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Links 17/06/2022: David Revoy Dumps (K)ubuntu for Fedora

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • XDAThe ways you can run Linux on the MacBook Air (2022)

        Apple’s newest MacBook Air made its debut at WWDC 2022 ahead of July 2022 availability. But even before it gets into anyone’s hands, there is a lot that we already know about it. For one, the spec sheet is pretty complete, and the headline act is the Apple M2 chip powering the show.

        Apple’s move to its own ARM-based silicon is heading into its second generation. Paired with macOS Ventura, also revealed at WWDC, there are a number of great features for consumers, professionals, and developers alike. It should be pointed out, though, that the MacBook Air (2022) will ship with macOS Monterey.

        For the latter, one key consideration may well be whether or not the new MacBook Air can successfully run Linux. For many developers being able to successfully boot into Linux is a key part of their workflow. On that front, there is good and bad news to consider.

    • Server

      • Cisco Unfurls Observability Cloud for Kubernetes Environments

        At its Cisco Live! event this week, Cisco added an AppDynamics Cloud observability service that is optimized for microservices-based applications constructed using containers.

        Gregg Ostrowski, executive CTO for Cisco AppDynamics, says AppDynamics Cloud is designed to ingest logs, metrics, events and traces generated by both applications and the cloud infrastructure they run on to provide IT teams with a more holistic view of their environment. It initially supports managed Kubernetes environments on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with future support for Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and other cloud providers planned.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Real Linux UserHow to set up Parental Control in Zorin OS

        A Personal Computer is called a Personal Computer because it is mostly used for personal purposes. But what if this computer is intended to be used as a family computer and you do not want your children to have exactly the same possibilities as you have? Or maybe you installed a separate Linux computer for the children in their room for which you still want to be in control of what they can or cannot do with it and at what moment of the day. You probably want to set up some restrictions for your children, such as the time when they can use the computer, the duration of the time they can use it and most likely you want to limit their rights to do administrative tasks. In this article, as part of my Zorin OS tutorial series, I explain how to set up Parental Control in Zorin OS.

      • CitizixHow to run Prometheus with docker and docker-compose

        Prometheus is a free open source software application used for event monitoring and alerting. It was originally built at SoundCloud. It is now a standalone open source project and maintained independently of any company.

        Prometheus collects and stores its metrics as time series data, i.e. metrics information is stored with the timestamp at which it was recorded, alongside optional key-value pairs called labels. Metrics are numeric measurements, time series mean that changes are recorded over time. What users want to measure differs from application to application. For a web server it might be request times, for a database it might be number of active connections or number of active queries etc.

      • The AnarcatAntoine Beaupré: Matrix notes

        I have some concerns about Matrix (the protocol, not the movie that came out recently, although I do have concerns about that as well). I've been watching the project for a long time, and it seems more a promising alternative to many protocols like IRC, XMPP, and Signal.

        This review may sound a bit negative, because it focuses on those concerns. I am the operator of an IRC network and people keep asking me to bridge it with Matrix. I have myself considered just giving up on IRC and converting to Matrix. This space is a living document exploring my research of that problem space. The TL;DR: is that no, I'm not setting up a bridge just yet, and I'm still on IRC.

      • David RevoyFedora 36 KDE Spin for a digital painting workstation: reasons and post-install guide

        My last guide was about Kubuntu 20.04LTS, and I used it during two years. Two years!...that was splendid. So, with that success in mind, I imagined it would be a no-brainer to continue with the newest Kubuntu to the date: 22.04LTS.

        Unfortunately, I tested 22.04LTS and I disliked it. It has a slower Firefox packaged only as [Snap]( Also, applications installed with the command line "apt install" could come as Deb package, or as Snap package without knowing it ahead (and Snap version often comes with additional bugs). To top it all off, a Snap directory was even hard-coded in my /home directory.

        Of course, all of that pre-existed 22.04 in a lighter form, and it was easier to dodge or uninstall it. With 22.04, I felt Canonical wanted really to push Snap on me and I couldn't see any technical advantage to impose to myself this technology. Especially when the GNU/Linux ecosystem has many other choices.

