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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 8th, 2009 - Part 2


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iwmwit found 4 trojansApr 08 14:20
iwmwbut they couldn't workApr 08 14:20
schestowitz 08 14:20
oiaohmYou are more likely to have your system cracked through a service.Apr 08 14:20
EruaranClarkConnect has antivirus for email and other things that could hurt the fragile Windows systems under its careApr 08 14:21
oiaohmselinux smack and tomoyo take up the role of keep problems out.Apr 08 14:21
iwmw1 downloader trojan was started but was blocked by firewallApr 08 14:21
oiaohmVirus scanning companies are working on adding a real-time scanning framework to linux as well.Apr 08 14:22
iwmwEruaran: there are always ways to bypass an antivirusApr 08 14:22
oiaohmI am not sure how much usage that is going to get.Apr 08 14:22
iwmwlike 1%?Apr 08 14:22
EruaranindeedApr 08 14:22
Eruaranwe leave it off...Apr 08 14:22
EruaranWe have files on our server the antivirus will delete and we don't want it to ;)Apr 08 14:23
iwmwhaha.. trojan spreadersApr 08 14:23
Eruarancracks and thingsApr 08 14:23
iwmwyeah, cracks are good... especially those with mods insideApr 08 14:24
Eruaranwe have to crack Windows regularlyApr 08 14:24
EruaranSomeone installs Windows Media Player and it requires the user to validate Windows againApr 08 14:25
EruaranAnd then it throws up a false positiveApr 08 14:25
EruaranAnd the user is locked out of their systemApr 08 14:25
EruaranNot a good way of keeping your usersApr 08 14:28
EruaranThis is exactly why a customer wants me to install GNU/Linux on his system tomorrowApr 08 14:28
iwmwwhy would anyone possibly want to install wmp?Apr 08 14:28
Eruaranjust an exampleApr 08 14:28
trmancoI don't get it, why do people like evolution so much?Apr 08 14:28
oiaohmIt can be anything.Apr 08 14:28
oiaohmI have had installing a printer driver set the wga off somehow.Apr 08 14:29
EruaranIt could be Microsoft Office for exampleApr 08 14:29
oiaohmEven that it should not.Apr 08 14:29
EruaranIt checksApr 08 14:29
Eruaranwga now checks if Office is valid alsoApr 08 14:30
oiaohmYou are running WSUSApr 08 14:30
EruaranWe've noticed more wga false positives recentlyApr 08 14:30
oiaohmI have found that reduces WGA set offs.Apr 08 14:30
EruaranI don't care reallyApr 08 14:31
oiaohmOk not 100 percent removes them.Apr 08 14:31
EruaranIts a good wakeup call to usersApr 08 14:31
EruaranOf the perils of giving control of your PC over to MicrosoftApr 08 14:31
EruaranI should put up a big picture of Sweaty Ballmer with a sign under it saying, "Would you let this person use your computer ?"Apr 08 14:32
oiaohmAnd ms will take that and put some unknown guy as the example for Linux.Apr 08 14:33
oiaohmEven that its not true.Apr 08 14:33
oiaohmMost open source projects have really good tracking of who provides what.Apr 08 14:34
EruaranFree Hugs... LinuxApr 08 14:34
EruaranHugs $10... WindowsApr 08 14:34
schestowitzheh. that video...Apr 08 14:36
iwmwEruaran: make that picture and spread it XDApr 08 14:37
EruaranI love that vidApr 08 14:37
EruaranYou could just take that snippet of the clip and it would make a great 10 second adApr 08 14:38
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 08 14:40
iwmwwhich vid?Apr 08 14:44
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 08 14:53
Omar87HiApr 08 14:58
