Gemini Links 23/01/2025: Experience With Outer Wilds and Gifting a Site
Gemini* and Gopher
A Thought About Waiting
The universe is capable, at its tiniest capacity -- mere electrons in an atom -- of giving form at light speed. Yet, it delights in taking months to grow a simple carrot. When we encounter situations in our life where we're frustrated by the time it takes to get what we want, we can receive calm in the knowing that the universe chooses to unfold things in the perfect time. Sometimes events and gifts are seemingly instant, and yet other times they are emergent. When we can truly accept that things are conspiring in our favor, we can modulate our experience, and -- even if for only a moment -- share the universe's delight in creation.
The Long Defeat: The New Regime and the Delta Smelt
"Love the animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and untroubled joy. So do not trouble it, do not harass them, do not deprive them of their joy, do not go against God's intent. Man, do not exhale yourself above the animals: they are without sin, while you in your majesty defile the earth by your appearance on it, and you leave the traces of your defilement behind you." --Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
One day, very soon - maybe this year - you are going to see a headline that a tiny fish, the Delta smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, is extinct in the wild.
🔤SpellBinding: BDINOUY Wordo: YIKES
Parallel Lines
These stones would be carried off by the cartload to various destinations.
In his - what I can only assume to be - haste, my master instructed the craftsmen to shape the stone using the wrong template.
Technology and Free Software
Figuring Things Out
I'm currently lying on my bed, legs propped up to help me recover from what turned out to be a foot ulcer. I'm staying off of it, but that also means I'm getting proper downtime right now. And now that I'm back on my Linux laptop, I'm still trying to work out a proper workflow for my writing, especially for a replacement for Scrivener's functionality. `vim`, with NERDTree[0] and vimwiki[1] plugins, has gotten the closest to my needs, though not quite all the way there.
I also need to get around to regaining my LaTeX knowledge at some point. I've forgotten so much it hurts, and part of me wants to go back to using it again. But that's for future me to worry about. For now, I just need to get back into the writing groove in general.
My Experience With Outer Wilds: Spoiler Edition
Outer Wilds is extremely sensitive to spoilers, and I will be fully spoiling the main game and the Echoes of the Eye DLC in this post (though I’ll give an extra warning before spoiling anything from Echoes of the Eye).
This is your last chance to leave if you don’t want to get spoiled. Now without further ado…
Outer Wilds: My Favorite Game Played in 2024
If you’ve followed me on the fediverse for any amount of time or if you’re unfortunate enough to have to share a group chat with me, you’ve surely heard me gush about Outer Wilds at one point or another. As I’m looking back at some of my favorite experiences and things from 2024, any list of mine without Outer Wilds on it would be incomplete. It’s not just become my favorite game, it’s also my favorite piece of media, period.
To explain why that is and why you too need to experience Outer Wilds is a little tricky though. The first thing any fan of the game will tell you is how much they enjoyed it and envy you for the opportunity to experience it for the first time again. The second thing they’ll tell you is that you should never, under any circumstances, look up anything about the game before you finish it.
Gifting a site
A message in a friend group chat earlier made me want to write a response about POSSE. It's an acronym for Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate. Meaning you put whatever you share on the Web on a site of your own, and then if you choose to post on social media you can link to it or repeat it whole.
Blog Questions Challenge 2025 by Erick Ruiz de Chavez
I don't remember exactly when I started blogging, but I do remember it was pretty soon after I discovered the internet, IRC, web forums, etc. The idea of being able to publish a website for anyone in the world to read for free was mind-blowing, and I think that's what eventually led me down the rabbit hole of web development. This was around late 1999 or early 2000 when I started college for the first time.
Web-based drum machine
A fun little web-based drum machine that is surprisingly capable
Weekly links 8
I took a different approach this week, collecting these links as I went, rather than browsing through my history to pick things out. I enjoyed doing it.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.