Comments on: Self-serving Articles versus the Voices of Freedom Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Thu, 05 Jan 2017 01:24:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:53:43 +0000 There are some more rumours about 1,100 jobs to be axed.

By: Revathi Kasturi Sacked from Novell India Tue, 20 Nov 2007 14:34:49 +0000 Saturday, November 03, 2007: Novell has undergone a major reorganisation in India. The buzz is that, as part of this reorganisation, top shots at Novell India have moved out including Revathi Kasturi, managing dierctor, Novell India. And now Sandeep menon, the ex-IBMer who was heading Linux sales, will head the entire Indian sales team/operations.

Besides Revathi, quite a few directors have been affected by this reorganisation, including: Jayant Rastogi, head, channels; Amit Nagar, director, channels; Amit Bhatnagar, head, BFSI and manufacturing and Shashi Kapoor, director, government and telecom. At the same time, many Linux drivers remain with Novell India, which include Nishant Verma (now) head, government and telecom; Rahul Krishna Gupta, linux business; and Dr PK Mishra.

Sources indicate that the new team is now going to totally focus on Linux-related products and services, while all other products like GroupWise, etc. will be sold only when the customer demands. It is still to be seen what role Novell’s ‘colonial cousin’ Microsoft played in this earthquake.

Left with Novell:
Sandeep Menon, head, Novell’s sales operations in India

Left novell
Revathi Kasturi, managing director
Jayant Rastogi, director channels
Amit Nagar, director channels
Amit Bhatnagar, BSFI and manufacturing
Shashi Kapoor, director, government and telecom.

By: Heads chopped in Novell India Tue, 20 Nov 2007 14:33:42 +0000 Saturday, November 03, 2007: Novell has undergone a major reorganisation in India. The buzz is that, as part of this reorganisation, top shots at Novell India have moved out including Revathi Kasturi, managing dierctor, Novell India. And now Sandeep menon, the ex-IBMer who was heading Linux sales, will head the entire Indian sales team/operations.

Besides Revathi, quite a few directors have been affected by this reorganisation, including: Jayant Rastogi, head, channels; Amit Nagar, director, channels; Amit Bhatnagar, head, BFSI and manufacturing and Shashi Kapoor, director, government and telecom. At the same time, many Linux drivers remain with Novell India, which include Nishant Verma (now) head, government and telecom; Rahul Krishna Gupta, linux business; and Dr PK Mishra.

Sources indicate that the new team is now going to totally focus on Linux-related products and services, while all other products like GroupWise, etc. will be sold only when the customer demands. It is still to be seen what role Novell’s ‘colonial cousin’ Microsoft played in this earthquake.

Left with Novell:
Sandeep Menon, head, Novell’s sales operations in India

Left novell
Revathi Kasturi, managing director
Jayant Rastogi, director channels
Amit Nagar, director channels
Amit Bhatnagar, BSFI and manufacturing
Shashi Kapoor, director, government and telecom.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 11 Feb 2007 06:44:55 +0000 “Novell sacked the FLOSS community” may be an understanement even. It also put the FLOSS community at risk.

By: Draconishinobi Sun, 11 Feb 2007 06:23:27 +0000 “What Novell did is not only betrayal of its own community, but also betrayal of Linux and GNU developers.”

I agree … “Novell sacked the FLOSS community” might be more appropriate. Which, of course, is unacceptable.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 11 Feb 2007 06:19:38 +0000

Did Novell sack you or something?

I’m not sure if you address Stephane or me, but regardless: no. I was contributing to SuSE in my free time. What Novell did is not only betrayal of its own community, but also betrayal of Linux and GNU developers.

By: Stephen Sat, 10 Feb 2007 22:59:12 +0000 Disconnected diatribe. Did Novell sack you or something?

By: Stephane Rodriguez Sat, 10 Feb 2007 13:03:23 +0000 Great post!