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 08 15:11
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 08 15:18
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 08 15:20
DaemonFC 08 15:25
DaemonFCbooted in 19.6 secondsApr 08 15:26
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 08 15:33
iwmwhow did you build that bootchart?Apr 08 15:34
iwmwso sane chart...Apr 08 15:34
MinceRthere's a bootchart utilityApr 08 15:34
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 08 15:35
iwmwso sane chart...Apr 08 15:35
iwmwhow did you build that bootchart?Apr 08 15:35
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 08 15:36
iwmwDaemonFC:Apr 08 15:36
DaemonFCpybootchartgui and bootchartApr 08 15:36
DaemonFCit drops a PNG in /var/log/bootchartApr 08 15:36
iwmwniceApr 08 15:37
schestowitzzoobab01: I've just gotten my ACK from EBoAApr 08 15:37
schestowitz20 seconds is what Phoronix said tooApr 08 15:39
schestowitzFedora claims 11 seconds, IIRC.Apr 08 15:39
schestowitzOr maybe Fedora 11 is what has me misremembering.Apr 08 15:39
DaemonFCschestowitz: XFS and Ext4 essentially tieApr 08 15:40
DaemonFCthey're within 2 seconds of each otherApr 08 15:41
DaemonFCyou could rerun the bootchart and the other one might win :PApr 08 15:41
DaemonFCbut even Ext3 was only 3 seconds behind themApr 08 15:41
DaemonFCso it doesn't make all that much difference in boot up timeApr 08 15:41
iwmwwhat about ext2?Apr 08 15:41
DaemonFCsome sites are saying it can take off 10 seconds, it won'tApr 08 15:42
DaemonFCdidn't try Ext2Apr 08 15:42
iwmwwhat's the need for ext3 over ext2?Apr 08 15:42
iwmwi know... journaling... but how much is that need?Apr 08 15:43
DaemonFCthere's a few minor differences other than journalingApr 08 15:44
DaemonFCjournaling alone is worth it thoughApr 08 15:44
DaemonFCjust so you don't spend hours checking the disk after a crashApr 08 15:44
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 08 15:46
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 08 15:48
DaemonFCI may end up rebuilding the kernel :PApr 08 15:48
DaemonFCjust to snag one file from 2.6.30-rc1Apr 08 15:48
iwmwi may end up installing some distro that likes manually built kernels...Apr 08 15:59
DaemonFCyou have to kill some stuff of in Ubuntu before it takes a custom kernelApr 08 16:00
DaemonFC*offApr 08 16:00
iwmwwhat about mandriva?Apr 08 16:00
DaemonFCshould workApr 08 16:01
DaemonFChaven't tried it thoughApr 08 16:01
DaemonFCMandriva is garbageApr 08 16:01
iwmwwhy?Apr 08 16:01
DaemonFCthere's always a lot of bugs that only happen on MandrivaApr 08 16:02
DaemonFCthat only show themselves if you piss it off in precisely the right wayApr 08 16:02
DaemonFCB-)Apr 08 16:02
DaemonFCsometimes the installer has a bug and you can't even get it to installApr 08 16:03
DaemonFCthey don't do good QAApr 08 16:03
iwmwQA?Apr 08 16:03
DaemonFCat least Ubuntu will probably boot up :PApr 08 16:03
DaemonFCquality assuranceApr 08 16:03
schestowitzMandriva is greatApr 08 16:03
schestowitzThe .1 releases are very solidApr 08 16:04
iwmw.0 are usually not that goodApr 08 16:04
schestowitzI haven't triedApr 08 16:04
schestowitzI heard from Beranger when he told me the usual spiel/rantApr 08 16:04
schestowitzhe's back with Linux it seems..Apr 08 16:05
iwmwgonna try debian5, does it like custom kernels?Apr 08 16:05
schestowitzHe's like DaemonFC -- always ranting about something he cares aboutApr 08 16:05
