More Than a Week Has Passed, DeVault Has Declined to Deny Serious Accusations Against Him
So it turns out that DeVault was repeatedly contacted (on E-mail addresses he previously responded from) with an opportunity to deny the allegations against him. He was moreover given ample time to think of a way to respond, but instead he chose to remain silent. One might therefore default to believing everything in this page is true or not denied (which is similar, albeit not exactly the same).
The whole "Stallman Report" thing backfired very spectacularly.
We responded to the latter comment 1.5 years ago and did another rebuttal a year ago. It seems like DeVault is like homophobic gay men who use homophobia to disguise/hide their homosexuality; but homosexuality isn't a crime, whereas stuff like pedophilia is. We're not saying he's a pedophile, but what his online activities show do give reasons for concern.
This is probably not the end of this. For the "RMS haters" there's a real risk that all RMS criticism will get stigmatised as a bunch of projections (or worse). █