Covering EPO Scandals in an Age of Mass Censorship (and Europe Being Afraid to Introspect, for It Might "Help Putin")
Later this month we'll be covering the EPO again, not only because it impacts software* but because EPO management commits crimes and when people become apathetic towards corruption, then we risk becoming another Russia (or China or whatever).
It was all along expected that "external enemies" would be invoked to suppress discussion about EPO crimes and how those have clearly spread to the EU. When heads of states are corrupt they tend to shift focus outwards.
Suffice to say, the EPO is helping those "external enemies" by 1) discrediting the EU. 2) funding enemies of the EU. 3) flooding Europe with fake patents that crush European businesses (except the "litigation industry").
To EPO workers we say, do not let managers silence you. Speak up, reach out. Let us know what's truly happening inside. There are many ways to contact us. █
* We rightly worry, based on hard evidence, that the EPO is illegally granting European software patents and doing so intentionally. One of the enablers got the boot last month. We want to know why. Anything similar to the Grant Philpott story?