      • LinuxOpSysLinux NFS Mount Entry in fstab (/etc/fstab) with Example

        NFS stands for ‘Network File System’. This mechanism allows Unix machines to share files and directories over the network. Using this feature, a Linux machine can mount a remote directory (residing in a NFS server machine) just like a local directory and can access files from it.

        An NFS share can be mounted on a machine by adding a line to the /etc/fstab file. In this guide, we learn about NFS mount entry in the fstab file. Check what options fstab has to mount to NFS for better performance.

      • Deleted files recovery on Linux - Full guide

        Losing files is really annoying for all of us. Many think that the data they have just lost is gone for good and there is no way it can be retrieved or recovered. The good news is that there are toolsthat can do magic, .i.e. they may help recover these files. It is important to know however that the earlier you notice the deletion, the more likely these tools will be able to recover your files. When you realize you’ve deleted something, you shouldn’t try to mess up with the other files. Don’t copy, cut or paste, don’t manipulate files, don’t delete and install programs unless this is absolutely necessary as it will be the case with the tools below.

        In this tutorial, you will learn how to recover deleted files on Linux using some built-in and downloadable utilities.

      • OSTechNixBackup Proxmox Containers And VMs To USB Drive - OSTechNix

        The first thing you should do after installing a Proxmox server is to decide how to backup your proxmox containers and virtual machines and where to save those backups safely. Keeping the backups in the same system isn't a real backup strategy and it is NOT SAFE. In this step by step guide, we will see how to backup Proxmox containers and virtual machines to an external USB drive via Proxmox web UI. We will also see how to overwrite an existing container or VM and how to restore the deleted container and VM from the backup.

        If you run Proxmox on production, you must know how to backup the Proxmox containers/VMs periodically in order to avoid data loss. Fortunately, Proxmox web dashboard makes the job even easier and quicker.

      • How to solve Docker error: no space left on device

        You will find below how to fix the Docker error : no space left on device . There are two similar solutions. The first is the long winded whereas the second is the fastest.

      • Make Use OfHow to Back Up Your Data With Déjà Dup on Linux

        Do you have any documents or information on your PC that you can't afford to lose? Then you should take a backup.

        A data backup protects you from losing valuable data such as family photos, travel documents, etc. in case of a disaster, hardware failure, malicious attack on your computer, etc. Let's explore how you can back up your data on Linux using Déjà Dup, also known as Backups.

      • ID RootHow To Install Gulp.js on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Gulp.js on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, Gulp is an open-source JavaScript toolkit developed by Eric Schoffstall that helps developers to automate & enhance their workflow. Gulp is useful to make automate processes and run repetitive tasks easily. It also includes the feature of piping output to another command.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Gulp.js on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint.

      • CitizixHow to install and configure docker in Alma Linux 9

        Docker is an open source containerization platform. It enables developers to package applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run that code in any environment.

        Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels.

        In this guide we are going to explore various options to install docker in Alma Linux 9.

      • OSNoteHow to make Google Chrome the default Browser in Ubuntu - OSNote

        Chrome is the most used web-browser across the world. Everyone, in no matter what walk of life, has at least heard of it, if not used it in any capacity. It provides a plethora of features, supporting a plethora of extensions, and developer options that make it a must have web browser for everyone. Though Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 allows you to download Chrome, they both come with Firefox as a default.

        So, if you’re like me and you are not satisfied with Firefox and want to use Chrome to scratch that itch, here is how to make chrome default browser.

    • Games

      • Godot EngineGodot Engine - Release candidate: Godot 3.5 RC 4

        The upcoming Godot 3.5 is now considered feature complete, and has received a lot of bugfixes and improvements over the past weeks thanks to all the testers and developers who reported and fixed issues. We are now at the Release Candidate stage, finalizing everything so that we can release 3.5-stable for all users.

        At this stage we need people to test this release (and potential follow-up RCs) on as many codebases as possible, to make sure that we catch non-obvious regressions that might have gone unnoticed until now. If you run into any issue, please make sure to report it on GitHub so that we can know about it and fix it!

