shit out of the country, and people...
[08:46] loner how should i explain, Romania, is a big country, too Ukraine is
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] using muslim priosoners and stuff
[08:46] schestowitz[TR] as his mercenaries
[08:46] loner it's not as if various conflicts had not been settled in the last 70years
[08:47] loner hence, i am asking myself, since _all_ germans were deported and expelled everywhere...
[08:47] loner hasn't this been enough?
[08:47] schestowitz[TR] departed where from to where?
[08:47] schestowitz[TR] show me mass deportations of germans
[08:47] loner ocasionally, i do look, where various "germans" came from, who are nowadays agitating and inciting hatred on TV (not some fringe niche echo chamber in the internet)
[08:48] loner nowadays, there isn't almost any remaining to deport, nor any place to deport them to
[08:48] schestowitz[TR] show those expulsions you speak of
[08:49] schestowitz[TR] you accuse of "hate" those who are agaionst hate
[08:49] schestowitz[TR] that's projecton
[08:49] loner a slogan, yesterday, debated on public tv: "fight inequality"... discuss
[08:49] loner you have no idea what you're talking about, schestowitz[TR]
[08:50] loner although, in german the slogan reads more closely such as "combat inequality"...
[08:50] loner guess what this "inequality" was supposed to be
[08:50] loner ?
[08:51] schestowitz[TR] financial
[08:51] schestowitz[TR] like you being poor
[08:51] loner schestowitz[TR]: my income is that low, this can't be it
[08:51] loner i am not poor either
[08:51] schestowitz[TR] and then there are effort sto blance things off
[08:52] loner nonetheless they incite hatred and propaganda as if it was 1933
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] so you can get your office a
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] and do gainful activity in the country
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] 1933 had lots of hatred and propaganda
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] from people like you
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] against other people
[08:52] loner against whom did i agitate with what?
[08:52] loner and when?
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] you do this all the time
[08:52] schestowitz[TR] usually with dddddddddddog whistles
[08:53] schestowitz[TR] oops
[08:53] schestowitz[TR] barrier acting up
[08:53] TR News Conservatives reject Facebooks excuse for latest censorship of GOP https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/aug/25/conservatives-reject-facebooks-excuse-latest-censo/ | Source: The Washington Times
[08:53] TR Bot Conservatives reject Facebook's excuse for latest censorship of GOP: 'No one's buying it' - Washington Times
[08:53] TR News "Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that Facebook algorithmically censored the 'Hunter Biden laptop' story for a week." https://www.business-standard.com/article/technology/zuckerberg-admits-censoring-hunter-biden-laptop-story-for-a-week-122082600097_1.html | Source: Business Standard
[08:53] TR Bot timed out after 10520 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://www.business-standard.com/article/technology/zuckerberg-admits-censoring-hunter-biden-laptop-story-for-a-week-122082600097_1.html )
[08:55] TR News "This isn't just insane, it's election interference" https://www.newsweek.com/mark-zuckerbergs-explanation-hunter-biden-censorship-enrages-maga-world-1737163 | Source: Newsweek
[08:55] TR Bot Mark Zuckerberg's Explanation of Hunter Biden Censorship Enrages MAGA World
[08:56] TR News "Attack On Salman Rushdie: Salman Rushdie, 75, was stabbed by a 24-year-old New Jersey resident identified as Hadi Matar, a US national of Lebanese origin, on stage last week" https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/attack-on-salman-rushdie-anger-understandable-attack-unjustifiable-imran-khan-on-salman-rushdie-3268089 | Source: NDTV
[08:56] TR Bot Attack On Salman Rushdie: Anger Understandable, Attack Unjustifiable: Imran Khan On Salman Rushdie
[08:56] TR News "The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's operations." https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022 | Source: WikiMedia
[08:56] TR Bot Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022 - Meta
[08:57] TR News "For the past few days, the VLC media player ban has been the talk of the town. Some suggest it may be because Chinese hackers use it as a medium to hack into computers in India." https://analyticsindiamag.com/why-was-vlc-banned/ | Source: AIM
[08:57] TR Bot Why was VLC Banned?
[08:57] TR News "the country of origin of the accounts was the United States" https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/24/technology/facebook-twitter-influence-campaign.html | Source: New York Times
[08:57] TR Bot Facebook, Twitter and Others Remove Pro-U.S. Influence Campaign - The New York Times
[08:58] TR News Hopefully Twitter wil shut down some time in the next 5 years https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/23/technology/twitter-whistleblower-security.html | Source: New York Times
[08:58] TR Bot Twitters Former Security Chief Accuses Company of Egregious Practices - The New York Times
[08:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 41.48 k/sec., IPFS upstream 143.40 average k/sec., average swarm size 106.45
● Aug 26
[09:00] TR News Red Hat/ICBM: Don't say MASTER! DATZ RAYSIST. Latest blog post: "Mastering" https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/mastering-kubernetes-cluster-lifecycle-management-multicluster-engine-kubernetes-operator
[09:00] TR Bot Mastering Kubernetes cluster lifecycle management with the multicluster engine for Kubernetes operator
[09:02] TR News "The Bajiu Lite is a FPGA development board with an open-source RISC-V development environment called CRiscV." https://linuxgizmos.com/open-source-fpga-dev-board-offers-custom-risc-v-development-environment/ | Source: Linux Gizmos
[09:02] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/open-source-fpga-dev-board-offers-custom-risc-v-development-environment/ )
[09:02] TR News "Ajenti is a free and open source web-based Admin Control Panel that allows you to perform a wide range of server administration tasks such as installing and updating packages, managing services" https://www.tecmint.com/install-ajenti-control-panel-debian-ubuntu/ | Source: TecMint
[09:02] TR Bot How to Install Ajenti Control Panel in Debian and Ubuntu
[09:04] TR News ">What was your first GNU/Linux experience?" https://opensource.com/article/22/8/linux-birthday-origin-stories | Source: OpenSource.com
[09:04] TR Bot birthday, Linux! Here are 6 Linux origin stories | Opensource.com
[09:04] TR News "Modern organisations have become reliant on their IT capabilities, and at the heart of that infrastructure is a growing need to store data. Be it transactional databases, file shares, or burgeoning data lakes" https://ubuntu.com//blog/open-source-storage-for-beginners-with-ceph | Source: Ubuntu
[09:04] TR Bot storage for beginners with Ceph | Ubuntu
[09:06] TR News IRC Proceedings: Thursday, August 25, 2022 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/irc-log-250822/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/irc-log-250822/
[09:07] TR Bot IRC Proceedings: Thursday, August 25, 2022 | Techrights
[09:14] loner "Red Hat/ICBM: Don't say MASTER! DATZ RAYSIST"
[09:15] loner german language: Master is Meister, a master craftsmen, authorized to lecture an Apprentice (Lehrling)
[09:15] loner and the political nuance is only this, a slave (from sleep), mean, the Master craftsmen intends his Apprentice not to fall asleep while being lectured
[09:15] starstreak_macos !google test
[09:15] TechrightsBot-tr No Google results
[09:15] starstreak_macos !google poison tap water
[09:15] TechrightsBot-tr No Google results
[09:16] schestowitz[TR] google killed off this api ages ago
[09:16] schestowitz[TR] like a decade ago
[09:16] starstreak_macos lol
[09:16] starstreak_macos I was looking through the logs and found that being used in 2012
[09:17] loner another political spin of the Master-Apprentice relationship is portrayed with "The Apprentice" (Der Zauberlehrling)
[09:17] schestowitz[TR] slave is not from sleep
[09:17] schestowitz[TR] you pull that our of your behind
[09:17] loner it's a famous poem, the apprentice thinks he could practice magic himself alone without guidance from the master
[09:17] loner and the magic miracle the apprentice startet gets out of control
[09:18] schestowitz[TR] "late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples."
[09:18] loner slave, sleep, schlaf
[09:18] schestowitz[TR] https://www.etymonline.com/word/slave
[09:18] TR Bot Etymology, origin and meaning of slave by etymonline
[09:18] schestowitz[TR] you make up nonsense
[09:19] loner the association is this, of lazy sleeper
[09:19] loner instead of learning, pupils/students fall asleep in in school
[09:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[09:20] TR News "Our joint investigation found an interconnected web of accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and five other social media platforms that used deceptive tactics" https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:nj914nx9540/unheard-voice-tt.pdf |
[09:20] TR News "According to the report, Twitter and Meta removed a group of accounts from their platforms earlier this month, citing their platform manipulation and coordinated inauthentic behavior rules." https://www.theverge.com/2022/8/25/23322214/us-government-propaganda-campaign-twitter-facebook | Source: The Verge
[09:20] TR Bot The US government got caught using sock puppets to spread propaganda on social media - The Verge
[09:20] TR News "But in the era of the Big Lie, the unfounded theory of election rigging in 2020, the village has another and possibly more challenging mission." https://www.cyberscoop.com/defcon-voting-village-harri-hursti-election-fraud/ | Source: Scoop News Group
[09:20] TR Bot CON Voting Village takes on election conspiracies, disinformation - CyberScoop
[09:20] TR News "Since Russia spread disinformation on Facebook during the 2016 election" https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/24/technology/google-search-misinformation.html | Source: New York Times
[09:20] TR Bot Google Looks to Vaccination to Combat Misinformation In Searches - The New York Times
[09:20] loner the historical wording isn't master and slave either, it is "patricians" and "plebejans" (plebs), which emerge within feudal socieites and the religiously established class society
[09:21] loner anyway, nowadays, religion is abandoned, and replaced with only this: money
[09:21] TR News "It turns out that these fears and misunderstandings of our eight-legged friends are reflected in the news." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/25/science/spiders-misinformation-rumors.html | Source: New York Times
[09:21] TR Bot Spiders Are Caught in a Global Web of Misinformation - The New York Times
[09:22] loner with another difference, a medieval age priest or city inhabitant (patrician), didn't distinguish themselves by money alone ("faith alone"), they distinguished by their _education_
[09:22] loner nowadays, it's money, and pseudo-intellectual habitus
[09:22] TR News "Surely not. Depriving our students of access to the full range of human experience in the name of protecting them only, ultimately, does them harm." https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/rushdie-attack-underlines-value-teaching-challenging-books | Source: Times Higher Education
[09:22] TR Bot The Rushdie attack underlines the value of teaching challenging books | Times Higher Education (THE)
[09:23] loner with the circular argument, those with money are the smart ones, those with none are the stupids
[09:24] TR News "While literary writers in the U.S. increasingly face online threats, they rarely metastasize into actual physical attacks" https://text.npr.org/1119199533 | Source: NPR
[09:24] TR Bot Exiled writers reflect on freedom of speech in America in light of Rushdie attack
[09:24] loner that's the difficulty, with anglo-american and their "political science" (politics isn't science anyway): they haven't got the language and historical knowledge at least
[09:24] loner to base their argument upon
[09:25] TR News "I dont like the person. I dont think hes a very good person. I dont like him very much" https://deadline.com/2022/08/salman-rushdie-alleged-attacker-hadi-matar-read-two-pages-satanic-verses-1235096009/ | Source: Deadline
[09:25] TR Bot Rushdies Alleged Attacker Has Read 2 Pages Of Satanic Verses Deadline
[09:27] *starstreak_macos has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[09:27] TR News "Today, we will celebrate Salman for what he has endured, but even more importantly, because of what he has engendered the stories, characters, metaphors and images" https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/salman-rushdie-new-york-rally-1.6557073 | Source: CBC
[09:27] TR Bot Rally for author Salman Rushdie draws hundreds of supporters in New York | CBC News
[09:28] schestowitz[TR] loner: it's not an anglo-saxon thing at all
[09:29] TR News "Impunity and Denial in the face of Extreme Violence against the Press Persists" https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/journalist-killed-media-attacks-rise/ | Source: Mexico News Daily
[09:29] TR Bot Another journalist killed and attacks on media on the rise: report
[09:29] TR News "Reporters Tuomo Pietilaina and Laura Halmi, and the paper's acting manager at the time, Kalle Silfverberg, have denied wrongdoing" https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/finnish-journalists-trial-revealing-defense-secrets-88833914 | Source: ABC
[09:29] TR Bot 3 Finnish journalists on trial for revealing defense secrets - ABC News
[09:29] TR News "He is the "alleged intellectual author of Margarito's murder" and head of a cell of the once-powerful Arellano Felix drug cartel" https://www.voanews.com/a/mexico-arrests-alleged-mastermind-in-journalist-s-killing-/6717450.html | Source: VOA News
[09:29] TR Bot Mexico Arrests Alleged Mastermind in Journalist's Killing
[09:30] TR News "When it comes to online trolls, Pakistan has ranked among the top five worst offenders monitored by the Coalition For Women in Journalism" https://www.voanews.com/a/political-journalists-in-pakistan-face-slew-of-attacks/6716818.html | Source: VOA News
[09:30] TR Bot Political Journalists in Pakistan Face Slew of Attacks
[09:31] TR News "Closing your laptop at 5 p.m. Doing only your assigned tasks. Spending more time with family." https://text.npr.org/1119343413 | Source: NPR
[09:31] TR Bot The term 'quiet quitting' is everywhere now. We want to hear your thoughts
[09:31] TR News "Chinas state media defended the countrys increasingly costly zero tolerance approach to Covid-19" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-25/chinese-state-media-defend-covid-zero-warn-against-lying-flat | Source: Bloomberg
[09:31] TR Bot - Are you a robot?
[09:32] TR News "Chinas unemployment statistics are notoriously wrong, Solinger told VOA Mandarin." https://www.voanews.com/a/china-s-youth-unemployment-nearly-20-/6715736.html | Source: VOA News
[09:32] TR Bot Chinas Youth Unemployment Nearly 20%
[09:32] TR News "Chinas recently reported record-breaking 20% youth unemployment rate has obscured an equally worrying trend among its younger generation" https://www.marketwatch.com/story/stuck-in-an-ever-so-draining-rat-race-burnout-apathy-on-the-rise-rise-as-chinas-youth-face-bleak-job-market-11661209071 | Source: Market Watch
[09:32] TR Bot apathy on the rise rise as China's youth face bleak job market - MarketWatch
[09:32] TR News "They're reaping what they're sowing at the moment, and what they've sown for the last two years has not been great for the job market" https://www.southeastasianews.net/news/272665481/chinas-youth-unemployment-nearly-20 |
[09:32] TR Bot China's Youth Unemployment Nearly 20%
[09:35] loner schestowitz[TR]: the usurped anglo-saxon realm then, which is the dominant mind-set
[09:46] TR News "I have tuned in to two IANA Root KSK signing ceremonies this year." https://jamesg.blog/2022/08/22/root-ksk-google-calendars/ | Source: James G
[09:46] TR Bot Subscribe to IANA Root KSK signing and Google algorithm update events | James' Coffee Blog
[09:46] TR News "The update is that the cable landed in Cape Town, South Africa on the 8th of August." https://www.techzim.co.zw/2022/08/google-subsea-cable-improves-internet-speeds-lowers-costs-reaches-south-africa/ | Source: Zimbabwe
[09:46] TR Bot Google's subsea cable meant to improve internet speeds and lower costs reaches South Africa - Techzim
[09:46] TR News "Via a subsidiary called CFE Telecomunicaciones e Internet para Todos (CFE Telecommunications and Internet for Everyone)" https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/electricity-commission-launches-new-internet-service-prices-start-at-30-pesos/ | Source: Mexico News Daily
[09:46] TR Bot CFE launches mobile phone and internet; prices start at 30 pesos
[09:46] TR News iophk: apropos the CFE Telecommunications announcement, 4GB of data is not much with the bloat of the current web
[09:52] TR News "Free connectivity is now available at around 3,000 of the 12,000 payphones in Telstra's network." https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/free-wi-fi-at-telstra-payphones.html | Source: IT Wire
[09:52] TR Bot - Free Wi-Fi at Telstra payphones
[09:52] TR News [Old] "The second problem is more substantial. To the extent that keeping honest people honest involves any analytical thinking" https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2003/03/06/keeping-honest-people-honest/ |
[09:53] TR Bot Keeping Honest People Honest
[09:55] TR News https
[09:55] TR News https
[09:56] TR News "The lawsuit which is part of a new strategy by Lina Khan, the F.T.C. chair, to be more forward-looking in antitrust enforcement" https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/23/technology/ftc-zuckerberg-suit.html | Source: New York Times
[09:56] TR Bot F.T.C. Agrees to Remove Zuckerberg as Defendant in Antitrust Suit - The New York Times
[09:57] TR News [Old] "But this is also technological nonsense. The program that checks to see whether other programs are approved by the manufacturer is also running on an untrusted adversary's computer" https://pluralistic.net/2022/07/25/can-you-hear-me-now/ | Source: CoryDoctorow
[09:57] TR Bot Pluralistic: 25 Jul 2022 Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
[09:59] schestowitz[TR] loner: you know where saxony is
[09:59] schestowitz[TR] it's asinine to suggest greedy is like a UK/US thing
[09:59] TR News "SD GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCE is a brand new release from ARTDINK and Bandai Namco Entertainment." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/sd-gundam-battle-alliance-works-out-of-the-box-on-steam-deck-and-linux/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[09:59] TR Bot GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCE works out of the box on Steam Deck and Linux | GamingOnLinux
● Aug 26
[10:00] TR News "CodeWeavers, the company that works on Proton with Valve and supports Wine development, has announced the released of CrossOver 22.0.0." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/crossover-22-released-for-running-windows-apps-and-games-on-linux/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[10:00] TR Bot 22 released for running Windows apps and games on Linux | GamingOnLinux
[10:03] TR News "One Lonely Outpost is an upcoming sci-fi colonization life and farming sim that was crowdfunded on Kickstarter." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/one-lonely-outpost-gets-a-new-trailer-and-a-delay-until-2023/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[10:03] TR Bot Lonely Outpost gets a new trailer and a delay until 2023 | GamingOnLinux
[10:04] TR News "Valve are now testing a new version of the Steam app for Android and iOS, which comes with a much more modern design and a QR code login system too." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/valve-testing-new-mobile-steam-app-with-qr-codes-for-sign-ins/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[10:04] TR Bot testing new mobile Steam app with QR codes for sign ins | GamingOnLinux
[10:05] TR News Well, strangulation bad https://www.spaldingtoday.co.uk/news/man-jailed-for-34-months-for-strangulation-9270509/ unless you work for Microsoft http://techrights.org/2022/08/18/trial-of-alex-graveley/
[10:05] TR Bot Spalding man Benjamin Flatters is jailed for intentionally strangling partner
[10:05] TR Bot Trial of Microsofts Serial Strangler, Who Also Manages GitHubs Copilot | Techrights
[10:06] TR News This is a crime https://www.lincs.police.uk/news/lincolnshire/news/2022/aug-2022/man-guilty-of-non-fatal-strangulation-offence-sentenced-to-34-months-in-prison/ but ask Microsoft... http://techrights.org/2022/08/11/microsoft-stranglers/
[10:06] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.lincs.police.uk/news/lincolnshire/news/2022/aug-2022/man-guilty-of-non-fatal-strangulation-offence-sentenced-to-34-months-in-prison/ )
[10:06] TR Bot Microsoft GitHub Expos Part XXV Microsoft Employs Serial Strangler as a Manager, Running GitHub Copilot in Spite of Arrest for Assault on Women | Techrights
[10:06] TR News "Spider-Man Remastered is an absolutely awesome game and it's great on both Steam Deck and Linux desktop!" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/spider-man-remastered-update-out-has-a-couple-steam-deck-fixes/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[10:06] TR News "This is the public once a month reminder to make sure your PC information is correct on your user profiles" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/update-pc-info-202208/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[10:07] TR News "I had the pleasure of speaking to Brodie Robertson recently on the subject of Linux Gaming" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/check-out-my-appearance-with-brodie-on-tech-over-tea/ | Source: GamingOnLinux
[10:07] TR Bot Remastered update out, has a couple Steam Deck fixes | GamingOnLinux
[10:07] TR Bot timed out after 10519 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/update-pc-info-202208/ )
[10:07] TR Bot timed out after 10517 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/08/check-out-my-appearance-with-brodie-on-tech-over-tea/ )
[10:07] TR News (UPDATED): CodeWeavers CrossOver 22 for macOS Linux and ChromeOS has been released (UPDATED) https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/23/CodeWeavers_CrossOver_22_for_macOS_Linux_and_ChromeOS_has_been_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/23/CodeWeavers_CrossOver_22_for_macOS_Linux_and_ChromeOS_has_been_.gmi
[10:07] TR Bot Tux Machines CodeWeavers CrossOver 22 for macOS Linux and ChromeOS has been released (UPDATED)
[10:09] TR News Mark Zuckerberg Answers to Facebooks Moderation of Controversial Content - Invidious https://yewtu.be/BN3PIGLDscQ
[10:09] TR Bot timed out after 10519 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://yewtu.be/BN3PIGLDscQ )
[10:10] TR News Non-fatal strangulation: Spalding man jailed for 34 months - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-62658837 Source: BillBC http://techrights.org/2022/08/18/trial-of-alex-graveley/ http://techrights.org/2022/08/11/microsoft-stranglers/
[10:10] TR Bot strangulation: Spalding man jailed for 34 months - BBC News
[10:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[10:26] psydruid https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/08/25/odroid-go-ultra-gaming-console-and-devkit-amlogic-s922x-soc/
[10:26] TR Bot ODROID-Go Ultra portable gaming console and devkit coming soon with Amlogic S922X SoC - CNX Software
[10:48] s98259 :3
[10:49] souseksi Hello.
