Gemini Links 14/01/2025: The Gemtext Print Hurdle and New Game: Fill!
Gemini* and Gopher
I woke to the phone's muffled ring from my purse in the living room. On her way to her first nursing school clinical day, Evy's car abruptly cut off, wouldn't restart, just click. The doors wouldn't even lock! Alternator?
I drove to Evy in my nightgown. In neutral we pushed her car into the breakdown lane. She called her clinical instructor and dropped me at home. A few hours later the tow truck driver took Evy's car to our mechanic. I'll get the key out there this afternoon.
They Hated AI in the Original Star Trek (A Rant About the Singularity)
There were a few episodes of the original Star Trek where the Enterprise would find some planet full of village idiots worshiping an artificial intelligence as God. The ones that come to mind are: [...]
🔤SpellBinding: AHORTWY Wordo: STOAS
Technology and Free Software
Update on Ocarina
I've continued on my journey with the ocarina, trying to play it for a few minutes every day. This turns out to be more like once every two or three days, due to the busyness at home.
On the positive side, I still like the sound of the ocarina myself, and overall it is an enjoyable instrument to play. Mostly the melodies I've played so far are all from memory. Using the basic notes I can play on the ocarina, I try to find some good starting note and see if I'm able to hit all the rest of the notes in the melody. This includes a few hymns and traditional songs.
I haven't got any complaints from others in the apartment building. Now, I only play for a few minutes, and usually early in the evening. So I wouldn't expect much of a reaction, even if they didn't like the sound.
I still need to find some real sheet music to work with, and maybe some proper instructional book, though I did find one PDF online. Due to my principles on JavaScript, and also not being fond of credit/debit cards, I likely won't order anything online. But I was planning to check with one of the local music stores.
The Gemtext Print Hurdle
The oldest pages on my website date back to about 1997. I was in school, my ISP provided webspace for me as part of their service, so I learned to write HTML to take advantage of that. The School of Business at this university had recently decided that the ability to work well with others in group setting was a very important skill for their graduates to acquire. Nearly every course included a group project of some sort, and having a place to easily share files with group members proved to be very helpful.
HTML soon became my primary document format. I used word processor software for documents that required more than what HTML offered, but nearly everything else I wrote was done as HTML; in fact I soon started writing drafts of papers in HTML and then imported the HTML into a word processor for the final edit.
In the beginning I tried various ways of editing my HTML files. Netscape Navigator included authoring tools, W3C offered their Amaya software that was designed from the beginning to be both an editor and a browser, and most word processor software by this time had an option to export a document in HTML format. I soon dicovered a small editor (QuickPage) I liked that was designed just for editing HTML, and specifically tried to ensure that the HTML you wrote included only valid markup, making it easier for me to avoid careless mistakes as I wrote. I began to care even more about the quality of the HTML code that I wrote and soon updated all my pages to ensure they were compliant with the latest HTML specification: 4.0.
[null]sense - intro bit
I have some random bits that come out as fragmented thoughts, these are some of those, as I can recall them. I do post elsewhere, my main outerwebs space contains some of these ramblings (see end), but I feel a sense of inwardship and warming to this idea of cnxn through means of much simpler media. Thank you for taking any time you may to input/process/ and maybe output or feedback. I seek never to harm humans or machines, I think Jesus can agree with that somehow.
Acidus on Geminispace
What would you want to see in a desktop GUI Gemini client? What do you wish your favorite client did, that it doesn't do, and why?
New Game: Fill! (BETA)
I've implemented a card and dice game called Fill! that is closely related to Farkle! I'm looking for feedback and any identified bugs. Since it is new, I can't guarantee tournament points will remain for this month if I need to completely reset the game.
A Tour of Old Languages
I think I learned a few things lately (or at least formed opinions). Programming language fundamentals change so seldom, I thought it would be fun to order this post in the order I first learned the languages even if this is a bit arbitrary.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.