Comments on: Zune is Down 54% This Quarter Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: your_friend Thu, 04 Feb 2010 04:26:27 +0000 Microsoft has dumped Zunes onto the market at cut rate prices for years. They make it, no one buys it, they dump it. This is a loss that’s hard to justify while the company is firing thousands of workers.

By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 03 Feb 2010 22:59:39 +0000 Zune is a failed Toshiba WinCE PDA redressed as an audio player with Wi-Fi retarded to just “squirting” (that’s what Microsoft calls DRM-laden sharing of songs that expire after 3 listenings).

By: Dennis Murczak Wed, 03 Feb 2010 22:26:13 +0000 That’s what Microsoft fans actually remind me of: Nostalgists who mourn after the German Democratic Republic, didn’t find the totalitarian system “that bad”, and still drive a Trabant. I mean, it can be called a “car”. With the right amount of imagination. Just like you could call the Zune an “audio player”.

By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 03 Feb 2010 21:33:34 +0000 They cut the manager only some weeks ago, right after Christmas (or maybe he left without being pushed).

By: Chips B. Malroy Wed, 03 Feb 2010 20:51:32 +0000 Guessing that MS must have boatloads of the newer ZuneHD to unload to the unsuspecting public before MS gives up on it. So while most likely the ZuneHD is the last model ever, it is doubtful we will see MS just come out an say Zune is dead.

Neither is it likely that MS will just cut the Zune project completely either, for the same reason. But a big cut in the Zune project will mean the same thing as killing it. MS needs to trick buyers into thinking that this product is alive and still being developed, its all PR/lies.

But then there’s Ballmer, who should at this point have some sort of clue, that the Zune is a brick that cannot be sold. What does Ballmer need, a sign on the Zune departments door, that says “cut here first?” Zune is the ideal canidate for the next cuts (layoffs) at MS. A small start to stop the bleeding of MS money. ONly a small start, as Zune never really sold much.

Xbox360 is a much bigger problem for MS. Why, because XBox360 does make money on game sales and networking. Although the console sales itself are not money makers, and having to replace them up to 10 times is losing MS lots of money. And they still have a high failure rate after all this time. For this reason, and this reason only (there are many other reason as well) Ballmer and Bach should be shown the door.

By: satipera Wed, 03 Feb 2010 17:14:07 +0000 Zune as “memorabilia”. That is funny. I look forward to the whole company achieving the same status, like the trabant.