DaemonFCmust be why the installer hangsApr 08 16:06
MinceRis he as clueless as DaemonFC :>Apr 08 16:06
MinceR?Apr 08 16:06
DaemonFCMandriva 2009.1 RC2, the installer hangs before it can install the bootloaderApr 08 16:06
DaemonFCand the kernel will panicApr 08 16:06
MinceRwell, it's a release candidateApr 08 16:07
iwmwrc1 was goodApr 08 16:07
DaemonFCyeah, so I installed from an RC 1 discApr 08 16:07
DaemonFCand upgradedApr 08 16:07
DaemonFCand Compiz is still brokenApr 08 16:07
iwmwheh... they've got month until internal releaseApr 08 16:08
DaemonFC2009 just fails to bootApr 08 16:08
DaemonFCunless I accept the upgrades at the end of the installApr 08 16:08
iwmwon my side it didn't even find sata disks in ide emulation modeApr 08 16:09
DaemonFCthe stuff off the CD just kernel panics right after grub exitsApr 08 16:09
iwmwsome distros found disks but failed to run xApr 08 16:09
iwmwthen i understood that i better use ahciApr 08 16:09
iwmwand 2009.1rc1 installed like a charmApr 08 16:10
schestowitzMinceR: corny headline: Hungary Hungry for Open Source < >Apr 08 16:11
balzacnice oneApr 08 16:11
MinceRowApr 08 16:11
balzacTurkey Gobbles Free SoftwareApr 08 16:11
iwmwooh, looks like linuxjournal.comApr 08 16:12
schestowitzTI is downsizingApr 08 16:13
schestowitzAnd increasingly supporting LinuxApr 08 16:13
DaemonFCbesides schestowitz, if you love Mandriva, you must love MonoApr 08 16:13
DaemonFCit ships with about enough of itApr 08 16:13
DaemonFCincluding BeagleApr 08 16:13
*iwmw hates beagleApr 08 16:14
trmancokde with mono?Apr 08 16:14
iwmwschestowitz: but it takes some third-party linux (montavista)Apr 08 16:14
DaemonFCno, the GNOME version uses Beagle Desktop SearchApr 08 16:14
iwmwand they provide only demo version of it with their hardwareApr 08 16:15
trmanco...Apr 08 16:15
schestowitzCivil liberties are being trashed. It's Mussolistalin all over again... Groups Warn New Cybersecurity Bill Oversteps  < >Apr 08 15:55
schestowitzDaemonFC: no, KDEApr 08 15:55
DaemonFCKDE is garbageApr 08 15:56
schestowitzI also pressured them to drop it off OOoApr 08 15:56
MinceRdidn't Mandriva start as "Red Hat, but with KDE"?Apr 08 15:56
schestowitzDaemonFC: KDE is greatApr 08 15:56
MinceRKDE rulesApr 08 15:56
DaemonFCKDE was greatApr 08 15:56
schestowitzMinceR: something like thatApr 08 15:56
DaemonFCnow it's bloated crap that wishes it was VistaApr 08 15:56
iwmwbeagle is kde appApr 08 15:57
DaemonFCnoApr 08 15:57
*MinceR replaces DaemonFC's kde with twmApr 08 15:57
DaemonFCthat's Kerry BeagleApr 08 15:57
schestowitzI use 3.5 and will be using it until KDE 4.3/4 when it's mature and very reliableApr 08 15:57
DaemonFCBeagle is for GNOMEApr 08 15:57
MinceRi'm on 3.5.8 and i'm planning to switch to 4.2Apr 08 15:57
iwmwbeagle is both gnome and kde friendlyApr 08 15:57
DaemonFCUbuntu defaults to TrackerApr 08 15:57
trmancotracker sucksApr 08 15:58
DaemonFCyou can replace Beagle with Tracker on Mandriva easily enough thoughApr 08 15:58
schestowitzI use recoilApr 08 15:58
iwmwi switch beagle off right before or after installationApr 08 15:58
trmancoI don't use search tools...Apr 08 15:58
MinceRi use slocate ^_^Apr 08 15:58
iwmwi seriously don't get what's the reason to use tools like beagleApr 08 15:58
MinceRi'm waiting for a dynamic indexer that lets me search in filenamesApr 08 15:59
MinceR(not just filenames and content)Apr 08 15:59
