Comments on: OOXML and ECMA: Same Scandal, Different Day Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Tue, 03 Jan 2017 04:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 14 Dec 2007 03:25:23 +0000 I’ve compared this to a DDOS attack in the past (too much, too little time).

Also see:

Any criticism of the specification can automatically be dismissed as nitpicking. For example, if you are presented with a list of 500 faults in a 6,000 pages specification, you can respond, “That is less than 10%. You are just nitpicking. We can fix that in release 1.1″. Or you can even just rely on the familiar justification, “Shipping is a feature”. Any finite list of defects can be made minuscule by a sufficiently large specification.

By: Robert Fri, 14 Dec 2007 01:41:09 +0000 >leaving them little or no time to prepare (6 months for 6,000+ pages was >never sufficient in any case)

Actually some important counties complained about this as an only comment:

China: “it is a very complex technology which needs further more time to establish testing environment for thoroughly and deeply evaluation. We think the fast-track procedure is not suitable for this DIS”.

Thailand: “We disapprove the draft ISO/IEC 29500 for the reason that the time given by the fast-track processing is not enough for consideration of this important draft.”

and others…

Obviouslly, MS new there was not enough time but still went ahead with the Fast track hoping that they can bang it threw ISO, another example of thier lack of regard for fairness and total disregard for all who will be effected by this format and the principles of open standards.
