Gemini Links 10/08/2024: Sysadmins Gone Wild, NNCP, and Sourcehut
Gemini* and Gopher
I missed blogging in July. That bothers me on a number of fronts.
The biggest was the two year period between 2009 and 2011 where I didn't blog anything because I was overwhelmed with everything else going on in my life, including the birth of our first child.
When I get overwhelmed, I get fixated. I struggle to do more than one task because I have to finish the Thing. Usually along with that comes a bout of depression, which makes me want to leave the house less, to do anything “fun”, or struggle to relax because I should be doing the Thing.
A three card reading
Lately I've taken to do 3-card readings, they have turned out to be my favorite kind of spread. I usually don't assign any meaning to each position, I just let them tell me a story, or something. Even more, I've taken to make "open" spreads, that is, without any question in mind, just asking for something to ponder. I know a lot of people don't like to make open-ended kind of questions or spreads. I myself have liked it a lot, and it does tell me something interesting.
🔤SpellBinding — YENOPTC Wordo: CHASE
Technology and Free Software
My phone is dead
It just randomly bricked itself for no reason and went into a boot loop.
No way to connect to it via USB.
I am making the last desperate attempt of draining its battery, but I am not optimistic about it.
we are the Sysadmins Gone Wild
Finally, I config'd the phone to work as I need it to. I have Google Fi, it sucks by default, but, I turned off 5G, manually selected ATT as the network, and turned off Fi VPN and turned back on OpenVPN that I host myself, and VOILA!, everything is working ok now. No SSH errors and I can DO stuff now!
An offline reader using NNCP
Yesterday, however, I wondered about a program that would use NNCP directly to pull new (Markdown) files. Such a "site" wouldn't have to be on the web. It wouldn't need a feed. It would act like a blog because new files are requested as they are published. They are published by being linked to from some sort of index. In my case, for example, would be the "blog view" of the site (you'd only get new pages as they are published) and would be the "wiki view" of the site (you'd get updates if the page changes). Request this file on a regular bases, then request every file linked to from those pages (unless you already have a copy).
Automating Sourcehut Builds with Wordpress
I run a few websites in my spare time. I run this one, which is a simple Gemini/barebones HTML site backed by Git, and I run a few Wordpress instances. For these sites, I tend to build my own frontends using a framework like Astro[1] so that I have ultimate flexibility over the design and limited interactivity of my sites. It's a nice workflow: I can build a website without having to mess around too much with PHP/Wordpress theming nonsense and my users can just use Wordpress, with which they're already familiar.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.