= GD Star Rating = == Change Log == === Version: RC4 / october 28 2008 === * new: now template elements for time restricted rating * new: expiry date and countdown calculations * edit: default time restriction templates updated * fix: wordpress flash uploader disappearing * fix: javascript related bugs * fix: php4 preparing data for widget and shortcode * fix: few more php4 related bugs === Version: RC3 / october 24 2008 === * new: expanded editor widget with additional post options * new: default timer restriction options * new: time restrictions data in articles table * new: functions for getting php and mysql versions * new: import from 'wp post rating' plugin data * new: automatic rendering of stars on search results pages * new: additional check to verify received vote * edit: changes to admin pages names * edit: various small changes * fix: numerous visual bugs * fix: trend rating calculation * fix: mysql4 str_to_date sql function problems === Version: RC2 / october 22 2008 === * new: included jquery.ui.datepicker with translations * edit: scandir function replaced with new one that works in php4/php5 * edit: removed user guide from the package * edit: updated readme file * fix: rating problem with first comment on page * fix: limiting the length of post title for widget * fix: rendering review stars === Version: 0.9.9 RC / october 21 2008 === * new: redesigned starrating shortcode * new: bayesian mean estimate rating calculation * new: all icons sets with description files * new: trends and stars sets classes and import * new: darkness style stars * new: export user voting data * new: export data panel * new: additional functions to use in themes * new: import checks for available plugins * new: additional location for stars and trends graphics sets * new: expanded articles table for new expiry voting restrictions * new: more template elements * edit: trend images rendering * edit: merged widget and starrater rendering code * edit: few more wordpress 2.7 improvements * edit: more widget improvements * edit: updated translations * edit: code updated to work with new graphics description format * edit: added some missed strings for translation * edit: changes to internal path and url variables * edit: partialy removed uneeded code * edit: improved translation and added new strings * edit: improved tinymce3 plugin javascript code * fix: tinymce plugin not working on some servers * fix: rare widget rendering problems * fix: minor widget calculation bug * fix: invalid position for StarRater shortcode * fix: xhtml valid problems * fix: removed parts of unused and uneeded code * fix: incorrect init of default templates settings * fix: saving trend settings * fix: invalid global constants * fix: few typos === Version: 0.9.8 Beta #4 / october 13 2008 === * new: trend icon sets * new: import data from 'post star rating' plugin * new: additional setup options * edit: improved setup page * fix: widget trend display * fix: settings update problem === Version: 0.9.7 Beta #3 / october 12 2008 === * new: famfamfam trend icons * new: trend calculations * new: widget trend display * new: trend images preview * edit: more widget redesign * edit: partialy removed old and unused code * edit: more changes to settings panel * edit: old javascript replaced by jquery * edit: rewriten ajax code and moved to document ready * fix: missing overlay stars on ie browsers * fix: unneeded loading of ajax code if ajax is disabled * fix: few extra lines of debug code * fix: various smaller bugs === Version: 0.9.6 Beta #2 / october 2 2008 === * new: introducing templates * new: ajax voting support * new: templates for rating stars text * new: widget supports grouping of votes * new: updated styles to fit wp 2.7 * new: post review box for wp 2.7 * new: grouping options for widget * new: enable/disable widgets options * edit: small changes to rendering * edit: changes to widget settings layout * edit: main class numerous improvements * edit: optimization of widget db code * fix: various small bugs * fix: multi byte langauge encoding problems * fix: manual function for adding widget content === Version: 0.9.5 Beta #1 / september 15 2008 === * new: fully redesigned widget * new: advanced settings control * new: function to render widget like output * new: crystal hearts style stars * new: pine hearts style stars * edit: updated user guide * edit: redesigned plugin menues * edit: small code reorganization * fix: rendering of rating header * fix: stars border appearing is some rare cases * fix: stars preview * fix: vote rules combo * fix: various database code errors === Version: / september 6 2008 === * new: rating text placement on left or right of the stars * new: additional css custom classes for rating block and rating text * new: control setting for the ie6 png fix * new: using jQuery for javascript code * new: reset and remove settings options * new: recalculate functions (finally) * new: tabed settings panel * edit: all votes in database changed to decimal * edit: improved ie6 png fix * edit: css code cleanup * edit: code cleanup in main class * edit: more improvements to