[10:49] schestowitz[TR] 111 dollars?
[10:49] schestowitz[TR] is that the one?
[10:49] s98259 Hi :D
[10:49] *s98259 hugs
[10:49] TR News "The western United States is, famously, in the grips of its worst megadrought in a millennium." https://www.propublica.org/article/colorado-river-water-shortage-jay-famiglietti | Source: Pro Publica
[10:49] TR Bot What the Colorado River Water Shortage Means for the U.S. ProPublica
[10:53] TR News "U.S. government has consistently lied about its war-making and imperialism" https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/defining-disinformation-toward-an-anti-authoritarian-left/ | Source: Counter Punch
[10:53] TR Bot Disinformation: Toward an Anti-Authoritarian Left - CounterPunch.org
[10:55] TR News DMCA and Microsoft again... DELETEGITHUB https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-app-developer-uses-dmca-to-remove-stolen-copy-from-github-220825/ | Source: Torrent Freak
[10:55] TR Bot App Developer Uses DMCA to Remove 'Stolen' Copy from GitHub * TorrentFreak
[10:57] TR News Instagram = FBInstagram = ZuckerBAG https://thedissenter.org/staff-from-us-prison-behind-vile-correctional-humor-instagram-page-says-whistleblower/ | Source: The Dissenter
[10:57] TR Bot Whistleblower Exposes 'Correctional Humor' Instagram Page
[10:57] TR News "Today, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, met with Julian Assanges wife, Stella Assange, and Mr. Assanges Spanish lawyers" https://dontextraditeassange.com/post/the-un-high-commissioner-for-human-rights-michelle-bachelet-met-with-assanges-wife/ | Source: Don't Extradite Assange
[10:57] TR Bot The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, met with Assange's wife - Don't Extradite Assange
[10:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 20.86 k/sec., IPFS upstream 136.11 average k/sec., average swarm size 118.36
[10:59] MinceR 26 043009 < starstreak_macos> I took Mincer's advice and fixed my macbook (sort of)
[10:59] MinceR did you replace it with a real computer? :>
[10:59] *souseksi has quit (connection closed)
● Aug 26
[11:01] *souseksi (~souseksi@298fydj2ws4tc.irc) has joined #techrights
[11:04] techuser matey did appear elsewhere, just to insult me over anti-RMS letter
[11:10] techuser also I wonder how did I "lie" when I did say a few times I did sign it, and that I did sign it because I hate FSF, because it became a big company.
[11:19] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #techrights
[11:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[11:21] psydruid > 111 dollars?
[11:21] psydruid > is that the one?
[11:21] psydruid yes, it's much improved and just a little bit more expensive than the previous model
[11:22] psydruid > matey did appear elsewhere, just to insult me over anti-RMS letter
[11:22] psydruid that's not so nice, but I wouldn't be bothered too much
[11:27] techuser also I feel like I was "converted" into free software. My beliefs were affected, and I thought I'm dealing with a good thing, and I considering donating to FSF
[11:27] techuser eventually I realized these were just agents
[11:27] techuser GNU/Linux is being promoted by corporate people, e.g. "Microsoft Loves Linux"
[11:27] psydroid2 that's true
[11:28] psydroid2 it may have started out as a real thing, but now it's just corporate kowtowing
[11:28] psydroid2 and the real free software movement, if there is any left, is to be found elsewhere
[11:29] techuser (I was trying to flee from Windows 10 spyware trend)
[11:29] techuser but I just fallen into another trap
[11:29] psydroid2 I didn't realise it until a few years ago when I found out there was such a thing as systemd, which didn't function correctly and was this giant web of incomprehensible source code
[11:30] psydroid2 because I couldn't spend much time on the ins and outs of free software due to my work
[11:31] psydroid2 fleeing from Windows 10 is a good thing, but what is called free software nowadays isn't actually free anymore
[11:31] psydroid2 it will take time for actual free software to rise again
[11:31] psydroid2 if it is ever to rise again in the first place
[11:32] psydroid2 insulting people for not realising or not joining in the quest for the one true idea of free software doesn't help with that
[11:33] schestowitz[TR] happened before
[11:33] psydroid2 the seeds for this corporate takeover where planted when we were young or some of us weren't even born
[11:33] MinceR canceling people for being in the way of some suits doesn't help either
[11:34] psydroid2 s/where/were/
[11:36] TR News (NEW): Games: SD GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCE, One Lonely Outpost, and More From Steam https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Games_SD_GUNDAM_BATTLE_ALLIANCE_One_Lonely_Outpost_and_More_Fro.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Games_SD_GUNDAM_BATTLE_ALLIANCE_One_Lonely_Outpost_and_More_Fro.gmi
[11:36] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: SD GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCE, One Lonely Outpost, and More From Steam
[11:38] techuser why would RMS even come back to already-corrupt FSF?
[11:39] techuser "sponsored"
[11:39] psydroid2 as a mascott
[11:39] techuser sponsored by their enemies
[11:39] techuser yes, probably this
[11:40] schestowitz[TR] why would RMS even come back to already-corrupt FSF?
[11:40] techuser people's old opinions are considered to be more important than they are
[11:40] schestowitz[TR] why would RMS protect something he FOUNDED?
[11:40] schestowitz[TR] Remember he ousted his ousters to some extent
[11:40] psydroid2 his ideas were and are still good
[11:41] psydroid2 they may just need some refinement for the modern era
[11:41] psydroid2 and I don't think he's the right person to lead the free software movement into the future
[11:41] psydroid2 but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot of good things over the past 40-50 years
[11:42] psydroid2 of course he did bad things too, but I don't consider those relevant in the context of free software
[11:42] schestowitz[TR] MinceR: what you said sums that up
[11:42] schestowitz[TR] even he said some dumb things...
[11:42] schestowitz[TR] all people said something dumb at some point..
[11:42] schestowitz[TR] but they don't use that
[11:42] schestowitz[TR] they make fictional pretextx
[11:42] schestowitz[TR] and we know why or what for
[11:43] schestowitz[TR] and then they threaten anyone who supports him
[11:43] schestowitz[TR] so clearly it's not aboout him
[11:43] schestowitz[TR] they want to crush the mission
[11:43] schestowitz[TR] then you have the coup plotters, like, mjg59_ , coming here to IRC
[11:43] schestowitz[TR] like intel agents
[11:43] schestowitz[TR] stirring shit up
[11:44] *horseface (~horseface@k2mfnwetip6ya.irc) has joined #techrights
[11:44] MinceR 26 123857 < techuser> why would RMS even come back to already-corrupt FSF?
[11:44] MinceR he didn't leave
[11:44] MinceR he just gave up
[11:46] schestowitz[TR] didn't give up
[11:46] schestowitz[TR] did not leave either
[11:46] schestowitz[TR] it was optics
[11:47] schestowitz[TR] to appease the lying mob
[11:47] schestowitz[TR] that now controls his irc channels
[11:47] schestowitz[TR] fsf and gnu etc.
[11:47] schestowitz[TR] spending years trying to appease some bad actors
[11:47] schestowitz[TR] like mjg59_
[11:47] schestowitz[TR] thinking that giving him an award for working for Microsoft would tturn out OK
[11:48] techuser also seems someone didn't read the intention fully, but it was about removing all FSF people, not jusr RMS. Maybe it helps.
[11:48] techuser *just
[11:48] techuser fuck evil FSF
[11:48] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2014/03/25/uefi-secure-boot-and-fsf/
[11:48] TR Bot My Disagreement With the FSF Over UEFI Secure Boot | Techrights
[11:48] techuser at this point, it is better if it just disappeared
[11:49] schestowitz[TR] nope
[11:49] techuser the FSF
[11:49] schestowitz[TR] that's a really bad opinion
[11:49] schestowitz[TR] so you wipe out the guardian of GPL?
[11:49] schestowitz[TR] because you are angry?
[11:49] techuser are you happy with "or any later version" ticking time bomb?
[11:49] schestowitz[TR] maybe next year you will say make technrights disappear because someone posted a link to gamingonlinux in irc
[11:50] schestowitz[TR] if the tolerance threshold is that low
[11:50] schestowitz[TR] and meanwhily uo use proprietary games
[11:50] schestowitz[TR] gameZ
[11:50] schestowitz[TR] techuser: I don't think you realise what that means
[11:50] techuser once FSF is hopeless, GPLv4 could appear
[11:51] techuser malicioius license
[11:51] schestowitz[TR] if you license it GPLv3 (OR LATER)
[11:51] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[11:51] techuser *malicious
[11:51] schestowitz[TR] and then the FSS becomes anti-GPL
[11:51] schestowitz[TR] You can change to GPLv3 only
[11:51] schestowitz[TR] leah exaggerated this threat
[11:51] techuser but not for the old versions
[11:51] schestowitz[TR] techuser: what licnece do you like?
[11:51] techuser and not if you are already dead
[11:51] schestowitz[TR] iirc, you don't even code
[11:52] techuser WTFPL
[11:52] schestowitz[TR] so you say,
[11:52] schestowitz[TR] kill tghe FSF
[11:52] schestowitz[TR] let it die
[11:52] schestowitz[TR] because... GPLv3 or LATER?
[11:52] MinceR 26 124828 < techuser> also seems someone didn't read the intention fully, but it was about removing all FSF people, not jusr RMS. Maybe it helps.
[11:52] MinceR seems like someone didn't read the letter fully
[11:53] techuser I did just side with SJWs because I thought it helps
[11:53] techuser not because of this, because corporations slowly make it evil
[11:53] techuser or not so slowly
[11:53] MinceR SJWs are already evil and are already in cahoots with corporations
[11:54] techuser if I can make my enemy help me, why not
[11:54] schestowitz[TR] help you how?
[11:54] schestowitz[TR] destroy FSF?
[11:54] techuser destroy some companies
[11:55] schestowitz[TR] you are the one helping your enemy
[11:55] techuser FSF or whatever
[11:55] schestowitz[TR] fsf is NOT a company
[11:55] schestowitz[TR] no more than techrights is a company
[11:55] techuser is techrights registered somewhere?
[11:55] techuser a trademark or whatever
[11:55] schestowitz[TR] no
[11:56] techuser Libera.Chat is, iirc. And this thing killed freenode, but they don't learn.
[11:56] TR News Economy https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/you-cant-fix-the-economy-by-hurting-people/ | Source: Counter Punch
[11:56] TR Bot Cant Fix the Economy by Hurting People - CounterPunch.org
[11:57] schestowitz[TR] techyour argument against fsf is not coherent
[11:57] schestowitz[TR] you describe the fsf in terms of what the fsf is against
[11:57] schestowitz[TR] because what the fsf is against is TRYING to hijack fsf
[11:57] schestowitz[TR] so you say, kill the FSF
[11:58] schestowitz[TR] kill what the companies attack
[11:58] schestowitz[TR] by joining their troops
[11:58] TR News Student Debt Crushes Black Women https://www.democracynow.org/2022/8/25/freedom_dreams_documentary_debt_crushes_black | Source: Democracy Now
[11:58] TR Bot Freedom Dreams: How Student Debt Crushes Black Women & Why Debt Relief Would Benefit Everyone | Democracy Now!
[11:58] TR News Cancel It All https://www.democracynow.org/2022/8/25/biden_student_debt_forgiveness_stepping_stone | Source: Democracy Now
[11:58] TR Bot Cancel It All: Debt Collectives Astra Taylor on Biden Plan & Need for Full Student Debt Relief | Democracy Now!
[11:59] TR News "Senior Trump administration officials undermined public health experts because they believed doing so would benefit the former president politically." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/24/house-report-shows-trump-deliberately-and-repeatedly-undermined-covid-19-response and Biden downplays it
[11:59] TR Bot House Report Shows Trump 'Deliberately and Repeatedly' Undermined Covid-19 Response
[11:59] TR News "Evaluating the performance of 3D printers and component upgrades is a more difficult than it may seem at first glance" https://hackaday.com/2022/08/25/objective-hotend-performance-measurement-is-hard/ | Source: Hackaday
[11:59] TR Bot Hotend Performance Measurement Is Hard | Hackaday
● Aug 26
[12:00] schestowitz[TR] techuser: where did you even see matey recently?
[12:00] schestowitz[TR] no link was given
[12:00] techuser StardustNetwork
[12:00] techuser irc.stardust.cx/+6697 #coding
[12:00] TR News muckrights-sans-merde
[12:00] techuser with nickname ahoy
[12:00] schestowitz[TR] ^that's where?
[12:00] techuser he just appeared, said that I'm a bad person because I signed the letter, and disappeared
[12:00] schestowitz[TR] ok, so maybe someone upset him
[12:02] TR News "In many ball sports like golf, football and tennis, controlling the balls spin is an important skill." https://hackaday.com/2022/08/25/a-self-spinning-tennis-ball-to-surprise-your-opponent/ | Source: Hackaday
[12:02] TR Bot Self-Spinning Tennis Ball To Surprise Your Opponent | Hackaday
[12:03] TR News Microsoft Pelosi promotes war https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/how-nancy-pelosi-used-feminism-to-play-the-isolationist-right/ | Source: Counter Punch
[12:03] TR Bot Nancy Pelosi Used "Feminism" to Play the "Isolationist" Right - CounterPunch.org
[12:03] TR News Lithium https://scheerpost.com/2022/08/25/why-lithium-power-politics-are-playing-out-very-differently-in-chile-and-bolivia/ | Source: Scheerpost
[12:03] TR Bot Lithium Power Politics Are Playing Out Very Differently in Chile and Bolivia scheerpost.com
[12:03] techuser anyway, at the moment of signing my thoughts were "why should free software movement be linked to a suspicious company?"
[12:04] schestowitz[TR] which one?
[12:04] schestowitz[TR] the one that started the petition?
[12:04] schestowitz[TR] IBM
[12:04] schestowitz[TR] so you helped IBM?
[12:04] schestowitz[TR] to attack FSF?
[12:04] techuser FSF. I think I thought of it as a company.
[12:04] schestowitz[TR] what does it sell?
[12:05] techuser iirc it does something in fact
[12:05] techuser I will try to find it
[12:05] schestowitz[TR] ok
[12:05] TR News Social control media https://scheerpost.com/2022/08/25/how-one-spook-run-london-college-department-is-training-the-worlds-social-media-managers/ | Source: Scheerpost
[12:05] TR Bot One Spook-Run London College Department is Training the Worlds Social Media Managers scheerpost.com
[12:05] techuser wasn't there FSF shop or donation rewards?
[12:05] TR News "India Walton and Sam Rosenthal examine Joe Biden's student debt forgiveness plan and find it wanting" https://scheerpost.com/2022/08/25/bidens-student-loan-forgiveness-is-a-drop-in-the-bucket/ | Source: Scheerpost
[12:05] TR Bot Student Loan Forgiveness Is a Drop in the Bucket scheerpost.com
[12:06] schestowitz[TR] techuser: does the FSF exist to sell stuff in a shop?
[12:06] techuser probably not
[12:06] techuser but to collect donations? maybe
[12:06] TR News "Clearing House axed two years after we revealed controversial unit was vetting Freedom of Information requests." https://scheerpost.com/2022/08/25/governments-orwellian-unit-to-be-disbanded-after-opendemocracy-revelations/ | Source: Scheerpost
[12:06] TR Bot Orwellian Unit To Be Disbanded After openDemocracy Revelations scheerpost.com
[12:07] schestowitz[TR] so the elephant charoties we donated to today are corporations?
[12:07] schestowitz[TR] sheldrick and The Herd?
[12:08] TR News "Orbn has declared war on liberal democracy and in doing so appeals not only to anti-communists, right-wing Christians, nativists, and homophobes" https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/the-scourge-of-fascist-politics-and-the-rise-of-white-nationalism-from-orban-to-desantis/ | Source: Counter Punch
[12:08] TR Bot Scourge of Fascist Politics and the Rise of White Nationalism from Orbn to DeSantis - CounterPunch.org
[12:08] schestowitz[TR] MinceR: ^
[12:08] techuser no idea
[12:08] schestowitz[TR] ere your parents a corporation?
[12:09] schestowitz[TR] *are
[12:09] loner ever visited hungary at least once before accusing them of whatever you're accusing them?
[12:09] psydroid2 I think the FSF can continue to exist and there is no reason to wish it dead
[12:09] psydroid2 you can just not pay attention and donate to it
[12:09] loner visted hungery, 25 years ago, Balaton youth camp
[12:09] psydroid2 if it can't sustain itself it will wither away by itself
[12:10] s98259 :3
[12:10] loner and Hungarian cuisine, it's where Letscho and Paprika come from
[12:10] techuser do you mean whether they work for a corporation? They don't.
[12:10] techuser I have no idea about their intentions
[12:10] loner is hungary really that bad? i don't believe if.
[12:10] loner it
[12:11] psydroid2 I was in Budapest slightly over 5 years ago
[12:12] techuser psydroid2: need to be sure my money won't be used to make me kill myself eventually, or at least make me sad. Applicable for any entity.
[12:13] loner "The Scourge of Fascist Politics and the Rise of White Nationalism from Orban ..."
[12:13] loner all i know, within EU, Schengen-Agreement is tied to border-protection, and this is what Hungary did
[12:13] loner which isn't Orban, it's EU-contracts to do so
[12:14] loner and what else? free press? Orban himself tested it, visiting a Kiosk and asked for opposition news-papers... all there... so what?
[12:15] loner often then, the LGBTQ issue is dicusses, and this is a suspicion i have, because it's similar almost everywhere
[12:15] loner the urban/metropolitan elite are, often, far less hysterical about it than the ordinary population
[12:16] loner that's why, Kremlin-news such as Russia-Today broadcast documentary about LGBTQ topics, which are, liberal
[12:16] loner nonetheless, i wouldn't doubt minorities face rough confrontations outside the educated metropolitan elite, in Russia
[12:17] loner or wherever else
[12:18] loner and guys such as Orban, don't know what he thinks in private, couldn't openly agitate for a liberal position, _without_ loosing support in the population
[12:18] loner similar situation with CDU in germany, among whom various homosexual politicians made carreer, it wasn't an issue among the metropolitan elite
[12:18] loner it's an issue for politicians to appeal liberal towards their voters
[12:19] TR News Green [sic] Energy https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/green-energys-threat-to-the-desert-west/ | Source: Counter Punch
[12:19] TR Bot Energy's Threat to the Desert West - CounterPunch.org
[12:19] loner if the voters aren't, liberal
[12:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[12:20] TR News Price of insulin https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/whatever-happened-to-the-public-option-and-the-35-insulin-cap/ | Source: Counter Punch
[12:20] TR Bot Happened to the Public Option and the $35 Insulin Cap? - CounterPunch.org
[12:20] loner even among the German extremist right-wing (which is subverted controlled-opposition anyway), the political prominence isn't that much concerned, about homosxuality for example
[12:21] TR News Fascism https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/only-fools-count-on-capital-to-stop-late-fascism/ | Source: Counter Punch
[12:21] TR Bot Fools Count on Capital to Stop Late Fascism - CounterPunch.org
[12:21] loner it's the ordinary population and voters who are
[12:21] loner "The Scourge of Fascist Politics and the Rise of White Nationalism from Orban ..."
[12:21] TR News Student Debt https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/26/bidens-bifurcated-student-debt-cancelation-plan/ | Source: Counter Punch
[12:21] TR Bot Bifurcated Student Debt Cancelation Plan - CounterPunch.org
[12:21] loner anyway, ever visited Hungary or talked to anyone there?
[12:22] loner ever visited Russia, talked to Russians or Ukrainians or whoever?
[12:24] loner btw. even Nazi party didn't bother with their SA storm troop leader (Roehm Ernst) living a public homosexual live-style
[12:25] loner it was the political opposition to the Nazi party who defamed Roehm for his homosexuality, to capitalize upon
[12:25] schestowitz[TR] haha
[12:25] schestowitz[TR] so you say nazis were pro-gay
[12:25] loner yes, this is historical undisputed _facts_
[12:25] schestowitz[TR] and those who oppose the nazis who were anti-gay
[12:25] schestowitz[TR] I guess the nazis gassed gays because they lovem them?