DaemonFCProblem: Search is too slow Solution: Lets thrash the disk exactly whenever and index and log everything from every program the user could possibly openApr 08 15:59
DaemonFCB-)Apr 08 15:59
iwmwMinceR: you're dreamingApr 08 15:59
MinceRafaik tracker's kioslave could do itApr 08 15:59
DaemonFCSearch indexing sucks on jsut about any OSApr 08 15:59
MinceRbut it was pre-1.0 when i last checkedApr 08 15:59
DaemonFCbut Beagle is like "God damn!"Apr 08 15:59
MinceRso i didn't switch yetApr 08 16:00
trmancopeople can remove mono spyware now when Gnote goes stableApr 08 16:00
trmancofrom UbuntuApr 08 16:00
DaemonFCMono is not spywareApr 08 16:01
trmancothen it's crapwareApr 08 16:01
DaemonFCshow me your proof that Mono is spying on youApr 08 16:01
DaemonFCand who it is reporting toApr 08 16:01
DaemonFCand what it's sendingApr 08 16:01
DaemonFCI assume you have logs?Apr 08 16:01
DaemonFC:)Apr 08 16:01
DaemonFCcause you've uncovered a major scandalApr 08 16:02
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 08 16:02
DaemonFCI'm sure everyone would like to hear about itApr 08 16:02
trmancoI'm not going to bother to look at the source codeApr 08 16:02
DaemonFCoh right, so baseless accusationApr 08 16:02
trmancoit's just me sayingApr 08 16:02
DaemonFCoh right, so baseless accusationApr 08 16:02
DaemonFC:)Apr 08 16:02
trmancoDaemonFC, you're a mono dev, right?Apr 08 16:03
DaemonFCoh right, so baseless accusationApr 08 16:03
MinceRi think he's stuck on that lineApr 08 16:03
DaemonFCwhy not?Apr 08 16:03
trmancoMinceR, mono crashApr 08 16:03
DaemonFChe won't answerApr 08 16:03
MinceRtrmanco: icApr 08 16:03
DaemonFChe's just taking swipes at meApr 08 16:03
DaemonFCwhat an idiotApr 08 16:03
trmancotomboy should have been written in c++ in the first placeApr 08 16:04
DaemonFCDon't worry about proof, don't think about the fact that the source is open and there's lots of people that jsut hate mono and would love nothing more than for it to actually be spyware so they could expose itApr 08 16:04
DaemonFCjust baselessly accuseApr 08 16:04
DaemonFCit'll all work outApr 08 16:04
DaemonFC:)Apr 08 16:05
DaemonFCDon't worry, Detective Dipshit is on the caseApr 08 16:05
MinceRi didn't know that was your real nameApr 08 16:05
trmancoprepare for the Mono boomApr 08 16:05
DaemonFCthere's nothing wrong with monoApr 08 16:05
trmancosomething isn't right, something it going to explodeApr 08 16:05
MinceRexcept for the whole patent trapApr 08 16:06
trmancoyes there isApr 08 16:06
DaemonFCyou can make bad software in C++ tooApr 08 16:06
DaemonFClook at FirefoxApr 08 16:06
DaemonFCthere is no patent trap in monoApr 08 16:06
DaemonFCunless you're shipping the non-standard bitsApr 08 16:06
trmancoDaemonFC, I see, for you, almost everything is bad software, except for c# based software... hmmmApr 08 16:06
MinceRdon't worry, they won't sue you even if you aren't a novell customer, exactly like they didn't sue tomtomApr 08 16:06
trmancoyou even hate the kernelApr 08 16:07
DaemonFCthey can'tApr 08 16:07
DaemonFCC# is a standardApr 08 16:07
MinceRlolApr 08 16:07
MinceRthat makes it all right, doesn't it?Apr 08 16:07
trmancobetter right some crappy kernel written in c#Apr 08 16:07
DaemonFCwell, C is the property of AT&TApr 08 16:07
trmancowrite*Apr 08 16:07
DaemonFCas much as C# is Microsoft'sApr 08 16:07
MinceRC has nothing to do with C#Apr 08 16:07
DaemonFCC belonged to AT&TApr 08 16:07
*schestowitz () has joined #boycottnovellApr 08 16:08
MinceRAT&T isn't trying to take over the world like m$ isApr 08 16:08
