The m$ phone has no real numbers out – just the single unsubstantiated first-day-40k claim repeated over and over which even if true is too stale to be relevant. That they haven’t mentioned any numbers is about the only publicly available evidence that things are less than they expected.
With the kin-toy, m$’s ‘plans’ to hit 5M units by years end reminds me of the 10M target for the main box’s first year of release – they made the numbers by forcing distributors to buy the units and it took well into the next year to get into people’s houses.
Comparing the numbers to the sales numbers of the machine doesn’t add up either. For starters who knows how many of those sales are a multiplier effect for faulty units. And the main demographic of their customers – adrenaline and anger fuelled teen boys/and 20-somethings training to kill each other – is the one they’re explicitly not aiming for this time (and although they might’ve got hooked up by now it would be too early for them to have bred kids taller than 1m!). The trend in sales numbers of the main machine would be a better indicator.