Interest in Microsoft Waning, Company Deep in Debt and Mass Layoffs Implemented Every Month Since 2023
All it can do now is fake its might with buzzwords like "hey hi" (AI) and phony figures
The 7-trillion-dollar man [1, 2] whose sister has just sued him for sexual abuse cannot save Microsoft. His own outfit is running out of money and is deep in debt, too. It was all over the media last week; more and more press outlets are willing to call it a bubble, a pyramid scheme, hype, or valuation mischief (other so-called "hey hi" companies, now Anthropic, fake their value too... they're not worth 60+ billion dollars just because they managed to raise 2 billion dollars in "investment", i.e. money to lose).
Requests made to were about 3 times higher last year (compared to now) and Microsoft's looks like this:
So "Traffic and Engagement" is down by more than 10% in just two months.
Don't say "Azure". It's a failure. It has had mass layoffs several times per year since 2020 and Microsoft is struggling in the servers sector because it has nothing genuine to offer (other than some bribes and budget has gotten very tight*).
As fewer people still use Windows (over time many move to Android or whatever) that site,, will likely languish some more. What's to be found there? False advertising about "hey hi" in "copilot" clothing? So-called "hey hi" PCs - a concept that makes no sense at all? █
* Not too tight for Microsoft money to be handed over to a law firm that harasses my wife and I since February 2024.