DaemonFCGNU cloned it while AT&T still owned itApr 08 16:08
DaemonFCso C is bad right?Apr 08 16:08
DaemonFCsince it infringesApr 08 16:08
DaemonFCthey wereApr 08 16:08
MinceRdoes AT&T own patents on it?Apr 08 16:08
DaemonFCyou don't remember USL, do you?Apr 08 16:08
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzApr 08 16:08
MinceRnopeApr 08 16:08
DaemonFCthey were worse than MicrosoftApr 08 16:08
MinceRnote past tenseApr 08 16:08
DaemonFCwell, the government DID do something about themApr 08 16:09
schestowitzThe connection went wonkyApr 08 16:09
DaemonFCbut my point is that C# now is no worse than C was thenApr 08 16:09
schestowitzLost for a few minutesApr 08 16:09
DaemonFCC was a patented language when GNU stole itApr 08 16:09
DaemonFCand reimplemented itApr 08 16:09
DaemonFCwhy weren'tthey sued?Apr 08 16:09
MinceRthere's a question you haven't answeredApr 08 16:09
MinceR173743 < MinceR> does AT&T own patents on it?Apr 08 16:09
DaemonFCmaybe cause C was an ISO/ANSI/IEC standard?Apr 08 16:09
trmancohow can we steal a language?Apr 08 16:10
MinceRiso isn't what it used to beApr 08 16:10
DaemonFCjust like C# isApr 08 16:10
MinceRsince m$ bought itApr 08 16:10
DaemonFC 08 16:11
DaemonFCif you don't ship that part of Mono, you should be fineApr 08 16:11
MinceRi see, you don't know if AT&T owns patents on CApr 08 16:11
DaemonFCthere's nothing wrong with supporting programming languagesApr 08 16:11
DaemonFCeven Richard Stallman said we should have C# supportApr 08 16:11
MinceRexcept that you can't support C# completely without the VM?Apr 08 16:11
DaemonFC 08 16:11
MinceRwhen did he say that?Apr 08 16:11
MinceRdotgnu is deadApr 08 16:12
MinceRi wonder whyApr 08 16:12
MinceRalso, we were discussing mono, not c#Apr 08 16:12
MinceRand not dotgnuApr 08 16:12
trmanco"Microsoft has declared itself our enemy and we know that Microsoft is getting patents on some features of C#. So I think it's dangerous to use C#, and it may be dangerous to use Mono."Apr 08 16:12
DaemonFCprobably cause Mono is betterApr 08 16:12
DaemonFCdotgnu was implementing C#Apr 08 16:13
DaemonFCjsut like MonoApr 08 16:13
MinceRi see, you're militantly unaware of your environmentApr 08 16:13
DaemonFCthere's nothing wrong with MonoApr 08 16:13
MinceRkeep telling yourself thatApr 08 16:13
DaemonFCyou'Apr 08 16:14
DaemonFCyou're just a clueless jerk with an irrational hatred of AmericansApr 08 16:14
DaemonFCthat's your problemApr 08 16:14
MinceRyou're just a brainless idiotApr 08 16:14
trmanco...Apr 08 16:14
MinceRwith blind faith in the worst megacorps aroundApr 08 16:14
DaemonFCyou don't know how anything worksApr 08 16:14
DaemonFCyou just point fingersApr 08 16:14
MinceRyou don't know what you're talking aboutApr 08 16:14
MinceRyou just keep spewing nonsenseApr 08 16:14
DaemonFCthat is what you are doingApr 08 16:15
MinceRwhen you're proven wrong, you just change the subjectApr 08 16:15
MinceRand then you bring up the same stupid shit every dayApr 08 16:15
DaemonFCyou are an irrational jerkApr 08 16:15
DaemonFCperiodApr 08 16:15
DaemonFCfull stopApr 08 16:15
MinceRi think that's what we call "trolling"Apr 08 16:35
DaemonFCwell, I'm sure that the FSF has better lawyers than you ;)Apr 08 16:36
DaemonFCso whateverApr 08 16:36
MinceRi'm not a lawyerApr 08 16:36
DaemonFCmy pointApr 08 16:36
MinceRyou don't have a pointApr 08 16:36
MinceRyou've never proven a single word you've saidApr 08 16:36
