Comments on: Eye on Microsoft: Failures Galore This Week Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:55:55 +0000 They just couldn’t compete with Gerard and fellow Wikipedians.

Teachers might tell their students not to cite Encarta because the content is bound to expire, not because of bias. [sarcasm /]

To a greater or lesser degree this confirms that Microsoft is too poor to maintain spurious services. Microsoft may already be in debt.

By: David Gerard Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:39:11 +0000 And another:

By: JohnD Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:41:48 +0000 I wasn’t suggesting that you abandon you coverage of the Novell/M$ deal etc.
The things M$ does within the industry have an affect on more than just FOSS.
I think your interests would be better served by examining all of the things going on (which you appear to do) as opposed to just Novell related items. I think that the site name fails to reflect everything you’re trying to discuss.

By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:35:28 +0000 One aspect we’ve always focused on (and still do) is Microsoft’s approach towards GNU/Linux with software patents. Novell symbolises the beginning of this strategy and it still embodies a lot of it.

By: JohnD Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:16:55 +0000 Haven’t had a chance to read all the stuff yet.
I still think you should consider changing the name of this site to:
Boycott Microsoft
I think it’s a more accurate description of what you’re trying to accomplish with this site. And it would probably increase “readership”
