Dan O’Brian eas especially helpful. Thanks Dan. I know that this wasn’t what you intended, but it’s what your going to get. You’ve pointed me in the right direction, and man, this is going to be a fun one to write. Hell, I’ve got close to 500 words already!
]]>Among the various lies and slanders which Mark Fink (who, despite Roy’s statements to the contrary, seems to be a quite regular “contributor” here) regaled the list [list of lies and slander] …. [and] As long as you give the passive-aggressive nod to that sort of behavior–and I note that Mark is not identified in this posting–don’t expect to be taken seriously except by others who already share your point of view. You’re studiously polite, indeed, but I sense you’re playing both sides of the fence. A specific disavowal and disclaimer of Mark’s actions would have been a lot better…
It sure looks like you are trying to blame Roy and BN for what other people do. By the same logic, you should be apologizing for the bad behavior of trolls like eet, G. Micahels and Dan 0′Brain. Surely, you encourage their lies and slander? I’m not so “charitable” as you and take this accusation as a confession:
If anything around this discredits this site, I’d suggest it’s Roy’s “no you see it, now you don’t” contrition…. If I were as prone to unfounded assumptions as you’ve been in your comments here, I might well accuse you of outright complicity in this. Me, I’m a bit more charitable than that.
Many troll threads end with, “You have been trolled.” The Linux.com attack pretty much seals the case on this one.
.. not much actually ..
– but thanks for trying!
I think Ballmer gets his Linux news from Linux Today. Guy just loves advertising there. Can’t imagine why, but one shouldn’t be disrespectful before royalty.. so we just try to put on a good show.. Like in this thread about mono: http://www.linuxtoday.com/developer/2009061201035OSCYDV
]]>my reputation
]]>insulting us here from Novell.com IP addresses
Please point us to these “insults”.
]]>Microsoft’s real contender is Apple, not Linux. As can be seen by Microsoft attacking Apple openly at every opportunity. As can be seen from their recent advert series ‘Laptop Hunters’, their claims that Macs are too expensive (which they are, by the way).
Apple makes for roughly 10% of PCs in the US, now, and that is a _real_ threat to MS, unlike us Linuxers.
]]>Sometimes I wish that MS would openly attack or attempt to kill Linux, not because I do not like it but it would show a lot of people that it is wrong to trust MS in Linux matters. This is actually worth it considering that those people are resisting to learn that MS is not a charity that is giving interoperability to us without demanding something (= royalties) in return.
]]>Roy is ready to follow and reprint any ill-founded, vague rumour if it only goes ‘in the right direction’, also he often simply makes his news himself by speculating wildly instead of reporting facts. (These posts are easily distinguishable most of the time because the end in a ‘?’ so as to prevent him from getting sued for libel.)
]]>Sure seems like you were calling David a troll to me.
]]>I myself am not very happy about the Novell-MS agreement, but reading all the unfair crap in your blog made me defend it where you are being especially unfair. Also I cannot let it stand that you condemn a great GNU-framework (Mono) and people who GNU software owes a lot to (Icaza) because of this whole thing.
You cannot simply equate anti-Schestowitz with pro-Novell, and you cannot equate being ‘not-against-Novell’ with trolling.
Trolling, my special friend, is spreading hate (as you do), and even more so, doing it by warping facts or making things up and trying to discredit critics.
]]>Sigh. Before, I was a “victim”, now I’m a “troll”.
Not you, David. We have some regular trolls here and they hijack this thread.
]]>Just wonderin’. If I were as prone to unfounded assumptions as you’ve been in your comments here, I might well accuse you of outright complicity in this. Me, I’m a bit more charitable than that.
Just a bit, mind you.
]]>Roy, you must be feeling flattered! You and doing research? You must be kidding. Every time one asks you to prove your outrageous accusations by facts, you wriggle out of it by pointing to your own articles, which again are absolutely factless and self-referencing.
And when cornered, you always say “this is only a blog, I don’t have to adhere to journalistic standards, I only voice my opinion”.
That’s about the extent of Roy’s research.
And that’s also why I – and many others – can’t resist commenting on the unbelievable shit you and your trolls write. It insults any thinking human being’s intelligence and sense of integrity.