Unfortunately, some spreadsheets have grown to rely on Microsoft’s faulty math and so to some people, compatibility is more important than getting the correct answer.
It is scary that people would think like that, I just hope these compatibility tweaks are only there when editing those binary office formats, it would be a little non-sensical that the bugs were inherited to OOXML, but hey, this is MS we are talking about anyway…
]]>It is a fork, Ooo is free software, it has been forked, distros use the fork… Whether gooo is bad or not is a different discussion, but it is a fork. And no fork is necessarily a bad thing in Free software, as a matter of fact that’s supposedly the good thing about free software…
]]>Shame on anyone who thinks spreadsheets should recreate M$’s bugs instead of giving correct answers. People who are more interested in agreeing with their peers than getting correct answers don’t need a spreadsheet.
]]>But whatever floats you boat …
You mean, “the INcorrect answer.”
No, I meant exactly what I said.
For some people, compatibility is more important than getting the correct answer.
I don’t have any spreadsheets that rely on any Microsoft calculation bugs, but no doubt some do.
In any event, I would hope that there is some sort of config option for the compatibility mode or make it such that compatibility is enabled/disabled depending on the file format. This would probably require a bit in the ODF file format to specify whether the compatibility mode should be enabled (e.g. in case someone converts an old xls document into ODF format or some such).
I don’t write many spreadsheets, but when I do I would expect/prefer to get the correct mathematical results
(Note: I use OpenOffice and so would always be saving to ODF formats)