MinceRyou've never responded to any counterargumentsApr 08 16:36
MinceRyou just keep saying the same things over and over againApr 08 16:36
MinceRchanging the subjectApr 08 16:36
DaemonFCthey would never have reimplemented C# if their lawyers hadn't OK'd itApr 08 16:36
MinceRand trying to smear anyone who disagrees with youApr 08 16:37
DaemonFCyou don't understand the legal mechanicsApr 08 16:37
MinceR"they" being?Apr 08 16:37
DaemonFCthe FSF lawyers who gave the OK to do itApr 08 16:37
DaemonFCyou're not a lawyerApr 08 16:38
MinceRi'm pretty sure the FSF lawyers didn't reimplement c#Apr 08 16:38
DaemonFCthey wouldn't have done it without getting legal advice firstApr 08 16:38
MinceRconsidering that lawyers rarely implement programming languagesApr 08 16:38
MinceRonce again, who is "they"?Apr 08 16:38
MinceRnovell, dotgnu developers, or the tooth fairy?Apr 08 16:38
DaemonFCASP.NET, ADO.NET and Windows Forms are the only things Microsoft could sue overApr 08 16:39
DaemonFCand Mono does not ship with those by defaultApr 08 16:40
MinceRare you a lawyer?Apr 08 16:40
trmancoASP.NET and Windows Forms are in monoApr 08 16:40
trmancodon't know about ADO.NETApr 08 16:41
DaemonFCNo they aren'tApr 08 16:41
DaemonFCthey are separate packagesApr 08 16:41
DaemonFCMono by default uses only the ECMA standardized portions of .NetApr 08 16:41
MinceRi'll interpret that as a "no"Apr 08 16:41
DaemonFCECMA-334 – C# Language SpecificationApr 08 16:41
DaemonFCECMA-335 – Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)Apr 08 16:42
MinceRnext question: if you think that my arguments have no merit because i'm not a lawyer, what makes you think that yours do have merit even if you aren't a lawyer?Apr 08 16:42
MinceRecma standardizes anything they throw at them if money accompanies itApr 08 16:42
DaemonFCC# is an ISO and ECMA standardApr 08 16:42
schestowitzYes, ECMA is corruptApr 08 16:43
trmancoagainApr 08 16:43
DaemonFCand they've already issued the covenant not to sueApr 08 16:43
MinceReven RAND is bullshit ( 08 16:43
schestowitzI am always amused by the mentioning of ECMAApr 08 16:43
schestowitzI think of Van der FraudfApr 08 16:43
trmancoI've read that today about 4 times todayApr 08 16:43
MinceRas i've mentioned already, iso was practically bought by m$Apr 08 16:43
schestowitzNow in CompTIA, a separate MS puppetApr 08 16:43
schestowitzRAND is anti-FOSSApr 08 16:44
schestowitzIt's not acceptableApr 08 16:44
schestowitzSee Groklaw's article abotu RANDApr 08 16:44
DaemonFCnot my fault that other countries elect corrupt officialsApr 08 16:44
MinceRalso, "covenant not to sue" is bullshit invented to screw everyoneApr 08 16:44
DaemonFCyour politicians sold you out, yes?Apr 08 16:44
DaemonFCgood for youApr 08 16:44
DaemonFCkeep voting for themApr 08 16:44
MinceRserious standards are protected by _patent licenses_ that are _gratis_Apr 08 16:44
MinceRDaemonFC: who else can we vote for?Apr 08 16:45
MinceRonce again you have no idea what you're talking aboutApr 08 16:45
DaemonFCif you wanted rid of your government officials that badApr 08 16:45
schestowitzMS blames non-Redmond apps for security woes < >Apr 08 16:45
DaemonFCthey'd be goneApr 08 16:45
schestowitzThrid party=malware devs?Apr 08 16:45
DaemonFCyou have the government you deserveApr 08 16:45
MinceRsure, because it only depends on meApr 08 16:45
MinceRnot on the millions of idiots that surround meApr 08 16:45
