Microsoft Misogyny Will be the Fall of Microsoft (Covering Up for Misogynists is a Huge Mistake and Highly Misguided Short-term Strategy)
Of course they also attack vulnerable racial minorities, but that's another story for another day (racism as a business opportunity for Microsoft, just like IBM about a century ago)
WE have had an active and productive week so far. After years of exploring various approaches we finally got a good rhythm going on. IRC trolling has come to a standstill. We didn't need a CoC, we just needed common sense, such as ignoring trolls completely. Last Friday we had 81 users online - a considerable increase compared to prior years.
We are working on a number of series at the moment and also "books" (PDFs). We're in no hurry to release these as they are not "time-sensitive" (meaning, if publication gets delayed, they will still be relevant and have much-needed impact).
Microsoft and GitHub are in terrible shape. They and Mono/GNOME (Microsoft collaborators) are trying to hide a bunch of scandals implicating nudists, misogynists, women beaters and perverts who arrange orgies (we're not joking or exaggerating here!). We're somewhat tired of receiving threats from them, but we have that professionally handled now. We're moving on, we go forward. That's just what they've been trying to prevent, even at great personal expense.
Microsoft is meanwhile crushing "DEI" (despite the foreseen backlash) because it really doesn't give a damn about women, minorities etc. It was all along just about pretence (posturing). Look at the way Microsoft handled the Graveley fiasco! So they're basically too concerned about their image and business interests that they're willing to throw at least 3 abused women under the bus. Cybercrimes committed against women (repeatedly even) don't bother them either. Remember what Microsoft's CEO really thinks of women (when it's not scripted and handed to him). To Microsoft, even attacking old women with cancer is "fair play".
Microsoft's undoing may in fact be its attitude towards women. They say that the fall or downfall or man (or men) is a woman (or women). There are still many skeletons in Microsoft's closet and we'll bring some of them out. Microsofters will try to interfere, but The Truth Will Always Win (Eventually), Love Always Wins (Truth Also), and Truth is Always Truth. Earlier today we shared a video where Julian Assange explained how censorship is somewhat or a barometer of what can bring about real reform.
We're already seen enough signals/signs to know what hurts Microsoft most. Accordingly we adapt. █