[12:26] loner no, i don't say Nazis were pro-gay, they idealized various greek ideals
[12:26] schestowitz[TR] maybe the critics of hitler pointed out the hypocrisy
[12:26] loner and too the nazis jailed homosexuals, many, males that was, far less females ever were sent to prison, side note only
[12:26] *souseksi has quit (connection closed)
[12:26] schestowitz[TR] you make too many excuses for hitler
[12:26] schestowitz[TR] and it's sad to say the least
[12:27] loner however, Hitlers best buddy, Roehm, was gay, yes, and Hitler disposed him, because the opposition "social democrats" fueled an anti-gay campaign against Roehm
[12:27] TR News Student Debt https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/08/25/bidens-student-debt-plan-important-step-towards-narrowing-racial-wealth-divide | Source: Common Dreams
[12:27] TR Bot Opinion | Biden's Student Debt Plan Is an Important Step Towards Narrowing the Racial Wealth Divide | Sarah Anderson
[12:27] loner you know, Soldiers, sozializing with each other... this is how most young men at that time grew up
[12:28] loner anyway
[12:29] loner often i am fare more sceptical about the pro-gay political agitators, simply because, it's a private issue (within legal boundaries and yout-protection)
[12:29] schestowitz[TR] https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/gay-people/
[12:29] TR Bot Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | Gay people
[12:29] schestowitz[TR] you need to read up on things
[12:29] schestowitz[TR] all this hitler apologism isn't just off-topi
[12:29] loner it's not the duty of politicians to decide about pro or anti gay whatever, that's none of their business
[12:29] schestowitz[TR] it's an embarassmment to this channel
[12:30] loner schestowitz[TR]: you're an embarassement with your lack of knowledge of historical facts
[12:30] loner Hitler didn't dispose Roehm because Roehm was gay
[12:30] schestowitz[TR] sigh
[12:30] schestowitz[TR] so hitler liked one nazi gay man
[12:30] loner Roehm was disposed, because "social demcrats" fueled a defamation campaign against Roehm due to his homosexuality, which Hitler did not bother with before at all
[12:30] schestowitz[TR] hence, all the other victims don't exist?
[12:30] schestowitz[TR] anyway, it's off-topic
[12:31] schestowitz[TR] go to some forum of relevant
[12:31] loner never said this
[12:31] schestowitz[TR] if it's legal in your country
[12:31] schestowitz[TR] (it would not be)
[12:31] loner anyway, it was almost exclusively males who were jailed for homosexuality, rarely ever if at all females
[12:31] loner that's why, the "feminist" interpretation of historical facts is, outrageous
[12:32] techuser iirc leah was on techrights. Did she disappear?
[12:32] TR News Starbucks https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/25/enough-enough-declares-sanders-after-nlrb-says-starbucks-targeted-union-workers | Source: Common Dreams
[12:32] TR Bot 'Enough Is Enough,' Declares Sanders After NLRB Says Starbucks Targeted Union Workers
[12:32] schestowitz[TR] I've not seen anything from libreboot in months
[12:32] schestowitz[TR] maybe hiatus again
[12:32] schestowitz[TR] is leah in another network?
[12:33] techuser no idea
[12:33] loner "The Scourge of Fascist Politics and the Rise of White Nationalism from Orban ..."
[12:33] loner ever visited Hungary before writing this?
[12:34] loner this is the question i have.
[12:34] loner and after writing this, not sure how i would welcome the author of such scriblings.
[12:35] techuser seems she is on Libera.Chat
[12:36] loner besides, if this argument was focussing on the lgbtq perspective, this is the right-wing hooligan perspective
[12:36] schestowitz[TR] * freenode/user/schestowitz :is now your displayed host
[12:36] schestowitz[TR] * leah :No such nick
[12:36] schestowitz[TR] * [leah] End of WHOIS list.
[12:36] loner among the right-wing hooligans, the percentage of homosexuals is relatively high btw.
[12:36] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
[12:37] loner so, what's their grievance with LGBTQ? the right-wingers do not reject homosexuality itself as such, the reject the femalish cowardice attitude, they reject weakness
[12:37] loner their ideal is strength, honor and all this, which isn't compatible with their interpretation of homosexuality
[12:37] schestowitz[TR] source: a local pub
[12:38] loner since there is males, who are gay, towards males... among them
[12:38] loner and the source is reality
[12:38] schestowitz[TR] source: realy
[12:38] schestowitz[TR] which page?
[12:38] techuser schestowitz[TR]: you do access freenode
[12:38] techuser not Libera.Chat
[12:39] schestowitz[TR] one client of mine still logs there
[12:39] schestowitz[TR] in case people go to the old network
[12:39] loner another peculiarity among the right-wingers is their attitude towards "betrayal"
[12:39] techuser some people dislike LGBT because they can't reproduce
[12:40] loner of whatever ideals they have, and practice secretly
[12:40] techuser and so possible depopulation as a result of it getting more widespread
[12:41] loner as long as their are prisons and military to incarcerate males, homosexuality will exist
[12:41] loner if you want to consider this an ideal or not, that's none of my concerns
[12:42] loner i have an opinion, about this, to oppress young males, extort and exploit them in military, and killing millios of them
[12:42] loner which is, history
[12:42] loner and another reason why, when this type of "idealism" was objected to among right-wingers
[12:42] loner because, some of them do know history at least
[12:43] loner *there
[12:43] techuser I don't know with whom I side with
[12:43] techuser I may be a double agent
[12:43] techuser doublethink
[12:43] techuser both love and hate at the same time
[12:44] *horseface has quit (connection closed)
[12:44] schestowitz[TR] what does all this have to do with tech anyway?
[12:44] loner another moment when the gay issue escalated among right-wing was, when an "ideal" was perpetuated
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] one nazi sympathiser patryingh nazis as homosexuals' friend
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] loner: you are full of dreck
[12:45] loner such as, if males fuck each other, they wouldn't need to worry about family at home anymore, because they had no children
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] techuser: I may be a double agent
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] "may be"
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] double agent means something else
[12:45] techuser cuddlybear66: children topic?
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] it's not a split personality/emotion thing
[12:45] schestowitz[TR] it's when you work for two opposing orgs
[12:46] schestowitz[TR] like if you work for Microsoft
[12:46] loner and serve in military, as solider, turning gay, to optimize their social utility
[12:46] schestowitz[TR] and also enter FSF board
[12:46] schestowitz[TR] like mjg59_ did
[12:46] techuser are condoms expensive, btw?
[12:46] techuser generally
[12:47] loner another problem i have, with adoptions of children by LGBTQ... do you really think this will benefit gay males?
[12:47] techuser so that there are many "accidental" families
[12:47] loner it's the ultimate lesbian dream i would say... to adopt children.... this is why i reject this idea
[12:47] schestowitz[TR] so go say that in another channel
[12:47] techuser abolish parenthood, release the children
[12:47] loner if feminist lesbian want to expose fathers from the family entirely, and simply adopt children
[12:47] loner *dispose
[12:48] techuser if they no longer reproduce, ok
[12:48] loner that's the "multi-culti" "patchwork" "family" "ideal" of the...
[12:48] loner theirs
[12:48] techuser we don't need to have more humans on earth
[12:48] loner males turn gay, to serve in military and working cattle...
[12:48] loner that's no joke
[12:49] TR News (NEW): My open source journey from user to contributor to CTO https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/My_open_source_journey_from_user_to_contributor_to_CTO.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/My_open_source_journey_from_user_to_contributor_to_CTO.gmi
[12:49] TR Bot Tux Machines My open source journey from user to contributor to CTO"
[12:49] loner among catholics in germany, some catholic priests dared to raise some objections to this feminist gaga
[12:49] techuser unless they raise defective children
[12:49] techuser what for children with no fathers?
[12:50] techuser I mean no alive father, or abusive one
[12:50] TR News A reminder that as a US citizen Torvalds was in fact approached by the NSA (this is still applicable and relevant; the Linux Foundation even hired CxO-level managers who had worked for James Clapper) http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/linus-torvalds-on-backdoor-in-linux/
[12:50] TR Bot Humour as a Non-Answer | Techrights
[12:50] loner it's a toxic argument among "LGBTQ" (can't place as many quotes as sarcastic it is) to insist on adopting children
[12:50] TR News A lot of numbers (or visible counters like views, subscribers etc.) in YouTube are basically fake and Google tolerates this because it gives shareholders a false sense of impact and financial viability http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/faketube/
[12:50] TR Bot Not Just Twitter: YouTube is Failing, Flailing, and Tolerating Clickfraud (Bot Activity) in Order to Fake Its Size (Audience Magnitude) | Techrights
[12:50] loner do you really think, it would be gay males, fathers, who adopted children?
[12:51] TR News Government policy: you dont need no stinkin updates. https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/26/the-absurdity-of-uk-governments-covid-19-data-disclosures-deaths-2-3-times-higher-but-updatesdata-demoted-from-daily-to-weekly/
[12:51] TR Bot Blog Archive The Absurdity of UK Governments COVID-19 Data Disclosures (Deaths 2-3 Times Higher, But Updates/Data Demoted From Daily to Weekly)
[12:51] loner i can tell you what this type of "social engineering" realy is
[12:51] loner and it's far worse than a "conservative" family ideal
[12:51] TR News
[12:52] *horseface (~horseface@rwq434ydswn2i.irc) has joined #techrights
[12:52] TR News The British software engineer Tim Berners-Lee explained why its important to put data on the Web. The NHS had moved away from that in recent months. https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/26/open-data/
[12:52] TR Bot Blog Archive UK Government Should Get Back to Releasing COVID-19 Data Every Day, Not (Barely) Every Week
[12:52] loner and that's why i do object to the "LGBTQ" "ideal" of lifestyle, because children, and the fathers have a right, children to grow up with their father, and a father to raise their children
[12:52] schestowitz[TR] loner: take your dreck to another channel
[12:53] loner however, nowadays this is "toxic masculinity"? pardon what? and next "Rise of White Nationalism"?
[12:53] loner schestowitz[TR]: shut up
[12:53] schestowitz[TR] no, you
[12:53] techuser schestowitz[TR]: other channels may have less people on them
[12:53] schestowitz[TR] you are lying for nazis
[12:53] schestowitz[TR] in a technical channel
[12:53] schestowitz[TR] techuser: he got banned from some channels/networks
[12:54] techuser is it technical? I see non-technical talks all the time
[12:54] schestowitz[TR] and he tries to use thr audience here to spread lies
[12:54] schestowitz[TR] techuser: because of people who derail the topic or change it
[12:54] techuser need to tell what places exactly
[12:54] schestowitz[TR] earlier we spoke about fsf
[12:54] schestowitz[TR] that was at least on topic
[12:55] techuser there are hostile SJWs everywhere, who will ban anyone who says something "wrong" about LGBT, BLM, Ukraine, and other topics
[12:55] schestowitz[TR] today michael aggi is just interjecting ranjts about his country not being nazi enough anymore
[12:55] techuser I think pedophilia will be in this list soon too
[12:55] schestowitz[TR] techuser: depends on the channel and context
[12:55] schestowitz[TR] XRevan86 posts war updates here
[12:56] schestowitz[TR] but that does not make the whole cchannel about the war
[12:56] schestowitz[TR] his message is also antiwar
[12:56] *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[12:56] s98259 Hi :3
[12:56] schestowitz[TR] 0/
[12:56] techuser hi
[12:57] s98259 techuser: Oh dear I hope with don't end up with Anonymous here...
[12:57] techuser Anonymous did say he won't join here
[12:58] s98259 Good
[12:58] techuser because /motd has a rule:
[12:58] techuser motd
[12:58] TR News Gulag https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/25/big-win-google-search-and-maps-will-now-say-if-clinics-provide-abortions | Source: Common Dreams
[12:58] techuser > we trust people to be civil and the debates to be constructive.
[12:58] TR Bot 'Big Win': Google Search and Maps Will Now Say If Clinics Provide Abortions
[12:58] s98259 Cause seriously he has no boundaries, he upset a "father of a daughter" parent last night in #winning, nish to be exact.
[12:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 11.75 k/sec., IPFS upstream 118.35 average k/sec., average swarm size 117.61
● Aug 26
[13:00] s98259 How would you or anyone else here like it if they mentioned their 14 year old daughter and the next thing some dude asks to see her pussy?
[13:00] s98259 I'm sure you would be pretty shocked even in a damn free speech channel.
[13:00] schestowitz[TR] it's free speech but pedophilia
[13:00] schestowitz[TR] and pedophilia is a crime
[13:00] loner child abuse is a crime
[13:01] schestowitz[TR] in the past, some Microsoft pedo came here
[13:01] schestowitz[TR] tried to suppress our site
[13:01] loner "pedophilia" in this contextis an euphemism
[13:01] schestowitz[TR] and failed
[13:01] schestowitz[TR] years later he was arrested
[13:01] s98259 Well if he does turn up, I'll leave him to it cause "free speech" but hey doesn't mean I need to be happy about it, I love the current atmosphere.
[13:02] schestowitz[TR] I reported a pedophile to the TSA/DHS some years ago
[13:02] s98259 Plus this stuff harms people...
[13:02] schestowitz[TR] he no longer works there
[13:02] *souseksi (~souseksi@298fydj2ws4tc.irc) has joined #techrights
[13:03] TR News Police Algorithms https://www.thenation.com/article/society/police-algorithms-artificial-intelligence/ | Source: The Nation
[13:03] TR Bot Defund the Police Algorithms | The Nation
[13:03] s98259 The guy can't think.
[13:03] TR News Censored https://www.thenation.com/article/society/censored/ | Source: The Nation
[13:03] TR Bot Censored! | The Nation
[13:04] *horseface (~horseface@fvhvjrcuhrjuy.irc) has joined #techrights
[13:04] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: He thinks sex can be fun for kids and therefore as a result doesn't need to be forced...
[13:04] TR News "Ratcheting screwdrivers can help you work faster, even if their bulk means theyre not the best option for working in tight spaces" https://hackaday.com/2022/08/25/printable-one-way-driver-skips-ratchet-for-a-clutch/ | Source: Hackaday
[13:04] TR Bot One-Way Driver Skips Ratchet For A Clutch | Hackaday
[13:04] schestowitz[TR] s98259: don't know who that's about..,. don't care tbh
[13:04] s98259 Sure
[13:04] schestowitz[TR] let's focus on the topic here
[13:04] s98259 Yeah
[13:05] schestowitz[TR] if some scum comes here, we can deal with it somehow
[13:05] s98259 Ah
[13:06] TR News >Misinformation/Disinformation: RIP Reliable Sources https://fair.org/home/rip-reliable-sources-and-corporate-medias-willingness-to-examine-itself/ | Source: FAIR
[13:06] TR Bot RIP Reliable Sourcesand Corporate Media's Willingness to Examine Itself - FAIR
[13:07] TR News Gulag working with cops https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/08/how-youtubes-partnership-londons-police-force-censoring-uks-drill-music | Source: EFF
[13:07] TR Bot How YouTubes Partnership with Londons Police Force is Censoring UK Drill Music | Electronic Frontier Foundation
[13:08] TR News (NEW): Spotify TUI Spotify client for the terminal https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Spotify_TUI_Spotify_client_for_the_terminal.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Spotify_TUI_Spotify_client_for_the_terminal.gmi
[13:08] TR Bot Tux Machines Spotify TUI Spotify client for the terminal
[13:08] techuser techrights-news: is it still DRMd?
[13:09] TR News (NEW): Want to Help Improve GNOME? This New Tool Gives You the Chance!" https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Want_to_Help_Improve_GNOME_This_New_Tool_Gives_You_the_Chance.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Want_to_Help_Improve_GNOME_This_New_Tool_Gives_You_the_Chance.gmi
[13:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Want to Help Improve GNOME? This New Tool Gives You the Chance!
[13:10] TR News (NEW): Strictly Confined MicroK8s https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Strictly_Confined_MicroK8s.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Strictly_Confined_MicroK8s.gmi
[13:10] TR Bot Tux Machines Strictly Confined MicroK8s"
[13:10] techuser oh, > But third-party clients are available for Spotify Premium users. Spotify blocks API access to their audio for non-premium members.
[13:10] techuser clickbait?
[13:10] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Android_Leftovers.gmi
[13:10] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers
[13:11] loner that's the advertisement of LGBTQ towards healthy males: turn gay, become working cattly and military canon fudder
[13:11] techuser yes, probably clickbait
[13:11] loner not gay yet? we got some porn for you, because it's liberal
[13:12] techuser am I "healthy" if I don't really want to have sex with real people?
[13:12] loner become gay, enjoy, don't worry about family and children anymore, "LGBTQ" lesbians will adopt children for the "patchwork families" of theirs
[13:12] loner gay males, have fun, no need to worry about family and children anymore, you're work-load will be optmized to 80hours/week
[13:13] loner for the "social ecological justice" of the feminist gaga wonder land
[13:13] techuser loner: btw are you on any other IRC networks?
[13:13] loner which was the moment when, some right-wingers turned mad i think
[13:13] techuser gtg soon and idk if they ban you
[13:14] loner truth can't be banned
[13:14] *Seaduck- has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[13:14] *Seaduck- (~seaduck@ys9kag65kxsiu.irc) has joined #techrights
[13:17] loner in more conservative countries, the objection was children shouldn't be exposed to pornography
[13:17] schestowitz[TR] techrights-news: is it still DRMd?
[13:17] loner for reasons which are, undisputable, facts.
[13:17] schestowitz[TR] rianne posted that link
[13:17] schestowitz[TR] I don't like spotify or all those drm platforms
[13:17] schestowitz[TR] for some people, like gamers, it's a barrier
[13:18] schestowitz[TR] so the idea some have, RMS included, maybe if they come over, they'll turn to aother OS
[13:18] schestowitz[TR] or rather,
[13:18] schestowitz[TR] they are going to use that DRM regardless
[13:18] schestowitz[TR] but if they use it not on WIndows, maybe better
[13:18] schestowitz[TR] loner: you are still off topic
[13:19] loner schestowitz[TR]: i do not object to pornography on the internet
[13:19] *souseksi has quit (connection closed)
[13:19] loner i object to children being exposed to it
[13:19] *souseksi (~souseksi@298fydj2ws4tc.irc) has joined #techrights
[13:19] loner and the LGBTQ flavors of this, aren't any exception to this
[13:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[13:20] techuser schestowitz[TR]: I know one person who has "gamer" in his nickname (Luis64_gamer)
[13:20] loner and this is what Russian/Hungarian etc. objection was, particular pornography and children being exposed to it
[13:20] schestowitz[TR] kids found prn even before the www
[13:20] schestowitz[TR] pr0n
[13:21] techuser I don't know if I bring him here again, but he appears elsewhere almost each day, when it is afternoon in Peruan (UTC-5) time
[13:21] techuser on other IRC networks
[13:21] loner in the end, in this "liberal" feminist/lgbtq gaga wonderland, i wouldn't want to raise children anymore
[13:21] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: Yep
[13:21] schestowitz[TR] that's a bullshit trope
[13:21] loner there's no place for fathers anymore, that's all "toxic masculinity" nowadays, "fascist", "white nationalist" and whatnot
[13:22] techuser loner: agreed
[13:22] schestowitz[TR] kids found pr0n even before the Net
[13:22] schestowitz[TR] and before what you call "feminist/lgbtq".. something
[13:22] loner how would call it?
[13:22] schestowitz[TR] you are trying to connect queers to pedophilia
[13:22] schestowitz[TR] that's a common smear
[13:22] techuser what is good/bad about porn?
[13:22] schestowitz[TR] to make it sound like they harm society and kids
[13:22] loner i mean, some particular extremist political positions, are rather common among them
[13:22] techuser sex isn't the same as it looks in porn
[13:23] loner "combat inequality" add this into the mix of propaganda goo
[13:23] techuser can tell watchers about this
[13:23] loner for "social ecological justice"... males being nothing more than working cattle and miliary cannon fudder ?
[13:23] schestowitz[TR] kids used to find tapes
[13:23] schestowitz[TR] a
[13:23] loner if this is the "progressive" ideal, go for it
[13:23] schestowitz[TR] and share these
[13:23] schestowitz[TR] prior to this, literature sand magazines
[13:24] schestowitz[TR] kids finding pr0n is a very old thing
[13:24] schestowitz[TR] and isn't possible to prevent
[13:24] loner sure, they go after kids first, they're far easier "sociall engineered" for this type of "ideal"
[13:24] s98259 loner: He wasn't answering your questions, he was telling you that you are still off topic.
[13:25] s98259 Oh it moved on...
[13:25] s98259 Damn my scollback was up in the air!
[13:25] s98259 Right I'm back on track now... damn!
