Google's YouTube Censorship Has Gotten a Lot Worse and Anti-scientific (for Commercial Reasons)
SCIENTISTS whose respectable channels I follow "in YouTube" (over Invidious actually) are having many of their perfectly sensible videos removed (or removal is demanded to avoid complete channel ban). Now Invidious isn't working at all!
YouTube probably never made any money ("probably" is the suitable term to use because only Google's accountants know the full story; the reporting does not isolate YouTube for profitability) and now we're seeing a transition to "advertisers-friendly" (yes, that's an actual term they use!) "content" and cull of everything else, or at least demotion (deranking) of other things.
YouTube is just trying to make money (its new chief is a greedy idiot - a subject for another day) and some "content" - even if coherent scientific material - interferes with the agenda of YouTube's biggest sponsors. The problem is, YouTube is quickly alienating both its "creators" and its audiences. It won't end well!
I expressed my concerns about YouTube to Richard Stallman (RMS) over a decade ago (in person). What he said then is still relevant; Flash is gone, but JavaScript is now unnecessarily demanded. By today's standards, YouTube is not something RMS can (or would) use.
Web3 Summit 2024 Berlin uploaded his talk (from last month) only to YouTube (we've since then converted it to WebM and proudly serve it without JavaScript), which is bad given that this event has "Web" in its name. █