Gemini Links 12/01/2025: DHL Express Does Not Deliver, Oddmuse Update
Gemini* and Gopher
Now in English, too
This is going to be a very short post announcing a major thing. This capsule will have some content in English too. That's the main gist of it.
Sodding Gout
Well I am in the midst of another gout flare up. Sodding gout! Seems to affect the right big toe joint closest to the tip. A change from the toe to foot joint although that is clicking horrifically. Thankfully I have a stock of naproxene and so don't have to battle the out of hours doctors or find a way to the pharmacy and back.
Gout is a git of a condition. It is bloody painful and yet pathetic. You wake up to the duvet putting too much pressure on your toe and yell in pain. Then you realise you can't bend the toe and how warm it feels. Yet there is also a coldness to the toe. It consumes your mind. It is almost a good meditation focus although you focus on pain and so it is indulgent.
as we will
behind the fence down the beaten grassy path around the bent and scraggly trees by the old mossy stone wall an iron gate stands ajar a dragonfly alights upon the goldenrod sprouting through the thresher's rusted carriage under which the voles have made their home
i have spent my days and weeks running across these fields through these creeks and down these paths not forgotten, not neglected but reused, as it were where the farmhands left the things that lost their shine, that lost their use and thus their value
Num ab domo absum?
On Thursday I ordered a birthday present for my wife as I usually work from home Fridays so I could take the delivery.
The package had been sent by and they do next day delivery within Germany. As the package's origin was Leipzig that should be no problem.
I am sure that they were never in our street and dropped it off directly at the post office. I can walk that 700 m, but this is not what I am paying for and in this case this was the only option the vendor provided for delivery.
Technology and Free Software
Personal blogging platform
Over the years of using Oddmuse (the predecessor software I started maintaining in 2003), I tried sidebars for my site and never liked it for long. When I visit other sites, I almost never use the sidebars.
Blogroll? No. Just discuss blog posts and link to other people – that’s the better option.
Archives? No. The calendar widgets are small and cramped and soon enough I end up on a separate page where I can navigate in big chunks. I almost never want to know what somebody posted on a particular day. I want to know whether they post a lot; whether they posted more on a topic in the past. It all involves better overview and search. This need is not met by an archive in the sidebar.
Many links to entry points? No. Just put them on the first page.
Week Notes 7
I’ve come back to doing more HackTheBox lately, which I first started back in November. At this point I’m through with most of the guided machines (the free ones, anyway) and I’ve completed two of the active machines which are entirely unguided but reward points.
It’s pretty enjoyable. Each machine is like a puzzle and I get to work out some skills that I don’t usually use. I’ve had to look up a hint or two on the machines I’ve solved so far, but already I’m feeling less and less of a reliance on that.
Something I’ve noticed though is that while the guided machines were spun up specifically for me, the active machines seem to be shared between players. There is some kind of process in place for making sure the machines stay close to their original state, but I’ve still found leftover files from other players and in one case an account I needed had either been removed or had its password changed. It wasn’t a massive deal since the password had been reset the next time I tried, but I guess it’s something to watch out for.
ffmpeg and fish, yt-dlp
If you know, you know. The `ffmpeg` command line options. 🤨
Let me collect some function definitions on this page. I'll be adding more over the years to come, for sure.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.