[13:25] schestowitz[TR] longer got banned in some places
[13:25] techuser I was partially brainwashed
[13:25] schestowitz[TR] this is his outlet now
[13:25] schestowitz[TR] like daemonFC
[13:25] techuser now I have no idea with whom to side with
[13:25] schestowitz[TR] also banned in places
[13:26] loner any opposition to the mentioned "ideal" is totally silenced nowadays
[13:26] loner yes
[13:27] techuser I'm hated by everyone eventually, just takes time until they realize I'm not their friend
[13:27] TR News (NEW): Open source FPGA dev board offers custom RISC-V development environment https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Open_source_FPGA_dev_board_offers_custom_RISC_V_development_env.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Open_source_FPGA_dev_board_offers_custom_RISC_V_development_env.gmi
[13:27] TR Bot Tux Machines Open source FPGA dev board offers custom RISC-V development environment
[13:27] loner come on... germany... lowest birth rate globally?
[13:27] loner discuss... what's this?
[13:27] loner and then they agitate for a homosexual life-style?
[13:27] schestowitz[TR] false
[13:27] schestowitz[TR] false by far
[13:27] schestowitz[TR] singapore is among the lowest
[13:27] schestowitz[TR] 0.75 iirc
[13:27] techuser probably not by "everyone", but by most people
[13:28] techuser afk, pinging cuddlybear66 once again on the children topic
[13:28] loner schestowitz[TR]: singapore belongs to china
[13:28] s98259 Yeah, "everyone" is a bit far fetched. :D
[13:28] schestowitz[TR] like germany belongs to russia
[13:28] schestowitz[TR] singapore is not even ethnically chinese, many malay and indian
[13:28] loner couldn't be worse than USA 2020 tbh
[13:29] s98259 Did I read somewhere in here "Grouping LGBT and Pedophilia"? o.O
[13:29] loner USA 1990, that's something else
[13:29] s98259 DaFuQ?
[13:29] schestowitz[TR] germany isn't even on the low scale of birth rates in europe
[13:29] s98259 Which sick mind did that?!
[13:29] schestowitz[TR] it's just below average
[13:29] loner schestowitz[TR]: it's the lowest
[13:29] *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[13:29] schestowitz[TR] s98259: the right wing
[13:29] s98259 :/
[13:29] schestowitz[TR] esp. int he US
[13:29] loner and if the reproductive rate of immigrants is excluded from the supposedly "german" one...
[13:29] s98259 Pfft
[13:30] schestowitz[TR] lockeanarchist: now you throw some bigotry to the mix
[13:30] psydroid2 techuser, I would say to side with yourself, as you're the only person you can trust
[13:30] loner whatever they do, it's a weird ideal of "peaceful coexistence", to eradicate thousands years of history and culture and language
[13:30] loner in favor, of whatever this is nowadays
[13:31] loner and i don't care, how you namecall this
[13:31] loner it's not only foreign to me, it's hostile and murderous
[13:31] *souseksi has quit (connection closed)
[13:31] techuser s98259: yes, I think pedophilia will be made new normal eventually
[13:31] *souseksi (~souseksi@298fydj2ws4tc.irc) has joined #techrights
[13:32] techuser maybe as a sexual orientation
[13:32] TR News Pi Pico https://hackaday.com/2022/08/25/pi-pico-gives-its-life-for-overclocking/ | Source: Hackaday
[13:32] TR Bot Pico Gives Its Life For Overclocking | Hackaday
[13:32] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: Do you think pedophilia will be made normal eventually?
[13:32] TR News Cancel It All https://truthout.org/video/cancel-it-all-an-interview-with-astra-taylor-on-the-call-for-full-debt-relief/ | Source: TruthOut
[13:32] TR Bot Cancel It All: An Interview With Astra Taylor on the Call for Full Debt Relief
[13:32] schestowitz[TR] s98259: no
[13:32] loner schestowitz[TR]: sadism?
[13:32] s98259 I thought that too schestowitz[TR]
[13:32] s98259 but er...
[13:32] schestowitz[TR] maybe it was worse in the disstance past
[13:32] s98259 thanks for validating :D
[13:33] schestowitz[TR] we're moving towards harsher enforcement
[13:33] loner is this what you refer to with "pedophilia"?
[13:33] schestowitz[TR] *distant past
[13:33] schestowitz[TR] that upsets some peolple
[13:33] loner are fathers still allowed to hug their children?
[13:33] schestowitz[TR] esp. perverts
[13:33] schestowitz[TR] so all the better if we enforce better
[13:33] s98259 loner: Why wouldn't they be? :D
[13:33] loner or is it all "toxic masculinity" perverts then?
[13:33] schestowitz[TR] the problem right now si sleective enforcement
[13:34] cuddlybear66 hii
[13:34] schestowitz[TR] as you can see with espteingate
[13:34] loner schestowitz[TR]: white nationalist racist whatever...
[13:34] schestowitz[TR] like, how they let "prince" andre off the hook
[13:34] s98259 Why would a parent not be allowed to hug their child?
[13:34] souseksi cuddlybear66: Hello.
[13:34] s98259 Why would the world start viewing it as wrong for a father to hug their child?
[13:34] schestowitz[TR] and bill gates is prfetending all his critics are cranks and nuts
[13:34] techuser hi
[13:34] schestowitz[TR] parents cannot spank kids, either
[13:34] schestowitz[TR] so they discipline them some other way
[13:35] schestowitz[TR] sometimes worse even
[13:35] schestowitz[TR] like locking them like dogs
[13:35] schestowitz[TR] spank on the bum - child abuse
[13:35] schestowitz[TR] lock a kid inside a small room for a day= OK
[13:36] TR News Student Debt https://truthout.org/articles/student-debt-activists-say-much-more-is-needed-including-free-college/ | Source: TruthOut
[13:36] TR Bot Student Debt Activists Say Much More Is Needed -- Including Free College
[13:36] s98259 Actually I got some very harsh corporal punishments that did nothing but made me suffer so I agree with anti-corporal punishment laws.
[13:36] s98259 Though yes things like being made to stand at a wall made me want to just "get it over and done with" and so I would want the strap instead.
[13:36] schestowitz[TR] both suck
[13:36] schestowitz[TR] and are bad
[13:36] schestowitz[TR] raising kids is no fun these days
[13:36] schestowitz[TR] they cost a lot
[13:36] s98259 I think talking to a child and supporting them is the way to get them to behave.
[13:37] schestowitz[TR] the gov. no longer helps
[13:37] techuser parents suck
[13:37] schestowitz[TR] and you have no control
[13:37] techuser kill them
[13:37] schestowitz[TR] harsh
[13:37] schestowitz[TR] s98259: you are optimistic
[13:37] schestowitz[TR] kids don't always behave
[13:37] schestowitz[TR] ane you cannot talk sense to them
[13:38] techuser cuddlybear66 is also optimistic
[13:38] s98259 Agreed but the belt or standing a the wall doesn't make them behave any better, schestowitz[TR]
[13:38] TR News Multispectral Imaging System Built With Raspberry Pi https://hackaday.com/2022/08/25/multispectral-imaging-system-built-with-raspberry-pi/ | Source: Hackaday
[13:38] TR Bot Imaging System Built With Raspberry Pi | Hackaday
[13:38] s98259 At least talking to a child and supporting them isn't torture though.
[13:38] schestowitz[TR] s98259: that's why I said both are bad
[13:38] cuddlybear66 I don't believe in punishing kids...
[13:38] schestowitz[TR] it wasn't "I choose this over this"
[13:38] cuddlybear66 u can teach them using other ways
[13:39] s98259 Yep
[13:39] *s98259 hugs cuddlybear66
[13:39] cuddlybear66 u don't have to be a bad parent just bc most are
[13:39] s98259 You'll make a great mother if not one already.
[13:39] cuddlybear66 exactly bc most parents r bad u should strive to be better
[13:39] schestowitz[TR] the sad thing iss
[13:39] schestowitz[TR] it's partly genetic
[13:39] s98259 Yeah, I agree with this, is with my point too.
[13:39] schestowitz[TR] they say a child that was beaten up will be soft with her/his kids
[13:40] s98259 And yeah I've met families where
[13:40] schestowitz[TR] but in practice they often turn out to be their parents at the end
[13:40] s98259 everyone in it has a set of behaviours
[13:40] s98259 that they share
[13:40] schestowitz[TR] due to genetic tendencies like temper
[13:40] cuddlybear66 no, a child that was beaten up would end up repeating it
[13:40] s98259 cuddlybear66: Yep
[13:40] schestowitz[TR] sometimes they promise themselves opposite
[13:40] s98259 They would then do it to their kids and their other peers
[13:40] schestowitz[TR] "I'll NEVER do this to my kid"
[13:40] schestowitz[TR] but tehy do it anyway
[13:40] s98259 cause conditioned into thinking it's right to attack a person when they done wrong.
[13:41] s98259 They will attack in the playground because they were attacked themselves.
[13:41] cuddlybear66 If ur not 100% sure ur going to be better nd actually help ur kids grow then u shouldn't even reproduce
[13:41] s98259 Look into ASPD (Anti-Social Personal Disorder) and Narcissism. ASPD is basically Sociopathy.
[13:41] s98259 A common case to these is bad parenting.
[13:42] s98259 Yeah you can't exactly 100% blame a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist for their behaviour because the chances are someone else conditioned them to be that way.
[13:42] TR News National Archive https://truthout.org/articles/national-archives-has-asked-for-documents-trump-improperly-took-since-early-2021/ | Source: TruthOut
[13:42] TR Bot National Archives Has Asked for Documents Trump Improperly Took Since Early 2021
[13:42] loner children have a right to grow up with their mother and father, and an intact family
[13:43] TR News Florida https://truthout.org/articles/the-far-right-is-taking-over-florida-school-boards-thanks-in-part-to-dark-money/ | Source: TruthOut
[13:43] TR Bot The Far Right Is Taking Over Florida School Boards, Due in Part to Dark Money
[13:43] loner not being exposed to "social engineering", instead freely develop their natural sexuality, without "LGBTQ propaganda", which was how Hungary and Russia objected to it
[13:43] loner i am less offensive with the wording i would chose, nonetheless, the argument is legimitate
[13:44] schestowitz[TR] german parenting is awful
[13:44] schestowitz[TR] lots of beating up of kis
[13:44] schestowitz[TR] germany is notorious for this
[13:44] schestowitz[TR]
[13:45] loner violence, both physical and psychological, is the another escalation phase
[13:45] loner towards children
[13:45] TR News Criminals (Microsofters) on gaming https://www.techdirt.com/2022/08/25/xbox-chief-exclusives-arent-the-future-pay-no-attention-to-all-these-exclusives/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:45] TR Bot Chief: Exclusives Arent the Future, Pay No Attention To All These Exclusives | Techdirt
[13:45] loner children need guidance, and authority, not physical and psychological violence
[13:46] loner besides, alot of pornography on the internet, including LGBTQ one, is just that, psychological violence
[13:46] TR News Twitter's fake numbers are finally a subject of debate https://www.techdirt.com/2022/08/25/creator-of-botometer-goes-on-media-tour-to-explain-why-elon-musks-claims-about-bots-using-botometer-are-meaningless/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:46] TR Bot Of Botometer Goes On Media Tour To Explain Why Elon Musks Claims About Bots (Using Botometer) Are Meaningless | Techdirt
[13:47] loner age 18? klick, become gay working cattle... this is the new "progressive" "liberal" ideal?
[13:47] loner i'm out
[13:47] TR News California Censorship https://www.techdirt.com/2022/08/25/why-is-a-british-baroness-drafting-california-censorship-laws/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:47] TR Bot Is A British Baroness Drafting California Censorship Laws? | Techdirt
[13:47] loner because, this was the objection in Hungary/Russia elsewhere with "conservative" tendencies, where a red line was drawn
[13:47] schestowitz[TR] for a nazi
[13:47] loner not exposing _children_ to "LGBTQ propaganda", and i agree with this 100%
[13:48] schestowitz[TR] too much for you snowflake to ahndle
[13:48] schestowitz[TR] you are no macho
[13:48] schestowitz[TR] you are just looking to blame ther groups because you didn't find your place in life
[13:49] loner i do identify the feminist gaga as one cause of troube in particular, it's extremely hostile and hateful
[13:50] schestowitz[TR] now you sound like incel
[13:50] loner i am an incel, because of this
[13:50] TR News "two media polls announced results that seemed almost willful efforts to portray the public as extremists" https://fair.org/home/manufacturing-crisis-how-polling-on-the-border-exaggerates-extreme-opinions/ | Source: FAIR
[13:50] TR Bot Manufacturing 'Crisis': How Polling on the Border Exaggerates Extreme Opinions - FAIR
[13:50] loner and i do not feel ashamed of this at all
[13:51] loner i had my fun in life, _before_ the lgbtq/femnist gaga incitement became totalitarian
[13:51] schestowitz[TR] we are the sme age
[13:51] schestowitz[TR] you talk about feminism like it's a new thing
[13:51] schestowitz[TR] that's bullshit
[13:51] loner instead, i am proud of it, to not follow along their "ideals" of turning into gay working cattle for their feminist multi culti gaga wonderland
[13:52] TR News Tech In Plain Sight: Rain-Sensing Wipers https://hackaday.com/2022/08/25/tech-in-plain-sight-rain-sensing-wipers/ | Source: Hackaday
[13:52] TR Bot In Plain Sight: Rain-Sensing Wipers | Hackaday
[13:52] loner and the "social ecological justice" of theirs
[13:52] loner as far as i am concerned, they may inflate their shitcoin EU currency to the moon
[13:53] loner because they, already, did accomplish what they wanted to, killing my entire existence
[13:53] loner and i collected evidence for this, more than 20years now
[13:53] loner the problem they have, is to explain now, why the third(!!!) expropriation won't suffice anymore
[13:54] loner reminder, i enjoyed two expropriations already, the recent inflatin is the third one, and i am 40years old now
[13:54] loner two currency reforms, and the most excessive inflation since WW2
[13:54] TR News Lachlan Murdoch https://www.techdirt.com/2022/08/25/lachlan-murdoch-is-big-mad-that-crikey-called-him-out-on-his-bullshit-so-now-hes-suing-to-shut-them-up/ | Source: Techdirt
[13:54] TR Bot Murdoch Is Big Mad That Crikey Called Him Out On His Bullshit; So Now Hes Suing To Shut Them Up | Techdirt
[13:54] loner my argument: WELL DONE! need some scape goat to blame? look elsewhere.
[13:55] TR News "In the White Mountains of New Hampshire, I gathered last week with a group of antiwar activists where we talked of the grim issues confronting the globe." https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/08/25/dance-sympathy-planet-gone-mad | Source: Common Dreams
[13:55] TR Bot Opinion | The Dance of Sympathy on a Planet Gone Mad | Brad Wolf
[13:56] loner some "political science" bullshit gaga... they arranged rather well, they all got their offices and media and political positions
[13:56] loner to "earn" their shitcoins
[13:56] loner i got NOTHING, not at least some tinies office and lab space in MY OWN HOMELAND
[13:57] schestowitz[TR] so you blame feminists for taking your officer space?
[13:57] schestowitz[TR] and your "OWN HOMELAND"?
[13:57] schestowitz[TR] *office
[13:57] loner almost forgot, its "the climate" nowadays, however, i check the bills here, it's not me who wastes all the energy
[13:57] loner schestowitz[TR]: yes i do
[13:57] schestowitz[TR] the climate is connected to overpopulation
[13:57] loner i got evidence for this
[13:57] schestowitz[TR] you seem concerned about low birth rate
[13:57] schestowitz[TR] maybe you fail to see the planet is already overpopulated any6way
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] and many germsns recognise this already
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] but not you
[13:58] loner schestowitz[TR]: population INCREASED in germany, although we got the far lowest brith rate on the entire globe
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] the Nords too
[13:58] loner explain!
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] it increase because of immigration
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] making more births does not solve the issue
[13:58] loner and then, they sneak around the corner, with they gay porn, to entertain me with?
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] the reason they come is overpopulation
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] in their home countries
[13:58] schestowitz[TR] so they spread out
[13:59] schestowitz[TR] and btw, thsoe immigrants typically think gays should be killed
[13:59] loner it's certainly not me who was supposedly crazy or whatever
[13:59] schestowitz[TR] so quit blaming gays
[13:59] loner well, gays are supposed to serve as working cattle and in military
[13:59] schestowitz[TR] lockeanarchist: you are crazy and intolerant in your OWN way
[13:59] loner that's the "ideal"
[13:59] schestowitz[TR] that's why you cannot find gainful employment
[13:59] loner or become an incel
[13:59] loner although, their only concern seems to be, that's less efficient
● Aug 26
[14:00] loner and not only do i want back MY homeland, i want them to leave, all of them
[14:00] loner all foreign agents and agitators out, send back to their homelands wherever they came from
[14:00] loner they're the worst criminals in human history
[14:02] loner it's the THIRD expropriation
[14:02] loner since 1990
[14:02] loner and i didn't count yet the many "currency reforms" of my parents and grand parents
[14:02] TR News "Over the last few years, students have rarely had the option to opt-out of using remote proctoring tools" https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/08/federal-judge-invasive-online-proctoring-room-scans-are-also-unconstitutional | Source: EFF
[14:02] TR Bot Federal Judge: Invasive Online Proctoring "Room Scans" Are Unconstitutional | Electronic Frontier Foundation
[14:02] loner and, how did this end? i do see, who hijcked _ALL_ leading positions in politics, industry, media/tv/newspapers
[14:03] TR News "To make your job as a parent easier, weve combined expert-approved tips and created a four-step guide to introducing parental controls in your home" https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/child-friendly-guide-to-parental-controls/ | Source: PIA
[14:03] TR Bot How to Explain Parental Controls to Children
[14:03] loner that's not a "conspiracy theory", it's a fact
[14:03] schestowitz[TR] thw world is global
[14:03] loner however, it's not me, who had to explain now, why germany scheduled for FINAL nuclear shutdown end of this year
[14:03] schestowitz[TR] germany experts
[14:03] schestowitz[TR] many machines, cars
[14:03] loner germany doesn't exist anymore
[14:03] schestowitz[TR] insular germany would be weaker
[14:04] loner they eradicated the entire population, and brainwashed and socially engineered the rest
[14:04] schestowitz[TR] with epo eu etc. germany exerts power over nearby nations
[14:04] loner germany what? it doesn't exist anymore. neither any population nor legal instutions, nothing
[14:04] TR News FCC https://www.techdirt.com/2022/08/25/fcc-state-action-nets-an-amazing-80-reduction-in-auto-warranty-scam-robocalls/ | Source: Techdirt
[14:04] TR Bot State Action Nets An Amazing 80% Reduction In Auto Warranty Scam Robocalls | Techdirt
[14:05] loner all that remained is that remained is some posers and scammers, who present themselves as "government" or "intellectuals" supposedly representing "germany"
[14:05] TR News "Theres presumptive access to court records under the First Amendment." https://www.techdirt.com/2022/08/25/sixth-circuit-equal-access-to-court-proceedings-only-applies-to-those-more-equal-than-others/ | Source: Techdirt
[14:05] TR Bot Circuit: Equal Access To Court Proceedings Only Applies To Those More Equal Than Others | Techdirt
[14:05] loner yet there isn't none anymore
[14:05] loner simple test-run, visit any big german city and try to find a restaurant where you could learn and play a traditional german card game
[14:06] loner you won't find any anwywhere, because it ceased to exist
[14:06] schestowitz[TR] you miss a germany you never lived in
[14:06] schestowitz[TR] and was not born in
[14:06] schestowitz[TR] you were born 1981
[14:06] schestowitz[TR] germany was already americanised decades earlier
[14:07] schestowitz[TR] so you miss something you don't even know
[14:07] loner all i remember is heavily deformed remains of what it once was
[14:07] schestowitz[TR] when?
[14:07] schestowitz[TR] 1985?
[14:07] schestowitz[TR] the berlin wall?
