Comments on: HTC Sells Out to Microsoft (Microsoft ‘Android Tax’) Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Thu, 29 Apr 2010 08:00:27 +0000 That’s correct. Google recently sued with a patent though (counter claim).

By: Agent_Smith Thu, 29 Apr 2010 05:52:59 +0000 The only way to do not pay the M$ tax is to buy from companies established long time ago, so, they had time to built a patent portfolio, and therefore, they have patents to counter suit. Motorola, in this case, is safe to buy from…
Anyway, patent is becoming a nightmare. And M$ and its trolls are like the living dead from George Romero’s movies: Always after fresh brains… Merciful Jesus…

By: Yuhong Bao Thu, 29 Apr 2010 04:00:47 +0000 I think Google is neutral, they do software patents but they don’t use it much, unlike IBM.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:32:36 +0000

I did not know that Google is pro-software patents..?othetical scenario to work.

It’s passive about policy and a participant in patenting.

I was thinking, how would be if IBM would use its patent portfolio to make Windows OEMs pay up. That would make M$ either sue or be quiet, it would stop this madness and FUD. It is crazy, I know, but it’s just a thought.

IBM and Microsoft cross-license though.

By: gnufreex Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:28:40 +0000 I did not know that Google is pro-software patents..? But anyway, they do not need to be anti-patents for this hipothetical scenario to work.

I was thinking, how would be if IBM would use its patent portfolio to make Windows OEMs pay up. That would make M$ either sue or be quiet, it would stop this madness and FUD. It is crazy, I know, but it’s just a thought.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:35:37 +0000 Google and IBM are pro-software patents and OIN is not allowed to sue; it’s a defense pool.

By: gnufreex Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:31:24 +0000 I do not know what can be done to stop this madness. Maybe OIN should sue pants of Microsoft. Or maybe Google should start pressing Windows OEMs to pay for protection. IBM too. Or maybe we should go to Redmond and burn the place to the ground.
