Comments on: Groklaw Worried About Novell Polluting Ubuntu With Mono, IBM’s Open Source VP Thinks Microsoft Might Scoop Mono Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Thu, 05 May 2011 23:52:40 +0000 Yes, it would be best if Novell assigned them to other (non-Mono) projects, not laid them off.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Thu, 05 May 2011 23:51:53 +0000 Exploiting rather.

By: twitter Thu, 05 May 2011 20:55:49 +0000 Microsoft’s malice and Novell’s decision to partner with Microsoft are responsible for the demise of Novell. Those who pointed out the consequences before they happened deserve praise for their foresight. Roy deserves special commendation for consistently tracking the fate of his favorite distribution and offering helpful advice throughout Novell’s corporate suicide. The only way to win in tech is to have nothing to do with Microsoft.

I see shades of Enderle’s infamous attack on Groklaw in the usual suspects blame of mono critics for the demise of Novell and mono. PJ’s response [2] should be linked for the sake of fairness, though the stupidity of Enderle’s and mono boosters charges speak for themselves.

The destruction of great American technology companies like SCO, SGI, HP and Novell and attendant loss of jobs are the intentional result of Microsoft malice. A quote from a Microsoft training manual is appropriate here:

Victory. The developers, marketers, and managers of the competing technology give up the sinking ship, and interview for positions at Microsoft. Victory is sweet. Savor it. Then, find a new technology to evangelize — and get back to work :-)

Microsoft is evil and will leave most of those who lose their jobs unemployed. As they put it,

ISVs— independent software vendors—are pawns in the struggle between platform vendors … You can’t let them feel like they’re pawns in the struggle. I mean, all through this presentation previously I talked about how you’re using the pawns you’re going to screw them if they don’t do what they want, and da-da-dah. You can’t let them feel like that. … It’s like you’re going out with a girl… you have to talk long term and white picket fence and all these other wonderful things, or else you’re never going to get what you’re really looking for.

If you are using mono, .NET, Windows or any other Microsoft technology, Microsoft is screwing you.

By: Needs Sunlight Thu, 05 May 2011 13:00:38 +0000 In all the talk of patents, it gets forgotten that mono (C#, M$.NET) is not a good platform. So there are both licensing and non-licensing reason to avoid it. With Novell firing the Mono developers, there is hope that some will go back to java, python or other useful languages.