[14:08] schestowitz[TR] you didn't even live there
[14:08] loner there was a very short time-frame, 1990s to until 2000, before 9/11 2001
[14:08] loner this time, was, relatively normal
[14:08] loner no war, no cold-war, and normalizing social and political conditions
[14:09] schestowitz[TR] you were born into the cold war
[14:09] schestowitz[TR] on the eastern bloc
[14:09] loner in 1998 extremist criminals hijacked government in germany (mostly "atlantic bridge" WAR CRIMINALS)
[14:09] loner since then, and finally 2001, gone
[14:09] schestowitz[TR] you fetishise a fiction
[14:09] loner they had other plans, from the beginning
[14:09] loner "to combat inequality" (because two expropriations weren't enough at that time)
[14:10] schestowitz[TR] this is excahsuting and off-topic speak later
[14:10] schestowitz[TR] I'll post Daily Links
[14:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[14:22] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and SparkFun https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Open_Hardware_Raspberry_Pi_and_SparkFun.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Open_Hardware_Raspberry_Pi_and_SparkFun.gmi
[14:22] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and SparkFun"
[14:22] TR News (NEW): Free Software: Europe, Bans, and Microsoft Censorship https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Free_Software_Europe_Bans_and_Microsoft_Censorship.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Free_Software_Europe_Bans_and_Microsoft_Censorship.gmi
[14:22] TR Bot Tux Machines Free Software: Europe, Bans, and Microsoft Censorship
[14:23] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_leftovers.1.gmi
[14:23] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers
[14:24] TR News "The internet speed has increased a lot since 2000. Pixel size, colors and camera have also improved a lot, since 2011 I don't feel the need to buy new phones. Mobile internet was already good enough for me with 3G." gemini://gmi.noulin.net/2022-08-26-mobile-phones-i-have-been-using-overtime.gmi
[14:28] TR News Links 26/08/2022: Improving GNOME and Update on CentOS Automotive SIG | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/centos-automotive-sig/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/centos-automotive-sig/
[14:28] TR Bot Links 26/08/2022: Improving GNOME and Update on CentOS Automotive SIG | Techrights
[14:32] *psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrights
[14:32] *psymin (~psymin@user/psymin) has joined #techrights
[14:40] TR News As if ICBM knows how to attract young people... it also insults older people by calling them "DINOBABIES" https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/8/it-talent-gen-z
[14:40] TR Bot How to hire (and retain) Gen Z talent | The Enterprisers Project
[14:42] TR News "Latest and Greatest" isn't always great. Sometimes it tries to replace something "old" for all the wrong reasons, even if the old thing is technically superior.
[14:42] *s98259 has suspicions that schestowitz[TR] and loner might be lovers
[14:42] schestowitz[TR] maybe lovers of software
[14:43] schestowitz[TR] but I suspect he doesn't love any software at all
[14:43] XRevan86 This is hard to read. activelow remembered he can talk about something other than compilers.
[14:43] schestowitz[TR] Intrel bad
[14:43] schestowitz[TR] Incel good
[14:43] XRevan86 Pseudo-linguistics are back, Hitler is back
[14:43] s98259 Oh so you are not in love with each other? :D
[14:44] *s98259 gives XRevan86 a hamper of chocolates
[14:44] *s98259 gives schestowitz[TR] a hamper of chocolates
[14:44] *s98259 gives loner a hamper of chocolates
[14:44] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
[14:44] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
[14:44] s98259 System Uptime: 4 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes
[14:44] schestowitz[TR] nice
[14:44] s98259 hmm?
[14:44] schestowitz[TR] XFaCE: slave means sleep :-)
[14:45] schestowitz[TR] XRevan86: ^
[14:45] schestowitz[TR] not slav
[14:45] s98259 What is nice?
[14:45] XRevan86 schestowitz: I read that %).
[14:45] schestowitz[TR] master means... never mind
[14:45] schestowitz[TR] meisterrace
[14:46] *schestowitz[TR] thinks loner needs awoman's touch/love
[14:46] XRevan86 schestowitz: That's a strong anti-feminist message :)
[14:46] schestowitz[TR] it's too late anyway
[14:46] *s98259 is confused about what's nice
[14:46] s98259 o.o
[14:47] schestowitz[TR] s98259: system uptime
[14:47] s98259 Oh! that ah thanks
[14:47] schestowitz[TR] what's puptime?
[14:47] schestowitz[TR] puppylinux?
[14:47] s98259 No
[14:47] schestowitz[TR] pup as in poop
[14:47] schestowitz[TR] my dog is caling
[14:47] schestowitz[TR] it's puptime
[14:47] *schestowitz[TR] grabs small plastic bag
[14:47] s98259 Just a script I wrote
[14:48] schestowitz[TR] bash? shell?
[14:48] schestowitz[TR] puppy linux/easyos makes many of its own tools
[14:48] schestowitz[TR] called pup*something
[14:48] s98259 alias.cmd.uptime = "/exec -o puptime"
[14:48] s98259 bash
[14:48] schestowitz[TR] got to admire people who make their own from bottom to top
[14:49] schestowitz[TR] with their own stack
[14:49] schestowitz[TR] not just wallpaper and some preloaded "apps"
[14:49] s98259 echo "System Uptime: $(uptime --pretty | awk '{ print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8" "$9 }')"
[14:50] s98259 IRC command: /uptime
[14:50] *schestowitz[TR] opens uptime manpage
[14:50] s98259 The first P stands for "pretty"
[14:50] s98259 pretty uptime
[14:51] schestowitz[TR] pretty please
[14:52] XRevan86 s98259: That's a funny way to use awk.
[14:52] s98259 "pplease: An alternative to sudo and doas"
[14:52] schestowitz[TR] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_(Unix)
[14:52] TR Bot yes (Unix) - Wikipedia
[14:53] s98259 XRevan86: Ah
[14:53] schestowitz[TR] please make me a sandwich
[14:53] schestowitz[TR] doas root please sudo
[14:53] s98259 pplease rm -r --no-preserve-root / (Do NOT run this command! I will ignore you if you bitch at me!)
[14:53] XRevan86 s98259: Something like `sed -E 's/^[^ ]+ //'` would do the trick just as well.
[14:54] s98259 er... I forgot an f but oh well
[14:54] loner schestowitz[TR]: there isn't women who would understand my language anymore
[14:54] XRevan86 (-E is superfluous actually)
[14:54] s98259 I'm glad I shared it now.
[14:54] loner and i refrain from socializing otherwise
[14:54] souseksi s98259: thank you for sharing.
[14:55] s98259 :)
[14:56] XRevan86 s98259: Also `uptime --pretty` is something only available in the procps(-ng) version of uptime, not in GNU coreutils.
[14:56] loner and i am no zoo animal to conduct social engineering experiments with
[14:56] schestowitz[TR] alias hamperofchocolates='rm -rf'
[14:57] loner this government here, arrenged for immigration, to try this with
[14:57] loner enjoy
[14:57] loner i refrain
[14:57] loner i am not a zoo animal
[14:57] s98259 XRevan86: That worked and make more sense. :3
[14:57] s98259 *makes
[14:57] s98259 Ah
[14:58] s98259 I'll remove --pretty
[14:58] schestowitz[TR] git has nice pretty option
[14:59] schestowitz[TR] nice git --pretty
[14:59] schestowitz[TR] !!
[14:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 27.68 k/sec., IPFS upstream 104.56 average k/sec., average swarm size 119.23
● Aug 26
[15:06] TR News (NEW): Jellyfin and Raspberry PI: a Free System to Manage your Media https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Jellyfin_and_Raspberry_PI_a_Free_System_to_Manage_your_Media.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Jellyfin_and_Raspberry_PI_a_Free_System_to_Manage_your_Media.gmi
[15:06] TR Bot Tux Machines Jellyfin and Raspberry PI: a Free System to Manage your Media
[15:07] TR News vcl: implement zoom gesture infrastructure https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=474414919c102f2973d2ed9815f997fdb1f30d9c
[15:07] TR Bot libreoffice/core - main, development code repository
[15:08] TR News Pegasus Investigation Report to remain in sealed cover despite containing evidence that 5 phones had malware https://internetfreedom.in/pegasus-investigation-report-to-remain-in-sealed-cover-even-though-it-contains-evidence-that-5-phones-had-malware/ Source: Internet Freedom Foundation | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/
[15:08] TR Bot Pegasus Investigation Report to remain in sealed cover despite containing evidence that 5 phones had malware
[15:16] TR News Charmed Kubernetes and Huawei Oceanstor Pacific storage integration verification report | Ubuntu https://ubuntu.com//blog/charmed-kubernetes-and-huawei-oceanstor-pacific-storage-integration-verification-report Source: Ubuntubuzz
[15:16] TR Bot Kubernetes and Huawei Oceanstor Pacific storage integration verification report | Ubuntu
[15:17] TR News Microsoft 'security' https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/living-off-the-land-ad-cs-style/ part of a pattern: http://techrights.org/2021/09/30/azure-brute-force/
[15:17] TR Bot Living off the land, AD CS style | Pen Test Partners
[15:17] loner ~~
[15:17] TR Bot Microsoft Whistleblower and Clients Warned, More Than 2 Years Ago in Fact, About the Current Azure Mess (But Microsoft Ignored Those Warnings, Buried Facts) | Techrights
[15:19] TR News Twitter is not social and not media. At the core it is a censorship and manipulation machine that will censor more and more (and distract the masses) until it dies, goes bust due to inability to make money
[15:19] schestowitz[TR] s98259: he needa a hamper of chocolates
[15:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[15:20] TR News "In den Wilden Gestaden leiten mehrere Personen Spiele und die Spieler setzen sich immer neu zusammen. Ein offener Tisch, online. Funktioniert prchtig!" gemini://alexschroeder.ch/page/2022-08-26%20AD&D%20Reibungsflchen
[15:21] TR News GNU Linux fonts and font editors what is WOFF? https://dwaves.de/2022/08/26/gnu-linux-fonts-and-font-editors-what-is-woff/
[15:21] TR Bot GNU Linux fonts and font editors what is WOFF? | dwaves.de
[15:22] TR News SpellBinding: ABIMORS Wordo: PIING gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/new.gmi
[15:24] TR News Microsoft does not want security experts because Microsoft does not want security, it wants bug doors for the NSA http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Microsoft_and_the_NSA
[15:24] TR Bot Microsoft and the NSA - Techrights
[15:26] TR News "Sorry Steam! Why did you not treat me as a developer? WTF were you thinking? I build Operating Systems & have for over 20 years. Your Steam deck uses Arch Linux. Took me one day to port my software to yours. You are fucked." http://ultimateedition.info/the-hammer-is-about-to-drop/
[15:27] TR Bot The Hammer is about to drop - Ultimate Edition
[15:28] TR News The language odf the developer of Ultimate Edition (GNU/Linux distro) always makes me wonder if he's sober http://ultimateedition.info/the-hammer-is-about-to-drop/
[15:28] schestowitz[TR] "That is all I will say right now. Last check I am TheeMahn. What will happen tomorrow? I have a ThreadRipper Pro coming up tomorrow. I can promise you that you are hit in the mouth. I did offer to sell you my software. Now I will incorporate in a O/S I build & wipe you out. Mine will be free, pretty hard to fuck with.
[15:28] schestowitz[TR] "
[15:29] XRevan86 https://theins.press/en/politics/254436
[15:29] TR Bot Gentlemen prefer brunettes: How a GRU agent turned NATO officers around her little finger
[15:30] schestowitz[TR] XRevan86: hair colour is a lousy factor
[15:30] schestowitz[TR] and it's easy to change
[15:30] schestowitz[TR] ammonia
[15:31] schestowitz[TR] he msm/pop culture treats hair colour of choice like a pesonality type
[15:31] XRevan86 schestowitz: Just a phrase.
[15:31] *CrystalMath (~coderain@64vdbiwhiqu9i.irc) has joined #techrights
[15:32] XRevan86 The article is actually not about that but a success story.
[15:32] schestowitz[TR] even most russian blondes, esp. female, use hair dye
[15:34] schestowitz[TR] XRevan86: she is not even attractive
[15:34] loner most blondes change hair color, when the grow up; as a child many are blonde, then later turn darker
[15:34] loner almost always
[15:35] XRevan86 schestowitz: Maybe she looks better in uniform.
[15:35] schestowitz[TR] "In recent years, the work of GRU officers has been associated with high-profile failures: they tried to poison a fugitive spy with Novichok but killed a British citizen instead; they brought a Buk missile system to Donbass to shoot down warplanes but shot down a Boeing passenger jet. Time after time again they demonstrate fantastic unprofessionalism: when hackers from the GRU were arrested while trying to hack the OPCW network, on
[15:35] schestowitz[TR] e of them had a cab receipt with the address of a military unit in his pocket;"
[15:36] schestowitz[TR] Bellingcat?
[15:36] schestowitz[TR] I don't trust hem much, either
[15:37] schestowitz[TR] they are a front group of "the other putins"
[15:37] loner Bellingcat is considered a CIA propaganda outlet by Kremlin
[15:37] schestowitz[TR] the "good " putins
[15:38] schestowitz[TR] not just the kremlin
[15:38] TR News Cockpit Project: Cockpit 275 https://cockpit-project.org//blog/cockpit-275.html
[15:38] TR Bot Cockpit 275 Cockpit Project
[15:38] schestowitz[TR] being misled by putin is very bad
[15:39] schestowitz[TR] being misled by anti--putin think tank is also bad
[15:39] XRevan86 schestowitz: Bellingcat's investigative work is really solid.
[15:39] schestowitz[TR] but she is probably indeed an agent
[15:39] schestowitz[TR] they have lots of agents out there
[15:40] schestowitz[TR] Butina..
[15:40] TR News Neofetch A Command Line Linux System Information Tool https://www.linuxshelltips.com/neofetch-linux-system-information-tool/
[15:40] TR Bot Neofetch A Command Line Linux System Information Tool
[15:41] XRevan86 schestowitz: That's quite a colourful character.
[15:41] schestowitz[TR] iirc, her main air was to propr up the pseudom achos
[15:41] schestowitz[TR] with guns and studd
[15:41] schestowitz[TR] that weakens the west
[15:41] schestowitz[TR] causes culture wars
[15:41] schestowitz[TR] people like loner
[15:41] TR News How I analyze my music directory with Groovy | https://opensource.com/article/22/8/groovy-script-java-music Source: Open Source Initiative | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//opensource.com/article/22/8/groovy-script-java-music
[15:41] TR Bot I analyze my music directory with Groovy | Opensource.com
[15:42] schestowitz[TR] RT and Sputnik spur up anti-immigrant hatred, too
[15:42] schestowitz[TR] Trump and Murdoch help them
[15:42] schestowitz[TR] head of sec at twitter become whistlebvlower
[15:42] schestowitz[TR] now admits nation states can easily hijack the narrative in twitter
[15:44] loner people like loner?
[15:44] schestowitz[TR] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina
[15:44] TR Bot Maria Butina - Wikipedia
[15:45] loner i am merely citing facts, undeniable facts, of what "atlantic bridge" minions (war criminals) did in the last decades
[15:45] XRevan86 Latest from Butina is she suggested jailing parents if their children access RKN'd resources with VPN.
[15:45] schestowitz[TR] "Butina was in a relationship with Overstock.com CEO and Trump conspiracy theorist Patrick M. Byrne. Byrne claimed the FBI encouraged him to pursue Butina, a claim retired FBI officials denied."
[15:45] XRevan86 Constant entertainmnet.
[15:45] schestowitz[TR] "For five years, prosecutors claimed, Butina lived with and maintained an intimate relationship with activist and fraudster Paul Erickson. During Donald Trump's presidential campaign in 2016, Erickson attempted to develop a back-channel between the NRA and the Russian government. Erickson was jailed and convicted of fraud unrelated to his relationship with Butina, then pardoned by Trump in his last week in office."
[15:46] loner that's the confusing aspect, with Vladimir P., in public he agitates against "the west" and "decadence"
[15:47] schestowitz[TR] ""The FBI began to monitor Butina in August 2016, after she had moved to the United States on an F-1 student visa. Rather than confront her immediately, the FBI chose to track her movements and gather information on whom she was meeting, and what her end goals were to be
[15:47] loner and, mostly behind the scences of the vulgar political theater, shakes hands to conduct oil/gas business with exactly those decadent westerners (BoJo, Trumpovitsch, German altantic-bridge affiliates)
[15:48] XRevan86 > "that's the confusing aspect, with Vladimir P., in public he" <- With experience comes realisation.
[15:48] schestowitz[TR] "Butina is one of the members of the State Duma the United States Treasury sanctioned on 24 March 2022 in response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine"
[15:49] loner well, Zelensky too stuffed his pockets full with Dollars, Panama Papers, offshore accounts
[15:49] loner whoever they are, i don't believe any of their theater
[15:50] loner it's all propaganda rubbish, and in the end someone has to pay for this... guess who
[15:50] loner and that's the moment when i begin to talk a little
[15:51] loner another mis-conception about "right-wingers" in east-germany, at least some of them, didn't spray swastikas onto the wall to identify themselves with, but instead to label their surroundins as what it is
[15:51] loner and police, required, not anyone pissing at "holy" buildings of any flaver of this
[15:52] TR News (NEW): postmarketOS // Considering SourceHut, Part 2 https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/postmarketOS_Considering_SourceHut_Part_2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/postmarketOS_Considering_SourceHut_Part_2.gmi
[15:52] TR Bot Tux Machines postmarketOS // Considering SourceHut, Part 2"
[15:52] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.1.gmi
[15:52] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[15:53] loner it's the THIRD(!) expropriation, since 1990
[15:54] loner in many regions, 50% of east-german youth left their homeland, because of unemployment, and two preceeding "currency reforms"
[15:54] loner now, comes the third one, and this one seems lethal, more or less
[15:55] loner and i wouldn't take for granted, this couldn't arrive in germany
[15:55] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: Who does? o:
[15:56] loner no clue what the theater with saporischja plant is
[15:56] loner germany scheduled for _final_ nuclear shutdown december 2022
[15:57] s98259 o.o
[15:59] loner just today, another of those "atlantic bridge" war criminals, Oezdemir (from Turkey!!!), announced, he permitted german soil designated as natural reserve may be used for farming
[15:59] loner would be curious, why? couldn't he and his following simply leave back to their homelands and farm their food themselves.
[15:59] loner ?
● Aug 26
[16:00] loner as far as i am concerned, i want those war criminals to leave MY homeland
[16:00] loner all of them
[16:00] loner in Ukraine, no surprise, they seeked to land-grab for natural resources and oil/gas
[16:00] loner how generous they are...
[16:01] loner seemed to have failed, somehow
[16:01] loner the only reason there isn't any blood on the streets yet in germany
[16:02] loner east-german military was dismantled and "re-educated" to follow those new "leaders"
[16:02] loner besides, the did an awesome job, to eradicate most of the population
[16:02] loner what they did, those atlantic bridge war criminals, by all means of the definition of it, is the biggest ethnocide in european history
[16:04] loner this final nuclear shutdown 2022, that's not only a symbolic act, of an ending era of science, culture and arts, of a civilization which once build such plants
[16:05] loner they couldn't operate nuclear at the scale required anymore, even if they wanted to
[16:05] loner because, the political leadersship is a bunch of corrupt, murderous, criminal charlatans
[16:05] loner how now, to "safe the climate" fire up coal power plants to peak capacity
[16:07] loner guess what the "carbon neutral" heating is according to them, the ones like Oezdemir?
[16:07] loner buring wood pellets from german forests, sure, those migrants prefer the appartments comfortable and warm during german winter
[16:10] loner a government with war criminals such as Oezdemir in charge, isn't only not legitimate, such persons as Oezdemire got no right at all to reside in germany
[16:10] loner and that's why i am wondering, with all their brilliant ideas, to "safe the climate", and "fight racism" etc... why aren't they doing it first in their homelands?
[16:11] loner such as: turkey, lebanon, iran, iraq, yugaslavia, romania... there's many places and homes for them
[16:11] loner instead, they're importing their political and ideological conflicts into germany
[16:12] loner recently, "german" chancellor Scholz "social democrat", atlantic bridge war criminal, shaked hands with palestinian holocaust denier Abbas
[16:13] loner citation, loose translation from Abbas, few days ago: "Israel commited several holocausts against us, the Palestinians", chancellor Scholz salutes
[16:14] loner who are those people? what are they doing here? in MY homeland?
[16:14] loner and in the end, someone has to pay with hard cash, guess who?
[16:14] loner and this is when i had a little to say, after two expropriations, with the third one ignited recently
[16:15] loner the only good news is, there is nothing remaining anymore to loot and plunder
[16:15] MinceR 26 130810 < techrights-news> "Orbn has declared war on liberal democracy and in doing so appeals not only to anti-communists, right-wing Christians, nativists, and homophobes"
[16:15] MinceR lol @ "anti-communists"
[16:15] loner they can't expropriate soil and companies more than once
[16:16] MinceR like fideath who openly sucks up to the CPC and wants to spend taxpayers' money on a "university" that requires loyalty to the CPC
[16:16] XRevan86 MinceR: Anti-communist Hitler was making deals with Stalin.
[16:17] MinceR yeah
[16:17] schestowitz[TR] MinceR: not a uniquely hungarian issue
[16:17] MinceR and then they occupied poland together, in an alliance
[16:17] MinceR and divided it up
[16:19] XRevan86 MinceR: They were incompatible, but they found a way.
[16:19] TR News "I got an overwhelmingly positive response to the new newsletter format. A few FOSSers expressed concern about losing the personal touch in this new format. I assure you that it won't happen." https://news.itsfoss.com/foss-weekly-22-31/ the name is confusing. There is already a "FLOSS Weekly"
[16:19] TR Bot FOSS Weekly #22.31: Tweaking Nemo, Tools to Understand Linux Commands and More
[16:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[16:20] XRevan86 Ultimate testimony to cooperation and tolerance. Well, until the sudden but inevitable betrayal that is.
[16:20] CrystalMath i think declaring war on liberal democracy appeals to communists too
[16:21] CrystalMath but also anti-communists, at least if we look at how people call themselves
[16:22] XRevan86 Communists are a diverse bunch, it does to some, it doesn't to others.
[16:22] loner _this_ is the most plausible explanation, for the land and power-grab into ukraine ("war") by "atlantic bridge", they already looted and plundered what they could close nearby after 1990
[16:22] TR News COVID-19 killed key conference of cURL: "Unfortunately, I had the bad taste of catching covid exactly when I was about to use my new US visa for the first time, so I had to remain at home and because of that we cancelled the whole event." https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/08/26/curl-up-2022-take-2/ notice the Microsoft logo in there. Tainted project. Microsoft money. http://techrights.org/2022/07/22/github-network-effect-curl/
[16:22] TR Bot up 2022 take 2 | daniel.haxx.se
[16:22] TR Bot Microsoft: Stay in Our Proprietary Prison (GitHub) and Attract Other People to This Prison, Well Give You Gifts | Techrights
[16:22] s98259 CrystalMath: <3 :3
[16:22] loner "german" politicians, such as Oezdemir, he couldn't "export" (steal) any more corn and wheat from german soil to ship into turkey/lebanon/syria wherever
[16:22] *s98259 gives CrystalMath a hamper of chocolates
[16:22] CrystalMath loner: well, it's true that israel is committing a genocide of palestinians
[16:22] *s98259 cuddle CrystalMath
[16:22] loner farming already operated at maximum
[16:22] CrystalMath hi s98259 :)
[16:23] *s98259 climbs into CrystalMath's lap and purrs
[16:23] TR News cURL: Microsoft STOCKHOLM syndrome. WGet: GNU.
[16:23] s98259 CrystalMath: Me Helena :3
[16:23] loner CrystalMath: impossible. there's billions of their cultural spehere spanning from north-africa down to indonesia
[16:23] TR News "We provide you both infographics and text version of the weekly report. If you just want to quickly look at what we did, just look at the infographic. If you are interested in more in depth details look below the infographic." https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/cpe-weekly-update-week-34-2022/
[16:23] TR Bot CPE Weekly Update - Week 34 2022 Fedora Community Blog
[16:23] MinceR 26 171919 < XRevan86> MinceR: They were incompatible, but they found a way.
[16:23] MinceR they were very similar to each other
[16:24] loner anyway, the farming aspect alone, Oezdemir couldn't loot and plunder any more than he already did... hence he does depend on generously distribute Ukrainian corn in the name of "humanity"
[16:24] MinceR still are
[16:24] loner which according to him, certainly didn't include some east-german underling
[16:24] XRevan86 MinceR: An "anti-communist" and an "anti-fascist" is what I mean.
[16:24] XRevan86 self-declared
[16:25] loner and while Oezdemire and his turkish "minority" enjoy luxury cars and comfortable appartments... guess who is paying for this?
[16:25] loner however, such dumbf** couldn't operate nuclear plants... this is one moment of payback time...
[16:25] loner guess who shall pay, again, for this?
[16:26] loner that's too irritating, PUtin shaking hands with Erdogan... none of my concerns, i simply do not understand this anymore, Turkey == NATO
[16:26] loner so Putin suddenly becomes best buddy of NATO there?
[16:26] XRevan86 It is always funny but also nice when activelow openly realises there are holes in his understanding of Putin.
[16:27] XRevan86 and the world politics in general
[16:27] TR News "This is a brief update of patch statuses. These are what will appear in the v6.1 kernel." https://asus-linux.org/blog/updates-2022-08-26/
[16:27] TR Bot ASUS NoteBook Linux
[16:27] TR News (NEW): openSUSE News: Mesa, Git, Gear, More Update in Tumbleweed https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/openSUSE_News_Mesa_Git_Gear_More_Update_in_Tumbleweed.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/openSUSE_News_Mesa_Git_Gear_More_Update_in_Tumbleweed.gmi
[16:27] TR Bot Tux Machines openSUSE News: Mesa, Git, Gear, More Update in Tumbleweed
[16:27] MinceR i thought erdogan turned against putler recently
[16:27] schestowitz[TR] sort of
[16:27] MinceR then again, maybe he's playing the same game orban is playing
[16:27] schestowitz[TR] now he poses as peacemaker
[16:28] loner i don't care whom turks befriend with, as long as they don't cut down the last remaining tree in germany to harvest wood pellets for heating and corn shipped to turkey
[16:28] schestowitz[TR] https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/08/25/duginist-propaganda-in-turkey-how-russia-turkey-are-both-friends-and-competitors/
[16:28] TR Bot Propaganda in Turkey; How Russia-Turkey Are Both Friends and Competitors - CounterPunch.org
[16:28] loner currently, this is labeled as "renewable" to burn wood pellets, Oezdemir, one such name
[16:28] schestowitz[TR] https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/08/22/happy-to-help">Happy to help How Turkey's President Erdogan
[16:28] TR Bot NO TITLE
[16:29] schestowitz[TR] https://meduza.io/en/news/2022/08/18/erdogan-and-zelensky-hold-first-talks-since-full-scale-war-began
[16:29] TR Bot NO TITLE
[16:29] XRevan86 MinceR: "i thought erdogan turned against putler recently" <- Same energy: https://aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/24/belarus-congratulates-ukraine-on-independence-day
[16:29] TR Bot Belarus congratulates Ukraine on Independence Day | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera
[16:29] schestowitz[TR] just.. preeeeciousss.
[16:29] XRevan86 Ergodan is playing both sides. Lukashenko is trying to do the same thing but failing spectacularly.
[16:30] schestowitz[TR] KSA: kiss the ring.
[16:30] schestowitz[TR] while I kill your journalists
[16:30] schestowitz[TR] also: sell me lots of weapons
[16:30] schestowitz[TR] we'll pay in oil
[16:31] XRevan86 It's quite pathetic, Belarus is involved in the war, it can't just make that go away.
[16:31] MinceR XRevan86: yeah
[16:31] XRevan86 https://reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-rejects-cynical-independence-day-greeting-by-belarusian-leader-2022-08-24/
[16:31] TR Bot rejects 'cynical' Independence Day greeting by Belarusian leader | Reuters
[16:31] TR News [RFC 0/3] THP Shrinker - alexlzhu https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/cover.1661461643.git.alexlzhu@fb.com/ "Transparent Hugepages use a larger page size of 2MB in comparison to normal sized pages that are 4kb."
[16:31] TR Bot [RFC 0/3] THP Shrinker - alexlzhu
[16:32] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: Making chilli con carne :3
[16:32] TR News GTK 2 removal from RHEL 10+ https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/KH2BKEOZTLV4G6WF5FUXU6RYDPC62UEX/
[16:32] TR Bot GTK 2 removal from RHEL 10+ - devel - Fedora Mailing-Lists
[16:32] s98259 I can make it from scratch! :3
[16:33] MinceR if you want to make chili con carne from scratch, first you have to invent the universe
[16:33] s98259 MinceR: Sure
[16:33] TR News [Intel-gfx] [RFC v1 0/1] Enabling Smooth Sync Feature. https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2022-August/304241.html Source: Zx2c4 | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2022-August/304241.html
[16:33] TR Bot [Intel-gfx] [RFC v1 0/1] Enabling Smooth Sync Feature.
[16:34] *souseksi has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[16:34] TR News [PATCH 0/4] sched/fair: Avoid unnecessary migrations within SMT domains - Ricardo Neri https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220825225529.26465-1-ricardo.neri-calderon@linux.intel.com/
[16:34] TR Bot [PATCH 0/4] sched/fair: Avoid unnecessary migrations within SMT domains - Ricardo Neri
[16:35] XRevan86 Erdogan is getting profit pretty well so far but he is playing with fire: if NATO is fed up with him enough, the other members can reduce Turkey's role in NATO.
[16:36] s98259 MinceR, schestowitz[TR], I'm smoking weed :3
[16:36] XRevan86 But apparently so far they see his role as a net positive as he managed to strike some deals with Putin that Putin actually upheld more or less.
[16:36] s98259 My head is fallin' off...
[16:36] MinceR hi smoking weed, i'm dad
[16:36] TR News Chipsee AIO-CM4-156 A 15.6-inch industrial All-in-One computer with Raspberry Pi CM4 https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/08/26/chipsee-aio-cm4-156-a-15-6-inch-industrial-all-in-one-computer-with-raspberry-pi-cm4/
[16:36] TR Bot Chipsee AIO-CM4-156 - A 15.6-inch industrial All-in-One computer with Raspberry Pi CM4 - CNX Software
[16:36] s98259 I'm gonna get up and do something! :3
[16:36] s98259 MinceR: Hi dad, why did you name me this way?
[16:36] MinceR \_()_/
[16:37] s98259 :3
[16:37] s98259 brb now :D
[16:37] TR News "Chipsee says the all-in-one computer is fully compatible with Raspberry Pi OS (Debian), and also lists Ubuntu and Android 11, but most operating systems for Raspberry Pi should work as well. More technical details can be found on the documentation website." https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/08/26/chipsee-aio-cm4-156-a-15-6-inch-industrial-all-in-one-computer-with-raspberry-pi-cm4/
[16:37] XRevan86 Can't say the same about the deal Putin made with the UN regarding Azovstal's surrender.
[16:38] XRevan86 Still no news on that front.
[16:38] s98259 I back! :D
[16:38] s98259 Getting up and sitting back down against is a reset switch for my fall-asleepness
[16:38] schestowitz[TR] MinceR, schestowitz[TR], I'm smoking weed :3
[16:38] schestowitz[TR] if it makes you ahappy and nobody is harmed..
[16:38] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: Don't worry I'm not stabbing up the neighbours
[16:39] s98259 I can't be arsed with em anyway lol
[16:39] schestowitz[TR] we hate when the neighbours do it cause we need to shut doors and windows, the smoke is terrible
[16:39] s98259 They're just a bunch of randomers on an estate
[16:39] s98259 who could put me to harm... :'(
[16:39] MinceR yeah, why stab them up if you can just cut them down
[16:40] s98259 Agreed! :3
[16:40] loner that's one argument i conset with Putin, him insisting foreign agents register and identify accordingly
[16:40] s98259 I don't want them knocking at my door, I don't want them posting through my door, I don't even want them to say the damn alphabet to me.
[16:40] XRevan86 loner: Do ye agree with the definition of a foreign agent?
[16:40] s98259 I would like for them to mind their own business and I'll mind mine. :3
[16:40] loner with germany i would insisit, this applied to all Ukraine/Belarus/Russian/Polish agents acting here, same with all those "atlantic bridge" ones
[16:40] TR News LOL!!!! $469... !!! Foir a CELERON!!! You can buy TEN four-core Raspis for that price!!! https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/08/26/wafer-tgl-u-3-5-inch-tiger-lake-sbc-offers-3x-2-5gbe-port-sata-4x-display-interfaces/
[16:40] TR Bot WAFER-TGL-U 3.5-inch Tiger Lake SBC offers 3x 2.5GbE port, SATA, 4x display interfaces - CNX Software
[16:41] MinceR knock-knock-knockin' on s98259's door
[16:41] schestowitz[TR] psydroid2: ^
[16:41] s98259 MinceR: That song <3
[16:41] loner XRevan86: "atlantic bridge", would you agree with the definition of this being an "NGO" for "non-profit"?
[16:41] XRevan86 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_foreign_agent_law#2020s It's been updated by the way.
[16:41] TR Bot Russian foreign agent law - Wikipedia
[16:41] loner hence i insist, any member or affiliate of this gang of war criminals is labeled accordingly
[16:41] s98259 /nick Helenah
[16:41] *s98259 is now known as Helenah
[16:42] *Helenah is now known as s98259
[16:42] TR News Intel in 2022: selling fossils to dinosaurs
[16:42] psydroid2 lol
[16:42] schestowitz[TR] $469
[16:42] s98259 Something broke.
[16:42] XRevan86 loner: The best way not to be a foreign agent in Russia is to be a hermit.
[16:42] schestowitz[TR] so you can AKMOST run Vista11
[16:42] schestowitz[TR] celeron
[16:42] loner whenever anyone of them poses in public as "journalist" or "politician", just anything relevant... to identify as "atlantic bridge" gang member
[16:42] psydroid2 at snail's pace
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] edge pace
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] it's notoriously bloated now
[16:43] loner XRevan86: too i consider the former soviet/KGB/FSB realm problematic in germany and their agents acting secretly here
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] I didn't look into it
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] seems they just broken down mise into modules
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] took fresh chromium
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] loaded up the bloat onto it, bolted in
[16:43] loner i do not object of former soviets being active in germany, i object to them doing it secretly, to subvert and hijack positions
[16:43] schestowitz[TR] and it runs like a snail
[16:43] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
[16:43] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
[16:43] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
[16:43] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
[16:43] s98259 I need to fix that
[16:43] s98259 System Uptime:
[16:43] s98259 /usr/local/bin/puptime: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
[16:44] psydroid2 and the celeron one is useless
[16:44] s98259 Things broke.
[16:44] psydroid2 only has 2 slow cores
[16:44] loner i am thinking of many former "yugo" "refugees" too with this, recently "ukrainian", "belarussian"... many "refugees" "NGO" "journalists"
[16:44] s98259 I'm sorry about that guys.
[16:44] schestowitz[TR] too much UP time makes you HIGH
[16:44] s98259 I only got enough resources for my IRC connection it seems.
[16:44] psydroid2 even that $111 handheld could be faster
[16:44] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: I'm stoned
[16:44] loner this would greatly simply various problems: to identify in whose interests those act, espionage etc...
[16:45] s98259 My head is wired
[16:45] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: Me and my gf are very private with the weed when it comes to irl
[16:45] loner the entire political apparatus is fully subverted and hijacked in germany, by foreign agents
[16:45] s98259 We keep our windows and doors closed then spray the place down afterwards.
[16:45] psydroid2 scratch that
[16:45] loner same with public media/tv/newspapers... foreign interests
[16:45] psydroid2 the $111 handheld IS faster in multicore
[16:45] schestowitz[TR] you seem friendly though, just don't flood
[16:45] psydroid2 talking about a Wintel tax
[16:46] s98259 Who flooded?
[16:46] schestowitz[TR] UNIX and POTS don't mix anymore
[16:46] s98259 I couldn't stop it.
[16:46] loner Putin is the least problematic, because he and his affiliates most often clearly identified
[16:46] loner the yugo gang, not sure, what to think of their strain of "communism"
[16:46] MinceR except when his affiliates lie about their affiliation
[16:46] psydroid2 POTS is for running Vista
[16:46] MinceR which happens often
[16:46] *s98259 gives schestowitz[TR] a hamper of drug delights
[16:46] *s98259 gives MinceR a hamper of chocolates
[16:46] MinceR Plain Old Telephone System?
[16:47] s98259 POTS <3
[16:47] s98259 The days :D
[16:47] s98259 I've been washing pots. :3
[16:47] schestowitz[TR] today's kids don't knmow the model dial-up sounds
[16:47] MinceR also when his affiliates can't decide which side they're on
[16:47] schestowitz[TR] or fax machines
[16:47] MinceR (orban, erdogan, lukashenka)
[16:47] loner anyway, they follow an agenda, similarly known in former yugoslavia, when everyone without a party politics passport was expelled from public institutions and economy...
[16:47] loner remember this?
[16:47] s98259 I miss the days when you could sqeeze the dish soap bottle and all tiny bubbles would come out! :D
[16:47] loner this is what they did in germany, since 1990s
[16:48] s98259 Oh the days of pots
[16:48] s98259 and dish soap bubbles
[16:48] s98259 Now it's just... pots...
[16:48] TR News SPAMnil posting spam for anti-Linux firms again. FUD as webspam.
[16:48] s98259 with no fun...
[16:48] XRevan86 https://yewtu.be/sxXZDlV6SO4 The true forgotten German language is revealed.
[16:48] s98259 lol
[16:48] TR Bot Russian State TV: Vladimir Solovyov attempts to ridicules Olaf Scholz - Invidious
[16:49] s98259 I'll stop, sorry. I should keep on-topic when tech talk is happening.
[16:49] XRevan86 Need loner's expertise on just how close it is to the language of his grandmother.
[16:49] loner i don't use any youtube
[16:49] s98259 youtube-dl <3
[16:49] s98259 Oh
[16:49] s98259 There is that new one, a fork of it that I need to try.
[16:49] s98259 People are recommending it to me.
[16:49] CrystalMath yt-dlp?
[16:50] s98259 Yes, that.
[16:50] loner XRevan86: there isn't any speakers remaining
[16:50] MinceR try headphones
[16:50] loner and those who do, don't anymore, remain silent, because the language is mis-represented as dumb
[16:50] XRevan86 loner: https://files.catbox.moe/8o97j7.mp4
[16:50] TR Bot connect to files.catbox.moe:443; Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ https://files.catbox.moe/8o97j7.mp4 )
[16:51] loner i am not in the mood of ridicule
[16:51] XRevan86 State TV quality content.
[16:52] loner just today a right-wing terrorist was sentenced to life-time imprisonment in germany
[16:53] loner a "german" politician, CDU in this case, agitated, anyone who didn't enjoy the immigration policies may freely choose to leave the country
[16:53] MinceR is there IRC in prison?
[16:53] loner in parallel, some unknown agent incited the perpretrator, provided him with a gun, and then the CDU politician was executed.
[16:54] MinceR good
[16:54] XRevan86 loner: "i am not in the mood" <- Excuses, excuses.
[16:54] MinceR they should do that to the rest too
[16:55] loner the inciting agent was relived from any responsibility, the gun-men will go to jail for the rest of his life, and then sent into psychiatry or something (secure captivity, it's not called imprisonment)
[16:56] loner another reason why, i insist foreign agents in politics identify as what they are, in whose interest they agitate etc.
[16:56] loner the execution of this CDU politician wasn't the only case
[16:57] TR News Haha. No. Apple is in NSA PRISM. Your data is most safe... with YOU! https://www.maketecheasier.com/private-data-most-safe-with-apple/
[16:57] TR Bot Study Shows Your Private Data Is Most Safe with Apple - Make Tech Easier
[16:57] loner the church and their interests in germany, another political psycho-sect to shed some light upon
[16:58] loner if they're acting in the interest of Rome, fine, then they should clearly identify at least they do so
[16:58] XRevan86 It's not that hard to buy loner, just declare something that appeals to him, it doesn't have to have any resemblance to the actual thing.
[16:58] loner and not present themselves as "german" politician or journalist or whatever
[16:58] MinceR i wonder what they studied... crApple ads? crApple fanboys' beliefs?
[16:59] XRevan86 - Why did ye assassinate Trotsky?
[16:59] XRevan86 - Well he was a fascist foreign agent.
[16:59] XRevan86 - Ah, fair is fair.
[16:59] MinceR :>
[16:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 23.88 k/sec., IPFS upstream 113.56 average k/sec., average swarm size 121.55
[16:59] TR News 394 - With music on our side to break the old hard drives - mintCast https://mintcast.org/2022/08/26/394-with-music-on-our-side-to-break-the-old-hard-drives/ Source: mintCast Pocast
[16:59] TR Bot 394 With music on our side to break the old hard drives mintCast
● Aug 26
[17:00] TR News "We learned some really hard lessons this week, and reflect. Then Chris finds the perfect temperature sensor, and Alex finds a beautiful media discovery app." https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/149702/we-should-know-better-self-hosted-78/
[17:00] TR Bot We Should Know Better | Self-Hosted 78 | Jupiter Broadcasting
[17:04] TR News (UPDATED): Deepin releases 20.6 plus a preview of major new version (UPDATED) https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Deepin_releases_20_6_plus_a_preview_of_major_new_version.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/25/Deepin_releases_20_6_plus_a_preview_of_major_new_version.gmi
[17:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Deepin releases 20.6 plus a preview of major new version (UPDATED)
[17:06] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[17:08] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techrights
[17:08] *irc.techrights.org gives channel operator status to MinceR
[17:08] TR News "Ive been saying that complexity is the worst enemy of security for a long time now. (Heres me in 1999.) And its been true for a long time." https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/08/security-and-cheap-complexity.html
[17:08] TR Bot and Cheap Complexity - Schneier on Security
[17:09] TR News "So, computers are insecure because they have so many complex layers." https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2022/08/03/the-anomaly-of-cheap-complexity/
[17:09] TR Bot The anomaly of cheap complexity
[17:09] TR News (NEW): Pano is a Next-Gen Clipboard Manager for GNOME Shell https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Pano_is_a_Next_Gen_Clipboard_Manager_for_GNOME_Shell.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Pano_is_a_Next_Gen_Clipboard_Manager_for_GNOME_Shell.gmi
[17:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Pano is a Next-Gen Clipboard Manager for GNOME Shell
[17:11] TR News "CentOS hosted a Dojo at DevConf.US in Boston. This was our first return to hosting in-person events, and we tried to include remote participants with a YouTube live stream. Thanks to everybody who joined us in Boston or online" https://blog.centos.org/2022/08/centos-community-newsletter-august-2022/
[17:11] TR Bot Community Newsletter, August 2022 Blog.CentOS.org
[17:12] TR News Modernization as crypto-speak for embracing complexity (lock-in, too) https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/modernization-developing-your-code-migration-strategy
[17:12] TR Bot Modernization: Developing your code migration strategy
[17:13] TR News Buzzwords overload https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/edge-automation-seven-industry-use-cases-and-examples
[17:13] TR Bot Edge automation: Seven industry use cases and examples
[17:14] TR News openSUSE Tumbleweed - Review of the week 2022/34 - Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*) https://dominique.leuenberger.net/blog/2022/08/opensuse-tumbleweed-review-of-the-week-2022-34/
[17:14] TR Bot openSUSE Tumbleweed Review of the week 2022/34 Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)
[17:16] TR News (UPDATED): openSUSE News: Mesa, Git, Gear, More Update in Tumbleweed (UPDATED) https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/openSUSE_News_Mesa_Git_Gear_More_Update_in_Tumbleweed.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/openSUSE_News_Mesa_Git_Gear_More_Update_in_Tumbleweed.gmi
[17:16] TR Bot Tux Machines openSUSE News: Mesa, Git, Gear, More Update in Tumbleweed (UPDATED)
[17:17] TR News The American Data Privacy and Protection Act: a look into the United States first federal privacy law https://www.techradar.com/features/the-american-data-privacy-and-protection-act-a-look-into-the-united-states-first-federal-privacy-law
[17:17] TR Bot American Data Privacy and Protection Act: a look into the United States' first federal privacy law | TechRadar
[17:18] *loner has quit (Quit: connection closed.)
[17:19] TR News Meet Canonical at OpenSearchCon 2022 and hear about our new community collaboration | Ubuntu https://ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-opensearch-collaboration Source: Ubuntubuzz | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-opensearch-collaboration
[17:19] TR Bot Canonical at OpenSearchCon 2022 and hear about our new community collaboration | Ubuntu
[17:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[17:20] schestowitz__[TR] https://peter.czanik.hu/other/opensource-linux-birthday-origin-stories/
[17:20] TR Bot Happy birthday, Linux! Here are 6 Linux origin stories | Random thoughts of Peter 'CzP' Czanik
[17:21] TR News Day in the life of a package maintainer: Reproducible Go packages https://shibumi.dev/posts/day-in-the-life-of-a-package-maintainer-reproducible-go-packages/ Source: | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//shibumi.dev/posts/day-in-the-life-of-a-package-maintainer-reproducible-go-packages/
[17:21] TR Bot Day in the life of a package maintainer: Reproducible Go packages
[17:21] TR News "It's substantially based on one module from an OpenSCAD "Nose Cone Library" by Garrett Goss, which he kindly released to the public domain." https://jmtd.net/log/janod_rocket/
[17:21] TR Bot jmtd log Replacement nosecone for Janod Rocket
[17:22] TR News Debian to Puppy package db conversion in Nim https://bkhome.org/news/202208/debian-to-puppy-package-db-conversion-in-nim.html "'debdb2pupdb' is written in BaCon language, though Dima (dimkr in the forum) rewrote it in C in woof-CE; though, the legacy-branch in woof-CE still has the BaCon version..."
[17:22] TR Bot Debian to Puppy package db conversion in Nim
[17:23] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.2.gmi
[17:23] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[17:23] TR News Storing OCR result | My Journey at google summer of Code 2022 https://quochungtran.github.io/junk/2022/08/14/weed9.html Source: | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//quochungtran.github.io/junk/2022/08/14/weed9.html
[17:23] TR Bot Storing OCR result | My Journey at google summer of Code 2022
[17:25] TR News (NEW): Free Software: Europe, Bans, and Microsoft Censorship https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Free_Software_Europe_Bans_and_Microsoft_Censorship.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Free_Software_Europe_Bans_and_Microsoft_Censorship.gmi
[17:25] TR Bot Tux Machines Free Software: Europe, Bans, and Microsoft Censorship
[17:26] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Android_Leftovers.gmi
[17:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers
[17:26] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Security_Leftovers.gmi
[17:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers
[17:28] TR News (NEW): Red Hat, Fedora, and CentOS Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Red_Hat_Fedora_and_CentOS_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Red_Hat_Fedora_and_CentOS_Leftovers.gmi
[17:28] TR Bot Tux Machines Red Hat, Fedora, and CentOS Leftovers
[17:28] TR News (UPDATED): Universal Unix tool AWK gets Unicode support (UPDATEDx2) https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/23/Universal_Unix_tool_AWK_gets_Unicode_support.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/23/Universal_Unix_tool_AWK_gets_Unicode_support.gmi
[17:28] TR Bot Tux Machines Universal Unix tool AWK gets Unicode support (UPDATEDx2)
[17:29] TR News We Asked AI To Create These Beautiful Thunderbird Wallpapers https://blog.thunderbird.net/2022/08/we-asked-ai-to-create-these-beautiful-thunderbird-wallpapers/ Source: Thunderbird | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//blog.thunderbird.net/2022/08/we-asked-ai-to-create-these-beautiful-thunderbird-wallpapers/
[17:29] TR Bot We Asked AI To Create These Beautiful Thunderbird Wallpapers
[17:31] TR News What on EARTH does this have to do with Firefox? What has Mozilla been smokin'? https://blog.mozilla.org/en/internet-culture/firefox-presents-stoke-king-wade-holland/
[17:31] TR Bot Firefox Presents: Feeling alive with the Stoke King
[17:31] *schestowitz[TR] blames s98259
[17:31] s98259 schestowitz[TR]: o.O
[17:31] s98259 For?
[17:32] TR News Mozilla is rebranding as a censorship company https://blog.mozilla.org/en/internet-culture/misinformation-social-media/
[17:32] TR Bot Slow your scroll: 5 ways to fight misinformation on your social feed
[17:32] schestowitz[TR] s98259: smoke jking
[17:33] TR News "mate, why do you want me to try Firefox?" "It blocks things!" "Scams?" "No, politics and stuff that Gulag Baker does not agree with..."
[17:34] s98259 Oh
[17:35] TR News Follow RSS feed of UK government, find out the RSS feed is like 300+ entries!!! Which you'd fetch over and over again!
[17:37] TR News Digital Restrictions (DRM) https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/08/a-new-jailbreak-for-john-deere-tractors-rides-the-right-to-repair-wave/
[17:37] TR Bot A new jailbreak for John Deere tractors rides the right-to-repair wave | Ars Technica
[17:38] TR News [Old] "Microsoft state that they follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and that these practices apply to all geographies, not just Europe. However, you cannot access the data collected." https://www.roboleary.net/tools/2022/04/20/vscode-telemetry.html
[17:38] TR Bot VS Code - What's the deal with the telemetry?
[17:39] *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[17:40] TR News "However, VSCodium cant shut out all the data collection as it is the same codebase. And since extensions act independently with regard to data collection, you still need to be mindful of what extensions you install. You would need to search around for other options if you want to find a more privacy-oriented, open-source code editor." https://www.roboleary.net/tools/2022/04/20/vscode-telemetry.html
[17:40] *techuser (~techuser@hrd9uqyjic3di.irc) has joined #techrights
[17:41] TR News Mir compositor has a new release, but it is outsourced to Microsoft/NSA proprietary malware. So don't trust it. Don't trust Canonical in general.
[17:42] TR News "KDE neon has Docker images which are great for easily testing out KDE software built from Git master, Git testing or releases without touching your host system." https://blog.neon.kde.org/2022/08/26/kde-neon-docker-images-now-on-22-04lts/
[17:42] TR Bot KDE neon Docker Images now on 22.04LTS KDE neon Developers' Blog
[17:43] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[17:44] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techrights
[17:44] *irc.techrights.org gives channel operator status to MinceR
[17:45] TR News It's Over, It Starts gemini://radi_.smol.pub/its-over_it-starts
[17:46] TR News "while working on my website, i happened to stumble across an opportunity where a certain company was opening auditions for new vtuber talents. i'm only heavily considering it because i'm in the midst of a hopeless job hunt - which sounds stupid but. well. this is me trying every avenue, even the unorthodox ones." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1112
[17:46] TR News "I finally created a gemini capsule!!! I've been lurking on gemini for ages now, and I've been wanting to contribute my own nonsense for just as long." gemini://gem.saayaa.space/gemlog/2022-08-25-my-first-gemlog.gmi
● Aug 26
[18:00] TR News (NEW): Linux could leave Windows 11 in the dust as Intel hybrid CPUs get further optimizations https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Linux_could_leave_Windows_11_in_the_dust_as_Intel_hybrid_CPUs_g.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Linux_could_leave_Windows_11_in_the_dust_as_Intel_hybrid_CPUs_g.gmi
[18:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Linux could leave Windows 11 in the dust as Intel hybrid CPUs get further optimizations
[18:14] *horseface (~horseface@tpsz2wc8kh6ws.irc) has joined #techrights
[18:14] *jkl has quit (Quit: Gone.)
[18:16] *jkl (~jkl@freenode/user/jkl) has joined #techrights
[18:18] TR News "I am the largest contributor to Ubuntu by uploads in the last decade." https://jriddell.org/about-me/
[18:18] TR Bot About Me Jonathan Esk-Riddell's Diary
[18:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[18:21] TR News NetworkManager"bump version to 1.40.0" https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/-/tags/1.40.0
[18:21] TR Bot 1.40.0 Tags NetworkManager / NetworkManager GitLab
[18:25] TR News "Many years ago I bought a record player and started my own little record collection. I fell in love with handling, cleaning, and playing records from the very beginning. I grew up in the back-end of tapes and meat of the CD eras so records were new to me." gemini://gem.saayaa.space/gemlog/2022-08-26.gmi
[18:29] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
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[18:36] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@freenode/user/Noisytoot) has joined #techrights
[18:37] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@sourcehut/user/noisytoot) has joined #techrights
[18:38] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techrights
[18:40] TR News Links 26/08/2022: Lutris 0.5.11 and NetworkManager 1.40.0 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/networkmanager-1-40-0/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/networkmanager-1-40-0/
[18:40] TR Bot Links 26/08/2022: Lutris 0.5.11 and NetworkManager 1.40.0 | Techrights
[18:41] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.1.gmi
[18:41] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos"
[18:43] TR News Programming/Development: Nim and BaCon, GSoC https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Programming_Development_Nim_and_BaCon_GSoC.shtml Coding and Free software updates
[18:43] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming/Development: Nim and BaCon, GSoC
[18:43] TR News today's howtos https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.3.shtml 5 more howtos
[18:43] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos
[18:43] TR News KDE Snap Packages and New KDE neon Docker Image https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_Snap_Packages_and_New_KDE_neon_Docker_Image.shtml Jonathan Riddell's work
[18:43] TR Bot Tux Machines KDE Snap Packages and New KDE neon Docker Image
[18:44] TR News Mozilla: Firefox Censorship, Off-topic Marketing, and Thunderbird Wallpapers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Mozilla_Firefox_Censorship_Off_topic_Marketing_and_Thunderbird_.shtml Weird day for Mozilla...
[18:44] TR Bot Tux Machines Mozilla: Firefox Censorship, Off-topic Marketing, and Thunderbird Wallpapers
[18:49] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Today_in_Techrights.gmi
[18:49] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights
[18:49] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.3.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/today_s_howtos.3.gmi
[18:49] TR News (NEW): Programming/Development: Nim and BaCon, GSoC https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Programming_Development_Nim_and_BaCon_GSoC.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Programming_Development_Nim_and_BaCon_GSoC.gmi
[18:49] TR News (NEW): Mozilla: Firefox Censorship, Off-topic Marketing, and Thunderbird Wallpapers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Mozilla_Firefox_Censorship_Off_topic_Marketing_and_Thunderbird_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Mozilla_Firefox_Censorship_Off_topic_Marketing_and_Thunderbird_.gmi
[18:49] TR News (NEW): KDE Snap Packages and New KDE neon Docker Image https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_Snap_Packages_and_New_KDE_neon_Docker_Image.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_Snap_Packages_and_New_KDE_neon_Docker_Image.gmi
[18:50] TR News (NEW): Top 10 Best Linux Distros for Privacy and Security https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Top_10_Best_Linux_Distros_for_Privacy_and_Security.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Top_10_Best_Linux_Distros_for_Privacy_and_Security.gmi
[18:50] TR Bot Tux Machines Top 10 Best Linux Distros for Privacy and Security
[18:57] *horseface has quit (Quit: PING TIMEOUT!!! >9000 FOR SURE!!!)
[18:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 32.81 k/sec., IPFS upstream 111.11 average k/sec., average swarm size 114.06
● Aug 26
[19:00] *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights
[19:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[19:26] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@6sbgukm7ty7zk.irc) has joined #techrights
[19:27] TR News For marketing reasons, first and foremost, companies like to say "developed in a lab" or "made in a lab" when it's always just mass-manufactured in a bloody factory. The idea is, maybe after they came up with something in experiments (with scientists) they got some formula, but they overcomplicate it to make it seem like it's meticulously tailored "just for you". Research-washing.
[19:31] DaemonFC I like how Biden's speeches always say "our kids" and not "your kids".
[19:31] DaemonFC It's a refreshing honesty that when you hae kids, you turn them over to the state.
[19:32] DaemonFC You have to pay for it, but they belong to the state.
[19:32] DaemonFC And you have to let the state brainwash them or you've committed the offense of not doing so.
[19:32] DaemonFC Those Christian schools are just as bad as the state ones. They take state money and encourage people to just "do whatever the state says" because "it's biblical".
[19:33] DaemonFC Whatever keeps the vouchers coming.
[19:34] MinceR maybe discuss that with "republicans"
[19:38] DaemonFC Either way, the kids learn just do whatever the government says.
[19:38] DaemonFC So you have to almost laugh when parents go "I'm taking my kids out of the failed public schools and putting them in schools that take government vouchers!".
[19:39] DaemonFC Then there's the ones that don't take government money so they aren't as regulated by the state.
[19:39] DaemonFC And they "aren't accredited" so the state takes their revenge on your children for escaping their propaganda.
[19:39] DaemonFC By saying they didn't graduate high school.
[19:40] DaemonFC So it's a classic no-win situation.
[19:41] DaemonFC The only way your children ever learn to hate the state as much as they should is if they get exposed to "radical" ideas that the state says are basically terrorism. Such as "taxation as theft" and becoming the victims of police harassment.
[19:43] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[19:45] DaemonFC The IRS shouldn't be a welfare program. They should get rid of the Earned Income Tax Credit entirely.
[19:45] DaemonFC The IRS itself admits that about a third of the money that goes out is fraud and overpayments.
[19:45] *souseksi (~souseksi@vtwgagwswzj4y.irc) has joined #techrights
[19:46] DaemonFC TANF has about a 1-2% overpayment rate.
[19:46] DaemonFC What if they just gave the money to the TANF program and increased the benefits from TANF?
[19:47] *horseface has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)
[19:47] DaemonFC Instead of going to fraudsters who file false tax returns and then the victim finds out about it when the IRS says "We're auditing you." and the victim didn't even get any money because it went to an abandoned house's mailbox in another state that a scammer was stealing the checks from, why don't they do that?
[19:47] DaemonFC Richard Stallman is an idiot.
[19:47] DaemonFC One of his posts said there's no reason to even try to fix this fraud because the scammers will spend the money and it will be "stimulus".
[19:48] CrystalMath DaemonFC: what about being homeschooled?
[19:48] DaemonFC I emailed him and said, "Well, what about the victims who get the IRS audit letter because they were the victim of the false return? And what about the IRS slapping a tax lien on their car and home and seizing their bank account? The money comes right back out of the ass of random people who were victims of a scam!".
[19:50] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@h635kpe3hju7k.irc) has joined #techrights
[19:51] DaemonFC There's real people who get hurt when scammers grab their Social Security Number and file false tax returns.
[19:52] DaemonFC And Stallman just goes "Well, the scammers will spend the money and create jobs, so what's the problem!?".
[19:52] DaemonFC This is almost, hardly something out of the mind of a guy who has his accomplishments in the field of computer science.
[19:53] DaemonFC The GNU project also tries to retcon the notion that the "open source" people didn't arrive on the scene until "1998" or so, when in fact the idea existed before the GNU project.
[19:54] DaemonFC The BSD modifications to UNIX were "open source", but I don't know if anyone was calling it that then or if the idea was just nameless but understood.
[19:55] MinceR that's an interesting idea
[19:55] DaemonFC Is open source a "watered down" concept of Free Software? That's one way to look at it. Free Software could also be viewed as a "stronger" protection for the users, but a variation of open source.
[19:55] MinceR starting a flamewar about what's the correct name for a nameless idea
[19:56] DaemonFC That's kind of what they did.
[19:56] MinceR currently "open source" means "disguise something that is only meant to serve one or more corporations to look like it was free software"
[19:56] DaemonFC The GNU project isn't as old as the X server, and wasn't that always under the MIT license?
[19:57] DaemonFC The X server is about a year older, right?
[19:57] MinceR how old is Emacs?
[19:58] DaemonFC March 20th, 1985
[19:58] *DaemonFC should really make a Firefox extension to shift Wikipedia to en-US and US time/date formats.
[19:58] DaemonFC Does that exist?
[19:59] techuser standard non-compliance is evil
[19:59] techuser use ISO 8601
[19:59] techuser for all languages
● Aug 26
[20:00] MinceR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System
[20:00] TR Bot X Window System - Wikipedia
[20:00] MinceR > X9 September 1985 Color. First release under MIT License.
[20:00] DaemonFC I flip the time and date settings in all the software I use. It's annoying, but you only have to do it once.
[20:02] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:02] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@6sbgukm7ty7zk.irc) has joined #techrights
[20:04] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights
[20:04] DaemonFC The original BSD code was just a set of add-ons to AT&T UNIX, but weren't they under the original BSD license with the "advertising clause"?
[20:05] DaemonFC The FSF recognizes that one as "Free" but "the advertising clause is annoying and we discourage using that version of the license".
[20:07] DaemonFC The way a Linux system behaves today is all over the place.
[20:07] DaemonFC systemd seems to me to be a really bad attempt to copy Solaris SMF.
[20:09] DaemonFC MinceR, If I had to describe systemd and some of the other things Red Hat has done it would be this....
[20:09] DaemonFC "And now a Really Bad Lip Reading of Solaris."
[20:10] DaemonFC The SMF was considered for porting to Linux by Canonical in 2006 to replace init, and I think it would have worked out a lot better than systemd.
[20:11] DaemonFC They rejected the SMF though for being "too complex", which is amusing really, because systemd has grown to encapsulate most of userspace now and is too large to comfortably understand anymore.
[20:11] DaemonFC OpenSolaris booted up faster than Ubuntu did on my laptop when I used it.
[20:12] DaemonFC There was a lot of anti-ZFS stuff going around too. Like, it was slow and needed a ton of RAM. Nonsense.
[20:12] DaemonFC It ran fine on a single core mobile Sempron with 1 GB of RAM in the entire computer.
[20:13] DaemonFC The worst thing about Solaris was its engineers apparently were worried about their code ending up in Linux and requested an incompatible license.
[20:14] DaemonFC If they had brought in SMF to Linux, which I think would have worked out pretty well compared to this, we wouldn't have "systemd" which is designed by a guy who now works at Microsoft.
[20:14] DaemonFC Which is obviously an attempt to sabotage Linux and weigh it down with security problems and technical debt and code bloat.
[20:14] DaemonFC (which worked)
[20:15] DaemonFC Even the people who claim they've got a systemd-free Linux system usually end up with pieces of it anyway.
[20:15] DaemonFC Because it's become very hard to actually thoroughly escape.
[20:16] DaemonFC The DNS resolver alone is a scandal.
[20:18] MinceR DaemonFC: i doubt slowlaris has enough bad ideas in it for systemd
[20:18] MinceR does slowlaris stuff multiple services into the same process?
[20:18] DaemonFC No it didn't.
[20:19] DaemonFC Why, did Poetteringd copy the Windows svchost? That was really useful for viruses.
[20:19] DaemonFC And if a service crashed, then it could cause multiple crashes because the svchost containing them died.
[20:19] MinceR no, but he did stuff a ton of unrelated functionality into systemd
[20:19] MinceR all of it implemented poorly, of course
[20:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[20:20] DaemonFC I think Microsoft's solution with svchost was to run a separate svchost for each service to get around the "one crash to take out the whole OS" problem.
[20:20] DaemonFC Which defeats the point.
[20:20] MinceR what a wonderful "solution"
[20:21] DaemonFC svchost was originally a way to save RAM by cramming a bunch of services into a single process.
[20:21] DaemonFC But it created stability problems instead.