MinceRwho blindly believe any lie thrown their wayApr 08 16:46
MinceRjust like you doApr 08 16:46
schestowitzDaemonFC: "you have the government you deserve"? Look who's talkingApr 08 16:46
schestowitzYou hardly even have choice.Apr 08 16:46
trmancoxPUD, the ultra-fast booting Linux flavour: 08 16:46
DaemonFCwho cares?Apr 08 16:46
schestowitzWhite of vanilla whiteApr 08 16:46
DaemonFCI don't pay taxes to themApr 08 16:46
MinceRDaemonFC: do you live in the usa?Apr 08 16:46
trmancocomcast.netApr 08 16:46
MinceRi'm guessing yesApr 08 16:47
schestowitzCamcast are an MS puppetApr 08 16:47
DaemonFCI don't care what happensApr 08 16:47
schestowitzTheir favourite cable companyApr 08 16:47
schestowitzMS put billions in ComcastApr 08 16:47
MinceRthat puts you in no position to talk shit about what governments are elected in other countriesApr 08 16:47
DaemonFCcoolApr 08 16:47
schestowitzPractically billions, and got things in returnApr 08 16:47
DaemonFClike?Apr 08 16:47
schestowitzDo a search in BNApr 08 16:47
MinceReven the hellhole i live in (hungary) is more free than the usa nowadaysApr 08 16:47
DaemonFCtell yourself thatApr 08 16:48
schestowitztrmanco: thanks for the linkApr 08 16:48
MinceRfor example, we don't officially have sw patentsApr 08 16:48
trmancoschestowitz, see the vid, blazing fastApr 08 16:48
MinceRyetApr 08 16:48
DaemonFCyou will if your govt wants in on the WTOApr 08 16:48
MinceRwe don't get our properties searched without warrantsApr 08 16:48
DaemonFCand it willApr 08 16:48
schestowitzThe Germans fined SCO and now MS: Microsoft hit with €9m fine over German pricing < >Apr 08 16:48
DaemonFCMinceR: It's against our constitutionApr 08 16:48
MinceRDaemonFC: yes, your government forces a lot of shit on usApr 08 16:49
DaemonFCfor warrantless searchesApr 08 16:49
MinceRDaemonFC: guess who cares about your constitution in your governmentApr 08 16:49
DaemonFCso I believe you are mistakenApr 08 16:49
MinceRDaemonFC: and i believe you don't read enough newsApr 08 16:49
DaemonFCthe news with who's views?Apr 08 16:49
DaemonFCanything to sell copiesApr 08 16:49
DaemonFCand conflict sells copiesApr 08 16:49
MinceRwell, not fox news, i guessApr 08 16:49
DaemonFCI don't pay attention to those assholesApr 08 16:50
MinceR"that's crazy! the government doesn't lie to people!"Apr 08 16:50
DaemonFCwell, you'll believe your delusions no matter what I sayApr 08 16:51
DaemonFCyou're dead set on hating peopleApr 08 16:51
DaemonFCyour lossApr 08 16:51
MinceRyou should be telling yourself thatApr 08 16:52
schestowitz "LuckySploit, which was hidden behind an invisible iFrame on the website, was detected by web security services firm ScanSafe on Saturday 5 April at around 12:3opm GMT. The malware toolkit uses browser exploits in an attempt to load banking Trojans onto visiting surfers' Windows PCs."Apr 08 16:52
schestowitz    <DaemonFC> "you're dead set on hating people"Apr 08 16:53
schestowitzhehe. hypocrite.Apr 08 16:53
DaemonFCnot reallyApr 08 16:54
DaemonFCI don't hate MinceR, he just needs to eat some prunes, maybe some ex-laxApr 08 16:54
DaemonFChe'll be fineApr 08 16:54
MinceRand you just need to get a brainApr 08 16:55
MinceRand you'll be fineApr 08 16:55
schestowitzGoogle pours Java on code cloud < >Apr 08 16:56
schestowitzIDC forms partnership, says NZ telecoms industry ‘at a crossroads’  < > IDC gets payolaApr 08 16:59
schestowitzWhen analysis is SOLD, where is the trust?Apr 08 17:00
