Comments on: Microsoft’s Exclusionary Deal in the UK: BECTA Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Mon, 29 Oct 2007 23:22:38 +0000 I am aware of the news in Chile (mentioned here before), but the news from Spain is new to me. It’s unsurprising.

Watch this essay that was published only hours ago:

A Call To Accountability

Not only do you have Teachers and Administrators who are protecting Microsoft (isn’t money wonderful?), you have System Administrators and Network Technicians that lock their heels on any movement to change the system to FOSS. Between job security, laziness and politics, Microsoft has fairly well assured itself a solid and substantial place in the United States educational system.


It’s your money. You’ve paid dearly for our public school system and you have the right to know how many millions the schools are putting into the pockets of Bill Gates. Wouldn’t that money be better used to educate our kids?

I might as well press ahead and publish something which discusses the exclusionary deals with the OEMs also. Essentially, the same tricks are being played with Linux vendors, education ministries (or “governments”, to generalise a bit), and OEMs.

By: SubSonicMan Mon, 29 Oct 2007 22:43:23 +0000 That is why one of the first outcomes of the EU antitrust case should be forcing the unbundling of OEM PCs and Microsoft Products:

I see that the covert Microsoft practices hijacking high-IT-expenditure public agencies repeat themselves in every country.
Take, for example Spain, where the proposed amendments of the Law for Citizen Access to the Public Administrations aiming at the promotion of Free Software were swiftly neutered by the Micrososft lobbies inside the Public Procurement Ministry:

Or the infamous secret deal with the Chilean government by which Microsoft becomes the exclusive IT provider for software and IT-related-services.
(And dont miss the photo):

The news in spanish, you can use babelish to translate it, I think yu get better translation than with google, which you can try as well:
