'Team Microsoft' Wants to Leverage Our Popularity as a Weapon Against Us
As insinuated before, since it is hardly a secret, there are ongoing attempts to censor us with threats, injunctions, and eye-watering bills. People who can barely blog (no blog post since March!) are rather envious and they seek cheap "revenge". Thankfully, we know our rights, so Techrights continues and will continue unabated.
In the past 2 days we published 64 articles and served over a million HTTP/S requests for techrights.org
. In 2024 we grew in popularity in Geminispace as well. At the time of writing, both Techrights (gemini.techrights.org
) and its sister site are listed near the top of Lupa and yesterday those two capsules served about 10,000 requests.
Techrights is not going to become a "victim of its own success". Having said that, jealous people will try all sorts of things to undermine the site. We expect that and we're fully prepared to deal with that [1, 2]. See Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, and Part VII of our ongoing series.
This week we still have a second and third celebration planned for Tux Machines. We'll probably post photos next week or later this month. We don't do social control media, so we don't publish such stuff as soon as it is available but when the time is right. █