MinceRin the mind of fools like DaemonFC :>Apr 08 17:00
DaemonFCso Microsoft actually doesn't own any of ComcastApr 08 17:00
DaemonFCthey never owned any significant part of them anywayApr 08 17:01
DaemonFCyayApr 08 17:01
DaemonFCComcast ditched Microsoft's cable box software in 2007, and Microsoft sold all of its shares of Comcast by January of this yearApr 08 17:02
DaemonFChardly sounds like a glowing friendship to meApr 08 17:02
DaemonFCbut hey, if you're paranoidApr 08 17:02
schestowitzDaemonFC: since you asked, hold on.Apr 08 17:03
DaemonFC 08 17:04
DaemonFC 08 17:04
schestowitz 08 17:04
schestowitzMore on Camcast: 08 17:04
PeterKraus haha, i'm reading about the Google - AP thingApr 08 17:05
PeterKrausgosh.Apr 08 17:05
PeterKrausone has to facepalmApr 08 17:05
schestowitzThe zombie is at it again: Murdoch Says Newspapers Must Charge For Online Content < >Apr 08 17:06
schestowitzThey want to backtrack to good ol' daysApr 08 17:06
schestowitzLet's also run back to punch cards and pay for CPU cycles.Apr 08 17:06
PeterKraus:)Apr 08 17:07
PeterKrausit's this old backwards thinkingApr 08 17:07
schestowitzThat was fast: OOo 3.1 already in release candidate stage: New: 3.1.0 Release Candidate 1 (build OOO310_m9) available < >Apr 08 17:08
schestowitzPeterKraus: they try t shore up dying biz modelApr 08 17:09
schestowitzMS tooApr 08 17:09
schestowitzThey sell Windows for pretty much 0$ on 'small laptops'Apr 08 17:09
schestowitzSo now, who would buy a laptop for 5 times the cost AND also PAY for Windows, when it's actually free on the other cheaper laptops?Apr 08 17:09
schestowitzMicrosoft was just too desperate to injore linuxApr 08 17:09
schestowitz*injureApr 08 17:09
PeterKrausit worked, partiallyApr 08 17:10
PeterKrauswellApr 08 17:10
PeterKrausnot that it injured linuxApr 08 17:10
schestowitzunder no circumstances lose to linux: 08 17:10
PeterKrausit just pointed at it's weaknessessApr 08 17:10
*DaemonFC sets up schestowitz's system to dual boot OpenSuse with Windows 7 BetaApr 08 17:10
DaemonFC:PApr 08 17:10
PeterKrausDaemonFC: that's not a dual bootApr 08 17:10
PeterKraus:PApr 08 17:10
schestowitzI have some opensuse CDsApr 08 17:10
schestowitzPeterKraus: it's Windows morhpingApr 08 17:10
schestowitzMono/.NETApr 08 17:11
DaemonFCno, Suse is a jokeApr 08 17:11
DaemonFCif you want Windows compatibility, you'll buy WindowsApr 08 17:11
DaemonFCnot some cheap knock off that's half-compatibleApr 08 17:11
schestowitzBoot into Mono-based or...Apr 08 17:11
PeterKrausi don't buy windowsApr 08 17:11
PeterKrausi download it off torrentsApr 08 17:11
schestowitzWell, even Microsoft DOESN'T use .NETApr 08 17:11
schestowitzIn Vista, they didn't use .NETApr 08 17:11
schestowitzTalk about rejecting one's own meal.Apr 08 17:12
DaemonFCwhy would you torrent it?Apr 08 17:12
PeterKrausit's faster than going to the shop and buying itApr 08 17:12
DaemonFCall it takes is one update to torpedo your crackApr 08 17:12
schestowitzFor play./Apr 08 17:12
MinceRbetter disable updates thenApr 08 17:12
PeterKrausyeahApr 08 17:12
MinceRm$ doesn't deserve the money anywayApr 08 17:12
schestowitzWon't workApr 08 17:12
PeterKrausit doesApr 08 17:12
schestowitzMinceR: Windows ignored those settingsApr 08 17:12
MinceRblock them on the firewallApr 08 17:12
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 08 17:12
PeterKrausi'm running skype that wayApr 08 17:12

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