        This RC 4 fixes a number of recent regressions and older bugs. Notably, this fixes a potential crash on Windows 11 on scenes using specific fonts. It also significantly refactors the new navigation system to make it closer to the version in Godot 4.0, and provide the missing features that 3.5 users would require to use it fully.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Sam Thursfield: Status update, 17/06/2022

          I am currently in the UK – visiting folk, working, and enjoying the nice weather. So my successful travel plans continue for the moment… (corporate mismanagement has led to various transport crises in the UK so we’ll see if I can leave as successfully as I arrived).

          I started the Calliope playlist toolkit back in 2016. The goal is to bring open data together and allow making DIY music recommenders, but its rather abstract to explain this via the medium of JSON documents. Coupled with a desire to play with GTK4, which I’ve had no opportunity to do yet, and inspired by a throwaway comment in the MusicBrainz IRC room, I prototyped up a graphical app that shows what kind of open data is available for playlist generation.

        • Marco Melorio: GSoC update #1 – Planning

          GSoC coding period started on Monday, so this is a good time to blog about what I’ve started working on and what’s my milestone to finish the project. First off, I’ve created a simple mockup using Sonny Piers’ amazing Workbench app. This is the first step in knowing how we want the UI to look like, at least in the first iteration.


          Some days ago I started working on a media viewer for my app Telegrand. I wanted a similar feeling of the media viewer on Telegram iOS and Android, which I’ve always found really cool to use. You can see my progress in the tweets below. The animations and the swipe gestures were liked quite a bit, so I’ve decided to add them in Fractal too, so that they can also be used in the media history viewer.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

  • Leftovers

    • What's up? 2022 edition

      I'm also actively looking for a job so my year of unemployment is about to come to an end hopefully in the next weeks. I don't want to work when I'm only starting to find my own pace, but I need money so I can buy a piece of soil somewhere and grow tomatoes and basil on it!

    • Christina's questions for June

      I'm persuaded by the Golden Rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated. I think most people are happy with this as the basis for how to treat people, but not everyone.

    • Coffee and the book "Deep Simplicity"

      What it about and why do I want to read it? Understanding science has always been "my thing" ever since elementary school. What is fire, why does it rain, what are living things, what am I, Why do people act the way they do? Im someone who likes asking questions and getting answers.

    • Hardware

      • CNX Softwareu-blox unveils miniature MIA-M10 GPS module - CNX Software

        u-blox has introduced what could be the world’s smallest GNSS module with the 4.5×4.5mm u-blox MIA-M10 miniature module supporting GPS, BeiDou, Galileo, and GLONASS satellite navigation systems.

        The MIA-M10 is said to be about half the size of competing products and has been specially designed for size-constrained battery-powered asset tracking devices, as well as space-constrained industrial sensors and consumer goods. The company also claims its power-save modes can double the battery life by balancing position accuracy and power consumption.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • Doctors for Covid Ethics

        Whitney discusses the parallels between the “rescue” of Emergent Biosolutions with anthrax (and potentially now monkeypox) and the “rescue” of Moderna and BioNTech with Covid.

    • Pseudo-Open Source

      • Linux Foundation and Openwashing Agenda

        • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogOne Place to Manage Your Open Source Projects and Communities [Ed: Those are not communities! They're openwashing corporate incubators, cultivating the false impression that these corporations (clients of LF) are altruistic]
        • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogA New Framework for In-Person OSPO Workshops: TODO Group Seeks Collaborators [Ed: Openwashing crock or how to farm volunteers (slaves) to work for your corporation for no salary]

          As more and more organizations adopt open source initiatives and/or seek to mature their involvement in open source, they often face many challenges, such as educating developers on good open source practices, building policies and infrastructure, ensuring high-quality and frequent releases, engaging with developer communities, and contributing back to other projects effectively. They recognize that open source is a complex ecosystem that is a community of communities. It doesn’t follow traditional corporate rules, so guidance is needed to overcome cultural change.

        • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogThe SOGNO Project Wins Prestigious Award for Focus on Modular Grid Automation [Ed: Openwashing and greenwashing of dirty energy by the so-called 'Linux' Foundation (it is not about Linux)]
    • Security

      • LWNSecurity updates for Friday []

        Security updates have been issued by Fedora (kernel, liblouis, ntfs-3g, php, shim, shim-unsigned-aarch64, shim-unsigned-x64, thunderbird, and vim), Mageia (chromium-browser-stable and golang), Red Hat (grub2, mokutil, and shim and grub2, mokutil, shim, and shim-unsigned-x64), SUSE (389-ds, apache2, kernel, mariadb, openssl, openssl-1_0_0, rubygem-actionpack-5_1, rubygem-activesupport-5_1, and vim), and Ubuntu (exempi, kernel, linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-aws-5.13, linux-aws-5.4, linux-azure, linux-azure-4.15, linux-azure-5.13, linux-azure-5.4, linux-azure-fde, linux-dell300x, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-4.15, linux-gcp-5.13, linux-gcp-5.4, linux-gke, linux-gke-5.4, linux-gkeop, linux-gkeop-5.4, linux-hwe, linux-hwe-5.13, linux-hwe-5.4, linux-ibm, linux-ibm-5.4, linux-intel-5.13, linux-intel-iotg, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.13, linux-oracle-5.4, and spip).

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

    • Civil Rights/Policing

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • Upgrading WiFi bandwidth, hardware codec for VR Expreience

        I'm a heavy VRChat player. My setup wasn't really good for VR per se. I had a relatively weak PC and limited LAN bandwidth. The upgrade is a bit costly, but I'm happy with the money spent. Also some unexpected issues caused my the upgrade.

    • Monopolies

      • as days pass by — Help the CMA help the€ Web

        As has been mentioned here before the UK regulator, the Competition and Markets Authority, are conducting an investigation into mobile phone software ecosystems, and they recently published the results of that investigation in the mobile ecosystems market study. They’re also focusing in on two particular areas of concern: competition among mobile browsers, and in cloud gaming services.

      • Property

        I've seen many discussions in socialist and Marxist thought about two different kinds of property: private property and personal property. Usually the demarcation between these is given by example: personal property includes things like a video game console or a set of plates, while private property includes things like a tractor trailer, an aircraft or a railroad. Socialists and Marxists use this distinction to differentiate between things that should retain individual ownership and things that should have common ownership.

      • Computer WorldThe death of Internet Explorer: Good riddance to bad rubbish

        Microsoft took the threat seriously. Netscape CEO James Barksdale would later testify that in a June 1995 meeting, Microsoft proposed that the two companies split the browser market, with Internet Explorer being the only Windows browser. If Netscape didn’t comply, Microsoft would crush it.

        “I had never been in a meeting in my 33-year business career in which a competitor had so blatantly implied that we should either stop competing with it or the competitor would kill us,” Barksdale said during the Department of Justice’s 2001 antitrust trial against Microsoft.

        Despite that warning, Netscape continued to lead the technology revolution. Netscape Communicator was where the real innovation happened. JavaScript, for example, is arguably the most popular programming language globally, and JavaScript was a Netscape creation. But, Microsoft, in all fairness, had its moments too. For example, IE 3.0 was the first browser to adopt Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in 1996.

        But the real reason we’re saying goodbye to IE only today, long after Netscape became history, is that Microsoft exploited its illegal PC/Windows monopoly to block Netscape from computers. Microsoft strong-armed PC vendors into putting the new operating system and its browser on all their PCs. The goal was not so much to kill off other PC operating system vendors; there wasn’t any real OS competition in the mid-‘90s. The goal was to destroy Netscape.

        The courts agreed. The DoJ won in its lawsuit against Microsoft because the company’s PC monopoly made it impossible for Netscape to compete with IE. Unfortunately, the government gave Microsoft a slap on the wrist rather than breaking it up into separate companies or open-sourcing its code. And Netscape died, just as Microsoft had threatened back in 1995.

        So it was that many of you grew up with IE as the browser you knew and loved. You didn’t know any better.

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Professor Eben Moglen on How Social Control Media Metabolises Humans and Constrains Freedom of Thought
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Social Control Media is Narcissism
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Debian Left Twitter (MElon "X"), We Think the Free Software Foundation (FSF) Should Do the Same
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