Gemini Links 08/08/2024: Slack and Grace, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Gemini* and Gopher
Slack and Grace
At the time, my ex and I were in the process of slowly coming apart. The distance (several hours between us by car) was too much. Maybe the change in our lives was too much. Eventually, they stopped responding to me. Ghosting, before that was a coined term. Was the fact that I wrote the above in my journal maybe something to do with it, too? Re: my ex, I know they used to read my journal. Was there some suspicion of impropriety, some jealousy? V. and I were just friends at that point, though we'd spent a few weeks together the summer previous, both harbouring feelings for the other. I don't think I ever put that part in my journal. I overshared, but not about everything. Regardless, I don't know what they knew.
Unhealthy to ask now, unhealthy to speculate, and the last time we talked more than fifteen years ago, a short message on Facebook to say they'd heard I was getting married. And as much as all this is maybe not helpful, it's interesting to jog my memory about certain things. Names and dates and timelines that would other be forgotten instead coalesce.
The role of music in my life
At this point in my life, I am playing an unprecedented amount of music. I've been in one band for over a year, am just starting rehearsals with a second, and recently subbed in for a third group whose drummer had to miss a gig. On top of (theoretically, at least) writing music of my own on the side, and occasionally attending a songwriter's club. I've never been this active, and I'm having to really think about how involved I want to be moving forward.
🔤SpellBinding — BEFIYXL Wordo: GISTS
came back just to be terrible and useless
deleted because it's awful
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: The Lessening
‘Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria’ (RSD) is, of course, not yet a formal diagnosis acknowledged by the Gods That Walk Among Us known as ‘psychiatrists’[a]. But off the top of my head, my neurodivergence-dominated social circles casually refer to our RSD as a matter of fact, as a standard part of the adhd experience.
words violently
breaks silence
in an instant
the void is thorned
ideas are born
and undigested
unwillingly absorbed
crashing against
walls of reality
A parent's journey #2 - Birth journal
It was early July, we were seeing the due date approaching, our close family had made bet one when he would show up, but the reality is that we had no clue. There are supposed to be signs, like the baby "dropping" a couple a weeks prior, more contractions, or even less reliable ones. But really we had none.
Technology and Free Software
Software Exceptionalism and the Public Domain
"Owning property" means not having to share. Whether we're talking about land or material possessions, "ownership" means it's yours for life, and beyond. You decide who gets your property after you die, and rich families set things up so that the dynasty maintains exclusive ownership of the family's property, in perpetuity. (Assuming no revolutions)
There's no such thing as "intellectual property", no legal arrangement that permits you to "own" (that is, exclude others from using) an idea in perpetuity. Copyright terms are (obscenely, unconscionably) long, and yet, as we've seen in January 1 of 2019, they're not infinitely long. Patents expire. Copyright elapses. All creative works ought to eventually enter the public domain. The system of patents and copyrights was designed to incentivize people to contribute their good ideas to the commons, not to reward them for merely _having_ ideas.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.