Activism in the Digital Realm Can Never (and Must Never) Rely on GAFAM
HAVING just shared some videos and screenshots [1, 2], we hope it's abundantly clear that GAFAM (and others like IBM or FATA MORGANAS) have zero percent capacity or intent to question what Donald Trump does or did... or will do. In other words, it's the same as 8 years ago. Apparently even insurrection is OK. Condemning insurrection is now "bad for business"... or something to that effect.
Corporations are not activists; they lack a capacity/will for activism and they're only accountable to shareholders, i.e. typically some greedy and unscrupulous men like Donald Trump. They've unsuccessfully sought to distinguish themselves in any way other than collecting money (and debt; then file for bankruptcy and start all over again), perhaps conflating sheer greed with morality. They think of debt-taking as "job creation" and "patriotism".
What does this mean?
This simply means that tech activists must completely abandon any hopes of finding allies in Google or IBM or whatever...
Those companies aren't on the side of tech rights or social justice... or even basic justice (for Trump's crimes).
Look what happened to the Linux Foundation or OSI or FSFE...
They're utterly worthless, they're fronts for the likes of Microsoft. By extension, they work for Trump. For the next 4 years they'll work for GOP and adopt GOP policies because they're not international, they're imperialistic. █