Gemini Links 27/11/2024: How the Exoteric Relates to the Esoteric, a Look at BASIC
Gemini* and Gopher
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Hours melting away, days pass in a blur, weeks vanish and even months drain like autumn rain.
The world has become bleak and dormant, every shade is a member of the congregation of brown, thriving in the decay of summers demise.
My world has once more become sharp edges and bruises on top of other bruises. Meds no longer work, problems mounting and I feel gutted once more.
Re: a compact calendar (pocketcal)
A few days ago I saw Dominique's excellent compact calendar. It's a yearly calendar that's designed to be printed on a piece of paper small enough to fit in a wallet. This inspired me to make my own pocket calendar generator.
How the Exoteric Relates to the Esoteric
Any kind of exoteric spiritual practice established for people at large to engage with is no more than a Taylor series that approximates a particular individual's spiritual needs. Sure, it may satisfy some needs for some people at least some of the time, but an individual will always have other needs at other times that a given exoteric thing won't satisfy. Maybe they can use a blend of different exoteric things to cover different bits of ground. But the whole rest of the stuff that no exoteric system will cover—that's where the esoteric comes into play, and that's for each one of us to tackle in our own ways.
Technology and Free Software
Interfacing 6809 assembly with Color BASIC is now easier
The definitive guide to writing assembly language subroutines for Color BASIC
There's nothing quite like documenting 40 year old technology, but hey, retro-computing is now popular, so why not?
Anyway, since I've modified my assembler to make it easier to write assembly subroutines for Color BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) [1], I've been doing a deep dive into the nuances of doing so. This post will cover the method for plain Color BASIC; Extended Color BASIC, which does things a bit differently, will be covered in another post [2].
The definitive guide to writing assembly language subroutines for Extended Color BASIC
And in keeping with documenting 40 year old technology [1], I'm documenting how to call assembly language subroutines for Extended Color BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code).
One major difference between Color BASIC and Extended Color BASIC is how to define the address to call. No longer do you have to poke the address into memory, but use the BASIC command DEFUSRn (where n is between 0 and 9). And you can define up to 10 such routines.
From that point on, existing code written for Color BASIC will just work. VARTYP will still have the value type, FP0 will still be a floating point value or contain an address to a string descriptor, and all the functions defined for Color BASIC still function the same.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.