Visualising About 0.7 Trillion Dollars of Debt in Supposedly "Successful" Tech Companies
If they're doing so well, how come they borrow so much money (which some would struggle to pay back or never manage to pay back)?
Healthy businesses do not owe money, they don't try to fake their magnitude by borrowing money (paying back would cost a lot; we're not in the era of 1% interest or so-called 'free money').
So focusing only on American companies from this old list, let's examine their official debt (total):
The components of the above debt (in billions of dollars, per company) follow. THIS IS DEBT
Netflix Inc: 18.509 B
Oracle: 94.414 B
IBM: 60.126 B
Salesforce Inc: 13.562 B
AMD: 3.109 B
NVIDIA Corporation: 11.056 B
Intel: 50.283 B
Microsoft: 97.852 B
Apple: 119.1 B Inc: 161.6 B
Facebook ('Meta'): 49.047 B
Google ('Alphabet'): 29.289 B
Total debt: 708 B
Debt isn't "normal"; debt is a symptom of a problem. █