3 Months Ago Lupa Saw 4,200+ Unique Gemini Capsules; Now It Sees Nearly 4,400
AT THE start of this winter or back in November we were seeing Gemini growing fast, first crossing 4,100 after it had crossed 4,000 in late summer. Since late summer (late August) we've therefore seen a 10% growth:
How much of this growth is 'organic'?
As we've just noted in Daily Links, there's this new page that says: "Ever since LLM scraping has become a thing done by lots of companies for lots of companies, I’ve wondered if and when they’d start scraping Geminispace. On one hand, there’s not a whole lot of stuff written in Geminispace. On the other hand, writing a Gemini client is easy." Source: Geminispace is almost certainly being fed into LLMs
LLM or not LLM, many bots target our capsule (129,152 Gemini requests yesterday alone).
Earlier today we discussed how to handle this. "Too hard to filter against LLMs based only on Gemini logs," an associate argued, as "there is too little info. But there might be crossover from HTTP / HTTPS..." One possible contingency is lessening the cost of sending a page or transmitting objects (like images), e.g. filtering out page cruft or making changes to how the crafting of pages happens. Our network is already very fast and we don't need to generate anything except when we add a new page/object. As we explained before, that lessens the cost of bots hammering away; all they can do is eat up bandwidth (we have unlimited bandwidth). █