Summary: The new bits (in Spanish) start at 14m:42s from the start
Source/credit: GNU Video RecordingsTalk title: Software libre, tu libertad, y tu ciberseguridad (Free software, your freedom, and your cybersecurity)
Location: Online event (BigBlueButton)
Organizer: 8.8 Chile Enteka
Hosts: Gabriel Bergel, 8.8 Chile Enteka
Date: October 23, 2021
Language: Spanish
Duration: 1 hour 53 minutes
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)
The MIT injustice remains and recent "libreplanet" events were held in a venue that's not MIT and far less prestigious than MIT (the "Wentworth" imitation)
Maybe the "mainstream media" is looking for clickbait or maybe it's actively looking to make a scandal - a phony controversy with which to make the job of coordinating Linux unpleasant