Chatbots Are Not Data-Driven, They're Human-Censored and Rely on Wage Slaves (and Sometimes Unpaid Volunteers)
This is the Microsoft wage slavery (remember that Scam Altman went to work for Microsoft after OpenAI had fired him; OpenAI is just a Microsoft proxy)
CONTRARY to the lies told to us by Microsoft OSI, there's nothing "open" about blackboxes. Days ago they sought to make excuse for the large-scale copyright infringement too (Microsoft pays OSI to also approve GPL violation by GitHub).
Bust the myths. Call those chatbots what they really are; they're a form of "state-of-the-art plagiarism" and they're not data-driven either. They're corporate propaganda. They're also massively overhyped because Microsoft wants to convince people to use these and publish propaganda based on these. See the new article "AI Is Like Tinkerbell: It Only Works If We Keep Clapping So It Doesn't Die" It says: "There’s no limit to the promise of artificial intelligence. Or at least, there’s no limit to the promises that the powerful make about AI..."
It's basically a pyramid scheme.
Microsoft OSI is also basically a massive sham and people are noticing. If you think the above (in Kenya) is the exception rather than the norm, then think again. This is where Microsoft it taking "IT". People getting paid under 2 dollars an hour to censor for Microsoft what "the AI" (nope!) says. What next? █
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