UNIX is 55 This Year, It is 6 Years Older Than Microsoft
A lot of innocent people are being misled - usually deliberately - regarding history (there's plenty of "business value" in self-serving and self-aggrandising revisionism), so let's set the record straight. What many people call "Linux commands" are actually GNU programs (almost every time) which mimic classic UNIX programs. Sure, there are alternative implementations, bad imitations, and pure junk from GitHub, but when you install "Linux" - and sometimes BSD too - you may get many GNU programs (BSD does not have programs for everything and in some cases GNU implementations are technically ahead, have more features, are more efficient and so on).
The UNIX thing is very, very old.
This goes back many years before Microsoft even existed. When Microsoft was founded UNIX already had its Sixth Edition.
History matters. Facts matter. Dr. Andy Farnell's new article on "Societal Disorganised Attachment" is relevant to this. Go read it.
It should be noted that the surviving co-creator of UNIX, Ken Thompson, 'moved' to GNU/Linux (Debian) in recent years. Various "kinds" of BSD/Unix (or UNIX) still exist, but there's stiff competition from GNU/Linux. Copyleft "won". █