[20:22] DaemonFC Then when computers got more RAM, it made sense to run separate services again, but parts of Windows depend on svchost to be running services.
[20:22] DaemonFC So now there's an overhead for svchost running one service per instance.
[20:22] MinceR it wouldn't have been necessary to save RAM in this way if they used a kernel designed by someone competent
[20:23] MinceR like any unix out there, for example
[20:23] DaemonFC Microsoft has always aimed to appease junk computer vendors, you know.
[20:23] DaemonFC The more computers they claimed NT *could* run on, the more marketshare they could hope to get.
[20:24] DaemonFC So if a really nasty hack saved 1-2 MB of RAM, that's what you did.
[20:25] MinceR they were never willing to design or implement something properly to reduce the waste of resources, though
[20:26] *phebus has quit (Quit: POKE 1,0)
[20:34] DaemonFC No, it becomes easier to just quickly design around problems even if those create bigger problems later.
[20:34] DaemonFC Like the mess they created with their C standard library.
[20:35] *souseksi has quit (connection closed)
[20:37] DaemonFC They decided to bump the C Standard library and just tell application vendors to bundle their own private copy of it instead of rolling it out through Windows Update and telling them use the version "7" library if you want to. It's in the C:\Windows folder. If you want the version "6" library, just link to the same one or don't specify which one you want.
[20:37] DaemonFC Then when there were dozens of copies on the system and they started getting security vulnerabilities reported on them, there was no system keeping them all up to date.
[20:38] DaemonFC Something similar happened to gdiplus.dll, and Microsoft released a tool that attempted to find all of them and patch them all.
[20:39] DaemonFC And it ended up patching some of them wrong and causing application failures. :)
[20:40] DaemonFC Because some programs were modifying the dll either in their private copy or after it was loaded, by patching it in memory, and Microsoft's security update changed the assumptions of where everything inside the dll was located.
[20:41] DaemonFC "Simple. Change the gravitational constant of the universe!" -Q (on how to get an asteroid out of the way before it impacted on a planet)
[20:42] *souseksi (~souseksi@vtwgagwswzj4y.irc) has joined #techrights
[20:55] MinceR https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/universal-2
[20:55] TR Bot Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Universal
[20:57] souseksi MinceR: funny comic. Thank you for sharing.
[20:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 11.08 k/sec., IPFS upstream 91.18 average k/sec., average swarm size 122.60
[20:59] MinceR np
● Aug 26
[21:09] DaemonFC schestowitz-TR2, Half your country is in danger of having the gas shut off by winter.
[21:09] DaemonFC Half.
[21:09] DaemonFC I wonder what that is here. We have LIHEAP, you know, so the government will basically pay for it for the very poorest households.
[21:09] DaemonFC Under 125% of the Federal Poverty Line.
[21:09] DaemonFC It's not just going to let THEM freeze to death.
[21:09] DaemonFC But that doesn't help us.
[21:10] DaemonFC Mandy and I don't qualify for LIHEAP.
[21:10] DaemonFC So we get to turn the heater off and wrap ourselves in sleeping bags like we were out in the wilderness, so we can afford to pay lawyers and dentists and landlords and shit.
[21:10] DaemonFC (Oh my!)
[21:11] DaemonFC Lawyers and dentists and landlords and shit, oh my! Lawyers and dentists and landlords and shit, oh my!
[21:11] DaemonFC People wonder why I'm fucking pissed.
[21:11] DaemonFC Damn this state to hell!
[21:12] DaemonFC I'm sure that loner has it worse in Germany.
[21:12] DaemonFC But nobody's really happy with what their government is up to.
[21:12] DaemonFC Except people with so much money they'll never worry about it, which is fewer and fewer.
[21:12] DaemonFC Even MARISOL got knocked down a couple of pegs.
[21:12] souseksi DaemonFC: please don't get upset.
[21:13] starstreak lol
[21:13] DaemonFC I dug out the hair clippers and gave myself another haircut in the mirror last night.
[21:13] DaemonFC I started doing that in April of 2020 because the government shut down all of the haircut places.
[21:14] DaemonFC And at first I looked awful, and then eventually I got better and better at it.
[21:14] DaemonFC It's hair. It grows back. You can just keep trying until you're better at it.
[21:14] DaemonFC Then you don't have to pay anyone to take care of this.
[21:14] souseksi DaemonFC: Remarkable coincidence! Yesterday I went to the hairdresser and got my hair cut too.
[21:15] souseksi I don't mind that I paid a little for it.
[21:15] DaemonFC Well, I wonder how many people realized how much money was going out the door to the haircut places and just stopped going there and had each family member taking turns giving the others haircuts.
[21:15] DaemonFC In turn, in "macro", some hair stylists lost their jobs forever because of Governor Prickster.
[21:16] souseksi A friend of mine recently told me that his mother cut his hair, but it turned out so badly that he had to cut it bald.
[21:16] DaemonFC Because if you have tens of thousands of people in a state never going to get a professional haircut again, hundreds of hair stylists lose their job because business is too slow to continue justifying their employment.
[21:16] DaemonFC Then you magnify that to the entire country, and thousands of them lose their job permanently.
[21:17] DaemonFC An entire small city's worth of people lose their jobs cutting hair.
[21:17] DaemonFC I don't mind that I paid a little for it.
[21:17] DaemonFC It's like any ongoing expense.
[21:17] DaemonFC Spending $15 getting your hair cut once is a nuisance.
[21:18] DaemonFC You got two people in the house, it's $30, then there's a tip, so $40 minimum so you're not an asshole who doesn't tip.
[21:18] DaemonFC Then you take that and over a year it's about $500 right. With tax and tip, over $500.
[21:19] DaemonFC And that means over 10 years, $5,000 (in constant dollars) has gone out the door, over hair.
[21:19] souseksi Taken into consideration.
[21:19] souseksi I want to grow long hair when I move out of my parents' house, then I won't pay hairdressers.
[21:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[21:20] souseksi techrights-ipfs-bot: thank you for update.
[21:21] DaemonFC $5,000 is still....not nothing.
[21:21] DaemonFC But people waste all kinds of money in small amounts at a time, not thinking about it.
[21:22] DaemonFC It's how it becomes possible to rationalize money going out the door for streaming sites and microtransactions and daily trips to get coffee at a restaurant.
[21:22] DaemonFC I've talked to schestowitz-TR2 about that before.
[21:22] souseksi DaemonFC: Thank you for sharing yout thoughts and calculations.
[21:22] DaemonFC Bad habits promote bad habits.
[21:22] DaemonFC Soon it's hundreds a month on shit you don't even need and you don't consider it because it's all small at that point in time.
[21:23] DaemonFC :)
[21:23] DaemonFC When I was 7 years old, I remember the price for cigarettes and fountain drinks at the convenience store down the street from my Aunt's house, because she was addicted to both.
[21:23] DaemonFC She used to sit there drinking a giant fountain drink and smoking a cigarette, right there in the store.
[21:24] DaemonFC It was barely over a dollar for a pack of cigarettes and 59 cents for a fountain drink in 1990.
[21:25] DaemonFC It's probably better to gauge inflation by the fountain drinks than the cigarettes because the anti-smoking campaign and revenue departments have cracked down on the cigarettes.
[21:25] souseksi I'm not going to smoke because the smell of cigarette smoke makes me sick.
[21:25] DaemonFC Those are like $9-15 a pack now. Like $8 even in Indiana.
[21:25] DaemonFC But there's a skewed measure of inflation, because it's mainly tax.
[21:26] DaemonFC The fountain drinks tend to be about $1.29-1.49 in my area. That's actually on the lower end of the inflation multiple since 1990. Only doubling since 30 years ago.
[21:26] DaemonFC That's also skewed, of course, because fountain drinks are mostly syrup, the cost of the cup, and profit for the store.
[21:27] DaemonFC Even today, it's probably not even 15-20 cents for the actual costs.
[21:27] DaemonFC That's a very good margin.
[21:27] DaemonFC They'd still make money at 59 cents, just not a lot of money.
[21:28] DaemonFC I try to figure out what inflation actually is. It's something like a hobby.
[21:28] DaemonFC The government has every reason to lie and make it look good.
[21:28] DaemonFC That way people look at the figures and see it's quite under control even though their rents and food are quite bad and half the country risks having their gas shut off this winter.
[21:29] DaemonFC So if you're not simply going to lie, you skew your formula to over-represent things that people probably don't actually buy much of, but where it will keep the headline inflation number lower.
[21:32] starstreak https://www.wsj.com/articles/mark-zuckerberg-says-waking-up-in-the-morning-is-like-getting-punched-in-the-stomach-11661540231
[21:32] TR Bot Zuckerberg Tells Joe Rogan Waking Up in the Morning Is Like Getting Punched in the Stomach - WSJ
[21:33] souseksi starstreak: Thank you for sharing link.
[21:34] MinceR maybe he should stop doing that, then
[21:35] starstreak I want to see the full episode of Mark Zuckerberg on Joe Rogan
[21:38] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)
[21:41] s98259 o.o
[21:41] souseksi :-()
[21:42] s98259 souseksi: Hi! :D
[21:43] souseksi Hello!
[21:46] s98259 :3
[21:47] souseksi s98259: How was your day?
[21:47] s98259 souseksi: Good :D and yours?
[21:48] souseksi Mine too. Glad you asked.
[21:49] *phebus (~phebus@f95gnd3zj7732.irc) has joined #techrights
[21:52] s98259 :)
[21:54] DaemonFC MinceR, It must be terribly depressing and demoralizing to be a billionaire who wakes up in the morning and with nothing to do except kill the boredom and sorrow by taking a 30 minute plane ride to your little yacht so you can go dock with your superyacht.
[21:57] MinceR yeah
● Aug 26
[22:03] *CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[22:20] DaemonFC Then you can go dock your superyacht with the superduperyacht and hang out with other rich people out in international waters where you can do whatever you want.
[22:20] souseksi techrights-ipfs-bot: Thank you for update!
[22:22] XRevan86 https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimes-government-and-politics-0abd99fd89a62042287341e88758d32f
[22:22] TR Bot Ukraine train system attacks may be war crimes, experts say | AP News
[22:23] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Android_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Android_Leftovers.1.gmi
[22:23] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers
[22:23] XRevan86 https://reuters.com/markets/commodities/coca-cola-bottler-starts-making-dobry-cola-russia-2022-08-26/
[22:23] TR Bot bottler starts making 'Dobry Cola' in Russia | Reuters
[22:24] schestowitz[TR] debris cola
[22:24] MinceR sounds polish
[22:24] schestowitz[TR] fanta all over again
[22:24] XRevan86 MinceR: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dobr%D1%8A#Derived_terms
[22:24] TR Bot Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dobr - Wiktionary
[22:25] schestowitz[TR] "Daddy, if coca cola starts making new names for products here, does it means we've turned into nazis?"
[22:25] XRevan86 That'll show 'em.
[22:25] schestowitz[TR] aggi: coca cola did nothing wrong!
[22:25] MinceR i was only taught about
[22:25] *XRevan86 doesn't know what that's supposed to show us.
[22:28] XRevan86 MinceR: The distinction is complicated.
[22:28] XRevan86 Anyway, Dobry is the Coca-Cola's Russian (mediocre) juice brand.
[22:30] MinceR :)
[22:30] souseksi Some Slavs avoid using the word "", preferring synonyms "" and "". This is partly a matter of religious beliefs.
[22:30] MinceR strange
[22:31] XRevan86 That's new to me.
[22:34] souseksi For the same reasons, these people use the word "" to express gratitude, instead of the more common "".
[22:34] TR News (NEW): KDE Snap Packages now on ARM and KDE Invent CI https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_Snap_Packages_now_on_ARM_and_KDE_Invent_CI.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_Snap_Packages_now_on_ARM_and_KDE_Invent_CI.gmi
[22:34] TR Bot Tux Machines KDE Snap Packages now on ARM and KDE Invent CI"
[22:34] TR News (NEW): KDE neon Docker Images now on 22.04LTS https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_neon_Docker_Images_now_on_22_04LTS.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/KDE_neon_Docker_Images_now_on_22_04LTS.gmi
[22:34] TR Bot Tux Machines KDE neon Docker Images now on 22.04LTS
[22:35] souseksi techrights-news: Thank you for sharing news.
[22:35] XRevan86 souseksi: Exclusively?
[22:36] XRevan86 Is it because "" has a mention of Go~ embedded in it?
[22:38] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[22:38] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[22:43] psydruid
[22:43] TR News Traffic in Social Control Media is Fake, Based on Whistleblowers Too | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/fake-social-control-media/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/fake-social-control-media/
[22:43] TR Bot Traffic in Social Control Media is Fake, Based on Whistleblowers Too | Techrights
[22:45] souseksi XRevan86: The prejudices associated with the word "" are old, and people with different beliefs give different arguments against using this word. Most often explain the origin of the word "" from the expression " " (God save). Therefore, Old Believers avoid this word: when you say "" to another person, it can be interpreted as " " (God save me fro
[22:45] souseksi m you) and so you can invite trouble on the one to whom they are approaching. But people who do not share Christian beliefs, for example, Rodnovers, may have other arguments (i heard pagans arguing that "" origins from the word "" (pasture), and you can't address people like that).
[22:45] techuser oh, one more Russian-speaking user here?
[22:45] souseksi Privet.
[22:45] techuser privet
[22:46] techuser I'm on in a few Russian-speaking channels elsewhere, if it matters
[22:46] techuser I can PM
[22:46] XRevan86 souseksi: .
[22:48] souseksi techuser: I don't mind, but I don't think I can be an interesting conversationalist
[22:48] XRevan86 souseksi: I did hear about the Staroviers doing that, I've simply forgotten.
[22:48] MinceR and what's the reason for not using ?
[22:48] techuser XRevan86: should I tell you too?
[22:48] MinceR i see no bits of "" in there
[22:48] techuser is MinceR also Russian-speaking?
[22:48] MinceR i've learned a bit of it
[22:48] MinceR a long time ago
[22:49] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[22:50] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[22:51] techuser cuddlybear66 said she knows Russian a bit too
[22:51] souseksi MinceR: "", according to superstitious people, works as a feed for the egregore of strangers who do not belong to the Slavic family of Gods, since it contains a mention of the ancient Egyptian god Horus. This is not as common a prejudice as the previous one I described, but it exists. It is proposed to use the word "" because it goes back to the name of the Slavic goddess Lada.
[22:51] MinceR lol
[22:52] MinceR they don't mind referring to Lada while being supposed to only worship Yahweh?
[22:52] *MinceR proposes usage of "JAFFA! KREE!" instead of ""
[22:53] souseksi This prejudice exists among neo-pagans who deny the Christian religion as non-native to the Slavs.
[22:53] MinceR ic
[22:53] cuddlybear66 hii
[22:53] techuser hi
[22:54] souseksi Hello.
[22:54] MinceR hay
[22:54] cuddlybear66 how r u guys
[22:54] MinceR fine but tired
[22:55] techuser as usual, probably
[22:55] MinceR a bit more
[22:55] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[22:55] starstreak * MinceR proposes usage of "JAFFA! KREE!" instead of "" <--- +1
[22:56] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[22:56] MinceR i drove to a town ~30km from here to shop at 3 places, then drove back home, then worked for ~7h
[22:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 52.78 k/sec., IPFS upstream 92.63 average k/sec., average swarm size 118.18
● Aug 26
[23:01] XRevan86 souseksi: That's very activelow-esque but with a Slavic twist.
[23:02] MinceR :>
[23:04] starstreak lol
[23:06] starstreak speaking of activelow, loner seems to be gone
[23:06] starstreak i wonder what their next name will be
[23:07] schestowitz[TR] homelander
[23:07] schestowitz[TR] hollander
[23:07] TR News Amid Layoffs (Culling of Almost 20,000 Permanent Microsoft Employees) the Market Share of Microsoft/Windows/IIS Continues to Collapse in the World Wide Web | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/august-2022-web-server-survey/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/august-2022-web-server-survey/
[23:07] TR Bot Amid Layoffs (Culling of Almost 20,000 Permanent Microsoft Employees) the Market Share of Microsoft/Windows/IIS Continues to Collapse in the World Wide Web | Techrights
[23:07] schestowitz[TR] kraut?
[23:07] starstreak nazilover
[23:08] schestowitz[TR] hisleright
[23:08] starstreak fedora 37 will support the raspi4
[23:09] starstreak someone was telling me that sway runs great on raspi4
[23:10] starstreak sway is kinda cool but i prefer gnome
[23:12] *brabo has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[23:14] *brabo (~brabo@user/brabo) has joined #techrights
[23:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-25.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2022-08-26.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi
[23:23] techuser I wonder if XRevan86 did notice my question
[23:24] techuser about whether I should tell you addresses of the Russian IRC channels I'm on
[23:25] TR News GNU/Linux Market Share Worldwide, Based on 3 Million Sites Logs, Rose to All-Time High (3%) This Month | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/08/26/august-desktops-laptops/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/26/august-desktops-laptops/
[23:25] TR Bot GNU/Linux Market Share Worldwide, Based on 3 Million Sites Logs, Rose to All-Time High (3%) This Month | Techrights
[23:26] XRevan86 techuser: Which network?
[23:26] techuser will PM
[23:26] TR News Giant 'kraken' carcass with dinner plate-size eyes washes ashore in South Africa | Live Science https://www.livescience.com/giant-squid-cape-town-beach Source: Live Science | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.livescience.com/giant-squid-cape-town-beach
[23:26] TR Bot Giant 'kraken' carcass with dinner plate-size eyes washes ashore in South Africa | Live Science
[23:26] souseksi techrights-news: thank you for publishing interesting articles.
[23:28] techuser did PM
[23:28] TR News Get into Linux Now!! @Women In Linux - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=najDW6cTQ-0 | Gemini address: gemini://auragem.space/youtube/video/najDW6cTQ-0
[23:28] TR Bot Get into Linux Now!! @Women In Linux - Invidious
[23:29] TR News LHS Episode #478: The Weekender XCV https://lhspodcast.info/2022/08/lhs-episode-478-the-weekender-xcv-2/
[23:29] TR Bot LHS Episode #478: The Weekender XCV | Linux in the Ham Shack
[23:30] TR News "As people leave Mozilla, the libraries, processes, services, and other responsibilities (hidden and visible) all suddenly become unowned. In some cases, these things get passed to teams and individuals and there's a clear handoff. In a lot of cases, stuff just gets dropped on the floor." https://bluesock.org/~willkg/blog/mozilla/volunteer_responsibility_amnesty_day_2022_06.html
[23:30] TR Bot Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day: 06-2022 | Will's Blog
[23:30] TR News Baker is cooking Mozilla
[23:31] TR News Mozilla Accessibility: Cache the World Opt In Preview https://blog.mozilla.org/accessibility/cache-the-world-opt-in-preview/
[23:31] TR Bot Cache the World Opt In Preview - Mozilla Accessibility
[23:33] TR News "Please join us at the next regular Open NeuroFedora team meeting on Monday 29 August at 1300 UTC. The meeting is a public meeting, and open for everyone to attend." https://neuroblog.fedoraproject.org/2022/08/26/next-open-neurofedora-meeting-29-August-1300-utc.html
[23:33] TR Bot Next Open NeuroFedora meeting: 29 August 1300 UTC | NeuroFedora: Blog
[23:33] TR News "Heres your weekly Fedora report. Read what happened this week and whats coming up. Your contributions are welcome (see the end of the post)! The F37 Beta freeze is underway!" https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fridays-fedora-facts-2022-34/
[23:33] TR Bot Friday's Fedora Facts: 2022-34 Fedora Community Blog
[23:37] *horseface (~horseface@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights
[23:38] TR News (NEW): Ubuntu 22.10: Top New Features and Release Wiki https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Ubuntu_22_10_Top_New_Features_and_Release_Wiki.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/Ubuntu_22_10_Top_New_Features_and_Release_Wiki.gmi
[23:38] TR Bot Tux Machines Ubuntu 22.10: Top New Features and Release Wiki
[23:38] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrights
[23:38] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrights
[23:44] XRevan86 CIT (War in Ukraine): https://telegra.ph/Dispatch-for-August-25-08-26
[23:44] TR Bot Dispatch for August 25 Telegraph
[23:44] starstreak im watching this cool show called "Breaking In"
[23:46] souseksi starstreak: I wish you a pleasant watching of the show.
[23:46] starstreak souseksi, thanks, you're extremely polite :)
[23:47] souseksi starstreak: You are welcome.
[23:53] TR News (NEW): This week in KDE: Re-bindable mouse buttons - Adventures in Linux and KDE https://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/This_week_in_KDE_Re_bindable_mouse_buttons_Adventures_in_Linux_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2022/08/26/This_week_in_KDE_Re_bindable_mouse_buttons_Adventures_in_Linux_.gmi
[23:53] TR Bot Tux Machines This week in KDE: Re-bindable mouse buttons - Adventures in Linux and KDE