settings panel * edit: various code improvements * edit: updated POT translation file * fix: database installation method * fix: setup page problems * fix: bunch of small bugs === Version: 0.9.2 / september 3 2008 === * new: french translation * new: ie6 png fix * new: deleting comments ratings * edit: improved comments page * edit: code cleanup for translation optimization * edit: removed all old db conversion code * edit: improved serbian translation * fix: article votes page navigation * fix: unneeded debug code * fix: error in deleting comments votes === Version: 0.9.1 / august 30 2008 === * new: rewritten stars rendering * new: spanish translation * new: serbian translation * edit: updated POT translation file * fix: rating table invalid links === Version: 0.9.0 / august 28 2008 === * new: separate display rating star for trackbacks comments (default is no) * new: comments page in control panel * new: moderation page in control panel * new: review rating supports decimal value * new: setting width for administration tables * new: setting number of rows for administration tables * new: counting number of views for posts and pages * new: separate cookie settings for comments and articles * new: preventing authors to vote for their posts and comments * new: search on the article page * new: POT translation file * edit: expanded and modified database tables * edit: cleanup of the database code * edit: more improvements to control panel * edit: saving comment methods * edit: descending sorting by default * fix: saving reviews rating through control panel articles page * fix: potential problem with redirection after comment vote * fix: displaying rating stars in admin mode === Version: 0.8.8 / august 22 2008 === * new: soft style stars * new: aeon style stars * new: positioning of rating stars and text * new: rating header text * new: rating text for review rating * new: database maintenance setup options * edit: changes to control panel * edit: updated user guide === Version: 0.8.6 / august 21 2008 === * fix: small problems with extra debug code * fix: small update problems === Version: 0.8.5 / august 21 2008 === * new: fatty style stars * new: voting for comments * new: wait message after voting * new: unified rendering stars code for both comments and articles * new: comment rating shortcode * new: optimization of loading post data for posts and comments * edit: changes to control panel settings page * edit: changes to voting rendering to avoid potential problems with some themes * edit: updated rating block with separate styles for text for article and comment * edit: database tables upgraded * fix: invalid sql query for checking votes log * fix: rendering article rating stars obsolete code * fix: comment rendering bug === Version: 0.8.0 / august 15 2008 === * new: ruby style stars * new: milky style stars * new: redesigned control panel * new: rewritten large parts of the code * new: review rating for posts and pages * new: moderation of user and visitors votes * new: vote and moderation rules * new: first version of user guide * new: calculation of voting trends * new: upgrade from old database format * edit: link to rating css file * edit: cleanup of some parts of the code * fix: detection error for user votes * fix: few smaller bugs === Version: 0.7.0 / august 1 2008 === * new: rating multi instance widget * new: rendering stars in shortcode table * new: different built in styles for shortcode table * edit: rearanged vote calls to avoid potential cookie setting problems * edit: aditional check for duplicated voting * edit: updated trasnlation pot file * fix: few smaller bugs === Version: 0.6.0 / july 29 2008 === * new: starscape style stars * new: starscape on white style stars in gif format * new: tinymce3 editor button for adding shortcode * new: shortcode 'starrating' for inserting voting data into posts * new: stars images can be also gif or jpg * edit: adding filters and actions moved to constructor * fix: page refresh caused recording of duplicate votes === Version: 0.5.0 / july 25 2008 === * new: nuvola style stars * new: inspire style stars * new: deleting votes data, deletes log votes also * new: control panel log votes tab pages * fix: not saving vote date === Version: 0.4.0 / july 23 2008 === * new: aero style stars * new: shiny style stars * new: quiet style stars * new: mini stars size * new: multi background color stars preview * new: different and better stars handling * new: universal stars css file * new: delete votes for a page or post * new: translation support * new: serbian translation * edit: various improvements === Version: 0.3.0 / july 23 2008 === * new: crystal style stars * new: oxygen style stars * new: post and page voting statistics * edit: control panel open last active tab on save * fix: small bugs * fix: saving vote cookie problem === Version: 0.2.0 / july 22 2008 === * new: using cookies to prevent duplicate votes * new: spiderbot detection * new: recalculate values if you change number of stars * fix: vote url creating for different permalinks === Version: 0.1.0 / july 21 2008 === * Initial Alpha Release