[Meme] Years Have Passed and EPO Management Still Isn't Obeying a Ruling From a Court Regarding Communications Between Staff
Representatives talking to their staff is "privacy violation"?
From the latest report:
The application for execution of the Judgment 45513 on mass emails for the staff representation was unfortunately not successful. The staff representation and SUEPO will be looking for ways forward. In the meantime, we encourage all colleagues to stay informed via the SUEPO app, by installing the SUEPO RSS feed in the EPO outlook program, and/or becoming a SUEPO member to receive important SUEPO emails directly in your private mailbox.
Corrupt EPO management basically tries to prevent the staff talking about the corruption. When a court orders it to stop interfering with communications it just says that's a matter of "privacy" and simply ignores the judgement. Welcome to EPO!
Dictators always have a way to rationalise their oppression and attack those who expose their wrongdoing. The EPO became just like that. It is a highly corrupt dictatorship that tries to control the media (bribes, blackmail, lawsuits etc.) in order to control perceptions. This way the corruption can carry on and on.
As long as European authorities refuse to intervene (the Dutch authorities participated in the corruption and German authorities stand to benefit from ignoring the corruption), it's hard to authoritatively condemn "third world countries".