Comments on: Microsoft’s Crocodile Tears Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: pcolon Sat, 18 Apr 2009 15:27:24 +0000 Grandpa said; “Be careful of the toes you step on your way to the top. They may be attached to the ass you may have to kiss on the way back to the bottom”.

By: Goblin Sat, 18 Apr 2009 09:39:49 +0000 A few things trouble me about Microsoft piracy comments.

Microsoft has been well aware of the problem of piracy and its products(IMO) A user simply has to look on any BT tracker stats to see the extent in which its products are pirated. It strikes me as more than a coincidence that Microsoft is going after TOMTOM and now making a deal about piracy, could this be another way to get some revenue for a firm which I believe operates of a philosophy of “if we cant make the software people want to buy, we’ll take money off those that do”

Speaking with the many “impartial” Microsoft “users” that I do, one of the only arguments that they try to counter me with is the issue of market penetration of the products. If Microsoft are now saying that the popularity of their products is down to piracy and people getting them for free, then I dont think that sends a good message out to shareholders and I certainly dont think it shows any testament to the quality of Microsoft products.

Microsoft have had ample time (IMO) to tackle this issue, its only now when people are realizing the benefits of alternatives that Microsoft (IMO) seem to be making a noise about it.

And at the end of the day, how many friends does Microsoft have in the IT world? If there are crocodile tears being shed by Microsoft, I think the number of firms in the IT world willing to point and laugh, will not be found lacking.
