Comments on: Novell Vice President Again Defends Microsoft’s OOXML Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Waugh Wed, 05 Dec 2007 00:24:55 +0000 Roy, you’re very welcome to ask me questions as a matter of responsible and respectful research. Posting comments directed towards me on your blog is not responsible and respectful research.

By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 05 Dec 2007 00:18:17 +0000 You have not answered a single question. Your last comment seemed like a case of escaping the point I’d made.

By: Jeff Waugh Tue, 04 Dec 2007 23:51:53 +0000 Read my post. Show some respect. Do your research. I shouldn’t have to come here and correct you over and over again because you refuse to actually ask the people who know what’s going on. I comment here for the benefit of your readers who may be confused by your abject lack of relevant information. You know *how* to do active, responsible research, now you just need to pluck up the gumption to actually do it and be accountable for it.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 04 Dec 2007 23:39:40 +0000 Jeff,

For me, this issue was never entirely resolved (I think that you already know this). From where I stand I see a president stepping down amid times when GNOME (Foundation) is criticised for its OOXML stance/actions. It is very clear how Miguel feels about OOXML. Trying to deny his influence in GNOME is fine (it makes things much better), but it’s akin to someone apologising for poor authorities (WoMD come to mind), which cannot improve the image of a nation as a whole. OK, this is a poor analogy for various reasons, but the point worth making here is that saying “Yes, my president has the high chair, but he doesn’t do much” is reasoning so difficult to defend.

How independent from GNOME is Miguel? Evolution comes with GNOME in quite a few GNU/Linux distributions and it seems clear from his blog that there is still involvement — however indirect it might be. Separating GNOME desktop from Evolution, for example, is not like separating car from carpet; It’s more like separating Java from JavaScript.

By: Jeff Waugh Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:45:30 +0000 Ah, so if it’s nothing to do with GNOME, and given that GNOME is not at all relevant here, I suppose you’ll avoid mentioning GNOME in relation to this story? And in particular, avoid bringing up GNOME-related issues that have already been dealt with?

No, it seems not. You’re still making these insinuations, despite their irrelevance to either the truth, or the immediate story.

Roy, if you have questions, my door is open. But you’re not interested in doing any research, particularly with the relevant and knowledgeable stakeholders (even though GNOME is utterly irrelevant to this story)… You only have sensationalist insinuations and conspiracy theories.

Do the right thing, Roy.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:36:57 +0000 I disagree with your whole assessment, Jeff. None of this “amusing”. This has nothing to do with a GNOME-Novell connection. In an interview with a Microsoft magazine, Miguel de Icaza claimed to have had several hats, one of which grants him a position of authority at Novell. This has nothing to do with GNOME.

The main purpose is this post is to point out that Novell is out there supporting OOXML, even if it’s only a one-man crusade. That man happens to be a representative. A sole representative.

You need to stop attacking the messenger and actually address some burning issues. These are issues that were brought up before, but none of you dared to challenge them.

By: Jeff Waugh Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:18:09 +0000 You’re doing this thing again, always raising irrelevant issues to insinuate and sledge. You just can’t resist this irresponsible muck-raking, despite the fact that the truth of the matter has already been clearly communicated.

As noted in my post about GNOME and Novell, and in the GNOME Foundation’s plans to fix our chairman/president naming issues, Miguel was entirely inactive in that role, and had no influence on the Board regarding these issues (or any others).

I know you’re going to keep bringing it up because you think it’s amusing, but just so your readers know: This is precisely the behaviour that makes “Boycott Novell” look foolish, and stops it from serving the community in a positive way.

Just get over it Roy, and do the right thing for a change.
