Total Lock-down Ambitions - Part I - DRM and TPM Need Not be the Future of Computing, There's Another Way
Come back, I just want to protect you, insisted the spider
So we've started a short new series about DRM and TPM, two acronyms unworthy of expansion because they've packing together several obvious lies. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) went out of its way to rewrite some of those acronyms, e.g. DRM where the R stands for "RESTRICTIONS" (not rights).
Who is being restricted? Us, the users. Sometimes the developers, too. Who by? The masters, the keyholders. People like Bill Gate and (posthumously) Steve Jobs. The devices (e.g. iPhones) are the collar on your neck or the leash held by Gates and Jobs. Of course GAFAM works for Donald Trump, so be careful of mindlessly assuming you can trust "the chain".
How far (or 'out of hand') has TPM gotten? Sadly, quite far.
Sadly, indeed, we're coming to a scene with fire, not just smoke.
For instance, there's already TPM in Ubuntu 24.10 (the latest Ubuntu release) and TPM pushers seem to really be eager to silence critics, just like UEFI 'secure' boot pushers - to the point of filing totally frivolous lawsuits against critics! [1, 2]
We already know (and can see) what UEFI 'secure' boot leads to. GNU/Linux won't boot.
Isn't it great? For Microsoft it is!
See our 2023 video entitled "Microsoft's TPM Position is a Wake-up Call About Canonical (Which Helps Microsoft Push and Promote TPM)" (it has gotten worse since in every sense). From DRM and restricted boot they're come to advance TPM, which they falsely market. They don't trust the user and they instead promote Microsoft [1, 2]. The companies that used to promote "Linux" don't trust you, they trust Microsoft instead.
There's another way; but don't expect that to come from Canonical or from IBM [1, 2] since they have their own private (corporate) interests. Let's gradually move away and distance ourselves as well/far as possible from the trap they set up for us.
Hardware (CPU, display, audio), Web, and software DRM will be discussed throughout this series, in which we hope to include authoritative and informative links to real experts, not posers and corporate hacks. We'll name sometimes recommended alternatives to the traps that exist. █